UPDATE: An en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granted California’s request for a stay of a district court decision striking down the state's large-capacity magazine ban on October 10th, 2023. It was sent to the US Supreme Court but they sent it back to the lower courts to hash out.
It’s quite humbling and frightening to know that Criminals use 30 Round Magazines with Impunity while it takes Lawful Legal Citizens 3 Magazines to Equal ONE OF THE CRIMINALS!!!
I live in CA, I remember the last gun I bought came with a 10 round magazine, the same day there was a new story about a gang member who was killed in a car chase with the cops, he had several guns, including an AK47 with 30 round magazines. These laws only hurt law abiding people.
Criminals also use 40, 60, & 100 round magazines in their "assault weapons", or slap 30 round mags into Glocks with switches, and post videos on social media of themselves firing their weapons in any indiscriminate direction.
I don't understand why certain laws are not universally applied nation wide. As a CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES you are entitled to self defense and no state, county or city should be able to supercede that unless you violate certain laws and give up your rights.
I’m not suggesting you move out of California… but maybe you could just take a vacation out of state somewhere with Freedom. Personally I chose to leave. The CA DOJ ket dropping guns off the DOJ roster and before I could complain to my Congressman and my local reps I was in violation of an un-Constitutional law on Magazines. I will not move back until the rest of the State gets their shot together and starts fighting the tyrants in Sacramento. There are so many people that are just straight ignorant and most people don’t even know their rights.
@@definitelynotthea.t.f.8813 the issue is the ignorant people holding such strong stances on things they dont even understand. makes you question if we should all be able to vote
That's also why these liars call 10 round magazines "standard capacity" instead of "minimal / reduced capacity". So they can play their "Nooo you silly goyim, we only wanna ban high capacity mags, standard capacity is totally fine with us!" to trick people into supporting their unconstitutional filth. They know damn well 30 rounds is standard (or 20 at the very least if you go with the Vietnam era mags).
Uh huh, and who's going to pursue those charges? The cops enforcing the tyranny? The d.a. allowing the lawlessness and collapse of order? The lawyers who's job is to win no matter what right or wrong has to say about it, or context, or common sense or decency? The judges that are upholding this evil in the first place? The politicians who are beholden to the power on this planet who operate on self interests and serve their masters like the pig-dogs they are? Bro, you can't fight the system using the system, it doesn't work that way. And don't even come back to me with "wE jUsT NeED tO vOtE tHosE dEmOcRaPs oUt aNd remINd tHem wHo tHeY wUrk FOr". The hegelian dialectic always was nothing but a distraction to give us the illusion of choice and power. No one is going to reverse the system for us, it's up to each individual to just stop playing along and walk away from the system to create and defend our own societies, small tribal-like communities based on free will participation and mutual cooperation of self sustainment
Many other more free states in the union simply right-off California as a lost cause. Honestly, we Californians needs your guys' help. There are a TON of pro 2nd amendment law-abiding gun owners in the state (by sheer numbers, probably a lot more than most other states in the nation), and we are simply oppressed by an authoritarian regime in this state. Love Benitez! He's doing the Lord's work, along with a handful of Sheriffs in the state including my own county Sheriff Chad Bianco here in Riverside.
Nah man , most of us has someone we care for living in Kali- we are not writing any red blooded American off , but we sure would like to see a lot more votes going the other way. Never give up! We won’t !! From the deep South. 👍💪
Well it's definitely not a law yet. I have tried ordering standard capacity mags from 7 different dealers and none would ship to California. I miss freedom week.
@@bigdfitness5020 It is rather peculiar that states such as CA welcome out of state folks into their boarders for medical procedures which may be illegal in their home state, however, frown upon CA residents leaving the state to exercise other freedoms...
My favorite part about attorney general Bonta’s arguments is when it comes to the pistol restriction in California they argue that a magazine disconnect feature is required for a pistol to be safe for sale. Which makes the magazine a required item for the firearm to function and not an accessory. But in his argument for magazines to not be a protected arm under the Second Amendment, he argues that magazines are not part of the firearm and thus not protected. He calls them accessories. You can’t make both arguments and be intellectually honest it’s just asinine.
Bonta is just a tool being wielded by Gruesome Newsom and the Dem narrative that anything related to firearms is “sinister” and “evil”. Funny how they all say that when they’re protected by their own private security who are allowed to carry +10 round mags, and carry guns that us peasants can’t own.
He referred to them as standard capacity when talking about the MI law. High capacity is what CA and states that’s refer to them as. So he is correct in calling them high capacity since it’s referencing the wording of those laws.
@@trumpetpunk42 it’s from the 1990s. He was talking about how they did the banning standard capacity magazines, and said meaning everything over 10 rounds. So he was calling the typical 20 and 30 rounds standard. He just talked about it briefly about 3-5 minutes in. He was just using high cap and that is what everyone in states that are banned calls them. So it’s easier to understand, especially since this ruling only applies to CA and no other state.
Concealed carry CCW permits are also available in Los Angeles, according to gun store guys I talked to. You get the pistol first, pay a registration fee, pass a firearms target shooting test and then get your permit for that firearm. No “need” needed
Which gun store is saying that? You might be misleading people here. Unless something in writing had change I missed. When I got mine, I had to write a formal true justifications as to why and I had to go through the sheriff for approval.
Thank you so much for the history of this case! I'm a new gun owner and I'm not privy to the odds and ends of these recent cases. I actually didn't know this was going on, so glad I held off buying more mags
Until SCOTUS rules or maybe the 9th will read the writing on the wall and do the right thing you still cant buy anything larger than a 10 round mag here in The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia🤬🤬🤬. What ever the 9th does they will draw this out as long as possible.@@hybridcheef8071
I’m told Rahm Emmanuel, as Mayor of Chicago, once said “if you need 30 rounds to hunt, you suck at hunting”. The obvious response is “If you need an unarmed populace to govern, you suck at governing”.
Its really concerning to see California continue to fight this. Especially going so far as to preemptively appeal a decision that has yet been made because they know they won't like it.
It’s what they did to force ghey married down the throats of the working class here in California. We literally voted on it it got down voted and they said “we’re gunna do it anyways” Because that’s how democracy works. If you don’t like the outcome just go to the courts til you get the desired outcome 😂
If you are pro 2A, then cut the rot off and stop supporting Californian degeneracy. The sooner civilians like you recognize California as a demilitarized coastal platform of the military (DMZ), the sooner the other citizens not only get their rights but without being extorted by legal bafoons reposturing and eroding daily life. Law for California never abided the consitution and to force it so is injustice and robbery leveraged against the nation. We should all be discussing Greater Idaho, that is the only solution for Californian legal bloat and inefficiency in taxes to have its risks mitigated and damages minimized.
Last time I heard this, I tried to order some standard capacity 9mm and AR mags, but the online retailer denied my order. I'm just gonna wait this time.
He's dotting his i's and crossing his t's. The 9th sided with him last time BEFORE bruen, and when the En Banc overruled it, Supreme Court slapped them on the wrist. He's just making sure the state can't say he didn't give them a fair chance.
Firearms were never given as a constitutional right for simply hunting or defending your home. The main concern from the founders was a tyrannical government in control of America and look where we are.
No, it went up to the Supreme Court and then was remanded back to the District level with new guidelines after the Bruin ruling. Now they're still disagreeing. Which means it's going back to the SCOTUS.@@Zerowolf760
@@toddmorningstar4206 The millions of legal firearms owners in the US and the thousands of licensed ffl dealers. If we were the problem, you wouldn't have to question! Enjoy a blessed Saturday
The manufacturers, like Glock, who produce the Glock 17 with a standard 17 round magazine, and the Glock 19 with a standard 15 round magazine. Not to mention the AR platforms where 30 rounds is standard. You know "todd" in Dutch means fart, and that's about all your brain is good at doing.@@toddmorningstar4206
beside the 30-round mag ban (which is the standard magazine size), I also still don't understand why the featureless grip is supposed to make an AR15 less deadly
The scam begins with calling standard 30 round mags "high capacity" as if they weren't the absolute default designed for their respective firearms. 20 round mags are "reduced capacity" and were designed to make it easier to go prone and using bipod on a long rifle, and these 10 round mags are so far reduced beyond any reasonable argument that they can never, ever be called "standard capacity" by any stretch of the imagination. If the people pushing for the ban had any shred of integrity, they'd call it "civilian legal capacity" or something that at least aligns with their intentions, but because they are filthy liars and they know damn well that their intentions do not align with the constitution at all they have to lie to your face by calling 10 round mags "standard".
Thank you yes, this is very important to understand. So much of the wording used by these demons concerning guns is used specifically to spread fear and confuse ignorant voters.
Where people go wrong is assuming these damned people are stupid or are naively driven for some skewed sense of "the greater good". They're not. They know good and well what they say, what they purpose and don't honestly believe for a second that they're making the world a safer place for humanity. Therefore, one can only come to the logical conclusion that they're purposefully controlling and destroying humanity. Therefore, why in God's name anyone would truly believe that they can fight the system using the system and that voting is anything other than an illusion of choice and control is beyond me😂. They're going to do whatever they want they only thing that matters is how long each individual will continue to freely participate upon their own cognition in this system of oppression and debt slavery. These a*S holes only have power because we keep giving it to them every second we choose to keep participating in THEIR system under THEIR rules
There are a lot of made up terms in order to gaslight the American people. This just scratches the surface and hopefully this is only the beginning of winning our freedoms back.
@@matterofrights2344during freedom week, ALL shipments went to California. So it will be a repeat gold rush. If you want more mags, get them in before California does but don’t worry. They’re still not legal, as The AG will appeal it and further legislation will take place. Nothing new in California
Thanks Steven. As a former Sud Californican who unfortunately lost my freedom week mags when I moved out for nearly equal pay and a much lower cost of living. I was greatly heartened one of my friends who cleaned up after my hectic departure actually found all of them and is now taking very good care of them as they're now readily available for me and hopefully soon will be for all my freedom loving friends still in Cali-4-knee-a. Sorry, can't resist a jab even as a long awaited breath of freedom is coming. I'm happy for for you all.
I want to know why there is no punishment for those who make unconstitutional laws like this. My rights were violated and I want someone to be punished for it!
@@Plutogalaxy I love how open you shitlibs are being about your fondness of government corruption. Keep this energy though, I don't want to talk politics in 2024. 🤣🤣🤣
@@nonconsensualopinionit wont stand not here in California. Only citizens have to follow the laws politicians and illegal immigrants by their very definition are not subject to the law.
Bonta states that civilians have no need for magazines that hold more then 10 rounds , well then your law enforcement has no need for their magazines either.. in reality civilians should be able to have magazines that hold 100 rounds if they so choose because it's for our own protection and to protect our loved ones and property
Military and civilian firearms were identical in function and ability throughout history. As civilians created rifled barrels, multi-barrel systems, projectiles, self-contained cartridges, and smokeless powder, these technologies were adopted for military use. Many of the firearms used in the original militia to fight against the British were rifled muskets that were more accurate, but slower to load and less robust than the smooth bore Brown Bess used by most armies around the world at the time.
@Ween745 Demand and military acquisition requests for firearms still drive and arm militaries around the world. IEDs and VBDs were made in houses with simple tools and fertilizer or MGE. F22s and F35s obviously still being developed etc.
Living in redding California. The second I saw the notification and read the title. I clicked so quickly. But now feel I wasted my time watching this entire video..
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one.
This isn’t a win YET. They will appeal this to the 9th circus, if they don’t like that decision they will want an on bonk panel in the ninth circus, then if that doesn’t go their way, or ours, it will go to the Supreme Court. This is far from being over and a win.
Ive seen plenty of home invasion videos where a 10 rnd magazine wouldn't have been sufficient enough to handle the situation. A lot more such situations not caught on video. There's absolutely no reason for the rest of the nation to have access to 30-50-100 rnd mags & not the east & west coast where sea invasion from an invading army is a real possibility, Not to mention it being their Constitutional Right. EDIT: You cant average out self defense situations into percentages when lives are at stake & each situation has so many variables.
I just tried ordering larger capacity AR 15 mags from Midway and they are still not allowing sales to CA. Also, got a question. I still have a kit installed that keeps my mag fixed so I didn't have to register it. That law still in place?
So are they legal now or not? Everyone’s talking about the decision and mentioning the appeal but I can’t find a yes or no. Would 30rnd mags be okay at the range or transportable as of now in CA or no?
The laws should apply to criminals, not the citizens...If a criminal gets caught with any magazines over 10 rds. an extra of 5 or 10 yrs. should be added to their sentence, criminals get a slap on the hand compare to law abiding citizens who follow the laws and go thru the proper requirements to be able to use their 2A rights.
Real question: Anyone know of a case where a criminal used a standard cap mag in a crime and his sentence was extended because of that? Or, a case where the magazine was specifically cited?
Unfortunately, there's a good chance it will be at least another 3-4 years before we'll get any relief since the appeal is going to take time and I highly doubt the 9th will allow this to take effect.
@@UserUser14880that mentality is what allows these corrupt States to take away our rights. Think positive instead of negative, it makes a huge difference
so does this mean the ban is overturned for now until they determine otherwise or if the appeal is unsuccessful? Or do they just appeal to the Supreme Court and its final for the whole country? Since 2A is for the whole country and Supreme Court says if there's no tradition of magazine ban you can't do it.
That's how these filthy liars trick people into supporting the ban. "Nooo silly goyim, we don't wanna ban standard capacity mags! Only high capacity mags, hehehe"
Unfortunately, you can’t buy them yet… He put a 10 day stay on his order, giving the state time to appeal, which they’ve already done. Now it goes back to the 9th circuit I believe.
Wish these YT channels would address the issue directly and not use clickbaity titles. I can only imagine a bunch of people will go out and buy magazines thinking they are legal due to videos like this
Never let politicians, or government employees, determine what you can and cannot have for your self defense. If it was for their self-defense, they will ask for full auto and f-15s.
Thank you Mr. Benitez for getting Heller right before Thomas had to tell all the idiot judges the correct way of applying Heller. Thank you Mrs. Duncan for standing up for your rights. And thank you all the 2A advocacy groups who supported this case.
@ninjaman381 This latest decision by Judge Benitez doesn't just apply to California alone. Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington are also under the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and this decision will definitely have an effect on those states. Stay informed, get involved, and keep the faith Bruh !
Only applies 10 days after the decision IF there are no appeals. That’s why suck. You know it’s going to get an appeal and be tied up longer before a final ruling on it.
It should be absolutely criminal for the state to spend citizens taxes for constant infringement of citizens rights. Those who are pushing the idea should be judged as enemy 1# and not be allowed to cram the courts with such blatant behavior in our system.
Thank you, sir for your interpretation! I guess we are really making progress! I live in Alabama but my son lives in San Francisco. Therefore, although we are approaching retirement age I'd never consider moving to California. Now...if we can get a national reciprocity law (purely) we will be good! Although, no matter our wins they constantly get challenged!
California is paradise in terms of land quality and location, its the laws / cost of living and taxes that are making it a nightmare.. but its still there, just needs to be cleaned out.
Thank you! Your breakdown and delivery of this information is absolutely fantastic! Please keep up the great work! Your speed and clarification in the process really helps those of us vernacularly challenged types.
@@msVon777that’s because like most UA-camrs and channels like these,they are a bunch click baiters and just using our emotions and lack of freedoms to make a dime out of us because we are dumb enough to click on these useless videos. It took me awhile to realize this lol
In most cases they AREN'T "high capacity" magazines - which creates an image of an evil war monger - they are simply the stock magazines provided by the manufacturer. I don't even consider the G26 with a 15 round to be high capacity, it's how Glock designed it (and in some ways perfected by Springfield XD their slip on magazine sleeves to fill in the gap).
15 rounds isnt high capacity in any fashion. And 27 and 30rnd mags have been around for years and years. And have definitely surpassed common use. And either are necessary for a firearm to function and protected by the 2A or they arent and cannot be regulated using 2A grounds.
Hey Steven, that was quite simply the best summary of this law suite I've heard yet. Could you tell me where we stand on getting rid of this terrible handgun roster in California? I'm a new gun buyer in California. I'm disgusted at the choices given to me by a clearly unconstitutional gun roster that limits my ability to protect myself and my family. Thanks, a new subscriber.
UPDATE: An en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granted California’s request for a stay of a district court decision striking down the state's large-capacity magazine ban on October 10th, 2023. It was sent to the US Supreme Court but they sent it back to the lower courts to hash out.
Should be called standard capacity magazines, not "high" capacity.
The tyrants are experts in linguistic gymnastics, so they like to redefine things.
Bro I just want STANDARD G19 mags for CC instead of 10's..
Exactly. We're not going to make any progress if we keep using the left's terminology.
@@yunghysterikindeed, this seems like a red herring to drain resources from other battles
That’s amazing I love this
I think people are probably more shocked that there are actually still real honest and honorable judges in California.
Cuban ancestry so he is allergic to commies
Fr fr
There isn't, they just act like they're on our side but u know they're not actually going to lift the bans
@@Purrrrfectshotthey’ll be sued but there use to that .
You’re so right! Like when I carry 10+1, it’s a “you don’t take ten bullets to an eleven bullet gunfight!”… So FINALLY there’s hope!🇺🇸❤️🙏
It’s quite humbling and frightening to know that Criminals use 30 Round Magazines with Impunity while it takes Lawful Legal Citizens 3 Magazines to Equal ONE OF THE CRIMINALS!!!
I'm going to save everyone time. No they're not legal Bonta has submitted his appeal. The 9th circuit is likely going to give him a stay.
There ping pong masters
I live in CA, I remember the last gun I bought came with a 10 round magazine, the same day there was a new story about a gang member who was killed in a car chase with the cops, he had several guns, including an AK47 with 30 round magazines. These laws only hurt law abiding people.
Criminals also use 40, 60, & 100 round magazines in their "assault weapons", or slap 30 round mags into Glocks with switches, and post videos on social media of themselves firing their weapons in any indiscriminate direction.
Criminals also use full auto and don't care about background checks or laws...
Now we just need them to add stand your ground laws.
We are a castle state actually 😅😅
I thought CA is a stand your ground state
Ca is a stand you ground state. I know this because I live in commifornia and needed to know my rights when buying my AR.
Ten toes Down
I don't understand why certain laws are not universally applied nation wide. As a CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES you are entitled to self defense and no state, county or city should be able to supercede that unless you violate certain laws and give up your rights.
I’ll believe it when I can have mags shipped to my house or get them at sportsman’s
I’m not suggesting you move out of California… but maybe you could just take a vacation out of state somewhere with Freedom. Personally I chose to leave. The CA DOJ ket dropping guns off the DOJ roster and before I could complain to my Congressman and my local reps I was in violation of an un-Constitutional law on Magazines. I will not move back until the rest of the State gets their shot together and starts fighting the tyrants in Sacramento. There are so many people that are just straight ignorant and most people don’t even know their rights.
@@definitelynotthea.t.f.8813 the issue is the ignorant people holding such strong stances on things they dont even understand. makes you question if we should all be able to vote
@@definitelynotthea.t.f.8813Run for Congress or become a judge. We need folks like you.
They knew what was going to happen because they KNOW they are breaking the law. They know what they are doing is unconstitutional.
Rules and laws don't apply to corrupt politicians
That's also why these liars call 10 round magazines "standard capacity" instead of "minimal / reduced capacity".
So they can play their "Nooo you silly goyim, we only wanna ban high capacity mags, standard capacity is totally fine with us!" to trick people into supporting their unconstitutional filth. They know damn well 30 rounds is standard (or 20 at the very least if you go with the Vietnam era mags).
@@frankrizzo3729or illegals immigrants
They don't care and they will continue to do whatever they want because there are no consequences.
@@frankrizzo3729because they're criminals.
They can't let it go. There should be charges filed against these state and federal politicians that disobey federal laws
Uh huh, and who's going to pursue those charges? The cops enforcing the tyranny? The d.a. allowing the lawlessness and collapse of order? The lawyers who's job is to win no matter what right or wrong has to say about it, or context, or common sense or decency? The judges that are upholding this evil in the first place? The politicians who are beholden to the power on this planet who operate on self interests and serve their masters like the pig-dogs they are?
Bro, you can't fight the system using the system, it doesn't work that way. And don't even come back to me with "wE jUsT NeED tO vOtE tHosE dEmOcRaPs oUt aNd remINd tHem wHo tHeY wUrk FOr". The hegelian dialectic always was nothing but a distraction to give us the illusion of choice and power.
No one is going to reverse the system for us, it's up to each individual to just stop playing along and walk away from the system to create and defend our own societies, small tribal-like communities based on free will participation and mutual cooperation of self sustainment
Absolutely!!!! They are in violation of their oath.
Yes start with New Jersey
treason!! a death penaly offence...violation and restriction of the 2nd amendment!!
Start with Gavin Newsom
Many other more free states in the union simply right-off California as a lost cause. Honestly, we Californians needs your guys' help. There are a TON of pro 2nd amendment law-abiding gun owners in the state (by sheer numbers, probably a lot more than most other states in the nation), and we are simply oppressed by an authoritarian regime in this state. Love Benitez! He's doing the Lord's work, along with a handful of Sheriffs in the state including my own county Sheriff Chad Bianco here in Riverside.
Nah man , most of us has someone we care for living in Kali- we are not writing any red blooded American off , but we sure would like to see a lot more votes going the other way.
Never give up! We won’t !!
From the deep South. 👍💪
Some of us live in states that are as bad or worse.
Checking in from behind enemy lines in Long Beach CA. There are a lot of us. No voter ID laws are killing us.
NY, HI, NJ, and quite a few other states have garbage government. It's not just CA, by far.
treason takes two to file charges.. get it done
Well it's definitely not a law yet. I have tried ordering standard capacity mags from 7 different dealers and none would ship to California. I miss freedom week.
Drive to Arizona or Nevada and get some magazines
@@bigdfitness5020 It is rather peculiar that states such as CA welcome out of state folks into their boarders for medical procedures which may be illegal in their home state, however, frown upon CA residents leaving the state to exercise other freedoms...
When is freedom week?
@@santiagoelias9952long gone brotha. But if you have high capacity mags laying around just say it's from freedom week.
@@HandyMan369I have some but confused as to if I can use them or not???
How they can call over 10rds "high capacity" when a regular 9mm handgun has a factory standard magazine of around 15, is beyond me
21 too. The robbers act in groups with 30 rounders and a switch so the more the merrier
My favorite part about attorney general Bonta’s arguments is when it comes to the pistol restriction in California they argue that a magazine disconnect feature is required for a pistol to be safe for sale. Which makes the magazine a required item for the firearm to function and not an accessory. But in his argument for magazines to not be a protected arm under the Second Amendment, he argues that magazines are not part of the firearm and thus not protected. He calls them accessories.
You can’t make both arguments and be intellectually honest it’s just asinine.
Bonta is just a tool being wielded by Gruesome Newsom and the Dem narrative that anything related to firearms is “sinister” and “evil”. Funny how they all say that when they’re protected by their own private security who are allowed to carry +10 round mags, and carry guns that us peasants can’t own.
That's the same commie that wants to envoke an exit tax .
Leave Cali and still be enslaved for CA taxation
It's actually the micro stamping that's required.
@@Will-W ah. Thanx for the update
I love it when the ATF finally steps on their own d**k and backs themselves into a catch 22. Absolutely love it.
This is great news and you dang right banning high capacity magazines is unconstitutional and so is banning AR-15s
I just wanted to correct you… “Standard capacity” magazines.
He referred to them as standard capacity when talking about the MI law. High capacity is what CA and states that’s refer to them as. So he is correct in calling them high capacity since it’s referencing the wording of those laws.
@@PTRRanger951 Great, Now I have to watch this to find out "about the MI law." Not that I'd comply anyway....
@@trumpetpunk42 it’s from the 1990s. He was talking about how they did the banning standard capacity magazines, and said meaning everything over 10 rounds. So he was calling the typical 20 and 30 rounds standard. He just talked about it briefly about 3-5 minutes in.
He was just using high cap and that is what everyone in states that are banned calls them. So it’s easier to understand, especially since this ruling only applies to CA and no other state.
They're just quoting the court case. That's the language of the trial.
@@PTRRanger951 Thank you sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar!
Concealed carry CCW permits are also available in Los Angeles, according to gun store guys I talked to. You get the pistol first, pay a registration fee, pass a firearms target shooting test and then get your permit for that firearm. No “need” needed
so I just show up and ill be able to get ccw license?
Don't you have to go through the interview and approval process?
Which gun store is saying that? You might be misleading people here. Unless something in writing had change I missed. When I got mine, I had to write a formal true justifications as to why and I had to go through the sheriff for approval.
@@Aawd695 california has been a shall issue state for a bit now. you can get a ccw anywhere
Thank you so much for the history of this case! I'm a new gun owner and I'm not privy to the odds and ends of these recent cases. I actually didn't know this was going on, so glad I held off buying more mags
What are you talking about You should be buying as many standard 30 round capacity magazines as you can.
Until SCOTUS rules or maybe the 9th will read the writing on the wall and do the right thing you still cant buy anything larger than a 10 round mag here in The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia🤬🤬🤬. What ever the 9th does they will draw this out as long as possible.@@hybridcheef8071
I’m told Rahm Emmanuel, as Mayor of Chicago, once said “if you need 30 rounds to hunt, you suck at hunting”.
The obvious response is “If you need an unarmed populace to govern, you suck at governing”.
Of course, a statist like that doesn't recognize it's not about hunting.
In the USA, the people govern themselves. Our employees do not govern the people.
If you need 24/7 armed security, youre a dictator.
I wonder how many rounds are in the firearms that his bodyguards use…. Food for thought.
Animals don’t shoot back….unless it’s Hamas.
Its really concerning to see California continue to fight this. Especially going so far as to preemptively appeal a decision that has yet been made because they know they won't like it.
It’s what they did to force ghey married down the throats of the working class here in California.
We literally voted on it it got down voted and they said “we’re gunna do it anyways”
Because that’s how democracy works. If you don’t like the outcome just go to the courts til you get the desired outcome 😂
hey man, half the state is not on board with this bs and the rest of the bs from the left.
I like it because it will be appealed to the 9th Circuit. I live in Washington, so once it goes through the 9th Circuit, I can get full capacity mags.
If you are pro 2A, then cut the rot off and stop supporting Californian degeneracy. The sooner civilians like you recognize California as a demilitarized coastal platform of the military (DMZ), the sooner the other citizens not only get their rights but without being extorted by legal bafoons reposturing and eroding daily life. Law for California never abided the consitution and to force it so is injustice and robbery leveraged against the nation.
We should all be discussing Greater Idaho, that is the only solution for Californian legal bloat and inefficiency in taxes to have its risks mitigated and damages minimized.
There should be no limit as each situation is so different! Tell these "lawmakers" that their security guards get 2 rounds!!
Government: These Laws are for thee but not for me!
Now we should push for prison time for these politicians writing these illegal unconstitutional laws.
Last time I heard this, I tried to order some standard capacity 9mm and AR mags, but the online retailer denied my order. I'm just gonna wait this time.
Can’t even order anything
Still can’t order 30 round mags ?
Only problem is as soon as he said they could not ban them he stayed that decision to give California a chance to appeal.
He's dotting his i's and crossing his t's. The 9th sided with him last time BEFORE bruen, and when the En Banc overruled it, Supreme Court slapped them on the wrist. He's just making sure the state can't say he didn't give them a fair chance.
@@stopitdad69a fair chance 😂
IS laws are only meant to be followed by US citizens politicians and illegals can do what ever they want 😂😂😂
He is a judge, has to be fair to each side. Even tho Newsom and sidekick don’t deserve it for all their lowdowndness.
@@UncleMilty No. He could have made the ruling and let California appeal it.He did not have to put an immediate stay on it.
Protocol, it’s not personal, it’s the process
As a Californian, I’m concerned this won’t last long. Hopefully my neighbors stop voting for these tyrants.
Your neighbors will keep voting for these tyrants . Same as mine. They learn nothing.
No one votes these people in. They (Nancy quote- “install” ) themselves in office.
They wont, your best bet is to sell your now overpriced property and move to a constitutional state. Just dont bring any "California" with you ;)
yes hopefully we get rid of tyrants who get rid of our birth rights
Tyrants ? 😂😂😂😂
St. Benitez needs to be protected at all costs!
I was thinking the same thing. God bless and protect Roger Benitez.
where did you learn this stupid saying from tiktok?
I'm still a bit confused, so can we purchase normal capacity mags now or do we still have to wait for the appeal.?
Pretty nuts to me how they can just appeal and appeal and appeal.
Like a 5-year-old asking Dad when Mom already said No.
Right, I thought this was final because it's the second time the ruling has been determined after the 1st appeal.
why would they stop when there are no consequences?
Firearms were never given as a constitutional right for simply hunting or defending your home. The main concern from the founders was a tyrannical government in control of America and look where we are.
We can too. It cuts both ways.
No, it went up to the Supreme Court and then was remanded back to the District level with new guidelines after the Bruin ruling. Now they're still disagreeing. Which means it's going back to the SCOTUS.@@Zerowolf760
Standard capacity magazines is the correct technology!
According to who?
@@toddmorningstar4206 The millions of legal firearms owners in the US and the thousands of licensed ffl dealers. If we were the problem, you wouldn't have to question!
Enjoy a blessed Saturday
The manufacturers, like Glock, who produce the Glock 17 with a standard 17 round magazine, and the Glock 19 with a standard 15 round magazine. Not to mention the AR platforms where 30 rounds is standard. You know "todd" in Dutch means fart, and that's about all your brain is good at doing.@@toddmorningstar4206
You mean terminology 😂
beside the 30-round mag ban (which is the standard magazine size), I also still don't understand why the featureless grip is supposed to make an AR15 less deadly
So are they legal to purchase or just to possess?
The scam begins with calling standard 30 round mags "high capacity" as if they weren't the absolute default designed for their respective firearms. 20 round mags are "reduced capacity" and were designed to make it easier to go prone and using bipod on a long rifle, and these 10 round mags are so far reduced beyond any reasonable argument that they can never, ever be called "standard capacity" by any stretch of the imagination. If the people pushing for the ban had any shred of integrity, they'd call it "civilian legal capacity" or something that at least aligns with their intentions, but because they are filthy liars and they know damn well that their intentions do not align with the constitution at all they have to lie to your face by calling 10 round mags "standard".
Thank you yes, this is very important to understand. So much of the wording used by these demons concerning guns is used specifically to spread fear and confuse ignorant voters.
Usage of the term ‘high capacity’ makes them complicit in the scam
Where people go wrong is assuming these damned people are stupid or are naively driven for some skewed sense of "the greater good". They're not. They know good and well what they say, what they purpose and don't honestly believe for a second that they're making the world a safer place for humanity. Therefore, one can only come to the logical conclusion that they're purposefully controlling and destroying humanity. Therefore, why in God's name anyone would truly believe that they can fight the system using the system and that voting is anything other than an illusion of choice and control is beyond me😂. They're going to do whatever they want they only thing that matters is how long each individual will continue to freely participate upon their own cognition in this system of oppression and debt slavery. These a*S holes only have power because we keep giving it to them every second we choose to keep participating in THEIR system under THEIR rules
There are a lot of made up terms in order to gaslight the American people. This just scratches the surface and hopefully this is only the beginning of winning our freedoms back.
It's about to be hard to find magazines in the rest of the country for a while!😂😂
I honestly hope so.
Yall deserve them. And I hope yall can kick the roster too.
Doubtful, detachable firearm magazines can be produced like tic-tacs.
No it's not. Nothing has changed.
@@matterofrights2344during freedom week, ALL shipments went to California. So it will be a repeat gold rush. If you want more mags, get them in before California does but don’t worry. They’re still not legal, as The AG will appeal it and further legislation will take place. Nothing new in California
Thanks Steven. As a former Sud Californican who unfortunately lost my freedom week mags when I moved out for nearly equal pay and a much lower cost of living. I was greatly heartened one of my friends who cleaned up after my hectic departure actually found all of them and is now taking very good care of them as they're now readily available for me and hopefully soon will be for all my freedom loving friends still in Cali-4-knee-a. Sorry, can't resist a jab even as a long awaited breath of freedom is coming. I'm happy for for you all.
So, as of today Oct 28, 2023, is it legal to possess these magazines in California or is it still under appeal?
didn't it get kicked back to 11 panel to make a ruling by Oct .
I want to know why there is no punishment for those who make unconstitutional laws like this. My rights were violated and I want someone to be punished for it!
If a corporation violated someone's rights you bet your life there would be a lawsuit!
This should fall under the umbrella of treason and the people who write these unconstitutional laws should be prosecuted.
That is the giant gaping hole in the Constitution. It will be the end of our country
@@Plutogalaxy awww someone's bummed because his transition surgery got delayed
@@Plutogalaxy I love how open you shitlibs are being about your fondness of government corruption. Keep this energy though, I don't want to talk politics in 2024. 🤣🤣🤣
Been borne and raised in California. I've been waiting for years for this decision. Thank you Judge Benitez
Proud San Diegian here.
We still have to wait until more injunctions and delays are resolved.
Yeah, these clickbait titles are going to get somebody in legal trouble when they grab a 15 round magazine and go parading around.
That’s what I’m saying. It’s not a win until us Californians have them in our hands legally.
@@nonconsensualopinionit wont stand not here in California.
Only citizens have to follow the laws politicians and illegal immigrants by their very definition are not subject to the law.
No, they are most certainly not but cool clickbait title.
Thats what pisses me off too..dont bug me until they are ACTUALLY legal to buy..
Bonta states that civilians have no need for magazines that hold more then 10 rounds , well then your law enforcement has no need for their magazines either.. in reality civilians should be able to have magazines that hold 100 rounds if they so choose because it's for our own protection and to protect our loved ones and property
I don't understand the court process. How many times can CA say to a ruling "No, I don't like that decision. I want to ask someone else." ?
within the same week. easily, just like the last time during freedom week
Military and civilian firearms were identical in function and ability throughout history. As civilians created rifled barrels, multi-barrel systems, projectiles, self-contained cartridges, and smokeless powder, these technologies were adopted for military use. Many of the firearms used in the original militia to fight against the British were rifled muskets that were more accurate, but slower to load and less robust than the smooth bore Brown Bess used by most armies around the world at the time.
We can only speculate, but the NFA and all these other gun control measures have probably stifled firearm development over the past 90 years
@Ween745 Demand and military acquisition requests for firearms still drive and arm militaries around the world. IEDs and VBDs were made in houses with simple tools and fertilizer or MGE. F22s and F35s obviously still being developed etc.
Right, the civilian market had autoloading arms well before the military, hell, the US government was still clinging to revolvers into the 1900s!!
Give it another few years and the NFA and GCA will both be overturned so long as we keep up the steady pressure and not overplay our hand
Living in redding California. The second I saw the notification and read the title. I clicked so quickly. But now feel I wasted my time watching this entire video..
You should know living I'm commiefornia nothing ever happens immediately. This won't be resolved for 6 months or more.
“Final decision” that immediately goes to appeal.. not so final after all.
Judge Benitez Has given the law abiding a right to bear arms against criminals with guns.
This was by far the best breakdown in layman’s terms of all the videos on this ruling. Thank you sir!
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one.
Spot on
This isn’t a win YET. They will appeal this to the 9th circus, if they don’t like that decision they will want an on bonk panel in the ninth circus, then if that doesn’t go their way, or ours, it will go to the Supreme Court. This is far from being over and a win.
Right. Like someone else commented here, it's not going to feel like an actual win until we can buy standard cap mags off the shelves in California.
Let’s stop calling OEM magazines with more than ten round capacity “high capacity”. In free America they’re called “standard capacity”.
Any criminal in California was already and will continue not caring about laws that are trying to be forced upon those that do, only.
Need to bring that to Illinois the maximum capacity in Chicago is 15 rounds for handguns and 10 rounds for long guns legally🤔🧐
Good thing noone there uses switches and drums or anything like that or you wouldnt have enough shots to fight back...oh wait...
I'll celebrate when standard capacity mags are on store shelves. This feels too familiar to believe it will stick
Just 3d print them or buy them in disassembled form. Lots of ways around it.
I agree. Keep hearing about all these “wins”, but never see anything in the store.
@@bobbaker1253 Exactly, vid title is clickbait.
@@roflryan1, where do you buy disassembled magazines ?
@@jhmonthetube6339 apparently Colorado gun stores sell them to get around the high cap mag ban.
Ive seen plenty of home invasion videos where a 10 rnd magazine wouldn't have been sufficient enough to handle the situation. A lot more such situations not caught on video. There's absolutely no reason for the rest of the nation to have access to 30-50-100 rnd mags & not the east & west coast where sea invasion from an invading army is a real possibility, Not to mention it being their Constitutional Right.
EDIT: You cant average out self defense situations into percentages when lives are at stake & each situation has so many variables.
I just tried ordering larger capacity AR 15 mags from Midway and they are still not allowing sales to CA. Also, got a question. I still have a kit installed that keeps my mag fixed so I didn't have to register it. That law still in place?
So are they legal now or not? Everyone’s talking about the decision and mentioning the appeal but I can’t find a yes or no. Would 30rnd mags be okay at the range or transportable as of now in CA or no?
The laws should apply to criminals, not the citizens...If a criminal gets caught with any magazines over 10 rds. an extra of 5 or 10 yrs. should be added to their sentence, criminals get a slap on the hand compare to law abiding citizens who follow the laws and go thru the proper requirements to be able to use their 2A rights.
That would make to much sense. We all know criminals follow the laws and only use 10 round magazines.
Real question: Anyone know of a case where a criminal used a standard cap mag in a crime and his sentence was extended because of that? Or, a case where the magazine was specifically cited?
What constitutes being a criminal in your eyes?
Good luck wit that with democraps in power!!!
GOD LUV YA!....😉👍🇺🇲
Unfortunately, there's a good chance it will be at least another 3-4 years before we'll get any relief since the appeal is going to take time and I highly doubt the 9th will allow this to take effect.
The Supremes struck them down once over this issue.
The Supremes may not be as nice the next time.
@jeffreymcfadden9403 still another 3-4 years. And then again another 3-4 years and then another 3-4 years.
Get it yet?
@@UserUser14880that mentality is what allows these corrupt States to take away our rights. Think positive instead of negative, it makes a huge difference
@@iargueta1220 i did that the 1st go round. Im trying for the opposite effect this time 🤣
Bruen decision has saved us. I don’t think people understand how significant of a case that was and it went totally under the radar of normal people.
No you didn't save yourselves you rely on ONE SINGLE JUDGE to fight for you.pitiful
So are they fully legal now, or did it get shut down again?
so can we get standard and actual high capacity magazines now?
i wish i had the extra cash to buy at least one non CA mag for my two guns
When will it be legal for me to buy standard magazines now after this?
“Standard capacity magazines are now legal” I fixed your title for you
No, they are not.
so does this mean the ban is overturned for now until they determine otherwise or if the appeal is unsuccessful? Or do they just appeal to the Supreme Court and its final for the whole country? Since 2A is for the whole country and Supreme Court says if there's no tradition of magazine ban you can't do it.
Thanks for the clickbait activism. It really helps the cause.
For anyone curious: magazine laws unchanged in CA
The second amendment is not just about self defense it's more about fighting tyranny.
Then it would’ve been used long ago
@@ChanceUrtaking How do you think we got rid of the Brits?
@sigma8995 the tree of Liberty
@@sigma8995 have at it.
@bigcoomerloads Let me guess, it isn't muskets that got rid of the Brits. It's keyboard warriors like you?
There is no such thing as “high capacity magazines”, they are referring to regular standard capacity magazines.
That's how these filthy liars trick people into supporting the ban. "Nooo silly goyim, we don't wanna ban standard capacity mags! Only high capacity mags, hehehe"
Unfortunately, you can’t buy them yet… He put a 10 day stay on his order, giving the state time to appeal, which they’ve already done. Now it goes back to the 9th circuit I believe.
Wish these YT channels would address the issue directly and not use clickbaity titles. I can only imagine a bunch of people will go out and buy magazines thinking they are legal due to videos like this
@@ergonomiczero2228 Definitely agree. That’s why I posted that comment.
God bless St. Benitez and God bless America!!!🇺🇸
Just tried to order 30 round magazines and online retailers won’t ship to California.
Yeah, I ordered a conversion kit but the Magazine capacity is 15 so they will NOT ship to California
If you payed attention to the video,they are talking about if you currently own not if you plan on buying the magazines
They were always legal in California. Usurpation is not law.
Ok. Go to a CA range and pop in a 100 round drum. Start firing off rounds and see what happens.
Are you going to approach a man with a 100 round drum mag to start some problems?@@thelittledetailscr7231
On Freedom Week, we would have bought more mags but all the major vendors were out within days.
Hours lol
at the time, were you trying to buy in person or online??
Never let politicians, or government employees, determine what you can and cannot have for your self defense. If it was for their self-defense, they will ask for full auto and f-15s.
WRONG! US Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the ruling.
Thank you Mr. Benitez for getting Heller right before Thomas had to tell all the idiot judges the correct way of applying Heller. Thank you Mrs. Duncan for standing up for your rights. And thank you all the 2A advocacy groups who supported this case.
Not until 10/2 unless the 9th extends the stay. Which they will
Living in NY. This gives me hope one day certain magazines can finally see the light of day and be recovered from said boating accident.
If they appeal, it'll definitely be upheld in SCOTUS and thus be nationwide.
then why don't you pssies get off your asses and start DEMANDING what YOU the people want from the "leaders" YOU put in office??
Id love to live in the Adirondacks of NY. But the state laws are insane. Hopefully they do get this mess fixed in the SCOTUS
@@Mountainrock70 thats right where I live. You feel like youre in a different world from downstate
Standard capacity. 100 round drums are medium capacity. 👍 High capacity starts around 200. 😂
So what about the comp mags ? Are they gona b 30 rounds now too? Or are they gona take those off all together
Keep these videos coming! I find great value on this, even from Texas 🤠
Hawaiis magazine law needs to be contested after this decision.
The law should just be illegal everywhere because the constitution effects all 50 states and protects all citizens within them.
@ninjaman381 This latest decision by Judge Benitez doesn't just apply to California alone. Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington are also under the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and this decision will definitely have an effect on those states. Stay informed, get involved, and keep the faith Bruh !
Yep. CRPA website has the current info.
What about nj we need this
For anyone wondering this is old news, and a different judge has blocked this law from taking effect.
Thank you for your hard work and salient updates
Only applies 10 days after the decision IF there are no appeals. That’s why suck. You know it’s going to get an appeal and be tied up longer before a final ruling on it.
Wonder when freedom week 2 going to happen. All these vids lately are mostly click bait
It was appealed within 4 hours of the decision.
@@bigmike8808 yes I know.
This was so clearly stated and educational, thank you so much ! The judge is amazing Founding Fathers would be proud he stopped a tyrannical law
It should be absolutely criminal for the state to spend citizens taxes for constant infringement of citizens rights. Those who are pushing the idea should be judged as enemy 1# and not be allowed to cram the courts with such blatant behavior in our system.
So criminalize weed?
You just proved there is such thing as stupid questions@@HokkaidoSan
In other ways you are paying their salaries to violate your rights!!!!
Did I? Can you explain that to us. You seem smart with that really smart statement @@InternetArbiter
"No taxation without representation" has been hijacked. Now they represent the government, not the people@@hansonromero4912
So I can buy high cap mags now ? I tried ordering online and they don’t ship to CA
Shall not be infringed!
Thank you, sir for your interpretation! I guess we are really making progress! I live in Alabama but my son lives in San Francisco. Therefore, although we are approaching retirement age I'd never consider moving to California. Now...if we can get a national reciprocity law (purely) we will be good! Although, no matter our wins they constantly get challenged!
California is paradise in terms of land quality and location, its the laws / cost of living and taxes that are making it a nightmare.. but its still there, just needs to be cleaned out.
Does your son like living in San Francisco?
He loves it.@@shawnryan2197
Now all of the other states.
Thank you! Your breakdown and delivery of this information is absolutely fantastic! Please keep up the great work! Your speed and clarification in the process really helps those of us vernacularly challenged types.
Keltoff repeter will always prove any cap ban wrong
7 months later we can still only buy 10 rnd mags
I don’t get it. I keep hearing this and other things however we still can’t get nothing and have even less options now.
@@msVon777that’s because like most UA-camrs and channels like these,they are a bunch click baiters and just using our emotions and lack of freedoms to make a dime out of us because we are dumb enough to click on these useless videos. It took me awhile to realize this lol
In most cases they AREN'T "high capacity" magazines - which creates an image of an evil war monger - they are simply the stock magazines provided by the manufacturer. I don't even consider the G26 with a 15 round to be high capacity, it's how Glock designed it (and in some ways perfected by Springfield XD their slip on magazine sleeves to fill in the gap).
15 rounds isnt high capacity in any fashion. And 27 and 30rnd mags have been around for years and years. And have definitely surpassed common use. And either are necessary for a firearm to function and protected by the 2A or they arent and cannot be regulated using 2A grounds.
Whats the update in 11/2024 ?
So am i able to purchase a 30 round magazine now at my local gun store
Is this in effect??...Because I've been told that this has been appealed and in doing so we still can't have more than 10rds legally...
Hey Steven, that was quite simply the best summary of this law suite I've heard yet. Could you tell me where we stand on getting rid of this terrible handgun roster in California? I'm a new gun buyer in California. I'm disgusted at the choices given to me by a clearly unconstitutional gun roster that limits my ability to protect myself and my family. Thanks, a new subscriber.