막막함의 내 일상 / My Daily Life Amidst Uncertainty

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024
  • 졸업이 코앞인 4학년 막학기, 어디로 가야 할지 갈림길에 서 있습니다. 대학원 진학이 맞을지, 아니면 사회로 나아가야 할지 고민하며 하루하루를 보내지만, 불안 속에서 나를 지켜주는 것은 매일 반복되는 일상입니다.
    아침 6시 반에 일어나 스트레칭을 하고, 20분간 영어를 연습한 후 도서관에서 공부하는 이 루틴이 나를 조금씩 앞으로 나아가게 만듭니다. 지금 당장은 결과가 보이지 않지만, 매일의 작은 노력들이 내가 원하는 길로 나를 데려다줄 것이라고 믿습니다.
    이 영상은 막막함 속에서도 자신을 사랑하며 나아가는 일상을 담았습니다. 불안함에 휩싸일 때, 결국 나를 구해주는 것은 내 일상의 힘입니다.
    As I approach graduation in my final semester of senior year, I often find myself standing at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. Should I go to graduate school or dive into the workforce? The weight of these choices grows heavier with each passing day. And when these questions overwhelm me, a deeper thought haunts me: 'Why am I even living this way?'
    But it's my daily routine that keeps me grounded. I wake up at 6:30 a.m., stretch for 20 minutes, and practice speaking English for another 20 minutes. This routine helps me gather my thoughts, especially when I feel anxious and uncertain. After getting ready in 15 minutes, I meet a friend for breakfast at 8 a.m. By then, the sunlight begins to gently illuminate my path.
    The rest of my day is spent studying in the library until 6 p.m., when I go to my part-time job. My days feel like they're on a constant loop, but even though this routine may sometimes feel monotonous, I hold on to the belief that it's helping me inch closer to the path I truly want to take.
    Though I can't always see the way ahead, I'm moving forward bit by bit every day. It's this consistency that holds me together amidst an uncertain future. I remind myself that this is part of the preparation for something bigger.
    Surprisingly, my mind is healthier than ever. I’ve found a sense of peace that I never had before. Every day, I'm learning to love myself a little more, taking care of myself, and thinking more positively as I end each day. In this uncertain life, I’ve made a promise to myself to never lose who I am.
    Many people focus only on the results, but I’m learning to love the process. This daily routine gives my life meaning, and I’m confident that it will eventually lead me to where I want to go.
    #일상 #졸업준비 #불안극복 #미래고민 #꾸준함 #자기성장 #루틴 #4학년 #마지막학기 #긍정적인변화 #자기사랑 #멘탈관리
    #DailyLife #GraduationPreparation #OvercomingAnxiety #FutureDecisions #Consistency #SelfGrowth #Routine #SeniorYear #PositiveChanges #SelfLove #MentalHealth


  • @bathuanarchi1720
    @bathuanarchi1720 4 дні тому

    홍 화이팅!!!… 괜찮으면 조식 시간 내줘유~~😉

  • @Hello-y2h
    @Hello-y2h 4 дні тому

    홍 힘내요