This one song is like Baltic rock of Rosette! Can fight in basketball, hockey and on Eurovision, but there's always moments when we stand like a rock for each other!
@russian545 dear neighbor, please take a look at your own fascism ravaged country using nazi-like techniques against your own people. This video is about Baltic people and unity against totalitarism, don't forget that many russians also supported collapse of USSR. If you personally still are so attached to communism propaganda or want to express your feelings towards current Baltic politics, please do it elsewhere.
Regards from Lithuanian, brother Latvians! :)
baltic states for ever together ! we are united. i am from Lithuania and i love Latvija and Eesti as no other country in the world. BALTIJA!
Born in Latvia but lived almost my entire live in Finland but still Baltic has my heart!
Respect from Latvia!
Liuks! Cool. Greetings from Lithuania. :)
Miiljie, visu Jums!
Respect from Georgia
Tegyujova estu ir lietuva tautu draugiste.I am sorry i dont konw these words in latvian language
respect to baltic countries from Georgia!
This one song is like Baltic rock of Rosette! Can fight in basketball, hockey and on Eurovision, but there's always moments when we stand like a rock for each other!
Nu dziesma ir fantastiska.
Estija suomiam siknon lenda :) : @@@@~~~~~ :DDDD
Latvia and Lithuania forever!
Latvijas Republika, Eesti Vabariik, Lietuvos Respublika we are the best!
Man patik:)
Baltia is legendary!
Saunuoliai :) Proud of being lithuanian :)
neaizmirstam ka esam latviesi un kadam ir jabut par savu zemiti.ticu ka ir musdienu jauniesi kuri doma ta pat.
Friends forever
man patinka
Ärgake Baltimaad,
Ärgake Baltimaad!
Long live Baltic States !!!
The best
@TomytoNTF In Latvian Estia, Estonia = Igaunija :)
this year again :) august is coming :)
es ari esmu no latvijas:) bet redzot cik mes agak bijam vienoti neticu ka musdienu paaudze spetu apvienoties.:(;(
@liurbekanopa yes we do :)
Lietuva Latvija Igaunija milu Latviju
Слава Україні! 💙💛
es ari esmu no latvijas :D
@russian545 dear neighbor, please take a look at your own fascism ravaged country using nazi-like techniques against your own people. This video is about Baltic people and unity against totalitarism, don't forget that many russians also supported collapse of USSR.
If you personally still are so attached to communism propaganda or want to express your feelings towards current Baltic politics, please do it elsewhere.
poor ppl. :(