Low Rider S VS Low Rider ST (Review and Ride along)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @sLowRider114.
    @sLowRider114. 11 днів тому +2

    Just so u know the low rider s and st pegs sit exactly the same theyre both mid forwards. only difference is the st comes with 13 in shock rather then the 114 coming with 12.5. But in 2022 the s and st has the 13” shock. U prolly feel difference in the bikes cause the sdc seat sits little higher then the regular step up.

    • @tree_bagg
      @tree_bagg  11 днів тому +2

      @sLowRider114. the difference would be the shock height of the two bikes. I have heard numerous people say the pegs are in a different location. Maybe they forgot to mention. It's due to the shock. I would say it's the seat, but the stock seat feels the same for my legs position.

    • @tree_bagg
      @tree_bagg  11 днів тому +1

      @@sLowRider114. the ST stock shock needs to be swapped out asap. It does not do the bike any justice

    • @sLowRider114.
      @sLowRider114. 11 днів тому +2

      @@tree_bagg yea but a taller rear shock ur peg to ground is higher but foot location stays the same. If u look at how the frame is it doesnt matter how much u change the height the foot position wont change only difference is when u raise the rear the seat doesnt angle down as much so u feel more on top then in the bike. Yea i agree im running se ohlins front and rear and they were game changer.

    • @tree_bagg
      @tree_bagg  11 днів тому +2

      @@sLowRider114. I'll ask people next time what they mean by the S has mids and the st is Foward mids

    • @sLowRider114.
      @sLowRider114. 10 днів тому +2

      @@tree_bagg no need bro call the dealer and ull see urself theyre both mid forwards both more forward then the traditional mids on dynas. Late model dyna mids is also little more forward then early model.

  • @saddlemenusa
    @saddlemenusa 3 місяці тому +1

    Great video, thanks for sharing your experience!

    • @tree_bagg
      @tree_bagg  3 місяці тому +1

      @saddlemenusa My low rider S had the tuck and roll style saddlemen seat. I really liked it but always wanted more of a curve in the lumbar area instead of a 70-degree angle. I saw the SDC pro was very popular and took my shot at it. To my surprise it is popular for a very good reason. Not one crease in it after 21k Miles. Very, very wet miles. Again, thank you for your support. I greatly appreciate it. Stay groovy 🤙

  • @HuckleBuck425
    @HuckleBuck425 3 місяці тому +1

    Here from tiktok, I’ve always wanted to get a bike and I’ll probably end up giving the Jeep up for one, I like sport bikes but I don’t really want to go ungodly fast, thinkin about a cbr600?

    • @tree_bagg
      @tree_bagg  3 місяці тому +1

      @HuckleBuck425 WELCOME ABOARD! If you have never rode before. I would get something really cheap to learn the clutch/throttle combo. Many bikes go fast it's just bow fast they get there. You have to know your own maturity level to not twist that throttle. But having that extra power is always beautiful.

    • @HuckleBuck425
      @HuckleBuck425 3 місяці тому +1

      @@tree_bagg I haven’t learned clutch yet but I plan on getting atleast a 250 or 450 dirtbike to learn clutch on, after I’ll probably sell it and the Jeep for a bike

    • @tree_bagg
      @tree_bagg  3 місяці тому

      @HuckleBuck425 you can just go straight to a 600 sport bike, but it could put you in some sticky situations. I started on a sportser, and I'm glad I did with how expensive Harleys are. The bike I have now is definitely not a starter bike but my low rider s and sportser I don't see why not.

  • @Samuel10463
    @Samuel10463 2 місяці тому +1

    You clearly having hard time reaching handlebar. Holding it with tips of fingers... The backrest too far? Risers maybe?

    • @tree_bagg
      @tree_bagg  2 місяці тому

      @Samuel10463 needs a new triple tree to fix this problem. To matter the height of bars and risers, the rider still can't reach the bars due to the angle. A new triple tree changes the angle more towards the rider and less to the sky. You are correct.