The day is ending the one that I woke up to I recall my lord As it is he who give me a new day that I will spend I will give thanks to the life you give about the heart I chearish your gift I will keep it safe today Keep my friends safe Keep them to your heart as U love their life and am fond of them Keep their hands to a good path To them as it does to me they start the day alive I give all of those your hands For safe keeping Keep my loved ones(family/near ones) On this day that is to be spend/used Help my loved ones(family/nears ones) As you can see the loved ones As to them the precious gift from you That is life that is the greatest of all is starting All of those I give it to your hands Keep them safe
Fanatiske smuk sang ,med så stærke følser af betydning for kærlighed ❤
Hvor er i bare skønne. Fed sang, dejlige stemmer, og smukt land. Tak.
Qujanaq ❤
Taakkunnguullutik silatangiaaffinginikuuvaatingut erninnguara nalliuttoq, peqqutaanerulluni erninnguara peqqilluni maannakkut akornatsinniikkami, inuungamimi aqanguani toqungaluarnikuungami uangami nammineerlunga uummarteqqinnikuungakku👏🏼💙👏🏼
Qujanarsuaq taama imaqartingisumik tungingasinnga,neriunnermillu siumullu inuunermi tunivassinnga nukissamillu naa inuunermi tupinnaqaaq inuunermi tunisippugummi Guutimi tikilluaqulluta nunarsuarmut nukissamillu tunivaatingut ❤😊🎉❤❤❤❤
Id love to know the name of the lead is , ive heard his song in another song that im looking for, the hook is “itvitvitvit kasasassuaa”
Love this song, what is the hymn in English
Ajornartorsiorfiup nalaani nukittorsaat💪😔😁❤️
Can this be translated to English Please?
Tusarneqaasi ❤🎉😊
Nunneq 😊
Love this song, what is the hymn in English?
The day is ending the one that I woke up to
I recall my lord
As it is he who give me a new day that I will spend
I will give thanks to the life you give about the heart
I chearish your gift
I will keep it safe today
Keep my friends safe
Keep them to your heart as U love their life and am fond of them
Keep their hands to a good path
To them as it does to me
they start the day alive
I give all of those your hands
For safe keeping
Keep my loved ones(family/near ones)
On this day that is to be spend/used
Help my loved ones(family/nears ones)
As you can see the loved ones
As to them the precious gift from you
That is life that is the greatest of all is starting
All of those I give it to your hands
Keep them safe
Skotland, Grønland 🇬🇱✨
Ulloq naasoq iterfigisanni
eqqaavara naalagara
taassumammi ullormik nutaamik
atorumaakkannik tuneqqimmanga
qujassutinnik qullartitsissaanga
tunniussat inuuneq uummat pillugu
eriagaara tunissut ilinnit
paarissavara ullumi
Ikinngutikka paarilluakkit
sernigikkit inuunerini
asagakkit nuannarigakkit
tasiukkit ajunngitsumut
aamma taakku uattulli aamma
ullaami inuuneq aallarnermassuk
tamaviisa assannut ilinnut
tunniuppakka paarigigit
Ilaquttakka paarilluakkit
ullormi atugassaasumi
ikioqquppata ikiukkit
isigaatimmi taakkunnguit
aamma taakku tunissut ilinnit
angingaartoq inuuneq aallarnermassuk
tamaviisa assannut ilinnut
tunniuppakka paarigigit
Nuanarisara tusasallungu
Unnummi eqqissisaraagut, ujarniarlugu imaallaat nuannersumik naammattuuivugut
Nuan amma sanqilaa ilaa
Aqqutit persuanartut