Really glad your posting regularly! Really like the way you’ve structure your material over the years. I need to make thorough use of tidyquant. One question around calculating the Sharpe Ratio, I can see it needs an xts object to work. Makes sense but my conversion of the data frame to xts doesn’t seem to do the trick? Any ideas - not sure if this is a typical mention in the FAQs?
Is there any way of automating the process of knitting and publishing of html documents in R Markdown on Rpubs? If yes, can you please explain that as I have a report that fetches data daily but needs to be knit and published regularly.
powerful tutorial Matt
This weekend iam planning for this 👍
This is great! You gave me a lot of cool ideas, thanks!
Excellent. Glad to hear it.
Really glad your posting regularly! Really like the way you’ve structure your material over the years. I need to make thorough use of tidyquant. One question around calculating the Sharpe Ratio, I can see it needs an xts object to work. Makes sense but my conversion of the data frame to xts doesn’t seem to do the trick? Any ideas - not sure if this is a typical mention in the FAQs?
Thank you!! Not sure how to help other than to check out the tidyquant articles. There are a bunch in Portfolios and calculating wit tq_performance()
There is a package on GitHub that converts tibbles to xts and back. It's called tbl2xts by Nicktz.
Super cool
Thank you!
Very nice video. Is it also possible to make a slide scrollable?
To present it, would one export this or do you run it in R and just pop out the Viewer in a new window?
It’s just html so you can present in a browser such as chrome.
Thanks for this! So cool =)
You got it!!
brother, thank you
Oh no! infinite Moon Reader isn't available for the latest versions of R :(
Is there any way of automating the process of knitting and publishing of html documents in R Markdown on Rpubs? If yes, can you please explain that as I have a report that fetches data daily but needs to be knit and published regularly.
Yep. Check out the render functions in the rmarkdown package.
whats the name of the file in github?
Hey, if you sign up you’ll get the code.
@@BusinessScience I already did it, but I don't find the code
Hmmm. When you enter your email it gives you the link. Did you get the link to the code?
@@BusinessScience I searched for it.
It looks like not available there anymore.
Can you share the github link ?