In AV Pantsov's Mao: "The Real Story" there's a deeply sad account of Yang Kai Hui' s arrest and execution by General He Jian. Mao Anjing was only 8 years but followed her mother to prison.The younger son Anqing was crying bitterly and clutching the soldier's coat and was hit on the head. Yes revolution is not a dinner party. The suffering of all the protagonists was unspeakable. Even so many years had passed, I can't help feeling sorry for Yang Kai Hui who loved Mao truly
In AV Pantsov's Mao: "The Real Story" there's a deeply sad account of Yang Kai Hui' s arrest and execution by General He Jian. Mao Anjing was only 8 years but followed her mother to prison.The younger son Anqing was crying bitterly and clutching the soldier's coat and was hit on the head. Yes revolution is not a dinner party. The suffering of all the protagonists was unspeakable. Even so many years had passed, I can't help feeling sorry for Yang Kai Hui who loved Mao truly
講民主 博見報 講民生 全不懂 的士加價 司機更慘 八折黒的 愈加愈多 雖人得益 車商炒家 有賺無蝕 好過開賭 政府議員 幫助炒賣 増發牌照 開放禁區 限制加價 司機市民同得益 不要車商炒家話晒事。
SOHO 你咁得閒, 解釋下------------ 笑Q死人
蔣介石搞13歲小妹妹 又唔講?