My Grandparents on my Dad's side always drove DeSoto's. My Grandmother's last car was a 1956 DeSoto Fireflyte four-door hardtop. It had full power, air Conditioning, and real Wire Wheels. It was finished in a tu-tone Majenta shade including the interior. Car was gorgeous.
I'll bet that was a beautiful car with that color combination! Glad you have such happy memories of your Dad and his car! Thanks for watching and sharing!
my parents once had a desoto station wagon. I wanted to buy the car when they was going to trade it in 1965. Unfortanly I could not afford to buy the car. My grandmother still had a Desoto firedome sedan . unfortunally when parked in the street it was hit and totaled out. .I still miss the Desoto cars.
When Dad traded in our 53 DeSoto Powermaster, the new DeSoto models were a bit out of our price range... so a four door Belvedere Sports Sedan (hardtop) graced our driveway. That 58 red and white, four door Fireflite sportsman in the showroom was the first love of my car life. Still think it was the most beautiful car ever. Thanks for the video.
In 1967 High School auto shop a widow had her husband car that sat in the garage around 10 years she wanted those to get it running so she could sell it so ,me and my two friends were assigned a job to my friends. We pulled the plugs anddump the gas pull the carburetor rebuild that new plugs and gas fired right up one of the guys I was working with didn’t have a car so his dad made arrangements to buy it for him ,we had a good time with it!
Right on! Sounds like a great project. Do you belong to the national DeSoto club? ( That might help with parts sources. Thanks for the comment and hope you are a subscriber!
Thanks so much and very glad you enjoyed it! We try for accuracy and quality. They really are one of the prettiest and best designed models. Hope you are a subscriber and a member of the ITCCT family!
For many years my Grand Aunt and Uncle owned DeSotos. The last ones was her 1955 Firedome,4door with a standard transmission and his 1956 Fireflight, 2 door hardtop with the push-button tranny. They were chrome, glittering, sparkly cars that I admired as a pre-teenager and wish we could have kept his, especially. Alas, as with most cars driven in the winter, they deteriorated and were scrapped. I was very sad to learn of the demise of the division, featuring a car that was poorly styled and only called DeSoto - all the varieties discontinued.
They really were beautifully designed and certainly were a large part of the glory years of the 50s! Thanks for watching and for sharing your memories!
The information in this video is good, BUT I sure wish pictures were better selected, as they are very misleading. For example, when discussing the optional air conditioning (6:00), the car shown has an after-market AC unit installed under the dash. The factory one had no visible mechanism inside, other than the change in the controls on the chromed dash section (and hooded vents on the dash). When showing some engines, cars are shown with alternators, chromed underhood pieces, etc. When talking about the Firedome 2-barrel carburetor (11:00) , an aftermarket 4-barrel is on the car shown. Several '57 Adventurers shown have the wrong gold paint ('58 Adventurer Gold). There are more errors but I'll stop there. It's a good video but don't trust everything you see.
I should clarify a few more things, perhaps. Only Firesweeps were produced in Los Angeles as well as Detroit (NOT Firedomes, Fireflites, or Adventurers). I only make my comments because I think it's our responsibility to dispense correct information. People assume that vehicles in videos such as this are properly restored, and follow up by doing incorrect things (like painting hood springs red on their Firedomes as shown, when only Firesweeps should be red.) I'm not trying to be overly critical -- I just wish cars would have been selected that more correctly represent what was being discussed.
Obviously, we never intend to put out incorrect information. We've learned a lot since this video was made and make every effort to be accurate in the audio and photographic presentations. We are not experts in every make and model and with so many images out there, we do our best to choose correctly. We just try to bring some focus to cars that don't get a lot of attention and so many people never see. Thank you for all your clarifications. We'll try to get more accurate pictures in the future.
I would hope that if someone is trying to correctly restore their car, they wouldn't use a general informational video to get the concourse correct information.
And the really important thing about the DeSoto especially the '57's was the change, the supercharging of national sprit it caused. And all you had to do is dive any 57 to 59 Chrysler product through Europe of South America and see the big difference in National image the cars meant abroad.
My Grandparents on my Dad's side always drove DeSoto's. My Grandmother's last car was a 1956 DeSoto Fireflyte four-door hardtop. It had full power, air Conditioning, and real Wire Wheels. It was finished in a tu-tone Majenta shade including the interior. Car was gorgeous.
I still miss my 1960 Desoto Adventurer.
I'll bet you could find another one Bonnie! Thanks for watching and leaving a nice comment!
My Dad's ride was a Turquoise and White 57 Firedome. I miss them both.💖💖
I'll bet that was a beautiful car with that color combination! Glad you have such happy memories of your Dad and his car! Thanks for watching and sharing!
my parents once had a desoto station wagon. I wanted to buy the car when they was going to trade it in 1965. Unfortanly I could not afford to buy the car. My grandmother still had a Desoto firedome sedan . unfortunally when parked in the street it was hit and totaled out. .I still miss the Desoto cars.
Thanks for watching Claudia and for the great memory you shared! We appreciate it! Hope you subscribed and enjoy more features!
When Dad traded in our 53 DeSoto Powermaster, the new DeSoto models were a bit out of our price range... so a four door Belvedere Sports Sedan (hardtop) graced our driveway. That 58 red and white, four door Fireflite sportsman in the showroom was the first love of my car life. Still think it was the most beautiful car ever. Thanks for the video.
Thanks for watching and sharing your great family memory Eugene! Welcome to our family and keep watching!
In 1967 High School auto shop a widow had her husband car that sat in the garage around 10 years she wanted those to get it running so she could sell it so ,me and my two friends were assigned a job to my friends. We pulled the plugs anddump the gas pull the carburetor rebuild that new plugs and gas fired right up one of the guys I was working with didn’t have a car so his dad made arrangements to buy it for him ,we had a good time with it!
What a great memory to share with us, Robert! Thanks, and hope you had many many miles of great memories made in that car!
Well done video! Having fun restoring a 58 Shopper wagon. Parts are getting scarce!
Right on! Sounds like a great project. Do you belong to the national DeSoto club? ( That might help with parts sources. Thanks for the comment and hope you are a subscriber!
Awesome information!
Glad you think so! Thanks again Terry!
Fantastic informative video of a proud and strong marque. 57 Fireflite 4 door HT my fav. Long, low and cleanly designed. Kind Regards
Thanks so much and very glad you enjoyed it! We try for accuracy and quality. They really are one of the prettiest and best designed models. Hope you are a subscriber and a member of the ITCCT family!
Had a 55 fdome tdht loved it. It had a 2 speed reverse lol
For many years my Grand Aunt and Uncle owned DeSotos. The last ones was her 1955 Firedome,4door with a standard transmission and his 1956 Fireflight, 2 door hardtop with the push-button tranny. They were chrome, glittering, sparkly cars that I admired as a pre-teenager and wish we could have kept his, especially. Alas, as with most cars driven in the winter, they deteriorated and were scrapped. I was very sad to learn of the demise of the division, featuring a car that was poorly styled and only called DeSoto - all the varieties discontinued.
They really were beautifully designed and certainly were a large part of the glory years of the 50s! Thanks for watching and for sharing your memories!
The information in this video is good, BUT I sure wish pictures were better selected, as they are very misleading. For example, when discussing the optional air conditioning (6:00), the car shown has an after-market AC unit installed under the dash. The factory one had no visible mechanism inside, other than the change in the controls on the chromed dash section (and hooded vents on the dash). When showing some engines, cars are shown with alternators, chromed underhood pieces, etc. When talking about the Firedome 2-barrel carburetor (11:00) , an aftermarket 4-barrel is on the car shown. Several '57 Adventurers shown have the wrong gold paint ('58 Adventurer Gold). There are more errors but I'll stop there. It's a good video but don't trust everything you see.
I should clarify a few more things, perhaps. Only Firesweeps were produced in Los Angeles as well as Detroit (NOT Firedomes, Fireflites, or Adventurers). I only make my comments because I think it's our responsibility to dispense correct information. People assume that vehicles in videos such as this are properly restored, and follow up by doing incorrect things (like painting hood springs red on their Firedomes as shown, when only Firesweeps should be red.) I'm not trying to be overly critical -- I just wish cars would have been selected that more correctly represent what was being discussed.
Obviously, we never intend to put out incorrect information. We've learned a lot since this video was made and make every effort to be accurate in the audio and photographic presentations. We are not experts in every make and model and with so many images out there, we do our best to choose correctly. We just try to bring some focus to cars that don't get a lot of attention and so many people never see. Thank you for all your clarifications. We'll try to get more accurate pictures in the future.
I would hope that if someone is trying to correctly restore their car, they wouldn't use a general informational video to get the concourse correct information.
Nit Picking.....
And the really important thing about the DeSoto especially the '57's was the
change, the supercharging of national sprit it caused.
And all you had to do is dive any 57 to 59 Chrysler product through Europe of South America and see the big difference in National image the cars meant abroad.
Didn't Howard Cunningham (Happy Days) drove a Desoto?
Wow...great memory Philip! I think you're correct! Now I have to go back and watch some episodes. Thanks for watching and commenting!
57 was the year I still have minej
That's great Alan! Hope you have many more years of cruising fun in your '57! Thanks for the comment and hope you are a subscriber!