Tak!!! Ale i to moje zdanie jest trochę leniwy !!!! Woli zajmować się siostrą !!!! Wiem ma naukę !!!! Ale Armin i Arfan sami chcą pomagać a Armanowi trzeba powiedzieć aby coś zrobił!!!! To tylko moje obserwacje!!! Ale tak jest spokojny, opanowany i pewnie dobrze się uczy!!!!
@klaudia-rc8ds He is not lazy. He does not prefer to take care of his sister. He does a very valuable and necessary service which frees his mother's hands to do the many things she does in the morning. Try being a 9 year old boy, and have to take care of a baby instead of being out there doing the things boys do. The boys is very considerate and very understanding. Many of us would not agree to do what he does.
@klaudia-rc8dshe has helped his dad a lot , when there is some small job the youngest one runs fights to be holding or raring and they really let him, I feel especially sorry for the middle child really ❤❤❤
Pero la madre nada , porque en su cultura la madre es solo la cargadora y lamentadora ellos crecen con la idea de que la madre es menos que el padre , solo es “ mujer “ !! Ni su nombre pronuncian
Бабак очень трудолюбивый мужчина. Конечно ферма стоит очень дорого, но у этого человека все получится. Он сам трудится и мальчиков своих приучает к труду. Ферма себя оправдает. Я желаю этой семье материального благополучия и процветания. ❤
Babak needs to introduce the right cattle for the farm to payoff, the best decision he made was to buy white goats that multiplies fast, produce a lot of milk and at the same time have very less maintenance, he needs to sell all the black goats and replace them with white goats, also need to buy high milk producing cows suitable for that 6000 ft altitude.
Gosto muito do filho mais velho.ele e muito responsavel ,ama brincar com a irmanzinha e muito educado...aliaz todos seus filhos sao educados..QUE ALLHA ABENÇOE TODOS VCS...FALO DO BRASIL SP💙💚💙💚
Todos ko son educados Erfan es mal educado chillon i pega a padres i hermanos la pequeña Eylin segun lo ve ja empieza a llorar Babak si no lo educas sera un maltractador 😢😢😢ahora es el momento de pararle los pies no como hoy que llorando i chillando lo as llevado cuando es un bb i hace que todo se retrase avias dicho NOOO I ES NOOOO
Assalam alaikom Cher Babak j'espère que toute la famille se porte bien. Je voulais juste vous proposer de ramener votre mère dans le Ranch pour avoir sa bénédiction c'est une femme que j'estime beaucoup. Et bon courage pour votre nouveau projet 👍👍
Qué lindo niño es Arman, tan respetuoso, amable e inteligente. Es un niño tan maduro a su edad y le gusta estudiar. Va a llegar muy lejos. Espero que sus hermanos se vayan calmando poco a poco y lleguen a ser cómo su hermano mayor. Es hermosa la granja, me encanta. Es algo que Babak con su inteligencia y sabiduría va a transformar esa granja ganadera. Mi apoyo para ustedes mi querida familia de Babak. Dios derrame muchas bendiciones 🙏. Saludos desde Ecuador 🇪🇨.
Мне очень нравится самый старший сын Арман, спокойный,всегда поможет,а вот над Ирфаном ещё работать и работать,от него дальше ещё больше проблем будет, даже Эйлин не строит такие козни как Ирфан.
He has always gotten by with everything. Dad is the adult. He should make him wear socks & both boys need A coat. To be an outside worker, staying healthy is important & staying warm is essential. Those 2 younger ones cough, daily, never cover their mouths. The oldest boy is so pleasant to watch.
Irfan es un niño muy especial. Super colaborador. Tiene un temperamento más fuerte que sus hermanitos, pero es adorable. Siempre está presto a ayudar a sus padres. ❤
كل يوم يزيد اعجابي واحترامي لك باباك❤❤❤ وبكل مره ارى بها فيديو لقناتك يزيد دعائي لك ❤❤❤ انت رجل تستحق ان تصل الى كل ماتتمناه وسوف تحققه احب تعليمك لاولادك وحرصك عليهم عندما فكرة بشراء المزرعه تناقشنا انا وزوجي عنها هو كان يود ان تشتري ارض وتصممها انت وتكون محتوى وانا ارى فرحتك كم هي كبيره وندعو لك بالتوفيق لكن السؤال ماذا ستفعل بارضك وجميع التكاليف التي خسرتها تعرف ماذا نقول كل من اراد ايذاءك ومحاربتك كان يظن انه يهدمك لكنه لم يرى بانه كان سبب ببناءك والله عوضك بهذه النعمه التي هي هذه المزرعه ❤❤❤❤❤ نتمنى لك مستقبل مشرق ومستقبل مشرق لاطفالك
Buenas tardes familia Babak, 😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤quiero decirte Babak, que te admiro con el alma, qué me hubiese gustado tener en mi vida, un hombre cómo tu, eres mi ideal de hombre, te lo digo con mucho respeto hacia ti y hacía tu esposa e hijos, me fascina tú manera de caminar, tú entero!😊😍 disculpa por éstas palabras, eres hermoso, tambien tus hijos, los amo a los 4 hijos, pero amo más a Armin y Armar, amo verlos todos los días, tambien te felicito por tú nuevo hogar, te lo mereces, al igual, tu hermosa familia, Dios te bendiga, Saludos a tus bellos Padres!😘😘 besos y abrazos desde mi amado Pais, Chile!🇨🇱❤ Mientras éste con vida, te seguiré!!😘❤
Milý Babák, patrí ti môj obdiv. Od rána si sa nezastavil a to sa staráš aj o svojich synov. Starší syn Arman sa veľmi podobá na teba. Je to rozvážny a inteligentný chlapec a vyzerá, že to v živote dotiahne ďaleko. Aj tvoje kravy sa pri tebe budú mať kráľovský, pripravuješ im priam hotelové ubytovanie. Seno je dobre vysušené a má peknú zelenú farbu. Práce tam bude stále veľa, tak si rozdeľ svoje sily, pretože ťa potrebuje aj tvoja rodina a nezabudni ani na svojich rodičov. Si ich najväčšou oporou. Držím palce a prajem vám pekný a úspešný štart v novom podnikaní.
One day he will turn around and slap Irfan who bullies him incessantly. I know this because one day, my similarly quiet and laid back older brother did it to me.
I enjoyed the show today, a new environment, watching the boys working with dad. The best part was watching them eat hamburgers. That was so cute! I imagine their soy burgers but it was an eye opening experience for them. That was fun. Also, if possible translate the boys conversations when they tell a story or ask questions. ❤
Бабак! Ты можешь конский навоз продавать на огороды людям,это очень хорошее удобрение для растений! Зачем вывозить, нужно вывести на твоё поле, где ты будешь сажать растения, это очень полезно для них!
Buenos dias a todos los espectadores que apoyamos con un me gusta o un like a la familia babak que nos mustra la verdad de su vida diaria babak solo para desirte que te felicito tu eres una persona de mil oficios haces de todo eres electricista, soldador y otras cosas mas y puedes salir adelante y superarte , te seguire siempre recibe los buenos comentarios y las buenas vibras de los buenos espectadores que te quieren ver superate y en todo el mundo las personas nos queremos superar como tu. Sigue adelante hay un dicho en mi pais "tu envidia es mi progreso" felicidades babak
Decent channel to watch. Except when Narges starts with the drama. All the fighting in videos isn't pleasant, I'm at the same time remembering that we are viewing your life, which also has some down times.❤❤
@@irmarios7957 Nargiz nie zaczyna dramatu tylko walczy o swoje i rodzinę!!!! Zagłębiłam się jak traktowane są kobiety w Iranie szczególnie przez Nomadów!!!!! Włos się jeży!!!!! W dużych miastach Iranu kobiety mają więcej praw i walczą o swoje prawa nawet w sądzie!!!!! U Nomadów kobieta musi być służalcza, poddana mężowi ect ect nie napiszę więcej bo pewne rzeczy nie mieszczą się w głowie!!!!! Od setek lat to stosują i nic nie zmieniają!!!!Np. dziewczyna uciekla z domu bo nie chciała poślubić chłopaka , którego nie kochała bracia ją odszukali jeden z nich ją zabił i nie otrzymał żadnej kary!!!!! Bo takie mają prawo koczownicze od setek lat!!!!! Chore to wszystko!!!!!
Originally it was a good channel to watch until Babak like his sister jan bibi and her peren family started with the lies to deceive loyal viewers for money. Babak has owned this cattle farm for years. Those men who supposedly making the deals were all actors. AND he openly stated multiple times the viewers will pay for it. I pray to God the viewers are smarter than that
@@bessiebrown265that’s your opinion without evidence, unfortunately some people are malicious just because others are successful , hope God give people acceptance and peace to their lives 🙏
All the childrens are wonderful, but you need to teach they manners and a good behavior, Arman is great, but Irfan is selfish and irritaring, Armin do the same
Every person is different. Some become bank presidents and some become bank robbers. Parents should want the best for their children and teach them as best as they can. The rest is up to the individual.
На всех каналах дети командуют родителями, добиваются своего рёвом, истерикой и агрессивными выходками, Бабак сказал, что со мной поедет старший сын и всё, без всяких манипуляций младших, но отец сразу идёт на уступки и берёт с собой всех, учить детей помогать в домашних делах это хорошо, но когда мало времени, а работы много они отвлекают от дел, о них надо заботиться, да и слово отца должно быть законом для них в таком возрасте.
@@mundesley2348я тоже была бы рада, если бы это была прогулка, а здесь техника работает, дети крутятся под ногами и колёсами, сколько раз Бабак говорил сыновьям, указывая рукой, отойти в безопасное место и не мешать, не весь разговор переводится, а язык вы не понимаете, тем более ребёнок, который стал истерить и вещи из пакета на землю выбрасывать, так точно остался бы дома, это протест и неуважение к родителям, Бабак и так постоянно с детьми, учит их и всё им время что-то объясняет.
One of the twin boy on Peren channel should hear this and not always be cuddling up to john bibi but listen to both mom n dad and do what his told! He is a brat that mom encourages
@@tinatina304He did this because Babak was mean to the youngest boy, did you not see his crying? Babak grabbed his arm tightly and hurt him, so the boy threw things out of the bag because it upset him that his brother was being hurt.
it’s a great place for dairy cows, sheep’s and goats, weather should also be good there in Lordegan city, it is 6000 feet above the sea level, you could have all the cattle inside the staple, Babak later on you should start introducing machinery for milking the cattle and making cheese, you either need a large number of employees or machines, having machines with a few employees will save you time and money, the open space could be used to build another staple in the future if you buy more cattle, to begin with, it would be useful if you could buy a small forklift to help you lift items like hay and take it to the staple.
Бабак я каждый день смотрю твои ролики.Я за тебя очень радуюсь,но я очень нервничаю,когда вижу капризы Ирфана.Арман -это божественный мальчик ,я его очень люблю,Армин тоже очень сдержанный,стеснительный,лишнее не позволит себе.А вот Ирфан то плачет,то жадничает.Пока не поздно его немного поибери,потом он тебе много проблем создаст.Даже маленькая Айлин так не капризничает,как Ирфан.Твоя опора по жизни -это Арман и Армин.Ты сам очень легко одеваешься,так нельзя Береги свое здоровье.Дай тебе АЛЛАХ много сил и побольше денег.Ты хороший отец,хороший сын и хороший муж.Правда, в Наргиз очень многие разочаровались.Я думаю после ее скандалов рейтинг просмотров немного упал.Я очень огорчаюсь ее поведением.Ты из всех сил стараешься для семьи.Ты правильного сделал,что ушел из деревни.У тебя там было много завистников А здесь ты сам себе хозяин.У тебя прекрасная мама.Привези ее на ранчо,ее благословения тебе помогут.
Irfan es lindo, pero muy manipulador!!! Todo lo quiere, hasta en la comida, siempre quiere mas!!! No se conforma con poco, tienen que controlarlo, y que no haga su voluntad!! Mi madre decía!!! NIÑO PEQUEÑO PROBLEMA PEQUEÑO!! NIÑO GRANDE PROBLEMA GRANDE!!! Así qué hay que evitar el PROBLEMA GRANDE QUE SE AVECINA CON IRFAN!!!!!!
Qué bonito día en el que Babak ha llevado a su hijo mayor, Arman, para que conozca la granja que ha comprado papá. Es un hijo educado, respetuoso y encantador. Espero que le haya gustado el lugar que será su nuevo hogar a partir de ahora. Me dieron envidia cuando les vi tomando las hamburguesas porque yo aún no había cenado ❤❤❤❤
Babak feliz pela sua prosperidade você narges e suas crianças merecem de Deus pai mãe e filho os abençoe sempre ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇧🇷pois você é um guerreiro 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I can't believe you are eating hamburgers for dinner! So cool! Kids are getting exposed to new things, this is very nice. Well done Babak. The farm work is going great. Very clean updates.
Babak, Nargis and Family❣️wishing you many, many loving memories for your new home. You are all such a hard working family and success has come for you with this farm❣️ Congratulations ❤️🇨🇦
Hola Babak,me encanta tu granja y deseo que todo siga marchando muy bien,lo único malo es que encuentro que tus hijos no te obedecen ya están en edad de entender órdenes, el árbol se endereza desde pequeño,son unos lindos niños solo le falta obediencia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
تحية لbabak, كل التقدير لجهودك ، وعملك كان منظما، ومرحبا بarman في دار والده Babak, لقد فرح armanوالاطفال بالمجيئ إلى المزرعة، يلعبون ويمرحون، واستفادوا من أكلة جميلة، تستحق كل التنويه، وبالمناسبة أشكر المصور على جهوده........حميد.
I'm glad to see the boys helping you and learning how to take care of the cattle farm. You are a good example to them. They are all good children and will grow to be good, responsible, hardworking men like their father. May God bless you and your family.
Your oldest son is very respectful and obedient Babak. One of the younger boys should have stayed with Narges to help look after poor Eileen who looks lonely without her brothers
Purtroppo il signor Babak non sa fare il padre bene! I due figli più piccoli sono insopportabili non ubbidiscono fanno i capricci i dispetti la madre qualsiasi cosa dice non viene ascoltata fanno quello che vogliono e il padre non sa farsi obbedire!
Aww just loved todays blog father & sons time for bonding and learning them young on what to expect now you have a cattle farm babak , seems to be getting stuck in we the new adventure , happy days 💙
Зачем вы вывезли плодородный слой почвы с навозом ? И старое сено можно было запахать как удобрение. Старым сеном можно укрывать почву от солнца для сохранения полива.Это называется мульчировать почву. Как то вы неправильно распоряжаетесь фермой.
مبروك عليكم المزرعة يجعلها فاتحة خير وبركة عليكم الله يسعدك ويوفقك ويرزقك من حيث لاتحتسب أنتم عائلة تستاهل كل خير أنا فرحة لفرحة ارمان بالمزرعة وابتسم انه طفل طيب وانشالله عندما يكبر سوف يكون رجل صالح حافظ على أسرار المشاريع التي تفكر فيها حتى تبدأ فيها لكي تكون لك فيها انشالله البركة الله ايوفقكم
No todo el tiempo es trabajo. Babak. Cuida de tu salud por. Tus hijos que aun son pequeños. Enseñales. Todo lo que sabes y tendran exito en la vida. Bendiciones salud y fortaleza
Hola querida familia "PAR"❤❤ que emoción me da verlos en su nueva casa y los niños están felices 🏃🏃🏃🎉🎉 ..señor BABAK le ba a ir super con todo lo que usted se proponga👏👏👏👏 siempre deseándoles lo mejor 🙏🙏🙏
Love this family. Babak is a good husband, father and son. He will succeed in all of his endeavors as he puts thought into his plans for a better life for his family. God bless them and keep them in your care. Watching from Arizona USA ❤😊
All the very best with your cattle farming. It is a lovely place you bought, a pity Nargis could not come with, but there are other responsibilities. She does not have to cope with the boys and that is a great help for her. It is good that the boys came with, they absolutely love the new place. More flat not so challenging like the treacherous mountain vicinity. You have done much work, but you have to start, the sooner the better. I laughed at those enormous burgers. Poor Erfan, you should have sliced it in half for him as well as the 2nd son. They were having a great time. All the best, many blessings to you and the family. Your father was very happy when he came to see. I am sure he is very proud of you. Kind regards.
Babak I have always admired you how hard you and Narges have worked to create the empire you are building. We are very excited to be seeing you on your blog everyday. We would enjoy it much more if you would please put more close caption detailing what you are saying and we get to understand what is going on. All that manure is going to be perfect for your place in the village. Where you can use it on your land. On the edge of the road and down the mountain edge dump the manure to go down hill by itself and fertilize all the way down your bottom fieldsto fertilize them and on the side of the road at your place sell the fertilizer to the villagers there. ❤️😁🤑
Babak it's great that you are bonding. You need to set some safety rules and chores for the kids now that you on the cattle farm like watering and feeding the animals and cleaning up
Why do people think it's their business to tell this very capable man how to do every detail of his life, Babak is wise he has done well and not need the words of others to be ok.
I am so proud of you and your family. You have made a good decision, I love your new farm. Your little son is behaving much better now. Please give him lots of things to do. I noticed he is very helpful. He always wants to help. Your family is beautiful and blessed. We love you all.❤
Children learni much on observing what the older members of society are doing.Babak , your sons have you as their teacher to learn life skills from.You are a great father! Sons,your childhood memories will last a lifetime and beyond. When time comes to raise your own sons...you will teach them from what you learn from your dad today.Many years later when Babak will be a grandfather himself. Long live Babak and your lineage❤
I can't wait to see the awesome job Babak does with the ranch I know it will be great because he put pride into everything he does. I watched him build from one circular room to a comfortable home with a nice big kitchen not to mention the storage rooms and the pens for the sheep and goats. He has built so much on that land it's hard to see him leave that land but it's so wonderful to see him prosper and have more land and a better life. I like he doesn't have to worry about clean water or people trying to take the land. I do wish there was a way for him to be compensated for all the work he did on the other land. I do hope he brings the stove and refrigerator from the other land because they are much better than the ones on the cattle ranch. I wish nothing but good luck for Babak and his family they so deserve it Narges is still a little apprehensive about the ranch and having to make payments on it I hope in time she will back her husband and believe in him he needs that from her again congrats to Babak and the family.
Me encanta este niño como le gusta ir a la escuela y aprender , va llegar a ser importante
Which Child.
The kids in all the vlogs I have seen love to go to school
El niño mayor es un amor es muy parecido a su papá
Tak!!! Ale i to moje zdanie jest trochę leniwy !!!! Woli zajmować się siostrą !!!! Wiem ma naukę !!!! Ale Armin i Arfan sami chcą pomagać a Armanowi trzeba powiedzieć aby coś zrobił!!!! To tylko moje obserwacje!!! Ale tak jest spokojny, opanowany i pewnie dobrze się uczy!!!!
I noticed that too about Armin....but he does good job taking care of sister while parents are busy.
Someone has to.
Sorry, I mean about older one, I may have names confused
@klaudia-rc8ds He is not lazy. He does not prefer to take care of his sister. He does a very valuable and necessary service which frees his mother's hands to do the many things she does in the morning. Try being a 9 year old boy, and have to take care of a baby instead of being out there doing the things boys do. The boys is very considerate and very understanding. Many of us would not agree to do what he does.
@klaudia-rc8dshe has helped his dad a lot , when there is some small job the youngest one runs fights to be holding or raring and they really let him, I feel especially sorry for the middle child really ❤❤❤
Es muy gratificante ver la unión de padre e hijos, eres un excelente papá Babak
Pero la madre nada , porque en su cultura la madre es solo la cargadora y lamentadora ellos crecen con la idea de que la madre es menos que el padre , solo es “ mujer “ !! Ni su nombre pronuncian
Бабак очень трудолюбивый мужчина. Конечно ферма стоит очень дорого, но у этого человека все получится. Он сам трудится и мальчиков своих приучает к труду. Ферма себя оправдает. Я желаю этой семье материального благополучия и процветания. ❤
Si 👍
Así es🎉🎉🎉
Babak needs to introduce the right cattle for the farm to payoff, the best decision he made was to buy white goats that multiplies fast, produce a lot of milk and at the same time have very less maintenance, he needs to sell all the black goats and replace them with white goats, also need to buy high milk producing cows suitable for that 6000 ft altitude.
Well said
Gosto muito do filho mais velho.ele e muito responsavel ,ama brincar com a irmanzinha e muito educado...aliaz todos seus filhos sao educados..QUE ALLHA ABENÇOE TODOS VCS...FALO DO BRASIL SP💙💚💙💚
Todos ko son educados Erfan es mal educado chillon i pega a padres i hermanos la pequeña Eylin segun lo ve ja empieza a llorar Babak si no lo educas sera un maltractador 😢😢😢ahora es el momento de pararle los pies no como hoy que llorando i chillando lo as llevado cuando es un bb i hace que todo se retrase avias dicho NOOO I ES NOOOO
Me encanta que hoy haya podido ir el niño mayor,porque amo a ese niño
Assalam alaikom Cher Babak j'espère que toute la famille se porte bien.
Je voulais juste vous proposer de ramener votre mère dans le Ranch pour avoir sa bénédiction c'est une femme que j'estime beaucoup. Et bon courage pour votre nouveau projet 👍👍
Qué lindo niño es Arman, tan respetuoso, amable e inteligente. Es un niño tan maduro a su edad y le gusta estudiar. Va a llegar muy lejos. Espero que sus hermanos se vayan calmando poco a poco y lleguen a ser cómo su hermano mayor. Es hermosa la granja, me encanta. Es algo que Babak con su inteligencia y sabiduría va a transformar esa granja ganadera. Mi apoyo para ustedes mi querida familia de Babak. Dios derrame muchas bendiciones 🙏. Saludos desde Ecuador 🇪🇨.
He is a trustworthy boy, he wasn’t able to go to new place too often, he goes to school. I would think the second oldest should be going now !
Armaan is my favourite from the boy's he very respectful and kind hearted little guy
Мне очень нравится самый старший сын Арман, спокойный,всегда поможет,а вот над Ирфаном ещё работать и работать,от него дальше ещё больше проблем будет, даже Эйлин не строит такие козни как Ирфан.
He has always gotten by with everything. Dad is the adult. He should make him wear socks & both boys need A coat. To be an outside worker, staying healthy is important & staying warm is essential. Those 2 younger ones cough, daily, never cover their mouths. The oldest boy is so pleasant to watch.
Irfan es un niño muy especial. Super colaborador. Tiene un temperamento más fuerte que sus hermanitos, pero es adorable. Siempre está presto a ayudar a sus padres. ❤
@@victoriaarango2276 fully agree with you!
@@victoriaarango2276Agree. He’s special.
بشخصيتك المكافحة بعصاميتك واعتمادك على الذات في تحقيق آمالك الكبار تستحق أن تكون بطل رواية يكتبها روائي كبير برافو وألف برافو صديقي العزيز باباك
Estou muito entusiasmada com esta fazenda e desejando muita prosperidade,Babak cuide bem de sua saude,vocetem muito trabalho pela frente.
Eso es realmente preocupante su salud..Babak es muy delgado y su alimentación deja mucho q decir..
كل يوم يزيد اعجابي واحترامي لك باباك❤❤❤
وبكل مره ارى بها فيديو لقناتك يزيد دعائي لك ❤❤❤
انت رجل تستحق ان تصل الى كل ماتتمناه وسوف تحققه
احب تعليمك لاولادك وحرصك عليهم
عندما فكرة بشراء المزرعه تناقشنا انا وزوجي عنها هو كان يود ان تشتري ارض وتصممها انت وتكون محتوى
وانا ارى فرحتك كم هي كبيره وندعو لك بالتوفيق
لكن السؤال ماذا ستفعل بارضك وجميع التكاليف التي خسرتها
تعرف ماذا نقول كل من اراد ايذاءك ومحاربتك كان يظن انه يهدمك
لكنه لم يرى بانه كان سبب ببناءك والله عوضك بهذه النعمه التي هي هذه المزرعه ❤❤❤❤❤
نتمنى لك مستقبل مشرق ومستقبل مشرق لاطفالك
Buenas tardes familia Babak, 😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤quiero decirte Babak, que te admiro con el alma, qué me hubiese gustado tener en mi vida, un hombre cómo tu, eres mi ideal de hombre, te lo digo con mucho respeto hacia ti y hacía tu esposa e hijos, me fascina tú manera de caminar, tú entero!😊😍 disculpa por éstas palabras, eres hermoso, tambien tus hijos, los amo a los 4 hijos, pero amo más a Armin y Armar, amo verlos todos los días, tambien te felicito por tú nuevo hogar, te lo mereces, al igual, tu hermosa familia, Dios te bendiga, Saludos a tus bellos Padres!😘😘 besos y abrazos desde mi amado Pais, Chile!🇨🇱❤ Mientras éste con vida, te seguiré!!😘❤
Milý Babák, patrí ti môj obdiv. Od rána si sa nezastavil a to sa staráš aj o svojich synov. Starší syn Arman sa veľmi podobá na teba. Je to rozvážny a inteligentný chlapec a vyzerá, že to v živote dotiahne ďaleko.
Aj tvoje kravy sa pri tebe budú mať kráľovský, pripravuješ im priam hotelové ubytovanie. Seno je dobre vysušené a má peknú zelenú farbu. Práce tam bude stále veľa, tak si rozdeľ svoje sily, pretože ťa potrebuje aj tvoja rodina a nezabudni ani na svojich rodičov. Si ich najväčšou oporou. Držím palce a prajem vám pekný a úspešný štart v novom podnikaní.
Armin is the sweetest boy.
One day he will turn around and slap Irfan who bullies him incessantly. I know this because one day, my similarly quiet and laid back older brother did it to me.
I enjoyed the show today, a new environment, watching the boys working with dad. The best part was watching them eat hamburgers. That was so cute! I imagine their soy burgers but it was an eye opening experience for them. That was fun. Also, if possible translate the boys conversations when they tell a story or ask questions. ❤
Бабак,зачем вывозиш навоз ?На такой жирной почве надо сажать тыкву и кукурузу .Очень питателный корм для коров.немного слушай тоже зрителей
Все верно,
Бабак! Ты можешь конский навоз продавать на огороды людям,это очень хорошее удобрение для растений! Зачем вывозить, нужно вывести на твоё поле, где ты будешь сажать растения, это очень полезно для них!
Удивительно, но они не понимают, что это удобрение
الف الف مبروك باباك على المزرعة .حظا سعيدا الله يوفقك
Buenos dias a todos los espectadores que apoyamos con un me gusta o un like a la familia babak que nos mustra la verdad de su vida diaria babak solo para desirte que te felicito tu eres una persona de mil oficios haces de todo eres electricista, soldador y otras cosas mas y puedes salir adelante y superarte , te seguire siempre recibe los buenos comentarios y las buenas vibras de los buenos espectadores que te quieren ver superate y en todo el mundo las personas nos queremos superar como tu. Sigue adelante hay un dicho en mi pais "tu envidia es mi progreso" felicidades babak
Decent channel to watch. Except when Narges starts with the drama. All the fighting in videos isn't pleasant, I'm at the same time remembering that we are viewing your life, which also has some down times.❤❤
@@irmarios7957 Nargiz nie zaczyna dramatu tylko walczy o swoje i rodzinę!!!! Zagłębiłam się jak traktowane są kobiety w Iranie szczególnie przez Nomadów!!!!! Włos się jeży!!!!! W dużych miastach Iranu kobiety mają więcej praw i walczą o swoje prawa nawet w sądzie!!!!! U Nomadów kobieta musi być służalcza, poddana mężowi ect ect nie napiszę więcej bo pewne rzeczy nie mieszczą się w głowie!!!!! Od setek lat to stosują i nic nie zmieniają!!!!Np. dziewczyna uciekla z domu bo nie chciała poślubić chłopaka , którego nie kochała bracia ją odszukali jeden z nich ją zabił i nie otrzymał żadnej kary!!!!! Bo takie mają prawo koczownicze od setek lat!!!!! Chore to wszystko!!!!!
Originally it was a good channel to watch until Babak like his sister jan bibi and her peren family started with the lies to deceive loyal viewers for money. Babak has owned this cattle farm for years. Those men who supposedly making the deals were all actors. AND he openly stated multiple times the viewers will pay for it. I pray to God the viewers are smarter than that
Про Наргис, Стар, Хоршид не скажешь, что они кого то боятся.
@@bessiebrown265that’s your opinion without evidence, unfortunately some people are malicious just because others are successful , hope God give people acceptance and peace to their lives 🙏
Irfan is a very spoiled, selfish and uneducated child, it is irritating to watch how you allow him everything and how he carries out his will.
Согласна с Вами ,он уже не настолько маленький чтобы не понимать что делает,он просто манипулирует отцом,а это не правильно и не красиво со стороны.
Все дети прекрасны !
All the childrens are wonderful, but you need to teach they manners and a good behavior, Arman is great, but Irfan is selfish and irritaring, Armin do the same
Every person is different. Some become bank presidents and some become bank robbers. Parents should want the best for their children and teach them as best as they can. The rest is up to the individual.
Разве все дети в возрасте 3 лет послушные как солдаты в армии? Подождите пока немного подрастет и наберется ума и понимания.😊@@ТамараТамара-т7к
На всех каналах дети командуют родителями, добиваются своего рёвом, истерикой и агрессивными выходками, Бабак сказал, что со мной поедет старший сын и всё, без всяких манипуляций младших, но отец сразу идёт на уступки и берёт с собой всех, учить детей помогать в домашних делах это хорошо, но когда мало времени, а работы много они отвлекают от дел, о них надо заботиться, да и слово отца должно быть законом для них в таком возрасте.
I’m glad all 3 boys went with their father as they will keep each other company
Tendría que dejar un niño en la casa para que también le de una mano a la mamá 😊
@@mundesley2348я тоже была бы рада, если бы это была прогулка, а здесь техника работает, дети крутятся под ногами и колёсами, сколько раз Бабак говорил сыновьям, указывая рукой, отойти в безопасное место и не мешать, не весь разговор переводится, а язык вы не понимаете, тем более ребёнок, который стал истерить и вещи из пакета на землю выбрасывать, так точно остался бы дома, это протест и неуважение к родителям, Бабак и так постоянно с детьми, учит их и всё им время что-то объясняет.
One of the twin boy on Peren channel should hear this and not always be cuddling up to john bibi but listen to both mom n dad and do what his told! He is a brat that mom encourages
@@tinatina304He did this because Babak was mean to the youngest boy, did you not see his crying? Babak grabbed his arm tightly and hurt him, so the boy threw things out of the bag because it upset him that his brother was being hurt.
Arman sen nekadar efendi bir çocuksun Maşallah sana ❤
Me gusta mucho la familia Babak...sus hijos son lindos y su mamá es valiente y esforzada...lindos videos...Dios los proteja siempre ❤
أنا من السعوديه نتابعك اول باول واتمنى لكم حياه سعيده
Es muy bello irfan casi todos son así lloran por todo el carácter lo heredó de la madre
Y del abuelo Materno !😱👍
it’s a great place for dairy cows, sheep’s and goats, weather should also be good there in Lordegan city, it is 6000 feet above the sea level, you could have all the cattle inside the staple, Babak later on you should start introducing machinery for milking the cattle and making cheese, you either need a large number of employees or machines, having machines with a few employees will save you time and money, the open space could be used to build another staple in the future if you buy more cattle, to begin with, it would be useful if you could buy a small forklift to help you lift items like hay and take it to the staple.
Masha-Allah ❤
Бабак я каждый день смотрю твои ролики.Я за тебя очень радуюсь,но я очень нервничаю,когда вижу капризы Ирфана.Арман -это божественный мальчик ,я его очень люблю,Армин тоже очень сдержанный,стеснительный,лишнее не позволит себе.А вот Ирфан то плачет,то жадничает.Пока не поздно его немного поибери,потом он тебе много проблем создаст.Даже маленькая Айлин так не капризничает,как Ирфан.Твоя опора по жизни -это Арман и Армин.Ты сам очень легко одеваешься,так нельзя Береги свое здоровье.Дай тебе АЛЛАХ много сил и побольше денег.Ты хороший отец,хороший сын и хороший муж.Правда, в Наргиз очень многие разочаровались.Я думаю после ее скандалов рейтинг просмотров немного упал.Я очень огорчаюсь ее поведением.Ты из всех сил стараешься для семьи.Ты правильного сделал,что ушел из деревни.У тебя там было много завистников А здесь ты сам себе хозяин.У тебя прекрасная мама.Привези ее на ранчо,ее благословения тебе помогут.
Я с вами согласен💯
Всё правильно 😢❤🎉
Irfan , es inteligente y trabajador, Pero caprichoso.
На все 1000процентов с Вами согласна❤
Irfan es lindo, pero muy manipulador!!! Todo lo quiere, hasta en la comida, siempre quiere mas!!! No se conforma con poco, tienen que controlarlo, y que no haga su voluntad!! Mi madre decía!!! NIÑO PEQUEÑO PROBLEMA PEQUEÑO!! NIÑO GRANDE PROBLEMA GRANDE!!! Así qué hay que evitar el PROBLEMA GRANDE QUE SE AVECINA CON IRFAN!!!!!!
Qué bonito día en el que Babak ha llevado a su hijo mayor, Arman, para que conozca la granja que ha comprado papá. Es un hijo educado, respetuoso y encantador. Espero que le haya gustado el lugar que será su nuevo hogar a partir de ahora.
Me dieron envidia cuando les vi tomando las hamburguesas porque yo aún no había cenado ❤❤❤❤
Good morning Mr Babak ,and good working for you. 🏡🐎🐄🐐
Работа большая сделана.Очень оперативно Бабак работает.Пусть всё получится.
Babak feliz pela sua prosperidade você narges e suas crianças merecem de Deus pai mãe e filho os abençoe sempre ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇧🇷pois você é um guerreiro 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
الف مبروك إنشاء الله موفق بإذن الله ❤❤❤❤❤
Уникальный человек Babak. Дай бок ему выдержки и здоровья. 👍🏻
I can't believe you are eating hamburgers for dinner! So cool! Kids are getting exposed to new things, this is very nice. Well done Babak. The farm work is going great. Very clean updates.
Wish babak all the best in your new job may Allah bless you and your family hope you can make full payment Insyallah
Babak, Nargis and Family❣️wishing you many, many loving memories for your new home. You are all such a hard working family and success has come for you with this farm❣️ Congratulations ❤️🇨🇦
CONGRATULATIONS Babak and family for the new life.❤❤❤
I have never seen the boys so happy eating homemade hamburgers with their dad. What a fabulous video! Thankyou Babak ❤️❤️
To już drugi raz Babak robi im hamburgery!!!! Pierwszy raz był jak Nargiz urodziła Aylin!!!!!
Good morning from England. Dear Babak you are working so hard, may god bless you and your family ❤❤
Hola Babak,me encanta tu granja y deseo que todo siga marchando muy bien,lo único malo es que encuentro que tus hijos no te obedecen ya están en edad de entender órdenes, el árbol se endereza desde pequeño,son unos lindos niños solo le falta obediencia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
تحية لbabak, كل التقدير لجهودك ، وعملك كان منظما، ومرحبا بarman في دار والده Babak, لقد فرح armanوالاطفال بالمجيئ إلى المزرعة، يلعبون ويمرحون، واستفادوا من أكلة جميلة، تستحق كل التنويه، وبالمناسبة أشكر المصور على جهوده........حميد.
I'm glad to see the boys helping you and learning how to take care of the cattle farm. You are a good example to them. They are all good children and will grow to be good, responsible, hardworking men like their father. May God bless you and your family.
Your oldest son is very respectful and obedient Babak. One of the younger boys should have stayed with Narges to help look after poor Eileen who looks lonely without her brothers
Purtroppo il signor Babak non sa fare il padre bene! I due figli più piccoli sono insopportabili non ubbidiscono fanno i capricci i dispetti la madre qualsiasi cosa dice non viene ascoltata fanno quello che vogliono e il padre non sa farsi obbedire!
مبارك لكم شراء المزرعة يارب كل التوفيق انتم تستحقون كل خير
Aww just loved todays blog father & sons time for bonding and learning them young on what to expect now you have a cattle farm babak , seems to be getting stuck in we the new adventure , happy days 💙
Vive babak,vive son esprit optimiste et vive son enthousiasme ❤❤❤❤❤
아이들 4명 모두 귀엽고 사랑스럽네요.
The farm is looking very nice.
Que linda experiencia para los chicos nunca lo van a olvidar 😊😊❤❤❤❤
Зачем вы вывезли плодородный слой почвы с навозом ? И старое сено можно было запахать как удобрение. Старым сеном можно укрывать почву от солнца для сохранения полива.Это называется мульчировать почву. Как то вы неправильно распоряжаетесь фермой.
Może wywiózł na pole !!!!! Które może ma!!!!!!
Il ne faut pas aller très vite ce n'est que le début
Все умные один бабак дурак
الولد الكبير مؤدب بمعنى الكلمه ربي يحفظه الك ياباباك لأنك فعلا مربي اطفالك تربيه صالحه ❤❤❤❤❤❤
مبروك عليكم المزرعة يجعلها فاتحة خير وبركة عليكم الله يسعدك ويوفقك ويرزقك من حيث لاتحتسب أنتم عائلة تستاهل كل خير أنا فرحة لفرحة ارمان بالمزرعة وابتسم انه طفل طيب وانشالله عندما يكبر سوف يكون رجل صالح حافظ على أسرار المشاريع التي تفكر فيها حتى تبدأ فيها لكي تكون لك فيها انشالله البركة الله ايوفقكم
The oldest son is so well behaved. Love this your teaching your sons about life and hardships and how to achieve things in life to live comfortably
Бабак ты молодец ❤
Ддействительно, Бабак , пожалуста уберите эту тряпку с двери, неужели она не мешает, она грязная и портит все
No todo el tiempo es trabajo. Babak. Cuida de tu salud por. Tus hijos que aun son pequeños. Enseñales. Todo lo que sabes y tendran exito en la vida. Bendiciones salud y fortaleza
Mi hermano babak Dios me los bendiga a usted y todas familias❤ 🙏🙏
Hola querida familia "PAR"❤❤ que emoción me da verlos en su nueva casa y los niños están felices 🏃🏃🏃🎉🎉 ..señor BABAK le ba a ir super con todo lo que usted se proponga👏👏👏👏 siempre deseándoles lo mejor 🙏🙏🙏
Love this family. Babak is a good husband, father and son.
He will succeed in all of his endeavors as he puts thought into his plans for a better life for his family.
God bless them and keep them in your care. Watching from Arizona USA ❤😊
Здравствуйте любимая семья рад вас видеть снова Мошоллох Бабак ака монда набошен ✊✊✊🤝
All the very best with your cattle farming. It is a lovely place you bought, a pity Nargis could not come with, but there are other responsibilities. She does not have to cope with the boys and that is a great help for her. It is good that the boys came with, they absolutely love the new place. More flat not so challenging like the treacherous mountain vicinity. You have done much work, but you have to start, the sooner the better. I laughed at those enormous burgers. Poor Erfan, you should have sliced it in half for him as well as the 2nd son. They were having a great time. All the best, many blessings to you and the family. Your father was very happy when he came to see. I am sure he is very proud of you. Kind regards.
Que bonito es un padre alimentando a sus hijos ❤❤
Babak estas haciendo un buen trabajo y enseñas a tus hijos a ser útiles, bien por ti..❤
Конский навоз очень ценное удобрение..😊
А там всё песок нету навоза
Бабак, мальчикам тоже надо переодеться в рабочую одежду, и что с твоей поездкой в Тегеран
Наргиз ему не разрешила
Pues con ese viaje fue puro cuento no tiene la necesidad de trabajar para que si con sus vlog qué hace dice de eso vive el no pide nada dice
Martes manipúlate him with a divorcie and without the children
What a lovely night with your sons
👋👋 Babak Nadie dijo que fuera facil , usted puede hacer que su granja sea un exito 💪💪💪
Бабак, Наргиз! Какое удовольствие смотреть ваши видео❤
Babak I have always admired you how hard you and Narges have worked to create the empire you are building. We are very excited to be seeing you on your blog everyday. We would enjoy it much more if you would please put more close caption detailing what you are saying and we get to understand what is going on.
All that manure is going to be perfect for your place in the village. Where you can use it on your land. On the edge of the road and down the mountain edge dump the manure to go down hill by itself and fertilize all the way down your bottom fieldsto fertilize them and on the side of the road at your place sell the fertilizer to the villagers there. ❤️😁🤑
Excelente Babak, Dios te Bendice sobremanera a ti y tu Amada Familia 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
thương Aman một người con trai rất trầm và quá hiền,yêu Aman ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
babak du schaffst das💓💓💓💓
Sucesso no novo Desafio,🇧🇷👏👏👏
Babak feliz pela sua prosperidade você narges e suas crianças merecem de Deus pai mãe e filho os abençoe sempre ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Babak it's great that you are bonding. You need to set some safety rules and chores for the kids now that you on the cattle farm like watering and feeding the animals and cleaning up
That's true, 🥵
Good idea...show them about TEAM WORK.
The horses are still owned by someone else. They are supposed to take care of them until they are moved.
Why do people think it's their business to tell this very capable man how to do every detail of his life, Babak is wise he has done well and not need the words of others to be ok.
you very hard worker 👍
good babak, god bles your family 🙏❤️
Bravo BABAK ,Ferme extraordinaire.
Seus filhos são lindos! Adoro ver quando eles estão colaborando nos afazeres com você. ❤🇧🇷
Boa noite babak ficamos felizes pela conquista vamos ajudar nos likes somos humildes também
What a lovley evening wiht the son's ❤❤❤
I am so proud of you and your family. You have made a good decision, I love your new farm. Your little son is behaving much better now. Please give him lots of things to do. I noticed he is very helpful. He always wants to help. Your family is beautiful and blessed.
We love you all.❤
Он всё нагло врет, а эта ферма давно пренадлежит вруше Бабаку, он разводит зрителей на деньги и продолжает нагло врать!!!
Ayudemos al esforzado Babak a cumplir sus sueños
Parabéns, Babak!
Você é um homem generoso e Deus vai abençoar e honrar com seu compromisso.
Babak neka ti je sretno i beričetno sa farmom u zdravlju da radiš i uživaš.
Irfan não tem motivos pra viver de mal humor sempre, ele é agressivo.
Aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷
Много работы, много трудностей
I love the song you have when the started you video
Наргиз! Молодец, приказала,купить хлеб в пекарне. Скоро все будет заказывать в ресторане.
То ли ещё будет
А вы сами печете?😊
Правильно делает. Молодец Наргиз !
So what?
🇧🇷 Boa noite família linda. Abraços.
Children learni much on observing what the older members of society are doing.Babak , your sons have you as their teacher to learn life skills from.You are a great father! Sons,your childhood memories will last a lifetime and beyond. When time comes to raise your own sons...you will teach them from what you learn from your dad today.Many years later when Babak will be a grandfather himself.
Long live Babak and your lineage❤
Babak you could have used all the manure that you removed from the ranch for your village land as fertilizer.
Fico encantada com esses meninos! Os três estão sempre muito unidos ao pais, participando e ajudando nas atividades! ❤️❤️❤️
Мальчишки помощники🎉
الله يبارك لك بالمزرعه الجديده الله يهنيك والله انك تستاهل
Yes he deserves everything God bless him with f🇿🇦
Stundenlang könnte man zuschauen. Super, kurzweilig, sogar spannend. Ich freue mich auf das nächste Vidro !
Felicitaciones y muchas bendiciones en el nuevo establo fortaleza y prosperidad Babak y familia desde Argentina🇦🇷👏👏👍💪💪💪💪💪💪😊
I can't wait to see the awesome job Babak does with the ranch I know it will be great because he put pride into everything he does. I watched him build from one circular room to a comfortable home with a nice big kitchen not to mention the storage rooms and the pens for the sheep and goats. He has built so much on that land it's hard to see him leave that land but it's so wonderful to see him prosper and have more land and a better life. I like he doesn't have to worry about clean water or people trying to take the land. I do wish there was a way for him to be compensated for all the work he did on the other land. I do hope he brings the stove and refrigerator from the other land because they are much better than the ones on the cattle ranch. I wish nothing but good luck for Babak and his family they so deserve it Narges is still a little apprehensive about the ranch and having to make payments on it I hope in time she will back her husband and believe in him he needs that from her again congrats to Babak and the family.