I'm so disappointed there was not a sequel to this. The first film is amazing, I have seen it many times and shown it to others and everybody likes it.
There isn’t a movie that’s come from Hollywood in the last 10 years that I’ve wanted to see . I would bust a gut to see Dredd2 . Esp if it were the same two actors as the main judges . Genuinely one of my favourite films, despite having never watched the original
@@thadevilzadvocate Absolutely or Amazon. Urban does have a good working relationship with them after all and has an already successful proven franchise with them under his belt. Working Title - Dredd - Final Judgement. Give it more scope and room to breathe. Also Less risk for the networks. More viable and a chance to be well received by a wider audience They do it season by season. The main focus/format should be a traditional Procedural Cop Show with Dredd working in the background with his nucleus of handpicked incorruptibles known as The Sector. With day to day cases and common criminal takedowns, Block Wars and assorted weird-crime and wack-jobs etc as he cleans up Mega-City uncovering a high level Dark Conspiracy that connects it directly to the events of the 2012 movie. That The Bad Judges and Ma Ma's was part of something much bigger. That The Chief Judge and The Grand Tribune ( who has been in office for decades now ) is the big bad and may indeed be working towards a unthinkable horrific City wide Final Judgement moving all the pieces on the board. The presence of Mutant Psychics as part of that too. Now Dredd , Anderson with the surviving members of The Sector being the flies in the ointment, and all that stands between The Final Judgement and Mega-City One. Raising The Stakes, big time. That Dredd might have to go against the very system it's self which he has served all his life. That all that he had been led to believe in has been a lie.
2012 Dredd was amazing. I admit that I dont know that much about the universe itself, it was not a very easy comic to get ahold of where I live when I was young, but absolutely loved that movie. And the 1995 one was almost a guilty pleasure even when it came out. Would love to see more of Karl Urbans Dredd, he did the role justice.
Yeah, I know the 1995 one has a lot of problems, but I still enjoy it in a corny movie sort of way. Love those ABC warrior scenes! Dredds villain brother was so over the top but was so good haha.
the 1995 Dredd captured everything about that universe and came it in a time where it wasn't understood. the 2012 Dredd fell short in comparison. Urban done the character justice and was/is happy to reprise the role as he's a fan.
l love Stallone's Dredd, I really think there is nothing wrong with it, but I absolutely love the 2012 version. The thing is, Urban's Dredd is an amazing depiction of the comic character, he reminds me of a preasure cooker constantly on the verge of exploding, but the movie is a great sci-fi/action movie in itself. It works perfectly even for someone who is absolutely ignorant about the comic character, it is just an amazingly well made, suspenseful and action packed movie. One that comes with amazing camera work, by the way.
Stripping Rico down to a simple swivel eyed psychopath and making Hammerstein (the ABC Warrior) a mild inconvenience were almost as unforgivable as Stallone showing his face and -slurring- screaming out "I am the leauurgh!!!". Let alone giving Dredd a comedy side kick, yeesh what a shit show.
I wouldn't say Stallone's adaptation was great, it wasn't super accurate or anything. And it is not a "good" movie. That being said, I liked it a lot, but it is for sure a guilty pleasure. Urban's was perfection. And a really good movie. @@thundercactus
You know, you're allowed to loke all 3 things: comics, Stallone dredd and urban dredd. 3 different things for 3 different audiences but I promise you, you're allowed to like all 3 individually. Peace!
Carl Urban’s Dredd was marvellous but robbed of success by the absence of any marketing budget. Nailed it perfectly. Well deserving of a sequel. As for Stallone’s Dredd, better to pretend that travesty never happened.
Growing up reading the 2000ad comics I can say stallones so called performance was ruined the moment he took his helmet off but urbane portrayed dredd perfectly the dark undertones of his character his steadfast devotion to duty ,all the small Easter eggs like the chopper wall scrawl made it one of the best comic to movie adaptations I’ve seen so would love a sequel
I'd like to see more Dredd like the 2012. It doesn't have to be Karl as long as the helmet never comes off. Though he freaking killed it as our favorite Judge, all you really need is a good jawline, a good voice, and barely restrained violence in the body language; until everything gets violent, that is.
Karl Urban is the perfect Dredd, don't make another film, make a limited series with options to pick it up for further seasons, it deserves a more long-form format where they can really dig deep into the character and world.
@@johnryder1713 Yes it was, Paul Verhoeven's original plan was to produce a fully licensed Judge Dredd movie but had to scale it back due to technical limitations and not being able to raise the required budget. So instead of Megacity 1 he shifted to a near future Detroit as he could film cheaply in industrial areas, office blocks etc. He also didn't need futuristic vehicles, just the odd 6000SUX. ED-201's design is an easter egg.
@@johnryder1713 Robo was genuinely shocking when it came it, the casualness of the violence, the cynicism and the satire in the movie were first put into a comic by the 2000AD guys and Dredd was a deliberate satire about US policing and society. The Boddicker gang were Dredd's Mama gang only much lower on the pecking order, they were a typical Dredd street gang. Now I prefer Dredd over Robo not just because Robo is a bit janky by modern standards but the storyline is authentic to the comics, so authentic it's "a day on the beat in Megacity 1" premise is just like a single issue one off storyline, or a short run storyline at least.
I've been reading 2000 ad since 1975 since the start. The Karl Urban version missed the mark by not having any of the anarchic humour, Stallone's version was closer by far. Read 2000 ad and you might actually understand.
I've been a Dredd fan for over four decades now from when I started reading the 2000AD comics as a kid. The comics did such a good thing with the character, slowly aging him and growing his arc as a person as many huge events hit MC1 and the rest of the earth. I absolutely LOVED Karl Urban as Dredd, he WAS the character from the comics. The voice, the way he acted and moved, just perfect. But for me the movie failed in showing the real MC1, this was due to finances more than creative decisions I understand, which is a shame as MC1 is as much a character in Dredd's story as the man himself. In the movie the city looks no different than LA in some places and the 'Block's just look photoshopped on over the landscape. For the pitch perfect Dredd we need to put Karl Urban in the uniform and MC from the Stallone Dredd movie. Say what you want about Stallone's version but they got the costumes and city perfect.
it fell very short compared to the 95 Dredd on it's aesthetics, didn't capture the essence of mega city one considering the time and cgi available now which was hugely disappointing. Urbans portrayal of Dredd was actually good and considering he's a fan of this Genre and wanted to reprise his role is great, however they'll need to re boot the re boot imo.
There are a number of films that bombed at the box office and had sequels or prequels made years later My Hope is that Karl Urbans Dredd is one of those because it definitely deserves a sequel
YEAH NO DOUBT!! HBO Read this, get the rights. Make it. We'll watch it with Karl Urban reprising the role. Maybe Amazon Prime? Someone who would keep the gritty dystopian futuristic crime noir feel. MEGACITY ONE is the best title ever too dude!!
There’s apparently a Dredd tv series in the works “Judge Dredd - Mega City 1” but lockdown caused havoc and the website hasn’t been updated for some time.
@@robirvine6970Completely True, I was desperate to see it and I missed it at the cinema. Got it on Blu Ray though as I really wanted to support it. Never mind Transformers is what people want not Dredd.😢
Yes this film was closer to the Judge Dredd I read as a child and it should have had better promotion. Then again this is about a character created in a "small" British comic so I can see why
Fun fact: Robocop started out as an attempt to make a Dredd movie but due to budget and technical restraints they had to scale it down, so instead of Megacity 1 we got near future Detroit and filming in office blocks and and redundant industrial facilities (Oh how very Dr Who of you), instead of futuristic vehicles we got the 6000SUX. Ed201 was the only direct nod to 2000AD left in, though Clarence Boddicker and his game were authentic and could have easily been a street gang from the comic.
Fun Fact: darthwiizius likes to embellish on the truth and pretend his stories are fact just to get likes and comments on UA-cam. Robocop was written by Edward Neumeier while working on the set of Blade Runner and was meant as satire of that movie. The only inspiration the writer got from Judge Dredd was the futuristic tone of the movie and the Robocop costume design where the person's lower law was still visible. It was always supposed to be Robocop, they were never trying to make a scaled down Judge Dredd movie. Budget and Technical restraints was not an issue. Anyone can Google and confirm these facts as it's noted on the Robocop Wikipedia page.
its was a master piece karl Urban as always nails the performance, stallones drred really cast a bad shadow over the comic. but it really was mater piece. as a 1980s person. i compare this to Robocop 1 of the 2000s.. Robo cop 1 was a classic mater piece of violence , scifi and satire. that being said ( Karl Ubans ) Dredd was riight in there. they also made stallones PG 13. HUGE HUGE mistake. really tunred fans away. however with Dead pool thats shown R rathed comic book moives work.
man I miss 90's movies I use to watch the 95 one a lot when I was kid. My mom had to get me a new VHS of it because I'd watch it all day. Seeing a world like that was crazy to a kid me. Always thought the future would be like that but we ended up with idiocracy.
The problem with Karl Urban Dredd movie was that the city outside the Block was badly realised. It looked like any random third world city of today. The Stallone Dredd movie had a much more engaging and nicely realized Megacity. There were too many corrupt Judges in the Urban Dredd story. Dredd would never have let corrupt judges operate in his city. The Urban Dredd was an uneasy melding of a run of the mill drug gang / corrupt police department shoehorned into the Dredd mythos. Although you can contrive a movie where the comic book conceit of never removing the helmet sort of works I don't think it's right for film. Comics, books, films, they're different in their requirements. I'd like to see Karl Urban reprise Dredd but I want a different director who understood the comic mythology a lot better.
The reason for the cityscape looking so sprawly and 3rd world is, according to the unofficlal fan-lore, Dredd 2012 takes place decades after the first movie where the Megacity 1 was more olde-world NYC and close-proximity surroundings, the Dredd 2012 is more spread out and arcologies / mega skysrapers surrounded by shanty towns as the population grows and spreads out. The corrupt judges angle is not very unlikely for the reasons stated above. The conditions and degredation of the city would increase the likely-hood.
@@Retro-Future-Land what you're saying backs up what I'm saying, Dredd 2012 was not set in the Dredd universe. It's a pastiche and I don't like it. It threw away the richness of the comics universe to make a knock-off of "The Raid" with a guy dressed in something resembling a Judge Dredd outfit. This is why, for all its faults, the original movie is way better. If Stallone had kept his helmet on a bit more or someone else better suited to the role had been Dredd (a more mature Stallone from later in his career would have been interesting but obviously that's possible to imagine only in retrospect) and much more sparing with helmet removal it would have been a great movie. I didn't like the Judge Anderson characterisation at all, nothing like the Judge Anderson as visualised in the comics. Urban was great but he was in the wrong movie.
I partly agree, but take what this great film gives us since it got enought to keep the fans happy and have the gritty vibe of sci-fi futurism. The problem the comic had it brought in too much satire to almost kill the immersion sometimes. This film kept that on the down-low.@@kalliste23
Sorry... you appear to consider the 2 movies as the origin of Dredd... as if the comics are some result OF the movies. I'm going to just stop watching what must be pure idiocy.
IDK about sequels. All I really know is I'd love to see a Judge Dredd film involving the Dark Judges. They have long been my favorite comic book villains of all time.
Karl Urban's "Dredd" deserves a sequel and considering how many truly crappy mvies that get sequel upon sequel I do NOT see a problem letting an awesome movie like this get a sequel! Karl Urban is the BEST Dredd PERIOD!
the only thing i didnt like about this film is the slow mo drug, a clear add on to abuse the slow motion effect of high speed cameras completely broke the emersion for me and made me feel like i was constantly watching a slow mo guys video.
Most people preferred the 2012 movie. I did not see the Stallone version when it came out. Watched Dredd first before the 1995 movie. The 2012 movie took the main plot from a movie called The Raid. I prefer the Stallone version. Maybe I'll give Dredd another try as I Watched it only one time.
the differences here in the artwork shows that this is partially ignoring the Judge Anderson/Dredd arcs from before either film was released, the thing about this is disgraced judges dont get chances, least of all his own brother. The Judge systems had the Long Walk (this was taken by Joe Dredd in the late 80's early 90's) but after meeting an ex Chief Judge who had taken the long walk years ago, ended up getting reinstated as a Judge (this is about the time that stallones Dredd happens, just after this reinstatement) all of this completely ignores the whole Judge Dredd history and backstory
The stories were there long before the movies. The comicbook 2000ad came out in February 1977,dredd appeared in the second issue. Dredd stories have being written for 47 years.
You should have started were Dredd Started in May 1977 in a comic called 2000AD - I remember it well, wish I still had those comics - Their worth Thousands Now
Aspiring voice over artist here, is there a place that you guys put out casting calls? Or a place where I can audition/apply to read scripts?. I love so many different franchises and I think it'd be really fun to try and read scripts
This is an AI voice over bro - most people are going to do this from here on out, best bet is to make your own channel, show off your skills there, link it to who you want.
Cosplay Dredd without the Mega City One aesthetic unlike in Stalone movie. Even though DreadNoughts was written after, but set in a earlier time it is more closer to the aesthetic of the Urban movie. Urban Dredd lacked the look and sci-fi world building of MCO & CE.
I like both movies. The 1st has that 90s appeal. While the new one added grit and modern gruesome violence. The 1st one us obviously classic status. But the 2nd is criminally under-rated. I love roasting a nug then watching the slow motion scenes. Lol. Urban nailed it too. They should of given him a trilogy or at least a sequel
I did enjoy stalones movie, but it wasn't anything like judge dredd I had known. It was more of a spoof on the character, but still enjoyable and fun. Carl Urban portrayed the character exactly as he is in comics, at least, the way I see it. This is the dredd you pick up a comic to read. They both have their place. They both have great main actors and casts. If one had to go, it would be Stallone's, but only to leave the more accurate movie in tact.
You do realise dredd is based off a comic character from the 70s on? The comic book spin offs might have the films look but the stories have been told years ago...would recommend the original comics to anyone interested many of the stories are awesome..the apocalypse wars would be great in movie form :-)
As a friend of Dave K I have asked him many times if a new judge film or seriese is on the cards and he won't tell me. Would be amazing to see but who knows what's in store.
Disappointing that, after breaking down "Dust", this video includes a Fall of Deadworld story as these stories have no links to the Dredd movie universe whatsoever. There is a Judge Death tie in though in a story called Final Judgement which completes the movie universe arc. Prior to that there are also a couple of stand alone movie Anderson stories ("The Deep End" and "Judgment") and a story centered around the Techie that worked for Ma Ma (played by Domhnall Gleeson in the Dredd movie). All these stories are available in trade paperback editions.
The biggest reason the movie didn't take off as much as it deserved to is marketing. Most people haven't even heard of the movie, and it was also a part of the failed push for "3D movies"...
When the conditions of society cause people to turn to crime, and the Judges don't even have the ability to save or protect people, what even is the point of policing (or executing)? I guess it's like mowing the lawn, just gotta continuously whack down the tallest blades.
The Fall of Deadworld series was beautifully drawn. Had some really interesting new characters and huge potential. And sucked. What a disappointment and waste of money that series was. I remember thinking “That’s it?”
just because dredd is older to fit our timeline it doesnt have to mean we have to focus on it for a new movie, we can still make movies on young dredd, why hollywood and game makers havent jumped over this IP i will never understand it has so many stand out villains.
Cult film like this deserves a sequal. That whole Sandmn character & the side story is as important. Lets hope for an actor like this one butlets also hope he embodies the chracter & that the story is Dark & Gridy. Maybe do a Marvel connection?
Dread was a great movie. But what happened afterwards? All he did was stop a chase, thwart a kingpin and train a new recruit. And it was still just Monday morning for him.
Karl Urban has the 'Dredd chin'. He needs to be in any sequel. While I like the film, I think too much effort (and budget) was wasted on the 3D stuff - which was all the hype at the time. Style over substance rarely pays off in a film. The 3D infatuation even affected the plot of the film. I genuinely think the only reason the drug 'slow' was in it was to allow for all the slow-motion 3D sequences to be in the film. I just wonder what else could have been done with that money instead.
I think you accidentally tripped over the reason Dredd failed at the box office. It wasn't a diverse film. The only black person in the film was portrayed as a moron and we all know that's not how black people are in real life. They are unbelievably bright. Look at Wakanda. I think the next Dredd film should be half LGBTQ and half black and as few white people as possible.
Someone needs to make a 3rd film where an AI Clint Eastwood IS Dredd.... as Eastwood in his Dirty Harry role WAS the inspiration for the original Judge Dredd film MUST feature Walter the robot.... lastly the film MUST adhere to the original 2000ad storylines. The Cursed Earth or Block Wars, would make Great films.
Dredd is an unbelievably well made film, its one of the only films ive ever watched which i wanted to watch again immediately after.
For the love of god keep that franchise going with Carl as the man himself!!!
Karl is the law
Movie-making is a business and the first one lost money so…
@@gregbors8364 unless you're Disney and can take countless flops on the chin.
@@SageGingko Moot point, because Disney would not have made the “Dredd” movie in the first place. WAY too R-rated
@gregbors8364 I wasn't making a point but a joke. Dredd was awesome, but it's for a niche audience.
I'm so disappointed there was not a sequel to this. The first film is amazing, I have seen it many times and shown it to others and everybody likes it.
Do you know they filmed mega city one in Johannesburg, South Africa
Agreed. You see so many poor or average movies at best, get a sequel or two.
This was brilliant & fully deserved a sequel at the very least
@@superunknown8775Plenty of movies and shows they just cancel at and some of them are the best.
if EVER a movie needed a Sequel........THIS THIS should be an entire genre of movies!!!!
More suited as a series on hbo max
There isn’t a movie that’s come from Hollywood in the last 10 years that I’ve wanted to see . I would bust a gut to see Dredd2 . Esp if it were the same two actors as the main judges . Genuinely one of my favourite films, despite having never watched the original
Perhaps a franchise, streams need more pizzaz
@@thadevilzadvocate Absolutely or Amazon. Urban does have a good working relationship with them after all and has an already successful proven franchise with them under his belt. Working Title - Dredd - Final Judgement.
Give it more scope and room to breathe. Also Less risk for the networks. More viable and a chance to be well received by a wider audience They do it season by season. The main focus/format should be a traditional Procedural Cop Show with Dredd working in the background with his nucleus of handpicked incorruptibles known as The Sector. With day to day cases and common criminal takedowns, Block Wars and assorted weird-crime and wack-jobs etc as he cleans up Mega-City uncovering a high level Dark Conspiracy that connects it directly to the events of the 2012 movie. That The Bad Judges and Ma Ma's was part of something much bigger. That The Chief Judge and The Grand Tribune ( who has been in office for decades now ) is the big bad and may indeed be working towards a unthinkable horrific City wide Final Judgement moving all the pieces on the board. The presence of Mutant Psychics as part of that too. Now Dredd , Anderson with the surviving members of The Sector being the flies in the ointment, and all that stands between The Final Judgement and Mega-City One. Raising The Stakes, big time. That Dredd might have to go against the very system it's self which he has served all his life. That all that he had been led to believe in has been a lie.
My favorite part of the movie was it was a typical day in the life of Dredd. We need more!
Yeah, and his days are LONG. Electro-sleep in a cubicle only takes 15 minutes, then it is back on the Job.
Best line came right at the end of that whole movie when Dredd reports in, "Drugs bust" - as though it was just a routine call.
The Karl Urban version was a comic book adaptation done right. And you can probably make 3 of these for one Marvel crap fest.
Karl is the Law! 🤘🏻
fok yeah! Karl Urban is a force of nature as DREDD.
Thanks for bringing these Judge Dredd stories to my attention.
2012 Dredd was amazing. I admit that I dont know that much about the universe itself, it was not a very easy comic to get ahold of where I live when I was young, but absolutely loved that movie. And the 1995 one was almost a guilty pleasure even when it came out.
Would love to see more of Karl Urbans Dredd, he did the role justice.
Yeah, I know the 1995 one has a lot of problems, but I still enjoy it in a corny movie sort of way. Love those ABC warrior scenes! Dredds villain brother was so over the top but was so good haha.
the 1995 Dredd captured everything about that universe and came it in a time where it wasn't understood. the 2012 Dredd fell short in comparison. Urban done the character justice and was/is happy to reprise the role as he's a fan.
Damn we need another movie based off this
l love Stallone's Dredd, I really think there is nothing wrong with it, but I absolutely love the 2012 version. The thing is, Urban's Dredd is an amazing depiction of the comic character, he reminds me of a preasure cooker constantly on the verge of exploding, but the movie is a great sci-fi/action movie in itself. It works perfectly even for someone who is absolutely ignorant about the comic character, it is just an amazingly well made, suspenseful and action packed movie. One that comes with amazing camera work, by the way.
Agreed! They were both great adaptations of the comic.
Stripping Rico down to a simple swivel eyed psychopath and making Hammerstein (the ABC Warrior) a mild inconvenience were almost as unforgivable as Stallone showing his face and -slurring- screaming out "I am the leauurgh!!!". Let alone giving Dredd a comedy side kick, yeesh what a shit show.
Stallone's Dredd was an awful movie. But I'll always say that they could have made an awesome Dredd movie starring him.
I wouldn't say Stallone's adaptation was great, it wasn't super accurate or anything. And it is not a "good" movie. That being said, I liked it a lot, but it is for sure a guilty pleasure. Urban's was perfection. And a really good movie. @@thundercactus
You know, you're allowed to loke all 3 things: comics, Stallone dredd and urban dredd. 3 different things for 3 different audiences but I promise you, you're allowed to like all 3 individually. Peace!
If they made a sequel to this film I’d actually go back to the theater to see it, I’d gladly support another great film like this.
yeah me too but it would be a girlboss film.😢
Carl Urban’s Dredd was marvellous but robbed of success by the absence of any marketing budget. Nailed it perfectly. Well deserving of a sequel.
As for Stallone’s Dredd, better to pretend that travesty never happened.
Growing up reading the 2000ad comics I can say stallones so called performance was ruined the moment he took his helmet off but urbane portrayed dredd perfectly the dark undertones of his character his steadfast devotion to duty ,all the small Easter eggs like the chopper wall scrawl made it one of the best comic to movie adaptations I’ve seen so would love a sequel
"I am the leauurgh!".
Karl Urban played the best Dredd, its such a great movie. It's probably the best Cyberpunk styled movie of all time.
I love both versions of dredd but 2012 took it to another level. Wish we had more.
I'd like to see more Dredd like the 2012. It doesn't have to be Karl as long as the helmet never comes off. Though he freaking killed it as our favorite Judge, all you really need is a good jawline, a good voice, and barely restrained violence in the body language; until everything gets violent, that is.
Karl Urban is the perfect Dredd, don't make another film, make a limited series with options to pick it up for further seasons, it deserves a more long-form format where they can really dig deep into the character and world.
Can’t wait for the mega city 🌆 series it’s gonna be next level
It was the version of the movie we needed in the 90s and whether it was popular or not, it was just unmissable
The best Dredd movie before 2012 was called: "Robocop".
@@darthwiizius But that was nothing to do with 2000AD or Dredd!!!?!
Yes it was, Paul Verhoeven's original plan was to produce a fully licensed Judge Dredd movie but had to scale it back due to technical limitations and not being able to raise the required budget. So instead of Megacity 1 he shifted to a near future Detroit as he could film cheaply in industrial areas, office blocks etc. He also didn't need futuristic vehicles, just the odd 6000SUX. ED-201's design is an easter egg.
@@darthwiizius Never heard that one but I still prefer Dredd to Robocop any day
Robo was genuinely shocking when it came it, the casualness of the violence, the cynicism and the satire in the movie were first put into a comic by the 2000AD guys and Dredd was a deliberate satire about US policing and society. The Boddicker gang were Dredd's Mama gang only much lower on the pecking order, they were a typical Dredd street gang. Now I prefer Dredd over Robo not just because Robo is a bit janky by modern standards but the storyline is authentic to the comics, so authentic it's "a day on the beat in Megacity 1" premise is just like a single issue one off storyline, or a short run storyline at least.
I would love more Karl Dredd movies! As long as Disney doesn’t get their grubby paws onto it!
I've been reading 2000 ad since 1975 since the start. The Karl Urban version missed the mark by not having any of the anarchic humour, Stallone's version was closer by far. Read 2000 ad and you might actually understand.
Visually it looked great. And I agree with the humor. But they really dropped the ball with the Judge Uniforms and Stallone showing his face.
Movies i hope will have a sequel
1 Judge dredd 2012
2 Priest
3 Constantine
I've been a Dredd fan for over four decades now from when I started reading the 2000AD comics as a kid. The comics did such a good thing with the character, slowly aging him and growing his arc as a person as many huge events hit MC1 and the rest of the earth. I absolutely LOVED Karl Urban as Dredd, he WAS the character from the comics. The voice, the way he acted and moved, just perfect.
But for me the movie failed in showing the real MC1, this was due to finances more than creative decisions I understand, which is a shame as MC1 is as much a character in Dredd's story as the man himself. In the movie the city looks no different than LA in some places and the 'Block's just look photoshopped on over the landscape. For the pitch perfect Dredd we need to put Karl Urban in the uniform and MC from the Stallone Dredd movie. Say what you want about Stallone's version but they got the costumes and city perfect.
it fell very short compared to the 95 Dredd on it's aesthetics, didn't capture the essence of mega city one considering the time and cgi available now which was hugely disappointing. Urbans portrayal of Dredd was actually good and considering he's a fan of this Genre and wanted to reprise his role is great, however they'll need to re boot the re boot imo.
Probably a future movie movie story featuring the last US President Booth, or his battle with Judge Death.
There are a number of films that bombed at the box office and had sequels or prequels made years later My Hope is that Karl Urbans Dredd is one of those because it definitely deserves a sequel
I still want a sequel to this movie.
Megacity One as a TV series would be awesome!
YEAH NO DOUBT!! HBO Read this, get the rights. Make it. We'll watch it with Karl Urban reprising the role. Maybe Amazon Prime? Someone who would keep the gritty dystopian futuristic crime noir feel. MEGACITY ONE is the best title ever too dude!!
There’s apparently a Dredd tv series in the works “Judge Dredd - Mega City 1” but lockdown caused havoc and the website hasn’t been updated for some time.
I agree like Gotham ft. Commissioner James Gordon and a young Bruce Wayne/Batman 😃🙌🏾🙏🏾👍🏾❤️.
I loved the new dredd movie, i just wasnt keen on how big and awkward fitting his helmet was.
Still a classic though!
It’s too bad that this movie bombed because it would have been cool to see a sequel or even a TV series spin-off with Karl Urban
It only bombed because no one knew about it during its theater run. The promotion company COMPLETELY botched the job.
They fcked up the marketing for it.
@@robirvine6970Completely True, I was desperate to see it and I missed it at the cinema.
Got it on Blu Ray though as I really wanted to support it.
Never mind Transformers is what people want not Dredd.😢
As a kid that that grew up reading 2000 AD I massively appreciated the 2012 version. It was spot on 👌🏾
Yes this film was closer to the Judge Dredd I read as a child and it should have had better promotion. Then again this is about a character created in a "small" British comic so I can see why
Would love ❤to see more DREDD movies!! Wish they would make more.
I will never stop talking about this movie until a sequel or a tv show is made
Fun fact: Robocop started out as an attempt to make a Dredd movie but due to budget and technical restraints they had to scale it down, so instead of Megacity 1 we got near future Detroit and filming in office blocks and and redundant industrial facilities (Oh how very Dr Who of you), instead of futuristic vehicles we got the 6000SUX. Ed201 was the only direct nod to 2000AD left in, though Clarence Boddicker and his game were authentic and could have easily been a street gang from the comic.
Fun Fact: darthwiizius likes to embellish on the truth and pretend his stories are fact just to get likes and comments on UA-cam. Robocop was written by Edward Neumeier while working on the set of Blade Runner and was meant as satire of that movie. The only inspiration the writer got from Judge Dredd was the futuristic tone of the movie and the Robocop costume design where the person's lower law was still visible. It was always supposed to be Robocop, they were never trying to make a scaled down Judge Dredd movie. Budget and Technical restraints was not an issue. Anyone can Google and confirm these facts as it's noted on the Robocop Wikipedia page.
I got about 4.5 likes a week and one comment....🤓
That splat scene after the chem spill screams Dredd.
its was a master piece karl Urban as always nails the performance, stallones drred really cast a bad shadow over the comic. but it really was mater piece. as a 1980s person. i compare this to Robocop 1 of the 2000s.. Robo cop 1 was a classic mater piece of violence , scifi and satire. that being said ( Karl Ubans ) Dredd was riight in there. they also made stallones PG 13. HUGE HUGE mistake. really tunred fans away. however with Dead pool thats shown R rathed comic book moives work.
Where do I have to sign to make this sequal happen?
man I miss 90's movies I use to watch the 95 one a lot when I was kid. My mom had to get me a new VHS of it because I'd watch it all day. Seeing a world like that was crazy to a kid me. Always thought the future would be like that but we ended up with idiocracy.
This is a woefully under developed IP. Netflix could bring something like Anderson files to life.
DREDD VIDEO! I just watched this movie, and its got me really into the lore and universe.
Not a fan of Deadworld. I preferred the downfall of that Earth to be mostly vague as opposed to what we got.
What a universe! Fantastic video.
It deserves a sequel and they need to stop messing around with us. Give us a sequel already l o l
Great narrator. Keep up the good work.
Corruption at the Justice Department, I’ve heard that story before somewhere!
Thanks Keeping the Dredd dream alive
Awesome video 😊
Two of my favorite movies .❤
The problem with Karl Urban Dredd movie was that the city outside the Block was badly realised. It looked like any random third world city of today. The Stallone Dredd movie had a much more engaging and nicely realized Megacity. There were too many corrupt Judges in the Urban Dredd story. Dredd would never have let corrupt judges operate in his city. The Urban Dredd was an uneasy melding of a run of the mill drug gang / corrupt police department shoehorned into the Dredd mythos. Although you can contrive a movie where the comic book conceit of never removing the helmet sort of works I don't think it's right for film. Comics, books, films, they're different in their requirements. I'd like to see Karl Urban reprise Dredd but I want a different director who understood the comic mythology a lot better.
The reason for the cityscape looking so sprawly and 3rd world is, according to the unofficlal fan-lore, Dredd 2012 takes place decades after the first movie where the Megacity 1 was more olde-world NYC and close-proximity surroundings, the Dredd 2012 is more spread out and arcologies / mega skysrapers surrounded by shanty towns as the population grows and spreads out.
The corrupt judges angle is not very unlikely for the reasons stated above. The conditions and degredation of the city would increase the likely-hood.
@@Retro-Future-Land what you're saying backs up what I'm saying, Dredd 2012 was not set in the Dredd universe. It's a pastiche and I don't like it. It threw away the richness of the comics universe to make a knock-off of "The Raid" with a guy dressed in something resembling a Judge Dredd outfit. This is why, for all its faults, the original movie is way better. If Stallone had kept his helmet on a bit more or someone else better suited to the role had been Dredd (a more mature Stallone from later in his career would have been interesting but obviously that's possible to imagine only in retrospect) and much more sparing with helmet removal it would have been a great movie. I didn't like the Judge Anderson characterisation at all, nothing like the Judge Anderson as visualised in the comics. Urban was great but he was in the wrong movie.
I partly agree, but take what this great film gives us since it got enought to keep the fans happy and have the gritty vibe of sci-fi futurism. The problem the comic had it brought in too much satire to almost kill the immersion sometimes. This film kept that on the down-low.@@kalliste23
Urban’s Dredd is 150 years before cloned Stallone’s Dredd. Makes way more sense. Liked both 👍🏿
Great movie!!! Another be fkn sweet! Specially If Urban returns as Dredd...
Otherwise don't bother 💯
They definitely should keep it going!! It's all about how they advertise and what time of year it comes out
Sorry... you appear to consider the 2 movies as the origin of Dredd... as if the comics are some result OF the movies.
I'm going to just stop watching what must be pure idiocy.
One of the better remakes, Carl Urban was awesome as Dredd, I think Anderson's actress would be a perfect live action Seras Victoria as well 😊
Somebody needs to make a proper Dredd game. Heck a proper Spawn game wouldn't go amiss. Add Punisher to that list
IDK about sequels. All I really know is I'd love to see a Judge Dredd film involving the Dark Judges.
They have long been my favorite comic book villains of all time.
Karl Urban's "Dredd" deserves a sequel and considering how many truly crappy mvies that get sequel upon sequel I do NOT see a problem letting an awesome movie like this get a sequel!
Karl Urban is the BEST Dredd PERIOD!
I think a judge dread year one book adaption would be cool.😊
the only thing i didnt like about this film is the slow mo drug, a clear add on to abuse the slow motion effect of high speed cameras completely broke the emersion for me and made me feel like i was constantly watching a slow mo guys video.
Most people preferred the 2012 movie. I did not see the Stallone version when it came out. Watched Dredd first before the 1995 movie. The 2012 movie took the main plot from a movie called The Raid. I prefer the Stallone version. Maybe I'll give Dredd another try as I Watched it only one time.
the differences here in the artwork shows that this is partially ignoring the Judge Anderson/Dredd arcs from before either film was released, the thing about this is disgraced judges dont get chances, least of all his own brother. The Judge systems had the Long Walk (this was taken by Joe Dredd in the late 80's early 90's) but after meeting an ex Chief Judge who had taken the long walk years ago, ended up getting reinstated as a Judge (this is about the time that stallones Dredd happens, just after this reinstatement) all of this completely ignores the whole Judge Dredd history and backstory
The stories were there long before the movies.
The comicbook 2000ad came out in February 1977,dredd appeared in the second issue.
Dredd stories have being written for 47 years.
After the Robocop game maybe finally Judge Dredd.
yes we need more Dredd films and Carl Urban is perfect for them as he was in the other film.
You should have started were Dredd Started in May 1977 in a comic called 2000AD - I remember it well, wish I still had those comics - Their worth Thousands Now
The movie got me into the comics! Such a fun universe to read about
I'm not a fan of the comics but i absolutely loved Urbans Dredd and keep holding out hope for more.
Aspiring voice over artist here, is there a place that you guys put out casting calls?
Or a place where I can audition/apply to read scripts?.
I love so many different franchises and I think it'd be really fun to try and read scripts
This is an AI voice over bro - most people are going to do this from here on out, best bet is to make your own channel, show off your skills there, link it to who you want.
I'm on slo-mo!
So leave me alone, i'm on slo-mo! 🎶🎸
Cosplay Dredd without the Mega City One aesthetic unlike in Stalone movie. Even though DreadNoughts was written after, but set in a earlier time it is more closer to the aesthetic of the Urban movie. Urban Dredd lacked the look and sci-fi world building of MCO & CE.
The 2012 adaptation was amazing
I like both movies. The 1st has that 90s appeal. While the new one added grit and modern gruesome violence. The 1st one us obviously classic status. But the 2nd is criminally under-rated. I love roasting a nug then watching the slow motion scenes. Lol. Urban nailed it too. They should of given him a trilogy or at least a sequel
I did enjoy stalones movie, but it wasn't anything like judge dredd I had known. It was more of a spoof on the character, but still enjoyable and fun.
Carl Urban portrayed the character exactly as he is in comics, at least, the way I see it. This is the dredd you pick up a comic to read.
They both have their place.
They both have great main actors and casts.
If one had to go, it would be Stallone's, but only to leave the more accurate movie in tact.
You do realise dredd is based off a comic character from the 70s on? The comic book spin offs might have the films look but the stories have been told years ago...would recommend the original comics to anyone interested many of the stories are awesome..the apocalypse wars would be great in movie form :-)
just AI cloned your voice for a new project, love it
As a friend of Dave K I have asked him many times if a new judge film or seriese is on the cards and he won't tell me. Would be amazing to see but who knows what's in store.
I would love to visit Dredd’s world in VR!! Imagine taking on the role of a Judge with your trusty Lawgiver!
Well there's a new Robocop video game that might help with that.
Stumbling across this video a year late, but I am really suprised that nobody commented how sometimes the narrator sounds like Arnold Shwarzenegger
I’m not hearing that at all. This AI sounds like an old British guy to me.
After the Dredd movie a sequel didn't get made. Still salty about that. Stupid movie studios.
Instead we got cape shit films just pumped out wholesale.
Disappointing that, after breaking down "Dust", this video includes a Fall of Deadworld story as these stories have no links to the Dredd movie universe whatsoever. There is a Judge Death tie in though in a story called Final Judgement which completes the movie universe arc. Prior to that there are also a couple of stand alone movie Anderson stories ("The Deep End" and "Judgment") and a story centered around the Techie that worked for Ma Ma (played by Domhnall Gleeson in the Dredd movie). All these stories are available in trade paperback editions.
The biggest reason the movie didn't take off as much as it deserved to is marketing. Most people haven't even heard of the movie, and it was also a part of the failed push for "3D movies"...
Man, there are so many really great stories from Mega-City One. I wanna see Joe and his biggest ally V's the Cleggs.
Easy, the Ferg !.
I love Dredd it is so underrated
Thank you Alex Garland!
Liked both❤ any Dredd is a good Dredd
When the conditions of society cause people to turn to crime, and the Judges don't even have the ability to save or protect people, what even is the point of policing (or executing)? I guess it's like mowing the lawn, just gotta continuously whack down the tallest blades.
The Fall of Deadworld series was beautifully drawn. Had some really interesting new characters and huge potential. And sucked. What a disappointment and waste of money that series was. I remember thinking “That’s it?”
We need a new Dredd film or series with Karl Urban plus a Dredd game by Teyon in similar vein to Robocop!
just because dredd is older to fit our timeline it doesnt have to mean we have to focus on it for a new movie, we can still make movies on young dredd, why hollywood and game makers havent jumped over this IP i will never understand it has so many stand out villains.
Now reading the summary of the Deadworld where Judge Death came from. DC Metal now seems highly influenced from that comic series. =/
Both were excellent in my opinion.
Yes please a sequel
Cult film like this deserves a sequal. That whole Sandmn character & the side story is as important. Lets hope for an actor like this one butlets also hope he embodies the chracter & that the story is Dark & Gridy. Maybe do a Marvel connection?
Love the Dredd movie, wish it got a sequel with Carl Urban.
Dread was a great movie. But what happened afterwards? All he did was stop a chase, thwart a kingpin and train a new recruit. And it was still just Monday morning for him.
Karl Urban has the 'Dredd chin'. He needs to be in any sequel. While I like the film, I think too much effort (and budget) was wasted on the 3D stuff - which was all the hype at the time. Style over substance rarely pays off in a film. The 3D infatuation even affected the plot of the film. I genuinely think the only reason the drug 'slow' was in it was to allow for all the slow-motion 3D sequences to be in the film. I just wonder what else could have been done with that money instead.
We should have been at DREDD 3 at this point... Urban IS Dredd - and he's clearly up for more...
"Sir, he's thinking of taking your gun."
"He's changed his mind."
I think you accidentally tripped over the reason Dredd failed at the box office. It wasn't a diverse film. The only black person in the film was portrayed as a moron and we all know that's not how black people are in real life. They are unbelievably bright. Look at Wakanda. I think the next Dredd film should be half LGBTQ and half black and as few white people as possible.
This was a masterpiece
Someone needs to make a 3rd film where an AI Clint Eastwood IS Dredd.... as Eastwood in his Dirty Harry role WAS the inspiration for the original Judge Dredd film MUST feature Walter the robot.... lastly the film MUST adhere to the original 2000ad storylines. The Cursed Earth or Block Wars, would make Great films.