Noooo... Steve Buscemi gets a pass because he finds Jesus. What is he doing when we last see him? Singing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". He represents the born again, and that's why he escapes unscathed. Also, the bunny represents family values.
You understand that this is not really meant as an in-depth analysis of the movie but more a parody of that kind of critical deconstruction of media for "subconscious messages", correct? Cause regardless of your position or what we are talking about, ideology will always be able to find an in into ANYTHING. You just as easily can rip this popcorn movie apart as blatantly liberal propaganda with cardboard cutout characters critizising the conservative archetypes like gunlovers, patriotic support of the army and similar tropes... Ultimately the truth lies in the eye of the beholder which means there is nO objective ONE single message or truth to a movie, not even if you get the detailed notes of the creators saying what they WANTED it to say, as saying something is only half the message, it also has to be HEARD by somebody.
That machine is a pile driver. It drives pilings into bedrock so you can build larger structures than would otherwise be possible on then surface alone.
Piriathy the tension which builds up and is released during an earthquake is not usually held that close to the surface, and the scale of the disruption is considerably more limited than that of fracking
if i had to cast someone as the personification of the right wing ideal I would also have chosen the Cage and told him to do a Southern Accent and grow a mullet.
you know how sometimes someone manages to hit you in the nuts with a brilliant nigh on impossible throw and you actually end up commending them for it while you're vomiting? this is that
But the John Cusack character was a “liberal” who believed in Cameron Poe whereas the other DEA agent was a conservative who made things by smuggling a gun on the plane and he wanted to shoot the plane down while Cusack convinced him not to. Also the judge gave Poe a harsher than normal prison sentence.
Yeah, I really got the sense that the point of the movie is that not all prisoners are bad, criminals can be reformed and that the Justice system can make mistakes…. And also that Nicholas Cage kicks ass.
I like to think that whole thing with Buscemi and the little girl was all in his head. The wasteland represented mental illness and loneliness of prison and the little girl represents hope and innocence. It made no literal sense but metaphorically it's open to interpretation completely. Surprisingly subtle, maybe because of the context of the film.
I once got a promotion (name change) to National Sales Manager. I promptly changed it to Pan Galactic Quantum Wormhole Overlord and sent out an email blast to all our past customers announcing my promotion. The directors of the company completely lost their shit while I quietly made more sales that week than I had for the past 6 months with almost every one of those customers telling me they loved my email and it prompted them to call. So, yeah. There's one for you Soren.
Steve Buscemi played Garland Green: Garland Greene: "What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?" He was insane. And the only way to survive in the end was to be the old boy conservative, his friend or to just fit in and hide your crazy. The only way to survival this reality was to be insane do like everyone else.
Soren: Director of Poop (that's not to say that the content he helps produce is poop, but rather that, in his spare time, he likes to make miniature theater productions with poop. Why this makes it his official workplace title and not a nickname as it's not really work-related is beyond me, but this is what his title should be).
"Why can't we just enjoy a movie about a guy trying to get back to his family. And kicking and punching and exploding bad guys to do it." Actually every movie Liam Neeson has been in recently.
I can't believe you guys didn't reference the most insane serial killer on the planes speech. The one about working nine to five for a company that fires you just before you retire, etc etc, that is what is insane.
Funny. I AM a conservative, but have never cared for this movie. I just don't like Nick Cage in action roles. In his dramatic roles he's phenomenal, Love the guy... not so much in Action Films though. I love Cracked, but when you openly hate on conservatives it makes me sad, especially when the reason is "because conservatives". I mean I'll get over it... Aaaaaaaand, over it. Great video, keep up the good work!
I agree with you mate. I'm neither (if hard pressed I'd say Libertarian) But I have respect for liberals and conservatives, as long as they're doing their jobs and not being stupid.
Raymond Creamer easy target, great deal of fairly bad/stupid world views that are simple and common enough to be understood easily by a large audience. In contrast the liberal views that are equally bad/stupid tend to be more niche, and are thus more difficult to make fun of as few people would understand the joke.
Marvin McDougle Maybe I'm misreading it, but I think their attitude at the end is less about Conservative Propaganda, and more about propaganda in general. The video starts off talking about how wonderful it was when movies didn't have a message, and they were crushed when they realized it did in fact have a strong one. Not to mention, in other videos where movies are bashed for liberal leaning messages as well. Again, I think it's about the movie preaching a state of mind rather than what state of mind it's preaching.
John Cusack's character was a Liberal, and he was one of the hero's, while Colm Meaney's character was a Conserative who was a douchebag. That kind of cuts against the theory in this video, which is most likely why they "conveniently" didn't mention it.
Okay, that is a bit disturbing, but I'm not entirely sure I can agree on that. I think it's worth pointing out the guy you refer to at 1:07 wasn't exactly meant to be likeable or sympathetic. He's obviously intended to be a jerk and I don't think we're supposed to agree with his remark about America losing Vietnam. I will give you the odd choice of including a black militant as one of the villains, but I think the idea was supposed to be that he was an extremist. From what is described, he isn't so much an advocate for racial equality as he is the kind of guy who wants to start a "revolution" and get revenge on white people by making them the subject of discrimination. Also, while a lot of people have more than a few good reasons to hate the NRA, I think blowing up a meeting might be a bit extreme. Assuming that Sally-Can't-Dance is actually supposed to be gay (I could never tell if that was the intention, or if he was supposed to be a transsexual or just someone really messed up who liked to wear woman's clothing) I'd argue on some level that he's actually quite progressive for a character a time when movies were only just starting to consciously attempt to present more positive images of homosexuality. Sure, he's a villain, but there is something to be said about the fact that he is treated with equality by the other criminals, none of whom ever express any issues with his homosexuality. Even Cameron Poe never has any issues with the fact that he might be gay, the only time they interact is when he slaps him because he's trying to land the plane. Also, in defense of Sally Bishop, she might have gotten overpowered at first, but I think it's worth pointing out that she does still manage to put up a fight and gets to kick a would-be rapist in the face. Granted, she does eventually have to be rescued by Poe but she also has to buy him time to get to her during that scene (which she does).
Didn't Sally Can't Dance attack Poe just before that scene you showed? I'm fairly certain he did, and instead of punching him like all the others, he gave him a relatively gentle slap.
It's funny how the comments are crying about how now they hate this movie and it is ruined. It is like a kid liking a food until his/her parent tells them there are onions in it and they spit it out. Perhaps you simply like conservative propaganda when prepared correctly and just don't want to admit it.
I think it's more like eating something until you are told that there is poison in it, or it fell on the floor, or someone spat on it, or maybe it was made with human flesh. Yeah, it might have tasted good at first, but now it is disturbing for legitimate reasons and you just can't eat it any more.
AWS Vids Nah... Not really. They ain't fooling me. I'm a democratic socialist but I find Hollywood to be one of the most radical left wing SJW propaganda machines and quite dangerous to say the least. And they make one film who's not an SJW wet dream and those guys can't take it? lol Now think of all the people who aren't radical left wing racist buffoons and have to watch all the SJW white hating and Christian hating propaganda trash that Hollyweird puts there. If we can live with it than they can at least accept this one film. But apparently they can't.
Okay, a few things... 1: You guys are completely right about Con Air 2: I still love this movie despite not agreeing with any of it's conservative messages. 3: The machine that kills Cyrus The Virus is a pile driver. 4: Great video.
It's funny that this came out literally the same day that the How Did This Get Made? podcast announced that one of their next live episodes would be about Con Air. They're recording it in LA on Apr. 4th (already sold out, though), so hopefully, it should be posted online within the next couple of weeks, and we can see if any of the audience members bring up the points made in this video.
Cracked I still think Soren's title should be "The Banana King". All hail the banana king! (If you don't know this reference, go and watch Charlie the Unicorn)
HEY!!!!!! Steve Buscemi could represent liberals who become conservative. I mean he has a "tea party" with some little girl and he is allowed to live. a TEA PARTY!!!!
Steve Buscemi actually represents mental illness if you think about it the only thing we understand about his character is that he is mentally ill yet he shows no signs that he's actually a dangerous person, for one he comes across a young girl and then leaves without hurting her.
You guys blow my mind when you analyze movies like this, are you getting it out of a text book, a peer reviewed article, or is this all completely of your own making? If this is all you, I suspect you could co-author a text book for a University Media and Marketing class pretty easily, why shouldn't cracked push into the Text Book market? All you need is one Ph.D author and you're Cracked writing team, you blow my mind and I already have two masters degrees in business. Cracked Could you do this same type of movie analysis every week or day?
The machine is called a pile driver. It is used to knock metal piles into the ground to support building foundations in areas where the earth is too soft or not strong enough.
"Left wing propaganda is good, but right wing propaganda is bad." I never watched Con Air before. After watching this, It's a thing I have to do as soon as possible.
I think the problem is only pointed to left wing propaganda and pretend that there is no right wing propaganda, or worse, call it news, or true, or law.
The internet rabbit hole brought me here & what I find most amusing is that it is (or was) possible to make a really entertaining film with conservative viewpoints that aren’t even being openly mocked, but applauded. I never saw the movie in this light & it actually makes me like it more.
Soren's new title, "Katie and Dan's Do Boy" or "Managing Director of Blonde Guys", or "Director of Anti-Rhythm" (I saw the Magic Mike Response video), do you kinda see where I am going here?
steve buscemi character is the embodiment of celebrity, he is the one person that everyone knows and we only judge him on the last thing he has done. sounds similar to celebrities that get in trouble then sober up or find jesus then we all cheer and root for them completely forgiving them for all the past works, or wrong things they have done. then when they come out with a new CD or movie we all jizz in our pants about it.
I disagree with this interpretation. Cameron Poe may be white, southern and military, but he's for the most part an apolitical character. Plus his military training is the reasoning the judge gives to condemn him. Even more, the most liberal character in the movie is Vince Larkin, who quotes Russian literature and "recycles his sandals", and he's one of its two heroes. And how can the movie simultaneously vilify black America through drug addict Pinball and lampoon his adversary: the inept, careless DEA represented by Duncan Malloy? This film has a muddled ideology, if it has one at all.
But you're supposed to dislike the judge and view it as unfair. Because the judge is being an "anti-american commie" that "doesn't support our veterans" and "if our troops were respected" he wouldn't have been sentenced in the first place.
You guys at Cracked were all English majors, right? Or maybe debate team? I say this because of your seemingly unlimited ability to create cogent theories with credible arguments about absolutely anything.
Actually...Now that I took time to reflect on it...Cracked's content is entirely mediocre except for some of their video titles...It's like the potential is instantly CRACKED. hahaha get it?... (Please kill me)
Director in charge of managerial support of written and non-written projects, Managerial editor in chief of cartoons, Lead supportive publisher in charge of editorial direction of staff and supervision
Dear America, We need to stop hating on each other. We are the most polarized we have ever been since the civil war. We need to come together and stop fighting amongst ourselves. The next time someone asks you if you're Democrat or Republican say neither, I'm American...
Chrisander1606 i agree, the hatred and name calling that happens nowadays is ridiculous. What happened to the old days, when both sides would come together and have rational, meaningful debates about the issues? Why is it all just mudslinging and bullshit now?
Chris Meade You mean back in the days when if you spoke out against American actions/policies/society you were labeled a communist? Not saying things are any better now. But what you are talking about is deeply rooted in American culture, and has been for generations.
Madjack True enough, I guess this time period just seems worse because we're actually living in it rather than reading about it. Though when I think about it, Ted Cruz is probably slightly less insane than McCarthy, so maybe we do have it better lol
That's fine to say, and it lasts right up until someone asks, "what should we do about X?" It doesn't matter if X is poverty, crime, terrorism, the environment, the economy, education, racism, WHATEVER. As soon as people start offering what they see as solutions to the problem, provided they even choose to acknowledge X as a problem, the old red/blue divide become center stage yet again.
4:20 That looks like a pile driver (not the wrestling move). It is used to drive wooden logs or some other kind of pole into the ground to make a sturdy foundation for building being built on soft, unstable ground.
Now you guys can pick almost any Hollywood film made in the last 10 years and pick out all the Weirdly Liberal Hidden Messages. Oh wait I forgot "conservative bad. Liberal good."
AndroidPolitician If you believe that conservatives are in general bad and liberals are in general good then there is no conversation to be had with you. Why? Because you're an idiot. Both are good and bad. But to act as if liberals are the only people that have good policies and principles is crazy.
AndroidPolitician And what belief systems are you speaking of? Their preference for a smaller government? Pro lifers I'm sure you're speaking of. People that don't want welfare. I definitely believe the welfare system is fucked. Way too easy to get food stamps and welfare. I think we need to make stricter requirements for stuff like that. They also don't think you should be punished for financial success. I'm not gonna say all their ideas are good. But I won't say they're all bad. Same with liberal ideas, policies, and principles.
+Josh Rivers Yeah! All those children and elderly don't need food stamps! They're just a bunch of welfare queens! If they were real americans, they'd start working at 2 years of age, and not stop till they died, and all for pennies a day! Let's make america great again!
Children don't get food stamps... Their usually lazy parents do. I prefer not to pay people out of my paycheck that have an iq of 85 to raise their child with an iq of 70 and who will do nothing good for the world. And I never said I wanted to get rid of food stamps or welfare nor do all conservatives want to completely get rid of all welfare and food stamps. Let me say again; I THINK WE NEED STRICTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR WHO RECIEVES WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS. Are we clear on that issue now?
This is actually a long-running tradition in American film. The 1970s _Death Wish_ series was perhaps the most explicit about doing exactly this. _Dirty Harry_ is another classic example, though it's a little less heavy handed (and a *lot* better) than _Death Wish_.
Then you should watch the movie. Basing an opinion on political alignment is beneath our species at this point. Anybody who thinks that way has no real place here anymore and should be put out... then again this vid was uploaded in 2015 and the muricans have become even more fucking unstable in 2017/8... a snowflake generation that actually think that feelings matter.
im gonna give this a pass because your being open and honest and your getting upset about all the worst aspects of the right and thats something i can kinda get behind. i say all this cause some times your a bit underhanded about your political views and it just feels like a dirty move.
no but if someone is underhanded and tried to slip something into the middle of a conversation to influence me then id be angry and i would hope you would be upset too. it dosnt matter that you love this channel, you have to hold EVERYONE to a standard or you deserve NO standards. you are a person and you deserve honesty!
did you READ my original comment or did you just skim it? i already gave this video a pass because i dont have a problem with it. it was a positive but cautious comment to note the reason for my caution and the reason why this video is ok. i couldnt BE more constructive about my criticism here. what MORE would you ask of someone?
+Dean Harris The premise of the sketch is that they are happy that at least con air is just a stupid movie without a hidden message. And turns out it does.
Liberal messages in a film 'what a great meaningful film' Conservative messages in a film 'propaganda!' I'm not even close to a conservative, but jesus christ guys, what happened?
It's certainly getting trendy and socially acceptable to have these particular kinda Frankfurt School-inspired liberal ideas, but most importantly to be certain that you're in the one true ideology
Idk, they seem like nice, smart people basically. We've all been caught in echo chambers before. It's just frustrating to see some great channels go to shit
Thatcher Nap They have the right - and should have the right like everyone else - to speak their mind. But as you said, many enough are arrogant, intolerant, totalitarian and puritanistic in their belive, that their ideas are supreme and whatever differs from them is horrible, wrong and "toxic". I mysyelf was - drunken on a rage - guilty of these thought patterns. It's a very dangerous trend that actually leads to extremism on both sides. People of different opinions have to be able to speak their minds freely without restrictions.
***** Thanks for the recommendations. I will look into it. At the moment I mostly read stuff about Islam. Mainly about Muhammad, the old, cranky bastard ;p
Steve Buscemi finds redemption through religion. That's kind of another conservative message
Silly Simic well that’s a lot darker
@@sillysimic79 to me it's that they haven't been called out and caught yet... except for now - only 20 years later.
idk.. I thought he just found like-minded pedophiles in the church..
Noooo... Steve Buscemi gets a pass because he finds Jesus. What is he doing when we last see him? Singing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". He represents the born again, and that's why he escapes unscathed.
Also, the bunny represents family values.
I got shouted down in my media studies class for making this argument when this film came out.
So thank you, I feel vindicated.
Every one that has an opinion - they are d*uche bags... Including me.
You understand that this is not really meant as an in-depth analysis of the movie but more a parody of that kind of critical deconstruction of media for "subconscious messages", correct? Cause regardless of your position or what we are talking about, ideology will always be able to find an in into ANYTHING. You just as easily can rip this popcorn movie apart as blatantly liberal propaganda with cardboard cutout characters critizising the conservative archetypes like gunlovers, patriotic support of the army and similar tropes... Ultimately the truth lies in the eye of the beholder which means there is nO objective ONE single message or truth to a movie, not even if you get the detailed notes of the creators saying what they WANTED it to say, as saying something is only half the message, it also has to be HEARD by somebody.
@@Ugly_German_Truths I don't know, dude...that line about a small sampling size representing a larger group is pretty damning in context.
That machine is a pile driver. It drives pilings into bedrock so you can build larger structures than would otherwise be possible on then surface alone.
It always pleases me that no matter how angry and divisive a comment section is, technical queries will always be immediately addressed :P
Robert Williams I'd rather read these comments, TBH. :P
Mathew Crawford Crud. That's symbolism of how conservative values are destined to crush liberalism with a return to "Good Ol' Boy" politics.
Piriathy the tension which builds up and is released during an earthquake is not usually held that close to the surface, and the scale of the disruption is considerably more limited than that of fracking
Mathew Crawford oh, so that's what Rumbles arms were in Transformers?
Not for making earth quakes?
if i had to cast someone as the personification of the right wing ideal I would also have chosen the Cage and told him to do a Southern Accent and grow a mullet.
you know how sometimes someone manages to hit you in the nuts with a brilliant nigh on impossible throw and you actually end up commending them for it while you're vomiting? this is that
soren's new title should be "one of the four people you recognize"
But the John Cusack character was a “liberal” who believed in Cameron Poe whereas the other DEA agent was a conservative who made things by smuggling a gun on the plane and he wanted to shoot the plane down while Cusack convinced him not to. Also the judge gave Poe a harsher than normal prison sentence.
Yeah, I really got the sense that the point of the movie is that not all prisoners are bad, criminals can be reformed and that the Justice system can make mistakes…. And also that Nicholas Cage kicks ass.
I like to think that whole thing with Buscemi and the little girl was all in his head. The wasteland represented mental illness and loneliness of prison and the little girl represents hope and innocence.
It made no literal sense but metaphorically it's open to interpretation completely.
Surprisingly subtle, maybe because of the context of the film.
doesn't buscemi play a pedo tho?
Soren Bowie: International President of Sexy
Beautifully written. This group has writers far above most UA-cam videos
I thought Con Air was a company that made hair styling products. Not this.
conair is also that.
Laffy Taffy 🤣🤣😂😂😂
“... My favourite movie is social conservative revenge porn.”
By far the best part of the video.
I once got a promotion (name change) to National Sales Manager. I promptly changed it to Pan Galactic Quantum Wormhole Overlord and sent out an email blast to all our past customers announcing my promotion. The directors of the company completely lost their shit while I quietly made more sales that week than I had for the past 6 months with almost every one of those customers telling me they loved my email and it prompted them to call. So, yeah. There's one for you Soren.
Steve Buscemi played Garland Green:
Garland Greene: "What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?"
He was insane. And the only way to survive in the end was to be the old boy conservative, his friend or to just fit in and hide your crazy. The only way to survival this reality was to be insane do like everyone else.
Very well said
Soren: Director of Poop (that's not to say that the content he helps produce is poop, but rather that, in his spare time, he likes to make miniature theater productions with poop. Why this makes it his official workplace title and not a nickname as it's not really work-related is beyond me, but this is what his title should be).
"Why can't we just enjoy a movie about a guy trying to get back to his family. And kicking and punching and exploding bad guys to do it." Actually every movie Liam Neeson has been in recently.
*Distant sounds of John screaming*
As he sobs "how do I live" while hugging the bunny
Alex Weston He whispers sadly "Put the bunny back in the box" as he returns his bunny to box.
The wind really carried those screams.
Poor poor Egbert.
Thankfully John's earth ended in 2009 so he never had to see this. HE DOESN'T KNOW.
but the alpha kids earth didn't so one day they show him it
I can't believe you guys didn't reference the most insane serial killer on the planes speech. The one about working nine to five for a company that fires you just before you retire, etc etc, that is what is insane.
Call yourself "Director of Deli Mustard Self Portraits."
Funny. I AM a conservative, but have never cared for this movie. I just don't like Nick Cage in action roles. In his dramatic roles he's phenomenal, Love the guy... not so much in Action Films though.
I love Cracked, but when you openly hate on conservatives it makes me sad, especially when the reason is "because conservatives". I mean I'll get over it... Aaaaaaaand, over it. Great video, keep up the good work!
I agree with you mate. I'm neither (if hard pressed I'd say Libertarian)
But I have respect for liberals and conservatives, as long as they're doing their jobs and not being stupid.
Marvin McDougle Same with literally everything you said, but it makes me wonder why they would hate on such a broad audience.
Raymond Creamer easy target, great deal of fairly bad/stupid world views that are simple and common enough to be understood easily by a large audience. In contrast the liberal views that are equally bad/stupid tend to be more niche, and are thus more difficult to make fun of as few people would understand the joke.
all in bad taste to me, but oh well haters gonna hate
Marvin McDougle Maybe I'm misreading it, but I think their attitude at the end is less about Conservative Propaganda, and more about propaganda in general. The video starts off talking about how wonderful it was when movies didn't have a message, and they were crushed when they realized it did in fact have a strong one. Not to mention, in other videos where movies are bashed for liberal leaning messages as well. Again, I think it's about the movie preaching a state of mind rather than what state of mind it's preaching.
John Cusack's character was a Liberal, and he was one of the hero's, while Colm Meaney's character was a Conserative who was a douchebag. That kind of cuts against the theory in this video, which is most likely why they "conveniently" didn't mention it.
Ikr. Not to mention Liberals love calling black people who don't fit their narrative "uncle toms".
How about "Senior Executive Wordsmith"?
Love Soren's squeal at 1:24 ! Great video, guys :)
Who else is going to watch Con Air after this? This movie is just a great 90's action flick.
Soren of all trades? Editors of all Editors? The Soren? Soar'n Soren?
Jeremy Folkerts
Soar'n The Soren
Soren Bowie: Daniel O'Brian's dream, Michael Swaim's nightmare. King of the sexy side of the internet.
Just spitballin'.
Quite possibly the best Cracked episode ever...
Okay, that is a bit disturbing, but I'm not entirely sure I can agree on that. I think it's worth pointing out the guy you refer to at 1:07 wasn't exactly meant to be likeable or sympathetic. He's obviously intended to be a jerk and I don't think we're supposed to agree with his remark about America losing Vietnam.
I will give you the odd choice of including a black militant as one of the villains, but I think the idea was supposed to be that he was an extremist. From what is described, he isn't so much an advocate for racial equality as he is the kind of guy who wants to start a "revolution" and get revenge on white people by making them the subject of discrimination. Also, while a lot of people have more than a few good reasons to hate the NRA, I think blowing up a meeting might be a bit extreme.
Assuming that Sally-Can't-Dance is actually supposed to be gay (I could never tell if that was the intention, or if he was supposed to be a transsexual or just someone really messed up who liked to wear woman's clothing) I'd argue on some level that he's actually quite progressive for a character a time when movies were only just starting to consciously attempt to present more positive images of homosexuality. Sure, he's a villain, but there is something to be said about the fact that he is treated with equality by the other criminals, none of whom ever express any issues with his homosexuality. Even Cameron Poe never has any issues with the fact that he might be gay, the only time they interact is when he slaps him because he's trying to land the plane.
Also, in defense of Sally Bishop, she might have gotten overpowered at first, but I think it's worth pointing out that she does still manage to put up a fight and gets to kick a would-be rapist in the face. Granted, she does eventually have to be rescued by Poe but she also has to buy him time to get to her during that scene (which she does).
Didn't Sally Can't Dance attack Poe just before that scene you showed? I'm fairly certain he did, and instead of punching him like all the others, he gave him a relatively gentle slap.
Wait, this wasn't obvious? Don't let me spoil the Forest Gump surprise for you. I was 17 and that movie was clear as day Conservative propaganda.
This is the reason why I like Cracked so much..... awesome stuff !!!
4:23. What do you mean? It's a pile driver.
Usually applied from the rear.
THAT is what a pile driver is?
Yes. It drives piles.
This was pretty good, much better than that "Gremlins" breakdown you guys done.
It's funny how the comments are crying about how now they hate this movie and it is ruined. It is like a kid liking a food until his/her parent tells them there are onions in it and they spit it out. Perhaps you simply like conservative propaganda when prepared correctly and just don't want to admit it.
Not me, I hated this film when I was younger, because I recognised it as conservative propaganda.
fucking love onions
I like to imagine it as less onions and more like getting a chocolate chip cookie and then finding out the chocolate was actually rat droppings.
I think it's more like eating something until you are told that there is poison in it, or it fell on the floor, or someone spat on it, or maybe it was made with human flesh. Yeah, it might have tasted good at first, but now it is disturbing for legitimate reasons and you just can't eat it any more.
Just wait until they find out 24 was created specifically to manufacture public support for torture...
Guys that was one of the best Today's Topics ever, I loved it!!!
This is why I love Cracked
I sometimes feel a little alienated as a conservative watching cracked stuff..... but that was pretty damn good
A little alienated? I can't even watch their trash anymore, as mildly entertaining and insightful as their content used to be.
@@MenOfVirtue weird that you would write that several years after they collapsed and fired all of their video and writing staff.
...and everyone agreed and got along in the comments!
AWS Vids
Nah... Not really. They ain't fooling me.
I'm a democratic socialist but I find Hollywood to be one of the most radical left wing SJW propaganda machines and quite dangerous to say the least. And they make one film who's not an SJW wet dream and those guys can't take it? lol Now think of all the people who aren't radical left wing racist buffoons and have to watch all the SJW white hating and Christian hating propaganda trash that Hollyweird puts there. If we can live with it than they can at least accept this one film. But apparently they can't.
@Sweet Seduction
Nah I'm cool. It's pill popping psycholiberal fruit cakes who do that.
Captain Soren, King of Cracked, Lord of Funny, and all around Good Guy... (or just usually the HERO?)
Love how cracked just referred to a well mannered black guy as an "Uncle Tom".
Con Cahill irony? Double standards? Hypocrisy? What would you call it? I'm surprised they didn't get hurt reaching that far....
Screw well mannered, the guy is a champ. Even at death's door he tries to save a police officer from being raped. Fuckin' Hero of the movie.
It’s annoying to label him
Huh, that's funny: I had this movie low on my movie list until I saw this video. Gee, thanks Cracked!
Okay, a few things...
1: You guys are completely right about Con Air
2: I still love this movie despite not agreeing with any of it's conservative messages.
3: The machine that kills Cyrus The Virus is a pile driver.
4: Great video.
It's funny that this came out literally the same day that the How Did This Get Made? podcast announced that one of their next live episodes would be about Con Air. They're recording it in LA on Apr. 4th (already sold out, though), so hopefully, it should be posted online within the next couple of weeks, and we can see if any of the audience members bring up the points made in this video.
10 Weirdly Conservative Hidden Messages in 'Con Air' -
Your favorite movie is social conservative revenge porn. #itsavideomfers
Cracked I still think Soren's title should be "The Banana King". All hail the banana king!
(If you don't know this reference, go and watch Charlie the Unicorn)
HEY!!!!!! Steve Buscemi could represent liberals who become conservative. I mean he has a "tea party" with some little girl and he is allowed to live. a TEA PARTY!!!!
Steve Buscemi actually represents mental illness if you think about it the only thing we understand about his character is that he is mentally ill yet he shows no signs that he's actually a dangerous person, for one he comes across a young girl and then leaves without hurting her.
You guys blow my mind when you analyze movies like this, are you getting it out of a text book, a peer reviewed article, or is this all completely of your own making? If this is all you, I suspect you could co-author a text book for a University Media and Marketing class pretty easily, why shouldn't cracked push into the Text Book market? All you need is one Ph.D author and you're Cracked writing team, you blow my mind and I already have two masters degrees in business. Cracked Could you do this same type of movie analysis every week or day?
al might
That would be plausible if the Tea Party was around in 1996.
Your new title should be 'The Janitor'.
When someone asks, "Who's in charge around here?", the staff can honestly say, "The Janitor."
nothing wrong with being conservative
None at all, and this is coming from a liberal.
Both sides have their assholes. And both sides make good points for their stances.
Commander_Ninja thanks for the sensible response
Still an amazing video 8 years later.
Your new title should be SuperKamiGuru
+The Azure Blade But we can just call him Guru for short
or 'Gu' for even shorter
"Put the bunny back in the box."
You slam dunk the bunny into the box
idc what his title is, I just want the After Hours crew to be in all the videos. I kind of think of everyone else as the B-Team. lol
new title: Asst. coffee fetcher. Now get my coffee fetcher to fetch me a coffee.
Cracked has no idea what conservatism is.
The machine is called a pile driver. It is used to knock metal piles into the ground to support building foundations in areas where the earth is too soft or not strong enough.
I wonder how much weed they smoke before they make these?
All of it
Soren's new title - "Assistant director of executive matters"
"Left wing propaganda is good, but right wing propaganda is bad."
I never watched Con Air before. After watching this, It's a thing I have to do as soon as possible.
birth of a nation was right wing propaganda
Luke Trahan
But is it wrong to make a picture or film with your opinion intertwined in it?
No but we can still judge those who put their opinions out there
Luke Trahan
As it sould be. I think so too.
I think the problem is only pointed to left wing propaganda and pretend that there is no right wing propaganda, or worse, call it news, or true, or law.
The internet rabbit hole brought me here & what I find most amusing is that it is (or was) possible to make a really entertaining film with conservative viewpoints that aren’t even being openly mocked, but applauded.
I never saw the movie in this light & it actually makes me like it more.
I just started to like 'Con Air' a whole lot more suddenly :)
I think you new title should be "Head Taster". 😂😂😂
Damn they've killed this movie for me lol
New Title for the Position: Captain-Doctor-Fireman-Astronaut Manager of Calendars!
I didnt like Con Air until today. Now I think its great. Thanks Cracked.
Your new title should be Executive Vice-President of Wit and Folley
Soren's new title, "Katie and Dan's Do Boy" or "Managing Director of Blonde Guys", or "Director of Anti-Rhythm" (I saw the Magic Mike Response video), do you kinda see where I am going here?
Darius Kemp no
Managing Director of Blonde Guys. Very funny lol
How about "Master Cocksmith"?
Marvin McDougle seconded
Soren's new title at Cracked should be "writer for American Dad." Kind of trips off the tongue.
This video does have it's pros and cons.
steve buscemi character is the embodiment of celebrity, he is the one person that everyone knows and we only judge him on the last thing he has done. sounds similar to celebrities that get in trouble then sober up or find jesus then we all cheer and root for them completely forgiving them for all the past works, or wrong things they have done.
then when they come out with a new CD or movie we all jizz in our pants about it.
I disagree with this interpretation. Cameron Poe may be white, southern and military, but he's for the most part an apolitical character. Plus his military training is the reasoning the judge gives to condemn him. Even more, the most liberal character in the movie is Vince Larkin, who quotes Russian literature and "recycles his sandals", and he's one of its two heroes. And how can the movie simultaneously vilify black America through drug addict Pinball and lampoon his adversary: the inept, careless DEA represented by Duncan Malloy? This film has a muddled ideology, if it has one at all.
But you're supposed to dislike the judge and view it as unfair. Because the judge is being an "anti-american commie" that "doesn't support our veterans" and "if our troops were respected" he wouldn't have been sentenced in the first place.
I love today's topics man!
Fun party game. Name that conspiracy theory.
Haven't laughed this hard in a while. Great video.
You guys at Cracked were all English majors, right? Or maybe debate team? I say this because of your seemingly unlimited ability to create cogent theories with credible arguments about absolutely anything.
+Lee Brown Could also be Film Studies majors. Would need some cocaine to go with the weed tho.
Biased journalism is almost not journalism at all.
It explains why they are so mediocre in their attempts at political comedy.
Actually...Now that I took time to reflect on it...Cracked's content is entirely mediocre except for some of their video titles...It's like the potential is instantly CRACKED.
hahaha get it?... (Please kill me)
Just Some Guy :/ If your conservative sensibilities were offended by this video, all you have to do is say so. Cracked is actually pretty funny.
To those of you who think they're actually freaking out about the film's message, you do realise this is a comedic sketch, right?
I love how supporting individual rights are "weirdly conservative"
It seems that way until the individual disagrees with you and then their rights don't matter?
Director in charge of managerial support of written and non-written projects, Managerial editor in chief of cartoons, Lead supportive publisher in charge of editorial direction of staff and supervision
Dear America,
We need to stop hating on each other. We are the most polarized we have ever been since the civil war. We need to come together and stop fighting amongst ourselves. The next time someone asks you if you're Democrat or Republican say neither, I'm American...
Chrisander1606 i agree, the hatred and name calling that happens nowadays is ridiculous. What happened to the old days, when both sides would come together and have rational, meaningful debates about the issues? Why is it all just mudslinging and bullshit now?
Chris Meade You mean back in the days when if you spoke out against American actions/policies/society you were labeled a communist? Not saying things are any better now. But what you are talking about is deeply rooted in American culture, and has been for generations.
Chris Meade When were those magical days exactly?
Madjack True enough, I guess this time period just seems worse because we're actually living in it rather than reading about it.
Though when I think about it, Ted Cruz is probably slightly less insane than McCarthy, so maybe we do have it better lol
That's fine to say, and it lasts right up until someone asks, "what should we do about X?" It doesn't matter if X is poverty, crime, terrorism, the environment, the economy, education, racism, WHATEVER. As soon as people start offering what they see as solutions to the problem, provided they even choose to acknowledge X as a problem, the old red/blue divide become center stage yet again.
Oh my god I want to watch con air so much now.
this just makes me love the film even more
this has blown my mind, bravo Cracked you've done it again
You don't need to be conservative to respect the army 😕.
But liberals think you do.
sigma957 Yeah i know, but I guess none of them know how it works or ever meet a single soldier or marine.
They mention in the video that being pro-military isn't necessarily being conservative
...Well, poopdoodles. Another favorite ruined.For entirely valid reasons.
I love how when a movie has conservative messages it's weird and propaganda but when it has liberal messages it's surprising and progressive
Liberal media= hypocrisy
4:20 That looks like a pile driver (not the wrestling move). It is used to drive wooden logs or some other kind of pole into the ground to make a sturdy foundation for building being built on soft, unstable ground.
Now you guys can pick almost any Hollywood film made in the last 10 years and pick out all the Weirdly Liberal Hidden Messages. Oh wait I forgot "conservative bad. Liberal good."
+Josh Rivers If they are a liberally thinking group then sure, everyone is allowed to have a viewpoint.
AndroidPolitician If you believe that conservatives are in general bad and liberals are in general good then there is no conversation to be had with you. Why? Because you're an idiot.
Both are good and bad. But to act as if liberals are the only people that have good policies and principles is crazy.
AndroidPolitician And what belief systems are you speaking of? Their preference for a smaller government? Pro lifers I'm sure you're speaking of. People that don't want welfare. I definitely believe the welfare system is fucked. Way too easy to get food stamps and welfare. I think we need to make stricter requirements for stuff like that. They also don't think you should be punished for financial success.
I'm not gonna say all their ideas are good. But I won't say they're all bad. Same with liberal ideas, policies, and principles.
+Josh Rivers Yeah! All those children and elderly don't need food stamps! They're just a bunch of welfare queens! If they were real americans, they'd start working at 2 years of age, and not stop till they died, and all for pennies a day! Let's make america great again!
Children don't get food stamps... Their usually lazy parents do. I prefer not to pay people out of my paycheck that have an iq of 85 to raise their child with an iq of 70 and who will do nothing good for the world. And I never said I wanted to get rid of food stamps or welfare nor do all conservatives want to completely get rid of all welfare and food stamps. Let me say again; I THINK WE NEED STRICTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR WHO RECIEVES WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS. Are we clear on that issue now?
This is actually a long-running tradition in American film. The 1970s _Death Wish_ series was perhaps the most explicit about doing exactly this. _Dirty Harry_ is another classic example, though it's a little less heavy handed (and a *lot* better) than _Death Wish_.
Now i like Con Air more.
I've never seen Con-Air but from the sounds of it Nick Cage is the bad guy
David J I totally read that...
totally fuck you
Then you should watch the movie. Basing an opinion on political alignment is beneath our species at this point. Anybody who thinks that way has no real place here anymore and should be put out... then again this vid was uploaded in 2015 and the muricans have become even more fucking unstable in 2017/8... a snowflake generation that actually think that feelings matter.
I finally watched the film so I now can watch this.
Best Movie ever...
more like conservatives air
Still one of my favorites
im gonna give this a pass because your being open and honest and your getting upset about all the worst aspects of the right and thats something i can kinda get behind.
i say all this cause some times your a bit underhanded about your political views and it just feels like a dirty move.
Do youtube channels have to be objective and impartial now?
no but if someone is underhanded and tried to slip something into the middle of a conversation to influence me then id be angry and i would hope you would be upset too.
it dosnt matter that you love this channel, you have to hold EVERYONE to a standard or you deserve NO standards. you are a person and you deserve honesty!
Tezla Alchemia well, since it was very open and not underhanded you shouldn't have any problems then
did you READ my original comment or did you just skim it?
i already gave this video a pass because i dont have a problem with it.
it was a positive but cautious comment to note the reason for my caution and the reason why this video is ok.
i couldnt BE more constructive about my criticism here.
what MORE would you ask of someone?
I feel like I just watched a visual video version of an analytical essay for a film.
...And I like it.
What do you care? So what if a movie has a political message antithetical to your own?
+Dean Harris The premise of the sketch is that they are happy that at least con air is just a stupid movie without a hidden message. And turns out it does.
This is my favorite Today's Topic.
We need more conservative propaganda
Watch 24.
How about no propaganda? I'd like that a lot more.
teddybruscie true dat
That's be nice. Never gonna happen. But it'd be nice.
aaron west Birth of a Nation is entertaining too. Doesn't mean I'm gonna defend it since it's KKK propaganda
about to watch con air again, thanks cracked.
Liberal messages in a film 'what a great meaningful film'
Conservative messages in a film 'propaganda!'
I'm not even close to a conservative, but jesus christ guys, what happened?
Indoctrination? Maybe?
It's certainly getting trendy and socially acceptable to have these particular kinda Frankfurt School-inspired liberal ideas, but most importantly to be certain that you're in the one true ideology
Idk, they seem like nice, smart people basically. We've all been caught in echo chambers before. It's just frustrating to see some great channels go to shit
Thatcher Nap
They have the right - and should have the right like everyone else - to speak their mind. But as you said, many enough are arrogant, intolerant, totalitarian and puritanistic in their belive, that their ideas are supreme and whatever differs from them is horrible, wrong and "toxic". I mysyelf was - drunken on a rage - guilty of these thought patterns.
It's a very dangerous trend that actually leads to extremism on both sides. People of different opinions have to be able to speak their minds freely without restrictions.
Thanks for the recommendations. I will look into it. At the moment I mostly read stuff about Islam. Mainly about Muhammad, the old, cranky bastard ;p
u cracked guys are a refreshment 😊
Soren: Senior vice duke and imperial majesty of all Cracked