"Rutte for the first time called for part of pensions and social payments in Europe to be allocated to weapons production, specifying that NATO military spending should “exceed 3%"".
NATO is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria etc.
NATO is the North American Trade Agreement. It was supposed to be ONLY for the North American continent. It’s about an agreement to sell all a country’s resources in USD, a fiat printed by the U.S. A great deal for the U.S., which doesn’t cost anything for them & gets everything practically for free!!!! The type of deal a gangster would make with someone, at gun point.
Yes, if the US had been in a similar situation with some country in Central America they would have thr-shed the capital years ago and washed their hands of the whole affair.
I just listened to Brian speech on Danny..... He clearly explains how Russia and china are seeing things in the bigger picture and suffering humiliation and short time defeats for long term strategic goals....
@@nettlecarrier8259 🎉 and all the Atacms get knocked down by russians so easily. Back on Nov 21, the Day of the Oreshnik Saviour, the russians apparently eliminated 11 batteries of Atacms equipment, if I recall what Mercouris had said about that pivotal days actions. And now 3 weeks later, Ukes still sending Atacms across border. Mercurouris said it appears like acts of desperation trying to provoke RF into doing something foolhardy, which they, the RF won't do. They are not stupid like the west.
Not quite accurate. Trump is free to offer any deal he likes. Unless he offers something Putin is willing to get on board with he might as well be blowing smoke.
The fact that Trump claims Russia has 600,000 KIA shows he is still being provided bogus Deep State intel. I don't find either Kellogg or Waltz trustworthy and we know the Biden Intelligence regimes are corrupt. My hope is that when Tulsi Gabbard takes over the DNI slot, he'll finally understand the situation on the ground in Ukraine, the 2024 prolific military capabilities of Iran and China, the inexorable growth of Multi-Polarity and move away from the NeoCon positions he's been tentatively promoting in this Election/Inauguration interim.
Why? Everyone knows that Russia isn't going to go nuclear over the attacks. No one is going to launch a first strike. Biden knows as long as he remains non-nuclear he can poke the bear with whatever he wants.
That would suggest that the 'leaders' care for their citizens. They don't. Only for themselves. Enrichment of the elite donor class is the ONLY thing they calculate.
Yes, but how, and how soon can that be seen to happen, especially with the increasingly frequent use of Proxy Terrorist, and Private Military Mercenaries and Foreign Forces?
I've never been so frightened of my own government in my life. Trump can't get in there fast enough and I'm not sure we can trust him either as he works for Israel 1st.
@@Concerned63Citizen I’m quite concerned that he is not the same man from 2016. Accepting the $100 million from Miriam Adelson, $1 million from AIPAC, his language has changed so much and it seems that instead of draining the swamp, the swamp beat him into submission and placed a short leash upon him prior to allowing him to hold office again. I say this as someone who was an ardent supporter in the past.
Amazing that an outgoing administration is given the time to smash as many plates as it can before leaving office. By voting Trump, Americans showed they have had enough of this yet they (and the world) have to wait for the hallowed inauguration.
I don't understand why this gap between election and inauguration is allowed to continue. I understand why they did it in the past, but in this day and age, it is unnecessary. It just allows the lame duck president leeway to burn the world. It's pathetic, every other country has it's newly elected leader installed immediately. Why haven't any US politicians taken moves to have this changed?
Really Mort? You must be blind, deaf, dumb and stupid if think the President is not REALLY REALLY REALLY determined to end all the wars in the world and especially this one. He is only the second American President since the second world war that stopped them last time and didn't start a new one. I don't know what the President has to do for you to pull your head out of your ass and take a look but seriously.
Probably Iran/China. Won't be China, trump will tarrifs the fuck out of it but not war. But Iran just might be the next one militarily, Trump is a cuck for Israel, and Israel wants Iran to become the next Syria
If it's true that Russia is bringing down the Atacms before they do any major damage, then that's the best response Russia can give. Imagine the frustration from the West when they send their super weapons and nothing happens!
As long as the Ukrainian soldiers are in the Kursk area...Putin has a free license to gain as much ground as possible in the Donbas and other areas of Ukraine. That is a bait.
They want conflict, but not willing to take the open blame. Alexander, what are your thoughts on the UK being stealthfully taken into a war economy without engaging the public directly with what's happening?
Времена поменялись. Это раньше Великобритания плавала по миру на кораблях с мушкетами и колонизовала другие страны. Сейчас,в случае конфликта, пару российских ракет типа «Сармат» способны стереть с лица планеты этот остров!
@@КамильШабанов IMO The Russo-Ukraine Conflict. The newly elected Labour (Left-leaning) PM Keir Starmer. The Foreign Secretary, The Rt. Hon. David Lammy MP. Secretary of State for Defence The Rt. Hon. John Healey ARE way out of their depth.
@@СлаваССС-м4с why would it be terrorism? Russians are also targeting Ukrainians with on Russian weapons. Why do you feel that you are special? RT bot?
The levels of over-estimation of capability of the Collective West, is matched only with the levels of underestimation of Russian capability & resolve.
ну... тут как бы нужно экономику считать не в долларах, а в тоннах зерна, стали, нефти... в штуках ракет, самолетов, танков, снарядов... а доллары... хоть пачками их в окопы противника закидывай, войну выиграть не помогут. А то хочется как Сталин у Черчилля спросить "А сколько дивизий у Папы Римского?"
The armament the USA used in Ukraine is old and out of touch. The USA had to print tons of dollars to be able to update the arsenal to be able to win a war because in the last wars, the USA lost one after another.
I WISH Elon Musk would buy CNNBC. THAT would set the Cat among the MSM Pigeons!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine the Public at large being told the TRUTH! THANKYOU once again, Gentlemen. Blessings from Australia...❤
I'd be more worried about what your current gov is doing by giving murdoch what he wants with this social media ban on children. The opposition when re elected and they will, they will turn Australia into a North Korea. No independent media.
не думаю, что это как-то связано... в Белоруссии свой вайб.) Да и проблема хоть с Путиным, хоть с Лукашенко одна и таже... Нет адекватной оппозиции... Все толковые люди на их стороне... а в оппозиции конченные неадекваты... Вот что за оппозиционер Тихоновская? Какие у нее достижения, опыт? Или в России... оппозиционер Навальный... это же лузер, который провалил все проекты в которых участвовал.... за таких голосуют только те, кому все равно за кого голосовать, лишь бы против власти. В России даже искусственно пытались создать оппозицию... как пример, партия "Справедливая Россия", но пока так себе получается. Возможно будь в России что-то вроде стабильно "красных" и стабильно "синих" штатов... это бы и сработало... но что-то мне подсказывает, что такой максимализм в России, скорее привел к гражданской войне.
Three obvious facts: 1. The UN would never back a "peacekeeper" mission to Ukraine that was made p f troops from leading NATO countries . Russia would veto it and I think Gutierrez would also say no. 2. NATO and Ukraine can't declare a freeze of the front and the beginning of a peacekeeper mission on their own - Russia would have to agree (unlikely) 3. If French, Polish or German soldiers arrived before an armistice agreement had been signed, they would NOT legally be peacekeepers but plainly participants in the war, on Ukraine's side
Aren't US service men violating US law when they fire missiles into Russia without either a declaration of war or at least the invocation of the War Powers Act?
I can not wait to see this Trump thing unfold lol , the guy said today he is not cutting aid to Ukraine ...so much wishful thinking around Trump ... Believe it only when I see it.
The US are all mouth and trousers, militarily inept on ground offensive, lost every war since WW2, and now they only fight proxy wars, providing money and military equipment. Trump? Different name on the door, same masters.
He seems very serious about ending the Ukraine war. It’s not so clear that he will do anything different in the Middle East. Biden was completely subservient to Netanyahu. At first he made some pleadings not to starve and kill tens of thousands of Gazan children and women. About a year ago Netanyahu told him to shut up and step up the arms shipments or else. Biden meekly complied. If there is any U.S. president who would be willing to stand up to Netanyahu, it will be Trump. Sure, it’s only a remote possibility, but no U.S. president since Reagan has ever dared to say no to Israel.
Indeed, but there's no money or power in peace, never in my lifetime have I ever heard any Western country call for peace, only incessant wars somewhere.
In September 2022, President Zelenskyy had amended The Constitution of Ukraine. "An Ukrainian Official cannot negotiate with Russia, whilst Vladimir Putin remains President" FIRST The Constitution of Ukraine, needs again amending.
There are lots of advantages with the Ukrainians in Kursk. They're in a fully-controlled bag, as you say the bag is filling more and more, it gives a justification for not negotiating and that road is in drone range anyway. There was no Atacms in Kursk, only Storm Shadows. Atacms were thrown on Bryansk and now on Rostov.
Хочу, чтобы граждане Запада не забывали, кто такой Зеленский. Он в первую очередь шоумен, что показывает многое из его решений. Курская авантюра и нынешние удары по Таганрогу - это именно политическое решение. По поводу ударов по Таганрогу, так как я живу неподолеку, могу пояснить, что попытки ударов по Таганрогу происходят довольно часто и были еще с 2023 года, когда Украина намеренно ударила ракетой по гражданским, в результате чего были пострадавшие. В основном они пытались бить беспилотниками дальнего действия, но ПВО практически все сбивало, и эффекта ноль. Данный удар ракетами дальнего радиуса был не эффективнее предыдущих попыток, 2 ракеты сбили, а еще 4 не попали в цель, так как системы радиоэлектронной борьбы увели их от цели. В результате осколки одной из сбитых ракет упали на территорию котельной, повредив теплотрассу, которую восстановили в тот же день, и повредили около десятка гражданских машин, стоящих рядом. Зачем я это пишу? Суть в том, что системы радиоэлектронной борьбы в России лучшие в мире, именно они практически обнулили эффективность «Хаймерс», как и большинство высокоточного западного вооружения, сделав его обычным, где они стреляют по сути наугад, типа «А вдруг попадем». Об этом, конечно же, знают и на Западе, так зачем же тогда они продолжают это делать? А всё просто: нанесение этих ударов политически мотивировано и является провокацией. Никакой военной выгоды они не несут, это дорого, неэффективно и бесполезно. Зачем это делает Зеленский? Как я и сказал, он шоумен, ему надо внимание, всё, что он делает, политически мотивированно. Ситуация в Сирии сильно сместила внимание с Украины. Вот он и провоцирует Россию на ответ, который заметят и начнут снова говорить об Украине. То же самое с курской авантюрой, она не только бесполезна, она, наоборот, усугубляет и ускоряет процесс падения Украины. Зачем это позволяет администрация Байдена и западные лидеры в Европе? По сути, они пытаются продлить конфликт максимально долго. Для администрации Байдена это возможность дескридетировать план Трампа. Для лидеров Европы, как Макрон, Шольц или Стармер, это возможность удержатся в политике, так как если этот конфликт закончится, а закончится он может, если Трамп выведет США из конфликта и только на условиях России, то это будет их политическим поражением и концом карьеры. Также хочу объяснить, почему Россия до сих пор не отбила Курск. А зачем? Просто, в отличие от Зеленского и некоторых европейских лидеров, Путин не смешивает политические мотивации с военной стратегией. Та территория Курской области, которую сейчас удерживает Украина, - это незначительная и по меркам России крохотная территория, но это позволяет уничтожать там в больших количествах украинскую армию, огромное количество военной техники, передаваемой Западом, и играть на политической мотивации Зеленского. Более того, это позволяет отвлекать силы Украины от остального фронта, и Россия только за этот месяц отвоевала территории в разы больше, чем то, что контролирует Зеленский в Курской области. И чем дольше они там будут находиться, тем лучше для России и хуже для Украины. Будет ли ответ за Таганрог? Ответ точно будет, но я не уверен, что будут применять «Орешник». «Орешник» был демонстрацией для Запада, а ответ будет более прагматичным, скорее всего, ударят массово по нужным объектам разными системами, и «Орешник» могут применить, только если в нем будет потребность. По поводу того, что Франция собирается отправить 40 тысяч войск. Честно говоря, это очень глупая затея. 40 тысяч войск ничего не изменят, на сегодня со стороны России участвует порядка 700-800 тысяч хорошо обученных солдат, и это превосходит украинские силы примерно в 3 раза, что даст еще 40 тысяч солдат на стороне Украины? Зато это даст повод утопить рейтинг европейских лидеров, особенно когда обратно поедут гробы с их солдатами. Но Макрон и остальные могут использовать это как пиар, я имею в виду, что он просил, все отказали, и когда Украина рухнет, то это будет его оправданием. Еще вариант, что все пойдет по югославскому сценарию или как сейчас в Сирии, и когда Украина рухнет, то они пойдут откусывать кусочки западной Украины для Польши, Румынии и Венгрии. Однако не стоит недооценивать тупость Макрона, может, он и правда думает, что отправка 40 тысяч солдат может сыграть хоть какую-то роль)))
@@СлаваССС-м4сall the surveillance cameras switched off at the same time. The conspiracy theorist in me suggests It could have been a test for an impending false flag event.
Russia has managed the escalation ladder for more than two years. They can do it for another month. It's important to take territory and that's what they are concentrating on
I disagree with Alex the ATACM missiles strikes are of significant military value. They are providing Russian air defence and electronic warfare troops with real life combat training that cannot be replicated in any simulation. This can become the training cadre for future generations in the field
It would be interesting if Russia retaliated with another new weapon system that the West has never seen before. That could change the nature of the discussion over project Ukraine.
Hi Alex and Alexander, thanks for the show!! I do not agree that the Ukrainian troops in Kursk can be withdrawn now! Moving thousands of troops along that road now, heavily monitored by Russian drones would result in horrendous losses from missile, multiple rocket launchers & artillery fire! There’s no way they can withdraw now apart from small contingencies of 4,5,6 or 7 men in one vehicle at a time, which is also prone to ambush from Russian drones! In effect, the Ukrainian troops in Kursk are in a “military trap”! They’re not encircled yet, but they’re in a trap i.e. they can’t withdraw without catastrophic losses. The window for an orderly withdrawal (like the one the Russians conducted from Kherson) closed in early November when the Russians conducted an offensive to the west of the pocket and the Ukrainian counter-offensive towards the town Glushkovo (spelling..???) also to the west of the pocket intended to outflank the Russians failed!! The situation is coming when it’ll make sense to surrender into captivity than to attempt a mass withdrawal
Russia has agreed to a Christmas truce even though this would interrupt their offensive momentum. Zelensky, who talks"peace" and only means Russian surrender, has rejected a truce.
Good morning gentlemen, rash moves which only seem to create tense times. Thank you and bravo for your vital coverage of these important issues. Peace and love James…x
SHOULD President Putin not responded, after ATACMS were fired in to Bryansk Oblast, Storm Shadow Missiles fired in to Kursk Oblast, The Collective West MSM would have exploded on "How weak Russia is" Russia has announced, they will respond to the latest ATACMS fired in to The Rostov Oblast. 15 hours ago. The Moscow Times.
Thank you Gentleman Have you seen the podcast yesterday from Candice Owens about the six day war in 1967 and the USS LIBERTY A Personel Announcement... Mind blowing 😢😢 A must see 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Οι Έλληνες; Με την Ρωσία ο πληθυσμός η με την ε.ε κι Ουκρανία; Απορώ πως μια χώρα με τόσο ιστορία κι κουλτούρα χόρευε με των αντίχριστο Ουκρανό κι τήν ΗΠΑ
русские раз за разом проворачивают одну и ту же схему... запирают всу в котел, оставляя одну дорогу(дорогу жизни или дорогу смерти... кому как больше нравится). А какое лучшее место и время, для уничтожения противника? правильно... во время передислокации, снабжения и эвакуации. особенно если это единственная, хорошо изученная и пристрелянная дорога. всу несут потери не столько от прямых столкновений, сколько при снабжении и эвакуации. пока всу упорствуют в подбрасывании свежего мяса в мясорубку, русские их не особо торопят. когда поток замедляется, русские выдавливают этот котел как прыщ... и всу несут еще и большие потери при отходе. правда обычно это уже какая-нибудь территориальная оборона... а более менее боеспособные и мотивированные войска уходят раньше и с меньшими потерями. Вот 72 бригаде не повезло. территориальная оборона, которая должна была и сменить, отказалась пойти на самоубийство. Говорят, что комбат той территориальной обороны застрелился. Но судя по тому что я знаю, ему в этом сильно "помогли".
Russian marines have recaptured fortified positions used by Ukrainian forces in the border area of Russia’s Kursk Region, the Ministry of Defense (MOD) announced on Thursday. According to the MOD, marines belonging to the Pacific Fleet from the ‘North’ group have driven Ukrainian troops out of an administrative building in one of the settlements in the Kursk border area. The MOD statement says the continuous monitoring of the area with UAVs had helped to “quickly detect the main resistance centers and drive the enemy out of their strongholds.” The marines attacked from several sides at once, the MOD said, adding that the Ukrainian forces had fired back with machine guns and grenade launchers, but were unable to hold out. A video released by the ministry shows around 30 Ukrainian personnel retreating from the building, leaving behind dead fighters and abandoning weapons. - RT
In the meantime the head of NATO said Europe needs to prepare to a mindset of war time, and expand drastically military expenditure. Madness.
Money won't help them be any more prepared or moral.
While at the same time EU citizens are being bashed down by the EU leaderships and the people they let into their Countries.
With what money, resources, industrial, the will of the people......
"Rutte for the first time called for part of pensions and social payments in Europe to be allocated to weapons production, specifying that NATO military spending should “exceed 3%"".
@@GrayD1ce print fiat money and tax more, that is what they always do
NATO is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria etc.
Its a Terrorist Org., Nothing else!!!
NATO is the WEF - Globalists Private Army and nothing more! The Sovereign (sic) States have no control over their armies!
NATO is the North American Trade Agreement. It was supposed to be ONLY for the North American continent.
It’s about an agreement to sell all a country’s resources in USD, a fiat printed by the U.S. A great deal for the U.S., which doesn’t cost anything for them & gets everything practically for free!!!! The type of deal a gangster would make with someone, at gun point.
Russia is being BEYOND PATIENT
Indeed. They use the time empowering it and do not interrupt enemies self-destructive actions.
Yes, if the US had been in a similar situation with some country in Central America they would have thr-shed the capital years ago and washed their hands of the whole affair.
I just listened to Brian speech on Danny..... He clearly explains how Russia and china are seeing things in the bigger picture and suffering humiliation and short time defeats for long term strategic goals....
Russia is being stupid. The Russian people are getting tired of the no retaliation. Putin better be careful he will start losing support !
@@izajahmed8863 the brain danny hang pang chit show😂😂😂
These monsters have no legitimate right to conscript anybody
Is that directed at alex and alexander lol?
@RJW-j4c who are the monsters in this equation
I dare them to conscript me.
@@panderjitsinghvv8199haha they’d have to be crazier than they already are to train us and put weapons in our hands 😂…
No one has the right to conscript anyone.
40,000 troops IN - ZERO OUT!
A 360 offensive + - =
360° deployment of troops ↩️
The ATACMS only proves the " Awesomeness " of the Russian air defense system 😊😊
It actually does. Third attack and they still cannot do any significant damage
Worth bringing into question the so called ‘Iron Dome’ Defence in IsraeL, proven useless against Iranian missiles.
@@nettlecarrier8259 🎉 and all the Atacms get knocked down by russians so easily. Back on Nov 21, the Day of the Oreshnik Saviour, the russians apparently eliminated 11 batteries of Atacms equipment, if I recall what Mercouris had said about that pivotal days actions. And now 3 weeks later, Ukes still sending Atacms across border. Mercurouris said it appears like acts of desperation trying to provoke RF into doing something foolhardy, which they, the RF won't do. They are not stupid like the west.
Russia is adopting ATACMS
Why did Russia allow all their aircraft etc. be destroyed in Syria?
Putin is patient. “Beware the fury of a patient man.”
Russia probably knows where NATO personnel located in Ukraine. Good luck to them.
Altre vedove gringos?
Any deal Trump proposes to Putin and Zelensky once he's sworn in on January 20th, has to be done on whatever terms Putin decides.
Constitutional Jan 06
Electorial college count....
Hopefully Trump pulls ukraine funding when the negotiation fails. Cause it will.
Not quite accurate. Trump is free to offer any deal he likes. Unless he offers something Putin is willing to get on board with he might as well be blowing smoke.
The fact that Trump claims Russia has 600,000 KIA shows he is still being provided bogus Deep State intel. I don't find either Kellogg or Waltz trustworthy and we know the Biden Intelligence regimes are corrupt. My hope is that when Tulsi Gabbard takes over the DNI slot, he'll finally understand the situation on the ground in Ukraine, the 2024 prolific military capabilities of Iran and China, the inexorable growth of Multi-Polarity and move away from the NeoCon positions he's been tentatively promoting in this Election/Inauguration interim.
Rubbish. Putin decides and dictates nothing.
NATO needs to understand that playing Russian roulette with a nuclear superpower is never a good idea.
NATO wants a nuclear war to cover all their crimes and further reduce the population. NATO is the globalists private army.
Why? Everyone knows that Russia isn't going to go nuclear over the attacks. No one is going to launch a first strike. Biden knows as long as he remains non-nuclear he can poke the bear with whatever he wants.
Vietnam and Afghanistan would disagree.
It is if Russia never strikes back.
Why would they stop if other side is not hurting them directly?
Very childish games played by Blinken administration.
That coot again 😅
Acts of desperation...
Instead of arming Ukraine; US/UK/EU tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education etc.
That would suggest that the 'leaders' care for their citizens. They don't. Only for themselves. Enrichment of the elite donor class is the ONLY thing they calculate.
Charity begins at home
I agree I’m British our ruling elite here still think as if there’s still an empire so they hang on to US shirt tails.
Russia is not our enemy. Greetings from Australia.
I think the Ukraine people know that they are fighting the wrong enemy.
Russia is not our enemy from California.
Sydney here. I've worked with a Russian crew for years and they're a great bunch of guys.
@@kazioglodgood to know how you self-identify :)
The yankee government does not give up...they need to be teached a lesson before we all need to suffer???
💯 agree.
blbost...Rusko uz nikomu neveri a je v strehu
Yes, but how, and how soon can that be seen to happen, especially with the increasingly frequent use of Proxy Terrorist, and Private Military Mercenaries and Foreign Forces?
The closer we get to jan 20. The more careless they will be towards Russia
scorched earth tactics.
I agree
I've never been so frightened of my own government in my life.
Trump can't get in there fast enough and I'm not sure we can trust him either as he works for Israel 1st.
@@Concerned63Citizen I’m quite concerned that he is not the same man from 2016. Accepting the $100 million from Miriam Adelson, $1 million from AIPAC, his language has changed so much and it seems that instead of draining the swamp, the swamp beat him into submission and placed a short leash upon him prior to allowing him to hold office again. I say this as someone who was an ardent supporter in the past.
@@Concerned63Citizenlet's see. Keep the pressure on him, and keep enlightening the MAGA masses
Didn’t the Russians say they had other Weapons that they had to try out. Maybe they will use one of those.
Alex is right. US wanted for 'Oreshnik' strike. They have prepared satellites to collect intel of its capabilities and charactersics.
That's what came to my mind too!
Thankyou Gentlemen.
Akexander is spot on. West is desperate. Hope Trump stays alive till January 20
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. He aint the messiah or any different to other u.s presidents. I hate Biden, but Trump isn't any better.
War industry is the biggest one in usa, by that it means usa can only survive by chaos, conflicts and wars.
Amazing that an outgoing administration is given the time to smash as many plates as it can before leaving office. By voting Trump, Americans showed they have had enough of this yet they (and the world) have to wait for the hallowed inauguration.
Wonder who actually runs the outgoing administration cos it sure isn’t demented Joe
I don't understand why this gap between election and inauguration is allowed to continue. I understand why they did it in the past, but in this day and age, it is unnecessary. It just allows the lame duck president leeway to burn the world. It's pathetic, every other country has it's newly elected leader installed immediately. Why haven't any US politicians taken moves to have this changed?
Thanks boys another excellent report 👍
I'm interested to see if Trump is REALLY interested in breaking the eternal war theme. Or if it is just a refocus on the next big thing..
Really Mort? You must be blind, deaf, dumb and stupid if think the President is not REALLY REALLY REALLY determined to end all the wars in the world and especially this one. He is only the second American President since the second world war that stopped them last time and didn't start a new one. I don't know what the President has to do for you to pull your head out of your ass and take a look but seriously.
Me, too
Afraid. Very sfraid
Trump is a neocon buffoon just like the rest it is just a refocus
Probably Iran/China. Won't be China, trump will tarrifs the fuck out of it but not war. But Iran just might be the next one militarily, Trump is a cuck for Israel, and Israel wants Iran to become the next Syria
I think he is. I am encouraged by him conferring often with Orban.
I am reminded of the Black Knight from Monthy Python's Holy Grail.
If it's true that Russia is bringing down the Atacms before they do any major damage, then that's the best response Russia can give. Imagine the frustration from the West when they send their super weapons and nothing happens!
no its not, no war is won by refusing to fight back. Russia will retaliate.
The more they can successfully intercept before the war even starts, the more information and easier future ones will be intercept DURING a war...
@@Pythoner and you would know better than the Russians . Maybe you should go and volunteer to fight
Don't denigrate too much the West's "game changers"
As long as the Ukrainian soldiers are in the Kursk area...Putin has a free license to gain as much ground as possible in the Donbas and other areas of Ukraine. That is a bait.
They want conflict, but not willing to take the open blame. Alexander, what are your thoughts on the UK being stealthfully taken into a war economy without engaging the public directly with what's happening?
Времена поменялись. Это раньше Великобритания плавала по миру на кораблях с мушкетами и колонизовала другие страны. Сейчас,в случае конфликта, пару российских ракет типа «Сармат» способны стереть с лица планеты этот остров!
The Russo-Ukraine Conflict.
The newly elected Labour (Left-leaning)
PM Keir Starmer.
The Foreign Secretary,
The Rt. Hon. David Lammy MP.
Secretary of State for Defence
The Rt. Hon. John Healey
ARE way out of their depth.
@@FunnyBunny-pd5xx I agree!! Terrible quality. I actually miss John Major.
Thank you for your comment.
Take Care.
My two favourite journalist providing up to date , honest news yet once again. Bless you both and thank you .❤
Thanks guys!
Kiev is gone
who's kiev?
It went in 2013. Gone.
@@nichtverstehen2045chicken kiev😂
Guys!!! Its terrorism.
its not
😂 bbc or cnn bot?@@TheHungarianOak
@@СлаваССС-м4с why would it be terrorism? Russians are also targeting Ukrainians with on Russian weapons. Why do you feel that you are special? RT bot?
The levels of over-estimation of capability of the Collective West, is matched only with the levels of underestimation of Russian capability & resolve.
Typical bot comment.
@@PeterFairhurst-v3e Typical reply from a ignoramus. Bots don't bite back.
@@PeterFairhurst-v3e Bots don't bite back.
ну... тут как бы нужно экономику считать не в долларах, а в тоннах зерна, стали, нефти... в штуках ракет, самолетов, танков, снарядов... а доллары... хоть пачками их в окопы противника закидывай, войну выиграть не помогут. А то хочется как Сталин у Черчилля спросить "А сколько дивизий у Папы Римского?"
@@PeterFairhurst-v3e , of course, dear NAFO soybot account created on august 5th 2024...of course 😌
A huge shout out to the Duran
Thanks guys ❤
Awesome cast...you guys rock.
Good analysis, guys
We need to ensure that those that make decisions are on the front line, not in country clubs making arms deals.
I can feel it coming in the air tonight... Oh lord
The armament the USA used in Ukraine is old and out of touch.
The USA had to print tons of dollars to be able to update the arsenal to be able to win a war because in the last wars, the USA lost one after another.
87 billion of brand new arms left in Afghanistan went to the Taliban😂
Good evening the Duran
I WISH Elon Musk would buy CNNBC.
THAT would set the Cat among the MSM Pigeons!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine the Public at large being told the TRUTH!
THANKYOU once again, Gentlemen.
Blessings from Australia...❤
TV is dead
I agree. BTW TV is not dead..lots look at the TV screen.
Musk is a Trojan horse, a fraud people will find out in time.
I wouldn't count on Musk telling the truth - he's known to be very selective.
I'd be more worried about what your current gov is doing by giving murdoch what he wants with this social media ban on children. The opposition when re elected and they will, they will turn Australia into a North Korea. No independent media.
Russia won’t want an escalation until after the Belorussian elections.
No, after Russian Christmas, which is the 7th of January, I think.
не думаю, что это как-то связано... в Белоруссии свой вайб.) Да и проблема хоть с Путиным, хоть с Лукашенко одна и таже... Нет адекватной оппозиции... Все толковые люди на их стороне... а в оппозиции конченные неадекваты... Вот что за оппозиционер Тихоновская? Какие у нее достижения, опыт? Или в России... оппозиционер Навальный... это же лузер, который провалил все проекты в которых участвовал.... за таких голосуют только те, кому все равно за кого голосовать, лишь бы против власти. В России даже искусственно пытались создать оппозицию... как пример, партия "Справедливая Россия", но пока так себе получается. Возможно будь в России что-то вроде стабильно "красных" и стабильно "синих" штатов... это бы и сработало... но что-то мне подсказывает, что такой максимализм в России, скорее привел к гражданской войне.
That meeting with macron n tusk wax today , tusk said no polish troops in Ukraine even when the war is over , no polish peacekeepers 😊
Three obvious facts:
1. The UN would never back a "peacekeeper" mission to Ukraine that was made p f troops from leading NATO countries . Russia would veto it and I think Gutierrez would also say no.
2. NATO and Ukraine can't declare a freeze of the front and the beginning of a peacekeeper mission on their own - Russia would have to agree (unlikely)
3. If French, Polish or German soldiers arrived before an armistice agreement had been signed, they would NOT legally be peacekeepers but plainly participants in the war, on Ukraine's side
@@lavonnetraylor8403 yep 👍🏻
Search 👀 tusk no troops to Ukraine even after ceasefire 😊
Search 👀 tusk says no troops to Ukraine 🇺🇦
thank you for all the intelligent info and views of the political scene, much appreciated
Aren't US service men violating US law when they fire missiles into Russia without either a declaration of war or at least the invocation of the War Powers Act?
America breaks all laws when convenient to the oligarchy child molesters.
Indeed, but international law doesn't apply to US lol, only their enemies, and this is in effect a Declaration of war.
The greater crime is Biden’s.
The crime syndicate running the White House don’t care about law, morals, ethics , reason or logic. All they care about is their own survival.
I can not wait to see this Trump thing unfold lol , the guy said today he is not cutting aid to Ukraine ...so much wishful thinking around Trump ... Believe it only when I see it.
What he says and what he does are two different things.
The US are all mouth and trousers, militarily inept on ground offensive, lost every war since WW2, and now they only fight proxy wars, providing money and military equipment. Trump? Different name on the door, same masters.
Trump did say, he is cutting aid to Ukraine. Speaker Johnson said no more money until the new administration is in.
You'd be stupid to believe a Politician, especially a Western one.
I find it pretty hilarious you think Trump will do anything differently. He's all hot air.
You have zero clue what he's going to do.
When he stepped into North Korea was that hot air?
He seems very serious about ending the Ukraine war. It’s not so clear that he will do anything different in the Middle East. Biden was completely subservient to Netanyahu. At first he made some pleadings not to starve and kill tens of thousands of Gazan children and women. About a year ago Netanyahu told him to shut up and step up the arms shipments or else. Biden meekly complied. If there is any U.S. president who would be willing to stand up to Netanyahu, it will be Trump. Sure, it’s only a remote possibility, but no U.S. president since Reagan has ever dared to say no to Israel.
@NonchalantWalrusParty Mr. Trump must follow the GLOBALIST agenda.
It will be interesting to find out the number of foreign troops killed in Ukraine assisting the Kiev regime
I bet we will never be told.
And what are the families told about the circumstances that caused the death of a troop that was supposedly sent to Poland.
I wonder if its common knowledge in the USA, what their government is up to?
Common knowledge is where McDonald's is
The average American couldn't point out Ukraine on an unmarked map.
Most Americans are clueless!
No, most Americans are clueless and can't even find Ukraine on a map. I'm an American, and believe me, my countrymen are dumb, or at least ignorant.
I ask the same question about the Brits. No bigger escalator of this war than London
Thank you Gentlemen.
This is utter insanity.
Where are the Peace Talks??
Indeed, but there's no money or power in peace, never in my lifetime have I ever heard any Western country call for peace, only incessant wars somewhere.
In September 2022,
President Zelenskyy had amended
The Constitution of Ukraine.
"An Ukrainian Official cannot negotiate
with Russia,
whilst Vladimir Putin remains President"
The Constitution of Ukraine,
needs again amending.
I think they want to study the oreshnik to study its capabilities.
It's actually kind of pathetic what Biden's trying to do before he makes his exit 🤪
He is extremely vindictive. The whole lot Blinken, Nuland, Clintons and the rest of the neocon psychopaths.
And his years as president we're not pathetic?
Pretty evil to set up people just for the sake of vengeance against another…
Indeed, but the powers that be don't care about the people, they are just cannon fodder for their political ends.
Macron, more like Macaroni. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Only ten minutes late this time, let’s hear Alex & Alexander 🤘.
There are lots of advantages with the Ukrainians in Kursk. They're in a fully-controlled bag, as you say the bag is filling more and more, it gives a justification for not negotiating and that road is in drone range anyway.
There was no Atacms in Kursk, only Storm Shadows. Atacms were thrown on Bryansk and now on Rostov.
Same, I always thought it was like shooting fish in a barrel.
On Rostov in your dreams
@@zhannetvassak7270 I think the oblast is called Rostov as well.
Those attacks at random direction show west's desperation and panic. With little impact just failures and huge money just wasted. Stupidity.
Thank you Alexander & Alex your analysis is always appreciated. Good Day. 🇦🇺🙏
Хочу, чтобы граждане Запада не забывали, кто такой Зеленский. Он в первую очередь шоумен, что показывает многое из его решений. Курская авантюра и нынешние удары по Таганрогу - это именно политическое решение. По поводу ударов по Таганрогу, так как я живу неподолеку, могу пояснить, что попытки ударов по Таганрогу происходят довольно часто и были еще с 2023 года, когда Украина намеренно ударила ракетой по гражданским, в результате чего были пострадавшие. В основном они пытались бить беспилотниками дальнего действия, но ПВО практически все сбивало, и эффекта ноль. Данный удар ракетами дальнего радиуса был не эффективнее предыдущих попыток, 2 ракеты сбили, а еще 4 не попали в цель, так как системы радиоэлектронной борьбы увели их от цели. В результате осколки одной из сбитых ракет упали на территорию котельной, повредив теплотрассу, которую восстановили в тот же день, и повредили около десятка гражданских машин, стоящих рядом. Зачем я это пишу? Суть в том, что системы радиоэлектронной борьбы в России лучшие в мире, именно они практически обнулили эффективность «Хаймерс», как и большинство высокоточного западного вооружения, сделав его обычным, где они стреляют по сути наугад, типа «А вдруг попадем». Об этом, конечно же, знают и на Западе, так зачем же тогда они продолжают это делать? А всё просто: нанесение этих ударов политически мотивировано и является провокацией. Никакой военной выгоды они не несут, это дорого, неэффективно и бесполезно.
Зачем это делает Зеленский? Как я и сказал, он шоумен, ему надо внимание, всё, что он делает, политически мотивированно. Ситуация в Сирии сильно сместила внимание с Украины. Вот он и провоцирует Россию на ответ, который заметят и начнут снова говорить об Украине. То же самое с курской авантюрой, она не только бесполезна, она, наоборот, усугубляет и ускоряет процесс падения Украины.
Зачем это позволяет администрация Байдена и западные лидеры в Европе? По сути, они пытаются продлить конфликт максимально долго. Для администрации Байдена это возможность дескридетировать план Трампа. Для лидеров Европы, как Макрон, Шольц или Стармер, это возможность удержатся в политике, так как если этот конфликт закончится, а закончится он может, если Трамп выведет США из конфликта и только на условиях России, то это будет их политическим поражением и концом карьеры.
Также хочу объяснить, почему Россия до сих пор не отбила Курск. А зачем? Просто, в отличие от Зеленского и некоторых европейских лидеров, Путин не смешивает политические мотивации с военной стратегией. Та территория Курской области, которую сейчас удерживает Украина, - это незначительная и по меркам России крохотная территория, но это позволяет уничтожать там в больших количествах украинскую армию, огромное количество военной техники, передаваемой Западом, и играть на политической мотивации Зеленского. Более того, это позволяет отвлекать силы Украины от остального фронта, и Россия только за этот месяц отвоевала территории в разы больше, чем то, что контролирует Зеленский в Курской области. И чем дольше они там будут находиться, тем лучше для России и хуже для Украины.
Будет ли ответ за Таганрог? Ответ точно будет, но я не уверен, что будут применять «Орешник». «Орешник» был демонстрацией для Запада, а ответ будет более прагматичным, скорее всего, ударят массово по нужным объектам разными системами, и «Орешник» могут применить, только если в нем будет потребность.
По поводу того, что Франция собирается отправить 40 тысяч войск. Честно говоря, это очень глупая затея. 40 тысяч войск ничего не изменят, на сегодня со стороны России участвует порядка 700-800 тысяч хорошо обученных солдат, и это превосходит украинские силы примерно в 3 раза, что даст еще 40 тысяч солдат на стороне Украины? Зато это даст повод утопить рейтинг европейских лидеров, особенно когда обратно поедут гробы с их солдатами. Но Макрон и остальные могут использовать это как пиар, я имею в виду, что он просил, все отказали, и когда Украина рухнет, то это будет его оправданием. Еще вариант, что все пойдет по югославскому сценарию или как сейчас в Сирии, и когда Украина рухнет, то они пойдут откусывать кусочки западной Украины для Польши, Румынии и Венгрии. Однако не стоит недооценивать тупость Макрона, может, он и правда думает, что отправка 40 тысяч солдат может сыграть хоть какую-то роль)))
I suggest the US rename to DS - Desperate States
Alex's background is an abstract of Alexander's.
I think we should start a go-fund-me so Alexander can update his wallpaper.
Hey guys! Maybe it's time to talk about cameras being turned off in London!
Indeed, no one has mentioned this little gem,
What's the go?
@@СлаваССС-м4сall the surveillance cameras switched off at the same time. The conspiracy theorist in me suggests It could have been a test for an impending false flag event.
“Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.” ― Sun Tzu
If we can witness a genocide we are subject to do anything. The madness continues on steroids.
Russia has managed the escalation ladder for more than two years. They can do it for another month. It's important to take territory and that's what they are concentrating on
I disagree with Alex the ATACM missiles strikes are of significant military value. They are providing Russian air defence and electronic warfare troops with real life combat training that cannot be replicated in any simulation. This can become the training cadre for future generations in the field
First here, we want jefrrey sachs and brian in the show.... Economic and military expert Please try...
Indeed, also Scott Ritter, Colonel Lawrence Willkerson, Andrei Martyanov, Pepe Escobar.
I like how much more involved Alex was in this conversation, do more of that!
It would be interesting if Russia retaliated with another new weapon system that the West has never seen before. That could change the nature of the discussion over project Ukraine.
Hi Alex and Alexander, thanks for the show!!
I do not agree that the Ukrainian troops in Kursk can be withdrawn now! Moving thousands of troops along that road now, heavily monitored by Russian drones would result in horrendous losses from missile, multiple rocket launchers & artillery fire! There’s no way they can withdraw now apart from small contingencies of 4,5,6 or 7 men in one vehicle at a time, which is also prone to ambush from Russian drones!
In effect, the Ukrainian troops in Kursk are in a “military trap”! They’re not encircled yet, but they’re in a trap i.e. they can’t withdraw without catastrophic losses.
The window for an orderly withdrawal (like the one the Russians conducted from Kherson) closed in early November when the Russians conducted an offensive to the west of the pocket and the Ukrainian counter-offensive towards the town Glushkovo (spelling..???) also to the west of the pocket intended to outflank the Russians failed!!
The situation is coming when it’ll make sense to surrender into captivity than to attempt a mass withdrawal
Please join us on LOCALS: theduran.locals.com
Times magazine makes trump person of they year lol how they are now grovelling 😂
And, Zuckerberg gives him a huge donation
Times is irrelevant. Who reads it who doesn't have a foot in the grave?
@ wasn’t the point they were anti trump before the election 🙄
Russia has agreed to a Christmas truce even though this would interrupt their offensive momentum. Zelensky, who talks"peace" and only means Russian surrender, has rejected a truce.
Russia just needs to buy time…keep taking villages and securing strong alliances in Africa and Asia.
They hope to be able to learn how the orisnick is built and reconstruct it
It is impossible
Thanks guys
Is there a possibility that in these ATCMS and Storm Shadows strike a nuclear one could be hidden.
in military side, every time WEST used ATACMS into Russia, there is better ways to defend against ATACMS
Good morning gentlemen, rash moves which only seem to create tense times. Thank you and bravo for your vital coverage of these important issues. Peace and love James…x
Thanks, guys!
Appreciate the reality check gentleman
Yes they achieved a reaction from the russians
President Putin not responded,
ATACMS were fired in to Bryansk Oblast,
Storm Shadow Missiles fired in to
Kursk Oblast,
The Collective West MSM would have exploded
"How weak Russia is"
Russia has announced,
they will respond to the latest ATACMS
fired in to The Rostov Oblast.
15 hours ago. The Moscow Times.
Thank you Gentleman
Have you seen the podcast yesterday from
Candice Owens about the six day war in 1967 and the USS LIBERTY
A Personel Announcement...
Mind blowing 😢😢
A must see 🙏🙏🙏🙏
That was amazing. Though I doubt that Candace will be able to visit Israel now or anytime in the future.
It had me in tears. Absolutely unbelievable and reprehensible.
I loved and bookmarked Candace's show.....wow, to think of the betrayal to those men.....
@padmalaycock1612 indeed and its still going on😢😢
@Christine-ry1qq it had me in tears too😢
Last year, I saw UA-cam shorts, where a member of the State Department said that in ten years, the US will have the world under its order.
The yanks say a lot of things, they are totally dillusional, all mouth and trousers,
Might happen because the other side is too lazy and divided to outsmart the reptiles in West.
THX GUYS!! It’s so nice to have trustworthy news❤❤❤
cheers lads 👍👍
Taganrock is not on a Black Sea but in Rostov oblast on Azov Sea
Well, I also think the US would like Russia to retaliate with Oreshnik, but i guess, it´s also to get more data about that weapon.
Taganrog is on the sea of Azov not the Black Sea
One channel said russias closing in on ukraines lithium mines.
7up soda pop used to contain lithium
Surely you mean Blackrock's lithium mines
That's better than Mountain Dew....
@@WRATHOFTHELAMB61617 what do you mean
Thank you.
Άλεξ και Αλέξανδρε.
Οι Έλληνες; Με την Ρωσία ο πληθυσμός η με την ε.ε κι Ουκρανία; Απορώ πως μια χώρα με τόσο ιστορία κι κουλτούρα χόρευε με των αντίχριστο Ουκρανό κι τήν ΗΠΑ
русские раз за разом проворачивают одну и ту же схему... запирают всу в котел, оставляя одну дорогу(дорогу жизни или дорогу смерти... кому как больше нравится). А какое лучшее место и время, для уничтожения противника? правильно... во время передислокации, снабжения и эвакуации. особенно если это единственная, хорошо изученная и пристрелянная дорога. всу несут потери не столько от прямых столкновений, сколько при снабжении и эвакуации. пока всу упорствуют в подбрасывании свежего мяса в мясорубку, русские их не особо торопят. когда поток замедляется, русские выдавливают этот котел как прыщ... и всу несут еще и большие потери при отходе. правда обычно это уже какая-нибудь территориальная оборона... а более менее боеспособные и мотивированные войска уходят раньше и с меньшими потерями. Вот 72 бригаде не повезло. территориальная оборона, которая должна была и сменить, отказалась пойти на самоубийство. Говорят, что комбат той территориальной обороны застрелился. Но судя по тому что я знаю, ему в этом сильно "помогли".
Russian marines have recaptured fortified positions used by Ukrainian forces in the border area of Russia’s Kursk Region, the Ministry of Defense (MOD) announced on Thursday.
According to the MOD, marines belonging to the Pacific Fleet from the ‘North’ group have driven Ukrainian troops out of an administrative building in one of the settlements in the Kursk border area.
The MOD statement says the continuous monitoring of the area with UAVs had helped to “quickly detect the main resistance centers and drive the enemy out of their strongholds.”
The marines attacked from several sides at once, the MOD said, adding that the Ukrainian forces had fired back with machine guns and grenade launchers, but were unable to hold out.
A video released by the ministry shows around 30 Ukrainian personnel retreating from the building, leaving behind dead fighters and abandoning weapons. - RT
Release the Kraken!
The ATACMS missiles cost just over $1million each.
Peanuts just add it to the 36.2 trillion debt.
UK is paying for storm shadows with pensioners income, so all good here.
Many thanks todays to de Duran Chanel and the known two expertos for this report on the missils strikes,that have had a reduced resuts.
5:00 ...Military Summary... says that those missiles were on their way to ROSTOV where Gerasimov headquarters are located...
Military summary is speculating way too much.
He should focus more on facts and what's happening on the ground
This will acheive nothing except prolong the sickening pantomime. Oh wait.....