Це відео не доступне.

The Human Face of Soviet Russia (1984)



  • @tibzig1
    @tibzig1 11 місяців тому +55

    As a child of the Cold War, I was a teenager in the mid to late 1970s and can relate to everything here. I was then living in my native country, Pakistan, and clearly remember the propaganda wars between the USA and USSR. There was a Soviet place in the city of Karachi called "The Friendship House." It was free and open to all.
    We kids would go there and watch free Soviet movies (mostly their own propaganda) but being that young, it was all entertainment to us. They also taught Russian if one wanted to learn, free of course. At times they also had "cultural functions" where they provided food. They would hand out free issues of "Pravda," the Soviet propaganda magazine, in the English versions.
    On the other end of the spectrum, the US embassy in the same city had similar "programs." You could access their library, learn English, watch movies and so forth. We used to listen to "Voice of America" and this was the US side of things! Us kids would take advantage of both places! LOL! It was just fun and free stuff to us! We were just too young and naive to understand the depth behind these opposing philosophies plus our own Islamic background kept us from getting "too close." How things have changed.

    • @uglaegilsdottir
      @uglaegilsdottir 11 місяців тому +3

      That awkward moment you realize that everything said in "Pravda" is actually true!

    • @tibzig1
      @tibzig1 11 місяців тому +2

      @@uglaegilsdottir At 65 now, I can say one thing with complete conviction. I now know how little I know! LOL! But as a young person I had all the answers. But another fact that I have observed which is absolutely true about the human animal: We are the top and worst and predator in nature because unlike other predators, we intentionally destroy everything around us including our mental health! I have no idea if anything in Pravda was true anymore than if all that is said about the so-called good life in the West is true.

    • @pandos_bandos
      @pandos_bandos 11 місяців тому

      ​@uglaegilsdottir In so called "Pravda"😁 for decades was told that USA 🇺🇸 will collapse any day. And somehow so called "USSR", but eventually that Empire of Evil COLLAPSED. Ha ha ha😁 You're just BRAINWASHED ruSSian Fascist-ruSShist Z-ZOMBIE as most of ruSSian Fascist Z-ZOMBIE population. RF is ZOMBIELAND🧟‍♂️📺🧟‍♀️📺🧟‍♀️📺🧟‍♀️ Instead of "Pravda" you got now ruSSian Fascist TV and other media to BRAINWASH ruSSian Fascist Occupants and send them to SOVEREIGN country of 🇺🇦 Ukraine with rusty "kalashnikov" against HIMARS to DIE for retarded Dictator Putin by nickname "Huylo". Over 230 THOUSAND DEAD ruSSian Fascist Occupants are at the Kabzon Concert and all together are waiting for "Collapse of USA" Aha ha ha👍🏻😁 You, guys forgot your own saying: "Do not dig a grave for your Neighbor. Because you going to fall into it yourself" And that's what happening for ruSSian Fascist Occupants in Ukraine. So, you're just ruSSian Fascist Z-ZOMBIE. Stop spreading your Kremlin's Propaganda POISON here. And at the end I'm going to repeat FAMOUS saying: ruSSian Fascist Warship "Moscow", idi na huy! 🚀 🚀🔥🔥🔥☠️☠️☠️

    • @dmitriysmith.1672
      @dmitriysmith.1672 11 місяців тому

      @@uglaegilsdottir АХАХАХАХАХАХАХАХАХА
      Именно поэтому союз и развалился. А США до сих пор живёт и здравствует. Ну, никто не мешает тебе дрочить на мертвый совок и марксизм дальше.

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому

      That's an interesting perspective. I'm pure blooded American. I'm not very happy with how my country is doing.

  • @Earth098
    @Earth098 11 місяців тому +7

    Thanks for uploading!!

  • @onedaywewill
    @onedaywewill 11 місяців тому +7

    This was a real eye-opener, thanks for posting.

    • @dmitriysmith.1672
      @dmitriysmith.1672 11 місяців тому +1

      Это лишь пропаганда, в реальности дела обстояли намного, намного хуже.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 11 місяців тому

      ​@@dmitriysmith.1672No it wasn't. USSR was far better than today's Russia.

  • @zyou8er
    @zyou8er 11 місяців тому +59

    I got to visit Moscow, Kaliningrad, Saint Petersburg and Sochi Recently, and I was amazed! I have never felt as safe as I did in those cities.

    • @Aleksa_Lomako
      @Aleksa_Lomako 11 місяців тому


    • @ingihrannar8781
      @ingihrannar8781 11 місяців тому +7

      What a strange thing to take note of! Safety is a safely assumed thing in the European union

    • @Aleksa_Lomako
      @Aleksa_Lomako 11 місяців тому


    • @Aleksa_Lomako
      @Aleksa_Lomako 11 місяців тому

      You didn't get robbed by a methamphetamine addict ? 😂 You didn't get HIV AIDS from a street whore ? 😂 You didn't get robbed by a released colony prisoner ? 😂

    • @tshandy1
      @tshandy1 11 місяців тому +12

      In the U.S. so much of the violence in our cities comes from the descendants of African slaves. We are perpetually punished for the sins of our ancestors.

  • @rosemarybasha4591
    @rosemarybasha4591 11 місяців тому +11

    This video paints a rosy picture of life in the USSR. A few years after this video’s release, the USSR collapsed.

  • @palpaladin315
    @palpaladin315 11 місяців тому +18

    I remember this as a kid. A lot of my mates whom watched this, asked me if this was true? I said, its is, but like anywhere, the extent to which it is the same for all, is different; and Russia is huge, though its supposed to be the same for all. - This is what socialism, or rather 'social experimentalism', is; a permanent revolution of society (we term progressivism), that is ultimately unsustainable.
    The burden on the state was no joke, it was enormous. Listen carefully at whats being said, it very much sounds like wokeism, sure, but there are clues in there for those wondering what systemically forced the USSR to close its doors. - and I put it like that because, the nuts and bolts of it, really was like that. A massive corporation; and when a corpiration runs out of money, its curtains.
    So yes. The closure of the USSR was a great tragedy culturally. - however, anyone that wants to try this had better think twice; or have a lot more money stashed away all over the world. - because, for this to sustain itself it needs a lot of cooperation from other parts of the world. Which can't be guaranteed. Frankly, given recent events its not even guaranteed stashing money away all over the world is safe anymore.

    • @markschade6951
      @markschade6951 10 місяців тому +2

      Exactly. If you only half pay attention it sounds great. Bus rides cost practically nothing. Telephone calls cost nothing. Healthcare costs nothing. Food is cheap. Great, right? Well where does it all come from? How is the infrastructure maintained? How are the costs for labor and materials paid? Well it doesn't matter the State centrally plans everything and it all goes perfectly! Until it doesn't anymore...

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому

      Stashing money all over the world has never been safe. And it never will be. I have a deep hatred for a huge centralized state. Doesn't matter if it's the USSR, or the USA. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Human nature is what it is, regardless of the country. The powers that be are doing all they can to create chaos so they can concentrate all of the power into their own greedy, grubby hands.

  • @PolarChimes
    @PolarChimes 11 місяців тому +12

    A really interesting glimpse into another time and place

  • @RB-bd5tz
    @RB-bd5tz Рік тому +21

    10:00 "These traditional songs and dances remind them of the strength and humour and the capacity for joy of the ordinary people ... of earlier times." Oof.

    • @MiSt3300
      @MiSt3300 Рік тому

      yeah I felt it too

    • @Andrey198923
      @Andrey198923 11 місяців тому +5

      There is more funny that is a Ukranian folk dance but narrator call it Russian (for me it is one brother nation, I still truly bilieve in that). But now all EU and USA news media told us that Ukranian not same to Russian and emphasaise it all the time. See how they change their mind 30 years later))))))

    • @oleand14
      @oleand14 11 місяців тому +4

      @@Andrey198923man, this video do not at all show real life in the soviet…
      the wast majority had huge economic hardship and the forced movement of entire villages was common.
      this is very much a late soviet propaganda video…
      a few years after this video there was a revolution after all

    • @DmitryTihomirow
      @DmitryTihomirow 11 місяців тому

      ​@@oleand14, what are the economic difficulties? It is now, under capitalism, economic difficulties, and in the USSR there were no economic difficulties.
      Now the payment for utilities is 1/2 - 1/4 of the salary, and in the USSR we paid 1/10 - 1/15 of the salary for utilities.
      What are the movements of entire villages?
      Do you mean the USA, when the Indians were driven off their land and driven into the reservations in which they still live?
      In the USSR, whole villages and towns were really resettled when these settlements fell into the flood zone during the construction of hydroelectric power plants. But this happened in the second half of the 20th century in all developed countries, both in Europe and in America. Only, unlike capitalist countries, the USSR did not get rid of people with monetary compensation for lost housing, but provided comfortable apartments to all relocated people, and if there were children in families, then these apartments were provided near schools and kindergartens.
      Какие экономические трудности? Это сейчас, при капитализме, экономические трудности, а в СССР не было никаких экономических трудностей.
      Сейчас плата за коммунальные услуги составляет 1/2 - 1/4 зарплаты, а в СССР мы платили за коммунальные услуги 1/10 - 1/15 зарплаты.
      Какие перемещения целых деревень?
      Это вы имеете в виду США, когда индейцев сгоняли с их земли и загоняли в резервации, в которых они живут до сих пор?
      В СССР действительно переселяли целые деревни и города, когда при строительстве ГЭС эти населённые пункты попадали в зону затопления. Но это во второй половине 20-го века происходило во всех развитых странах и в Европе, и в Америке. Только в отличие от капиталистических стран СССР не отделывался от людей денежной компенсацией за утраченное жильё, а предоставлял всем переселяемым людям благоустроенные квартиры, а если в семьях были дети, то эти квартиры предоставлялись вблизи школ и детских садов.

    • @UnKnown-ur9fq
      @UnKnown-ur9fq 11 місяців тому

      @@Andrey198923 this is a myth that the Russians invented to hide their anger and hostility towards the Ukrainians! A Ukrainian is not the same as a Russian - I'm telling you as a Ukrainian. Ukrainians and Russians are completely different people - a different language, a different culture, mentality, thinking, values. today the Russians took off their masks and showed their true face - the whole essence of Russians is to drink vodka, kill someone and destroy something. Ukrainians are ready to die for their freedom, while Russians die for their slavery.

  • @xaviert.123
    @xaviert.123 11 місяців тому +18

    It wasn't perfect by any means, but set some standards that we've sadly strayed from these days.

    • @-Egor-
      @-Egor- 11 місяців тому +1

      Nobody is perfect.

  • @johnarmstrong3140
    @johnarmstrong3140 11 місяців тому +14

    I was in Armenia recently. I heard a friend say to another Armenian friend that the USSR were “kind times” ( Добрые времена)

    • @-Egor-
      @-Egor- 11 місяців тому +7

      As we say in Russia: "Before, the grass was greener, the sun was warmer, the snow was whiter, the air was cleaner and people were kinder." Friendly greetings from Russia.

  • @russrh
    @russrh Рік тому +22

    He joined the waiting list and paid his $9000. I notice they didnt mention how long the wait was 🤣

    • @Doo_Doo_Patrol
      @Doo_Doo_Patrol 11 місяців тому +2

      Probably till after he died.

    • @Andrey198923
      @Andrey198923 11 місяців тому +2

      if you talk about a appt people wait aproximetly 10 years (thay get it free of charge, you can not just buy appt even if you have money). cost of appt in modern price about 170 000 $ for 50 m2. If we talk about a car then everyone buy 2-3 years old car (buy a new one was imposible, only for gov and military forses bla bla). cost in modern money rate about 80 000 for chevy cobalt

    • @stormywindmill
      @stormywindmill 11 місяців тому +4

      He also probably got invited to an interview with a certain organization to explain where he got the $9000.

    • @sorinbalanescu6819
      @sorinbalanescu6819 11 місяців тому +7

      That answer is in one of Ronald Reagan jokes:
      “One of Reagan’s best Jokes.
      Soviet apparatchik: OK you can have a new car. Pay for it now and you can collect it in 10 years from today. Russian asks: Morning or afternoon. Soviet: why would that matter. Russian: the plumber is coming in the morning.”

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому


  • @shinonkim4814
    @shinonkim4814 11 місяців тому +14

    I would like to see a documentary a decade and a half later on the faces of the fall of the Soviet Union.

    • @USBBenson
      @USBBenson 6 місяців тому +1

      There are lots. Just do a search

  • @dhbroussard89
    @dhbroussard89 11 місяців тому +5

    Keeping little sergey home from pre school was a way for mom and dad to make sure little Sergey did not become a Marxist

  • @davidweston9115
    @davidweston9115 Рік тому +42

    1:06:13 has the most poignant thought of the whole film; and very sad that it's no longer true.

    • @sillyoldbastard3280
      @sillyoldbastard3280 11 місяців тому +6

      Keep dreaming, austerity was Soviet Russia. Russians are far more prosperous now.

    • @PiperTMTotalWar
      @PiperTMTotalWar 11 місяців тому +1

      @@sillyoldbastard3280 Maybes this austerity will soon be felt again under Putin's regime.

    • @arturallay8116
      @arturallay8116 11 місяців тому +3

      @@PiperTMTotalWar another baby killer

    • @simoncollins6529
      @simoncollins6529 11 місяців тому +5

      Yeah, the family is under attack in the West

    • @PlaAwa
      @PlaAwa 11 місяців тому

      20 mil dead was most poignant for me. it's easy to forget or not hear about the fact that the russian holocaust was at least 3 times greater than the jewish one. you can understand why some of them still have a bee in their bonnet. and why the allegations of nazism in the ukraine is really a stab at the west and germany. all of these rogue states have a history of being violated brutally

  • @jdhawkins8500
    @jdhawkins8500 11 місяців тому +7

    Very informative, Thank you.

  • @xtrajently
    @xtrajently 11 місяців тому +30

    When I hear about the soviet "Free Healthcare", every time I remember my father going unconscious due to pain shock, while undergoing jaw surgery without anesthetics.
    During the 80s, I also had the pleasure of doing root canal(and some other dental procedures) with absolutely no pain lowering medications.
    I would love to share those sensations with anyone who is teary-eyed about the soviet Free Healthcare..

    • @mikeb5372
      @mikeb5372 11 місяців тому +1

      Where were you?

    • @user-yh2pd6dp9o
      @user-yh2pd6dp9o 11 місяців тому +1

      You are right. This is why I was scared to go to the dantist in USSR.

    • @Red_Lion2000
      @Red_Lion2000 11 місяців тому +11

      sounds like yankee propaganda.
      im sure it would be better to go into life crippling debt for the dental work instead.

    • @user-yh2pd6dp9o
      @user-yh2pd6dp9o 11 місяців тому +3

      @@Red_Lion2000 in Russia now the dantists are not so expensive as they are in USA.

    • @tshandy1
      @tshandy1 11 місяців тому

      The wanna-be communists in the U.S. believe they can wish free healthcare to be different. And their believing is good enough for them.

  • @whyme760
    @whyme760 11 місяців тому +48

    Welll...those days are gone.....free education, free health care, low rents, having fun for fun sake with friends....wholesome laughter....and kids enjoying school and life and job security.

    • @W_H_K
      @W_H_K 11 місяців тому +21

      Free gulag.

    • @gabrielferrer3205
      @gabrielferrer3205 11 місяців тому

      It's because of the neolibs like Reagan and Thatcher.

    • @Ismdg
      @Ismdg 11 місяців тому +6

      @@W_H_KFree Gulags? Ok if you are so smart what are gulags and how did they affect the whole soviet population

    • @thisoldgoat3927
      @thisoldgoat3927 11 місяців тому +10

      All that "freedom" comes at a cost.

    • @realslimsh8y
      @realslimsh8y 11 місяців тому

      Outside of the big cities soviet russia looked like your average poor hood either run by the russian mafia or a bunch of angry commie soldiers that shoot u if you disagree with them

  • @scotty200480
    @scotty200480 11 місяців тому +22

    You can see why a lot of the older generation say that miss the USSR, times were better.

    • @petejames1326
      @petejames1326 11 місяців тому +14

      i agree 100% in the USSR everyone had a job and had an apartment and rents did not go up every year like here, here in the west now you have freedom yes, but we are slaves to the system, i work 80hrs a week driving a cab for what? to pay rent and bills and eat and sleep, yes i have freedom but freedom does not pay the bills does it, in the USSR you didnt have to worry about getting kicked out of your apartment because the rent stayed the same mostly, there was no luxury yes, but there was stability

    • @ChrisTian-lf2oh
      @ChrisTian-lf2oh 11 місяців тому +2

      @@petejames1326 No offence, but are you by any means an American?
      80 hours a week is not normal by any means, in Europe.

    • @alaska3300
      @alaska3300 11 місяців тому

      @@ChrisTian-lf2oh40 hrs a week is a normal work week in America. Anything over that is over time

    • @alaska3300
      @alaska3300 11 місяців тому

      @@petejames1326Educate yourself you fool! You don’t have a clue what communism would be like. Go to a communist country and see how long you last before you run back to freedom!

    • @agffans5725
      @agffans5725 11 місяців тому +1

      @@petejames1326.. Denmark here, I'm a home owner, of a 95 m2 = 1,022.5 sq. ft. house in the outskirts of the 2nd largest city in Denmark. Partly renovated in late 2021 (new 3-layer/triple pane windows, new doors, new red tile roof). The house mortgage is just around $450 a month + a $212 private homeowners cooperative community association fee (which include property taxes, a homeowners' insurance, outdoor/external maintenance and renovations, including, windows, roof, private community roads and sidewalks, snow plowing and salt spreading service, trash & garbage disposal service)
      My electricity bill is around $34 a month, while the hot water/heating bill is around $71 a month in fixed monthly installments (got around $70 back at the end of last year), but my suppliers neither use oil or gas, only renewables.
      So $662 a month all included + $140 a month for water, electricity and heating
      Internet, 2 phones, an extra large TV package = $145 a month
      Food and all the other stuff you would need = $290 a month
      So all included I spend around $1,237 a month to pay for all the basic necessities.
      I earn around $245 to $360 a day, depending on the hours and day of the week, and my present part-time job as a night watch with no degree required (though I do have one) is nothing fancy.
      My income taxes are around 25% when you consider all the deductibles and that the first around $7,000 you earn a year is totally tax free in Denmark. So in principle I only need to work 7 days a month on average for all the basic necessities to be paid for.
      In comparison a security guard with 4-5 years experience like me, earn 23,400 rubles = around $256 a month in Russia and an apartment (3 bedrooms) in the outskirts of Saint Petersburg is 52,447 rubles = around $575 a month.

  • @elchavo3372
    @elchavo3372 11 місяців тому +12

    Where did you got that bottle of vodka cost $15 in former USSR. It was essential to keep people high. Cheapest vodka cost 3 rubles 62 kopeks per 0.5 liter bottle of vodka , a bit better vodka 4.12 . official exchange rate was around 90 kopeks for dollar, unofficial 8 rubles per Dollar. So, 0.5 liter was cheaper than 50 cents.

    • @stormywindmill
      @stormywindmill 11 місяців тому +10

      Correct, I spotted his way-out price of vodka, Vodka was dirt cheap because staying drunk was the way of getting through a miserable existence for most Russians, I lived and worked there from 1984--86. Russia was a giant prison camp full of unhappy people, tatty and falling to bits. Who could have guessed in 1984 the inefficient bankrupt Communist system had only six more years to live.

    • @Mercmad
      @Mercmad 11 місяців тому +1

      I am sure this documentary was made by Channel 10 in Australia. I was there just after the fall of the USSR and it was almost the same as this doco portrays ,especially the Trolley .I saw lots of them which had flowers and potted plants in the drivers space. 😁😁A vodka was damned cheap although I knew people who made their own .

    • @Getoffmycloud53
      @Getoffmycloud53 11 місяців тому +1

      @@stormywindmillRussia is still there, Rhodesia is not.

  • @daddygrasshopper
    @daddygrasshopper 9 місяців тому +2

    Valuable as view of the pop culture of the USSR of the time, and some anecdotal daily life insights as well. But this is an incredibly optimistic depiction- the young children in the video are of my approximate age group, and would go on to grow up during tremendous social and political turmoil. If things were truly this favorable for everyone (which I doubt) then at best it was a house of cards ready to tumble...

  • @robertplatte5700
    @robertplatte5700 11 місяців тому +3

    An Australian commentator, how good is that

  • @wegder
    @wegder 11 місяців тому +5

    The good old days of total censorship.

  • @myhoose90
    @myhoose90 11 місяців тому +16

    Its amazing and sad at the same time how many people think Russia and its population are from another planet....... try actually getting to know them for a change instead of hating them like we are being constantly told to do!...... you might learn they are no different to the rest of us humans

    • @pellepopcorn6129
      @pellepopcorn6129 11 місяців тому +1

      No one hates Russians ))) But not a single decent man likes a neonazi dictator-kleptoman. Come to Moscow and visit all the great, fantastic places, but also listen to what common Russians in Moscow think. No support there for nor the dictator or for the war. Never ever has anyone told me to “hate Russians” ))) How silly.

    • @dmitriysmith.1672
      @dmitriysmith.1672 11 місяців тому +4

      А кто тебе говорит ненавидеть их? Правительство и народ это разные вещи.

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому

      That's generally true of most people groups. It's always those assholes in power that fu$k everything up. And the lap dogs that protect the psychopaths.

  • @PolarChimes
    @PolarChimes 11 місяців тому +1

    Does anyone know the name of the song starting at 1:06:45?

  • @marius1004
    @marius1004 11 місяців тому +4

    Like, Like, like. How beautiful.

  • @rapid789
    @rapid789 Рік тому +25

    The Russians are impressive.

    • @theafricanobserver8785
      @theafricanobserver8785 11 місяців тому +4

      They love utopia, to be free is a concept that is hard for them to understand

    • @afkfromk1
      @afkfromk1 11 місяців тому +3

      @@theafricanobserver8785 go back to Start and try again

    • @Andrey198923
      @Andrey198923 11 місяців тому +3

      ​@@theafricanobserver8785 you are free? If you think in canva what is narrated you from TV or Internet media of your country, it is not a freedom. You just accept someone point of view, point of view that is allow to you to accept, and think it is your choice. It is more sophisticated that it was in USSR? - yes! Does it freedom? - no!

    • @Nils.Minimalist
      @Nils.Minimalist 11 місяців тому

      Impressive? 😂
      The old Russians still can't handle their freedom, even after more than 30 years, that's why they wish their Soviet dictatorship back ... Vatniks ... they are like little children who need a parent to guide them in the most brutal way! A pathetic nation!

    • @spingebill8551
      @spingebill8551 11 місяців тому +3

      You mean Soviets. The Russians are just one group of several groups of people who all worked together as the Soviet peoples, although I wouldn’t say everything was so fine and dandy all the time for a lot of these other groups compared to the Russians.

  • @mtokurow
    @mtokurow 11 місяців тому +3

    13:15 - I have a question: 600$ (~360 rub.) for a dock worker was it a lot or a little in contemporary (it means of 1984) UK, France, USA or other Western country?

    • @vgrepairs
      @vgrepairs 11 місяців тому +3

      A typical house in 1984 in the USA would cost about $75,000

    • @vgrepairs
      @vgrepairs 11 місяців тому +1

      Minimum wage was $120 a week in the USA in 1984. Federal income Taxes were about 15% then you had state income taxes of an extra percentage and also extra fees from local governments. So you went home with about $100 a week.

    • @dmitriysmith.1672
      @dmitriysmith.1672 11 місяців тому +2

      @@vgrepairs и всё равно это гораздо, гораздо больше чем в СССР.
      Средняя зарплата в СССР была меньше 100₽. 100₽ в месяц! А не 360₽. И надо учитывать, что курс по отношению к доллару был рисованым, ибо рубль был неконтролируемой валютой по факту. На чёрном, реальном рынке рубль стоил в разы меньше официального.

  • @mwtrolle
    @mwtrolle 11 місяців тому +4

    "A 1984 documentary chronicling everyday life in the USSR." From the perspective of mainly party members and controlled by propaganda commissaries.

    • @mwtrolle
      @mwtrolle 11 місяців тому

      Crazy that an Australian company would do propaganda for the USSR like this.

    • @mjfan653
      @mjfan653 5 місяців тому

      In 1984 all footage exported from the ussr had to be reviewed by the kgb and approved. It was law. Also filming inside the ussr required approval from the kgb, unions and the party.
      So if the Australians wanted to do a documentary, the russians said “of course, I just happen to know a few well off people who have no complaints”

  • @RonsRareRecords
    @RonsRareRecords Рік тому +3

    The singer at 1:06:45 is Nina Matviyenko.

    • @PolarChimes
      @PolarChimes 11 місяців тому

      Do you happen to know the song? Thanks

  • @Houthiandtheblowfish
    @Houthiandtheblowfish Рік тому +2

    the lexus and vovan videos told us what people really are are doing

  • @gabrielferrer3205
    @gabrielferrer3205 11 місяців тому +8

    Hakim must be delighted to see this video. Where's the long slow queue on stores in this video? Oh wait that only happened when Gorbachev introduced Capitalism in USSR..

    • @ivanmihaelmatkovic2464
      @ivanmihaelmatkovic2464 11 місяців тому +3

      There were always long lines for basics like bread, especially in the morning. It worsened after Hrushchov's policies by using corn meal, which made bread last less. The free market is superior to a command economy, which makes your argument not have sense. Besides, capitalism was never introduced in the Soviet Union, the transition to capitalism was annulled half way during the 500 day program.

  • @Julioalexlipa
    @Julioalexlipa 11 місяців тому +10

    I am from peru in southamerica, My brother received a scholarship to study medicine in the Crimea university, when I was just 1 year born, I grew up seeing his photos of Soviet culture, books with magnificent illustrations, wonderful music, all souvenirs that he sent from the Soviet Union, he got married there and returned after finishing his studies. a few years later the soviet union fell.
    Many years later, he found out that the family that housed him in his youth had to flee Odessa during the Maydan coup.
    the current war has destroyed a beautiful country, nato is the bloodiest terrorist organization that rusia has suffered since the nazis
    For my part, I feel that I love Russia, I know some people and soon I will travel there and settle in Vladyvostok.

    • @pellepopcorn6129
      @pellepopcorn6129 11 місяців тому +1

      Russia have quite many neonazis of their own. Why would they want a Peruvian neonazi? The Russians aren’t pro-putlerism if you haven’t noticed ))) Walk in any park and hear the political talks the Russians have with each other and read what the young generation writes on walls and benches )) No support for mr Putler there. But for the moment, he’s the neonazi dictator.

    • @Bill-oy7jy
      @Bill-oy7jy 11 місяців тому +1

      No se le haría mas fácil simplemente mudándose a Cuba?
      Lastima que Perú no tuvo su propio Pinochet.

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому

      I'm a pure blooded American.
      I hate NATO. I want it dissolved. I want my country to stop being the world police and I'd prefer us to be a lot more isolationist. But that won't happen, sadly.

  • @danielwilliams4195
    @danielwilliams4195 11 місяців тому

    Does anyone know the name of the "well known, lighthearted Russian folk dance' that starts around 56:30?

    • @user-pe3qq5ji5d
      @user-pe3qq5ji5d 11 місяців тому +1

      It s not a russian dance,but western ukrainian. One of those dances.hutsuls dance it

    • @danielwilliams4195
      @danielwilliams4195 11 місяців тому +3

      @@user-pe3qq5ji5d Ukranian, huh? No wonder I like it so much. Thank you. Do you know what they say during the dance? The women say something in unison, then the men say something. Also, a man calls something out and the women do a spin. I'm curious what it all means.

  • @djdrack4681
    @djdrack4681 9 місяців тому

    From US. Where did these videos come from. Some of them are quite amazing in content and what they knowingly or unknowingly reveal about Soviet life.
    Where did they come from? Are these USSR propaganda films, or independent documentaries? Cuz if the latter, how? Being communist I'd expect that such things as documentaries werent' really possibly....lack of freedoms of speech/press and such.
    I've heard of kino runners back in day that would smuggle movies into, and other stuff out of Soviet Rus. But I've never heard of a 'Soviet Film Industry' back in day.

  • @nathanaramco6813
    @nathanaramco6813 11 місяців тому +1

    What minute mark is the photo found at?

    • @CuttySobz
      @CuttySobz 11 місяців тому


    • @MikhailANKIR
      @MikhailANKIR 11 місяців тому

      You really want that tits do ya?

    • @bartomiejtudryk5649
      @bartomiejtudryk5649 Місяць тому +1

      @@CuttySobz creep is the author of this vid who put this foto upfront

    • @CuttySobz
      @CuttySobz Місяць тому

      @@bartomiejtudryk5649 and the one who looks for it

  • @Fabian-Wenzel
    @Fabian-Wenzel 11 місяців тому +16

    The rents for housing were also fixed by the state in USSR. The State Price Commission set prices in the USSR. Each Warsaw Pact country also had a State Prize Commission. To compensate for the lack of freedom, there was all-round care for the citizens. In the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, there were never people who were unemployed. There was pointless work, for some, because there was a legal obligation to work. Full employment for all citizens existed because the world of work was not nearly as automatized as in the West. On the other hand, the factories of the socialist countries were far from being competitive on the world market. In principle, there were no enterprises that were privately organized, since all enterprises were people's property, but in practice they were state property. No enterprise was allowed to decide for itself how much to produce; that was dictated by the state planning commission. The plans were valid for between 2 and 5 years.

    • @dsadawrware
      @dsadawrware 11 місяців тому

      Yes everything was nciely planned, you got a house and a job, but the country had no exports and couldnt pay its debts, everyone in Romania and other soviet bloc countries would wait for hours if not days in line to get a fucking orange or banana and to buy a shitty soviet car you were put on a waiting list of 5 years for the priviledge, and you had 0 freedom to travel freely. Big failure, I still remember the poverty and misery of the 1990s in the wake of the old system.

    • @-kruz
      @-kruz 11 місяців тому +2

      Но, это не совсем правда, так как советские фотоаппараты хорошо продавались, автомобили возможно из-за дешевизны, возможно трамваи, тепловозы, если в стране производилось практически всё и качество было относительно нынешних дешёвых китайских товаров отличное, то наверняка пользовалось спросом, дефицит в последние годы возможно был связан с продажей товаров заграницу и желанием разбогатеть поздних руководителей советских предприятий, которые имели свои коррективы, свой бизнес, уже тогда зародилась мафия. И последние годы СССР это и рэкет и кооперативы, и огромные доходы у шоу-бизнеса, плановая экономика уже не справилась с полукапитализмом.

    • @-kruz
      @-kruz 11 місяців тому +1

      А Горбачёв наверное хотел развалить СССР, сначала он развалил Восточный блок, вывел войска из Афганистана. Способствовал объединению Германии. Простые граждане не понимали, что СССР движется к развалу. А Горбачёв подготовил союзный договор, плюс внутри СССР начались вооружённые конфликты, что очень странно, откуда у простых людей оружие, и против армии простые люди бессильны.

    • @hananokuni2580
      @hananokuni2580 11 місяців тому

      ​@@-kruz In the West, Soviet-made goods were often considered to be inferior in quality, even if this was not necessarily true.

    • @DmitryTihomirow
      @DmitryTihomirow 11 місяців тому +3

      There was no unemployment in the USSR because labor was less automated than in the West?
      So you think that unemployment exists because labor is too automated? 😂😂😂
      And what about unemployment in the 19th - early 20th century? In those days, why was there unemployment? After all, there was no automation then.
      It's just that unemployment is a necessary element of the market system. The capitalist needs a labor market. Under capitalism, everything is for sale, including labor. Labor is a commodity. If there is a labor market, then there is unemployment, and if there is no market, there is no unemployment.
      В СССР не было безработицы потому что труд был менее автоматизирован, чем на западе?То есть вы полагаете, что безработица существует потому, что труд слишком автоматизирован? 😂😂😂
      А как на счёт безработицы в 19м - начале 20го века? В те времена отчего была безработица? Ведь тогда не было автоматизации.
      Просто безработица - это необходимый элемент рыночной системы. Капиталисту нужен рынок труда. При капитализме всё продаётся, в том числе и труд. Труд является товаром. Если есть рынок труда, то есть и безработица, а при отсутствии рынка безработицы нет.

  • @stinyg
    @stinyg 11 місяців тому +3

    When this was happening, Putin was in east germany catching snitches.

    • @katalinkiss120
      @katalinkiss120 11 місяців тому

      Putin was a lawyer

    • @stinyg
      @stinyg 11 місяців тому

      @@katalinkiss120 Putin was KGB colnel stationed in East Germany.

    @GHAWBBA 11 місяців тому +4


  • @redsamson5185
    @redsamson5185 11 місяців тому +1

    the bride breaks a glass like the hatan groom does.

  • @lapplandsjagare
    @lapplandsjagare 11 місяців тому +1

    Hello from Sweden 🇸🇪

  • @marcomalo02
    @marcomalo02 11 місяців тому +1

    How did it all work out?

  • @billbailey1620
    @billbailey1620 Рік тому +7

    a lot of the older people who can remember the ussr are realy pissed at what happened to there country and like Americans who remember when America was 90 oercent white dont like what they see now

    • @Izannaziza
      @Izannaziza Рік тому

      America was never white in he first place.

    • @katalinkiss120
      @katalinkiss120 11 місяців тому

      You mean after they genocided the Native Americans?

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому

      American here. I don't give a crap about skin color. I care about the content of character. And communists have infected the cultural centers. McCarthy was apparently correct. We were being overrun by commies. Now, 80 years into it, they have destroyed the blessings of faith and freedom with their satanic, trash ideaologies.

  • @davidovicc
    @davidovicc 11 місяців тому +1

    they know what gander they are.

  • @SigurdGR
    @SigurdGR 11 місяців тому

    Posturing in the flash.

  • @enzotanzi2609
    @enzotanzi2609 11 місяців тому +10

    this doc is about how life in the Soviet Union could have been without the kgb

  • @rohitmishra9517
    @rohitmishra9517 11 місяців тому +43

    World was better during that time due to the presence of two super powers

    • @Nils.Minimalist
      @Nils.Minimalist 11 місяців тому

      No! There was the constant threat of nuclear war between the free world and the soviet dictatorship! Soviets at that time / Russians today can not deal with power, they fall through a corrupt government into a mafia state that threatens the whole world! This country has no right to exist!

    • @sluxi
      @sluxi 11 місяців тому +14

      Absolutely not. So many people were being oppressed by the USSR, either directly within the regime or within their "sphere of influence". So much suffering was caused by Stalin's purges and conquests during WW2. So much less had to be spent on military after it fell. Unfortunately Russia is now pushing those budgets up again but at least it is smaller than the USSR was.

    • @meatpuppet5036
      @meatpuppet5036 11 місяців тому +1

      @prestallar4339 not even close

    • @sluxi
      @sluxi 11 місяців тому +4

      @prestallar4339 nah, the usa is not sending millions to gulags, oppressing its own people or forcing governments around the world to poverty and similar oppression. The USA is nowhere close to as bad as the soviet union was or current Russia is.

    • @MakersMark723
      @MakersMark723 11 місяців тому +4

      @prestallar4339 The US might not be a perfect country, but at least we aren't oppressed by our own government and can essentially do whatever we want barring legality. We can say LITERALLY whatever we want about our government with our right to freedom of speech. If the Soviets/Russian citizens were to protest or slander the state and it's government, they would be killed, sent to gulags or at a minimum, arrested which is what we are seeing now for the protesters in Moscow against the war in Ukraine. They are performing peaceful protests and getting arrested which if the police were to do that in the US, they can be sued for violating our rights. With the two superpowers during the Cold War, the population of both countries were in constant fear of nuclear annihilation. Back then students would have to conduct nuclear disaster drills which aren't done in today's school.

  • @tshandy1
    @tshandy1 11 місяців тому +2

    The "collective" concept is appealing in some ways, but only if everyone is of equal ability and willingness to work toward the common good. In truth, some people aren't smart and some people are just plain lazy. Also, these collectives were protected from economic reality with heavy government subsidies, and when the USSR could no longer afford those subsidies, the collective idea started to fall apart.

    • @tshandy1
      @tshandy1 11 місяців тому +1

      But I will add the Russian people are beautiful -- inside and out. A fantastic culture and history. We can never allow the West to drag us into a war against them.

    • @dkamphaus43
      @dkamphaus43 11 місяців тому

      That's why socialism fails. It's an attractive idea but it doesn't match up with reality.

    • @dmitriysmith.1672
      @dmitriysmith.1672 11 місяців тому +1

      @@tshandy1 зато Путину позволим)))

  • @spider6660
    @spider6660 11 місяців тому +2

    I learned a lot about Soviet history in schools. Eventhough life was living with less freedom and food ration systems education, healthcare, households etc are all free and doesn't need to be worried about, which is now bringing more wealth inequality in many developed countries.

    • @katalinkiss120
      @katalinkiss120 11 місяців тому +7

      It really depends on how you define freedom - in US you have "freedom" to sleep under bridges and pay for health care and education (or not)

    • @tuxlinux5565
      @tuxlinux5565 11 місяців тому +1

      Not in Germany

  • @charlesschwartz4681
    @charlesschwartz4681 11 місяців тому +3

    What a wonderful video of the true life of the Russian people and how they live , work, play and down to earth goodness...If the government people would spend less time fighting in the world and spend more time loving their families , we would be so much ahead!! But greed , money and power leads to whatwe have today!!

  • @perry3556
    @perry3556 11 місяців тому +2

    What is the purpose of this movie? Talk about sugar-coating the former Soviet Union. I just find it totally depressing.

  • @typedef_
    @typedef_ 11 місяців тому +1

    song starting 9:03 🔥tho

  • @pseudonymname5941
    @pseudonymname5941 11 місяців тому +5

    What a pile of propaganda hilarity. Everything's great. Just wait 10 years for a car. So much "money" but nothing to buy.

  • @katalinkiss120
    @katalinkiss120 11 місяців тому

    Made by Film Australia when documentaries were just that

  • @giritharjeevasuba5206
    @giritharjeevasuba5206 11 місяців тому +1


  • @pauliewalnuts240
    @pauliewalnuts240 11 місяців тому +1

    The girl in the thumbnail image is dressed the same as all the trendy girls do now, with the baggy vintage clothes look. Too funny

    • @yc__
      @yc__ 11 місяців тому

      Apparently, she's an 18-year-old prostitute named Katya, photographed by Peter Turnley in 1991.

  • @ironhardt8359
    @ironhardt8359 4 місяці тому

    They were 20-30 years behind the west in conveniences and technology in manufacturing... and still haven't figured it out. Wasted years

  • @davidcopperfield2278
    @davidcopperfield2278 11 місяців тому +2

    good times create weak men...

  • @RicardoMartinez-oh9sq
    @RicardoMartinez-oh9sq Рік тому +1

    8:10, now, in 2023, singers from Ukraine, that sounds surreal.

    • @katalinkiss120
      @katalinkiss120 11 місяців тому

      Ukraine has historically been a region of Russia - the Ukraine translates as - the Borderlands

  • @paulbucklebuckle4921
    @paulbucklebuckle4921 11 місяців тому +1

    Russia largest country , slim people , America largest people , slim culture.

  • @NorceCodine
    @NorceCodine Рік тому +26

    The Brezhnev years were the height of life in the Soviet Union. Life was really good, people enjoyed the enormous resources and safety of living in the Soviet Union, practically everything was almost free, obviously there was no such thing as unemployment or homelessness. In the west probably only countries like Holland or West Germany could compare for quality of life for working people, while Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland were suffering from debilitating poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and lack of education, and America was a quasi apartheid state with black folks in the south not allowed into shopping malls and restaurants, and the slums of big cities like New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C. no-go zones for the white population.

    • @billbailey1620
      @billbailey1620 Рік тому

      you'd like Los Angeles now,it us fully inclusive and a dump thanks to diversity.calfornia we t from 90 percent white in 1965 to 27 percent today and it looks like a cross between south Africa and the Spanish third world.theres not some kind of magic dirt that makes white countries self sufficient and safe,high crime areas and poverty aren't caused by some kind of racial cast system ,just like no one makes east Asians do the best in schools every time and blacks do the worst every time,in every country on earth.mongolians still live In huts but have an average IQ higher than whites.and the biggest factor in crime or poverty is iq specificly low iq.and if russia had a violent minority that only made up 10 percent of the population but committed 60 percent of homicides 80 percent of aggravated assaults and 90 percent of attacks on other races and used 650 billion dollars a year more than they payed in it would have crippled the whole ussr

    • @Metal0sopher
      @Metal0sopher Рік тому

      Nice of you to ignore the slave labor and robbing of the conquered satellites states to feed the Russians and give them such a cheap and comfortable life. In my country all our produce, meat, coal, gold, went to Russia for free, while we suffered. Plus this propaganda pieces only shows Moscow and Sochi, but none of the rest of Russia, where there was no paved roads, no electricity, and work was equal to slave labor.

    • @johnhatchel9681
      @johnhatchel9681 11 місяців тому +11

      That was absolute nonsense.

    • @Andrey198923
      @Andrey198923 11 місяців тому

      @@wqsuuhhdrvjj all living pritty much the same, purpose was control that territory not withdraw the money from them. Many as you say colony living lot better than Russia. Mostly it is why USSR was so popular. It is asking only for the loyalty (some times with usage of guns) not money

    • @mikeb5372
      @mikeb5372 11 місяців тому +6

      What fantasy land are you living in? I know a lot of people from the former soviet union and I can assure you their quality of life was anything but nice. The enormous disparity between the US and soviet union is grossly understated due to the fact that every bad thing about the US was open and well known because of free speech and freedom of the press. In the soviet union people weren't allowed to speak a bad word of their government for fear of going to prison or the gulag. Obviously you weren't from the soviet union

  • @tomrobbins5242
    @tomrobbins5242 11 місяців тому +3

    Women and children were certainly safer.,

  • @berzengi1
    @berzengi1 11 місяців тому +1

    soviet russia was renamed in a soviet union in 1922

  • @Kosmonooit
    @Kosmonooit 11 місяців тому

    0:26 Is that not the other way around? Dusk in Moscow and Dawn in Vladivostok? Unless the earth spun the other way around in Soviet time.

    • @RKLokh
      @RKLokh 11 місяців тому

      Ya, you're right. Vladivostok is 7 hours ahead of Moscow. Though, with them being so north, probably its also true the other way around at some point during the winter, with the day being short enough that the sun is rising in Moscow and already going down in Vladivostok.

    • @RKLokh
      @RKLokh 11 місяців тому

      Course, at 1:06 they also labeled Korea as part of Russia. So, the geography knowledge/editing doesn't seem the strongest.

  • @stanislavpetrov5955
    @stanislavpetrov5955 Рік тому +4

    51:53 The early days of glastnost and Ronald Reagan during his goodwill tour of the country.😄😄

    • @mtokurow
      @mtokurow 11 місяців тому

      1984 - it's one year before.

    • @daddygrasshopper
      @daddygrasshopper 9 місяців тому

      Underrated comment hahaha

  • @worthit5064
    @worthit5064 11 місяців тому

    Good for the people of the USSR that it broke up. Although the world faced bad effects due to the USSR break up.

  • @speakyourmind2984
    @speakyourmind2984 11 місяців тому +1

    Australian Narrator for sure 😂

  • @vatnikvatokatovich8254
    @vatnikvatokatovich8254 11 місяців тому +4

    Love it or hate it I dont give a f. Russia is my fav whatever is empire soviet or federation. So glad I borned here.

    • @vgrepairs
      @vgrepairs 11 місяців тому

      Love Russia. From San Diego!

  • @None22820
    @None22820 11 місяців тому +5

    I miss these good times

  • @martthesling
    @martthesling 11 місяців тому

    $8000 a year for a full-time job. Sounds like paradise.

    • @shainemaine1268
      @shainemaine1268 11 місяців тому +1

      ...instead of making 0$ immediately by not being able to get one! ooooof

    • @martthesling
      @martthesling 11 місяців тому +4

      @@shainemaine1268 ok, mate. Go to Cuba and be a bus driver. Its a paradise i hear.

    • @reverendjimjones9061
      @reverendjimjones9061 11 місяців тому

      the cost of living in russia is cheaper than n.a., regular fuel in moscow is 56 cents a liter or thereabouts, in canada its 4 times that, just one example of many more.

    • @martthesling
      @martthesling 11 місяців тому +2

      @@reverendjimjones9061 yeah, the standard of living was lower in the Soviet Union compared to the west.

    • @reverendjimjones9061
      @reverendjimjones9061 11 місяців тому

      @@martthesling sure was, no argument there, then again multitudes in the u.s. or canada live well beyond their means, a short story for you related to some degree, my grandfather when i was young bought a new volkswagen beetle outright for $1700 in cash, owned it free and clear from the day purchased,,neighbor bought a cadillac for $5000 plus and made payments for five years, yet laughed at the vw, surely a nice car that caddy but does one really need it? The captain obvious answer is no, one does not.

  • @obriets
    @obriets 11 місяців тому +5

    And now Vladimir Putin has pissed away the goodwill this film is meant to build up.

  • @hardware199
    @hardware199 11 місяців тому +4

    1:09:09 truly apocalyptic

  • @OshinAttari
    @OshinAttari 11 місяців тому

    Rip Korea

  • @bigdogzone3177
    @bigdogzone3177 5 місяців тому

    A bottle of vodka was 2 to 4 roubles in that period not 15 $. Had someone made the vodka that expennive back then they would hava started another revolution. This is not accurate at all prices wise furthermore it gives a fall impression in 1984 USSr is already colapsing and black market is prosperring finding every day items to buy or even food results in long queues .

  • @marksteven6116
    @marksteven6116 11 місяців тому +5

    good old days

  • @sr-gc6vh
    @sr-gc6vh 11 місяців тому

    In 1994 the whole thing collapsed.

  • @gen.barnakey__
    @gen.barnakey__ 11 місяців тому +1

    Lmao, somebody track down this presenter and ask him what the hell he was talking about 40 years ago.

    • @yaya_is_real
      @yaya_is_real 9 місяців тому +1

      showing footage and stating facts?

  • @Daniel-OConnell
    @Daniel-OConnell 11 місяців тому +4

    I find it very difficult to consider this video as anything but propaganda. Example 1:07:00 Pot kettle black. Russia did the same in Poland in WW2 and use the same tactics today in Ukraine .
    If it was such a wonderful utopia , why did they do everything possible to prevent their citizens from emigrating. They also had an internal passport system , where people needed special permission to travel around the country.

    • @freemanol
      @freemanol 11 місяців тому +1

      It's not a utopia, but a place where people had safety nets. It's a meagre existence but nobody is homeless and die on the streets. Now, thousands of people die daily in the west as they're left behind by capitalism. Is that humane?

  • @gekopedro7073
    @gekopedro7073 11 місяців тому

    As an American this feels illegal to watch

  • @uglaegilsdottir
    @uglaegilsdottir 11 місяців тому +3

    Живи, родная Россия! Ты прекрасна! Россия была, есть и будет! 🤍💙❤

    • @infinitelp7796
      @infinitelp7796 11 місяців тому +5

      There is only hell for orcs

    • @mrnewcoolbro3759
      @mrnewcoolbro3759 11 місяців тому

      @@infinitelp7796спок хохлонацик

  • @jamesmitch9792
    @jamesmitch9792 11 місяців тому +6

    Capitalist Central America:

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому

      Uhh, central America.. capitalist?
      That's funny. Good joke man.

    • @jamesmitch9792
      @jamesmitch9792 8 місяців тому

      @@XXNerdzillaXX it is
      what do you think they are?
      communist? like the Soviets who had nukes? and they cannot even build schools.

  • @petejames1326
    @petejames1326 11 місяців тому +14

    RENT WAS PEGGED AT 3-4% OF INCOME, amazing, if thats true, how can the arrogant USA say our system is so much better? im a cab driver in the west, about 30% of my income goes to rent, its a joke

    • @fourtabsgod64
      @fourtabsgod64 11 місяців тому

      Power of communism , they flood people with power

    • @sorinbalanescu6819
      @sorinbalanescu6819 11 місяців тому

      Communism is a joke, my dear cab driver. Would you like to live in a rented communist apartment, no hot water, no cooking gas, no electricity after 10:00 🕙 PM? Would you like to wait five years for your car, paid in full in advance? You are hilarious! If the system was that good, then why it crumbled like a sand castle? And don’t give me that excuse “it crumbled because of the evil West”. I trust you can judge better. All the best!

    • @mikeb5372
      @mikeb5372 11 місяців тому +2

      You can always move to Venezuela to experience how nice socialism is

    • @petejames1326
      @petejames1326 11 місяців тому +1

      @@mikeb5372 ok you got me bro, I'll just stay in the west and be a modern day slave, working till I drop dead one day from exhaustion

    • @mikeb5372
      @mikeb5372 11 місяців тому

      @@petejames1326 Sure. Why? Because you're lazy and don't know what work is? In 1984 I made what is the equivalent of $35 an hour today and I was only 20 years old. People that were willing to work for it could live very well. If you don't work in cement or something of equal difficulty then you don't have much room to complain. It's called earning a living and no one said it was supposed to be easy

  • @brandonholsather2171
    @brandonholsather2171 11 місяців тому +1

    The USA and Russia both have way many poor people. The two both have double digits poverty rates. I would say there is many nations still worse to live in then both. The majority of African countrys are insanely poor and some southeast country's are bad living quliry worse then USA and Russia.

  • @kirkhustle3718
    @kirkhustle3718 11 місяців тому

    He got the action, he got the motion
    Oh yeah, the boy can play
    Dedication, devotion
    He turnin' all the nighttime into the day
    The song about the sweet ole lovin' woman
    He do the song about the knife
    And he do the walk, do the walk of life
    Yeah, he do the walk of life
    Here come Johnny, gonna tell you a story
    Hand me now my walkin' shoes
    Here come Johnny with the power and the glory
    Backbeat, the talkin' blues
    He got the action, he got the motion
    Oh yeah, the boy can play
    Dedication, devotion
    He turnin' all the nighttime into the day
    The song about the sweet ole lovin' woman
    He do the song about the knife
    And he do the walk, do the walk of life
    Yeah, he do the walk of life
    Here come Johnny singing oldies, goldies
    Be-bop-a-lula, baby what I say
    Here come Johnny singing "I got a woman"
    Down in the tunnels, trying to make it pay
    He got the action, he got the motion
    Oh yeah, the boy can play
    Dedication, devotion
    He turnin' all the nighttime into the day
    And after all the violence and double talk
    There's just a song in all the trouble and the strife
    You do the walk, yeah, you do the walk of life
    Hmm, you do the walk of life
    Yeah, do the walk of life

    • @kirkhustle3718
      @kirkhustle3718 11 місяців тому

      This one was missed among the them young general populace at the time. But I'll bet my bottom dollar them Russkies could translate and sing, Money for noth'n by the same, Dire Straits before the wall came down. 501 blue jeans were desperately wanting, anything Beatles but not so much Elvis. Interesting. Control.

    • @user-yc5bh6rd6s
      @user-yc5bh6rd6s 11 місяців тому +2

      We love Dire Straits here in Russia

  • @canerguener8664
    @canerguener8664 11 місяців тому

    Dollar for Wodka? Sure..

  • @Houbaraoutdoors
    @Houbaraoutdoors 11 місяців тому +4

    Good great days

  • @censortube3778
    @censortube3778 11 місяців тому +3

    This is a propaganda film, this marvellous society collapsed just a few years later ...

  • @placeswelive5388
    @placeswelive5388 11 місяців тому +14

    Or, they could have made a film that at least somewhat resembled real life.

  • @Dark-7070
    @Dark-7070 11 місяців тому +8

    And we know now the collective was a fail, taking away the spirt and the creative initiative of the individual never ends well.

  • @Fabian-Wenzel
    @Fabian-Wenzel 11 місяців тому +1

    There is big mistake because Odessa is also in Ukraine.

    • @sergeyvyatkin
      @sergeyvyatkin 11 місяців тому

      You need to do some homework. Read about Odessa's history.

    • @Fabian-Wenzel
      @Fabian-Wenzel 11 місяців тому

      @@sergeyvyatkin Look on a map, you will see that Odessa is in Ukraine. That was also the case at the time of The Ukrainian SSR. I didn't have to do my homework because I know for a fact that I'm right. This is a TV documentary from the 1980s, and there was also Odessa in Ukraine. What was 200 years ago was not the issue.

    • @sergeyvyatkin
      @sergeyvyatkin 11 місяців тому +2

      @@Fabian-Wenzel yeah, dude... as well as Crimea... lol
      Crimea was a part of Russia (RSFSR) until 1954. Odessa and all "Southern Ukraine" was a part of historical Russia until 1917. 106 years ago, not 200. My great-grandmother was born before that in 1912 (my ancestors were Cossacks).

    • @Fabian-Wenzel
      @Fabian-Wenzel 11 місяців тому

      @@sergeyvyatkin The 200 years was meant figuratively. You should take rhetoric lessons.

    • @realslimsh8y
      @realslimsh8y 11 місяців тому +1

      ukraine was part of russia until 1991

  • @ionutsfetcu4550
    @ionutsfetcu4550 11 місяців тому

    I love it

  • @anthonyacevedo5869
    @anthonyacevedo5869 11 місяців тому +5

    Don´t be fooled in thinking that marxist-comunism was a benign regime.Socialist-marxism or comunism was the most terrible and satanic regime ever imposed on mankind. At the time,when this movie was made,the Soviet Union was no more comunist,and that´s why we see a happy and free people.Also,at that time Communist China party members,called the Soviet Union,a fascist state ,not a communist state,and on account of that,they stop and closed all political and economic relations with the Soviet Union. Today Russians say,that these were the golden times of the Soviet Union.

  • @timirdogolon
    @timirdogolon 11 місяців тому +2

    The USSR is rightly considered a prison of peoples, who have been released, and who is still in this chauvinistic Russian prison. My Yakutia also deserves freedom Buryatia, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, etc.

    • @lastpokemon
      @lastpokemon 11 місяців тому

      It was 100 time better than most if not all countries of the world.

  • @SegzWithTedCruz
    @SegzWithTedCruz 11 місяців тому +8

    You had me at free healthcare and 4 weeks paid vacation

    • @martthesling
      @martthesling 11 місяців тому +8

      The USSR had gulags and concentration camps. Dictatorship is awesome.

    • @tomasfuk8439
      @tomasfuk8439 11 місяців тому +3

      @@martthesling they had a very good education, great culture and no Gulags when this movie was shot :) I guess you can talk about dictatorship from your personal experience today too :)))

    • @martthesling
      @martthesling 11 місяців тому

      @@tomasfuk8439 If you tried to defect in the Communist world you were shot. Berlin wall.

    • @martthesling
      @martthesling 11 місяців тому

      @@tomasfuk8439 no free speech. dictatorship. no democracy. prison if you disagreed with the system. murder. 10x less pay than in the democratic west. less medical technology. shall I go on? if you think the evil empire of the Soviet Union and eastern communist block was great, why were so many people trying yo flee west? why did they have to put up a wall to keep people in?

    • @codered4422
      @codered4422 11 місяців тому

      Never trust Soviets. Yes it was free, but it was not a decent healthcare. Yes you had a 4-week vacation, but the pay was meagre and, much worse yet, they won't let you out of the country.

  • @paul.alarner6410
    @paul.alarner6410 9 місяців тому +1

    looks like an ideal system that may of worked if not for the widespread endemic coruption at every level!

  • @mohammedsaysrashid3587
    @mohammedsaysrashid3587 Рік тому +1

    It was a wonderful human face of Soviets in 1984 ....it was an enjoyable documentary video looked ....it was orchestrated and directed by the USSR regime....it was not shown the reality lives in the the USSR...in meantime massively hype and western propagandists machines including ( the USA )were not showed ,disclosure...the reality of the USSR ...times aren't returning back 😢...for Russian populations and westerners geopolitical conspiracies and plots aren't stopping against Russian population before theirs governments

    • @katalinkiss120
      @katalinkiss120 11 місяців тому

      It was made by Film Australia...hardly the USSR regime

  • @sanchezjoel
    @sanchezjoel Рік тому +11

    I was in Moscow in 1998 working and I was impressed about the place, two things I noticed that people seldom smile to foreigner they met like me, and I asked them why seems smiling in a workplace with co-workers is almost not seen? One person replied to me that during the Communist time they were prohibited to talk or even smiling for fear that someone might be their enemy. Their Lada Car was too old and the designed was way behind the West and Japanese cars, by the way the sub-way is indeed excellent.

    • @karlwalther
      @karlwalther Рік тому +10

      Что за брехня? ua-cam.com/video/ZGVE-dQflAI/v-deo.html В 1984 году я учился в школе, ходил на практику на завод. Работяги там рассказали анекдот:
      Сидит Брежнев на том свете, приходит Андропов. Ну, как там Родина? - спрашивает Брежнев.
      Не знаю, - отвечает Андропов - не успел разобраться. Сейчас Черненко придёт, расскажет.
      Черненко при этом был ещё жив. Никто никого не боялся. Для этого и были коммунистические времена. Без ограблений на улицах, массовых расстрелов, как в Балтиморе, наркоманов на улицах, как в Ванкувере, харрасмента, ЛГБТ и БЛМ. И насчёт Лады смешно. Как раз в перестройку на конвейер встали совершенно новые автомобили - разные и на нескольких заводах.

    • @drmorane
      @drmorane Рік тому +3

      1998, you come to late.

    • @JFJ12
      @JFJ12 11 місяців тому

      If I would have lived in Russia in the late nineties, I probably would have hated every Westerner I came across.

    • @hectordirector6149
      @hectordirector6149 11 місяців тому +6

      The Soviet Union fell in December 1991 and you went to Russian in 1998. You would think they would be so very happy with all that new freedom to consume? But perhaps it might have to do with the millions who died after the fall of the Soviet Union. Never mind, let's see what will happen when Yankeeland collapses. Already poverty is 4th major cause of death in Yankeeland.

    • @MSK.L
      @MSK.L 11 місяців тому +6

      I'm pretty sure that guy told you a joke about smiling. It's just a part of our culture, there is an old saying "laughter without a reason is a sign of stupidity"

  • @itheuserfirst3186
    @itheuserfirst3186 11 місяців тому +19

    Utterly depressing. A stifling of the human spirit.

    • @jamesmitch9792
      @jamesmitch9792 11 місяців тому +8

      not as depressing as Haiti.

    • @amraceway
      @amraceway 11 місяців тому +13

      Far better to be sleeping under a bridge with no future.

    • @loneranger4469
      @loneranger4469 11 місяців тому +7

      Yeah...we see plenty soaring human spirit amongst the homeless on the streets of US cities.

    • @arturallay8116
      @arturallay8116 11 місяців тому +4

      Homelessness, open concentration camps

    • @ioanmarianbalau8762
      @ioanmarianbalau8762 11 місяців тому

      you re right. as for the guys commenting it may not be good for many in america but sovietism and communism in general is not the answer. When you have to kill millions to have this kind of heaven something is wrong.

  • @captaintoyota3171
    @captaintoyota3171 Рік тому +25

    Wonder how closly they where monitored filming this. They onviously had well off citizens chosen. Meanwhile in 1984 plenty of suffering on ussr in places, plenty still in gulaugs. Just seems like if u went to usa in 84 u could find well off workong class but alot of poverty too. Only difference in usa u can choose your profession pretty much. Ussr not so much

    • @speterj
      @speterj Рік тому +11

      In 1989 Russian president Boris Yeltsin's wide-eyed trip to a Clear Lake grocery store led to the downfall of communism.
      Yeltsin, then 58, "roamed the aisles of Randall's nodding his head in amazement," wrote Asin. He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, "there would be a revolution."
      Yeltsin asked customers about what they were buying and how much it cost, later asking the store manager if one needed a special education to manage a store. In the Chronicle photos, you can see him marveling at the produce section, the fresh fish market, and the checkout counter. He looked especially excited about frozen pudding pops.
      "Even the Politburo doesn't have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev," he said. When he was told through his interpreter that there were thousands of items in the store for sale he didn't believe it. He had even thought that the store was staged, a show for him. Little did he know there countless stores just like it all over the country, some with even more things than the Randall's he visited.
      The fact that stores like these were on nearly every street corner in America amazed him. They even offered him free cheese samples.
      Yeah the Soviet Union and Russia has always been full of shit.

    • @Swellington_
      @Swellington_ Рік тому +2

      @@speterj Nikita Kruschov had a similar experience in the late 50's or early 60's,him and his entourage that were also from glorious Soviet Russia were blown away at something as simple as walking into countless stores,mostly mom and pop stores,and having so many different items for sale and in abundance

    • @stanislavpetrov5955
      @stanislavpetrov5955 Рік тому +2

      @@speterj I read about the same account from Victor Belenko, a Soviet mig pilot who defected to the West; the first time he went into an American supermarket he was just blown away by how much food there was, and the variety.

    • @borno5692
      @borno5692 Рік тому +1

      It wasnt that bad.

    • @angelalmeyda6052
      @angelalmeyda6052 Рік тому +7

      But the gulags no longer existed in the 1980s, formally disbanding in the 1960s.

  • @W_H_K
    @W_H_K 11 місяців тому +10

    In Soviet Russia student disassemble AK-47.
    In Capitalist USA AK-47 disassemble student.

    • @realslimsh8y
      @realslimsh8y 11 місяців тому +1


    • @realslimsh8y
      @realslimsh8y 11 місяців тому +1

      In the 60s us student dissasembled a hunting rifle tho, but your not wrong

    • @W_H_K
      @W_H_K 11 місяців тому

      @@realslimsh8y true.

    • @XXNerdzillaXX
      @XXNerdzillaXX 8 місяців тому

      That's only because your shitty ideology (communism) infected America and those ravenous, murderous twats took over the cultural centers. They're actively doing everything they can to dismantle the land of freedom.

  • @dhbroussard89
    @dhbroussard89 11 місяців тому

    That was a Lie when she said that the family is the most important part of the Soviet State, The STATE is the New God, and the most important part of the Soviet State, Any Logical arguments are Welcome!

    • @yaya_is_real
      @yaya_is_real 9 місяців тому

      Bro the Soviet union doesn't exist anymore chill

    • @dhbroussard89
      @dhbroussard89 9 місяців тому

      no, it does not, the democrats are trying to re-invent it here@@yaya_is_real