Join us on our next Pilgrimage/Retreat with Father Murr in Spain:
Why? He was not the one to expose McCarrick. Rather, when people were beginning to ask why he had been so friendly with McCarrick, only then did he deflect the coming questions and cast the accusations against the pope. And ran away, so that no one could question him. Read the 2020 Vatican Report on McCarrick. It comes with receipts. Vigano expects us to believe him when he accuses the pope for no other reason than that he said so. He has no proof to offer, only accusations.
Yes She did. No conspiracy theory. People should read or listen to Father Kramer of the Fatima Center. There are good books on this subject, and what about the Alta Vendita document which was Freemasons looking for a pope that would serve their purposes.
Dear@@Bella65, of course the freemasons are looking. They have not found. In fact, the freemasons claimed that Pope Pius IX was one of theirs -- well after he was dead and could not put the lie to their baseless accusations! Pope Francis has recently published a Magisterial document that forbids Catholics from being freemasons. I know that this will reduce the number of recruits the freemasons will be getting!
@@Bella65 I’ve been watching the Church for the past 30 yrs after learning of the infiltration of Freemasons and communists into the seminaries and eventually rising to positions of bishops, cardinals, and the Freemasonic document of The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita that, now, has its man at the helm. People thought I was a “conspiracy theorist” back then; really, until the past 4 yrs with podcasters learning and speaking out about it. Nice not to be alone in knowing why our Church has these problems. Evil men have desecrated it. It was so easy to see. Especially, knowing that the changes at VAT II in the liturgy were planned and carried out with complete abandonment from the true liturgy of the Church, that was NOT supposed to change so drastically, which has caused less reverence overall, lack of sacredness in Adoration-in fact Adoration was dropped for a long time; Holy Eucharist on knees on tongue to preserve Jesus in the Host from being stolen or abused. This is why Catholics should not just be “Catholics”. It’s more than catechism- especially since it was watered down superficially; instead of more of a supernatural nature. One should read the Catechism, preferably the old version; READ the encyclicals; READ about the Councils; actually KNOW and practice our CATHOLIC faith, not the one of the last 70 yrs. Not sure if where we are has to do with the Church being eclipsed for a time or not, but is being fulfilled. The Church is lock, stock and barrel with the progressive World Order. I thought that was interesting over the past 30 yrs as well, how the two are moving in the same direction, parallel to each other. One govt, one religion which will be govt ruled. Remember, over 50-60 yrs ago that was all Christian conspiracy as well. Like a former see-Eye-aye person said they made that term to deflect truth.
I left the Catholic Church a long long time ago. But my roots still has faint hold. I just watched 15 minutes ago a Catholic priest here on UA-cam to teach his congregation of Archangel Michaels deeds and royally mixing up Cyrus, Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel’s prophecies and Michaels war with the with the Prince of Persia spirit. Even as a former Catholic I cringed, he made some other mistakes . I am not judging. I love my Savior Yeshua, and my Creator the only living God in the Highest. I am honored by the Holy Spirit works in me and in my life. The gifts of prophecy and healing, not to be mistaken, I am only a vessel, All the Glory belongs to God. They are His works . I am going to say something based of my study in ancient and history. Nearly two thousand years ago the fledgling church became Romanized. It is a lot to think about. I do pray for your church, you two are correct in your presentation, May God bless you both eternally. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
@@luchogatica3868 Mass 7 days a week. Prayer, constantly. Satan has wanted this church forever. God gave us 10 laws to follow. Yes 10. Anyone perfect? No but we must strive to follow his way. When you don’t follow Gods way, you are walking with the devil. He loves lies, murder, stealing, and making yourself GOD!! Just yourself, not others.
Dear@@loiscarrillo4058, yes, to all that you have said, and also to pray for our Holy Father the Pope -- "holy" in the sense of "set apart", called to give his life in the service of the Church. Pray for him, because so many people doubt him. They cannot point out any way that he is benefiting himself, and yet they cast doubt on everything he says, so that when he says no one can be a freemason and a Catholic, they say he is not serious. When he says several times in "Fiducia Supplicans" that marriage can only be between one man and one woman in an exclusive, stable relationship open to the natural begetting of children and a gay couple can only be blessed as individuals in a quick spontaneous prayer, they say that he is opening the door to gay marriage. He is hurt by all these false accusations. Please continue to pray for him!
I love our Mother Church. I will never abandon Her. At the same time, I don’t think Cardinal Vigano is in schism with Vatican. He has a right to question what is going on. And he does it on our behalf and in defense of our Mother Church. Let’s stand with Archbishop who fights for the preservation of our faith. Let’s all pray for the Catholic Church and Bishops who are brave and leading us to Christ.
Yes, ❤ we must become more holy prayerful and do penance asking the Holy Spirit to heal the Body of Christ. The Angels, Saints in Heaven and Holy Souls in purgatory are united with us in trusting believing our Redeemer Lord Jesus Christ for grace to repent. Mother of the Church Mediatrix of all graces Advocate and coredemptrix let us each individually renew our baptismal vows and rebuke Satan.
@@annamariamix5963 Yes. True and what's disturbing is that the Consecration of Russia was not done specifically to OLOF's request by 4 Popes now. It was only Russia that was to be consecrated and the wording was changed. It also wasn't done in union with all the bishops of the world. We should have seen Russia's conversion by now with a time of peace and the Church's restoration. Our rosaries should be more fervent for Russia's consecration.
@@EclecticRealist Viganò: My defense against schism is the same as Archbishop Lefebvre’s Replying to the Vatican's accusation of schism, Viganò writes, 'Fifty years ago, in that same Palace of the Holy Office, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was summoned and accused of schism for rejecting Vatican II. His defense is mine; his words are mine; and his arguments are mine.'
I stand with Vigano as well...the current teachings coming from the Vatican are not catholic , many holy Bishops were excommunicated in the past ...St Athanasius, who stood against the Aryan heresy, Bishop Lefevre who has preserved for us the Latin mass... history will judge the heretics from the true church. I fear more now for Archbishop Vigano safety. God bless and protect Archbishop Vigano.
St. Athanasius was supported by the pope of the time, when he was exiled from Constantinople. Bishop Lefebvre actually endangered the Latin Mass. Until he weaponized it, the Latin Mass was not a problem for anyone in the Vatican. By his disobedience and stubborn dissension, he made others rebellious against the Church.
@@susand3668 Well you could have fooled me. The Latin Mass was gone for the faithful with no if, ands or buts when it was enforced and never to be seen again. Had the faithful known that Bugnini and the Protestants created this new novelty, there would have been far more for the Church to deal with.
Dear@@dentryn4365, no, I lived through the time of the institution of the Novus Ordo. There were still the elderly and there were still the monks and nuns who continued the Tridentine Mass, with permission. But look at the history of Lefebvre's increasing rebellion. When he started the SSPX and his seminary to train priests in the Tridentine Mass, he was welcomed. No one was against the idea of preserving an historical way of celebrating the Mass. They are essentially the same, the new and the old order. But within a few years, Lefebvre began changing his rhetoric about Vatican II. He was teaching the seminarians to disrespect the thousands of bishops who prayerfully met for the Second Vatican Council, and the Holy Spirit Who led them. I doubt that you remember the prayerfulness of the time that the bishops were meeting for the Council. I do, and I was a Protestant child at the time. No, Lefebvre set himself stubbornly against Pope Saint John Paul II, and weaponized the Tridentine Mass, using it to teach others his rebellious ways. We pray for him, because excommunication does not mean he is damned.
Vigano sees things as they are in the Church and he has always spoken frankly. He also understands the coming new world order. He could be crushed by religious and civil factions. He needs the support of the true Church, secular and “religious.” Let us pray for Vigano as he defends our Roman Catholic Church and faith. St Michael the Archangel and St Joseph, patrons of the Universal Church intercede for Archbishop Vigano and for the Church.
Father and Robert, God bless you both. English teacher here, Fr., past participle of strive is striven. Regular past tense is strove. Well done! We are living in strange times. Concerned, but standing with Jesus and the martyrs of the Church. If anyone needs to be excommunicated, it is Biden!! He receives the Blessed Sacrament while pushing abortion?? God, help us, the faithful. Prayers for Archbishop Vigano.
This is a great talk. Thank you so much for courageously saying the truth. I appreciate you both Fr Murr and Mr. Moynihan. I am 80 years old and was formed in the TLM and had my sacraments in the Latin rite. That’s why the only mass I want to attend is the Traditional Latin Mass for as long as I live. Thank you God.
Thank you, Fr. Murr & and Dr. Robert for your courage to speak the truth. We are thirsting for more people in positions of authority to have the same fortitude!! The crisis of conscience out here in the boondocks is palpable. May God continue to bless you both. Love & prayers from rural Australia.
Praying for the church, for you two Holy Conscientious and courageous men who stand apart , with armor in battle array to help the faithful! God keep you strong and at peace! I will not leave the Catholic Church either!!!🙏🙏🙏
Are the Bible God's words. How dare humans say that it has to be renewed and modernized? We don't need intermediates to talk to God. The Vatican is one big money laundering system. There is nothing left behind its walls from any Christ consciousness. Unless with Archbishop Vigano.
When truth is attacked, there is no defense. I repeat, no defense. I am not even Catholic, but my heart sunk when hearing these charges against Archbishop Viganó. I am delighted that the Archbishop did not dignify theater (Bergoglio) by presenting himself.
For an Archbishop, someone at the echelon level of the Church, to take the stand that Archbishop Vigano has taken, speaks volumes about serious, serious issues in the Papacy and hierarchy. An Archbishop is a person who is a first hand witness to the administration of the entire Church. 95% of people follow along out of fear. It's the minority who have courage founded on the love of Christ who dare to take a stand. Archbishop Vigano is one such man.
Where is Archbishop Viganò’s evidence against Pope Francis and his accusations of SA by the Supreme Pontiff? Why has the Archbishop not provide the proof?
Yes, he should have told Pope Francis what was going on. He should have filed reports. He should have followed up on accusations that he was aware of. Please read the 2020 Vatican Report on McCarrick, It comes with documents and witnesses. Archbishop Vigano comes with neither, and expects us to believe him. Why should we?
Yes, Archbishop Vigano should have warned the Vatican about McCarrick. He was the boots on the ground, right there in the US, and he received at least one man's accusation against McCarrick in 2012. Where is his report to the Vatican? When did he investigate this accusation or any others? Why did he promote McCarrick as a person to work with the Church in international affairs? Why did he have McCarrick take part in ordinations? And why did Archbishop Vigano attack the pope only when his own photos being chummy with McCarrick began to surface on the Internet?
Mr Vigano stands for Truth Love and Light and so many people come to the conclusion that he is Right. His honesty and courage in this time of Struggle is SO important. Thank you cardinal Vigano❣️
@@sA-ny2jlwake up zonbie... divine mercy mumbo jumbo is another gimmick of WOJTYLA alias fast food saint JP II of upside down antichrist cross notoriety at youth meeting at jerusalem by this notoriorious gallen mafia friend of jorge berGOGlio pachamama satanic ilk. Repent zombie.
I'm sorry that you do not listen to his homilies on Sundays, his addresses at the Angelus, or his audiences on Wednesdays. This pope loves Mary and never goes on a trip without visiting the Church of St. Mary Major both when he is leaving and when he comes back. He has asked to be buried there. I am sorry you do not know our Papa better.
I just had the honor to attend SSPX ordinations today; it was magnificent. The Society is growing. The seminary is out in the middle of "nowhere" and yet the parishioners were legion! I never saw so many people receive communion in such an efficient manner. 95 degree heat and the confession line was loooong. Lots of babies with nary a cry. Five hours! God bless Archbishop Lefebre! God bless SSPX!
The hand of God is visible in the SSPX and the schism with which they have been saddled for so long, is rubbish. JP II should have rectified this but ... now after so long we have finally a man of guts in ABhP Vigano. Wish Cardinals Burke, Muller, Sarah, Arinze ... bishops Schneider, Stricklandland etc, all good men support him totally and finally speak out against this take over of our beloved church.
I also attended the FSSP ordination of 11 priests last month at St. Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha, Nebraska. It was packed with hundreds of priests and people in attendance, including Harrison Butker! The reception followed at the seminary in Lincoln, located in the middle of nowhere on top of a hill, like a beacon of hope in this precarious time in history. It was incredible to see so many young priests, seminarians, and big families! Also attending Vespers, compline, and Mass or just being there was such a blessing. There’s no way Vatican can suppress it because it has been discovered by so many people already!
Thank you Robert & Father Murr. God Bless His Excellency Carlo Maria Vigano who has been the truth, light and example of what an Apostle of Christ should be during these dark and evil times. Where are the others? The war against Catholics has been launched by Bergoglio & company and it’s our obligation to stand up and defend Jesus and the Church. Our salvation is on the line.
Pope Francis is not at war with the Church! Who told you that he was? Archbishop Vigano, who stands to be excommunicated and glories in it like Luther?
I wish he had witnessed to truth when he was hobnobbing with McCarrick and leaving both Pope Benedict and then Pope Francis in the dark! The 2020 Vatican Report on McCarrick details what was done and not done by whom. Archbishop Vigano has claimed that it misrepresented him, but he cannot come up with any proof that he followed up on accusations against McCarrick that he received, nor that he filed any reports of McCarrick's horrible activities with Pope Francis or any of the relevant Congregations in the Vatican. You can read the report for yourself. It is online, for free.
I am so glad to have you two ! It brings peace to my Faith life and after listening to you all all comes to clarity! Please continue with true!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Where do we go from here? Where do we turn Lord, for you have the words of eternal life. Fr Murr, please help us to know when/where it is time to follow the true church and what to do for a valid consecration when that gets changed.
Fr Murr you mention communism spreads falsehoods… the instigator of communism is the Freemasons who are known to be within the Vatican & the ambiguity of Francis appears to be feeding Freemasonry!!!!
@@AileenLynch-d1rclick on the link in the description of this video! Also look at the pinned post at the very beginning of this show’s comments. It might be there too.
Me, too. It was painful and confusing to the pre-teen girl that I was. I firmly believe my life would have been much different had things not changed so much, including the false teachings being given by laity that replaced the nuns.
Archbishop Vigano would NEVER worship an idol Pachamama). He would lay down his life for God I believe. I don’t think Francis would … as he did not refuse to worship idols, if indeed, there was pressure applied to him. Worse … it was seen by the world. This what I, an old woman, see and am influenced by.
Absolutely. Viganò: My defense against schism is the same as Archbishop Lefebvre’s Replying to the Vatican's accusation of schism, Viganò writes, 'Fifty years ago, in that same Palace of the Holy Office, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was summoned and accused of schism for rejecting Vatican II. His defense is mine; his words are mine; and his arguments are mine.'
"“It seems to me most important that the Catechism, in mentioning the limitation of the powers of the supreme authority in the Church with regard to reform, recalls to mind what is the essence of the primacy as outlined by the First and Second Vatican Councils: The pope is not an absolute monarch whose will is law; rather, he is the guardian of the authentic Tradition and, thereby, the premier guarantor of obedience. He cannot do as he likes, and he is thereby able to oppose those people who, for their part, want to do whatever comes into their head. His rule is not that of arbitrary power, but that of obedience in faith. That is why with respect to the Liturgy, he has the task of a gardener, not that of a technician who builds new machines and throws the old ones on the junk-pile.” Benedict XVI
The Dictator Pope, by Henry Sire is well researched. He wrote it under a pseudonym,using the name of a Spaniard who fought in the Battle of Laponto. Sire knows Pope Francis through and through and his devious, brutal, insensitive management style.
Where would we be without Archbishop Vigano giving us the Truth! He has helped us to become more informed and also confirmed us in our Faith! The gates of hell will not prevail and his excellency has been a great leader in this spiritual battle.
Most Americans have no idea what it means when Catholics talk about Freemasonry and some kind of nefarious plot to destroy the RCC from within. I had never even heard of this until several years ago. No, I am not a Freemason. I'll concede that Freemasons were historically hostile to Catholicism, in my lifetime, neither were they involved in some bizarre conspiracy to infiltrate the RCC for the purpose of destroying the faith of the majority of Christians throughout the world. If the term, "Freemasonry," is some kind of euphemism for protestants, I can tell you that those who believe this are spreading lies about their "separated Christian brothers."
True and what's disturbing is that the Consecration of Russia was not done specifically to OLOF's request by 4 Popes now. It was only Russia that was to be consecrated and the wording was changed. It also wasn't done in union with all the bishops of the world. We should have seen Russia's conversion by now with a time of peace and the Church's restoration. Our rosaries should be more fervent for Russia's consecration.
Thank you for the excellent appraisal of the Archbishop Vigano position focusing on the condition of the Church . As you mentioned there is " a battle over Rome" .but we stay with our beloved Church and "live with these circumstances the best we can".
God Bless Archbishop Vigano. I have always felt that there was something off about Bergoglio, but tried to respect the office of the Pope. I have often felt embarrassed about this pope, when speaking with non-Catholic friends who had seen his scandalous behaviors (pachamama for example) Way back when he made a comment about Catholics, not needing to breed like rabbits, as one of 14, with a saintly mother, I was deeply offended, and from there on my eyes were opened.
Thank you for your very brave and heart searching comments. Many prayers for you both and for the Church on this feast of St John Fisher and St Thomas More.
Amen the Beautiful Catholic Church belongs to the faithful followers love Archbishop Vigano All Faithful Catholics Must pray 🙏🏻 our Rosary for Blessed Mother & blessed Vigano ❤️💯🙏🏻📿
Yes. What's disturbing is that the Consecration of Russia was not done specifically to OLOF's request by 4 Popes now. It was only Russia that was to be consecrated and the wording was changed. It also wasn't done in union with all the bishops of the world. We should have seen Russia's conversion by now with a time of peace and the Church's restoration. Our rosaries should be more fervent for Russia's consecration.
Praying for Archbishop Vigano. We need to storm heaven with prayers for our Catholic Church which is under attack by our supposed leader Pope Francis. Prayers for all priests who are being coerced under the threat of excommunication to agree with the Pope in all aspects.
Thank you so much for this discussion! So much of what is going on is so the Church and the world however, we must bring that which is dark into the Light! God bless you both and you are in my prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you so very much! GOD BLESS YOU! Offering up many rosaries today tomorrow and forever for all you do to share the aTRUTH!! Praying for you and our Desr Vigano!!!
Just as he ignored the activities of Cardinal McCarrick while he was nuncio in the US? Archbishop Vigano should have been the eyes and ears of the pope while he was nuncio. Instead he wrote no reports to Pope Francis about McCarrick. And years later, he accused Pope Francis of knowing and covering up what he himself never informed the pope about?!
@@sandraelder1101 If it were me, I would ignore this crazy Pope too. Stay in the church, without following the crazy teaching of this pope. We will be fine!!!!!! This is not the first crazy pope, he will be gone soon.
@@markopiple5972 I don’t mean they’re the same theologically. I mistakingly thought Luther refused a papal summons, but he actually went (refused to recant). Anyway, I worry that Vigano’s refusal to go could cause further division and scandal. Some may see it as an act of willfulness or disobedience. Others might take it as permission to disregard the Holy Father or Church authority in general or join a separatist group. It’s really a bad business all around.
And while all this squabbling is going on, Islam continues to grow with strength, energy and great enthusiasm. All Christians should reflect on this and figure out the real enemies of our faith before it is too late.
To worry about Islam when the enemy is inside our gates. At this rate both Islam and Christ will be lucky to find any Catholics left in this world in a few decades.
@@Mary-uz2tz - I wasn’t expecting to be taken so literally, but this is where I got the idea: Luke 18:8 “18: 8 - I say to you that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth. Regardless you’re right; all our trust should be in our Lord Jesus.
I’m Catholic and reading and listening to all these discussions I become more troubled and at times confused to who is blaming who and for what… for all this disruption in my beloved Catholic Church…..I’m a servant of God ..for it will never remove my love for Jesus and His holy church..I will continue to persevere, pray and say the rosary for peace, liberty, solidity, brotherhood ,sisterhood and love for ALL. 🙏✝️🙏❤️
Thank you both for your work and courage to share with us. God bless you both and Archbishop Vigano for standing up in this darkness and telling the truth.
Yes Fr. Murr I too am staying in the church, I'm 82 years. The diocese gave us a holy Rev, we feel blessed, the way he cleans the vesals a sign of great reverence for Our Lord & also his homilies telling us the truth & correct instructions about todays moral errors!!!
Join us on our next Pilgrimage/Retreat with Father Murr in Spain:
Pray for me Father. Deacon -Moran McMahon . I'm 93 now. I enjoyed your program.Ontario Canada.
Each of us ought to offer a Rosary for Archbishop Vigano.
We should pray the Lumious Mysteries, that the Lord will enlighten him and convert him.
@@a.t.c.3862 you should play the luminous mysteries for pope francis and his cohorts.
I'm not a Catholic but I am a Christian I stand by Archbishop vigano 💜🙏
Why? He was not the one to expose McCarrick. Rather, when people were beginning to ask why he had been so friendly with McCarrick, only then did he deflect the coming questions and cast the accusations against the pope.
And ran away, so that no one could question him.
Read the 2020 Vatican Report on McCarrick. It comes with receipts. Vigano expects us to believe him when he accuses the pope for no other reason than that he said so. He has no proof to offer, only accusations.
Urbi. Orbi so called educated pity your Gallen mafia ilk.
Thank you for all you do, Dr Moynihan and Fr. Murr!
100% true.
He is the one possessed by the devil, I believe you are not a Catholic, because if you were you would side with the truth.
Dark forces like you ?
@@luchogatica3868 Careful - your ignorance is showing
Angu, I stand with Pope Francis! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink
Archbishop Viganon has NOT gone to far! He is absolutely right. OUr Lady even warned so many times in her apparations.
You mean the demon masquerading as Our Lady. May it rot in Hell.
Yes She did. No conspiracy theory. People should read or listen to Father Kramer of the Fatima Center. There are good books on this subject, and what about the Alta Vendita document which was Freemasons looking for a pope that would serve their purposes.
@@Bella65 Yes, the Church was infiltrated.
Dear@@Bella65, of course the freemasons are looking. They have not found.
In fact, the freemasons claimed that Pope Pius IX was one of theirs -- well after he was dead and could not put the lie to their baseless accusations!
Pope Francis has recently published a Magisterial document that forbids Catholics from being freemasons. I know that this will reduce the number of recruits the freemasons will be getting!
@@Bella65 I’ve been watching the Church for the past 30 yrs after learning of the infiltration of Freemasons and communists into the seminaries and eventually rising to positions of bishops, cardinals, and the Freemasonic document of The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita that, now, has its man at the helm.
People thought I was a “conspiracy theorist” back then; really, until the past 4 yrs with podcasters learning and speaking out about it. Nice not to be alone in knowing why our Church has these problems. Evil men have desecrated it. It was so easy to see. Especially, knowing that the changes at VAT II in the liturgy were planned and carried out with complete abandonment from the true liturgy of the Church, that was NOT supposed to change so drastically, which has caused less reverence overall, lack of sacredness in Adoration-in fact Adoration was dropped for a long time; Holy Eucharist on knees on tongue to preserve Jesus in the Host from being stolen or abused.
This is why Catholics should not just be “Catholics”. It’s more than catechism- especially since it was watered down superficially; instead of more of a supernatural nature. One should read the Catechism, preferably the old version; READ the encyclicals; READ about the Councils; actually KNOW and practice our CATHOLIC faith, not the one of the last 70 yrs.
Not sure if where we are has to do with the Church being eclipsed for a time or not, but is being fulfilled. The Church is lock, stock and barrel with the progressive World Order. I thought that was interesting over the past 30 yrs as well, how the two are moving in the same direction, parallel to each other. One govt, one religion which will be govt ruled. Remember, over 50-60 yrs ago that was all Christian conspiracy as well. Like a former see-Eye-aye person said they made that term to deflect truth.
Evil Satan wants what he can’t have, The Catholic Church! Using weak men he has inched along. Stand TALK, Stand STRONG and continue to pray !!!
Bravo...Ave Maria
I left the Catholic Church a long long time ago. But my roots still has faint hold. I just watched 15 minutes ago a Catholic priest here on UA-cam to teach his congregation of Archangel Michaels deeds and royally mixing up Cyrus, Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel’s prophecies and Michaels war with the with the Prince of Persia spirit. Even as a former Catholic I cringed, he made some other mistakes . I am not judging. I love my Savior Yeshua, and my Creator the only living God in the Highest. I am honored by the Holy Spirit works in me and in my life. The gifts of prophecy and healing, not to be mistaken, I am only a vessel, All the Glory belongs to God. They are His works . I am going to say something based of my study in ancient and history. Nearly two thousand years ago the fledgling church became Romanized. It is a lot to think about. I do pray for your church, you two are correct in your presentation, May God bless you both eternally. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
Where Peter is there is the church . You are clearly not with the church
@@luchogatica3868 Mass 7 days a week. Prayer, constantly. Satan has wanted this church forever. God gave us 10 laws to follow. Yes 10. Anyone perfect? No but we must strive to follow his way. When you don’t follow Gods way, you are walking with the devil. He loves lies, murder, stealing, and making yourself GOD!! Just yourself, not others.
Dear@@loiscarrillo4058, yes, to all that you have said, and also to pray for our Holy Father the Pope -- "holy" in the sense of "set apart", called to give his life in the service of the Church.
Pray for him, because so many people doubt him. They cannot point out any way that he is benefiting himself, and yet they cast doubt on everything he says, so that when he says no one can be a freemason and a Catholic, they say he is not serious. When he says several times in "Fiducia Supplicans" that marriage can only be between one man and one woman in an exclusive, stable relationship open to the natural begetting of children and a gay couple can only be blessed as individuals in a quick spontaneous prayer, they say that he is opening the door to gay marriage.
He is hurt by all these false accusations. Please continue to pray for him!
I love our Mother Church. I will never abandon Her. At the same time, I don’t think Cardinal Vigano is in schism with Vatican. He has a right to question what is going on. And he does it on our behalf and in defense of our Mother Church. Let’s stand with Archbishop who fights for the preservation of our faith. Let’s all pray for the Catholic Church and Bishops who are brave and leading us to Christ.
Yes, ❤ we must become more holy prayerful and do penance asking the Holy Spirit to heal the Body of Christ. The Angels, Saints in Heaven and Holy Souls in purgatory are united with us in trusting believing our Redeemer Lord Jesus Christ for grace to repent. Mother of the Church Mediatrix of all graces Advocate and coredemptrix let us each individually renew our baptismal vows and rebuke Satan.
This is ridiculous. Vigano isn't fighting for the faith. He's fighting Pope Francis.
@@annamariamix5963 Yes. True and what's disturbing is that the Consecration of Russia was not done specifically to OLOF's request by 4 Popes now. It was only Russia that was to be consecrated and the wording was changed. It also wasn't done in union with all the bishops of the world. We should have seen Russia's conversion by now with a time of peace and the Church's restoration. Our rosaries should be more fervent for Russia's consecration.
@@EclecticRealist Viganò: My defense against schism is the same as Archbishop Lefebvre’s
Replying to the Vatican's accusation of schism, Viganò writes, 'Fifty years ago, in that same Palace of the Holy Office, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was summoned and accused of schism for rejecting Vatican II. His defense is mine; his words are mine; and his arguments are mine.'
Fight, Fight, Fight.....
And, I trust Archbishop Vigano.
I stand with Vigano as well...the current teachings coming from the Vatican are not catholic , many holy Bishops were excommunicated in the past ...St Athanasius, who stood against the Aryan heresy, Bishop Lefevre who has preserved for us the Latin mass... history will judge the heretics from the true church.
I fear more now for Archbishop Vigano safety.
God bless and protect Archbishop Vigano.
Look at what they did to Mother Angelica!
Look at what they did to George Cardinal Pell.
St. Athanasius was supported by the pope of the time, when he was exiled from Constantinople.
Bishop Lefebvre actually endangered the Latin Mass. Until he weaponized it, the Latin Mass was not a problem for anyone in the Vatican. By his disobedience and stubborn dissension, he made others rebellious against the Church.
@@susand3668 Well you could have fooled me. The Latin Mass was gone for the faithful with no if, ands or buts when it was enforced and never to be seen again. Had the faithful known that Bugnini and the Protestants created this new novelty, there would have been far more for the Church to deal with.
Dear@@dentryn4365, no, I lived through the time of the institution of the Novus Ordo. There were still the elderly and there were still the monks and nuns who continued the Tridentine Mass, with permission.
But look at the history of Lefebvre's increasing rebellion. When he started the SSPX and his seminary to train priests in the Tridentine Mass, he was welcomed. No one was against the idea of preserving an historical way of celebrating the Mass. They are essentially the same, the new and the old order.
But within a few years, Lefebvre began changing his rhetoric about Vatican II. He was teaching the seminarians to disrespect the thousands of bishops who prayerfully met for the Second Vatican Council, and the Holy Spirit Who led them.
I doubt that you remember the prayerfulness of the time that the bishops were meeting for the Council. I do, and I was a Protestant child at the time.
No, Lefebvre set himself stubbornly against Pope Saint John Paul II, and weaponized the Tridentine Mass, using it to teach others his rebellious ways.
We pray for him, because excommunication does not mean he is damned.
Vigano sees things as they are in the Church and he has always spoken frankly. He also understands the coming new world order. He could be crushed by religious and civil factions. He needs the support of the true Church, secular and “religious.” Let us pray for Vigano as he defends our Roman Catholic Church and faith. St Michael the Archangel and St Joseph, patrons of the Universal Church intercede for Archbishop Vigano and for the Church.
Father and Robert, God bless you both. English teacher here, Fr., past participle of strive is striven. Regular past tense is strove. Well done! We are living in strange times. Concerned, but standing with Jesus and the martyrs of the Church. If anyone needs to be excommunicated, it is Biden!! He receives the Blessed Sacrament while pushing abortion?? God, help us, the faithful. Prayers for Archbishop Vigano.
I was just thinking the same thing. Pelosi and Biden should have been excommunicated years ago.
Fr are simply amazing and a true respite into truth. I pray for you and value your honesty. God bless you always!
We are with you Archbishop Vigano! We are thousands of believers here in Switzerland. In prayers we are supporting you. Stay strong !
You are outside the Catholic Church. Repent
God bless both of you.
BRAVO ARCHBISHOP VIGANO! Amazing! He is not an ostrich!
I don’t know about being an ostrich; but he’s definitely looking more like a wolf. 🐺
This is a great talk. Thank you so much for courageously saying the truth. I appreciate you both Fr Murr and Mr. Moynihan. I am 80 years old and was formed in the TLM and had my sacraments in the Latin rite. That’s why the only mass I want to attend is the Traditional Latin Mass for as long as I live. Thank you God.
Thank you, Fr. Murr & and Dr. Robert for your courage to speak the truth. We are thirsting for more people in positions of authority to have the same fortitude!! The crisis of conscience out here in the boondocks is palpable. May God continue to bless you both. Love & prayers from rural Australia.
Praying for the church, for you two Holy Conscientious and courageous men who stand apart , with armor in battle array to help the faithful! God keep you strong and at peace! I will not leave the Catholic Church either!!!🙏🙏🙏
I stand with Archbishop Vigano also. He is a man of God and his speaking out against Pope Francis speaks volumes.
Are the Bible God's words. How dare humans say that it has to be renewed and modernized? We don't need intermediates to talk to God. The Vatican is one big money laundering system. There is nothing left behind its walls from any Christ consciousness.
Unless with Archbishop Vigano.
Great show Father Murr and Dr. Moyinihan! Blessings from Jalapa, México
When truth is attacked, there is no defense. I repeat, no defense. I am not even Catholic, but my heart sunk when hearing these charges against Archbishop Viganó. I am delighted that the Archbishop did not dignify theater (Bergoglio) by presenting himself.
I stand with Vigano
Me Too.
Amen 🙏
Me too
so am I!
Then you all stand with him in schism???
For an Archbishop, someone at the echelon level of the Church,
to take the stand that Archbishop Vigano has taken,
speaks volumes about serious, serious issues in the Papacy and hierarchy.
An Archbishop is a person who is a first hand witness to the administration of the entire Church. 95% of people follow along out of fear. It's the minority who have courage founded on the love of Christ who dare to take a stand. Archbishop Vigano is one such man.
Absolutely spot on.
Where is Archbishop Viganò’s evidence against Pope Francis and his accusations of SA by the Supreme Pontiff? Why has the Archbishop not provide the proof?
Yes, he should have told Pope Francis what was going on. He should have filed reports. He should have followed up on accusations that he was aware of.
Please read the 2020 Vatican Report on McCarrick, It comes with documents and witnesses. Archbishop Vigano comes with neither, and expects us to believe him.
Why should we?
He's a schismatic.
Yes, Archbishop Vigano should have warned the Vatican about McCarrick. He was the boots on the ground, right there in the US, and he received at least one man's accusation against McCarrick in 2012. Where is his report to the Vatican? When did he investigate this accusation or any others?
Why did he promote McCarrick as a person to work with the Church in international affairs? Why did he have McCarrick take part in ordinations?
And why did Archbishop Vigano attack the pope only when his own photos being chummy with McCarrick began to surface on the Internet?
Mr Vigano stands for Truth Love and Light and so many people come to the conclusion that he is Right. His honesty and courage in this time of Struggle is SO important. Thank you cardinal Vigano❣️
I’m not leaving the Catholic Church🙏💕🙏
Well said. We stay, the wrong doers can leave. We have Jesus and Virgin Mary. They cant take that from us.
Thank God for you. May the Holy Ghost keep you in His care.
Nor should we but Archbishop Vigano is a white martyr because he calls out the hypocrites !!!!!Wolves in sheep’s clothing!!!!!
It's good that you stand together I'm not Catholic but I support you 💜🙏
@@sA-ny2jlwake up zonbie...
divine mercy mumbo jumbo is another gimmick of WOJTYLA alias fast food saint JP II of upside down antichrist cross notoriety at youth meeting at jerusalem by this notoriorious gallen mafia friend of jorge berGOGlio pachamama satanic ilk. Repent zombie.
The Pope never speaks on Doctrine, or on Christ but speaks on Climate Change etc.
I'm sorry that you do not listen to his homilies on Sundays, his addresses at the Angelus, or his audiences on Wednesdays. This pope loves Mary and never goes on a trip without visiting the Church of St. Mary Major both when he is leaving and when he comes back. He has asked to be buried there.
I am sorry you do not know our Papa better.
a Saint once said many years ago, “It is better that scandal arise than the truth be hidden.”
Totally agree with you Fr. Murr - Vigano is a voice in the wilderness!
An excellent broadcast. I hope the Vatican is listening. I'm a 93 year old Catholic Deacon.
I forgot to mention that I'm
Living in a retirement home in Nepean Ontario , Canada. I enjoy your broadcast. I'm a 93 year old Catholic deacon.
I just had the honor to attend SSPX ordinations today; it was magnificent. The Society is growing. The seminary is out in the middle of "nowhere" and yet the parishioners were legion! I never saw so many people receive communion in such an efficient manner. 95 degree heat and the confession line was loooong. Lots of babies with nary a cry. Five hours! God bless Archbishop Lefebre! God bless SSPX!
The hand of God is visible in the SSPX and the schism with which they have been saddled for so long, is rubbish. JP II should have rectified this but ... now after so long we have finally a man of guts in ABhP Vigano. Wish Cardinals Burke, Muller, Sarah, Arinze ... bishops Schneider, Stricklandland etc, all good men support him totally and finally speak out against this take over of our beloved church.
I also attended the FSSP ordination of 11 priests last month at St. Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha, Nebraska. It was packed with hundreds of priests and people in attendance, including Harrison Butker! The reception followed at the seminary in Lincoln, located in the middle of nowhere on top of a hill, like a beacon of hope in this precarious time in history. It was incredible to see so many young priests, seminarians, and big families! Also attending Vespers, compline, and Mass or just being there was such a blessing. There’s no way Vatican can suppress it because it has been discovered by so many people already!
Good luck in your new church , but is not the Catholic Church
@@leihope39 That is wonderful. No offense, but SSPX doesn't consider itself in competition with FSSP.
Bergoglio wouldn't even meet with Cardinal Zen, then WHY would anyone think he would meet with Viganó to sort things out?
Cardinal Zen is saint. This was sad and caused me concern n doubt
Cardinal Zen was responsible for introduction of "Novus Ordo Missal" into China.
Zen went home but the next day NBA players met the pope?!
Fr Murr is delightful!
Yes, I love him! 🙏✝️❤️🔥🩸
Thank you Robert & Father Murr. God Bless His Excellency Carlo Maria Vigano who has been the truth, light and example of what an Apostle of Christ should be during these dark and evil times. Where are the others? The war against Catholics has been launched by Bergoglio & company and it’s our obligation to stand up and defend Jesus and the Church. Our salvation is on the line.
Pope Francis is not at war with the Church! Who told you that he was? Archbishop Vigano, who stands to be excommunicated and glories in it like Luther?
I am Thankful for ArchB Vigano’s witness to Truth….
I wish he had witnessed to truth when he was hobnobbing with McCarrick and leaving both Pope Benedict and then Pope Francis in the dark!
The 2020 Vatican Report on McCarrick details what was done and not done by whom. Archbishop Vigano has claimed that it misrepresented him, but he cannot come up with any proof that he followed up on accusations against McCarrick that he received, nor that he filed any reports of McCarrick's horrible activities with Pope Francis or any of the relevant Congregations in the Vatican.
You can read the report for yourself. It is online, for free.
I am so glad to have you two ! It brings peace to my Faith life and after listening to you all all comes to clarity! Please continue with true!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Where do we go from here? Where do we turn Lord, for you have the words of eternal life. Fr Murr, please help us to know when/where it is time to follow the true church and what to do for a valid consecration when that gets changed.
God bless you both!!❤
Fr Murr you mention communism spreads falsehoods… the instigator of communism is the Freemasons who are known to be within the Vatican & the ambiguity of Francis appears to be feeding Freemasonry!!!!
How can I sign up for Fr Murr’s retrete in Spain.?
What is your email please I cannot seem to connect with the .com ?
@@AileenLynch-d1rclick on the link in the description of this video! Also look at the pinned post at the very beginning of this show’s comments. It might be there too.
God bless you all and shower you with His graces!
Thank you, Robert and Father Murr! A most enlightening podcast. God bless you both abundantly.
Greetings from Brazil.
I totally agree with Father Muir's feelings about the Pachama atrocity!
We love and care for you Fr Muir! Praying for you both!
I grew up attending Latin Mass 6 days a week….it was beautiful! I was devastated as a young girl when it ended.
Me, too. It was painful and confusing to the pre-teen girl that I was. I firmly believe my life would have been much different had things not changed so much, including the false teachings being given by laity that replaced the nuns.
me too!!!
Archbishop Vigano would NEVER worship an idol Pachamama). He would lay down his life for God I believe. I don’t think Francis would … as he did not refuse to worship idols, if indeed, there was pressure applied to him. Worse … it was seen by the world. This what I, an old woman, see and am influenced by.
I completely agree with your statement father.
God bless you!
I stand with Archbishop Vigano….
I seem to remember a similar (same) lynching of Archbishop Lefevre. Michael Davies books verify that period very well
Absolutely. Viganò: My defense against schism is the same as Archbishop Lefebvre’s
Replying to the Vatican's accusation of schism, Viganò writes, 'Fifty years ago, in that same Palace of the Holy Office, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was summoned and accused of schism for rejecting Vatican II. His defense is mine; his words are mine; and his arguments are mine.'
Thank God for Dr. Moynihan, Father Murr and Archbishop Vigano🙏🏻 I have hope because of you Godly men.
"“It seems to me most important that the Catechism, in mentioning the limitation of the powers of the supreme authority in the Church with regard to reform, recalls to mind what is the essence of the primacy as outlined by the First and Second Vatican Councils: The pope is not an absolute monarch whose will is law; rather, he is the guardian of the authentic Tradition and, thereby, the premier guarantor of obedience. He cannot do as he likes, and he is thereby able to oppose those people who, for their part, want to do whatever comes into their head. His rule is not that of arbitrary power, but that of obedience in faith. That is why with respect to the Liturgy, he has the task of a gardener, not that of a technician who builds new machines and throws the old ones on the junk-pile.” Benedict XVI
Good comment
The Dictator Pope, by Henry Sire is well researched. He wrote it under a pseudonym,using the name of a Spaniard who fought in the Battle of Laponto. Sire knows Pope Francis through and through and his devious, brutal, insensitive management style.
I agree. Scrap the false teachings about Mary
Thank you both, the best we can do is to pray for everyone, we are all sinners and in need of prayer from others
Wonderful video, I greatly appreciate your input! Battle of Rome indeed!!!
Where would we be without Archbishop Vigano giving us the Truth! He has helped us to become more informed and also confirmed us in our Faith!
The gates of hell will not prevail and his excellency has been a great leader in this spiritual battle.
Thank you for this post! So much to9 pray about. I accompany you in my prayers!
🙏🙏🙏Praying for our Mother Church
As a conservative Catholic I believe Archbishop Vigano
The problem and obstacle is the freemasons in the hierarchy.
It will need the Hand of God to remove them all and He will. All glory and praise to God.
Pope Francis has re-iterated that no Catholic can be a Freemason.
God is sifting and placing the goats on His left and the sheep on His right. Lord have mercy on us and give us courage to stay strong.
Most Americans have no idea what it means when Catholics talk about Freemasonry and some kind of nefarious plot to destroy the RCC from within. I had never even heard of this until several years ago. No, I am not a Freemason. I'll concede that Freemasons were historically hostile to Catholicism, in my lifetime, neither were they involved in some bizarre conspiracy to infiltrate the RCC for the purpose of destroying the faith of the majority of Christians throughout the world.
If the term, "Freemasonry," is some kind of euphemism for protestants, I can tell you that those who believe this are spreading lies about their "separated Christian brothers."
True and what's disturbing is that the Consecration of Russia was not done specifically to OLOF's request by 4 Popes now. It was only Russia that was to be consecrated and the wording was changed. It also wasn't done in union with all the bishops of the world. We should have seen Russia's conversion by now with a time of peace and the Church's restoration. Our rosaries should be more fervent for Russia's consecration.
@rh1673 Absolutely. The Church was infiltrated.
By far the best not to speak of the most honest and truthful podcast I have seen to date. Thank you thank you thank you!
Thank you Dr. Robert Moynahan and Fr. Murr. Praying for HE Archbishop Vigano and also your safety and well-being from Philippines.
Will listen to this conversion now. Thank you for fresh air. Thank you fiat fiat fiat ❤❤❤sorry for confusion 😢😢😢 😊😊😊God Bless us all .
Dr Moynihan, I truly feel your pain and grief over Holy Mother Church. May God bless and protect you.
Thank you! May God bless and keep both of you. You are a blessing to us all! ❤ 🙏🏼
Thank you for the excellent appraisal of the Archbishop Vigano position focusing on the condition of the Church . As you mentioned there is " a battle over Rome" .but we stay with our beloved Church and "live with these circumstances the best we can".
God Bless Archbishop Vigano. I have always felt that there was something off about Bergoglio, but tried to respect the office of the Pope. I have often felt embarrassed about this pope, when speaking with non-Catholic friends who had seen his scandalous behaviors (pachamama for example)
Way back when he made a comment about Catholics, not needing to breed like rabbits, as one of 14, with a saintly mother, I was deeply offended, and from there on my eyes were opened.
😊thank you for your testimonies. I'm also a senior and love the church. He promised the gates of hell will not prevail vs it. I'm praying !
Offered my communion today for Archbishop Vigano. God bless and protect him.
Arbishop VIGANO is very COURAGEUOS 👍
Thank you for your very brave and heart searching comments. Many prayers for you both and for the Church on this feast of St John Fisher and St Thomas More.
Fr Malachi Martin said years ago that they don’t want to destroy the Church, they want use that structure for their vile purposes.
God Love you Gentlemen ❤🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏
God Bless Acrhbishop Vigono🙏🙏🇦🇺
Amen the Beautiful Catholic Church belongs to the faithful followers love Archbishop Vigano All Faithful Catholics Must pray 🙏🏻 our Rosary for Blessed Mother & blessed Vigano ❤️💯🙏🏻📿
I stand with Archbishop Vigano! 🙏
Pray more rosary for Blessed Mother 's intercession against attacks from communism and satan. 🙏
Yes. What's disturbing is that the Consecration of Russia was not done specifically to OLOF's request by 4 Popes now. It was only Russia that was to be consecrated and the wording was changed. It also wasn't done in union with all the bishops of the world. We should have seen Russia's conversion by now with a time of peace and the Church's restoration. Our rosaries should be more fervent for Russia's consecration.
I'll be sharing this link with a number of friends and family. God bless you both for a once again a most wonderful podcast. Crazy times. Oremus! 🙏
Praying for Archbishop Vigano. We need to storm heaven with prayers for our Catholic Church which is under attack by our supposed leader Pope Francis. Prayers for all priests who are being coerced under the threat of excommunication to agree with the Pope in all aspects.
Thk U both much for the inspiration. VIVA CRISTO REY Mama Mary, & Holy Mother Church
Thank you both for your heroic courage. 💜
Thank you so much for this discussion! So much of what is going on is so the Church and the world however, we must bring that which is dark into the Light! God bless you both and you are in my prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for your excellent discussion. I appreciate your honesty and openness in your discussions. God bless you and keep you. You two are the best!
I believe we are living the foretold great Apostasy!
Thank you very much.GOD BLESS YOU BOTH.kris Ethiopia
God bless you and keep you safe ✝️
Thank you so very much! GOD BLESS YOU! Offering up many rosaries today tomorrow and forever for all you do to share the aTRUTH!! Praying for you and our Desr Vigano!!!
Vigano ignoring it is the correct ressponse. Excellent to hear because so much news saying different.
Just as he ignored the activities of Cardinal McCarrick while he was nuncio in the US?
Archbishop Vigano should have been the eyes and ears of the pope while he was nuncio. Instead he wrote no reports to Pope Francis about McCarrick. And years later, he accused Pope Francis of knowing and covering up what he himself never informed the pope about?!
@@sandraelder1101 If it were me, I would ignore this crazy Pope too. Stay in the church, without following the crazy teaching of this pope. We will be fine!!!!!! This is not the first crazy pope, he will be gone soon.
@@sandraelder1101 To compare Vigano with Luther...that is really ignorance..
@@markopiple5972 I don’t mean they’re the same theologically. I mistakingly thought Luther refused a papal summons, but he actually went (refused to recant). Anyway, I worry that Vigano’s refusal to go could cause further division and scandal. Some may see it as an act of willfulness or disobedience. Others might take it as permission to disregard the Holy Father or Church authority in general or join a separatist group. It’s really a bad business all around.
Thank you
And while all this squabbling is going on, Islam continues to grow with strength, energy and great enthusiasm. All Christians should reflect on this and figure out the real enemies of our faith before it is too late.
To worry about Islam when the enemy is inside our gates. At this rate both Islam and Christ will be lucky to find any Catholics left in this world in a few decades.
@@VABE81030Lucky?? Do you not trust God to govern? Do you rely on luck?
@@Mary-uz2tz - I wasn’t expecting to be taken so literally, but this is where I got the idea: Luke 18:8 “18: 8 - I say to you that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth. Regardless you’re right; all our trust should be in our Lord Jesus.
I’m Catholic and reading and listening to all these discussions I become more troubled and at times confused to who is blaming who and for what… for all this disruption in my beloved Catholic Church…..I’m a servant of God ..for it will never remove my love for Jesus and His holy church..I will continue to persevere, pray and say the rosary for peace, liberty, solidity, brotherhood ,sisterhood and love for ALL. 🙏✝️🙏❤️
You gentlemen present the issues tactfully and honestly.
Praying, praying, praying 🙏🏻
Courage, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
God bless you both!
Everything good, holy, reverant regarding The Mass done in Latin was thrown away!😢
Thanks to both of you for giving us this information. It was most helpful!!!!
Thank you for your courage.
Men of Courage who speak Truth
are desperately needed & greatly appreciated.
There are No Shades of The Truth!
Thank you both for your work and courage to share with us. God bless you both and Archbishop Vigano for standing up in this darkness and telling the truth.
God bless you guys stay strong in Jesus Christ!✝️🙏
Yes Fr. Murr I too am staying in the church, I'm 82 years. The diocese gave us a holy Rev, we feel blessed, the way he cleans the vesals a sign of great reverence for Our Lord & also his homilies telling us the truth & correct instructions about todays moral errors!!!