Thanks mate, picked this one up for my birthday. Great price, lots of cards and superb artwork 👌 looking forward to playing with my main magic buddy 😊 have you seen radlands and vaalbara? Cracking small box games. 📦 hello and lots of love to everyone in the US, from Southern England near stonehenge. Especially thanks for all the great music. We would be so boring without your influences. And then we can reinterpret it and sell it back to you which is a whole lot of fun and helps us stuffy British express ourselves 😂😂😊😊😊❤x
good video, showing the simple mechanics of the game! you should definitely do a video of you playing a couple of chapters so everyone can understand the feel of the game
Quick question, what size of play mat are you using in this video? Is it 800 mm x 400 mm? If so, it looks about the right size for the game. I would like to get some nice Gears of War themed play mat to go with my GOW: Card Game:)
Thanks for making this video, I was planning on picking up the cards but had no clue the mechanics of the game. I'm a weirdo, so I got the top loading card protectors ordered just to keep them secured.
A lot of replay value. Sometimes we’ll scrap the campaign and just add random cards and play the pvp side of things. Makes some very interesting matches 😂. Or multiple commanders instead of one
While understanding the IP and playing the video games does help grasp why the mechanics are the way they are would help. I don’t think it’s a deal breaker if they haven’t.
absolutely. Knowing the games is a huge help, but its not necessary. The games could have been a great game without the IP. but it does pull heavily on the mechanics of the video game franchise @@wishmeheaven
@@GeekedupgamingTabletop so it seems like the person that wins a scenario gets rewarded but I'd be worried that makes it easier to win the next scenario.. and this could then continue to snowball.. does the game have anything to prevent this?
Maybe i'm just stupid but the discarding after taking direct damage really confuses me. The wording in the book seems odd. Like do you just directly discard two from your draw pile or pick which to discard?
At the end of each chapter, I’ll come in cards. I returned the box and will not be used again during the current campaign. The players will use new command cards during the next chapter.
Thanks mate, picked this one up for my birthday. Great price, lots of cards and superb artwork 👌 looking forward to playing with my main magic buddy 😊 have you seen radlands and vaalbara? Cracking small box games. 📦 hello and lots of love to everyone in the US, from Southern England near stonehenge. Especially thanks for all the great music. We would be so boring without your influences. And then we can reinterpret it and sell it back to you which is a whole lot of fun and helps us stuffy British express ourselves 😂😂😊😊😊❤x
good video, showing the simple mechanics of the game! you should definitely do a video of you playing a couple of chapters so everyone can understand the feel of the game
I’ll definitely see if my wife could help me out with it.
Awesome video dude! I'm excited to finally try it
Want to see if I can get some Skype online matches together
Quick question, what size of play mat are you using in this video? Is it 800 mm x 400 mm? If so, it looks about the right size for the game. I would like to get some nice Gears of War themed play mat to go with my GOW: Card Game:)
Me too. I plan to email the publisher and see if mats are planned to be released
@@GeekedupgamingTabletop OK, let us know the outcome but going back to my question:) Was it a 800 mm x 400 mm mat you are using in video clip?:)
@@thomasraczy2977 I’d have to measure it to be sure but it’s a standard size for magic the gathering.
Thanks for making this video, I was planning on picking up the cards but had no clue the mechanics of the game. I'm a weirdo, so I got the top loading card protectors ordered just to keep them secured.
I bought it for the gears theme. But steam forged games always hits themed games out of the park!!
Thank you!
How's the replay value?
A lot of replay value. Sometimes we’ll scrap the campaign and just add random cards and play the pvp side of things. Makes some very interesting matches 😂. Or multiple commanders instead of one
@@GeekedupgamingTabletop Do you think that players who aren't familiar with the IP at all will also enjoy as much?
While understanding the IP and playing the video games does help grasp why the mechanics are the way they are would help. I don’t think it’s a deal breaker if they haven’t.
absolutely. Knowing the games is a huge help, but its not necessary. The games could have been a great game without the IP. but it does pull heavily on the mechanics of the video game franchise @@wishmeheaven
Can you deploy multiple cards? Like can i deploy 2 ANY cards at the same time?
Excellent video... Curious if the game has any catch up mechanism?
Not sure what you mean by catch up mechanic. Could you elaborate and I may be able to get you an amswer
@@GeekedupgamingTabletop so it seems like the person that wins a scenario gets rewarded but I'd be worried that makes it easier to win the next scenario.. and this could then continue to snowball.. does the game have anything to prevent this?
I believe the game is balanced enough. I’ve not seen in overwhelming advantages whether a win streak happens or not
Maybe i'm just stupid but the discarding after taking direct damage really confuses me. The wording in the book seems odd. Like do you just directly discard two from your draw pile or pick which to discard?
From the top of your deck
So I’m re reading the rule of damage taken and I agree that the rules wording is a little confusing.
How does the command units work during the beginning do you get dom and elite drone before after the round?
The command cards start in game at beginning as part of your set up.
Ok also just one more question after completeting a chapter can you use the same command cards plus the new one or do you use a completely new one.
At the end of each chapter, I’ll come in cards. I returned the box and will not be used again during the current campaign. The players will use new command cards during the next chapter.
How many cards in your starting hand?
Hey myke, a starting hand will be 5 cards.
Can you only attack with 1 unit per turn or can every unit attack?
Each unit activates
Good job. Would love to see you do a tutorial of a little card game called Sunny Day Sardines 😂
I will do this!!
I have a TTS mod if anyone is interested in playing the game.
I think the rules say not to use reaction cards when blocking
We’re filming a gameplay video soon, I’ll be sure to re visit blocking so we’re doing it correctly
Can you upload an actual gameplay video?
Yes!! I’ll be posting one soon
can you upload real gameplay?
@@GeekedupgamingTabletop thank you so much
Hey! I see Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark tattoo! Very cool!
Loving that Rainbow Dash cutie mark tattoo