u should specify that grouping up should occur AT SPAWN. not at the choke, not behind a dwindling rein shield. the amount of people that spam group up then run off into the distance is infuriating
The decision of when to disengage from a fight is key to maximizing the number of full team fights you can have to win an objective. This knowledge is crucial to all game modes and Liam breaks down the nuances of each mode in this video. Let us know what you think and be sure to drop a Like & Subscribe if you enjoyed!
It is so annoying when people trickle and get mad at me for not doing anything while spamming group up for everyone. In my games, everyone means 5 people.
How to make a muselk video: color code stuff people say. Be silent after the tiniest awkward moment. Go into quick play. Show a small amount of the skill you hide that makes people respect you but not think you have no life. Talk about repetitive shit and try to start awkward conversations. Occasionally give blizzard your money so that people will somehow like you due to your economic good foetune
The problem is, with what I extracted from this, that on the second point, the skill to success rate is too shitty. Or at least, thats what I extracted. That defending such a point is way easier than it is to take it.
Hey, I watch your videos pretty regularly, but I don't generally leave a comment. That said I really felt I had too for this one. First off thank you, just in general thank you for running this channel as almost all of your videos have been helpful for me to grow as a player, and they're usually enjoyable to watch as well. But I commented here because I need to thank you for this specific video, I know the importance of grouping up, and I definitely try and do alright, but until now I've searched for and couldn't find any type of guide to effectively grouping up. This video was exactly what I've wanted for some time and it's a huge help. Thank you for all of your hard work guys, it's a huge help for me and I truly think that all of you and people like you are a huge part of Overwatch's community growing and improving itself.
+Viqtor then remove the rest of the round when objective is captured lel i mean look at any other gamemode (and even koth itself when point is still neutral!): when both teams are on the control point/payload NO progress is made by either team! -if its a payload i will not move forward or start reversing -if it's a control point it's capture progress won't increase neither fade away. yes, they probably don't want matches be longer than they already are, but still on occasion you can lose when you have much stronger objective presence throughout the round but lost the first fight.
every overwatch player should be forced to watch this upon installing the game. I don't know how many times I see junk and hanzo 'mains' contesting the streets phase solo and completely tilting every time.
DukeofJam I'm sort of a junkrat main, I use my grenades to keep them away from the point and boogie trap the hallways. I usually try to sync my ult with mei, Reinhardt and zaryras.
UncoloredPage for players that are new to overwatch, it isn't at all a simple concept. overwatch is a unique FPS in which everything is built around team work. if this were a game like call of duty or any other FPS, a single person could very easily team wipe, but in a game like overwatch, it requires everyone to group up and work together. a person that is new to this game might not understand that yet
MiniTieGaming True the potential is there to wipe but Tracer's takes a little setup for that. Namely a good Zarya or Reinhardt ultimate to group the team together. Sombra is the only assault hero whose ultimate cannot kill anyone.
Tracer, in general, is really tailored for very good play. She's pretty weak-sauce in the hands of a mediocre player, but in the hands of a really good player, she's very effective. Her ultimate takes that skill-cap to the extreme, really. For a weaker player, her ultimate is very weak indeed. But a really good Tracer gets ultimate very quickly, and her ultimate is really just the extra assassination icing on the cake. So an ease-of-use buff may be fair enough (increasing its range, as you suggest), but that could also push it into being a bit overpowered in top-level Tracer hands. Personally, as a pretty poor Tracer player, I find it weak, but reasonable in my hands. But as a victim of really good Tracer players' ultimates, I'm happy to assert that it's just right. As MiniTieGaming said, it's not a team-wipe ability. It's more an ultimate that lets you do your regular job a lot better briefly (like Widowmaker's ultimate, or Pharah's)
Thank you so much for making this video I really hope a lot of players see this and learn hey grouping up is actually good idea instead of wondering why they died so fast and why they help the other team win easier
thanks for all of these amazing videos. im not usually the type of person that actually learns things from random youtube videos,but these videos are actually helping me. im kind of getting better :)
finally a video on contesting. I hate when we lose a team fight and instead of contesting to stop them from pushing the payload my teammates fall back just staggering themselves. It can make the difference between have a last team fight or the enemy capping the checkpoint
Elcyde gaming there's nothing you can do. Usually around platinum people understand they need to group up so just try to get to that rank and hopefully your problem should be solved
I need a clear example of this... do you have any match analysis? To see how to engage/disengage and why to do it, also to know why you have some team comp.
Well said, people get so annoyed in attack, they fail to realize the attacking team on last point has a HUGE disadvantage.Bliz needs to change spawns drastically.
one time i was playing a match and we wouldnt group up and our mei got so frustrated with us she walled off the spawn so we grouped up honstly im glad she was on my team
I once played a hybrid game that we were losing, we were on attack and it went into overtime. The bar went down and just before we were going to lose, someone contested the payload. Then me and Reinhardt (I was soldier) both ulted and wiped the team before winning the game.
Liam Borella I once got five gold medals as lucio and our D.va told me that I needed to get on the point more and get more damage in and that I was trash and he never grouped up and was being a toxic dick and then we lost and I laughed so hard and he got so pissed I heard him throwing his controller and then he cut out. (I'm on Xbox)
Maybe the fix to that can be a longer respawn time for the defense side when defending the second point. It'll even out with the offense's traveling time.
I think even when you don't have spawn advantage in payload, it can be ok to trickle if you are able to bleed off the attacking team's time, especially if you're on round 3 or something and the clock is very low. Obviously this would only be in specific desperate situations, in general of course having a full team in the fight is best.
Here's a tracer tip: Recall gives you a short period of invincibility. So if Dva bomb is about to explode, if you recall at the right time, you want take the damage.
Preach! Spread the word, Trickling at the wrong time loses games. I try to get teams grouped, and no one understands that this game isn't COD and you can't solo carry.
I disagree, I've seen some Sombra's almost hard carrying their teams. Sombra is not meant to be in your face DPS, she's meant to be sneaky, get behind enemy lines, bam, deletes a healer/dps/support. Not to mention in a rein vs rein stalemate, if she manages to hack the enemy rein, it's pretty much over. On top of that, you get her ult. If used well an entire team has to rely on just aim as they can't use any other abilities. These beings said, I think she's a very high skillcap hero and it takes a lot of time to be even decent on her. It also requires a high level of coordination with your team, which is pretty hard to achieve in randomized teams.
The last sentence sums the problem.You will notify that you are about to emp the crap out of a whole team and your randoms team wont push after.I had games with Sombra that I NEVER died, had like 7 emps on whole teams and team still didnt get the first cp!I gave up on her after that.
hi YourOW gang, I have a question about the SR gain of an healer compared to other characters: I always played duo queue with a friend this season, I play heal and he does tank usually. At the beginning of the season we had almost the same SR, but he always seems to gain more than me and now there's a gap. Do you know if Blizz is aware of the problem? is there a problem in the first place? I know that your performance in the game also affects SR gain in case of victory, but I don't think that my friend is constantly outperforming me, so I don't know what to think. sorry for the long comment and thank you for all the vids and support! cheers luvs
I thought you would mention which characters are good for stalling payloads and contesting point, from my experience, D-Va and Mei are great for those jobs even without help, D-Va mostly because of the mech getting destroyed and the no suit d-va charging her ultimate so fast, in the case of Mei, the correct use of Freezing, wall and cryo can make her almost unbeatable for enough time for your team to respawn and reach the objective again. It would be interesting to see how the upcoming changes affect this capability for D-va
as soon as people start saying, lets regroup group up here, about that time a 2 wolves come through the wall and the enemy team attacks before we are ready. they will come to you, and regrouping often will not work.
I completely agree with this video, but I find it very difficult to convince team mates to group up. I traditionally play support or tank and as such can do very little on my own, not really even getting a pick. Is it better when everyone else is trickling to just try wait until 2 or 3 people die and run with them or try sit just behind the front lines and support who I can? Really confused about how to handle a team of tricklers besides "try group up". Any help would be appreciated:)
could you make a video if you haven't already about the timing of ults, because when my entire team burns all of their ults and we still don't get the point or even the first tick its kind of annoying trying again without any ults
I know this isn't strategically correct, but I wanted this video to be like: "When to contest the objective: ALWAYS! You ALWAYS CONTEST! What the HELL is wrong with you?! Unless you die and you physically CAN'T make it to the point before they take it, YOU ALWAYS F***ING CONTEST! Honestly, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall!"
It's pretty funny actually. I was watching you're stream on the 3rd 2cp game when getting trolled you said you guys were gonna make a video. AND THE DIVA DOES THE ULT AND ZENYATTA DOES THE ULT AND EVERYWHERE THERES ULTIMATES 2cp diga diga diga diga diga
I play Pharah quite a bit and recently I've found that her concussion just isn't doing anything. I'll land it next to an enemy or hit an enemy with it but they just wont move. Could you look into this or explain more in depth how it works cos at the moment it just seems temperamental.
Any chance you guys could do a vid on how to attack on Eichenvald? At low ranks it almost seems impossible to beat that first choke, then once you have the truck, the first door is almost as bad as defenders have high ground.
capped a second point on hanamura as ana alone ( high diamond) cuz for some reason the enemy team thought it was more important to kill the rest of my team on teh highground while i had all the time in the world to cap the point alone...
Would it be okay to trickle when you have significant man advantage. Let's say you're on Anubis 2nd point and you wipe 3 of them at once. And you only loose 1. Would it be safe to say that if you're team is holding well that instead of calling for regroup you should try to run in and force another team fight immediately rather than taking the time to back and allowing them to setup??
I would like if they would change capture the point to where each little notch is a point. Get three points for a full capture or one or two depending on how many you get.
Maybe a topic for a next video. Who should be standing at the payload at escort? Because it happens quite often that I m the anly one at the payload, for example as Tracerror some other flanker.
This happens all the time when i am rein. I wait until my team is back from spawn and then i will try to push. But everyone in my team splits from me and try to trickle in at the sides or flank not even the healer is behind me. And there i am with a big shield that no one uses. Seems like alot of people just goes for kills that won't even matter or contribute towards a win. I mean we even had a ana that just tried to snipe the enemy when i stod right next to her as rein with 200 hp and almost a broken shield and she refuses to heal me. Instead just trying to kill the enemy. And what happens then? My shield breaks i have almost no health so i die and then my team gets wiped.
You dont know how happy I am that you made this video. This problem has ruined games for me hopfuly this video gets to most of the Overwatch coumminity
I would like to see a video, on how to play hanzo. He is one of my favourite heroes to play with, but he isn't easy. So could you please make a video on how to aim the best with arrow drop and when to use his special arrows.
I really dislike Kings Row and Numbani as there is no middle defending spawn, meaning streets phase is generally a lost cause. Route 66 isn't as bad as there is an easy shortcut to get back to the fight quickly.
You know what they could do? Match the time of respawn of the players who die in a specific amount of time, that way you will have at least two or three players everytime respawning at the same time. Yes, that means bad luck for Mercy, who's gonna have to bring everyone up at the same time or not at all, but that would be interesting from the point of view of group organization.
great video 👍. also I think that they should just increase defending team respawn a couple seconds on 2cp on the second point also on temple that mercy rez from spawn just saying its quite broken lol
The 1/3 and 2/3 ticks need to give some kind of advantage in 2cp and hybrid maps to lessen draws. If one team got no ticks and the enemy got 1 or 2, the enemy would win
so which season do you guys prefer 1. coinflip season 2. beyblade season 3. tanks a lot season personally, i like season one cuz u actually have room for attack and defense characters
I dont have a problem with 2 cp maps second cp respawn point for defenders, its annoying for attackers sure, and it may cause lots of draws but ultimately its kinda good for it to be a challenge as the attackers. As defense it feels good to have that feeling of security. Plus you play both sides so, its not like its unfair, its just a challenge you have to overcome as a team. Overwatch should release tutorials on how to play each hero and each map to better inform more serious players so that we know its not ok to trickle without having to find videos on youtube about it.
Hi, console scrub here. Blizzard should put you guys' videos in the tutorial section so I don't have to teach masters mid-game. It's actually ridiculous. I got yelled at once for not holding up my Rein shield (attacking hanamura) in front of shield-shredder Roadhog while we were supposed to be regrouping.
I'm not sure I can play this game anymore. Was 2800 heading for diamond, but now back to 2400. The last game I had we had a Bastion + Widow on attack. If they are really good on those and we win, the fine. Play them all you like. But when we lose, and the reason is pretty obvious (plus when the Rein starts charging in the enemy deathball 1v6), I just get so frustrated. Also, played 8 games today, 4 of them my team had leavers.. I really don't get it. If you're not gonna take it seriously, why do you play competitive? It ruins the fun for me to be honest.
u should specify that grouping up should occur AT SPAWN. not at the choke, not behind a dwindling rein shield. the amount of people that spam group up then run off into the distance is infuriating
The decision of when to disengage from a fight is key to maximizing the number of full team fights you can have to win an objective. This knowledge is crucial to all game modes and Liam breaks down the nuances of each mode in this video. Let us know what you think and be sure to drop a Like & Subscribe if you enjoyed!
With your guys videos i've climbed out of low bronze to high silver - THANK YOU :)
Still learning more every day! Onwards & upwards
ive climbed from diamond to 2500 but i dont think its these videos
asdg ak you mean from 2500 to diamond? Or you fell from diamond to 2500 (platinum)?
@Matthew sometimes you just have to be like "smh" and not even waste thought on impossible scenarios.
Mid silver (~1700), crawling up all the way to low plat/high gold(~2500). The trick is to play a character you are good at, especially in lower ranks.
It is so annoying when people trickle and get mad at me for not doing anything while spamming group up for everyone. In my games, everyone means 5 people.
Stone Hudders i feel you.
It's part of the OW struggle haha
They rush into the full enemy team WHY DIN U HEEL ME
Been watching you guys for bout a month, and watched like 80 vids but I have 1 question... is it LiamWarEagle? Or how do you say it??
Boss Floss Gaming Liam (real name) or Weagle (gamertag)
Liam or Weagal :) -w
Your Overwatch haha Thanks been bugging me for a while! Cant believe i actually got a reply :)
Boss Floss Gaming I Love how he does his intro. He's on the verge of dying at the ens of the sentence, due to lack of oxygen xD
Liam or Weagal
How to make a Your Overwatch video:
1. Don't trickle
2. Don't trickle
3. Triple tank Meta
4. Don't trickle
Poke at the choke
How to make a Unit Lost video:
"So lads, what should get nerfed next?"
EscapistDG correction; how to make a unit lost video
Mercy Plays Suck
Patch Notes
How to make a muselk video: color code stuff people say.
Be silent after the tiniest awkward moment.
Go into quick play.
Show a small amount of the skill you hide that makes people respect you but not think you have no life.
Talk about repetitive shit and try to start awkward conversations.
Occasionally give blizzard your money so that people will somehow like you due to your economic good foetune
This video needs to be a standard forced watch for everyone before every comp session.
It's crazy how sometimes your team just knows what to do, I've went from winning a match in 90 seconds to losing in 90 seconds
I seem to always get a team of unorganized non-communicative players whenever I go against a team that actually knows what they're doing.
DoppelDragon - Butters i know that feeling brah
DoppelDragon - Butters That's not possible because no matter what 50% you'll get a better team than you and 50% you'll be better than their team.
DoppelDragon - Butters Make a team on their discord
DoppelDragon - Butters download the app GamerLink!! I use it all the time it works as a lfg and really well
The problem is, with what I extracted from this, that on the second point, the skill to success rate is too shitty. Or at least, thats what I extracted. That defending such a point is way easier than it is to take it.
Hey, I watch your videos pretty regularly, but I don't generally leave a comment. That said I really felt I had too for this one.
First off thank you, just in general thank you for running this channel as almost all of your videos have been helpful for me to grow as a player, and they're usually enjoyable to watch as well.
But I commented here because I need to thank you for this specific video, I know the importance of grouping up, and I definitely try and do alright, but until now I've searched for and couldn't find any type of guide to effectively grouping up.
This video was exactly what I've wanted for some time and it's a huge help.
Thank you for all of your hard work guys, it's a huge help for me and I truly think that all of you and people like you are a huge part of Overwatch's community growing and improving itself.
They are featured on the battle.net page congrats
What? Where?
I see it on the battlenet desktop app.
where you see PTR click next you'll see like us on facebook, click next and there it is :)
2:24 Callum lost his shit when this happened lmao great moment
how about changing the respawn times on 2cp?
thats why i hate koths: the timer goes at the same speed regardless if point is contested or not. first fight decides a bit too much in most games.
Василий Калинкин then win the first fight. ezpz
+Viqtor then remove the rest of the round when objective is captured lel
i mean look at any other gamemode (and even koth itself when point is still neutral!): when both teams are on the control point/payload NO progress is made by either team!
-if its a payload i will not move forward or start reversing
-if it's a control point it's capture progress won't increase neither fade away.
yes, they probably don't want matches be longer than they already are, but still on occasion you can lose when you have much stronger objective presence throughout the round but lost the first fight.
Really hope my future teammates see this video.
every overwatch player should be forced to watch this upon installing the game. I don't know how many times I see junk and hanzo 'mains' contesting the streets phase solo and completely tilting every time.
If they're Junkrat or Hanzo mains, would they even listen?
DukeofJam alot of hanzo, widow, phara, and other mains dont even know what the point is
DukeofJam people just don't understand this and it's such a simple concept
DukeofJam I'm sort of a junkrat main, I use my grenades to keep them away from the point and boogie trap the hallways. I usually try to sync my ult with mei, Reinhardt and zaryras.
UncoloredPage for players that are new to overwatch, it isn't at all a simple concept. overwatch is a unique FPS in which everything is built around team work. if this were a game like call of duty or any other FPS, a single person could very easily team wipe, but in a game like overwatch, it requires everyone to group up and work together. a person that is new to this game might not understand that yet
Who else thinks that Tracers ultimate needs a buff? It has such a bad range
MiniTieGaming it's designed to get picks not team wipe.
whynotzoidburg But you can pretty much kill the whole team with anyone's ultimate (apart from support) but less efficiently with tracer I think
MiniTieGaming True the potential is there to wipe but Tracer's takes a little setup for that. Namely a good Zarya or Reinhardt ultimate to group the team together. Sombra is the only assault hero whose ultimate cannot kill anyone.
Tracer, in general, is really tailored for very good play. She's pretty weak-sauce in the hands of a mediocre player, but in the hands of a really good player, she's very effective. Her ultimate takes that skill-cap to the extreme, really. For a weaker player, her ultimate is very weak indeed. But a really good Tracer gets ultimate very quickly, and her ultimate is really just the extra assassination icing on the cake. So an ease-of-use buff may be fair enough (increasing its range, as you suggest), but that could also push it into being a bit overpowered in top-level Tracer hands. Personally, as a pretty poor Tracer player, I find it weak, but reasonable in my hands. But as a victim of really good Tracer players' ultimates, I'm happy to assert that it's just right.
As MiniTieGaming said, it's not a team-wipe ability. It's more an ultimate that lets you do your regular job a lot better briefly (like Widowmaker's ultimate, or Pharah's)
MiniTieGaming it charges very fast tho
Thank you so much for making this video I really hope a lot of players see this and learn hey grouping up is actually good idea instead of wondering why they died so fast and why they help the other team win easier
thanks for all of these amazing videos. im not usually the type of person that actually learns things from random youtube videos,but these videos are actually helping me. im kind of getting better :)
I feel like freedo just rants and then liam elaborates and makes it actually make sense
"Tilt off the side of the planet" is so funny to me
Can you do a video on where to position your team on defense for all maps. Or just a general idea? Keep up the good work!
General idea? High Ground
Great video as always! We're still pretty new to the game so these types of videos are extremely helpful. Thank you guys and keep up the awesome work.
One of the best videos so far, thanks!
finally a video on contesting. I hate when we lose a team fight and instead of contesting to stop them from pushing the payload my teammates fall back just staggering themselves. It can make the difference between have a last team fight or the enemy capping the checkpoint
Fortunately, when the Oasis map released, I had a team that regrouped most of the time if we lost the objective. We ended up winning the entire game.
Amazing video, didn't entirely understand how this worked before! I'd love to see a initiation guide for starting teamfights as a tank.
So how do you get your teamates to group up
i mean like even though i say group up at spawn no one does it execpt for that other guy that has a mic
Elcyde gaming there's nothing you can do. Usually around platinum people understand they need to group up so just try to get to that rank and hopefully your problem should be solved
Do u guys have any information on how to get better on genji or DVA
Gotta love when Liam says "at the minute".
This why I love good Zarya players. Gravition combos wins games
I need a clear example of this... do you have any match analysis? To see how to engage/disengage and why to do it, also to know why you have some team comp.
Well said, people get so annoyed in attack, they fail to realize the attacking team on last point has a HUGE disadvantage.Bliz needs to change spawns drastically.
one time i was playing a match and we wouldnt group up and our mei got so frustrated with us she walled off the spawn so we grouped up honstly im glad she was on my team
This is a huge help, Weagal! Thanks!
I once played a hybrid game that we were losing, we were on attack and it went into overtime. The bar went down and just before we were going to lose, someone contested the payload. Then me and Reinhardt (I was soldier) both ulted and wiped the team before winning the game.
Liam Borella I once got five gold medals as lucio and our D.va told me that I needed to get on the point more and get more damage in and that I was trash and he never grouped up and was being a toxic dick and then we lost and I laughed so hard and he got so pissed I heard him throwing his controller and then he cut out. (I'm on Xbox)
Ha lol I hate those people. People get so toxic all the time, and take the game way to seriously
I *HATE* when people do a last minute switch to bastion on a defence on a payload map. it never works but people still do it
fernando wetherbee it worked for me the other day :)
Boss Floss Gaming same
Boss Floss Gaming want rank are you if you don't mind me asking
fernando wetherbee High platinum, I know its not too high around 2900
Ive started playing during thanksgiving but Ive learned alot! :)
it would be so good if you guys do a podcast or even just release these videos as audio only
Maybe the fix to that can be a longer respawn time for the defense side when defending the second point. It'll even out with the offense's traveling time.
I felt good knowing i've seen almost all the clips used from the streams
NICE that Reinhardt its me! Croix000. i watch your videos your Overwatch glad i've appeared in this video keep up the good job
I think even when you don't have spawn advantage in payload, it can be ok to trickle if you are able to bleed off the attacking team's time, especially if you're on round 3 or something and the clock is very low. Obviously this would only be in specific desperate situations, in general of course having a full team in the fight is best.
Here's a tracer tip: Recall gives you a short period of invincibility. So if Dva bomb is about to explode, if you recall at the right time, you want take the damage.
Congratz on the community spotlight guys
Preach! Spread the word, Trickling at the wrong time loses games. I try to get teams grouped, and no one understands that this game isn't COD and you can't solo carry.
Around 3:50 u should have rewinded to avoid the ult
Sombra ULT can be pretty beast on the 2nd point on 2CP.
xSociety she just needs more damage and she'll be godly
I disagree, I've seen some Sombra's almost hard carrying their teams. Sombra is not meant to be in your face DPS, she's meant to be sneaky, get behind enemy lines, bam, deletes a healer/dps/support. Not to mention in a rein vs rein stalemate, if she manages to hack the enemy rein, it's pretty much over.
On top of that, you get her ult. If used well an entire team has to rely on just aim as they can't use any other abilities.
These beings said, I think she's a very high skillcap hero and it takes a lot of time to be even decent on her. It also requires a high level of coordination with your team, which is pretty hard to achieve in randomized teams.
Lehel Kiss :o well said
The last sentence sums the problem.You will notify that you are about to emp the crap out of a whole team and your randoms team wont push after.I had games with Sombra that I NEVER died, had like 7 emps on whole teams and team still didnt get the first cp!I gave up on her after that.
Maybe try finding a team on LFG @ reddit, takes time but you'll eventually find some good people to play with constantly.
hi YourOW gang, I have a question about the SR gain of an healer compared to other characters: I always played duo queue with a friend this season, I play heal and he does tank usually. At the beginning of the season we had almost the same SR, but he always seems to gain more than me and now there's a gap. Do you know if Blizz is aware of the problem? is there a problem in the first place? I know that your performance in the game also affects SR gain in case of victory, but I don't think that my friend is constantly outperforming me, so I don't know what to think. sorry for the long comment and thank you for all the vids and support! cheers luvs
is it worth it to trickle on streets if the enemy will cap the point if you dont or is it better to let them take it but stay together
Could the defenders have a longer respond time? So they can even out the respond advantage?
If 20% of my teammates saw this video, I would have one competent teammate.
I thought you would mention which characters are good for stalling payloads and contesting point, from my experience, D-Va and Mei are great for those jobs even without help, D-Va mostly because of the mech getting destroyed and the no suit d-va charging her ultimate so fast, in the case of Mei, the correct use of Freezing, wall and cryo can make her almost unbeatable for enough time for your team to respawn and reach the objective again.
It would be interesting to see how the upcoming changes affect this capability for D-va
At around 5:30 it sounded like he was about to cry😂
that spin at 10 50
oh my god i just realized the intro music is correlated with the commentator of that video
as soon as people start saying, lets regroup group up here, about that time a 2 wolves come through the wall and the enemy team attacks before we are ready. they will come to you, and regrouping often will not work.
will we ever get a 3 control point map
I'm so fucking sick of trickling teammates.
Yeah Pharah, go attack the enemy 1v6! you can take em!
Stud Fish at low tanks that works lol, which is why people keep trying it as they rank up
Stud Fish to be fair on some maps pharah can hit the point from just outside the respawn :p
Yup. Telling people to disengage and group up makes me sound like a broken record. But people listen eventually! ...eventually.
I completely agree with this video, but I find it very difficult to convince team mates to group up. I traditionally play support or tank and as such can do very little on my own, not really even getting a pick. Is it better when everyone else is trickling to just try wait until 2 or 3 people die and run with them or try sit just behind the front lines and support who I can? Really confused about how to handle a team of tricklers besides "try group up". Any help would be appreciated:)
could you make a video if you haven't already about the timing of ults, because when my entire team burns all of their ults and we still don't get the point or even the first tick its kind of annoying trying again without any ults
I know this isn't strategically correct, but I wanted this video to be like:
"When to contest the objective: ALWAYS! You ALWAYS CONTEST! What the HELL is wrong with you?! Unless you die and you physically CAN'T make it to the point before they take it, YOU ALWAYS F***ING CONTEST! Honestly, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall!"
It's pretty funny actually. I was watching you're stream on the 3rd 2cp game when getting trolled you said you guys were gonna make a video. AND THE DIVA DOES THE ULT AND ZENYATTA DOES THE ULT AND EVERYWHERE THERES ULTIMATES 2cp diga diga diga diga diga
I play Pharah quite a bit and recently I've found that her concussion just isn't doing anything. I'll land it next to an enemy or hit an enemy with it but they just wont move.
Could you look into this or explain more in depth how it works cos at the moment it just seems temperamental.
I came for the thumbnail. I also came for the thumbnail.
Any chance you guys could do a vid on how to attack on Eichenvald? At low ranks it almost seems impossible to beat that first choke, then once you have the truck, the first door is almost as bad as defenders have high ground.
capped a second point on hanamura as ana alone ( high diamond) cuz for some reason the enemy team thought it was more important to kill the rest of my team on teh highground while i had all the time in the world to cap the point alone...
last time i was this early 7 of my friends died from jacob satorius music, hahaha also gread vid Liam or weagal =D
this is actually very helpful
Would it be okay to trickle when you have significant man advantage. Let's say you're on Anubis 2nd point and you wipe 3 of them at once. And you only loose 1. Would it be safe to say that if you're team is holding well that instead of calling for regroup you should try to run in and force another team fight immediately rather than taking the time to back and allowing them to setup??
Hello person scrolling through the comments
Bee Cubed HI
Bee Cubed hello
I would like if they would change capture the point to where each little notch is a point. Get three points for a full capture or one or two depending on how many you get.
Maybe a topic for a next video. Who should be standing at the payload at escort? Because it happens quite often that I m the anly one at the payload, for example as Tracerror some other flanker.
This happens all the time when i am rein. I wait until my team is back from spawn and then i will try to push. But everyone in my team splits from me and try to trickle in at the sides or flank not even the healer is behind me. And there i am with a big shield that no one uses.
Seems like alot of people just goes for kills that won't even matter or contribute towards a win. I mean we even had a ana that just tried to snipe the enemy when i stod right next to her as rein with 200 hp and almost a broken shield and she refuses to heal me. Instead just trying to kill the enemy. And what happens then? My shield breaks i have almost no health so i die and then my team gets wiped.
You dont know how happy I am that you made this video. This problem has ruined games for me hopfuly this video gets to most of the Overwatch coumminity
great video. great channel.
Could you guys do a video on how to not trickle in when you have little to no communication with your teammates
I would like to see a video, on how to play hanzo. He is one of my favourite heroes to play with, but he isn't easy. So could you please make a video on how to aim the best with arrow drop and when to use his special arrows.
I really dislike Kings Row and Numbani as there is no middle defending spawn, meaning streets phase is generally a lost cause. Route 66 isn't as bad as there is an easy shortcut to get back to the fight quickly.
What's the outro music?
does the two CP thing change as an attacker with a mercy?
because it might change weather you win or not if you can switch of support to mercy. that's why I asked the question
Is it just me, or does UA-cam now have more and more unskipable adds around or above a minute in duration?
So... Should i trinkle or not?
You know what they could do? Match the time of respawn of the players who die in a specific amount of time, that way you will have at least two or three players everytime respawning at the same time. Yes, that means bad luck for Mercy, who's gonna have to bring everyone up at the same time or not at all, but that would be interesting from the point of view of group organization.
Some excellent tracer gameplay in the background.
“It’s a gamemode that i think everyone hopes to be fixed as soon as possible”
4 years later…
Here's how I hear his intro :
*Music* "hey what's up guys it's ************** TODAY!
abdul-wahab hey guys it's liawiawi mongol
great video 👍. also I think that they should just increase defending team respawn a couple seconds on 2cp on the second point also on temple that mercy rez from spawn just saying its quite broken lol
The 1/3 and 2/3 ticks need to give some kind of advantage in 2cp and hybrid maps to lessen draws. If one team got no ticks and the enemy got 1 or 2, the enemy would win
i hate doing koth games because my team mates never listen to me and they starting throwing games
What does Trickle means ? I tried to translate it to my language but poor results.
Veroboard its a word used for people going to the point 1 by 1
Super Nova Thank you :)
so which season do you guys prefer
1. coinflip season
2. beyblade season
3. tanks a lot season
personally, i like season one cuz u actually have room for attack and defense characters
I dont have a problem with 2 cp maps second cp respawn point for defenders, its annoying for attackers sure, and it may cause lots of draws but ultimately its kinda good for it to be a challenge as the attackers. As defense it feels good to have that feeling of security. Plus you play both sides so, its not like its unfair, its just a challenge you have to overcome as a team. Overwatch should release tutorials on how to play each hero and each map to better inform more serious players so that we know its not ok to trickle without having to find videos on youtube about it.
Hi, console scrub here. Blizzard should put you guys' videos in the tutorial section so I don't have to teach masters mid-game. It's actually ridiculous. I got yelled at once for not holding up my Rein shield (attacking hanamura) in front of shield-shredder Roadhog while we were supposed to be regrouping.
The problem in console is that roadhog can still send his hook trohg walls
Last time I was this early....*inane "channel was good" joke*
I am alergic to the payload
gabriel jimenez Yes you definitely spelled allergic right.
I'm not sure I can play this game anymore. Was 2800 heading for diamond, but now back to 2400. The last game I had we had a Bastion + Widow on attack. If they are really good on those and we win, the fine. Play them all you like. But when we lose, and the reason is pretty obvious (plus when the Rein starts charging in the enemy deathball 1v6), I just get so frustrated. Also, played 8 games today, 4 of them my team had leavers.. I really don't get it. If you're not gonna take it seriously, why do you play competitive? It ruins the fun for me to be honest.
How i wish everyone i play with would watch this video
Do map callouts videos
I hate it when people don't contest to cause overtime even though they've been standing right outside of the objective forever.