doing everyday things like sitting,breathing,walking inefficiently. over time this will create imbalances slowly and the issues are harder to recognize because they work their way in over time. The Alexander technique goes into this a bit.
My top reason is: doing too much strict form movements. If we incorporated more strongman exercises, lifting heavy objects from the floor with the rounded back there would be no herniated, bulging discs. But then you also need to up the frequency and avoid too much computer work. Technology is fucking us up in every way possible. It's ruining our eyesight, posture, sleeping habits, social life (you feel less need for social interactions), relationships (fb, instagram,...) in some way it's making us dumb in every way possible. Black Mirror is one of my favorite TV series. Anyone watch this shit?
3Runner95SRB he's a lot more impressive than you and I say that without even seeing you - he might be 5 foot 5 but thats how he is built - at least he is changing what he can change that's what you need to respect -
hanging leg raises have been my savior in preventing low back pain. I mean an excersise which tractions the spine while stretching out the lats and low back with a ab strengthening component... couldnt ask for more
Put a lumbar support ,or a towel , or say to study standing in class like i did , and buy a gaming chair (i recomend you the reddragon) to study in home sitting without problem , eat and get up soon (only sit to eat , dont do overtable)
Also another thing to mention is beltless training. I see majority of people training in the gym relying on belts when just squatting/deadlifting only 2 plates even with just 135 lol. Best to just slightly lower the weight so you can lift without using a belt to help build the core efficiently.
I agree 100%. I kept injury my lower back. It always came in cycles - I injured, got better, started lifting heavy again, injured again... Then I said enough, stopped using the belt, lowered the weights, started squatting deep, started doing heavy core work and incorporated breathing pause squats. In a few weeks all back pain went away, I feel much more rigid and stronger in the mid-section. Best decision I could've ever done.
Kbeats who cares about the belt... I don't understand exercises like plate front raises and plate shrugs... like how the fuck do you even progressive overload on that..... you don't... because it's all about the squeeze and slow negative
These exercises have their place, but not for novices.. It's just a waste of time for them. They SHOULD do full body, but they absolutely NEED to do compound exercises.
You are one of the best content creator out there!! You and omarisuf have so much knowledge and are 100% natty:) thanks for putting so much effort in your videos👍🏼
Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT) also causes lower back pain. If a person does not notice they have APT, they can snap something doing deadlifts or even rack pulls (at knee or below), if they create a further tilt.
I have lots of injuries... wrists, elbows and even lumbar back region...I was years ago in wheelchair for a few days so chronic lower back pain was a daily thing...and started lifting recently again and rack pulls are painfree for me. How crazy is that? Thanks for all the free content! Alsp bought Natural Enhanced...I am still not ready for it but the knowledge for only 45 bucks is priceless. Thank you!
I'm not financially in a position to attend a gym right now. So, I've got some dumbbells, I'm lifting those and doing cardio (I was overweight, I've lost 20 pounds). In a few months I will be able to afford a gym membership. Then I will buy Naturally Enhanced and become huge!
I would recommend deep tissue massages for your mid and low back to help blood flow in that area as well. If you can swing it, once a month is good. I think a lot of people also concentrate on the lower back and ignore the abs, which can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt. It's important to work on the entire core so you're stable when lifting over 500 pounds. When I first started 2.5 years ago, I really neglected my core and jumped into squats and deadlifts balls to the wall. After about a year, I realized how important core and lower back training is to prevent injury and maximize gains. As always, great video Alex.
I personally don't think the twins had their back snapped because of a small waist. I myself have a tiny ass waist when I get lean but my core is strong. Its a genetic thing even if I tried to thicken it, it would never get "big".
You misunderstood my point completely. The twins snapped their back years ago when they were younger. Their small waist had nothing to do with their injury. All I am stating, however, is that if they developed stronger obliques...they would most likely experience less back pain given their situation. And I believe this to be true for most lifters as well. Strong obliques are ESSENTIAL to staying injury-free, especially if doing a lot of heavy unilateral rows. The core works as a unit and having weaknesses for aesthetic purposes is dangerous.
AlphaDestiny Ah like that. I get you now but I still think mentioning that their waists are small was kinda unnecessary. Like if they actually did that oblique training, their waist would still remain relatively small. Solidd video regardless though
too many 'bro' techniques as well when deadlifting, i.e. going to complete failure shouting at their friend to do 'ONE MORE!!' even though form has already broken down. Using drop sets, exclusively doing touch and go deadlifts for high reps, "8-12 reps for hypertrophy bro im not a powerlifter". Another one is not touching the ground to 'keep the tension on', like wtf lol (not refering to romanian deadlift, people do this on conventional dls). And another thing, people tend to over estimate their dl strength and try do a 1rm with a weight thats way above their actual 1rm. Also people have no clue about proper dead lift form/set up, the only cue people know is 'is my back straight/rounded' they have no thought for set up, such as bar position in relation to feet, not knowing proper cues whatsoever, they think as long as their back is straight then that is 'good form'.
thats so true! I lift about 4/5 times a week with at least 2 of those days working a lot of lower back (squats , deadlifts and variations of these, hypertensions and core work) but i basically have a sore lower back for about 3/4 days after my workouts. this is definitely because of my school, on 4 weekdays i am in school from 8:30 till 16:00, and about 95% of that time i'm sitting down. it's so hard to make a change though. if anybody has any suggestions please let me know. I've already been doing the standing up and going for a short walk every 30 mins but this just doesn't work when im at school ofcourse.
Clicked on this because I was curious. I don't lift I'm a traceur so parkour is my life it's what I do. I train body weight but this was still helpful to make sure I don't end up with back pain by working those specific muscles a bit more by isolating them.
Low range of motion leg raises Low range of motion sit-ups Bridges Do that 4 times a week or even more if you want and after weeks pain will get the fuck out of your body
You are absolutely right. Bad form can ruin your body. You don’t even need to have weights in your hand to yourself if your bent in all the wrong angles.
I always felt great after the heavier deadlifts on intensity days compared to the volume day deadlifts where I didn't get the "good" feeling of lifting...hard to explain but now that you've actually said it, I thought about it again and it actually makes sense to me
Real talk, whenever I'm at school my lower back starts to hurt just from sitting down and there really isn't much I can do to stand up every few minutes, I just find myself trying to get comfortable in my chair the whole time but I started working out my abs and will start to work my lower back and see if I see improvements
I am in my 40s and my back is fine. Physical work for much of my life and trained on and off. Done squats and deadlifts once a week for years. No back problems. Many of the people I know with herniated discs and all sorts of crazy shit never trained, wasn't regularly active. What you say supports my general belief that many back injuries are cause by weak muscles that support the spine due to inactivity and at some point poor form or just plain pushing lumbar system well beyond its conditioning (namely zero) causes a spinal failure and the weight or stress may well have been trivial but it happen because they were so out of condition. So training your back to some degree is important for injury prevention.
Dude no lie, been havin back pain since mid October. So bad to the point where I couldn't even jump rope, I even went to a chiropractor and it didn't help at all. Tried rack pulls above the knee at the beginning of my workout and by the end I was able to do sprints and box jumps which I couldn't do for months. Bro be savin backs
45 degree hyper's with bands, plate behind the head. Best back exercise available at my gym, really helping with my deadlift and core stability overall.
One other thing to note is, if you do sit down, be aware of your posture. Proper posture will engage your core which is of course a good thing. Do it long enough and good posture will become natural.
I sit my ass at least 8 hours a day for work and started having low back pain when Squating/deadlifting... Now the first thing I do when I reach the gim is a combination of planks, leg raises and windshield wipers (last 2 on the pullup bar), very light but so that my core activates when I lift... Pain free for months now
Recently impinged my lower back (seems fine now). Didn't happen through lifting heavy at the gym... It happened when I got up from my office chair. So the first part of the video was bang on.
This isn't meant as 'critique', but more as addition. He has a point and what he says about sitting all day leading to back pain is absolutely spot on. However, the idea to 'train' your lower back is just half of the story in fixing your issue of back pain, because there can be many different reasons for it. Now, I am dealing with back pain for YEARS now, and after many different attempts I figured out a solution for my situation. For example I also tried training my lower back, but sadly that hasn't done anything, infact it made the issue sometimes worse. If your lower back is already tight, as it can't keep the stability, making it even MORE tight, won't do any good! You have to consider, that your lower back might be hurting, becuse it's constantly contracting trying to keep your spine in a neutral positon, but since the force is to huge, it can't do it, so it starts to hurt. The solution for me was a combination of several exercises. For example: - first you should strech your muscles which are shortened by all the 'sitting', like the iliopsoas, and your uper legs. - second, you should consider your position over the day, the shortened muscles can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt, that's the issue I had (or still have to some degree). This means, you have to 'engage' your glutes and ham strings. - third, consider to change your sleeping habits, I chnaged my sleeping position to my back, in the past I sleept on my belly. If that is to uncomfortable because of short muscles, you can put something under your knees like for example a pillow and it will cause the hips to rotate a little. - and last but not least, dead lifts. Dead lifts are a very good exercise for training the hamstrings and glutes, if(!) performed correctly while also giving strength to the lower back. The fact that I know engage my glutes and hamstrings a lot more in all sorts of exercises, and in my posture has been a real huge relief, like instantly. I am not saying that this has to be a solution for everyone, but you shouldn't always assume that your 'pain' is coming from a 'weak' muscle. I also recommend everyone to watch Jeff Cavaliere and his videos about back pain, he looks at the issue from several angles.
1.000 % agree , i got an injury on my back doing squats because my lower back and my core was so weak at the time , fullbody routines are not the best option to prevent this kind of injurys . We need isolation exercises to avoid muscle imbalances .
Doing core stability training are the best exercise i have ever done in my life for my back. If you do right core stability training, and train hard for 2 months you automaticly walk and sit differently. You are so right about this, and i don't even lift. If you have a good core, you probay even make more/better progress with training weights.
that dude is right ! im a gamer and a student sitting whole day long ... my posture is disaster, i had serious lower back pains that i couldnt stand out of my bed ...
There´s a good video called "How to Squat, With Chris Duffin", that covers a few minutes of warming up and adding mobility to your lower back. Very interesting.
1:50 I had severe low back pain 2 years ago because i used to play games 24/7 and not get out of the house, I started running and some light bodyweght training and my back got better, 5 months ago i started going to gym was doing fine until my back suddenly get fcking severe pain like that off 2 y ago, it could be SQUATS because i have a butt wink, but i also remember sitting and watching videos, i started trainign again 3 weeks ago 4 times a week and i did dealifts 4 times a week small weight (60-80 kg) cause im small and i was doing fine , until fews days ago where i did some squatting with like 20kg if even taht and i sat after that beacuse i decided to watch a movie and boom today once a mofocking gain i get this severe back pain .... i don't even sit that much anymore cause i work a 7h job and sometimes i litteraly don't sit more than 20min in the whole 7h, but then when i get home i sit like 3h in a row, and i'll bet my deadlift form is ok but squats are garbage and sitting definitly fcks me up .... just thought you might wanna read my experience
I'd add one more thing. People who sit a lot should stretch their hamstrings and hip flexors multiple times a day. It is still better to avoid sitting, but if you have to, stretch the areas that get tight. Most of the time, people that have lower back pain from sitting can relief the pain just from those stretches.
weak lower back and abs for sure but don't forget about muscle imbalances as well e.g. tight hip flexors or hamstrings pulling the pelvis into forward or backward tilt causing excess stress on the lower back.
I agree on the sitting. Many of my friends sit alot and they have LB problems. I never sit while working on the computer. I lie on the sofa/bed. This transfers the weight of your upper body evenly through your entire back and ass. most of the weight probably hits the lats and glutes, not LB. Also it hits in a different angle, and it is easy to adjust positions so there is tension on different areas. Switching up is nice. I can lie in this position for 10 hours no problem. I can go weeks, just chillin. I feel nothing. No stress, pressure, pain, nothing. When I am forced to sit in a normal office chair, I feel more tension and anxiety. You can get a lie down workstation, or just get a laptop and a lot of pillows. I prefer a big bed, or sofa. Like 140cm wide.
I have a chronic disorder where some of my spinal vertabraes in my lumbar spine and i used to have insane pain sometimes, but the day i finaly decided to start deadlifting for real, after just a few weeks, the pain was gone. Like it's insane. My lower back simply was way to weak and that made my condition even worse. I had tried doing it now and then over the years and i freaking struggled with 135, even when i squated over 200 pounds. Now? Since new years eve i've been hitting deadlift twice a week and now i deadlift close to 350 pounds and my squat is at 315. I never realised this before, but the average person is just to freaking weak. If i could add over 200 pounds in less than 4 months, then everyone else can do that to (now my legs where stronger than my lower back, so obviously some of the gains have come from just the lower back "catching up" with my legs).
man they kicked me out of the gym for" heavy" lifts.They said "do your workout,you cant lift that " So i v quit the gym and now im not working out because i live on the middle of nowhere.
With that back in the thumbnail You should consider joining Ninja Turtles someday Alex. But seriously, the back advice is gold and something that needs adressing. Reverse hypers, isolating the erectors and abdominal workouts made me stable as fuck. Never been so stable in that area.
I found your channel recently. I've been a big proponent of rack pulls above the knees for years. A lot of what your saying is totally in line with my style of training....and you know what got me injured? leaving rack pulls and training like everyone else...
Bro is true specially when you’re a high schooler etc, completely agree with you.Also I work my abs 5 times a week.Sometimes 7 times it depends if I’m not too tired or lazy.Also the workout that I use includes upper, middle, lower and oblique.Guys it’s only 15 min too!!!so do it
I think it have something to do with people having weak lower back flexion, I do hyperextensions right above hip level and try to really flex the lower back to fix this
totally agree about the sitting all day being the biggest cause of lower back and hip flexor pain. I have a desk job. I do a shit ton of back and core work and its helped immensely. your advice to get up every 30 minutes is impossible for most ppl with real jobs tho
Hi Alex I trained " split routine " 6 months, then i stopped going to gym for 3 years Now I want to get on your novice program but Im too scared that I will snap my shiit I didnt trained for 3 years ... Lots of siting and doing nothing. Sorry for my bad english
Guys listen to him. I have 2 herniated disc (one which has ruptured in 2012) and I've been guilty of sitting on my ass all day and lifting with a round back. Being overweight didn't help also.
Why do lifters snap their lower back?
Give me your top reasons!
AlphaDestiny #1 reason everytime: *Shit form*.
Not enough rack pulls above the knee
doing everyday things like sitting,breathing,walking inefficiently. over time this will create imbalances slowly and the issues are harder to recognize because they work their way in over time. The Alexander technique goes into this a bit.
Bad form, ego, weak core and just over all lack of intelligence lol.
My top reason is: doing too much strict form movements. If we incorporated more strongman exercises, lifting heavy objects from the floor with the rounded back there would be no herniated, bulging discs. But then you also need to up the frequency and avoid too much computer work. Technology is fucking us up in every way possible. It's ruining our eyesight, posture, sleeping habits, social life (you feel less need for social interactions), relationships (fb, instagram,...) in some way it's making us dumb in every way possible. Black Mirror is one of my favorite TV series. Anyone watch this shit?
I just want someone to love me like Alex loves Rackpulls above the knee
"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link"..that is GOLD
The sitting thing is huge guys. Trust me. Do your planks, glute bridges, and strengthen your hamstrings.
arnbassbaritone o
Alex aka the white tank top man. He probably can't take it off because of all the gains
Love my tank bruh ;)
AlphaDestiny yo are the tank lol
3Runner95SRB his gains would kill everyone
3Runner95SRB he's a lot more impressive than you and I say that without even seeing you - he might be 5 foot 5 but thats how he is built - at least he is changing what he can change that's what you need to respect -
Terminator 1321 It's a joke
hanging leg raises have been my savior in preventing low back pain. I mean an excersise which tractions the spine while stretching out the lats and low back with a ab strengthening component... couldnt ask for more
Farhan Piruzdelan I like this idea
Rack pulls heal aids?
Clinically proven.
Erm... how?
MrBaracu called a joke mate
"Even driving" yup going to buy a car that i can stand and drive at the same time rn
Just snapped my Lower back today, Proud to be a Lifter!
100% agree. My back has been killing me for the past year because I sit in class all day. I am studying engineering so I don't know how I can avoid it
@@fealdorf Do a lot of facepulls, it kinda makes you sit straighter.
Start deadlifting
Try Stretching
Put a lumbar support ,or a towel , or say to study standing in class like i did , and buy a gaming chair (i recomend you the reddragon) to study in home sitting without problem , eat and get up soon (only sit to eat , dont do overtable)
Stand while you study lol. I started listening to audio books for revision so I would walk while I revise.
Why do your eyebrows look like the batman logo?
Batman genetics bruh
Also another thing to mention is beltless training. I see majority of people training in the gym relying on belts when just squatting/deadlifting only 2 plates even with just 135 lol. Best to just slightly lower the weight so you can lift without using a belt to help build the core efficiently.
srs. saw some dude the other week using straps and a belt while deadlifting 225lb for like 5 reps
I agree 100%. I kept injury my lower back. It always came in cycles - I injured, got better, started lifting heavy again, injured again... Then I said enough, stopped using the belt, lowered the weights, started squatting deep, started doing heavy core work and incorporated breathing pause squats. In a few weeks all back pain went away, I feel much more rigid and stronger in the mid-section. Best decision I could've ever done.
One skinny noob was FRONT raising a 20lb plate and was wearing a belt! (srs)
Kbeats who cares about the belt... I don't understand exercises like plate front raises and plate shrugs... like how the fuck do you even progressive overload on that..... you don't... because it's all about the squeeze and slow negative
These exercises have their place, but not for novices.. It's just a waste of time for them. They SHOULD do full body, but they absolutely NEED to do compound exercises.
You are one of the best content creator out there!! You and omarisuf have so much knowledge and are 100% natty:) thanks for putting so much effort in your videos👍🏼
Yoan Iglev yes, I'll second that. Top 2 for me.
Yoan Iglev "100% natty"
Brendan Tietz, Omar Isuf, Alan Thrall. Alpha, Jeff Nippard, Alberto Nunez, Silent Mike lots of quality content
not natty but ok
TeenFitness TV Fuck off. Alex ban this bitch. He talks about doing fucking cycles of test and dbol after his cut when hes only 15.
Big black ass squad where you at??
Honestly, I hope they never come back
Smooth Operator agreed
Brandon Nevarez black ass is done, time for different colour
Brandon Nevarez checking in
Bicep Brandon
This type of advice deserves a mil subs
My back is completely fine in the summer but during the school year it's just pain
Im 85 and i can deadlift 775lbs for 5 reps with no back pain at all.
kickasscrew 420.69 no shit
Jacinto Talavera hah, im 86 and i deadlift 776 lbs for 6 reps
Andreas Rasmussen I am 87 and deadlift 777lbs for 7 reps...... Did I mention I done it with one arm.
craig mccauley on a yoga ball, blindfolded and tied to a rooftop.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT) also causes lower back pain. If a person does not notice they have APT, they can snap something doing deadlifts or even rack pulls (at knee or below), if they create a further tilt.
Dude, you're transformation is becoming too awesome to look at it! Nice job with the hair plus enhanced beard.
I have lots of injuries... wrists, elbows and even lumbar back region...I was years ago in wheelchair for a few days so chronic lower back pain was a daily thing...and started lifting recently again and rack pulls are painfree for me. How crazy is that?
Thanks for all the free content! Alsp bought Natural Enhanced...I am still not ready for it but the knowledge for only 45 bucks is priceless. Thank you!
love how your videos never sugar coat the information
I'm not financially in a position to attend a gym right now. So, I've got some dumbbells, I'm lifting those and doing cardio (I was overweight, I've lost 20 pounds). In a few months I will be able to afford a gym membership. Then I will buy Naturally Enhanced and become huge!
My back hurts from sitting all day. And gets worse if I don't warm up before my workouts.
I would recommend deep tissue massages for your mid and low back to help blood flow in that area as well. If you can swing it, once a month is good. I think a lot of people also concentrate on the lower back and ignore the abs, which can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt. It's important to work on the entire core so you're stable when lifting over 500 pounds.
When I first started 2.5 years ago, I really neglected my core and jumped into squats and deadlifts balls to the wall. After about a year, I realized how important core and lower back training is to prevent injury and maximize gains.
As always, great video Alex.
I personally don't think the twins had their back snapped because of a small waist. I myself have a tiny ass waist when I get lean but my core is strong.
Its a genetic thing even if I tried to thicken it, it would never get "big".
You misunderstood my point completely. The twins snapped their back years ago when they were younger. Their small waist had nothing to do with their injury. All I am stating, however, is that if they developed stronger obliques...they would most likely experience less back pain given their situation. And I believe this to be true for most lifters as well. Strong obliques are ESSENTIAL to staying injury-free, especially if doing a lot of heavy unilateral rows. The core works as a unit and having weaknesses for aesthetic purposes is dangerous.
AlphaDestiny Ah like that. I get you now but I still think mentioning that their waists are small was kinda unnecessary. Like if they actually did that oblique training, their waist would still remain relatively small.
Solidd video regardless though
You are the biggest attention-seeker on the internet
AlphaDestiny MosesGainz I think you both make a good point here
Nicolas LK the twins's waists & my own when I get lean. haven't measured it so idk the numbers but will do after I finish this cut
One of the best videos talking about dead lifts on youtube
i started doing rack pulls on my cut and i added 140 pounds to in like 5 weeks. i am excited for the gains to come now in my lean mass phase.
Great quality gains on the channel and grats on the influx of new subscribers! Well deserved Alex
too many 'bro' techniques as well when deadlifting, i.e. going to complete failure shouting at their friend to do 'ONE MORE!!' even though form has already broken down. Using drop sets, exclusively doing touch and go deadlifts for high reps, "8-12 reps for hypertrophy bro im not a powerlifter". Another one is not touching the ground to 'keep the tension on', like wtf lol (not refering to romanian deadlift, people do this on conventional dls). And another thing, people tend to over estimate their dl strength and try do a 1rm with a weight thats way above their actual 1rm.
Also people have no clue about proper dead lift form/set up, the only cue people know is 'is my back straight/rounded' they have no thought for set up, such as bar position in relation to feet, not knowing proper cues whatsoever, they think as long as their back is straight then that is 'good form'.
SOLID points man
thats so true! I lift about 4/5 times a week with at least 2 of those days working a lot of lower back (squats , deadlifts and variations of these, hypertensions and core work) but i basically have a sore lower back for about 3/4 days after my workouts. this is definitely because of my school, on 4 weekdays i am in school from 8:30 till 16:00, and about 95% of that time i'm sitting down. it's so hard to make a change though. if anybody has any suggestions please let me know. I've already been doing the standing up and going for a short walk every 30 mins but this just doesn't work when im at school ofcourse.
1 little thing: i do sit with a straight back and shoulders back so its not like im rounding my back and actually stretching my spinus erectus a lot.
alpha destiny your my favourite fitness youtuber and im buying your book this week
Mehran Iskandari Mine too and Johnny from 2bc is the best gaming youtuber. Both canadians. Good Canada 😎
>buying a book in 2017
Clicked on this because I was curious. I don't lift I'm a traceur so parkour is my life it's what I do. I train body weight but this was still helpful to make sure I don't end up with back pain by working those specific muscles a bit more by isolating them.
make a video about how to work lower back without reverse hyperextension machine, best substitute/alternative?
Iago Borges I'm would like to know this too.
Iago Borges same
Roman chair. Do 45 degree back extensions. Its practically the same exercise.
Cable pull throughs/good mornings
Low range of motion leg raises
Low range of motion sit-ups
Do that 4 times a week or even more if you want and after weeks pain will get the fuck out of your body
It is also good to learn how to brace your core. Makes things much easier.
This video is of extreme value and importance to the lifting community. Thank you brother 🤝💪🏼👊🏼
You are absolutely right. Bad form can ruin your body. You don’t even need to have weights in your hand to yourself if your bent in all the wrong angles.
you re voice changed or what great update man your voice sor warm and u look wiser
New microphone
Hey Alex i also found out that training my vacuum really helped with my core strength
Smartest youtuber right now!
You rock Alex .
Holy shit glad you mentioned not to go above 5 on deadlifts...was doing sets of 8-10 reps on volume day while intensity were sets of 5
it could still be done, but it has a higher risk
I always felt great after the heavier deadlifts on intensity days compared to the volume day deadlifts where I didn't get the "good" feeling of lifting...hard to explain but now that you've actually said it, I thought about it again and it actually makes sense to me
the first time I get an advertisement on an alpha video. he's rising up the ranks :')
Real talk, whenever I'm at school my lower back starts to hurt just from sitting down and there really isn't much I can do to stand up every few minutes, I just find myself trying to get comfortable in my chair the whole time but I started working out my abs and will start to work my lower back and see if I see improvements
Just recently re-discovered Alex's channel. Awesome content bro.
So true, my friends who drive a lot for work all have messed up backs
Alpha, beard is looking good bro!!
Feels so good to work abs again.
I have a desk job and it was always a struggle with low back paid UNTIL I figured out how to deadlift. I'm 47, and my back has never felt better.
I am in my 40s and my back is fine. Physical work for much of my life and trained on and off.
Done squats and deadlifts once a week for years. No back problems.
Many of the people I know with herniated discs and all sorts of crazy shit never trained, wasn't regularly active.
What you say supports my general belief that many back injuries are cause by weak muscles that support the spine due to inactivity and at some point poor form or just plain pushing lumbar system well beyond its conditioning (namely zero) causes a spinal failure and the weight or stress may well have been trivial but it happen because they were so out of condition.
So training your back to some degree is important for injury prevention.
Dude no lie, been havin back pain since mid October. So bad to the point where I couldn't even jump rope, I even went to a chiropractor and it didn't help at all. Tried rack pulls above the knee at the beginning of my workout and by the end I was able to do sprints and box jumps which I couldn't do for months. Bro be savin backs
Do you even rack pulls above the knee?
Honestly, I think I have learned more from you than any other youtube channel, thanks mate!
I always knew AlphaDestiny was an UPSTANDING kind of guy!
Your subscribers blew up man. Congrats. Been watching before you had 20k. You're looking better, too.
So basically what you saying is
1. Hit lower back and abs directly
2.Do heavy partials/cheat rows and shrugs(belt less)
7:10 that’s a fact, every time I hurt my lower back was around the tenth rep cause form broke down.
45 degree hyper's with bands, plate behind the head. Best back exercise available at my gym, really helping with my deadlift and core stability overall.
hey alpha i completely agree with your statement. there is no channel atm in my opinion that is more informative then yours. keept it up!!!
Amazing lighting Leonidas! keep it up!
i got 1 tip that's helps lower back when its snapped up and that's hanging upside down its helping my back so much its insane
One other thing to note is, if you do sit down, be aware of your posture. Proper posture will engage your core which is of course a good thing. Do it long enough and good posture will become natural.
Good point
I sit my ass at least 8 hours a day for work and started having low back pain when Squating/deadlifting... Now the first thing I do when I reach the gim is a combination of planks, leg raises and windshield wipers (last 2 on the pullup bar), very light but so that my core activates when I lift... Pain free for months now
Recently impinged my lower back (seems fine now). Didn't happen through lifting heavy at the gym... It happened when I got up from my office chair. So the first part of the video was bang on.
This isn't meant as 'critique', but more as addition.
He has a point and what he says about sitting all day leading to back pain is absolutely spot on. However, the idea to 'train' your lower back is just half of the story in fixing your issue of back pain, because there can be many different reasons for it. Now, I am dealing with back pain for YEARS now, and after many different attempts I figured out a solution for my situation. For example I also tried training my lower back, but sadly that hasn't done anything, infact it made the issue sometimes worse. If your lower back is already tight, as it can't keep the stability, making it even MORE tight, won't do any good! You have to consider, that your lower back might be hurting, becuse it's constantly contracting trying to keep your spine in a neutral positon, but since the force is to huge, it can't do it, so it starts to hurt.
The solution for me was a combination of several exercises. For example:
- first you should strech your muscles which are shortened by all the 'sitting', like the iliopsoas, and your uper legs.
- second, you should consider your position over the day, the shortened muscles can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt, that's the issue I had (or still have to some degree).
This means, you have to 'engage' your glutes and ham strings.
- third, consider to change your sleeping habits, I chnaged my sleeping position to my back, in the past I sleept on my belly. If that is to uncomfortable because of short muscles, you can put something under your knees like for example a pillow and it will cause the hips to rotate a little.
- and last but not least, dead lifts. Dead lifts are a very good exercise for training the hamstrings and glutes, if(!) performed correctly while also giving strength to the lower back.
The fact that I know engage my glutes and hamstrings a lot more in all sorts of exercises, and in my posture has been a real huge relief, like instantly. I am not saying that this has to be a solution for everyone, but you shouldn't always assume that your 'pain' is coming from a 'weak' muscle. I also recommend everyone to watch Jeff Cavaliere and his videos about back pain, he looks at the issue from several angles.
1.000 % agree , i got an injury on my back doing squats because my lower back and my core was so weak at the time , fullbody routines are not the best option to prevent this kind of injurys . We need isolation exercises to avoid muscle imbalances .
Serious question. I agree that sitting all day is bad. But I don't get how standing doesn't also compress the spine?
Doing core stability training are the best exercise i have ever done in my life for my back. If you do right core stability training, and train hard for 2 months you automaticly walk and sit differently. You are so right about this, and i don't even lift. If you have a good core, you probay even make more/better progress with training weights.
And i stood up immediately
Please tell me you have a shirt for sale that reads "Do you even rack-pull above the knee?"
Good stuff bro
that dude is right ! im a gamer and a student sitting whole day long ... my posture is disaster, i had serious lower back pains that i couldnt stand out of my bed ...
There´s a good video called "How to Squat, With Chris Duffin", that covers a few minutes of warming up and adding mobility to your lower back. Very interesting.
Focused stretching of quads, hamstrings and calves, 20-25 minutes after each workout.
Always crazy informative. Super underrated channel man.
Rack pull at and above the knee crew checking in.
snapped my shit up WARMING UP today
Your content is SO fuckin good man. Thanks to you, I'm making more consistent, injury-free gains then I ever have before
this is true ...I get up every hour ... I also sit side ways so I'm not hunched over ...thinking about taking a yoga ball to work
1:50 I had severe low back pain 2 years ago because i used to play games 24/7 and not get out of the house, I started running and some light bodyweght training and my back got better, 5 months ago i started going to gym was doing fine until my back suddenly get fcking severe pain like that off 2 y ago, it could be SQUATS because i have a butt wink, but i also remember sitting and watching videos, i started trainign again 3 weeks ago 4 times a week and i did dealifts 4 times a week small weight (60-80 kg) cause im small and i was doing fine , until fews days ago where i did some squatting with like 20kg if even taht and i sat after that beacuse i decided to watch a movie and boom today once a mofocking gain i get this severe back pain .... i don't even sit that much anymore cause i work a 7h job and sometimes i litteraly don't sit more than 20min in the whole 7h, but then when i get home i sit like 3h in a row, and i'll bet my deadlift form is ok but squats are garbage and sitting definitly fcks me up .... just thought you might wanna read my experience
I'd add one more thing. People who sit a lot should stretch their hamstrings and hip flexors multiple times a day. It is still better to avoid sitting, but if you have to, stretch the areas that get tight. Most of the time, people that have lower back pain from sitting can relief the pain just from those stretches.
Good point
weak lower back and abs for sure but don't forget about muscle imbalances as well e.g. tight hip flexors or hamstrings pulling the pelvis into forward or backward tilt causing excess stress on the lower back.
I agree on the sitting. Many of my friends sit alot and they have LB problems. I never sit while working on the computer. I lie on the sofa/bed. This transfers the weight of your upper body evenly through your entire back and ass. most of the weight probably hits the lats and glutes, not LB. Also it hits in a different angle, and it is easy to adjust positions so there is tension on different areas. Switching up is nice.
I can lie in this position for 10 hours no problem. I can go weeks, just chillin. I feel nothing. No stress, pressure, pain, nothing. When I am forced to sit in a normal office chair, I feel more tension and anxiety.
You can get a lie down workstation, or just get a laptop and a lot of pillows. I prefer a big bed, or sofa. Like 140cm wide.
This is 100% true. If i sit about for a few hours my lower back gets stiff and sore. I never hurt my back by lifting heavy
dude great video , everything was straight to the point. thank you!
Boy talks to my heart....
I have a chronic disorder where some of my spinal vertabraes in my lumbar spine and i used to have insane pain sometimes, but the day i finaly decided to start deadlifting for real, after just a few weeks, the pain was gone. Like it's insane. My lower back simply was way to weak and that made my condition even worse.
I had tried doing it now and then over the years and i freaking struggled with 135, even when i squated over 200 pounds. Now? Since new years eve i've been hitting deadlift twice a week and now i deadlift close to 350 pounds and my squat is at 315.
I never realised this before, but the average person is just to freaking weak. If i could add over 200 pounds in less than 4 months, then everyone else can do that to (now my legs where stronger than my lower back, so obviously some of the gains have come from just the lower back "catching up" with my legs).
man they kicked me out of the gym for" heavy" lifts.They said "do your workout,you cant lift that " So i v quit the gym and now im not working out because i live on the middle of nowhere.
I have constant lower back pain, as soon as I train abs/core at the gym i have a few days of relief..
With that back in the thumbnail You should consider joining Ninja Turtles someday Alex.
But seriously, the back advice is gold and something that needs adressing. Reverse hypers, isolating the erectors and abdominal workouts made me stable as fuck. Never been so stable in that area.
I found your channel recently. I've been a big proponent of rack pulls above the knees for years. A lot of what your saying is totally in line with my style of training....and you know what got me injured? leaving rack pulls and training like everyone else...
Wow man...
Not enough butt workouts. Hurt my back doing heavy deadlifts started doing ass workouts pain free now.
Bro is true specially when you’re a high schooler etc, completely agree with you.Also I work my abs 5 times a week.Sometimes 7 times it depends if I’m not too tired or lazy.Also the workout that I use includes upper, middle, lower and oblique.Guys it’s only 15 min too!!!so do it
I go week to week rack pulling from pin 3 to 2 to 1 then Deadlift at the end of the month.
so glad i work in a hospital, on my feet all day.
Good mornings helped my lower back pain. I had pain due to sitting too much.
Started to do some of your stuff some weeks ago, im getting stronger each workout and my back is way way better !
I think it have something to do with people having weak lower back flexion, I do hyperextensions right above hip level and try to really flex the lower back to fix this
totally agree about the sitting all day being the biggest cause of lower back and hip flexor pain. I have a desk job. I do a shit ton of back and core work and its helped immensely. your advice to get up every 30 minutes is impossible for most ppl with real jobs tho
Hi Alex
I trained " split routine " 6 months, then i stopped going to gym for 3 years
Now I want to get on your novice program but Im too scared that I will snap my shiit
I didnt trained for 3 years ... Lots of siting and doing nothing. Sorry for my bad english
Do 3-4 weeks of GPP, calisthenics, and lots of mobility work. Then run the novice program with light weights, and build up from there.
Guys listen to him. I have 2 herniated disc (one which has ruptured in 2012) and I've been guilty of sitting on my ass all day and lifting with a round back. Being overweight didn't help also.