Not all of us found Trump amusing the first time around. He was arrogant, ignorant, misogynistic & a bully, none of which are remotely amusing traits for anyone, much less a leader of a powerful nation.
Unfortunately, a majority of the population likes blood sports and that's where he successfully tapped into it while a lot of people who voted for Biden in 2020 sat out because of a single or two issues they didn't like. That's the general problem with a misinformed Democratic electorate.
We laughed while we sleep walked into a totalitarian dystopia, we thought the idea so ridiculous that it couldn't happen. What, us get fooled like those idiots in the 1930s? 😂
@@bluetoad2668, worse than that as people knew what Trump was up to as he told everyone. Hitler didn’t start in the same way, it happened over a period of time and there wasn’t any social media. Similarities though, trying to discredit the press that fact check and trying to claim groups are to claim to fit the agenda. For Hitler this was the Jewish people, for Trump it is anyone who doesn’t agree. He’s blaming immigrants and has said he’ll target them however the oligarchs (back to Elon again) need the H1B visas to suppress wages for highly skilled technical workers… America when it falls on its arse don’t say we didn’t tell you!
@@bluetoad2668 Yeah, we tend to look at those people as of they were different to us. Germany and Berlin were the height of modernisms and freethink just before it became a totalitarian hell hole. But for our part, we need to stop being reactionary and offer a vision for the world. We can't just keep pointing at the fascistic weirdos without offering an alternative.
Elon literally deleted my post when I said he was acting like a 7th grade bully. So much for free speech Not when it involves him. I'm deleting my account on Inauguration day, January 20th.
As an engineer, I used to think Musk was a visionary and a genius. I started to change my point of view with the "pedo guy" tweet (remember the boys stranded in a cave in Thailand saved by a British cave diver). Then he appropriated some brilliant ideas from Tim Dodd (Everyday Astronaut) saying they were his. From then on, he just went downhill in my esteem. Buying Twitter really destroyed Elon Musk's sanity. I think it's time to sell Tesla stocks, the Cybertruck is a failure, the new Sportster is always a year in the future and competition is catching up, often better or cheaper (BYD, Rivian) without all the hype and fuss. Tesla is too connected to Elon's persona who is increasingly controversial for many people. People think Elon was the first to get rocket boosters to land back on earth. In fact, NASA did it 25 years ago with the X-33 and Venture Star project (Single Stage To Orbit reusable launch system). They even used linear aerospike engines and lifting body flight down, which is really revolutionary. The program was cancelled because much of the technology was not developed enough. And don't forget that landing the LEM on the moon was exactly that, albeit landing in 1/6 th earth gravity. Unfortunately, being a brilliant guy with Aspergers syndrome, becoming extremely rich and powerful with a god complex and working oneself to extreme sleep deprivation is not a recipe for good mental health. Nicola Tesla was an absolute genius. But he went totally nuts towards the end of his life. Genius and madness often come in the same package, it is a stereotype but has truth to it. These are people with unusual brains and thought processes.
I suggest you research the pedo guy story, there is more to it than you may realise. EG the "pedo guy" did not actually save anyone, and he provoked Musk's outburst by telling him to stick his offer of help up his arse. The Cybertruck is emphatically not a failure. It sold more in 2024 than any other electric truck and was the 5th best selling EV in the US. Musk has never claimed to be first. What he does is commercialise technology to make it scaleable thus allowing its costs to reduce, to the benefit of all. That will be his legacy.
I think you still maybe overestimate Elon’s brilliance. He certainly made some very good choices (buying Tesla and starting SpaceX), but most of the rest seems to be him inflating himself based on the work and ideas of other people. I used to think he was a brilliant salesman who’d duped everyone into thinking he was a brilliant engineer (rather than the employer of brilliant engineers); today I’m increasingly of the opinion that he simply employed a brilliant PR team.
@@crow-dont-knowMusk may have had success in technical innovation but should be kept out of any social innovation (e.g. politics) given his obvious social inadequacies. Perhaps the sad tale of Musk will be used as a warning for future generations in the manner of King Midas.
No harm in letting them know where you're off too, often everyone else is waiting for someone to take the lead. BTW X will now censor messages about competing platforms, so you'll need to let them know via some other means, or in words a bot won't spot.
What do you think of Trump's Meme Coin that is launching now and will go fully to public launch during his own inauguration? Is it legal? It's flipping wild! Will be pump his meme coin with his inauguration speech?ñ
It sickens me that the news politics and even sport keep mentioning x still , now it's very clear x is a maga phone for the ego of a delicate little hate filled child you would think there would be a growing sentiment for all decent people and organisations to stop using it , it is now just feeding lies and hate to the lowest forms of humanity.
Your fundamental error is that, despite everything we know about Musk, you continue to say that he's had great ideas about space travel and electric vehicles, whereas he really hasn't had one single new idea (that wasn't already someone else's idea). You say he's a workaholic, again, because he says he's a workaholic - he's not. He's fundamentally lazy, both intellectually and physically. He's a good marketer/liar in the same vein as Trump. You need to start pointing out his actual lack of intelligence. Constantly. Please stop crediting him with qualities (and qualifications) he doesn't actually possess.
@@DarkRoomAmbience The closer he is to the end product the worse it is. His coding on Paypal/Zip was apparently shite, and that was before getting kicked upstairs & then booted out by Thiel for bad decisions...
“Elon Musk rolls out of be and does the work of a thousand people” Sam Harris The dems pushed him away so he switched teams and now you guys are all butthurt.
It’s actually deeply frightening what is going on with people from the U.S. at the moment. I have started to view the U.S. and the people who live there as genuinely dangerous and a threat to the entire world - its like they have all lost their minds or else suddenly stopped pretending to be civilised people generally motivated towards the good and instead started to bow down to the most awful type of people (Trump and all MAGA Republicans generally). And I’m European and someone who has for all my life loved the States and loved visiting there. But the people living there have started to embrace something that is truly, genuinely very dark over the course of the period since 2016 and it really is very, very frightening - and something that very much needs to be fought back against!!
To be fully transparent, the US has long been exactly like you're describing; it's just that the people in charge were very artful at concealing it (or, relatively so-- I never thought anyone could be as artless at concealing the corruption than the Bush/Cheney regime). The "motivated towards the good" is a thing we claim about ourselves, but don't actually practice. The US is a huge country, though, and there is a large diversity of ideas, and it's not like all the idiots are in one place-- it's just that there are higher concentrations in some areas than non-idiots.
The US was an industrial powerhouse in the early to later mid 20th C. I was surprised at how progressive the labour laws and workers rights were in the US in the early 20th C. Workers unions were common. But this was destroyed by a cabal of libertine industrialists with a host of dirty tricks including false flag acts of violence. After the travesty of the Great Depression, WW2 jacked US industry to the nth degree. It's been a steady slide down since then but really hastened by the neoliberal economics of the 1970s/80s that Reagan and Thatcher embraced. Unfettered capitalism and globalism has damaged workers' pay and protections, harmed the environment - with more CO2 released since the 1990s than all of our previous recorded history, and trade protectionism has returned. The rightwing elites are scapegoating 'the other' and minorities? and the angry populace are in thrall to these snake oil salesmen. The people's ire is wholly misdirected. It is the Military Industrial Complex and the new age robber barons that should be blamed for the utter mess that gross, unchecked, rampant free market ideology has wrecked on society. It is time for a serious dose of social democracy and ethical capitalism.
Social media probably is a steaming pile of sh1t but it's not as if the legacy media hasn't been hijacked by oligarchs serving their paymasters in the Military Industrial Complex with journalists acting as stenographers for them.
"Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings." wiki
I see Elon's attention getting proclivity to be more an on the spectrum person with desperate need to have friends. He doesn't present as classical NPD.
@@genef1027 And you're basing that upon what Musk hating news media has reported about him? If you are a licensed pscyho therapist your governing body should withdraw your licence.
I'm a 52-year-old gamer. But I don't cheat. Or spew deeply toxic Far Right extremist vomit like Elon, whose platform I have left, with my Facebook exit at the end of the month approaching too.
Nothing wrong Elon Musk that the next 50 years marooned on an uncharted island wouldn't cure. [SPOILER] He's isn't any kind of engineer, and would not be able to build a raft that stayed afloat.
@BriantheLionNZ Yeah, but Musk is the type who would know which type of wood floats best, but would never know how to tie a decent knot to hold it all together.
After the American jury let him off with the “pedo guy” slander, he has felt emboldened to name call, make false accusations &:assertions because there are no consequences for him. His money also allows him to continue legal cases almost indefinitely which would bankrupt anyone who tries to sue him for falsehoods. At the same time he cannot cope with a similar level of criticism or negativity towards him.
There are a few cases against him now that trump won’t be able to make go away, some think Trump will ghost him after the inauguration as his money got Trump the presidency and he’s no longer needed. We’ll have to wait and see
@@Helpmboab-l7uHe slandered the British diver who helped rescue a football team trapped underground in Thailand. Musk came charging in with a submarine completely unsuitable for the rescue. The diver pointed that out to him and was called a “pedo guy” by Musk. Musk got off when sued because it’s something he claims is used as a generic insult in South Africa. Who knows but I think Musk knew what he was doing.
Personally, I closed my Twitter account shortly after Musk took it over. I currently only keep my Facebook account because my family uses a private messenger group to keep in contact, otherwise it would have gone by now. These social media platforms are truly and deeply disgusting and I really don't understand why people keep using them.
He has the orange man as a friend, for now anyway. He’s been referring to himself as the orange man’s “first buddy” 😂 Two narcissists of that magnitude are always destined for an explosive breakup.
I call it the x-factor/ messiah complex. Something 2do with massive confirmative feedback. Jordan Petterson, Elon, Russel Brand & few others ave completely gone bonkers.
I give Jordan a pass, he hasn't eaten a full meal in years. He's on some sort of fasting-induced religious trip and still seems to keep himself aligned to his morals.
Musk's and his father's favourite book : The Mars Project , 1948, from Wernher von Braun. Yes, him, German officer, creator of the V2 rockets, later NASA officer. The fiction describes ideas on how to travel to Mars and how to found a society there. Suggests hyperloop(!) for local transport. And suggests a dystopian dictatorship. Name of dictator : Elon.
@@Helpmboab-l7u The freedom to say/write what you want, isn't the question, it's whether lies come with any accountability. There is no freedom in being lied 'about'.
@@Helpmboab-l7u No. What do you even mean, "believe in free speech"?! Freedom of expression doesn't mean, and certainly doesn't have to mean, anyone can say anything in any context without question or responsibility. That's what people of a certain inclination seem to want. That has never been either the intention or practical understanding of what freedom of expression means, in the US, the UK, and in most recognisably democratic societies, and valuing freedom of expression as a principle doesn't mean that.
One of the many problems with Musk is other people. Seems like people love to give him attention…much like they do with the felon president…maybe people are a bit responsible for turning these two into really incorrigible ( and boring) toddlers.
The two worst social developments that have happened recently are 1) a near complete loss of self awareness, and 2) social media confusing people into thinking that just because they can say something, they should. So here too I am, saying something to a meaningless, faceless mob, as if my ignorant opinion matters. Congrats humanity.
Being a genius and marketing yourself as one is two different things. People in general especially Americans conflate wealth with intelligence and the reality is if you’re born into a rich household, you don’t need intelligence do you?
My James, aren't you a snob. From a counrty that puts a bunch of squatting German as royality. Are are right about rich households, what made UK great.
Nobody has a megaphone it's digital "reality" if one can't handle even those who you seem dim having their say online I suggest you develop thicker skin
Armando’s assertion that he doesn’t engage with commentators was a serious eye opener for me. Like the naive fool I am that never occurred to me before but makes total sense and will now be my guiding principle. Thanks Armando. 👍🏻
for years now Musk has had a carefully curated image online carefully presenting him- the genius, the humanist, the inventor, the futurist, the self made, lone wolf dodging bullets neo like - the power of the media to shape thoughts and behaviour is frightening.
Normal for an aging Asperger, his coping mechanisms are failing him (these cost energy) and his "fake" armor personality gets lost in the process. His real personality starts shining through, and that is a lot more problematic. Same happend to me around my 50th birthday. Fortunately my real personality was about as 180 degrees oriented to Musks as can be.
@@artisans8521 1 'aspergers' is not a label used now, DSM 5 once again broadened and loosened the criteria meaning ever more people would be labelled and drugged - DSM 5 invented the label 'asd' another reason 'aspergers isn't used anymore is because Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator and labelled many children and sent them off to be tortured and murdered - see Aspergers children by Edith Sheffer - the DSM generally is scientifically meaningless.
Musk dosent want to save the world, that's ridiculous. It's his sale pitch for tesla, nothing more or less.. what money or institutions has he backed or supported thru financial incentives..
Elons’s GrandFather Joshua Halderman was an American who backed a movement called “ technocracy “ in the 30’s. They called for the US to rule an area from Panama to the North Pole Look it up…
In the age of Social Maga Companies I would like to reclaim the letter X for generation X before the horrible imaginations of the X generation spill out of their digitised screens to poison and confuse our analogue realities. Amando thank you for articulating our collective shock,fear & frustrations through the years. I can sleep a little better now having X quantified as an industrial piss factory. It gave me a brief warm feeling which inevitably turned cold much like life in the piss factory on ketamine.
5:00 “You never see him talking to anyone” Elon Musk is boring. He is not seen talking to anyone because he is not an engaging personality. His interest in Mars is the result of him mentioning his childhood awareness of Rocket Scientist Wernher von Braun’s fictional, but technically very deeply elaborated “Mars Projekt” He saw a glimmer of interest appear in the eyes of someone he was on the verge of putting into a coma, so he decided to continue with that bit.
He talks on Joe Rogan for over 3 hours at a time. Several times they've chatted. Talking, drinking, getting high, watching videos, laughing. You've never seen it? Have you seen him streaming? Elon streams. That's what the gamer-gate this week with Elon v Asmongold was down to. Asmongold and others called out Elon for not knowing how to play the game Path of Exile 2, even though his character was 7th highest in game. Elon retaliated by publishing private DMs between Asmongold and Elon, and removing the Twitter Certified icons for Asmongold:-)) Elon calmed down and then replaced the Twitter confirmations and deleted the tweets. Smart and horrific follow up video by Asmongold
@@Google_Does_Evil_Now have you heard him in Twitter spaces? He's a horrible person, being able to maintain a convo with Joe Rogan on occasion doesn't mean anything when he turns around and treats others like dirt. I used to hold him in high regard, now I wouldn't let him scrape dung from my shoe.
I “was” a fan of Musk, mainly because of his efforts in mobility and space travel. However, he’s just getting too big for his own boots. His fan boys on X feed his narcissism and makes him believe he can stick his nose into everyone’s pies. I was gobsmacked at his cheek in interfering in both British and German politics. This at a time that many of us in Germany already harbor a negative sense towards the USA and any involvement it has in the destruction of Nordstream 2. Instead of dependence upon cheap and plentiful Russian gas, we now have to depend upon more expensive US LNG. Many are feeling less positively inclined towards a US led by billionaires and extremist minions!
I became a heavy Twitter user in the 2020 Australian bushfire crisis. Now it’s so toxic and unpleasant I spend less than 10 minutes on it before I rage leave - and it’s all because of Musks appalling behaviour. Musk has turned it onto his own right wing megaphone and people are now seeing him for who he really is. His cool genius billionaire reputation is fading rapidly.
@ I’ve absolutely considered deleting my account but thats good for the fascist racist. “Evil wins when good people do nothing” I’m not saying I’m a good person 😁 but there has to be push back against this sort of unhinged behaviour.
A lot of people genuinely think he's a saviour. The very people who complained about the price of eggs, have no problem paying their taxes so a billionaire can get a rocket to mars.
...worse, he won't even build a rocket capable of reaching Mars , let alone see one complete that mission. (despite already having spent the billions he has been paid through NASA to do so)
I can't help but think about Andrew Carnegie, once the richest man in the world using that wealth to build libraries ti improve the lives of people who could not afford books.
As far as I understand Musk actually hasn't had any great ideas on battery design or space flight. The only engineering he has actual credit for is a door design that was not used on Tesla cars and an connecting piece for the charging stations so non-Tesla models have to use adapters to charge their cars...genius! He was exposed as lying about his video game prowess as well. Just my two cents, thanks for the video.
Just don't use the damn thing! I couldn't care less that he has wrecked it. Doesn't affect me at all. I refuse to use any product from any company he is associated with.
That one was so strange. Can't fathom how he though he could get away with it. Good on the gamers for being so vocal, everyone should take their lead: when he lies make a noise so loud everyone hears it, and back it up with evidence.
I have and even though I am not a gamer I'm having a blast hearing about what happened. Lol! Is there any community that Elon hasn't royally pissed off yet?!? 😂
@@juicedgooseExactly! I think I get why he did what he did (after being challenged to play). It's because he's so full of himself that he really thought that he could fool everyone! Lol. Kinda sad, really. And very cringe.
@ . Which is the same for his VP. When nobody has ever told you, NO, and you have the financial muscle to threaten anyone with legal ruin, there are very few who will risk their livelihoods and lives, challenging your wishes. Most will simply give up and either walk away, or become a compliant sycophant.
Human Beings are so clever in the 21st Century they have invented the art of self replicating swill. I wonder how those in the future will look back on this century, the Century of Self Replicating Swill about sums it up.
There won't be any humans left in the future. Our society has become a septic tank, it is the s#/t that rises to the top. This is a recipe for self extinction. Humans will be replaced by The Machines, digging up minerals to self replicate. Earth will just become a barren radioactive wasteland.
A lot of us are deleting our accounts on X on the day of the inauguration along with not watching the inauguration because it will ruin ratings and we all know that there's nothing more important to DJT than ratings. 😂
No. Stand up for yourselves. Don’t concede, endure. Every person proudly declaring to have left the battlefield feeds the arrogance and numbers of the other “side”. What hope to change anybody’s minds in viewing in silence from the sidelines?
I have enormous respect for Armando Iannucci in his career and unbroken series of comedic hits. That respect has deepened since he began to voice his well reasoned opinions on the state of global and UK national politics. He was absolutely right to defend Jess Philips. He is absolutely right to call out Musk as the danger he is.
Musk is well represented by the 'scientist' in Dr Strangelove Musk is a nazi who wants to "breed" "human specimens" on the 'scientist' in Dr Strangelove:
Social media is all about “enrage and engage” more hits in that than a nice story. The best way to generate interest is to deliberately say something wrong, so many people are more interested in being right than being nice.
This is true. I regularly watch an internet tips youtuber who intentionally mispronounces or misnames simple things (nothing controversial or anything calling galdalf dumbledore or something) because he onows people will then comment to correct him and drive engagement.
It would probably help if outlets with an editorial department fully ignored all written output under 800 words. I enjoy writing little quips, but you can't really judge whether someone has their head screwed on correctly unless they're for Ed to carry an argument past the halfway mark.
Zuckerberg like to claim that X is not a publisher, but a platform. I think the addition of the algorithm is an editorial move that makes him a publisher...
Musk's and his father's favourite book : *The Mars Project* , 1948, from Wernher von Braun. Yes, him, German officer, creator of the V2 rockets, later NASA officer. The fiction describes ideas on how to travel to Mars and how to found a society there. Suggests hyperloop(!) for local transport. And suggests a dystopian dictatorship. Name of dictator : Elon.
A pointless conversation without talking about the way capitalism is destroying the world, and the squashing of the political alternative (socialism). You're talking about symptoms rather than the cause - about 7 steps behind where the action is. Laughing at Trump, fact checking Musk etc is the response of people far behind the reality of the situation.
That’s the trouble. We have all the receipts and the best critique but the left has been largely defeated worldwide. Until we work out how to fight back - and as the right have now colonized attention, it’s hard to know how to organize, given the only hope is still the old one - collective action.
@@damiantow Class war in a collapsing system. That’s what it’s all about. Same as a century go, only this time the rich have totally suppressed the left wing counter narrative from the political and media systems so the fascist strategy can prosper. That left wing narrative being suppressed is the socialist narrative around growing wealth inequality, with it highlighting class consciousness and promoting working class unity. As the original poster said. That’s why this is happening. Concentrated wealth protecting its class interests at a time of crisis and growing anger.
The alternative to US-style capitalism is not socialism. It is welfare capitalism. Like most other first world countries. Nobody thinks actual socialism is an option.
@@daydays12 . The danger, in this situation, is that if someone like Musk becomes a part of 'the Government', anyone voicing their concerns, dissent or criticism of that 'Government' can be swiftly silenced. In these days of corporate media control, an independent journalist who exposes those in power or the questionable behaviour of capital owners, can be digitally disappeared, or fake, fact-free smears can be instantly spread to totally discredit their claims.
Don’t pile it all on the young, older people have been the core of Trump’s voter base, and they’ve been manipulated for years by talk radio, Fox News, and today believing anything that they read on Facebook that confirms their biases.
Elon is there because of AI. All AI tech firms have signed on. They don't want data to belong to each individual so no personal privacy legislation. AI firms need DATA at all costs from everyone.
The request for Armando to go to Scotland was funny....a true story follows Setting: A bar in New York; two very close friends of mine doing a round the world trip and a Scotsman chatting over a beer. A friendly American approaches - "Hi guys how you doing?" "Fine thanks..." "Where are you from [to my mates Nick & Tino who are brothers] ?" "We're from southeast London" "[to the Scot] - and how about you my friend?" "I'm from Scotland" "Where's that at?" "It's an island off the coast of Japan" [from the Scot] "Oh....... well your English is real good!" That exchange is a true story. Scout's honour. With a "U"
Musk's fans/followers are a group of people who, if you introduced them to Othello, they'd describe it as "woke nonsense". I think we collectively missed a trick when we, with good reason at the time, decided that engaging/arguing with strangers online was a complete waste of everyone's time. Doing so just let them fester and wallow in their own shitty thoughts and conclusions - without anyone trying to correct or at least chastise them - so much so that they now think the miasma that surrounds them is as valuable as oxygen. Anyway, Musk doesn't look well. His skin looks like tracing paper. I can't imagine he'll be around too much longer.
The point is that disinformation and hate speech gets algorithmically pushed onto millions of users. Musk's posts get priority pushed onto every Twitter user.
Why are we still allowing these Social Media companies to get away with not being responsible for the content they're providing? It would be simple.......just make a law to make them responsible and allow the public to take them to court for failure to regulate?
But it's HIS piss factory, and THAT is all that matters. Now map that effect across every corporation, public service, government and entire nation of our planet, and you have the substance of The Oligarch Game: anyone with a few (unearned) billions can play... (Shame about the other 98% though, eh?)
Amazing how the left can recast a person, besmirch them when they realise they're not one of them. So enjoyable watching them try to cancel the uncancellable. You guys are now on the wane I'm afraid....liberalism has had its day thank god
This is a discussion about Musk being an arsehole. If you're deeply in love with Elon (you almost certainly are), you probably need to confine yourself to the monosyllabic rantings of MAGA outlets. Evolved conversation is not for you. I hope I've helped.
What benefits to humanity will the Tump , Musk, Putin Kim Jung Un, Orban future bring? Please name them. If you don't reply I will suppose you can't name these benefits.
Really, what has he done other than gaslighting stories he dosent even know about. You also have to be careful because some who yell the loudest are actually committing the crime themselves..
What is he going to do for the victims? He is no different to you. He just likes silly comments that might annoy people. He AND YOU have ZERO concern for the victims. You could not care less about those young girls. You're a fraud.
B*llocks musk is an egotistical fraud who's using victims to stir up hatred and in doing so retraumatising them. If he was genuine he'd be putting his money where his big mouth is and actually help victims of abuse instead of using them as pawns.
Not all of us found Trump amusing the first time around. He was arrogant, ignorant, misogynistic & a bully, none of which are remotely amusing traits for anyone, much less a leader of a powerful nation.
Perfect for the poorly educated conservatives here.
Yes i never like him even in 1990 when i worked at taj mahal in Atlantic City saw his corruption !!!!!
He was never amusing. There was always something repellent about him, even before the full horror became apparent.
@@s-c.. and highly corrupt. He's also a wannabe dictator.
Unfortunately, a majority of the population likes blood sports and that's where he successfully tapped into it while a lot of people who voted for Biden in 2020 sat out because of a single or two issues they didn't like. That's the general problem with a misinformed Democratic electorate.
We laughed while we sleep walked into a totalitarian dystopia, we thought the idea so ridiculous that it couldn't happen. What, us get fooled like those idiots in the 1930s? 😂
Same arrogance from those who can think while those who can't just got on with taking over.
@@bluetoad2668, worse than that as people knew what Trump was up to as he told everyone. Hitler didn’t start in the same way, it happened over a period of time and there wasn’t any social media.
Similarities though, trying to discredit the press that fact check and trying to claim groups are to claim to fit the agenda. For Hitler this was the Jewish people, for Trump it is anyone who doesn’t agree. He’s blaming immigrants and has said he’ll target them however the oligarchs (back to Elon again) need the H1B visas to suppress wages for highly skilled technical workers…
America when it falls on its arse don’t say we didn’t tell you!
Musk’s genius is to provoke people into making complete twits of themselves.
@@bluetoad2668 Yeah, we tend to look at those people as of they were different to us. Germany and Berlin were the height of modernisms and freethink just before it became a totalitarian hell hole.
But for our part, we need to stop being reactionary and offer a vision for the world. We can't just keep pointing at the fascistic weirdos without offering an alternative.
Elon literally deleted my post when I said he was acting like a 7th grade bully.
So much for free speech
Not when it involves him.
I'm deleting my account on Inauguration day, January 20th.
WHY NOT DO IT NOW, Cos nobody cares because your a nobody that has achieved nothing yourself
Same! 💪
Musk definition of free speech, far right fascistic comments that promote hate, anything not conforming to that must be silenced.
@@Chereese0808 course you will
@@IMSiegfriedStunning and brave!
As an engineer, I used to think Musk was a visionary and a genius. I started to change my point of view with the "pedo guy" tweet (remember the boys stranded in a cave in Thailand saved by a British cave diver). Then he appropriated some brilliant ideas from Tim Dodd (Everyday Astronaut) saying they were his. From then on, he just went downhill in my esteem. Buying Twitter really destroyed Elon Musk's sanity. I think it's time to sell Tesla stocks, the Cybertruck is a failure, the new Sportster is always a year in the future and competition is catching up, often better or cheaper (BYD, Rivian) without all the hype and fuss. Tesla is too connected to Elon's persona who is increasingly controversial for many people.
People think Elon was the first to get rocket boosters to land back on earth. In fact, NASA did it 25 years ago with the X-33 and Venture Star project (Single Stage To Orbit reusable launch system). They even used linear aerospike engines and lifting body flight down, which is really revolutionary. The program was cancelled because much of the technology was not developed enough. And don't forget that landing the LEM on the moon was exactly that, albeit landing in 1/6 th earth gravity.
Unfortunately, being a brilliant guy with Aspergers syndrome, becoming extremely rich and powerful with a god complex and working oneself to extreme sleep deprivation is not a recipe for good mental health.
Nicola Tesla was an absolute genius. But he went totally nuts towards the end of his life. Genius and madness often come in the same package, it is a stereotype but has truth to it. These are people with unusual brains and thought processes.
Musk is NOT a genius.
I suggest you research the pedo guy story, there is more to it than you may realise. EG the "pedo guy" did not actually save anyone, and he provoked Musk's outburst by telling him to stick his offer of help up his arse.
The Cybertruck is emphatically not a failure. It sold more in 2024 than any other electric truck and was the 5th best selling EV in the US.
Musk has never claimed to be first. What he does is commercialise technology to make it scaleable thus allowing its costs to reduce, to the benefit of all. That will be his legacy.
I think you still maybe overestimate Elon’s brilliance. He certainly made some very good choices (buying Tesla and starting SpaceX), but most of the rest seems to be him inflating himself based on the work and ideas of other people. I used to think he was a brilliant salesman who’d duped everyone into thinking he was a brilliant engineer (rather than the employer of brilliant engineers); today I’m increasingly of the opinion that he simply employed a brilliant PR team.
@@crow-dont-knowMusk may have had success in technical innovation but should be kept out of any social innovation (e.g. politics) given his obvious social inadequacies. Perhaps the sad tale of Musk will be used as a warning for future generations in the manner of King Midas.
@@damiantow I’m honestly not sure what I said that you’re responding to.
Why does anyone use twitter? No one NEEDS twitter. We lived long lives without it. There is no news that you can’t get anywhere else
Some of us have real friends on X, and they post real content there. When they leave X, I'm gone too.
No harm in letting them know where you're off too, often everyone else is waiting for someone to take the lead. BTW X will now censor messages about competing platforms, so you'll need to let them know via some other means, or in words a bot won't spot.
@genef😂😂😂😂😂😂😂"real friends". Invite them to your birthday party and tell me how many showed up.1027
TikTok > Xchan
@@genef1027 if you've never met them they're not your friends
It's ridiculous that Musk writing on his own platform, boosted by his own algorithm, is not "a publisher".
Please, please if you haven't already delete your Twitters. Don't feed the troll!
@@CurtOntheRadio that would be a form derogatory description of an otherwise professional individual.......if you applied it to this toddler.
@@diamondlion47I moved to Bluesky recently. Now I am waiting for others to do the same …. 🤔
Boycott Xchan and Tesla
@ move to Bluesky and don’t drive Teslas.
"Twitter" is a megaton sized megaphone in the hands of a mega-rich megalomaniac.
Who doesn't advocate the mutilation of children and vulnerable adults in the name of a sick ideology.
Make sure to delete your Twitters everybody. Best way to deal with a troll is ignore them.
What do you think of Trump's Meme Coin that is launching now and will go fully to public launch during his own inauguration?
Is it legal?
It's flipping wild!
Will be pump his meme coin with his inauguration speech?ñ
And you are a worm
I did! @@diamondlion47
"a critical mass of horribleness"! Great stuff Armando Iannucci 🙂
Getting off X - and deleting it - has been liberating - i highly recommend
I deleted Amazon too after bezos behaviour lately.
@@JohnWSmartNow absolutely then cut your cable and u won’t be blasted with lies 24/7 . I did that yrs ago and never miss it .
It sickens me that the news politics and even sport keep mentioning x still , now it's very clear x is a maga phone for the ego of a delicate little hate filled child you would think there would be a growing sentiment for all decent people and organisations to stop using it , it is now just feeding lies and hate to the lowest forms of humanity.
Yep, done the same with Facebook.
Bet you can't do it with pornhub
Your fundamental error is that, despite everything we know about Musk, you continue to say that he's had great ideas about space travel and electric vehicles, whereas he really hasn't had one single new idea (that wasn't already someone else's idea). You say he's a workaholic, again, because he says he's a workaholic - he's not. He's fundamentally lazy, both intellectually and physically. He's a good marketer/liar in the same vein as Trump. You need to start pointing out his actual lack of intelligence. Constantly. Please stop crediting him with qualities (and qualifications) he doesn't actually possess.
To be fair, Elon did have a single new idea, it was that underground car tunnel thing that failed.
@@DarkRoomAmbience The closer he is to the end product the worse it is. His coding on Paypal/Zip was apparently shite, and that was before getting kicked upstairs & then booted out by Thiel for bad decisions...
“Elon Musk rolls out of be and does the work of a thousand people”
Sam Harris
The dems pushed him away so he switched teams and now you guys are all butthurt.
@@revo1974 ?!
@@hairychris444 The fact that Elon is who he is today is because of Peter(Obviously C.I.A) Thiel.
It’s actually deeply frightening what is going on with people from the U.S. at the moment. I have started to view the U.S. and the people who live there as genuinely dangerous and a threat to the entire world - its like they have all lost their minds or else suddenly stopped pretending to be civilised people generally motivated towards the good and instead started to bow down to the most awful type of people (Trump and all MAGA Republicans generally). And I’m European and someone who has for all my life loved the States and loved visiting there. But the people living there have started to embrace something that is truly, genuinely very dark over the course of the period since 2016 and it really is very, very frightening - and something that very much needs to be fought back against!!
To be fully transparent, the US has long been exactly like you're describing; it's just that the people in charge were very artful at concealing it (or, relatively so-- I never thought anyone could be as artless at concealing the corruption than the Bush/Cheney regime). The "motivated towards the good" is a thing we claim about ourselves, but don't actually practice. The US is a huge country, though, and there is a large diversity of ideas, and it's not like all the idiots are in one place-- it's just that there are higher concentrations in some areas than non-idiots.
You've definitely got it Doc.
The US was an industrial powerhouse in the early to later mid 20th C. I was surprised at how progressive the labour laws and workers rights were in the US in the early 20th C. Workers unions were common. But this was destroyed by a cabal of libertine industrialists with a host of dirty tricks including false flag acts of violence. After the travesty of the Great Depression, WW2 jacked US industry to the nth degree. It's been a steady slide down since then but really hastened by the neoliberal economics of the 1970s/80s that Reagan and Thatcher embraced. Unfettered capitalism and globalism has damaged workers' pay and protections, harmed the environment - with more CO2 released since the 1990s than all of our previous recorded history, and trade protectionism has returned. The rightwing elites are scapegoating 'the other' and minorities? and the angry populace are in thrall to these snake oil salesmen. The people's ire is wholly misdirected. It is the Military Industrial Complex and the new age robber barons that should be blamed for the utter mess that gross, unchecked, rampant free market ideology has wrecked on society. It is time for a serious dose of social democracy and ethical capitalism.
Social media probably is a steaming pile of sh1t but it's not as if the legacy media hasn't been hijacked by oligarchs serving their paymasters in the Military Industrial Complex with journalists acting as stenographers for them.
And not every person in America is happy with the present situation.
"Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings."
Wikipedia? That can't be right, Elon says it's woke 😂.
I see Elon's attention getting proclivity to be more an on the spectrum person with desperate need to have friends. He doesn't present as classical NPD.
@@genef1027 And you're basing that upon what Musk hating news media has reported about him?
If you are a licensed pscyho therapist your governing body should withdraw your licence.
Narcissists ❤ Narcissist in Chief
Or, to old women like me who have seen a bit of the world and speak in plain English, he's just a nasty little shit.
He a 53 year old gamer that cheats. Sad 😔 😟
@@andybryant3052 like trump an old man lying and cheating , 2sides of the same coin .
An 80 year old president that cheats at golf and claims trump towers is the bigliest building in Manhattan when it obviously isn’t.
@lizroberts1569 can't argue with that. 🍊🤡
I'm a 52-year-old gamer. But I don't cheat. Or spew deeply toxic Far Right extremist vomit like Elon, whose platform I have left, with my Facebook exit at the end of the month approaching too.
And shows the whole world what a cheat he is. He has gone down the rabbit hole and is not coming back.
Nothing wrong Elon Musk that the next 50 years marooned on an uncharted island wouldn't cure.
[SPOILER] He's isn't any kind of engineer, and would not be able to build a raft that stayed afloat.
And no-one will build the raft for him...
Well thats not true, as much as you'd like to think that, even I can fashion a raft out of few materials.
It's inhumane to maroon Musk on an uncharted island on his own. I think there should be a few people with him.
@@pynn1000 Such as?? Putin ? The boss of AfD? Farage?
@BriantheLionNZ Yeah, but Musk is the type who would know which type of wood floats best, but would never know how to tie a decent knot to hold it all together.
Agree that media needs to stop treating civilisation on fire as entertainment. Newsnight was giggling at a Trump second term yesterday.
After the American jury let him off with the “pedo guy” slander, he has felt emboldened to name call, make false accusations &:assertions because there are no consequences for him. His money also allows him to continue legal cases almost indefinitely which would bankrupt anyone who tries to sue him for falsehoods. At the same time he cannot cope with a similar level of criticism or negativity towards him.
There are a few cases against him now that trump won’t be able to make go away, some think Trump will ghost him after the inauguration as his money got Trump the presidency and he’s no longer needed. We’ll have to wait and see
If he comes over here and tries that over in the UK, he may find himself in trouble. I'd suggest Wormwood Scrubbs type trouble.
I think his Pedo Guy comment was when he lost the respect of the public.
To whom was he referring? I hadn't seen this incident
@@Helpmboab-l7uHe slandered the British diver who helped rescue a football team trapped underground in Thailand. Musk came charging in with a submarine completely unsuitable for the rescue. The diver pointed that out to him and was called a “pedo guy” by Musk. Musk got off when sued because it’s something he claims is used as a generic insult in South Africa. Who knows but I think Musk knew what he was doing.
Personally, I closed my Twitter account shortly after Musk took it over. I currently only keep my Facebook account because my family uses a private messenger group to keep in contact, otherwise it would have gone by now. These social media platforms are truly and deeply disgusting and I really don't understand why people keep using them.
Yeah, me too; I've only got Facebook still so that I can use Messenger; the main app can go,ahem! itself.
You just stated why people still use them.
I never liked twitter
@@mariahuff3507 Me neither.
Thank you for standing up for Jess Phillips (what a brave woman).
I find Musk a sad little man, lonely, unlikeable and unloved. All that money but he has nothing. 😢😢
He has the orange man as a friend, for now anyway. He’s been referring to himself as the orange man’s “first buddy” 😂 Two narcissists of that magnitude are always destined for an explosive breakup.
I call it the x-factor/ messiah complex. Something 2do with massive confirmative feedback. Jordan Petterson, Elon, Russel Brand & few others ave completely gone bonkers.
Or they were always that way and it’s only apparent now
I give Jordan a pass, he hasn't eaten a full meal in years. He's on some sort of fasting-induced religious trip and still seems to keep himself aligned to his morals.
"Anyone who doesn't agree with my extremist left wing positions is insane"... really?
Musk's and his father's favourite book : The Mars Project , 1948, from Wernher von Braun. Yes, him, German officer, creator of the V2 rockets, later NASA officer. The fiction describes ideas on how to travel to Mars and how to found a society there. Suggests hyperloop(!) for local transport. And suggests a dystopian dictatorship. Name of dictator : Elon.
I do think 50 years from now we will look back at our social media algorithms effects on the human brain and be appalled.
Social media values not freedom of speech, but freedom from responsibility.
Usual old chestnut, you either believe in free speech or you don't.
@@Helpmboab-l7u The freedom to say/write what you want, isn't the question, it's whether lies come with any accountability. There is no freedom in being lied 'about'.
@englandcalling9721 aha so you agree that more free speech is required ...dialectics should be allowed
@@Helpmboab-l7u No. What do you even mean, "believe in free speech"?! Freedom of expression doesn't mean, and certainly doesn't have to mean, anyone can say anything in any context without question or responsibility. That's what people of a certain inclination seem to want. That has never been either the intention or practical understanding of what freedom of expression means, in the US, the UK, and in most recognisably democratic societies, and valuing freedom of expression as a principle doesn't mean that.
One of the many problems with Musk is other people. Seems like people love to give him attention…much like they do with the felon president…maybe people are a bit responsible for turning these two into really incorrigible ( and boring) toddlers.
Oh, absolutely! But burying your head in the sand also doesn't work.
who made him felon. so much faek crimes and lawfare then turn around and call him a felon but the election proved you wrong
Love Iannucci.
me too!
The two worst social developments that have happened recently are 1) a near complete loss of self awareness, and 2) social media confusing people into thinking that just because they can say something, they should. So here too I am, saying something to a meaningless, faceless mob, as if my ignorant opinion matters. Congrats humanity.
Being a genius and marketing yourself as one is two different things. People in general especially Americans conflate wealth with intelligence and the reality is if you’re born into a rich household, you don’t need intelligence do you?
The trump kids are proof of that.
My James, aren't you a snob. From a counrty that puts a bunch of squatting German as royality. Are are right about rich households, what made UK great.
Don't deceive yourself into thinking he's not technically intelligent - he definitely is. Doesn't mean he isn't also an abrasive twat.
@@jron20r51 UK was made great by many decades of non British people suffering worldwide...
I think it is also worth mentioning that Armando Iannucci wrote and directed "The death of Stalin".
Definitely is
I think you’re dismissing just how dim people are.. & how they now have a mega phone
Nobody has a megaphone it's digital "reality" if one can't handle even those who you seem dim having their say online I suggest you develop thicker skin
My point made😂👍
Armando’s assertion that he doesn’t engage with commentators was a serious eye opener for me. Like the naive fool I am that never occurred to me before but makes total sense and will now be my guiding principle. Thanks Armando. 👍🏻
for years now Musk has had a carefully curated image online carefully presenting him- the genius, the humanist, the inventor, the futurist, the self made, lone wolf dodging bullets neo like - the power of the media to shape thoughts and behaviour is frightening.
But whenever I see him on camera I see someone who is completely out to lunch ... None of his behaviour seems normal.
Perhaps he was all those things and is slipping right now.
Normal for an aging Asperger, his coping mechanisms are failing him (these cost energy) and his "fake" armor personality gets lost in the process. His real personality starts shining through, and that is a lot more problematic. Same happend to me around my 50th birthday. Fortunately my real personality was about as 180 degrees oriented to Musks as can be.
@@artisans8521 1 'aspergers' is not a label used now, DSM 5 once again broadened and loosened the criteria meaning ever more people would be labelled and drugged - DSM 5 invented the label 'asd' another reason 'aspergers isn't used anymore is because Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator and labelled many children and sent them off to be tortured and murdered - see Aspergers children by Edith Sheffer - the DSM generally is scientifically meaningless.
@@artisans8521 bollox
The cornershop gossip now has access to an audience of millions
As his friend said " he really wants to save world" but it has to be him, nobody else just him.
Musk dosent want to save the world, that's ridiculous. It's his sale pitch for tesla, nothing more or less.. what money or institutions has he backed or supported thru financial incentives..
Thats what he says, but he believes that he is the only one who can based on totally. whacked out ideas.
Elons’s GrandFather Joshua Halderman was an American who backed a movement called “ technocracy “ in the 30’s.
They called for the US to rule an area from Panama to the North Pole
Look it up…
"His friend"? Um, could you be a wee bit more specific?
he bought twump , he is his bought fwend.
In the age of Social Maga Companies I would like to reclaim the letter X for generation X before the horrible imaginations of the X generation spill out of their digitised screens to poison and confuse our analogue realities. Amando thank you for articulating our collective shock,fear & frustrations through the years. I can sleep a little better now having X quantified as an industrial piss factory. It gave me a brief warm feeling which inevitably turned cold much like life in the piss factory on ketamine.
Ironically extensive ketamine use can be very damaging to the bladder!
" our collective..." 🤣🤣🤣 Perfect just perfect
He can keep x. It looks too similar to a swastika for my liking.
“What is true is what people want to be true”. Can’t think of a better way to sum up society right now.
People believe what they want to believe
Ah yes like transidentified males 'being' women perhaps?
Musk is not sending anyone to Mars.
5:00 “You never see him talking to anyone”
Elon Musk is boring.
He is not seen talking to anyone because he is not an engaging personality.
His interest in Mars is the result of him mentioning his childhood awareness of Rocket Scientist Wernher von Braun’s fictional, but technically very deeply elaborated “Mars Projekt”
He saw a glimmer of interest appear in the eyes of someone he was on the verge of putting into a coma, so he decided to continue with that bit.
In von Braun's novel, the leader of the Martians is known as the Elon. I wonder if reading that planted the seed of Musk's megalomania.
He talks on Joe Rogan for over 3 hours at a time. Several times they've chatted. Talking, drinking, getting high, watching videos, laughing. You've never seen it?
Have you seen him streaming? Elon streams. That's what the gamer-gate this week with Elon v Asmongold was down to. Asmongold and others called out Elon for not knowing how to play the game Path of Exile 2, even though his character was 7th highest in game.
Elon retaliated by publishing private DMs between Asmongold and Elon, and removing the Twitter Certified icons for Asmongold:-))
Elon calmed down and then replaced the Twitter confirmations and deleted the tweets. Smart and horrific follow up video by Asmongold
@@Google_Does_Evil_Now have you heard him in Twitter spaces? He's a horrible person, being able to maintain a convo with Joe Rogan on occasion doesn't mean anything when he turns around and treats others like dirt. I used to hold him in high regard, now I wouldn't let him scrape dung from my shoe.
@@HeeBeeGeeBee392 yes
He is not interested in anyone else opinion. He is the most sensitive man ever. Can't take a joke, criticism, or even advice.
I “was” a fan of Musk, mainly because of his efforts in mobility and space travel. However, he’s just getting too big for his own boots. His fan boys on X feed his narcissism and makes him believe he can stick his nose into everyone’s pies.
I was gobsmacked at his cheek in interfering in both British and German politics. This at a time that many of us in Germany already harbor a negative sense towards the USA and any involvement it has in the destruction of Nordstream 2.
Instead of dependence upon cheap and plentiful Russian gas, we now have to depend upon more expensive US LNG.
Many are feeling less positively inclined towards a US led by billionaires and extremist minions!
I became a heavy Twitter user in the 2020 Australian bushfire crisis. Now it’s so toxic and unpleasant I spend less than 10 minutes on it before I rage leave - and it’s all because of Musks appalling behaviour.
Musk has turned it onto his own right wing megaphone and people are now seeing him for who he really is. His cool genius billionaire reputation is fading rapidly.
Angie, I’m sorry to hear it stirs up such a rage in you. Have you considered just deleting your account? I think it would be a good move.
@ I’ve absolutely considered deleting my account but thats good for the fascist racist.
“Evil wins when good people do nothing”
I’m not saying I’m a good person 😁 but there has to be push back against this sort of unhinged behaviour.
A lot of people genuinely think he's a saviour.
The very people who complained about the price of eggs, have no problem paying their taxes so a billionaire can get a rocket to mars.
A lot of people are stupid…
MAGA lomania
@@sp762au Indeed! Many people are much stupider and less educated than we realise.
...worse, he won't even build a rocket capable of reaching Mars , let alone see one complete that mission. (despite already having spent the billions he has been paid through NASA to do so)
I can't help but think about Andrew Carnegie, once the richest man in the world using that wealth to build libraries ti improve the lives of people who could not afford books.
Musk has ruined Twitter. Call it Twitter
It was already a cesspool…
@@Helpmboab-l7ulove you too x
@PietroShitzberg "too" 😂 how droll of you.
or Twatter or Xitter
As far as I understand Musk actually hasn't had any great ideas on battery design or space flight. The only engineering he has actual credit for is a door design that was not used on Tesla cars and an connecting piece for the charging stations so non-Tesla models have to use adapters to charge their cars...genius! He was exposed as lying about his video game prowess as well. Just my two cents, thanks for the video.
Regular people have to use adapters also not just models...sorry for being dumb 😀
Good to know there's still rational people out there,
Thanks for letting Armando talk lots and just gently steering it here and there. Really interesting views and ideas came out of that. 👍
Just don't use the damn thing! I couldn't care less that he has wrecked it. Doesn't affect me at all. I refuse to use any product from any company he is associated with.
It's kinda like politics. You might not care about it but it cares about you!
You’re not the audience mate.
Have you guys seen the story about him caught being boosted in the Game Path of Exile 2
That one was so strange. Can't fathom how he though he could get away with it. Good on the gamers for being so vocal, everyone should take their lead: when he lies make a noise so loud everyone hears it, and back it up with evidence.
I have and even though I am not a gamer I'm having a blast hearing about what happened. Lol! Is there any community that Elon hasn't royally pissed off yet?!? 😂
I think I get why he did what he did (after being challenged to play). It's because he's so full of himself that he really thought that he could fool everyone! Lol. Kinda sad, really. And very cringe.
@@juicedgoose he thought he’d get away with it because he’s basically been getting away with it for years now in other areas
@ . Which is the same for his VP.
When nobody has ever told you, NO, and you have the financial muscle to threaten anyone with legal ruin, there are very few who will risk their livelihoods and lives, challenging your wishes.
Most will simply give up and either walk away, or become a compliant sycophant.
Monetizing is the problem, force platforms to remove it, and stop much of the incentive for false narratives and clickbait.
I think that's exactly it, but profit is the name of the game.
Love Armando
Human Beings are so clever in the 21st Century they have invented the art of self replicating swill. I wonder how those in the future will look back on this century, the Century of Self Replicating Swill about sums it up.
YES Brilliant.
There won't be any humans left in the future. Our society has become a septic tank, it is the s#/t that rises to the top. This is a recipe for self extinction. Humans will be replaced by The Machines, digging up minerals to self replicate. Earth will just become a barren radioactive wasteland.
The age of de-lightenment . 😩
I'm glad I'm old 😏
Man, I really wish we could've got this conversation after the salute...
I could really could do with an expletive-ridden-rant from Malcolm Tucker about now:)
Get off Xitter. Even if only a fraction of your followers also leave, it will be worth it.
If you remain on Xitter you are complicit I'm afraid.
Absolutely! Everyone needs to come off it. I did. All the immature AI images of him and Trump as superhero’s. Give me a break!
A lot of us are deleting our accounts on X on the day of the inauguration along with not watching the inauguration because it will ruin ratings and we all know that there's nothing more important to DJT than ratings. 😂
And Amazon
No. Stand up for yourselves. Don’t concede, endure. Every person proudly declaring to have left the battlefield feeds the arrogance and numbers of the other “side”. What hope to change anybody’s minds in viewing in silence from the sidelines?
Is it laziness, or is it to state outrageous things in an "only asking questions" way to side step blow back? Pretty standard right wing tactics.
I have enormous respect for Armando Iannucci in his career and unbroken series of comedic hits. That respect has deepened since he began to voice his well reasoned opinions on the state of global and UK national politics. He was absolutely right to defend Jess Philips. He is absolutely right to call out Musk as the danger he is.
Well, that's being really unfair to industrial piss factories...
Brilliant. Thank you.
Thank you. What a wonderfully sane conversation in these crazy times.
Good to know there’s still rational people out there.
Love Armando. The Day Today is one of the best things ever! I regularly watch it and still laugh my ass off!
“The Wasp Factory” is Elon Musks biography…😮💨
Musk is well represented by the 'scientist' in Dr Strangelove
Musk is a nazi who wants to "breed" "human specimens" on the 'scientist' in Dr Strangelove:
What a great title!
Iain Banks first book. Worth a read!
Twitter was the cesspit of humanity WAY before Elon Musk got his narcissistic hands on it.
What are you talking about? Twitter was a piss factory from the beginning.
Yup. Moderation was corrupt and cliquey then too
Nice to see a civilised discussion. We can only hope that, over time, the minority doesn’t become a majority that can’t be ignored.
Bring back The Day Today, because Fact x Importance = News
@MikeStevens-x2l We’re lying in a news grave
Social media is all about “enrage and engage” more hits in that than a nice story. The best way to generate interest is to deliberately say something wrong, so many people are more interested in being right than being nice.
This is true. I regularly watch an internet tips youtuber who intentionally mispronounces or misnames simple things (nothing controversial or anything calling galdalf dumbledore or something) because he onows people will then comment to correct him and drive engagement.
I think the mask is going to really come off with the blow up over Musk cheating on gaming.
Armando describing Twitter as an "industrial scale piss factory" had me chuckling
l'usine de l'urine
Pure Malcolm Tucker. I can just hear him saying it.
Love Armando.
Polestar must love Musk. He is their greatest promotional ambassador. Who in their right mind would buy a car from him
Thank You All for your candor
I'd accept Armando being a world dictator. But no one else
Luv Armando.
Like many with mountains of wealth Musk confuses money with wisdom and intelligence and with his X megaphone the world is catching on.
'Mainlining AI into the economy' would have fitted very well in The Day Today.
It would probably help if outlets with an editorial department fully ignored all written output under 800 words. I enjoy writing little quips, but you can't really judge whether someone has their head screwed on correctly unless they're for Ed to carry an argument past the halfway mark.
left x .. no love no discourse no empathy no discussion.. awful crowd shouting into a void
Thank you. This is my new word.
It's very useful word to have on hand these days
An excellent word
For anyone curious, I think Armando may be referencing Corey Doctorow’s idea of the enshitification of the Internet.
Zuckerberg like to claim that X is not a publisher, but a platform. I think the addition of the algorithm is an editorial move that makes him a publisher...
The fact checking as a difficult thing is nonsense. AI can easily do the heavy lifting. It's not difficult - they just don't want to do jt.
Musk's and his father's favourite book : *The Mars Project* , 1948, from Wernher von Braun. Yes, him, German officer, creator of the V2 rockets, later NASA officer. The fiction describes ideas on how to travel to Mars and how to found a society there. Suggests hyperloop(!) for local transport. And suggests a dystopian dictatorship. Name of dictator : Elon.
We need The Day Today right now! What an amazing show that was.
A pointless conversation without talking about the way capitalism is destroying the world, and the squashing of the political alternative (socialism). You're talking about symptoms rather than the cause - about 7 steps behind where the action is. Laughing at Trump, fact checking Musk etc is the response of people far behind the reality of the situation.
Where's the real action then?
That’s the trouble. We have all the receipts and the best critique but the left has been largely defeated worldwide. Until we work out how to fight back - and as the right have now colonized attention, it’s hard to know how to organize, given the only hope is still the old one - collective action.
@@damiantow Class war in a collapsing system. That’s what it’s all about.
Same as a century go, only this time the rich have totally suppressed the left wing counter narrative from the political and media systems so the fascist strategy can prosper. That left wing narrative being suppressed is the socialist narrative around growing wealth inequality, with it highlighting class consciousness and promoting working class unity.
As the original poster said. That’s why this is happening. Concentrated wealth protecting its class interests at a time of crisis and growing anger.
The alternative to US-style capitalism is not socialism. It is welfare capitalism. Like most other first world countries. Nobody thinks actual socialism is an option.
Totally 💯💯💯
What did the Government do about people in the street with Soap Boxes in the past.
Helped the maddest by taking them away to mental institutions and restrained the most violent/dangerous/seditious by putting them in prison.
@@daydays12 . The danger, in this situation, is that if someone like Musk becomes a part of 'the Government', anyone voicing their concerns, dissent or criticism of that 'Government' can be swiftly silenced.
In these days of corporate media control, an independent journalist who exposes those in power or the questionable behaviour of capital owners, can be digitally disappeared, or fake, fact-free smears can be instantly spread to totally discredit their claims.
I think it's time for the smart people to be smart enough to see that the idiots are in charge.
People can be manipulated especially the young, who are flocking to these platforms for their news.
Just like they brainwash kids at university into the woke religion .
Because the msm do not report the full story with anything Look at how BBC verify hs been distorted
Hence the TikTok ban..
Don’t pile it all on the young, older people have been the core of Trump’s voter base, and they’ve been manipulated for years by talk radio, Fox News, and today believing anything that they read on Facebook that confirms their biases.
Elon is there because of AI. All AI tech firms have signed on. They don't want data to belong to each individual so no personal privacy legislation. AI firms need DATA at all costs from everyone.
Social media is electronic graffiti
Armando has been the puppet master of my sense of humour for decades ❤
It will all disappear in a puff of cheap deodorant .
The request for Armando to go to Scotland was funny....a true story follows
Setting: A bar in New York; two very close friends of mine doing a round the world trip and a Scotsman chatting over a beer. A friendly American approaches - "Hi guys how you doing?"
"Fine thanks..."
"Where are you from [to my mates Nick & Tino who are brothers] ?"
"We're from southeast London"
"[to the Scot] - and how about you my friend?"
"I'm from Scotland"
"Where's that at?"
"It's an island off the coast of Japan" [from the Scot]
"Oh....... well your English is real good!"
That exchange is a true story. Scout's honour. With a "U"
Musk's fans/followers are a group of people who, if you introduced them to Othello, they'd describe it as "woke nonsense". I think we collectively missed a trick when we, with good reason at the time, decided that engaging/arguing with strangers online was a complete waste of everyone's time. Doing so just let them fester and wallow in their own shitty thoughts and conclusions - without anyone trying to correct or at least chastise them - so much so that they now think the miasma that surrounds them is as valuable as oxygen. Anyway, Musk doesn't look well. His skin looks like tracing paper. I can't imagine he'll be around too much longer.
It's a minority on social media though isn't it? I know the BBC reports everything that happens there, but who is involved? Not many, statistically.
How to deal with it? Ignore. It really is that easy.
The point is that disinformation and hate speech gets algorithmically pushed onto millions of users. Musk's posts get priority pushed onto every Twitter user.
No, Twitter can't even be called social media anymore. It's Musk's personal shrine.
The BBC is fast becoming a Minority 😜
People who were abused are thanking Elon , that's all I need to know about who is right and who is wrong .
Thanks Alan. ❤
Musk's rockets are fun. Nothing else about him is fun.
Yeah, I like the rockets... It's just a shame he has anything to do with it. It takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it for me.
Why are we still allowing these Social Media companies to get away with not being responsible for the content they're providing? It would be simple.......just make a law to make them responsible and allow the public to take them to court for failure to regulate?
Bloody hell! This is the most 'Guardian reader' video I've ever watched.
Do you think it being co-hosted by a former editor of the Guardian has anything to do with that?
@@Genghis26420guardian subscriber here.
But it's HIS piss factory, and THAT is all that matters. Now map that effect across every corporation, public service, government and entire nation of our planet, and you have the substance of The Oligarch Game: anyone with a few (unearned) billions can play...
(Shame about the other 98% though, eh?)
Amazing how the left can recast a person, besmirch them when they realise they're not one of them. So enjoyable watching them try to cancel the uncancellable. You guys are now on the wane I'm afraid....liberalism has had its day thank god
This is a discussion about Musk being an arsehole.
If you're deeply in love with Elon (you almost certainly are), you probably need to confine yourself to the monosyllabic rantings of MAGA outlets.
Evolved conversation is not for you.
I hope I've helped.
Hello russian bot, enjoy your outside toilet.
What benefits to humanity will the Tump , Musk, Putin Kim Jung Un, Orban future bring?
Please name them.
If you don't reply I will suppose you can't name these benefits.
Define liberalism or are you "just" anti-human rights all together? 🙄
Also musk was never a Democrat and after he bought Twitter he said that he planned to remain neutral and not become political.
True story...
......and this conversation was had before "The Salute™️"
Those who were abused are thanking Elon , that's all I need to know about who is right and who is wrong .
Were YOU abused, or are you projecting?
Really, what has he done other than gaslighting stories he dosent even know about. You also have to be careful because some who yell the loudest are actually committing the crime themselves..
What is he going to do for the victims?
He is no different to you. He just likes silly comments that might annoy people.
He AND YOU have ZERO concern for the victims. You could not care less about those young girls.
You're a fraud.
musk is an egotistical fraud who's using victims to stir up hatred and in doing so retraumatising them.
If he was genuine he'd be putting his money where his big mouth is and actually help victims of abuse instead of using them as pawns.
You care as little about abused children as musk does
Musk thinking he can change the World, not for the better though just change it.
Love that pissing factory description. Cheers. subscribed.