The Salon - Guest:HAYASHI Kaori (Executive Vice Presidents, UTokyo)

  • Опубліковано 27 гру 2024
  • “The Salon” is a dialogue series featuring distinguished scholars in the humanities at the University of Tokyo that aims to transcend disciplinary boundaries. It is hosted by Professor Naoko Shimazu of Tokyo College and Professor John Lie of UC Berkeley, who is currently staying at Tokyo College. We invite you to listen to an informal discussion between experts in different fields, as if you are sitting next to them.This is a chance to see a new side of our guests that you have never seen before.
    東大の文系の卓越研究者をゲストに迎え、東京カレッジの島津直子教授と、東京カレッジに滞在中のUCバークレーのJohn Lie教授がホスト役を務める対談シリーズ。専門分野の壁を超えた対話を繰り広げます。 隣の席に座った気分で、分野の異なる専門家によるリラックスした会話に耳を傾けてみませんか?
    Tokyo College invites leading researchers and intellectuals from around the globe to come together and engage in open discussions about the future of society.
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