I just wanna GRILL for God's sake!!!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ashkankazemi2758
    @ashkankazemi2758 Рік тому +566

    i had no idea why this video was age restricted one hour after release for no reason. but im gladly watching it again

  • @pathfinder3888
    @pathfinder3888 Рік тому +356

    Man a goons cookout video would be amazing

    • @MrKrimson
      @MrKrimson Рік тому +12

      holy shit

    • @xokoy.
      @xokoy. Рік тому +11

      Soup would probably be the only one that knows how to get down on the grill 😂 being a southern dude

    • @corbendonaldson8149
      @corbendonaldson8149 Рік тому +6

      Plus we couldnt see 2/4 of the goons, or it would be a yidd down shot for all 4

    • @samiham
      @samiham Рік тому +1

      Fuck yeah bud

    • @subtl311_2
      @subtl311_2 Рік тому +1

      Man I read that as "Goons cockout," for some reason.

  • @ok._.gubruh
    @ok._.gubruh Рік тому +104

    Love how they actually play the game

  • @ALaughingWolf2188
    @ALaughingWolf2188 Рік тому +146

    Listen, I’ve watched Mcnasty for a while now, and from experience I can say: *let him cook.*

  • @polaroidtxx5834
    @polaroidtxx5834 Рік тому +26

    Honestly the most realistic BBQ I've ever seen

  • @jacobgibson9009
    @jacobgibson9009 Рік тому +26

    Im always in tears during your videos, but its rare that I end up laughing from beggining to end. I have to pause every second just to spend a minute laughing my ass off. also

  • @DoctorBubba55
    @DoctorBubba55 Рік тому +64

    I love that when you play games like this you guys are hilarious and try to do well in the game while other UA-camrs like the people that play with vanoss just fucked around and had a few funny moments. Will always be grateful for you goons. Thank you for making amazing content you all and editor.

    • @benjirivoh
      @benjirivoh Рік тому +2


    • @kaiheejeu
      @kaiheejeu Рік тому +1

      If you cared so much about the game then play it yourself instead of judging how other people play their own game lmao

    • @GDKF0238
      @GDKF0238 Рік тому

      Jeu Terminal or whatever the fuck his name here is so angry on behalf of a UA-camr that does not at all know them. Touch grass, I’m sure he’s fine. Have a good one.

    • @brambleon
      @brambleon Рік тому +4

      I get what they mean.
      It ain't actually about the gameplay.
      It's the fact they really try to play the game and can still have fun. Not one or the other, which I believe op is trying to say.
      I click off so many "funny" vids cause they aren't trying to play the game or understand it at all, yet are also trying to make "funny moments" out of it. They're just all in a game, complaining that they don't know how it works and barely trying to understand while just being idiots.
      These guys are different (usually lol), and try to understand the game and have fun with it.

  • @cadenmelvin5438
    @cadenmelvin5438 Рік тому +14

    I started this video yesterday and stopped watching because I decided I’d watch it when I went to bed. Then later I couldn’t find it. I was looking everywhere for it wondering “maybe it was mcnasty who uploaded it like I thought”. I thought I was losing it, glad to see that wasn’t the case and I can now watch the video lmao

    • @jordanhunter8312
      @jordanhunter8312 Рік тому

      Very cool

    • @GDKF0238
      @GDKF0238 Рік тому

      Jordan hunter, you’re under several comments being a retard. Give me your name, address and mothers pussy size right now my friend

  • @xxRaginbullxx
    @xxRaginbullxx Рік тому +2

    The neighbors dog on the other side of that fence is eatin good today lol

  • @Vic_Vinegar35
    @Vic_Vinegar35 Рік тому +1

    These guys feeding a gorilla is peak goons content.

  • @GlennSnapsThe9
    @GlennSnapsThe9 Рік тому +8

    Something about a rack of ribs flying through the air just tickles me 🤣🤣

  • @zZKableZz
    @zZKableZz Рік тому +12

    I’m gladly watching this again without the restriction on it. Idc if I’ve already watched it.

    • @notsmii7y
      @notsmii7y Рік тому +1

      I was literally watching this yesterday and then it was gone. I was only 15 minutes in

    • @astroknight467
      @astroknight467 Рік тому

      @@notsmii7y same

  • @Shelleycheeseman
    @Shelleycheeseman Рік тому +9

    Soup should definitly film the next podcast while doin a cookout

  • @keda1248
    @keda1248 Рік тому +7

    I love when the goons play amazingly obscure cooking sim games

  • @captainblack3043
    @captainblack3043 Рік тому +2

    Pure chaos when you guys play a game ...I love it .

  • @tx1506
    @tx1506 Рік тому

    I love the fact that mcnasty was cooking and blarg started pissing on the ribs, didnt expect this video to be so funny.

  • @finnnalewaik4669
    @finnnalewaik4669 Рік тому +1

    Blarg the instigator got mad at his own instigation

  • @obeythefists9501
    @obeythefists9501 Рік тому +1

    Monke egg chicken wing time PISS ON EM 🎉😂😂😂😂

  • @clo1620
    @clo1620 Рік тому +3

    hell yeah a new mcnastier vid while i’m eating pasta 😤😤

  • @NoobToob2014
    @NoobToob2014 Рік тому +1

    The people next door: "we eating good tonight fellas"

  • @v.n.ofishmaster6168
    @v.n.ofishmaster6168 Рік тому

    24:40 as a fellow Louisiana resident i can say for sure that we do talk like that

  • @Bashvm
    @Bashvm Рік тому

    “Ill click two buttons dont mind me”🤣

  • @mochithemuffinnut6778
    @mochithemuffinnut6778 Рік тому

    Im dying over Mcnasty's ribs heist on the goodheads.💀💀💀

  • @BlackTyler_
    @BlackTyler_ Рік тому +10

    Literally watching this yesterday and thought my phone broke but the video went private and I didn't get to finish TEASE! 😂

    @ROFLCOPTERS92 Рік тому

    The uncontrolled pissing gets me going pretty well.

  • @SuLoDoS
    @SuLoDoS Рік тому +14

    Shouts out to the gang for raising a HAPPY HOUSE MONKEY!!!!!

  • @smiledfire6323
    @smiledfire6323 Рік тому +3

    This is like Pezzy Droid Puffer and Grizzy doing the cooking stream but without the real life consequences

  • @killabeast4255
    @killabeast4255 Рік тому +2

    Hell yeah new video today is gonna be a good day stay grillen them dogs

  • @SaltyChipOrMistalyManiaTunie
    @SaltyChipOrMistalyManiaTunie Рік тому +10

    This is truly a monke egg chicken wing time type game

  • @ChrisHuppey
    @ChrisHuppey Рік тому +2

    Monke egg chicken wing time 😂🎉

  • @nikkichappi6744
    @nikkichappi6744 Рік тому

    When the definition of Slamming a tall boy has a different meaning now 🤣🤣

  • @Imulletman12
    @Imulletman12 Рік тому +4

    This video had no right to be this good but how could I complain lol

  • @hessticle654
    @hessticle654 Рік тому +2

    This is awesome I love these guys

  • @tempfrompsini5198
    @tempfrompsini5198 Рік тому +1

    14:58 had me crying 🤣

  • @xk9x
    @xk9x Рік тому

    thank god this is back up, i accidentally refreshed halfway through and it was privated 😂

  • @chaster_mief
    @chaster_mief Рік тому

    This is probably mcnasty's best title for a video

  • @thegongoozler3374
    @thegongoozler3374 Рік тому +1

    Monkey egg chicken wing time. Imagine having the small gorilla as a pet.

  • @AcadianBacon8
    @AcadianBacon8 Рік тому

    Monkey Egg Chicken Wing Time: Piss On 'Em Edition only for the OUYA

  • @ironcross8949
    @ironcross8949 Рік тому +1

    Monkey chicken wing and thyme!!😂

  • @DarkDragonSlayer
    @DarkDragonSlayer Рік тому +10

    Who remembers this video being on McNasty's original channel?
    Edit: I do!

    • @jacobelsenbrook1121
      @jacobelsenbrook1121 Рік тому +7

      I watched like half of it yesterday and then when I came back from work I went to watch the other half and it was gone

    • @UnknxwnErrxr404
      @UnknxwnErrxr404 Рік тому +4

      I was gonna say, I already watched this yesterday lmao

    • @DarkDragonSlayer
      @DarkDragonSlayer Рік тому +1

      @@UnknxwnErrxr404 was the original shorter or longer? I forgot.

    • @DarkDragonSlayer
      @DarkDragonSlayer Рік тому

      @@jacobelsenbrook1121 what did it say? Video unavailable?

    • @Brannington
      @Brannington Рік тому +1

      @@DarkDragonSlayer 6 hour schneider cut

  • @prod.stormjet5311
    @prod.stormjet5311 Рік тому +5

    Once again, Mcnasty gives the community more long form content. I thank you Mcnasty

  • @PeacefulPPO
    @PeacefulPPO 3 місяці тому

    “Oh oh you can piss in the toilet “ 😂

  • @ZestyBugg
    @ZestyBugg Рік тому +2

    I love how all 3 of them just IMMEDIATELY lose all sense of coherent speech when they start the monke missions 😂

  • @ComicalCoconutOfficial
    @ComicalCoconutOfficial Рік тому

    This is the most random video ever😂😂 first it’s tiny heads and walter white, then it’s dating an anime girl, then out of nowhere soup is peeing. And they are calm like it’s a normal tuesday

  • @smallwhitegnome
    @smallwhitegnome Рік тому +1

    If thou shall interupt the cook, thou shall become the meal

  • @gasoline6068
    @gasoline6068 Рік тому

    This is one of those videos that had my sides hurting 😅

  • @animekings4990
    @animekings4990 Рік тому +1

    Monkey egg chicken time 😂❤

  • @RockytheDoggy1996
    @RockytheDoggy1996 Рік тому +8

    Average American bbq
    Pissing on the grill and chucking ribs into the mountains to compete for the love of an anime girl

  • @MrKrimson
    @MrKrimson Рік тому +1

    any newcomers - PLEASE watch the whole thing, fucking hell its great

  • @jakobhoward2287
    @jakobhoward2287 Рік тому

    13:01 me when I wake up in an tub full of ice

  • @slackerofhell
    @slackerofhell Рік тому

    Blarg's guy's face looks like a character from the show Chop Socky Chooks

  • @infini-zkrooz6572
    @infini-zkrooz6572 Рік тому

    So THIS is the suburban lifestyle I've been hearing about?🤔
    Count me in.😂

  • @buttylishusbri
    @buttylishusbri Рік тому

    Monke Egg, Chicken wing time, with the mint

  • @pseico315
    @pseico315 Рік тому

    “Monke Egg Chicken Wing Time”

  • @small6248
    @small6248 Рік тому +1

    let that MAN GRILL

  • @xoashleyromero
    @xoashleyromero Рік тому +1

    Monke egg chicken time 😂

  • @FableOne
    @FableOne Рік тому +1

    Missed opportunity to make the title "I just wanna GRILL for God's steak!!!"

  • @Shiranu17
    @Shiranu17 Рік тому

    Have... yall never made bbq before?
    Season that thing in the kitchen, then take it outside so you don't have to run back and forth lol.

  • @absoluteunit4286
    @absoluteunit4286 Рік тому +2

    Speaking of grilling WHERES THE COOKOUT PODCAST???

  • @Mystic1038-u5u
    @Mystic1038-u5u Рік тому

    McNasty’s villain arc

  • @isaack5141
    @isaack5141 Рік тому +1

    Monke egg chicken wing time

  • @caydenfone2286
    @caydenfone2286 Рік тому


  • @aidanfox3549
    @aidanfox3549 Рік тому +1


  • @thearsenalsystem5027
    @thearsenalsystem5027 Рік тому

    The Goons X RWBY crossover we never thought would happen

  • @matteoschmidiger8191
    @matteoschmidiger8191 Рік тому +1

    Monkey egg chicken wing time

  • @ChunkTheEditor
    @ChunkTheEditor Рік тому

    some dude now has 100 stacks of ribs in their backyard

  • @loganshaw3608
    @loganshaw3608 Рік тому

    I love the no emotion pissing

  • @sadieisarts
    @sadieisarts Рік тому

    I had a dream that looked just like this entire video

  • @cj12120
    @cj12120 Рік тому

    This game gives me drunk at 3am vibes

  • @voicelessgirl4620
    @voicelessgirl4620 Рік тому

    monkey egg chicken wing time, MONKEY EGG CHICKEN WING TIME

  • @innerg_92
    @innerg_92 Рік тому

    this video had me dying of laughter the entire time, so fucking good

  • @lordofslam
    @lordofslam Рік тому

    Editor misspellings funny moments.

  • @jobamadotcom3497
    @jobamadotcom3497 Рік тому

    Monke egg chicken wing time? Sounds like my kinda man.

  • @MoonHermit9
    @MoonHermit9 Рік тому +1

    Play Gartic Phone with the Goons!

  • @lprxmisel8596
    @lprxmisel8596 Рік тому

    monke egg chicken wing time said the lord

  • @hammahhh
    @hammahhh Рік тому

    This video was actual crack - need more monke

  • @theironhorserambles
    @theironhorserambles Рік тому

    Waltuh, we gotta impress the anime girl Waltuh

  • @jason_spaghetti2063
    @jason_spaghetti2063 Рік тому


  • @Aridam2008
    @Aridam2008 Рік тому +3

    Waking up to a mcnasty video. Great start to my day.

  • @rornonyourbis4504
    @rornonyourbis4504 Рік тому

    best indy game you guys have playef

  • @halle9165
    @halle9165 Рік тому

    This was fucking hilarious, laughed the whole time

  • @H_Money_Official
    @H_Money_Official Рік тому +1

    little baby boy

  • @themobileguy7767
    @themobileguy7767 Рік тому

    "Blarg is pissing on the ribs"

  • @sovietjams4647
    @sovietjams4647 Рік тому

    this made me cry laugh

  • @Abstractical
    @Abstractical Рік тому

    I'm glad to watch again.

  • @thecat1627
    @thecat1627 Рік тому

    Play this with the cookout podcast bois

  • @LeveyHere
    @LeveyHere Рік тому

    This was so entertaining lol

  • @trapinchdeathuser3516
    @trapinchdeathuser3516 Рік тому +1

    Monke Egg Chicken Time

  • @wyvern_warrior
    @wyvern_warrior Рік тому

    A BBQ without a Bud in a dress?
    17:35 oh there it is, I will NOT be ordering a sausage now, why is it split at one end, but it's not cooked yet?

  • @zayrichardson2422
    @zayrichardson2422 Рік тому +1

    Let him grill Jesse!!!

  • @crumblast
    @crumblast Рік тому

    Finally, the video we privated for

  • @cottagecheese4043
    @cottagecheese4043 Рік тому +1

    jus reminded me of a cscoop vid

  • @puffydahlin5265
    @puffydahlin5265 Рік тому +1

    Could have sworn Ive seen this before

  • @hivpositive3039
    @hivpositive3039 Рік тому

    dame thay really kick out theDooooo

  • @cainemark2719
    @cainemark2719 Рік тому

    Like how they come together for Monkey Lol

  • @Joseph-lq6ps
    @Joseph-lq6ps Рік тому +1

    monkey egg chicken wing tiiiiiiiiiiime

  • @halle9165
    @halle9165 Рік тому

    Monke Egg Chimpken Wing Thyme!

  • @lukegameboy6530
    @lukegameboy6530 Рік тому

    missed opportunity for “gods steak”

  • @BurntToast1717
    @BurntToast1717 Рік тому

    Monkey Egg Chicken Wing Time

  • @caydenfone2286
    @caydenfone2286 Рік тому

    27:30 best part 😂