Thank you Dr Wong, I am a patient aged 58 of dermatomyositis since 2018, already nearly 7 years. All those scan such as CT, MRI, ultrasound ,swallowing test, lung function test,colonoscopy , regular CK blood test etc have been done on regular basis. And luckily those scans over the years do showed pleasant results. I am non smoker, pretty much no alcohol and have regular exercise. I have been basically stopping medication like steroid for a long time except continuing IVIG which have been over those years from initially monthly to 3 months duration at the moment. It appears my condition have been well managed without any symptoms flared up over last 5 years.Just want to ask how likely my illness can get to remission and fully recovered and can get rid of IVIG.
Teresa , Thank you for your sharing 🎉
Thank you Dr Wong, I am a patient aged 58 of dermatomyositis since 2018, already nearly 7 years. All those scan such as CT, MRI, ultrasound ,swallowing test, lung function test,colonoscopy , regular CK blood test etc have been done on regular basis. And luckily those scans over the years do showed pleasant results. I am non smoker, pretty much no alcohol and have regular exercise. I have been basically stopping medication like steroid for a long time except continuing IVIG which have been over those years from initially monthly to 3 months duration at the moment. It appears my condition have been well managed without any symptoms flared up over last 5 years.Just want to ask how likely my illness can get to remission and fully recovered and can get rid of IVIG.
thank you
王建芳醫生: 可否講講何謂官狀動脈纖維化,謝謝妳
我確診四個月嘅皮肌炎病患者~ 出現肺纖維化,手指腫脹痺固,肌肉骨痛,留医咗兩個星期 。算係好彩,服用咗 類固醇藥,病情好轉咗一半。服药後,单是 肚腩一個月可大兩吋, X光照出,却滿是糞便(一向没有便秘的)。医生開服用 纖维草餅,早上的多了孱狀。肚皮依然很大。 請問如大便積聚喺肚內,第日會否又形成第二種病痛?
我雙手的手指2年前出現紅疹,又有微細的水泡,好痕癢。初期医生判斷是因為疫情時期洗手太多,那些 Detal洗手液所導致。有些医生判斷是主婦手,處方輕微的類固醇揸手,但無效。後來陸續看医生,她們給我較重量的類固醇,揸了幾天好了,但停止了一段時間又復發了。亦有給我醫真菌的葯膏,但都無效。現在連腳指都有,後來看皮膚專科,他況我的手是主婦手,腳指是香港腳,給我輕易類固醇,消炎藥,又有药水浸手和腳指,但都不能根治,只是症狀減退大半。
本身乃肺癌四期患者,由一開始發覺背部皮膚有2cm 圓形陰影,皮膚醫生只給皮膚膏治理,但陰影仍然存在,後來確診肺癌,請問如何確認係皮肌炎,因為抗癌藥亦有引發皮膚痕癢?
王醫生,R CC A是什麼意思?關於主動脈血管瘤!唔該!