I'm just here to confirm that yes, the conspiracy theorists, are correct. I am, in fact, MBT's GHOST writer. Now that he finally let me show my face in the GHOSTrick video, (you are correct, that wasn't a coincidence), I feel more comfortable admitting that I write all of his jokes (except for any that you do not like).
I mean, if you think about it, it's not like he promised to play GhostrickS. He just said he'd play Ghostrick. There's one whole Ghostrick right there, playing the second one is a bonus really. Besides, that's like 200% the number of Eldlich maindeck monsters people play
@@NARFNra sorry I've done literally no Research into Outlets because I have no hopes or wants of playing that deck. I just could very much believe that ugly players aren't using a main deck eldlich monster considering they already don't use their Fusion one
@@N3XTREVOLUTION did we say we wanted him to be invincible with list going 3-0 all the time? No. Like he played many decks that lost pretty easily but were entertaining to watch.
@@goodguyshuckle9270 This list is silly and good. You use a lot of Ghost Trick cards in a way they weren't intended yet still make a very competent board.
First, props to you MBT for making this monstrosity of a deck. Second, am I the only one who wants 'Build that deck' to be an actual thing? Because genuinely that could be a great idea for a series.
@@JABRIEL251 just saying if you want to spend all game flipping bad cards, subterror is pretty good at it Meanwhile ill be using the actually good GhostTrick cards and winning 😎
Honestly that would be a better deck. Hope he manages to come up with a creative name for the all-engine main deck instead of calling it after one of the 3 engines it uses.
I mean if the combo line still goes through the XYZs then it’s still a ghostrick deck. Let’s be real the XYZ are the only cards in that archetype that do anything
As a Ghostrick lover, this is an abomination XD. I still appreciate it though, 2 Ghostricks in a deck is honestly more than I thought I’d get, good for you.
Really enjoy the concept of using the Ghostrick extra deck Xyz's to extend into an easy UFD. The mix of the brave engine adds a lot to it this miss mash of ideas. Maybe this video is enough to get much smarter players to figure out how to make this shell into...something.
I mean, it's cool that Ghostrick Angel, Alucard, and Shot can be run as an engine that turbos out UDF if you already run Parallel EXceed. I really wish Angel was legal during HAT format. Ghostricks might have actually been a real deck if she comes out a year earlier.
I know that Loukas Peterson and Jeff did top some regionals with their Ghostrick Spirit deck in the April 2014 format, after the banlist hitting Fire and Water, but before the release of Soul Charge (aka the beginning of HAT format). The deck was still playable in the slightly more powerful January format and Kuribandit makes the Dark Creator deck work, so I'd say that Ghostricks are actually pretty solid in the first half of 2014.
It would be a disaster if it was metta Nobody wants to play games that boring As a spook trick enthusiast I'm happy with where it is with the newest support as a fun casual back to occasionally make people cry when u lock the shit out of them using neko, night, scare, and fairy And then lose like 50-70% of the time otherwise
@@thatguynoonelikes4865 I mean is this really that much less fun than floodgate eldlich? Or mystic mine? At least ghostrick in my mind takes some planning of effects and summons to keep yourself in game.
@@puthenveetilnoel it's definitely much more fun and skillful to play than mine but that doesn't make it any less un-fun to play against just cus things that are worse exist out there Plus I think this Deck Profile is a perfect example of how a hypothetically good ghostrick deck has a lot less of that fun goofy ghostrick feel 2 it u know Like this deck isn't even ghostrick it just kind of UFD turbo using a Ghost Trick extra deck engine I think it's much more fun to play casually now then it would be competitively in a hypothetical future
@@thatguynoonelikes4865 that's one me lol. I didn't set the bar high enough. I'd argue that pure ghostrick is just about as un-fun to play against as any control heavy deck is. Like guru control. I liked the multitude of win-cons you could (and might be forced to) use. I just wish that booking a card wasn't so hard countered by link monsters simply existing. It is definitely a fun casual deck though. Getting someone's fancy boss monster permabooked for attacking into my yuki-onna was hilarious (for me. )
@@puthenveetilnoel tbh link monsters aren't that much of a problem as long as ur going first since with a new support the pretty consistently flip em down before they can pull that shit lol, Especially since Link monsters aren't as omnipresent as they used to be But yeah happy 2 know u agree the deck is better casual
@@hyoroemongaming569 If you use Verte to dump Preda Fusion or Superpoly (perhaps even after using Verte's second effect) to Fuse away your opponent's board into Starving Venom Fusion Dragon or Triphyoverutum, you're doing Predaplant things with a select few Predaplant cards, so Predaplants are in fact part of the deck and would have to be included in a descriptive name that lists the various archetypes from which the deck is built.
I tried to play with them.... They have a HARD time againts, well, everything. They are really slow and their own effects are so restrictive that it's really hard to build a descent deck without adding other engines. So sad, they have a great artwork and a cool playstyle 💔
Not really. The one meta deck bricked twice and misplayed by activating emergency teleport in the wrong column. It’s not a good deck at all. You won’t play that many incompetent opponents in a large tournament
You can actually use the ufd line in vw punk. you essentially use your normal on a punk to get 2 level 3s and make ufd before committing to vw plays, seems to lower the ceilings on combos but insulates them quite a bit. No clue if its worth the extra deck space and garnet though
This would make for a pretty sick engine for rank 3 decks, but for the life of me, I can't think of one that would also benefit from the field spell search as well
I think this really brings into question of how many main deck cards of an archetype do you need to have before you can say that it's an archetype's deck
1 if you call Shaddoll/Invoked/Dogmatika a thing if you only count Schism as the only Main Deck Shaddoll card. Which at that point you should just call it Dogmatika/Invoked featuring Winda.
I actually been trying on and off to use ghostricks as an engine basically since angel was released, did a LOT of testing when shot was announced. Found myself using level engines a lot more that level 3s since they felt a bit more consistent, granted it was before the whole adventure engine was a thing, the synergy does seem pretty crazy. I tried the summon breaker field tag but didnt even consider necrovalley. I also had a build that looped break, absolutely inconsistent but a fun and resilient meme, you never run out of value.
Consider 1 Summon Breaker in the Main or Side. With the Trap activating any field spell, your opponent is absolutely not going to expect it, and if they play during the Main Phase 1, you can literally win the game. Really impressive, this has inspired me to try to build it on Db :) Thanks a lot!
I used to play this line but centered around lv1 with a lyrilusc engine. Lv1 have a shitton of support and strong individual ones like magician souls, and Dullahan work the same as alucard and you have access to birb milkers for extra disruption. Also, ghostrick scare is a genuine good card, non-targeting multi book of moon is super strong, but you need to play some ghostrick for it, but thankfully the best ghostricks are lv1 so you can play a few of them and have it live
I play the d/d level 1 engine, savant kepler, lamia, dark contract, then you can run 3 where arf thous for easy searching. If you don't summon the lvl 1 you added, you take 2000 and can proc ghostrick mary to set a doll or any other ghostrick
This is actually not terrible. Similar build theory as something like Dark Warrior or Mermaid Orcust. Extra Deck tutors that start your entire line really enable you to minimize how much of the archetype you need to run.
Simorgh link is banned, skill drain is at 3, desires at 1, and somehow destrudo and snow are back So yeah might as well make the format burn by adding those
This is the most boring Ghostrick decklist I've ever seen. And not boring in the good way that makes people audibly groan. If you aren't annoying your opponent to death, it isn't Ghostrick.
Summon breaker is cool, I'm pretty sure from how it's worded is your opponent summons twice then activates and effect to summon a third time and you then get it on the field it still ends thier turn. That will probably never come up but if it does work that way it would be incredibly funny
1:00 And he was crucified 2:16 Excuse me sir, there are some Ghostrick Monsters in my Rank 3 turbo deck. So this is how the "MBT cancelled by the Ghostrick Community" meme began
mbt laugh at 16:58 sounding like the sans undertale textbox noise anyways this list is based. seeing almost no ghostricks in the main is a little sad but the fact that you managed to make something workable out of it is unbelievably pogged
Pretty sacrilegious calling this a "Ghostrick" deck when the only cards being utilized is encouraging F0:UDF turbo. That all said, this deck is actually really cool & I'm happy to see the Ghostricks do something.
UFD is a fun one, though I am personally partial to the "Megaclops turbo" variant of Ghostricks. I like Ghostricks, although I can't deny that they always took the wrong angle at control. Instead of being a proactive control deck focused on establishing a presence with which to disrupt, it's more akin to sitting there and substituting proper deckbuilding with a want for self-abuse. Especially after Master Rule 4, they are just way too dependent on your opponent's plays without a good way of having any angency of their own in a match. You say their new support line stripped them of individuality, but what was their choice? The gimmick was killed by Links, pretty much. You know what does give Ghostricks agency and proactive plays though? Penguins... I'm not even joking. Ghostricks like to flip up and down, but they themselves hardly have any threatening things to do with that. The best they can do is flip the opponent's field face down to get some of that trademark "Ghostrick damage" on board. With Penguins though? They get cards that special summon off of those sets, have convenient levels for Ghostrick plays at the 2-4 range, actually have threatening effects when flipped, which can turn a card like Ghostrick Scare into a board-wide bounce or, with the right setup, a full-board banish. I splashed some Ghostrick stuff in Penguins early on as tech-choices while I was figuring them out, but that eventually spiralled into me testing the waters with how far I could push a legit Ghostrick/Penguin hybrid deck. More than likely though, they will remain as the extra deck engine with Scare and Shot providing support. Fairy and Doll are doing their part, but most of my main deck plays pop off from my Penguins.
I'd try playing dragoon in this because I like the idea of having secret village of the spellcasters being my floodgate of choice and dragoon pairs really well with that.
play the ghostrick engine in libromancer. It's surprising how easy it is to set up 2 lv3's in libro, even if actually using your normal summon on hand traps (or Halq's summon on a hand trap) seems kinda baaaad (just annoying maybe)
So here’s the hilarious thing about this. Somehow, I find this more boring than a normal Ghostrick list. The thing about Ghostrick is that it’s an underdog deck, it’s a deck we like seeing win despite it being bad. This just does the same line every single game. There’s no variations to it, it’s just... really boring. And yeah, you can say copium or whatever, but the entire identity of the deck, the whole Halloween gimmick, is just completely gone in this list. It feels almost soulless in a way. I’m not saying the deck is bad, by no means. It just feels sort of homogenized.
This isn't a Ghostrick deck, its Adventure Token deck with a Ghostrick into UFD engine. If you're going that far, just cut off the Ghostrick parts and play PK Brave like normal.
I'm just here to confirm that yes, the conspiracy theorists, are correct. I am, in fact, MBT's GHOST writer. Now that he finally let me show my face in the GHOSTrick video, (you are correct, that wasn't a coincidence), I feel more comfortable admitting that I write all of his jokes (except for any that you do not like).
Glad that the truth finally came out. You've done us all a service in telling us this.
From the makers of "Link 1 that searches the field spell" you now get "Link 1 that looks like the fieldspell"
Next is a link 1 that places itself in the field spell zone
Next archetype places it's spells face down on the monster zone and it's monsters in the speel and trap zones
@@bananafish2880 I can honestly see them printing that
@@bananafish2880 magical hats fusion archetype!
@@bananafish2880 infernity moment
He summoned more Ghostricks in 1 turn than actual Ghostrick players in a match.
I’m so confused why is he only playing 1 copy of fairy and jackfrost and playing nothing else
True because ghostrick is all about flipping skeleton and getting owned when your opppnent finds a negate or good card
@@borreloadsavagedragon most maindeck ghostricks are intensely bad but the spell traps and extra deck guys are quite decent
That’s true. Why it’s hate on is beyond me
Wow you weren't joking you really built it with 2 main deck monsters
And we saw ghostricks
I mean, if you think about it, it's not like he promised to play GhostrickS. He just said he'd play Ghostrick. There's one whole Ghostrick right there, playing the second one is a bonus really. Besides, that's like 200% the number of Eldlich maindeck monsters people play
Are there multiple Eldlich monsters?
@@gayjebus4079 Not main deck, no. That's the joke though
@@NARFNra sorry I've done literally no Research into Outlets because I have no hopes or wants of playing that deck. I just could very much believe that ugly players aren't using a main deck eldlich monster considering they already don't use their Fusion one
@@gayjebus4079 expect the broken second eldlich monster coming to update the deck to match the power crept world of 2025~
2:57 Unfortunately no Mr Joseph, Guantanamo Bay remains open :(
A wild HardLeg appears! I love your content and intros with passable singing
Hardleg in the comments what's he gonna do
Thanks for the shout out! The adventure engine was a really great call to add to the deck!
This is literally the most based deck ever wtf
This is THE most cursed Ghostrick deck i've ever seen.
I love it.
They are Halloween cards so I guess it makes sense
MBT finally has a good list for Ten Minute Testing and literally everyone gets mad
cause people dont want a good list. people want to have fun silly list,
@@goodguyshuckle9270 silly list dont winn games...
@@N3XTREVOLUTION did we say we wanted him to be invincible with list going 3-0 all the time? No. Like he played many decks that lost pretty easily but were entertaining to watch.
@@goodguyshuckle9270 sven with a good list he still lost a game. After miss
@@goodguyshuckle9270 This list is silly and good. You use a lot of Ghost Trick cards in a way they weren't intended yet still make a very competent board.
ok that was kind of sick
I agree random commenter whom I dont know, this build slaps. A ghostrick deck that ONLY makes use of its extra deck is so cool
The schizophrenic logs
First, props to you MBT for making this monstrosity of a deck.
Second, am I the only one who wants 'Build that deck' to be an actual thing? Because genuinely that could be a great idea for a series.
If you squint hard enough, you might actually see the shadow of a GhostTrick's foot
God, shut up. He made a competent deck for y’all. You just wanted him to flip skeleton 100 times.
@@cyanrose0712 Oh look we found the fun person...truly great at parties, aren't ya?
@@JABRIEL251 just saying if you want to spend all game flipping bad cards, subterror is pretty good at it
Meanwhile ill be using the actually good GhostTrick cards and winning 😎
@@SammyK-jt3vv Man you people get really hot and bothered by a comment that is about as serious as the Ghost Tricks themselves...
Wow this is actually more of a ghostrick deck than I thought it was
I think Siren is really good in a very high density Ghostrick deck, but a very high density Ghostrick deck is bad.
it would be VERY funny if next week you posted another tmt with this exact deck list but with another archetype taking up the 2 monster slots
Honestly that would be a better deck.
Hope he manages to come up with a creative name for the all-engine main deck instead of calling it after one of the 3 engines it uses.
Hell he can do that for an entire format and it'll be easy content!
@@KuroeNezumi Imagine getting so mad at a misnomer
I mean if the combo line still goes through the XYZs then it’s still a ghostrick deck.
Let’s be real the XYZ are the only cards in that archetype that do anything
@@geiseric222 okay but who
As a Ghostrick lover, this is an abomination XD. I still appreciate it though, 2 Ghostricks in a deck is honestly more than I thought I’d get, good for you.
I mean... it's sadly optimal, ghostrick are WAY too slow today
@@XTempestBuster And not just slow, but also low impact
This is unironically the only playable Ghostrick list.
Oh, I get it! The rest of the Ghostricks in the deck are hiding! Very clever MBT
The FLCL poster in the background of Danny’s part reinforces my love for him
Really enjoy the concept of using the Ghostrick extra deck Xyz's to extend into an easy UFD. The mix of the brave engine adds a lot to it this miss mash of ideas. Maybe this video is enough to get much smarter players to figure out how to make this shell into...something.
Already on it bro. Got some spice coming out soon. Time to revive a deck again.
I actually love this. I just bought a small Ghostrick engine. Thanks MBT.
I mean, it's cool that Ghostrick Angel, Alucard, and Shot can be run as an engine that turbos out UDF if you already run Parallel EXceed.
I really wish Angel was legal during HAT format. Ghostricks might have actually been a real deck if she comes out a year earlier.
There is a Ghostrick Dark Creator build that Koty topped with one time. It's actually pretty decent, but can be very grindy.
Isnt jeff jones and dzeef topped with ghostrick spirit during HAT format, or is that before HAT? I forgot
I know that Loukas Peterson and Jeff did top some regionals with their Ghostrick Spirit deck in the April 2014 format, after the banlist hitting Fire and Water, but before the release of Soul Charge (aka the beginning of HAT format). The deck was still playable in the slightly more powerful January format and Kuribandit makes the Dark Creator deck work, so I'd say that Ghostricks are actually pretty solid in the first half of 2014.
This did fail to disappoint.
But it was I who am to blame, for ever displaying actual hope for Ghostrick.
It would be a disaster if it was metta
Nobody wants to play games that boring
As a spook trick enthusiast I'm happy with where it is with the newest support as a fun casual back to occasionally make people cry when u lock the shit out of them using neko, night, scare, and fairy
And then lose like 50-70% of the time otherwise
@@thatguynoonelikes4865 I mean is this really that much less fun than floodgate eldlich? Or mystic mine?
At least ghostrick in my mind takes some planning of effects and summons to keep yourself in game.
@@puthenveetilnoel it's definitely much more fun and skillful to play than mine but that doesn't make it any less un-fun to play against just cus things that are worse exist out there
Plus I think this Deck Profile is a perfect example of how a hypothetically good ghostrick deck has a lot less of that fun goofy ghostrick feel 2 it u know
Like this deck isn't even ghostrick it just kind of UFD turbo using a Ghost Trick extra deck engine
I think it's much more fun to play casually now then it would be competitively in a hypothetical future
@@thatguynoonelikes4865 that's one me lol. I didn't set the bar high enough.
I'd argue that pure ghostrick is just about as un-fun to play against as any control heavy deck is. Like guru control. I liked the multitude of win-cons you could (and might be forced to) use. I just wish that booking a card wasn't so hard countered by link monsters simply existing.
It is definitely a fun casual deck though. Getting someone's fancy boss monster permabooked for attacking into my yuki-onna was hilarious (for me.
@@puthenveetilnoel tbh link monsters aren't that much of a problem as long as ur going first since with a new support the pretty consistently flip em down before they can pull that shit lol,
Especially since Link monsters aren't as omnipresent as they used to be
But yeah happy 2 know u agree the deck is better casual
He’s finally playing the best deck in the game
Edit: Never mind saw the deck List
The list the archetype needed. But didn't deserve.
Thats probably the most competetive Ghost Trick list ever
Greatest intro to date. Decklist tho...
You better not be disrespecting Alucard turbo
I unironically hope he revisits this for master duel
King scarlet was so confident with how he cut down the monster count while you struggled at the second, that was great
I actually love this decklist. I don’t know why long term Ghostrick players got mad at this decklist.
Imagine putting verte and claiming it is Preplant deck
@@hyoroemongaming569 stay mad 😂
@@hyoroemongaming569 If you use Verte to dump Preda Fusion or Superpoly (perhaps even after using Verte's second effect) to Fuse away your opponent's board into Starving Venom Fusion Dragon or Triphyoverutum, you're doing Predaplant things with a select few Predaplant cards, so Predaplants are in fact part of the deck and would have to be included in a descriptive name that lists the various archetypes from which the deck is built.
Honestly I thought this would have been a one take testing on angel of mischief FTK.
I think this is actually a really cool way to turbo into the win cons, good stuff
See this list was playable, which is why it got a TMT.
But I want an actual ghostrick list for a OTT now
King Scarlet proving once again how good he is at skits :)
I tried to play with them.... They have a HARD time againts, well, everything. They are really slow and their own effects are so restrictive that it's really hard to build a descent deck without adding other engines.
So sad, they have a great artwork and a cool playstyle 💔
Also can't flip Link monsters so : )
Agreed. And once link monsters joined the scene, most of their control options evaporated. Shame.
I find that it's not the immunity of Links that kills them, it's that Ghostrick just can't play through all of the negates that a modern deck has.
I play them with Amazements and they work very well
@@pedrosotomayor7520 interesting. A new archetype for me to test. Thanks!
Free your mind, MBT. Must a Ghostrick deck play Ghostricks at all?
Huh…That was actually working, kind of? Wild. Granted it was Adventure with the Ghostrick extra deck nerfing it, but it still really worked.
Not really. The one meta deck bricked twice and misplayed by activating emergency teleport in the wrong column. It’s not a good deck at all. You won’t play that many incompetent opponents in a large tournament
@@xatuyou8045 "That was actually working, KIND OF?"
@@xatuyou8045 don’t be a dick, it worked
I'm scared at his deck building. It's like the vapors of a public bathroom
why didnt he just call this psychic adventure? don't get me wrong i have no attachment to ghost trick but even i feel like i got click baited
You can actually use the ufd line in vw punk. you essentially use your normal on a punk to get 2 level 3s and make ufd before committing to vw plays, seems to lower the ceilings on combos but insulates them quite a bit. No clue if its worth the extra deck space and garnet though
You can play bamboozling gossip shadow to do a similar thing, but it also gives both you and your opponent a draw. No garnet tho
I think it's worth it b/c it's still good past turn 1.
This would make for a pretty sick engine for rank 3 decks, but for the life of me, I can't think of one that would also benefit from the field spell search as well
Click on the video : i'm so happy
Saw the deck list : i'm so sad
i guess half the extra being ghostricks makes it ghostrick in a way
Now just add all the other engine's names into the deck name and, like, 90% of the people mad about this would be happy.
@@KuroeNezumi yeah just add a bunch of bad cards, easy
I think this really brings into question of how many main deck cards of an archetype do you need to have before you can say that it's an archetype's deck
If dids is any indication, 2. If invoked counts, 3 copies of 1.
1 if you call Shaddoll/Invoked/Dogmatika a thing if you only count Schism as the only Main Deck Shaddoll card. Which at that point you should just call it Dogmatika/Invoked featuring Winda.
@@chaosbug7 Wouldn't it be zero then? Cuz schism isn't a monster.
@@DrDrao if you’re counting just monsters, then yes. But Schism is still a Shaddoll card.
@@chaosbug7 Since this discussion is in the context of this video, I would assume it's monsters only. But yeah, Schism is a shaddoll card.
More like Ghostriple-axis because this is a triple axis deck under a sheet
...I'd actually like this deck if it was named that. No joke.
Ah crap, my MD pulls todayy got me 2 of the Festival card, it's like they're trying to goad me into making this cursed list.
That deck list is anything than ghostricks
To be fair this is very purely focused on the ghostrick cards.
> Adventurer token stuffs
> Rank 3 engine
Bruh just make pk adventurer
not even Zak Baggins could find the ghost in that decklist
Wow, I sure played that BO3 like garbage! Before you flame me in the comments, everyone, please keep this in mind:
I am very stupid
relatable tbh
Deck’s cool and all , but when are we getting the Phantom Detective GhostTrick?
I actually been trying on and off to use ghostricks as an engine basically since angel was released, did a LOT of testing when shot was announced. Found myself using level engines a lot more that level 3s since they felt a bit more consistent, granted it was before the whole adventure engine was a thing, the synergy does seem pretty crazy. I tried the summon breaker field tag but didnt even consider necrovalley. I also had a build that looped break, absolutely inconsistent but a fun and resilient meme, you never run out of value.
The true ghosts were the tricks we made along the way
Consider 1 Summon Breaker in the Main or Side. With the Trap activating any field spell, your opponent is absolutely not going to expect it, and if they play during the Main Phase 1, you can literally win the game.
Really impressive, this has inspired me to try to build it on Db :) Thanks a lot!
Sick "Ghostrick" deck, bro.
"2 main deck monsters". At that point, I expect two Ghostricks and no other monsters in the deck or only 2 hand traps /s.
oh boy a unique deck, i hope it's not bloated with format staples and banks hard on generic OTK lines
Well this might be the most depressing decklist youve had on this show
Honestly my main takeaway from this episode is… can we just ban the entire Adventure Engine like now?
Yes please
It's good, but it's not that good.
Joseph does a perfect sans impression at 16:58
I used to play this line but centered around lv1 with a lyrilusc engine. Lv1 have a shitton of support and strong individual ones like magician souls, and Dullahan work the same as alucard and you have access to birb milkers for extra disruption. Also, ghostrick scare is a genuine good card, non-targeting multi book of moon is super strong, but you need to play some ghostrick for it, but thankfully the best ghostricks are lv1 so you can play a few of them and have it live
I play the d/d level 1 engine, savant kepler, lamia, dark contract, then you can run 3 where arf thous for easy searching. If you don't summon the lvl 1 you added, you take 2000 and can proc ghostrick mary to set a doll or any other ghostrick
This is actually not terrible. Similar build theory as something like Dark Warrior or Mermaid Orcust. Extra Deck tutors that start your entire line really enable you to minimize how much of the archetype you need to run.
Just imagine jet synchron and phantom beast mecha olion coming off of the banlist with adventurer like eldlich synch adventurer would just go crazy
And yes i am very well aware that that will not happen but we all can dream cant we?
Why do you want to see the world burn
Simorgh link is banned, skill drain is at 3, desires at 1, and somehow destrudo and snow are back
So yeah might as well make the format burn by adding those
@@dhanyl2725 I mean why not just bring pot of greed back as well, am I right guys?
@@lion793 Just undo the whole banlist. My deck is ded so I couldn't care less kekw
The intro was infinitely better with The flcl poster :)
Hmm this felt like it has too much ghostrick
You can build a Ghostrick deck with 0 maindeck monsters it you go for the Angel of Mischief FTK build
This is the most boring Ghostrick decklist I've ever seen. And not boring in the good way that makes people audibly groan.
If you aren't annoying your opponent to death, it isn't Ghostrick.
Summon breaker is cool, I'm pretty sure from how it's worded is your opponent summons twice then activates and effect to summon a third time and you then get it on the field it still ends thier turn. That will probably never come up but if it does work that way it would be incredibly funny
2 ghostrick don’t let the ads hit you on the way out
1:00 And he was crucified
2:16 Excuse me sir, there are some Ghostrick Monsters in my Rank 3 turbo deck.
So this is how the "MBT cancelled by the Ghostrick Community" meme began
This is just that Drake and Josh meme
“Where’s the Ghostricks?”
“They’re right here, in the extra deck.”
Now wait that one player who plays only rochi and kirin in his virtual world deck
This video isn't really ghost tricks. It really just rank 3 control.
Was excited seeing the video title.
Was baited hard as hell.
Hate it here.
Woah Ghostrick no ghostrick
Oh man, I'm about to be able to make this in master duel
mbt laugh at 16:58 sounding like the sans undertale textbox noise
anyways this list is based. seeing almost no ghostricks in the main is a little sad but the fact that you managed to make something workable out of it is unbelievably pogged
Pretty sacrilegious calling this a "Ghostrick" deck when the only cards being utilized is encouraging F0:UDF turbo.
That all said, this deck is actually really cool & I'm happy to see the Ghostricks do something.
Can't wait for the "I got cancelled by the ghostrick community" video next week
UFD is a fun one, though I am personally partial to the "Megaclops turbo" variant of Ghostricks. I like Ghostricks, although I can't deny that they always took the wrong angle at control. Instead of being a proactive control deck focused on establishing a presence with which to disrupt, it's more akin to sitting there and substituting proper deckbuilding with a want for self-abuse. Especially after Master Rule 4, they are just way too dependent on your opponent's plays without a good way of having any angency of their own in a match. You say their new support line stripped them of individuality, but what was their choice? The gimmick was killed by Links, pretty much.
You know what does give Ghostricks agency and proactive plays though? Penguins... I'm not even joking. Ghostricks like to flip up and down, but they themselves hardly have any threatening things to do with that. The best they can do is flip the opponent's field face down to get some of that trademark "Ghostrick damage" on board. With Penguins though? They get cards that special summon off of those sets, have convenient levels for Ghostrick plays at the 2-4 range, actually have threatening effects when flipped, which can turn a card like Ghostrick Scare into a board-wide bounce or, with the right setup, a full-board banish. I splashed some Ghostrick stuff in Penguins early on as tech-choices while I was figuring them out, but that eventually spiralled into me testing the waters with how far I could push a legit Ghostrick/Penguin hybrid deck. More than likely though, they will remain as the extra deck engine with Scare and Shot providing support. Fairy and Doll are doing their part, but most of my main deck plays pop off from my Penguins.
God that decklist is actually painful
Ghostrick decklist indeed.
I'd try playing dragoon in this because I like the idea of having secret village of the spellcasters being my floodgate of choice and dragoon pairs really well with that.
I can't believe 5-card Ghostricks is a legal deck!
Did anyone else die inside during this…?
You know what would've been a lot easier? Eldlich
Even tho its so cursed it looks so powerful
feel tempted to build that deck
YEP. Ghostrick. 🙂🙂🙂
Now that intro is gold xD
play the ghostrick engine in libromancer. It's surprising how easy it is to set up 2 lv3's in libro, even if actually using your normal summon on hand traps (or Halq's summon on a hand trap) seems kinda baaaad (just annoying maybe)
Damn who knew a deck I haven’t seen win a match since 2014 wasn’t very good
Damn, was hoping he'd do Snakes. Well I shall wait. I shall wait
Instead of ufd get a third monster on field and make unicorn spin it back and basically get a constant searchable meta verse for mystic mine :)
I love this deck so much
This video is depressing but at least the decklist is pretty creative
Aleister the invoker? More like Al the stroker
So here’s the hilarious thing about this. Somehow, I find this more boring than a normal Ghostrick list.
The thing about Ghostrick is that it’s an underdog deck, it’s a deck we like seeing win despite it being bad. This just does the same line every single game. There’s no variations to it, it’s just... really boring. And yeah, you can say copium or whatever, but the entire identity of the deck, the whole Halloween gimmick, is just completely gone in this list.
It feels almost soulless in a way. I’m not saying the deck is bad, by no means. It just feels sort of homogenized.
I mean ghost trick pure also has basically one line. It’s just a really bad line
This isn't a Ghostrick deck, its Adventure Token deck with a Ghostrick into UFD engine. If you're going that far, just cut off the Ghostrick parts and play PK Brave like normal.