There are 2 particular signs that I want on UA-cam but for some reason I just can't seem to find them, I would hope that they were not put up, only to be taken down for some BS reason... Anyway, one is called Equal Striver and the other is Tasogare No Naka De. I don't know what Shadow skill anime the first song is from but the second is from the movie, atleast I think it was as it's been a while since I've last seen it. To my knowledge there's there's the one with the Solid Desire song playing at the start and then there's the other one where the chrs are drawn to look much better. I'm afraid that's all I can say outright. Oh how have w I miss the old Sci Fi channel, back during the 2010s they used to play different animé's on Saturday nights and that's where I first saw Shadow Skill, go to d times! :3
cameron one of the city's in shadow skill is named after a mountain in central or southern kazakhstan so the ending might be indirectly refenceing Russian history.
Great channel!
Shadow Skill is so underrated. It's one of my favorite 90s anime.
I didn't follow it back then but when I rewatched I realized what I was missing! The anime is good.
So true
This is what anime is. Idc what posers think. The peak of anime.
エレが隕石みたいなもん相手に、立ち向かって行くシーンはあれはすごすぎる. 自分を無敵と信じた者に不可能はないのよ!
90s anime and anime music was the best
watched this one in the late 2000s. I simply cannot forget how awesome this entier series was. one of my favs
So 90s, so very fitting.
松村香澄さんのバージョンだと、serious joker収録版でしょうか?
After listening to this I feel like I an kick through a wall.
We will use KAMUI which is hidden and original skill of Black Howling!
Awesome old school anime :)
they have the best music
And the best character designs, best animation quality...
Better inalmost every aspect.
The ultimate Japanese 80's training montage music!!!
Dracognia 94 that's 90s, bro
Sir Aaron Rowell whatever dude, let’s just enjoy the song.
This deserves so many more views
There are 2 particular signs that I want on UA-cam but for some reason I just can't seem to find them, I would hope that they were not put up, only to be taken down for some BS reason... Anyway, one is called Equal Striver and the other is Tasogare No Naka De. I don't know what Shadow skill anime the first song is from but the second is from the movie, atleast I think it was as it's been a while since I've last seen it. To my knowledge there's there's the one with the Solid Desire song playing at the start and then there's the other one where the chrs are drawn to look much better. I'm afraid that's all I can say outright. Oh how have w I miss the old Sci Fi channel, back during the 2010s they used to play different animé's on Saturday nights and that's where I first saw Shadow Skill, go to d times! :3
Ray The Wolbear this is the first ,when i searced " eukarismay " , hope that helps :-)
They use to play anime in the 90s and early 00s too
Awesome video man 😎
Love this song
I think about how Sasuke was in part 1 and direction he could have taken.
cameron one of the city's in shadow skill is named after a mountain in central or southern kazakhstan so the ending might be indirectly refenceing Russian history.