Wrathmongers seem a bit underwhelming. I suspect they’ll fulfill a similar role to aspiring champions where they get so many buffs from techs and lords that they’re basically invincible in the later parts of a campaign.
Wrathmongers should be used the same a any low entity unit and have them mixed in your lines of normal infantry where they are protected and can dish out damage
Note that Wrathmongers are the only elite infantry units with Khorne that is not anti-infantry. So they should be your dedicate "anti-large" infantry to go against any anti-large large. And yes, they should definitely be mixed up into your more populous infantry so they don't get surrounded.
Imagine how crazy bad Doomseekers are, when even Wrathmongers, basically a unit of Doomseekers with much higher stats, already appear to be underwhelming.
@@AliothAncalagon I don't know about Doomseekers actually, they do perform better then Swordsmasters of Hoeth in certain cases... And Hoethmasters are a very good anti-infantry infantry... Allegedly, I've also seen tests that show Doomsekers perofrming quite badly, so... I literally don't know since I've seen both cases for Doomseekers...
The squig manglers and nurgling animations are so amazing. So much effort and love was put into making them. Thanks for the video zerk! always helpful to know how these matchups work out
It came out and it was one of the best W3 vids I've seen in a while - even if the DLC seem a bit more mixed than Thrones the animations are in a league of their own
Wrathmongers loosing to any infantry unit feels wrong. Like there not even that good at what they do, doomseekers I could turn a cheek. But wrathmongers oh hell no, they should be literally the best infantry vs infantry unit in the game period.
But they’re not anti infantry… that’s the point… khorne doesn’t need another anti inf unit, the wrathmongers are more just anti everything as evidenced by them beating the man eaters and blood letters losing
@Itinerantspark1658 there unit card literally says there anti infantry, on tabletop there anti infantry, and in the lore there described as infantry blenders. They are an infantry killer, that’s khorne a whole gimmick there good at killing infantry with there own. While the cavalry are the anti large specialists. Not to mention they have 3 really good anti large infantry units, you don’t need more then that.
16:25 No, which is crazy is that the Thundertusk doesn't just have 2 range attacks, it actually has 3! One manual, that is the Thundertusk's breath, and 2 automatic, the spear guy, and the rider which has a crossbow. Lot of dakka!
It is amazing how dirty they've done the Skullreapers. Skullreapers on the tabletop were higher than Chosen, they should eat regular chaos warriors of Khorne for breakfast.
@@azizsh9091 They could make Skullreapers specialize in taking down infantry, whilst Wrathmongers would be more like all rounders/anti-large. I could very much say what you've written here and apply it to current situation with Skullreapers and Chaos Warriors of Khorne with dual hand weapons. Both of them do the same thing after all.
@@HidethePainHerald Wrathmongers are already all-rounders as Zerk showed in this video. They can take large targets much better than Bloodletters and Chosen. They're also faster than Chosen with more armor/MD than Bloodletters so they can serve as a sturdy frontline unit that doesn't slow your army. I agree on Skullreapers being redundant afterall.. they should've made them as fast as Wrathmongers so there's a point of taking them instead of Chaos Warriors. Or alternatively make them same tier as Wrathmonger but anti-large.
I feel like the mangler squigs are a specialty unit that's meant to be used in conjunction with other units, just based on how widely it threw around the enemy infantry upon contact. I'd imagine that it would be used to charge the frontline _right_ before contact to disrupt unit cohesion so that your lower tier infantry can turn an organized fight into a mass brawl. Imagine a tight unit of elves getting thrown around and then each individual unit getting mobbed by multiple goblins all at once as they're standing back up. Think it'll need a bit of testing to see if the units will actually do that though.
@@Dman9982 I agree 100%! i feel like the skullreapers and wrathmongers should both be a tier better. skullreapers a bit the same as chosen and wrathmongers just a tier better that that.
You know Zerk, I think I just had an idea for a campaign yoou should try. Play the High Elves (Probably Tyrion) as if they were Khornate. No mages. No Ranged. Lots of burning.
I think the pigback gnoblars work without charge defense because they are technically cavalry, so they don't get thrown or knocked around by charges, kind of like weapon teams but with a melee role. It's like putting a unit of small empire knights to stop a charge of regular empire knights.
@@florians9949 honestly, I just wished they made khorne a bit weaker on campaign map (instead of buffing him even more wtf?) so that his units could actually be good.
People be accusing Khorne of being broken because they keep abusing Blood Hosts (a mechanic which doesn't really make much sense) while ignoring the fact that Khorne outright SUCKS at the things they should be masters of: Murdering the shit out of everyone in melee. Bloodthirsters are a joke, melee infantry are a joke (consistently losing to Nurglish infantry of the same tier because someone at CA has a scat fetish or something, while every other faction ALSO has units that can go toe to toe with them and often for cheaper), cavalry are stuck in the "less models more damage" rut that NEVER WORKS AND HAS NEVER WORKED IN THIS GAME, and guess what...? THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING ELSE. No ranged, no war machines, no wizards. AT LEAST MAKE THEIR STUPID MELEE ACTUALLY BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE.
a lot of these units were actually bugged with the splash attack changes when they first came out but that recently got fixed, so would love to see another video like this with them actually fixed
with the Wrathmongers sending the lighter units flying, it might be good to mix them with bloodletters to clear the chaff out of the way in order to focus down the heavier units.
Like most infantry units that have few models (whether monstrous or not), they should definitely be mixed among other infantry units like chaos warriors or chosen
I think the best use for the eshin maneater is to embed him in normal infantry so he doesnt get surrounded as easily. The ideally you let him use his very potent weeping blade debuff to soften up tough targets that rely heavily on their armor
I know it's late but could your testing in this video be effected by the "bug" CA implemented that makes splash attacks much, much worse on some monstrous units?
Mangler Squigs are the best unit in any game. Not just strat games. ANY game. Bar none. This is not up for debate it is set in stone. Those animations are astonishingly fluid and fun.
I still find it wierd that what is supposed to be one of the most offesinve infatry units in lore and in game yet theyhave less melee attack than what are supposed to be defensive units, like Ironbreakers or Ironsworn. Specially for the GW Black Orcs.
iirc, orcs in general had relatively low weapon skill on the tabletop (which translate to the game as melee attack and defense), empire greatswords had the same weapon skill as black orcs
22:04 Yes they really should. Knockback resist is a stat they could easily turn up to eliminate the issue. Dwarf characters have been at 80% for years and are generally better than most other melee characters so it should be a no brainer.
In the tabletop game Orcs ha a special rule for Black Orcs called "Armed to da teef" which allowed them to change their weapon types every turn. Switching from sword & board, 2h weapon and dual weapon. I would have preferred 1 unit, being black orcs and just having a switch that allowed you to click it
The Piggy Back Riders do have a nice bit of Charge Attack? Would it Not be better to counter Charge the Empire Knights? (If Not utilizing Charge defense anyway)
To be fair I feel like Bloodletters being cheaper works cause they just evaporate. Once they start going its very hard to stop it. While Wrathmongers can run away and regroup so you dont lose them.
0:10 Skull Reapers vs Tzar Guard 0:36 Skull Reapers vs Exalted Daemonettes of Slaanesh 1:06 Skull Reapers vs Dual Weapon Chaos Warriors (Khorne) 1:31 Wrathmongers vs Loremaster of Hoeth 1:58 Wrathmongers vs Chose (Nurgle) 2:31 Wrathmongers vs Black Orcs 2:36 TEST Are they better than Ex. Bloodletters: 2x Wrath Mongers vs 2x Black Orcs VS 2x Exalted Blood Letters vs 2x Black Orcs 3:13 TEST Are they better than Ex. Bloodletters: 2x Wrath Mongers vs 2x Hammers VS 2x Exalted Blood Letters vs 2x Hammers 3:32 TEST Are they better than Ex. Bloodletters: 2x Wrath Mongers vs 2x Har Ganeth Executioners VS 2x Exalted Blood Letters vs 2x Har Ganeth Executioners 3:50 Wrathmongers vs Golgfag Maneaters 4:34 Bloodwake Bersekers (Wrathmongers) vs Chosen (Nurgle) 5:02 Test of the Tanks: Black Orcs (Shields) vs Ironbreakers *3 Months later... * 6:33 Gnoblar Pigback Riders vs Empire Knights 7:40 Gnoblar Pigback Riders vs Stone Trolls 8:03 Mangler Squigs vs Bloodletters 9:10 Best Unit in the Game! They're so happy 9:24 Blood Beasts vs Plaguebearers 9:59 Blood Beasts vs Empire Swordsmen (Shields) 10:51 Blood Beasts vs Peasants 11:04 Blood Beasts vs Rat Ogres 11:30 Blood Beasts vs Yhetee 12:10 Yhetee vs Minotaurs 12:40 Yhetee vs Empire Swordsmen (Shields) 12:54 Colossal Squig vs Longbeards 13:33 Feral Mammoth vs Longbeards 13:49 Toad Dragon vs Longbeards 14:04 Slaughterbrute vs Longbeards 14:34 Slaughterbrute vs Colossal Squig 15:18 Slaughterbrute vs Terracotta Sentinel 16:01 Thundertusk vs Terracotta Sentinel 16:49 Thundertusk vs Feral Dread Saurian 17:15 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (on foot) vs Da'Best Grimgor Ironhide 17:56 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Da'Best Grimgor Ironhide 18:08 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Louen Leoncoeur 18:25 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Tyrion 18:53 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Golgfag 19:24 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Eshin Maneater (RoR) 19:57 Eshin Maneater (RoR) vs Prophetess 20:24 3x Eshin Maneaters (RoR) vs Khorne Infantry ea: Bloodletters, Chaos Warriors, Chosen 21:27 Bragg the Gutsman vs Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
wrathmongers really feel like they should be unbreakable. They already have a ton of leadership, but they are the elite of the elite that spend every waking moment fighting or dying in training, having to fend off demons at the end of their path. It doesn't change the unit that much, but it would give Korne much more sustain
Well chaos warriors that die do get their souls eaten by their gods, pretty good persuasion right there to head for the hills if things start going side ways.
13:03 That range on that splash attack, half the guys where no where near the attack and still got knocked about lol. Last time I saw anything like that (dwarf grape shot cannons) it got nerfed in the following patch.
It's so strange to me that the Ogres didn't get any mounts for Lords/heroes. It's a DLC Race and now they're doing another DLC pack for it and the lords/heroes don't even get mounts. And I don't know why the Eshin RoR unit wasn't just a unique hero? He'd be better all around IMO. I just don't understand a lot of the decisions around making the Ogres less good than they should've been, IMHO. I like the Ogres and I like look of the new units but it feels bad enough to honestly makes me consider holding off to get it on discount.
The dedication of this man. Having to sit there and watch orcs and dwarfs clad in armor bonk at each other for months... What other youtuber is like this?
I think I'll really like the wrathmongers. Their weakness is that they don't get many soldiers per unit, which makes them not great for holding a front-line. That's also why the exalted bloodletters did more damage against units that both units can hit well. They got that obscene melee attack though, so they can hit more elite units/heroes than the exalted bloodletters. I think them throwing several enemy soldiers around with each swing will be an awesome support ability, and will mean they can do well no matter what army you're fighting.
3:14 it’s important to note that wrathmongers route where Demons Get banished and die to instability ur paying for the ability for the wrath mongers to have late game presence
They aren't a large unit for anti-large purposes, but I suspect that they are still coded as a cavalry unit, and as such, I don't think they can be knocked down or sent flying.
@@azamataydarov4730 real, this. I'll run skullreapers entirely because they look cool (and match bloodspeakers). A variety is nice even if just for theming armies and factions.
the Khorne ones do seem to fill a slightly different niche to the existing units. they have less defence but they do more damage, as a result they seem to be getting better results against more defensive units while getting worse results against damage dealers. so the new units will probably fare better against factions like Dwarfs, Nurgle, and Cathay while the older units will be the better option against factions like Beastmen, Khorne, and Slaanesh.
I feel like they managed to put out this dlc with the units properly balanced. There is not as much power creep here as you would expect and I actually like that.
Also worth nothing that wratongers have a fair bit more armor than exalted bloodletters making them less suseptible to missile fire. Making it to melee healthier helps you win the melee. The shielded black orcs seem like they will be crazy good when you consider just how many MA buffs greenskins have. Incredibly effective in the grind.
I worry that they’re gonna make greenskins almost unstoppable tbh,if you park regular black orks behind them,they’re also gonna be almost immune to missile fire,which is really the only thing able to stop them
Black Orc with shields strength will come from using the defensive ability combo with Ere We Go, Smash Em Faster and Waaagh. Then turn off the defense while it's not active.
For me I like the wrathmongers, they may do a little bit less damage than the exalted blood letters but they can for sure hold their ground and tank things a lot better than the blood letters. I have no complaints here they look so bad ass too.
I still want my putrid blightkings, since we have wrathmongers now I demand they go back and add the remaining t end times nurgle units, along with the glottkin. And of course I'll pay for it
love seeing the thundertusk being that good. the stonehorns and crushers were great "apex" ogre units but i feel like they didn't really have that terrifying iconic unit. the one where you see it in their armies and pee yourself a little. like seeing thorgrim or malaki with 4 thunderbarges in their army lol. can't wait to play.
only thing pigback riders need now is a cycle in their idle animation where their spears "touch tips". edit: having watched all of it, I gotta wonder if the margin of success in some of these scenarios have a hell of a lot more to do with attack (or falling prone lol) animations, whether they can be interrupted (tomb king construct scorpions being amazing here, due to their "tunneling" part of their attack frames), and when such things apply if they can be (because a "prone" proc could interrupt an attack animation a few frames before the damage calculations are done, cancelling the damage).
the big problem for wrathmongers is entity size; their high weapon damage results in less effective damage than most other high tier infantry in the khorne roster (especially exalted bloodletters 32 vs 100 entities) I think Khorne got the short end of the stick in terms of units this dlc; all of them are just worse in their respective niches than already existing units; (except Khorngors; they seem really good)
9:41 seems like each attack only hits one or two entities. Could explain why they weren’t great against infantry but held ok against monstrous infantry. Need more splash
i feel like some of the units aren't working as intended, Bragg seems to be missing attack and rout animations - unless he's meant to just have only a single big swing attack and penguin sprint away.
They should change it to 'Omens of Disappointment' with how crap these units are statwise, I'm excited but how the fuck are the cool units getting bodied by vanilla units below their payrate? Hope they get buffs before release
I might be biased but I feel like skulltaker should be stronger considering in lore he only ever lost against Sigmar himself and the battle lasted 3 days
i find the skull reapers vs khorne warriors a little goofy as their magical attacks hinder them in the fight as khorne gives a bonus to magic resistance
Are you using any mods to conduct these tests? Or is there someone helping you? I want to do some tests or scripted fights myself but I can't find a way to do bigger tests like these.
Zerk, can you please do a "who's the best" for low tier anti-large. Test them for anti large marathon But also test them out against each other, like will dreadspears beat saurus spears in a 1v1
Wrathmongers seem a bit underwhelming. I suspect they’ll fulfill a similar role to aspiring champions where they get so many buffs from techs and lords that they’re basically invincible in the later parts of a campaign.
@cinder8926 just because of armour they are better than doomseekers
Wrathmongers should be used the same a any low entity unit and have them mixed in your lines of normal infantry where they are protected and can dish out damage
Note that Wrathmongers are the only elite infantry units with Khorne that is not anti-infantry. So they should be your dedicate "anti-large" infantry to go against any anti-large large.
And yes, they should definitely be mixed up into your more populous infantry so they don't get surrounded.
Imagine how crazy bad Doomseekers are, when even Wrathmongers, basically a unit of Doomseekers with much higher stats, already appear to be underwhelming.
@@AliothAncalagon I don't know about Doomseekers actually, they do perform better then Swordsmasters of Hoeth in certain cases... And Hoethmasters are a very good anti-infantry infantry...
Allegedly, I've also seen tests that show Doomsekers perofrming quite badly, so... I literally don't know since I've seen both cases for Doomseekers...
The squig manglers and nurgling animations are so amazing. So much effort and love was put into making them. Thanks for the video zerk! always helpful to know how these matchups work out
The nurgling animations are my fav of all, they're soo detailed
I can't wait to see new okoii video: 19 mangler squigs
Its gonna be glorious, I can just imagine a shot of skarsnik with them all behind him
@@albertlofling7310 and the only thing Skarsnik do is laughing uncontrollably
Have I got some good news for you then.
It came out and it was one of the best W3 vids I've seen in a while - even if the DLC seem a bit more mixed than Thrones the animations are in a league of their own
Empire Swordsmen also beat the Kislev Frostwyrm
Faith in Sigmar makes you strong
Frostwyrm also sucked dick on release. I’m hoping it’s not like shadows of change where they need a big patch.
Not anymore they update the frostwyrm
Wait! There is a gobbo RIDING the mangler squigs? That poor guy deserves his own meme to podcast to shitcoin rugpull.
I love gobbo riding Mangler squig but my life savings are gone
No ! ... There 2 ! One on each ;7
all i am thinking is how is the gobbo able to sit on it.
Well, obviously, they are not. They have their hands full holding on for dear life - or getting back on to them half the time.
@@CallioNyx Have they tried spitting on that thang? Edit: Whenever we think there is nothing sillier than Warhammer, real life intervenes.
Wrathmongers loosing to any infantry unit feels wrong. Like there not even that good at what they do, doomseekers I could turn a cheek. But wrathmongers oh hell no, they should be literally the best infantry vs infantry unit in the game period.
The problem is their small unit models like the doom seekers they need meat shields
But they’re not anti infantry… that’s the point… khorne doesn’t need another anti inf unit, the wrathmongers are more just anti everything as evidenced by them beating the man eaters and blood letters losing
@Itinerantspark1658 there unit card literally says there anti infantry, on tabletop there anti infantry, and in the lore there described as infantry blenders. They are an infantry killer, that’s khorne a whole gimmick there good at killing infantry with there own. While the cavalry are the anti large specialists. Not to mention they have 3 really good anti large infantry units, you don’t need more then that.
@@leonardbrazil5497 never listen to the unit card its wrong so often
16:25 No, which is crazy is that the Thundertusk doesn't just have 2 range attacks, it actually has 3! One manual, that is the Thundertusk's breath, and 2 automatic, the spear guy, and the rider which has a crossbow. Lot of dakka!
I love the Colossal squig so much i hope CA gives us an armored version one day
Modders to the rescue
@cinder8926 there were mods for armored/normal colossal squids for a long time
Who knows, maybe there'll be a campaign exclusive one, as a waaagh unit.
It is amazing how dirty they've done the Skullreapers. Skullreapers on the tabletop were higher than Chosen, they should eat regular chaos warriors of Khorne for breakfast.
That's where the Wrathmongers are though..no point of having both of them do the same thing
@@azizsh9091 They could make Skullreapers specialize in taking down infantry, whilst Wrathmongers would be more like all rounders/anti-large.
I could very much say what you've written here and apply it to current situation with Skullreapers and Chaos Warriors of Khorne with dual hand weapons. Both of them do the same thing after all.
@@HidethePainHerald Wrathmongers are already all-rounders as Zerk showed in this video. They can take large targets much better than Bloodletters and Chosen. They're also faster than Chosen with more armor/MD than Bloodletters so they can serve as a sturdy frontline unit that doesn't slow your army.
I agree on Skullreapers being redundant afterall.. they should've made them as fast as Wrathmongers so there's a point of taking them instead of Chaos Warriors. Or alternatively make them same tier as Wrathmonger but anti-large.
Nah they just got the White Lion treatment. Idc, khorne has enough infantry that does the same thing over and over again
@@fedyx1544 wdym ofc khorne need 10 more anti-infantry unit and 10 more anti-large unit...
I feel like the mangler squigs are a specialty unit that's meant to be used in conjunction with other units, just based on how widely it threw around the enemy infantry upon contact. I'd imagine that it would be used to charge the frontline _right_ before contact to disrupt unit cohesion so that your lower tier infantry can turn an organized fight into a mass brawl. Imagine a tight unit of elves getting thrown around and then each individual unit getting mobbed by multiple goblins all at once as they're standing back up. Think it'll need a bit of testing to see if the units will actually do that though.
I feel like the skullreapers and wrathmongerers are way underpowerd!
Wrathmongers should be the best infantry unit in the game period
@@Dman9982 I agree 100%! i feel like the skullreapers and wrathmongers should both be a tier better. skullreapers a bit the same as chosen and wrathmongers just a tier better that that.
Wrathmongers seem to have the same problem as the Doom Seekers; low model counts, making them vulnerable to being surrounded.
@@fenorlex1126 Which is kinda wild, looking at how they already have much higher stats.
Very sad that Khorne units are underperforming. Each one of those units should be doing WAY better.
You know Zerk, I think I just had an idea for a campaign yoou should try. Play the High Elves (Probably Tyrion) as if they were Khornate. No mages. No Ranged. Lots of burning.
@@Villain_in_Glasses Think of it this way, How many elves are gonna die if you are forcing them to fight in a none elfy way?
@@zdinc7268And get Tyrion the Sword of Khaine ASAP
@@zdinc7268 Ah I like this idea, then end the run by abandoning all the settlements and feeding yourself to Grandpappy Nurgle.
@@Villain_in_Glasses Exactly
Pigback riders beating empire knights is wild
Imagine being a proud knight in full plate and being beaten by 2 green 12 year olds with a meth problem lmfao
And while just eating the charge at that
Can't wait for meme challenge videos with only pigback's
ya thats fucked, very lore breaking. piggybacks need a health/ charge defense/ melee defense nerf
@@jansendawe9212not lore breaking, everyone knows that humans are the lamest and weakest so 2 gnoblars with makeshift spears should win, clearly
I think the pigback gnoblars work without charge defense because they are technically cavalry, so they don't get thrown or knocked around by charges, kind of like weapon teams but with a melee role. It's like putting a unit of small empire knights to stop a charge of regular empire knights.
Really hope that Khorne units will be upped a bit, seriously underwhelming performance compared to Tzeentchian and Nurglish dlc units
That’s what you gte for having the strongest faction mechanic, BY FAR.
@@florians9949 huh
@@DustoVonSusto Khorne faction is horifically busted on campaign once you understand how they play.
@@florians9949 honestly, I just wished they made khorne a bit weaker on campaign map (instead of buffing him even more wtf?) so that his units could actually be good.
People be accusing Khorne of being broken because they keep abusing Blood Hosts (a mechanic which doesn't really make much sense) while ignoring the fact that Khorne outright SUCKS at the things they should be masters of: Murdering the shit out of everyone in melee. Bloodthirsters are a joke, melee infantry are a joke (consistently losing to Nurglish infantry of the same tier because someone at CA has a scat fetish or something, while every other faction ALSO has units that can go toe to toe with them and often for cheaper), cavalry are stuck in the "less models more damage" rut that NEVER WORKS AND HAS NEVER WORKED IN THIS GAME, and guess what...? THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING ELSE. No ranged, no war machines, no wizards. AT LEAST MAKE THEIR STUPID MELEE ACTUALLY BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE.
a lot of these units were actually bugged with the splash attack changes when they first came out but that recently got fixed, so would love to see another video like this with them actually fixed
with the Wrathmongers sending the lighter units flying, it might be good to mix them with bloodletters to clear the chaff out of the way in order to focus down the heavier units.
Like most infantry units that have few models (whether monstrous or not), they should definitely be mixed among other infantry units like chaos warriors or chosen
I think the best use for the eshin maneater is to embed him in normal infantry so he doesnt get surrounded as easily. The ideally you let him use his very potent weeping blade debuff to soften up tough targets that rely heavily on their armor
I know it's late but could your testing in this video be effected by the "bug" CA implemented that makes splash attacks much, much worse on some monstrous units?
That’s what I’m wondering
Mangler Squigs are the best unit in any game. Not just strat games. ANY game. Bar none. This is not up for debate it is set in stone. Those animations are astonishingly fluid and fun.
I still find it wierd that what is supposed to be one of the most offesinve infatry units in lore and in game yet theyhave less melee attack than what are supposed to be defensive units, like Ironbreakers or Ironsworn. Specially for the GW Black Orcs.
iirc, orcs in general had relatively low weapon skill on the tabletop (which translate to the game as melee attack and defense), empire greatswords had the same weapon skill as black orcs
22:04 Yes they really should. Knockback resist is a stat they could easily turn up to eliminate the issue. Dwarf characters have been at 80% for years and are generally better than most other melee characters so it should be a no brainer.
Omg, all those Ninja Ogres shall be known as the Mourn Hills Ninja, in honor of Chris Farley.
Mangler Squig animations are without a question THE most cartoonish in the entire game, i like them already XD
The Eshin ogre sprinting at the Bretonnian at 20:00 made me laugh so hard 😂
Wrangler squigs going haywire through enemy armies should be crazy
Mangler squigs and squig herd in hammer and anvil, I have to see
In the tabletop game Orcs ha a special rule for Black Orcs called "Armed to da teef" which allowed them to change their weapon types every turn. Switching from sword & board, 2h weapon and dual weapon. I would have preferred 1 unit, being black orcs and just having a switch that allowed you to click it
Skulltaker I think will be a real threat when you also take his cloak of skulls upgrades into account
The Piggy Back Riders do have a nice bit of Charge Attack? Would it Not be better to counter Charge the Empire Knights? (If Not utilizing Charge defense anyway)
To be fair I feel like Bloodletters being cheaper works cause they just evaporate. Once they start going its very hard to stop it. While Wrathmongers can run away and regroup so you dont lose them.
0:10 Skull Reapers vs Tzar Guard
0:36 Skull Reapers vs Exalted Daemonettes of Slaanesh
1:06 Skull Reapers vs Dual Weapon Chaos Warriors (Khorne)
1:31 Wrathmongers vs Loremaster of Hoeth
1:58 Wrathmongers vs Chose (Nurgle)
2:31 Wrathmongers vs Black Orcs
2:36 TEST Are they better than Ex. Bloodletters: 2x Wrath Mongers vs 2x Black Orcs VS 2x Exalted Blood Letters vs 2x Black Orcs
3:13 TEST Are they better than Ex. Bloodletters: 2x Wrath Mongers vs 2x Hammers VS 2x Exalted Blood Letters vs 2x Hammers
3:32 TEST Are they better than Ex. Bloodletters: 2x Wrath Mongers vs 2x Har Ganeth Executioners VS 2x Exalted Blood Letters vs 2x Har Ganeth Executioners
3:50 Wrathmongers vs Golgfag Maneaters
4:34 Bloodwake Bersekers (Wrathmongers) vs Chosen (Nurgle)
5:02 Test of the Tanks: Black Orcs (Shields) vs Ironbreakers
*3 Months later... *
6:33 Gnoblar Pigback Riders vs Empire Knights
7:40 Gnoblar Pigback Riders vs Stone Trolls
8:03 Mangler Squigs vs Bloodletters
9:10 Best Unit in the Game! They're so happy
9:24 Blood Beasts vs Plaguebearers
9:59 Blood Beasts vs Empire Swordsmen (Shields)
10:51 Blood Beasts vs Peasants
11:04 Blood Beasts vs Rat Ogres
11:30 Blood Beasts vs Yhetee
12:10 Yhetee vs Minotaurs
12:40 Yhetee vs Empire Swordsmen (Shields)
12:54 Colossal Squig vs Longbeards
13:33 Feral Mammoth vs Longbeards
13:49 Toad Dragon vs Longbeards
14:04 Slaughterbrute vs Longbeards
14:34 Slaughterbrute vs Colossal Squig
15:18 Slaughterbrute vs Terracotta Sentinel
16:01 Thundertusk vs Terracotta Sentinel
16:49 Thundertusk vs Feral Dread Saurian
17:15 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (on foot) vs Da'Best Grimgor Ironhide
17:56 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Da'Best Grimgor Ironhide
18:08 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Louen Leoncoeur
18:25 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Tyrion
18:53 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Golgfag
19:24 The Skulltaker, Hero Slayer (Mounted) vs Eshin Maneater (RoR)
19:57 Eshin Maneater (RoR) vs Prophetess
20:24 3x Eshin Maneaters (RoR) vs Khorne Infantry ea: Bloodletters, Chaos Warriors, Chosen
21:27 Bragg the Gutsman vs Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
Really well produced content, good work mate
That's an incredible model on the Yeti. That face just screams "fuck around and find out."
wrathmongers really feel like they should be unbreakable. They already have a ton of leadership, but they are the elite of the elite that spend every waking moment fighting or dying in training, having to fend off demons at the end of their path. It doesn't change the unit that much, but it would give Korne much more sustain
Well chaos warriors that die do get their souls eaten by their gods, pretty good persuasion right there to head for the hills if things start going side ways.
„More action then Paul vs thyson“ 🎉 brilliant
This video was both hilarious and very interesting. Nice work Zerk!
Just a note of appreciation for doing different testing against different unit types to show how each unit performs in different scenarios!
You should have tested wrathmongers against khorne chosen since their almost the same unit and cost
Thank you for doing these trial tests
1:30 Ah beautiful, nothing like elves dying
That range on that splash attack, half the guys where no where near the attack and still got knocked about lol. Last time I saw anything like that (dwarf grape shot cannons) it got nerfed in the following patch.
It's so strange to me that the Ogres didn't get any mounts for Lords/heroes. It's a DLC Race and now they're doing another DLC pack for it and the lords/heroes don't even get mounts. And I don't know why the Eshin RoR unit wasn't just a unique hero? He'd be better all around IMO. I just don't understand a lot of the decisions around making the Ogres less good than they should've been, IMHO.
I like the Ogres and I like look of the new units but it feels bad enough to honestly makes me consider holding off to get it on discount.
The dedication of this man. Having to sit there and watch orcs and dwarfs clad in armor bonk at each other for months...
What other youtuber is like this?
10:39 the blood beasts need a major buff 😅😅
They may be bugged actually, lots of larger units aren't doing what they're intended to do
@10:16 now we know, the splash damage is broken.
that why bloodbeast lose to swordman.
Another helpful video! Feel prepped for the new dlc!
I think I'll really like the wrathmongers. Their weakness is that they don't get many soldiers per unit, which makes them not great for holding a front-line. That's also why the exalted bloodletters did more damage against units that both units can hit well.
They got that obscene melee attack though, so they can hit more elite units/heroes than the exalted bloodletters. I think them throwing several enemy soldiers around with each swing will be an awesome support ability, and will mean they can do well no matter what army you're fighting.
Yeah they seem like they’d be amazing at flanking and such
3:14 it’s important to note that wrathmongers route where Demons Get banished and die to instability ur paying for the ability for the wrath mongers to have late game presence
Weird that the Gnoblars didn't get knocked away by the cav charge. They are still a infantry unit so this interaction is bizarre.
They aren't a large unit for anti-large purposes, but I suspect that they are still coded as a cavalry unit, and as such, I don't think they can be knocked down or sent flying.
@boosterh1113 Looks funky though when two flimsy Gnoblars hold their ground against a Skullcrusher charge.
They're not gobbos, they're built different
@cinnamonflavord Gnoblars are literally worse than Goblins
At lot these units seem quite redundant if they can’t beat many pre-existing units in the base game. Especially the Khorne ones.
Bad take, creates powercreep
@@azamataydarov4730 real, this. I'll run skullreapers entirely because they look cool (and match bloodspeakers). A variety is nice even if just for theming armies and factions.
the Khorne ones do seem to fill a slightly different niche to the existing units. they have less defence but they do more damage, as a result they seem to be getting better results against more defensive units while getting worse results against damage dealers.
so the new units will probably fare better against factions like Dwarfs, Nurgle, and Cathay while the older units will be the better option against factions like Beastmen, Khorne, and Slaanesh.
You actually want the game to have powercreep? Tf?
@@lennartj.8072 did you not read what I said or see how I agreed with? I clearly agreed with the guy implying power creep is bad?
Love these videos - thanks!
11:33 more like a yeeti
I feel like they managed to put out this dlc with the units properly balanced. There is not as much power creep here as you would expect and I actually like that.
Golgfag does actually beat the Skulltaker on foot. But the mount means he's missing out on his BvI.
Also worth nothing that wratongers have a fair bit more armor than exalted bloodletters making them less suseptible to missile fire. Making it to melee healthier helps you win the melee.
The shielded black orcs seem like they will be crazy good when you consider just how many MA buffs greenskins have. Incredibly effective in the grind.
I worry that they’re gonna make greenskins almost unstoppable tbh,if you park regular black orks behind them,they’re also gonna be almost immune to missile fire,which is really the only thing able to stop them
22:10 could have been the only thing CA showed for this dlc and it would have been the best seller.
Black Orc with shields strength will come from using the defensive ability combo with Ere We Go, Smash Em Faster and Waaagh. Then turn off the defense while it's not active.
awesome video as allways, thank you for all your work
15:19 Isn't the dread saurian the strongest SEM in the game? Or does it not count because of the riders?
2:28 aren't the new black orcs the axe and shield ones not the great weapons?
Yes, the sword and board is black orcs. The old black orcs are "great weapon" black orcs now.
@@ricardorodriguez2343 ok I was wondering because he used the wrong ones for that test.
Came for the review, stayed for the dead elves.
Always a big fan of that ninja ogre minature, glad they added it to the game.
Low model count high attack stats and weapon strength wrath-mongers seem like a good support infantry against hard to crack units
For me I like the wrathmongers, they may do a little bit less damage than the exalted blood letters but they can for sure hold their ground and tank things a lot better than the blood letters. I have no complaints here they look so bad ass too.
I still want my putrid blightkings, since we have wrathmongers now I demand they go back and add the remaining t end times nurgle units, along with the glottkin. And of course I'll pay for it
love seeing the thundertusk being that good. the stonehorns and crushers were great "apex" ogre units but i feel like they didn't really have that terrifying iconic unit. the one where you see it in their armies and pee yourself a little. like seeing thorgrim or malaki with 4 thunderbarges in their army lol. can't wait to play.
lmao "as for the gnobs not using protection-! okay.... 😞"
Shielded black orcs vs iron breaker is the epidome of two robots hitting each other with pool noodles.😂
10:50 was this video pre AOE fix or after?
11:30 Didn't I ever tell you about bumbles? Bumbles BOUNCE!
only thing pigback riders need now is a cycle in their idle animation where their spears "touch tips".
edit: having watched all of it, I gotta wonder if the margin of success in some of these scenarios have a hell of a lot more to do with attack (or falling prone lol) animations, whether they can be interrupted (tomb king construct scorpions being amazing here, due to their "tunneling" part of their attack frames), and when such things apply if they can be (because a "prone" proc could interrupt an attack animation a few frames before the damage calculations are done, cancelling the damage).
The thundertusks have a xbow too so 3 ranged attacks
The Thundertusk appears to also have a crossbow rider. So a javelin for anti-large and a crossbow for infantry.
I love these videos. Shows me which units to Doom stack.
The Mangler Squids is just so lovely, ugly cut and funny
Is this with the splash damage bug?
the big problem for wrathmongers is entity size; their high weapon damage results in less effective damage than most other high tier infantry in the khorne roster (especially exalted bloodletters 32 vs 100 entities)
I think Khorne got the short end of the stick in terms of units this dlc; all of them are just worse in their respective niches than already existing units; (except Khorngors; they seem really good)
As a Beastmen enjoyer I'm happy they got a halbert infantry finally!
9:41 seems like each attack only hits one or two entities. Could explain why they weren’t great against infantry but held ok against monstrous infantry. Need more splash
0:49 all's fair in love and war
i feel like some of the units aren't working as intended, Bragg seems to be missing attack and rout animations - unless he's meant to just have only a single big swing attack and penguin sprint away.
Eshin ogre is a big disappointment. Why would you choose him if he can't to do quickly the job he's supposed to do (assassinations)?
Actually I think the Weeping Blade debuff is his selling point. Or at least that's how he can be used as he is here
Here for the Nob on Nob action
This hatred towards the elves is iconic, i love it XD. i dont even know why he hates them so much but i guess nobody knows xD
Holy the eshin ogre is so good, I would enjoy so much if they made him strangely elegant/ a legendary hero
very entertaining, good work
Hilarious, great vid and very informative.
Because of you Zerk my boy, every time I see an elf, no matter what setting, movie/game/book/show I always go BLEGH.
I'd love to know how Ruglud's Armoured Orcs perform against other missile units. Do they outgun Quarrelers like they do in their lore?
"... he has the best getaway routing run in the game" - 🤣🤣🤣
They should change it to 'Omens of Disappointment' with how crap these units are statwise, I'm excited but how the fuck are the cool units getting bodied by vanilla units below their payrate? Hope they get buffs before release
I might be biased but I feel like skulltaker should be stronger considering in lore he only ever lost against Sigmar himself and the battle lasted 3 days
i don't understand what is different between blood beast and yetis they should both be affected by the splash attack bug but it doesn't seems so
i find the skull reapers vs khorne warriors a little goofy as their magical attacks hinder them in the fight as khorne gives a bonus to magic resistance
Are you using any mods to conduct these tests? Or is there someone helping you? I want to do some tests or scripted fights myself but I can't find a way to do bigger tests like these.
Love the battle commentary! 😂
Wonderful video. Thank you
Zerk, can you please do a "who's the best" for low tier anti-large.
Test them for anti large marathon
But also test them out against each other, like will dreadspears beat saurus spears in a 1v1
The new ror Chosen with Halberd can be the best intantry in the game, even against other infantry.
We got us a Warhammer rumble!