I'm just wondering, could you install a queen excluder and just raise queen cells in the upper brood box (assuming more than one)? Or would the pheromones of the strong queen below deter the bees from raising more queen cells? I think it was just discussed at about 42 minutes in, but I was already typing this. Thoughts?
Late answer but yes you could do that provided there is enough space between the brood nest on the bottom and the brood on top. If you have a box of honey on your brood nest and then put brood above that honey with no queen they will probably draw queen cells. I've done that unintentionally when I was trying to get brood migrated out of deep frames while switching to all mediums. Probably not the best way to raise queens though because you aren't getting the strong queenless and overcrowding instinct like you would by making a starter.
what is the need in having an out yard for mating the queens? if dont have two separate places to mate my queens. what will happen if i just keep the mating nucs near my other hive?
I'm just wondering, could you install a queen excluder and just raise queen cells in the upper brood box (assuming more than one)? Or would the pheromones of the strong queen below deter the bees from raising more queen cells? I think it was just discussed at about 42 minutes in, but I was already typing this. Thoughts?
Late answer but yes you could do that provided there is enough space between the brood nest on the bottom and the brood on top. If you have a box of honey on your brood nest and then put brood above that honey with no queen they will probably draw queen cells. I've done that unintentionally when I was trying to get brood migrated out of deep frames while switching to all mediums. Probably not the best way to raise queens though because you aren't getting the strong queenless and overcrowding instinct like you would by making a starter.
what is the need in having an out yard for mating the queens? if dont have two separate places to mate my queens. what will happen if i just keep the mating nucs near my other hive?
Jack Barwick big colonies would rob out the smaller colonies.
Very enjoyable and informative
Good info sir🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank You
Great video, thanks!
Nice Video!!!