"They Are Failing!" This Is More Important Than You Know! | The Winston Marshall Show

  • Опубліковано 10 січ 2025


    @JOEY-HUFF 4 місяці тому +290

    I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.

    • @MartinesGuziczek
      @MartinesGuziczek 4 місяці тому +23

      In the 50's my Dad worked a modest job, Mom stayed at home and raised the kids, and they lived a nice middle class lifestyle including owning a home. Nowadays both I and my partner works and can barely afford to make ends meet. Soon the kids and family dog will need to work to keep this household going. It's the destruction of the American dream right before our eyes.

    • @JohnStafford10
      @JohnStafford10 4 місяці тому

      I feel your pain mate, as a fellow retiree, I'd suggest you look into passive index fund investing and learn some more. For me, I had my share of ups and downs when I first started looking for a consistent passive income so I hired an expert advisor for aid, and following her advice, I poured $30k in value stocks and digital assets, Up to 200k so far and pretty sure I'm ready for whatever comes.

    • @TaylorGaston-z9n
      @TaylorGaston-z9n 4 місяці тому

      If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you...prevent inflation

    • @JohnStafford10
      @JohnStafford10 4 місяці тому

      Tracy Britt Cool Consulting was my hope during the 'bear summer' last year. I made so many mistakes but also learned so much from it, and of course from Tracy.

    • @JohnStafford10
      @JohnStafford10 4 місяці тому

      She is really a good investment advisor. Was privileged to attend some of her seminars.that's how I started my own crypto investment

  • @gregggoodnight9889
    @gregggoodnight9889 4 місяці тому +277

    Bjorn won't admit that 100% of the CO2 mitigation money spent globally is wasted, since CO2 is not the control knob for climate. The data overwhelmingly confirms that extreme climate events are not increasing in intensity or frequency. That is reality. He prefers the strategy of saying that money is best spent on real societal issues. While this is true and a pragmatic strategy, it misses the point that "climate change" is a big scam.

    • @paulald2004
      @paulald2004 4 місяці тому

      171 patents for climate engineering exist. It is not climate change it is planned Climate.

    • @bestdjaf7499
      @bestdjaf7499 4 місяці тому +9

      *"We wanted the best, but it turned out as always".*
      - a Russian idiom.
      It was uttered by a Russian Prime Minister "in the context of Russia's efforts in economic reforms, namely the monetary reform in Russia, 1993".

    • @MsElke11
      @MsElke11 4 місяці тому +15

      Maybe he's still afraid to be arkancided or cancel cultured by most of the ELITES.

    • @RichardEnglander
      @RichardEnglander 4 місяці тому

      Climate has multiple control knobs, even the distribution of the continental tectonic plates and this the location of the oceans makes a difference. We know that CO2 IS a Greenhouse Gas and there is more because of our activities. It must make some difference, but how much???
      Then the plants like it and when there is more CO2 they cope better with the heat and heat leading to crop death is a main claim of those who think that Climate Change will unalive us all...
      There is some synthesis to be had here, the right answer to things isn't always the antithesis of the Establishment Thesis Position, their preferred narrative. I do get why people are SO skeptical because it is absolutely being used as a tool for social and economic manipulation. It stinks, they never let a good crisis go to waste and they aren't above making a mountain out of a molehill. That they aren't all pushing hard for nuclear power tells us that they don't want a solution which is us carrying on as before, they don't want abundant affordable energy, they want Degrowth, they are Red-Green Watermelons, Cave Marxists, Commie Troglodytes. Interestingly there are other commies who like nuclear power, Aaron Bastani being one of them. I think this also helps to show up the manipulation.
      I hate it because it is causing a wider rejection of science, people see The Science™️ and think that nothing good comes from it although they talk about that using their mobile phones... 😂🤡🌍

    • @bobprivate8575
      @bobprivate8575 4 місяці тому +8

      ....but it offers a second attack vector on the climate scam. Hitting it on two fronts is not what I'd consider a bad strategy.

  • @grallochervideos
    @grallochervideos 4 місяці тому +110

    Bjorn is assuming that the end goal is to save as many human lives as possible. I’m not convinced that really is at the forefront of “their” minds. Look at what they do, not what they say.

    • @karigirl3569
      @karigirl3569 4 місяці тому

      I believe all they’re doing now is to reduce the world’s population, as though it were up to them.

    • @NNM-sc3rj
      @NNM-sc3rj 4 місяці тому +4

      Yep, it does not make sense.

    • @Luvtadzio
      @Luvtadzio 4 місяці тому +1

      This guy has no idea what he’s talking about.

    • @Luvtadzio
      @Luvtadzio 4 місяці тому

      This guy has no idea what he’s talking about.

    • @stevenwhite8937
      @stevenwhite8937 4 місяці тому

      Saving lives is the furthest from their agenda. Ending as many as possible is….

  • @ross2812
    @ross2812 4 місяці тому +47

    Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord because the US had already exceeded the goals whereas China and other countries didn't have to adhere to the Accord until they reached "fully developed" economies.

  • @patriciawitt8174
    @patriciawitt8174 4 місяці тому +179

    Notice that "they" do not tell folks that only about 5% of recycling are reeeeally "recycled"

    • @chasleask8533
      @chasleask8533 4 місяці тому

      They used to sell recycling to China . Now it no longer wants it .

    • @Think-dont-believe
      @Think-dont-believe 4 місяці тому +1

      In order to offer recycling trash companies have to “recycle” certain% They obtain this by paying countries that don’t have regulations to take it .. Those countries dump in ocean or burn it.
      So using recycle bins hurts the environment . I wish peep knew

    • @lumpyfishgravy
      @lumpyfishgravy 4 місяці тому +12

      Which makes you wonder WHY the council boxtickers insist on so many different bins. Some of the fines have been eye-watering! Perhaps I'm answering my own question.

    • @allanholloway4729
      @allanholloway4729 4 місяці тому +9

      I've wondered for a long time about the levels of pollution created in the manufacture of those bins.

    • @crankshaft383
      @crankshaft383 4 місяці тому

      FIRST TOPIC: In no particular order, just what caught my attention...
      -I wonder if the woman (or "cooking person" 🏳️‍⚧️), was better off breathing the "INDOOR AIR POLLUTION"
      (5G🤡) around the open hearth: eating non-GMO, organic, non-microwaved food, Drinking "untreated", "unfiltered", NON-FLOURIDATED 😮 water, not consuming synthetic pharmacueticals, not being bombarded with various Electromagnetic frequencies, and the unnatural effects of geoengineering (Air, food, AND water)
      Until she caught fire and succumbed to the 3rd degree burns, (OR died in childbirth, OR got mauled by a bear) she just might have been pretty healthy... 🤫
      (I wonder if odds of death from childbirth is or isn't statistically manipulated- They'd never lie to us... 😐)
      Thank God civilized society nowadays, can order a $400 air purifier on Amazon Prime, and then proceed to strap on a Chinese synthetic nanoparticle face diaper, experience labored respiration, increased heart-rate/blood pressure, lowered blood/oxygen levels, dizziness/impaired cognitive ability, and slowly develop bacterial pnuemonia.
      Bring out your dead... 👍
      *ENERGY SPENT VS. "SAVED": (1 example): A different diesel truck for each recyclable material, each with a crew of 2-3 (useless eaters).
      OR: 🤯💰💸 Enormous electric dump trucks, with thousands of pounds of hazardous materials (batteries), running off a fossil fuel fed grid.
      ORRR... The thousands of pounds of batteries get charged by... WINDMILLS! 😅
      ***WINDMILL RANT***
      The windmills' "propellars"/fan blades (that torment, disorient and ultimately kill all the area's birdlife) employs a "drivetrain" or gearbox/transmission which holds about 400 gallons per windmill/gearbox. This gearbox oil must be changed some times quartrly (1600 gallons per unit/per year 👍) Any mechanical engineer or maintenance/repair technician (in any industry) knows that any drivetrain/gearbox/transmission, (which is wearing out, the moment that windmill begins to spin=It begins to die), suffers a parasitic loss (wasted energy), resulting from the friction and heat of the moving parts. (This, by the way is the secondary energy loss.) The primary/MUCH greater loss, lies in the inherent inefficiency/inability of 3 spinning blades to magically "capture"or "harness" the energy of the wind.
      -Any physicist or mechanical engineer would clearly see the cost vs. (lack/absence of) benefit/ Return (+ -) On Investment (None: Minus, Negative) 💰💸
      (example:) -A sailing ship from centuries ago, is clearly more efficient: It's end result is forward propulsion/travel over great distances, (empirical, evidentiary, measurable and repeatable physical data) despite the ship's burden(s) of overcoming the drag coefficient of the ship's hull traveling through the water, as well as overcoming the resistance of the density of the water, in addition to the total amount of water the ship displaces, furthermore rough vs. Calm/flat seas and currents- strength and direction... (Water vs.):
      The other half of the equation, which the ship must overcome:
      Even factoring this second half of the equation, involving total area of each sail X # of sails PLUS Wind speed-
      This ancient example of one of the earliest/most primitive forms of travel still illustrates the lesser limitations/physics encountered despite centuries of Scientific and Technological "Advancement". WHY...
      (Even with Bill 💉 Gates' geoengineering ⛈️🌋🌀money
      -SOMETIMES THE WIND- (still-even today)
      DOESN'T BLOW...which are wearing out, the moment that windmill begins to spin (It begins to die).
      BACK TO:
      (Sometimes inseperabele, Often inevitable...)
      FACT: While your hunched over your assortment of many bins and multiple receptacles, trying to decipher the ever-changing, yet perpetually confusing recycling schedule, They're participating in their own form of "Recycling"...
      THIS ♻️ Just represents THIS: 🫴💰🤝💸🫱🫲
      *TRANSPORT: Certain organized criminal organizations lived a low-key, yet luxurious, comfortable, and occasionally violent/deadly lifestyle from the transportation of waste, or at least the illusion thereof...
      FACT: Variable time/distance traveled to deliver worthless waste products, some of which are easily biodegradable.
      Depending upon urban/suburban, rural cities, municipalities, communities, villages, etc.- Initial transport from taxpayers' residence to each one of the multiple waypoints along the line, in the multi-step, non-standardized process is costly, BEYOND MEASURE...
      -CORRUPTION inevitably ensues-as a result of an often bloated, inefficient system, (much like a bloated, inefficient corporation.):
      Full of many, but not all, useful idiots/middle-management cogs-conveniently wedged into the money laundering machine/scheme (to be used later: as scapegoats.)
      The scheme of each community- Local to County, to State: And on-up-the "system."
      Just a few specific examples of the history of the "Global Warming", and the desperate, meandering (d)evolution to "Climate Change". A decades-long grift, not unlike all the other traditions of crime and deceit, all at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayer.

  • @Elisacr1
    @Elisacr1 4 місяці тому +114

    24:00 So he hasn’t read “Turtles All the Way Down”. He is giving medical advice as an Economist. He doesn’t mention the difference between the 3 💉that I received as a child in the 1970s and the current schedule of 74 💉recommended today or that the state is threatening to remove children from their parents if they don’t comply-the Stazzi method.

    • @allisoncolby7851
      @allisoncolby7851 4 місяці тому

      @@Elisacr1 You're so right. And "they" love their Gestapo-like tactics don't they? We are objects to them, not lives that matter. They've certainly pulled out all the stops and ever imaginable avenue in their willingness to cause harm to us. Their never ending reverse psychology, of blaming the problems they create on the rest of u s who are not in their elitist clique, labeling people who confront their actions with names like "conspiracy theorist", and anti "vack-sir" (-spelled wrong on purpose, and you know why.) Don't want that "zen shore ship" algorithm to shadow ban our comments. Something we once didn't have to worry about.
      But of course, they can't have us speaking the truth about them and what they're doing, now can they? Even though it's entirely obvious and being done right in our faces. And they call Republicans "fascists", which more accurately is a reflection of themselves.
      These people are so sick and evil. All they do is lie, manipulate, and do the usual narcissistic tactic of gaslighting us, the ultimate in mind f_©kery; - "no, no, no.. You're not seeing what you're seeing", as if we should doubt what we see and know and accept that which is happening is actually whatever they say it is instead. Oh yeah? Well blow me, and the rest of the people on this planet, who see them exactly as they are; wretched, evil, psychopathic, self serving, arrogant, scum bags, who decided all by themselves, they should be the ambassadors of our world, and their belief that what it needs is the removal of all of us "useless eaters", as they call us. They believe themselves to be the superior people, as those who find pleasure in watching our struggling, suffering, or demise by their permanently dirty hands.
      I was born in 67', and I, like you, had fewer 💉than could be counted on one hand. My daughter on the other hand, has had dozens. I was somewhat suspicious about it, and always thought it seemed excessive. But like any of us, trusted the Dr.'s "medical expertise," until she was diagnosed with "functional autism", or "ASD"where out of the 7 or so qualifying symptoms, she fully has 3 of them. But of course, her Dr.'s tried to tell me it wasn't from the 💉's, even thought it doesn't run in my family or her dad's anywhere. It must be because I was older than 35 when I had her. Sure, ok, as if I can believe that. That's precisely why I refused the 💉 they tried to force on people. Who could do and see so much harm and not have a conscience about it? It's starting to look so much to me, like the things said in the Book of Revelations are true. Perhaps that's why they have such disdain for those who believe in God, instead of them. Who can respect or would want to let such evil people who are so entirely dishonest, decide their future or dictate their actions for them? Especially when knowing "they" want most of the world and those who oppose them, to be eliminated so we didn't exist?
      Talk about psychological warfare on people's minds. It takes a strong stomach and a strong mind to endure this kind of ugliness we're being forced to experience. I can understand why some people give up, though it just so happens that some of us, are just stubborn enough, angry and disgusted enough, not to give them what they want or make it any easier for them. Ever. And as with any living thing, there's a weak spot. It's becoming quite clear to me, that theirs is the truth. Why else would they so desperately try to avoid it and keep us from knowing or speaking it? What a bunch of soulless ghouls, who are actually the ones who deserve everything they're trying to do to us, and they know it. As sickening as it is, one of the best reasons I can think of for not giving up or giving into their torment, is to be alive long enough to see that they get what they deserve. The longer we live, the more miserable and frustrated they are, and I'm all for that. Who doesn't want justice for those who need it or deserve it the most?
      Sorry for the lengthy comment. It's just hard not to have a lot to say about it🤬🥺😔✌️😶

    • @NNM-sc3rj
      @NNM-sc3rj 4 місяці тому +7

      Its similar to how we treat the meat we eat. I've seen animal vaccinations go from 3 to 7. Plus all the other prophylaxis on in the market. Tell me why...

    • @liltroublemaker1230
      @liltroublemaker1230 4 місяці тому +5

      He has graduadet and still is a POLITICAL SCIENTIST - NOT ECONOMIC

    • @joshdumbrell4867
      @joshdumbrell4867 4 місяці тому

      I almost turned off! It’s nutrition and sanitation that reduced mortality - read the real Anthony Fauci for the truth about African vax campaigns

    • @johnclark1925
      @johnclark1925 4 місяці тому +3

      Well said. I switched off at 24:19

  • @Cazz48
    @Cazz48 4 місяці тому +118

    In the UK we send financial aid all over the world BUT are aware that it doesn't always reach the people in need. The sad thing is this charity is desperately needed at home, why is it not used at home?? This is happening decade after decade, when will it stop??

    • @rach8241
      @rach8241 4 місяці тому +7

      Your correct. It should be spent at home. It's probably to do with colonising other countries but seems it benifits the rich.
      Needs to 🛑

    • @wyleong4326
      @wyleong4326 4 місяці тому +6

      Charity begins at home rings true

    • @FemaleMatters
      @FemaleMatters 4 місяці тому

      We still send aid to countries who have their own space programmes, full tri-military armaments and grand Prix. All because they are commonwealth countries, many of which still benefitting from the infrastructure we built such as transport links, buildings, sewerage, prisons, etc. But you know... Evil white colonisation and all that so we as a tiny speck of land with a tiny population pay huge countries with larger populations to compensate them for us ending slavery. Perfectly rational right? Us bad awful terrible white people .

    • @katsinthecradle89
      @katsinthecradle89 4 місяці тому

      Why we continue to send aid to Africa I don’t know. The elite and corrupt governments use it for their own purposes not ending the never ending problems the people experience. Why put money in the corrupt hands

    • @montrelouisebohon-harris7023
      @montrelouisebohon-harris7023 4 місяці тому


  • @greentruck8383
    @greentruck8383 4 місяці тому +156

    India is a world superpower, if they can buy nuclear weapons, they can take care of their own environment.

    • @sdrc92126
      @sdrc92126 4 місяці тому +5

      Most of the cows in the world are in India. By a very large humongous margin🐮

    • @lizgilbert9129
      @lizgilbert9129 4 місяці тому +12

      And has some of the richest people in the world (TATA for example).
      Lomborg also doesn't acknowledge dictatorships where leaders steal or exploit the aid funds.

    • @crocodilebelfast
      @crocodilebelfast 4 місяці тому +6

      And that is the question to a lot of these nations. Many have natural resources that other countries mine and sell off so why is that money not used to help their own people. If it is to do with corrupt leadership then maybe that is what the likes of the UN should be looking at and sending troops in to help stop this happening and stabilise those nations. Handouts that never seem to end is clearly not working.

    • @FemaleMatters
      @FemaleMatters 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@sdrc92126nope. Brazil has 234m in comparison to India's 193m.

    • @sdrc92126
      @sdrc92126 4 місяці тому +1

      @@FemaleMatters nope. check again.

  • @hazelgolding3455
    @hazelgolding3455 4 місяці тому +111

    I cant bare to listen to Lomborg. He paints a very grim picture of the suffering of the African & Asian sub continents BUT decades of international aid has not improved the standard of living for the poor.
    The realistic problem is the spreading of Islam across the continents that are slaughtering Christians & indigenous tribes. If this scourge is not addressed, the persecution and enslavement will continue to increase.
    Lomborg needs a reality check to look at the real issues.

    • @karigirl3569
      @karigirl3569 4 місяці тому

      Just as Gaza should be a veritable Mediterranean paradise but instead, just five or six billionaires while the rest live in absolute squalor. The same goes for the entire African continent.

    • @lalaboards
      @lalaboards 4 місяці тому +12

      Look what happened to Lebanon and Algeria . Coming soon to the US .

    • @AVisionofTruth
      @AVisionofTruth 4 місяці тому +4


    • @AVisionofTruth
      @AVisionofTruth 4 місяці тому +3


    • @bertieboo
      @bertieboo 4 місяці тому +6

      Agree surely putting a stop to rape and abuse of women and children should be the first priority in any country x

  • @barbaradobner6050
    @barbaradobner6050 4 місяці тому +83

    It's not really to solve those problems but to make them very rich..

  • @TheswedishDane
    @TheswedishDane 4 місяці тому +29

    climate is making some people very very rich. without making a difference

    • @patarnoldus1649
      @patarnoldus1649 4 місяці тому

      Being able to make a difference. Climate change is about controlling the people not about making the world a better place. The world is dominated by incompetent politicians that are controlled by very smart unelected people that are actually trying to run the world. All the big organizations are run by power-hungry billionaires that are donating their money and therefore enjoy a lot of influence. This is what we need to fight, but since they kill our money, one of our "weapons" is dismantled. Free speech is what we need to defend!!

  • @theodorearaujo971
    @theodorearaujo971 4 місяці тому +41

    Economists and the wealthy have been more than willing to sustain a diminution of the standard of living of the working class citizens in the West to help the drastically poor of the third world. They did not ask the people whose lives they have destroyed, and the majority does not want to sacrifice the standard of living of their neighbors in order to benefit the poor of the third world. Generally, the economists, internationalists and bankers should be ashamed of themselves. The theories completely ignore the externalities imposed on the West in order to secure the benefits to the third world.

    • @crocodilebelfast
      @crocodilebelfast 4 місяці тому +3

      Years ago when those comic relief begging bowl programs were circulating people thought all that money was going to all those images they plastered for hours on those programs but eventually it was discovered they were paying high salaries of those running the "charities" and anything left over was put in a bank account and then invested and some of those investments were to do with arms manufacturing, the thing these programs were condemning at the time.

    • @jesuslovesaves2682
      @jesuslovesaves2682 3 місяці тому

      Thomas Sowell is an economist worth reading and listening to. His Knowledge and Decisions and Vision of the Anointed are great books. Not all economists a like just like every other group.

  • @flamesintheattic
    @flamesintheattic 4 місяці тому +25

    Here's an idea.. stop interfering in other people's lives. Stop spending billions on things you don't understand. These things have unpredictable, unintended consequences.

    • @Luvtadzio
      @Luvtadzio 4 місяці тому +1


  • @weewillywanka5904
    @weewillywanka5904 4 місяці тому +28

    I love the UA-cam note at the beginning warning us about "Climate Change." It assumes the biggest factor in the planet warming is our use of fossil fuels. I'm sure the Sun has nothing to do with this warming.

    • @retrorevivalsuperturbo9428
      @retrorevivalsuperturbo9428 4 місяці тому +7

      They don't even have the sun as a cause of warming in the IPCC climate models. It's absolutely farcical.

    • @crocodilebelfast
      @crocodilebelfast 4 місяці тому +1

      @@retrorevivalsuperturbo9428 Very true, there is something called the Precession Cycle that also affects radiation from the sun to the earth by how the earth tilts.

  • @bradpatton6855
    @bradpatton6855 4 місяці тому +56

    It's all about making money...

    • @whothefoxcares
      @whothefoxcares 4 місяці тому +1

      *any quality hemp paper* can be used to light a cigar or rolled into a recreational cocaine delivery system.

    • @geoffdundee
      @geoffdundee 4 місяці тому

      LAUNDERING MONEY AND STUFFING THEIR SWISS BANK ACCOUNTS.......SAME WITH UKRAINE..........AND SAME WITH THEIR "UNITED NATIONS REPLACEMENT MIGRATION" < flooding high trust societies with foreign criminals to cause instability and bleed taxpayers dry pretending they are fixing a prob when theyre creating it.

    • @bestdjaf7499
      @bestdjaf7499 4 місяці тому +1

      As Russians say:
      *"We wanted the best, but it turned out as always"*
      Anotherone might be applicable:
      "This has never happened before, and now it's happening again".

    • @bradpatton6855
      @bradpatton6855 4 місяці тому

      @@bestdjaf7499 yep... all about the money

  • @Djbeaulieu4
    @Djbeaulieu4 4 місяці тому +23

    He's placing too much hope in people trying to kill us!

    • @allisoncolby7851
      @allisoncolby7851 4 місяці тому +2

      @@Djbeaulieu4 no doubt-! That in short, is a clearly demonstrated fact, and the full truth in the fewest words. Well said~🫡

  • @allisoncolby7851
    @allisoncolby7851 4 місяці тому +34

    Thats a very good question; what ARE "they" spending OUR money on? From what I can see, they have a plethora of weather modification devices at their disposal, they can cause all kinds of weather catastrophies to make "climate change" look legitimate, and what a great way to "play God", and reduce the population at the same time.
    You know, things like fires, floods, drought, tornadoes, hurricanes, landslides, earthquakes, etc., etc. If any person were to research it for themselves, there are various articles written from the scientific communities trom countries around the world, in previous years to the present, where these "weather activities" have been admitted to. If anyone wanted to doubt this, all they'd have to do, for example, on any given day, is look at the sky. Since when does the condensation from airplane exhaust hover in the atmosphere for hours? The sky looks like a tic-tack-toe drawing. Since when do "wildfires" become hot enough to melt the metal from an abandoned vehicle into liquid puddles, but a tree or a shrub less than 6 feet away is still green and untouched? How is it that a country can have a severe drought, but less than 100 miles away, a neighboring country is having severe flooding. There's some climate "climate changes" going on alright, and anyone who questions where its coming from, even though there are various writings that admit to it, surely they must be a conspiracy theorist.
    So tired of all their lies and this globalist addiction to power and control over people's lives. Its greed like no other, and pure evil, to expect everyone else who isnt a member of their clique to pay for it. They'll make sure of that. After all, what a way to put as much stress on people as possible, by controlling basic human needs for survival like food, water, and shelter. Truly diabolical gaslighting at its best, to call someone a conspiracy theorist, as if we cant see it with our own eyes. The incorrect lable doesnt bother me. They do.

    • @sdrc92126
      @sdrc92126 4 місяці тому +2

      The ark for the yet to be announced incoming asteroid

    • @claraausten
      @claraausten 4 місяці тому +2

      There is no question our skies are different and more so in the last year.

    • @Lynne-t4n
      @Lynne-t4n 4 місяці тому +6

      Of all the comments yours sums up all my thoughts on all ‘their’ shenanigans

    • @crocodilebelfast
      @crocodilebelfast 4 місяці тому +2

      Remember the floodings in saudi a few years ago, they were caused with tampering with the weather but they did not calculate it very well, plus they did not install a drainage system like countries in wetter climates would resulting in their streets being flooded.

  • @richardhadley6243
    @richardhadley6243 4 місяці тому +47

    Oh, Winston. Where would be without you. Thanks, buddy. ❤

  • @debbie8436
    @debbie8436 4 місяці тому +47

    People donate massively through TAX 😮

    • @aspensulphate
      @aspensulphate 4 місяці тому +6

      ...and even more massively through INFLATION. Taxes become less important when you have the ability to _steal_ from the citizens by creating money from thin air. Governments around the world LOVE this little trick, which is as old as the invention of money itself. The US has been doing it (officially) since 1971. (NOTE: They still want to tax us into abject poverty.)

  • @Floridamon1
    @Floridamon1 4 місяці тому +81

    It’s usually the American Tax payer that will be fucked into paying for it

    • @monicaericsson2692
      @monicaericsson2692 4 місяці тому +7

      Tax payers all over the western world not just America. Vote Trump this time !!! We need to be more sensible.

    • @George-vf7ss
      @George-vf7ss 4 місяці тому


    • @acousticsong-guitarco964
      @acousticsong-guitarco964 4 місяці тому +1

      @@OdetojoyousAbsolutely not. All the occidental countries have to contribute to this non sens

    • @suelucey9621
      @suelucey9621 4 місяці тому

      Well said!

    • @karigirl3569
      @karigirl3569 4 місяці тому +2

      As we do for everything else.

  • @bethfox5615
    @bethfox5615 4 місяці тому +14

    Did I hear correctly? Did he refer to Bill Gates as a philanthropist?...as someone doing good?

  • @poetmaggie1
    @poetmaggie1 4 місяці тому +21

    Of course "they" are are failing, it isn't about saving anything its about taking everything.

  • @Djbeaulieu4
    @Djbeaulieu4 4 місяці тому +30

    When I was a kid, I'm 63 now, if one of the kids in the family caught measles or chicken pox, the parents had us all play together to catch it and be done with it. I don't have data on deaths back in the 60s or 70s, but we survived

    • @crocodilebelfast
      @crocodilebelfast 4 місяці тому +3

      Same in the 70's, it was thought well of one of them has it then it is only a matter of time before they all get it and within a week that was the case, a week later it was passed and life moved on.

    • @ngairej
      @ngairej 4 місяці тому +2

      Yes, exactly! I'm a fit and healthy seventy-seven year old and I've had no jabs since the age of eleven.

  • @deeyork5592
    @deeyork5592 4 місяці тому +8

    I keep hearing him say that vaxx is a good thing. After what we know about the CV 19 vaxx, I wouldn't take another vaxx if my life depended on it!! I would hope he would be more realistic and honest about that subject!

  • @johnoneill270
    @johnoneill270 4 місяці тому +62

    He talks a lot of sense
    Once he said he was fully vaccinated against rona that was the end of his credibility, I'm afraid
    How are people still not up to speed on that disaster?

    • @paulald2004
      @paulald2004 4 місяці тому +6

      Exactly my thoughts.

    • @geraldlafleur5489
      @geraldlafleur5489 4 місяці тому

      I agree. Vaccinated people are suspicious, unless they confess!

    • @micholfisher9683
      @micholfisher9683 4 місяці тому +3

      People cant be experts on everything. Come on people ...nuance. Take the good. Ignore the bad.

    • @fpenman
      @fpenman 4 місяці тому +5

      He knows he can convince more people on climate change if he said he was vaccinated

    • @johnoneill270
      @johnoneill270 4 місяці тому +2

      @@micholfisher9683 I don't expect him to be expert on things he isn't talking about... I do expect someone to be expert on things they discuss in interviews with a large audience

  • @dibaterman
    @dibaterman 4 місяці тому +14

    No problem with poor countries getting richer, however this appeal to my sympathy doesn't change that wealth taken from me by force and coercion under the guise of a civil contract should then be redistributed to others who have not sworn the same oaths or have the same loyalties as me in some contrived speculation of returned wealth is an evil on me.
    Historically before there was an income tax dollar per dollar individuals donated locally, regionally and internationally in the United States more than we do today. The ultra wealthy are another case in the point that the more money individuals have the more inclined they are to donate. It appears to me that no matter how soft spoken the orator or how good of an innocuous presentation I'm old enough now to have seen the use cases of that line of ambiguity in the effort of divorcing me from my money and I understand that the question really being posed for me is:
    Food for my neighbors kids or food for kids in a foreign country. Sorry no question for me, mine and my neighbors kids first, next question.

    • @karigirl3569
      @karigirl3569 4 місяці тому

      No one did for us what we’re now expected to do for people an entire world away. Our ancestors did everything with grit, determination, blood and sweat. No one “donated” anything to Western countries. Our forefathers built our countries with their bare hands and their backs. Why don’t they teach that to all these countries with their greedy hands out for what we’re still making off the sweat of our collective brows?

  • @YDuskyCricket
    @YDuskyCricket 4 місяці тому +17

    I cannot. I'm 25 minutes in & it feels like "Everything is love & light, oh look, a cute bear, let me pet you". If someone makes it further & it appears that I totally missed the best part, please message me, 🙏. I'm ND, and this so far is painful, 😶. *Who would ever trust Big Pharma again?! 🤦

    • @Past10Performance
      @Past10Performance 4 місяці тому +1

      Ya 20 mins in I am out on this one

    • @YDuskyCricket
      @YDuskyCricket 4 місяці тому +2

      @@Past10Performance did it grate you too? They are "managing" mankind's needs from the top down?!! I really don't know what to call it. Naive arrogance? Gullible? Lack of accountability? I really hope I'm wrong & just unable to see the angle this is supposed to be.

    • @Luvtadzio
      @Luvtadzio 4 місяці тому

      @@YDuskyCricketwhite savior complex.

    • @Past10Performance
      @Past10Performance 4 місяці тому

      @@YDuskyCricket "we know they are wasting billions of dollars of our money but we won't call it wasting we will just say they could spend it better somewhere else" was pretty much all I could take. That and he seems to have full faith in the wef/world banks/billionairs "doing the right thing" when that is very obviously not the case

    • @mrstiger5497
      @mrstiger5497 4 місяці тому

      I'm also ND, and his delivery is annoying, as well as his luxury beliefs.

  • @ReginaldArthurWolfe
    @ReginaldArthurWolfe 4 місяці тому +8

    Bjorn is cluesless when it comes to vaccines.

  • @danielleal1037
    @danielleal1037 4 місяці тому +55

    This is a man who values the lives of the inhabitants of this planet; unlike Billy Boy Gates, Roger “Jim Jones” Hallam, Paul Ehrlich and those of their ilk.

  • @Owlsrayne
    @Owlsrayne 4 місяці тому +20

    Climate activism is a waste of money. It’s just window dressing to make a small group people’s worldwide and governments look good. The way Bjorn is trying to help in a small way. Once you get the poor physically well you have to present better means of agriculture and clean water supply. There are methods developed by the MesoAmerican farmers that should be used to help third world people to feed themselves.

    • @ohsweetmystery
      @ohsweetmystery 4 місяці тому

      Climate activism is there to incrementally bring in total control.

    • @RPSchonherr
      @RPSchonherr 4 місяці тому +1

      Exactly. Most of the poor are that way because they lack the infratructure and energy that rich contries have. It won't help giving them an electric oven to get the fires out of the kitchen if they don't have electricity to run it. Wind and solar can help but they really need a real base source of energy to make all those modern life preserving gadgets work.

  • @danemb3300
    @danemb3300 4 місяці тому +8

    Somehow he strikes me as as the Honest John salesman that are behind every scam.

    @RJKYEG 4 місяці тому +10

    Winston asked, "How do we make people smarter?" And I think the question we can maybe actually answer is, "How do we incentivise smart behaviour?"

  • @sheze45
    @sheze45 4 місяці тому +5

    Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Deputy PM and Finance Minister as well as being on the Board of Trustees for the WEF (quite a conflict of interest), told participants at a Davos conference that the carbon tax in Canada is intended to balance the budget (because her Liberal party screwed it up so badly) and that it was never intended to "fix" the climate. She's caught on camera admitting this. By the way in 2021, there were 1,829 active TB cases in Canada.

  • @johnl5316
    @johnl5316 4 місяці тому +32

    CO2 has basically reached its saturation point, meaning that any more of it cannot notably affect temperature. see Princeton physicist William HAPPER

    • @ohsweetmystery
      @ohsweetmystery 4 місяці тому

      All the climate nuts have little to no understanding of science. They can only re-state things that other ignorant people have said.

    • @sdrc92126
      @sdrc92126 4 місяці тому

      38,000 giga tons co2 in the ocean, less than 4,000 from all other sources combined. can't know this

    • @CoperliteConsumer
      @CoperliteConsumer 4 місяці тому +6

      This is true, the thing is all this CO2 was once in the air but then the super tree biom ate it all up, then ice ages happened and stuff. Anyways we are a closed system. Totally ridiculous to imply burning trees and carbon back into the air would do anything other than cause more trees to grow

    • @retrorevivalsuperturbo9428
      @retrorevivalsuperturbo9428 4 місяці тому

      @@CoperliteConsumer The thing that gets me is how they try and make out that the co2 from fossil fuels is somehow toxic. The more co2 you have in the atmosphere the more greening you get.
      Currently we are experiencing a co2 drought if we compare the levels across long time periods of earth's history. There is currently around 400ppm of co2 in the atmosphere. If the level drops to 200ppm then plant life starts to die off. In the distant past there was over 1000ppm and the planet was lush and green.
      There are many things that affect the warming of the earth, some of which include solar activity, cloud cover, cosmic rays, the milankovitch cycles to name just a few.
      To believe that a trace gas such as co2 in the atmosphere is the sole reason for warming is a childish theory.
      The IPCC gave up on science a long time ago and now just pushes political propaganda. The reason I believe is that the UN and other globalist organisations just want to create a global problem that requires a global response. It doesn't matter if the problem is real or imaginary to them just that it requires global response implemented by them.

  • @ngairej
    @ngairej 4 місяці тому +4

    Most aid money goes to employee wages, not to the poor.

  • @pattilynn257
    @pattilynn257 4 місяці тому +8

    How about western nations investing in their own citizens so they can become prosperous and help their own nation and maybe the world.

    • @Pammellam
      @Pammellam 4 місяці тому +1

      Yes, they want to,…. Need to …. Keep that money at home in their own countries.

    • @Luvtadzio
      @Luvtadzio 4 місяці тому

      F the 3rd world!!!

    • @lena-Ramone
      @lena-Ramone 3 місяці тому

      ... and Then help the rest of the world.
      Yes it seems a no brainer right 😂

  • @RPSchonherr
    @RPSchonherr 4 місяці тому +6

    Measels also doesn't kill not just because most of us are vaccinated against it or had it as kids, but we now have theraputics to reduce the effect of the symptoms. (I tend to make a lot of comments on these long videos.)

  • @tdreadnats
    @tdreadnats 4 місяці тому +17

    poor Björn, when he started his journey of dialogue he was probably the best advocate of realism in politics, somehow the last 10 years went past him and he is fighting battles that haven't materialised.
    i hope he does well and takes a year off to get back up to speed with the rest of current ideas

    • @tdreadnats
      @tdreadnats 4 місяці тому +3

      for a socialist he is pretty down to earth

  • @liltroublemaker1230
    @liltroublemaker1230 4 місяці тому +6

    This guy graduadet in political science. Why should anybody listen to a political scientist when it comes to economics, climate or health issues?! 🤯
    BUT atleast he can make some money with all this by selling his book 😏

  • @marthaolmsted4029
    @marthaolmsted4029 4 місяці тому +5

    Wrong! The original Millennium Goals were revolutionary since they were based on data. They were the brain child of James Grant then president of UNICEF. He did what you are suggesting - get the low hanging fruit. Clean water, basic education, access to food and health care were the key. The Grameen bank of Bangladesh had developed an effective way to lend to the poor called microcredit which was also being promoted. These were all good ideas, they were effective and they understood another result of the data. People will buy into an investment project if they themselves are invested through their own labor and intelligence. It was so effective it was corrupted. Please know this history.

  • @lisachelton4599
    @lisachelton4599 4 місяці тому +1

    YES ... 1 teacher can teach a room full of children at their own levels and paces. It was done in the early days of public education, in a one-room schoolhouse, and those eighth grade graduates were smarter than today's college graduates. ... The handcuffs need to be removed from Education so teachers can do their job!

    • @lisachelton4599
      @lisachelton4599 4 місяці тому +1

      And .. I disagree with using tablets. Modern technology is part of what ails modern society. Children are kinetic learners, who thrive in a contextual environment, i.e. thematic units. When they study, for instance, Chinese culture, they can learn art, history, society, and language, science, and math.

  • @agentvictoria
    @agentvictoria 4 місяці тому +10

    Money laundering by any other name,…..

    • @gregggoodnight9889
      @gregggoodnight9889 4 місяці тому

      @@agentvictoria actually, wealth redistribution, from the poor to the wealthy.

    • @danielwarton5343
      @danielwarton5343 3 місяці тому

      @@gregggoodnight9889if it were only as they would like you to think. It’s eugenics through Philanthropy

  • @sunshinepatsoph4219
    @sunshinepatsoph4219 4 місяці тому +21

    Can davos wef people be called oligarchs?

    • @lumpyfishgravy
      @lumpyfishgravy 4 місяці тому +4

      A core of technocrats with oligarch hangers-on.

    • @dionrau5580
      @dionrau5580 4 місяці тому +1

      How bout refered to as RIP...?

    • @sdrc92126
      @sdrc92126 4 місяці тому +1

      How is that comment not hosted. g.

    • @robertthomas5906
      @robertthomas5906 4 місяці тому +3

      I suppose you could. They're above oligarchs. Oligarchs are usually only local country so to speak. These guys do it to entire continents and the world.

    • @sdrc92126
      @sdrc92126 4 місяці тому +1

      @@robertthomas5906 That is the goal if you are allowed to know. Not - Nobody can be until everybody is - here

  • @carlcarlson7654
    @carlcarlson7654 4 місяці тому +4

    Well shit. He's cracked the code! Make sure everything everyone does produces a positive result for the future. Why haven't I thought of that?

    • @CJ-gv6bq
      @CJ-gv6bq 3 місяці тому

      What is interesting is that the entities get to decide what actions and money is spent to improve the world for further generations. This is actually a program started by the WEF called the Future Generations Project. You are experiencing this in real time in America. It is no coincidence that universal preschool is being adopted in the US as our boarder is opened to allow migrants to come into the country. These people represent the future generations of America. There is an SDG on migration which states that member states must facilitate safe and orderly migration within and among nations. This explains why 20k Haitianscwould be dropped into Springfield, OH. Ultimately, the economic and social policies that the current citizens of Western nations are forced to pay for are intended to serve the future generations.

  • @Truthisnow101
    @Truthisnow101 4 місяці тому +8

    The bloke is very naive on how the world works, thinking Bill Gates cares about the environment is his first mistake!

    • @jesuslovesaves2682
      @jesuslovesaves2682 3 місяці тому

      When confronted about Gates own waste and excess he said he makes up for it with other climate work such as carbon capture. AKA I am rich, so it is okay. Go check out wetland banking (US) it works the same way. If you are wealthy destroy away and make up for it someplace else because you have the money to do so. But someone poor is out of luck.

  • @bb-fe9ur
    @bb-fe9ur 4 місяці тому +4

    Who's getting the money... You know who's getting... The DAVOS fka

  • @murryrozansky8753
    @murryrozansky8753 4 місяці тому

    A good one, Winston. It is nice to hear a sane person occasionally.

  • @crocodilebelfast
    @crocodilebelfast 4 місяці тому +3

    This all sounds very altruistic but the question many people in the west who are not rich and lead a steady life sometimes they do not do so well themselves either ask is most western countries have been giving millions each year to all of these poorer nations to help them out but it seems to be never ending. Maybe charity is not the answer as where has all of that money over the past 50 years plus gone? Maybe sorting out the root cause as to why people are starving/suffering and address that could be a start to help these people and countries help themselves. If it is dictatorships who are taking the money then UN forces might be a better idea to go into these countries to help stabilise them. A lot of the African nations have natural resources that are mined by western countries and china but the profits dont go towards building up those countries and maybe this is why after over 50 years things have not changed.

  • @RayWilliams-x2g
    @RayWilliams-x2g 4 місяці тому +6

    I think it's a bit of a scam. Thanks great program.

  • @MaryMclare-sp6vx
    @MaryMclare-sp6vx 4 місяці тому +6

    You're right. That guy is wrong. Nobody should be starting. Don't agree with WEF 😢

  • @douglasedward227
    @douglasedward227 4 місяці тому +3

    Let those countries take care of their own. Some Peoples just fade away for a reason.

    • @karigirl3569
      @karigirl3569 4 місяці тому

      Just as our ancestors did. It just takes the will.

  • @marcelolecuna444
    @marcelolecuna444 4 місяці тому +1

    Running clean water, getting the developing world's countries involved and putting aside ego.

  • @LettyK
    @LettyK 3 місяці тому

    Nothing wrong with the audio quality, Winston, it's fine.

  • @Starfishtroopers
    @Starfishtroopers 4 місяці тому +4

    eugenics is real.. ignoring those motivations is naive AF

  • @martindennis1633
    @martindennis1633 4 місяці тому +3

    There is evidence to show that all the common diseases were drastically falling before vaccinations started. The marked downtrend can be attributed to improvements in nutrition, hygiene and sanitation -- basically improved living standards.

  • @markmcflounder15
    @markmcflounder15 4 місяці тому +3

    Ohhhh! A Wiki-warning! This must be important & good!

  • @chantalamino2244
    @chantalamino2244 4 місяці тому +4

    +-Until politics are abolished this will just get worse.
    Every country must govern their own counTries without outside inFluenceS ( corruption)
    Run a country like a business with qualified people in various sectors

  • @SkipMichael
    @SkipMichael 4 місяці тому +7

    Maybe Mr. Lomborg should join Musk and Trump.

  • @corinne7126
    @corinne7126 4 місяці тому +6

    We have to look at many ways beside CO2 that caused hotter and floods etc. One example was volcanoes in the ocean cause alot of water vapor to hit the atmosphere causing more rain and a thermal effect. And there so much corruption in these programs, so why cannot we the taxpayers use this money for our own countrymen. Have you been to some parts in US, 3rd world

    • @ISayFinn
      @ISayFinn 4 місяці тому

      Microwave towers. They are cooking us! It's Nicolai Tesla's technology. That is where all the heat comes from. The towers are everywhere. We are chickens surrounded by microwaves. What part of Microwave don't we get? HEAT!

  • @davidapatrickmoore
    @davidapatrickmoore 4 місяці тому +17

    Not buying this guys story.
    Nice podcast. Thank you

  • @montrelouisebohon-harris7023
    @montrelouisebohon-harris7023 4 місяці тому

    I totally agree with Winston because I grew up in the 1970s and 80s and I remember live aid in 1985. It was a huge concert in New York and London at Wembley and it was during a time in which there was a horrible famine caused by a drought in Ethiopia so people have been starving to death for probably a year or two. Several musicians got together and made a couple records like we are the world and then Christmas song and they sold these records which raised millions and millions and that money entirely went to people who would take food and necessities over to Ethiopia so they could eat and not starve to death but not give the money to governments that would use it corruptly.
    This worked out so well and it helps so much on top of the people who donated to AIDS research.. live aid was the summer of July 1985 and the concert people paid for tickets in addition to people who had phone in and donate.. Bob geldof was in charge of that and that is what I love doing it and it's from the bottom up!! Keep government out of it because not everybody has the best interest and these people are corrupt and steal money. The US government gives away so much tax payer money every year it's ridiculous and most people in the USA want it completely stopped.
    Those governments in Africa South America etcetera etcetera are corrupt..

  • @nickwells20
    @nickwells20 4 місяці тому +3

    I think we reduced child mortality by half because we have cut in half the amount of babies we make. I'm being hyperbolic a bit but we certainly have less kids today and that evidence isn't in question.

  • @marcelolecuna444
    @marcelolecuna444 4 місяці тому +1

    Sanitation and nutrition are the key. It was what helped the developed world not vaccines.

  • @kokomo74149
    @kokomo74149 4 місяці тому +1

    THAT'S A REDUCTION IN LIFE EXPECTANCY for the 1st time in history.

  • @lumpyfishgravy
    @lumpyfishgravy 4 місяці тому +17

    I heard Bjorn Lomborg on Jordan Peterson's show some months ago and he was great, shining light on issues and research mainstream media would rather ignore.
    Thank-you Winston I'm looking forward to this - I'll save it for my next couple of commutes.

  • @Raevon22
    @Raevon22 4 місяці тому +1

    To save the Earth, it's essential to clean the oceans and rivers and to plant more trees. The Earth has the ability to save itself when there are more plants.

  • @rogerlodey330
    @rogerlodey330 4 місяці тому +5

    Climate changers more like!..you seen the state of the skies these days!?

  • @joshuawalding2372
    @joshuawalding2372 4 місяці тому +2

    1:06:56 well of course the optimist can’t possibly even recall the opposite of an optimist!
    We love you Bjorn! Don’t stop!

  • @tlivoti
    @tlivoti 4 місяці тому +1

    Remeber its about power with the UN and elites such as WEF.

  • @terfteeps
    @terfteeps 4 місяці тому +2

    What’s the point in saving millions of lives if we can’t feed them?

  • @jamestregler1584
    @jamestregler1584 4 місяці тому +1

    Thanks; that opening statement said it all !

  • @DannerCando-ev4fo
    @DannerCando-ev4fo 4 місяці тому +1

    I have become so cynical these days… I want a non biased scientist (if there is such a thing) to completely review their data, studies, and conclusions. There is so much fraud these days for interested parties to find the results they want-particularly in the monied altruist class that assumes they already have all the answers.

  • @medicineinyourkitchen1234
    @medicineinyourkitchen1234 4 місяці тому +30

    You lost me when you mention VACCINES…!

    • @amystand7799
      @amystand7799 4 місяці тому +4

      Some vaccines are absolutely vital and safe. They have been around for decades and saved millions of lives.

    • @johnbatson8779
      @johnbatson8779 4 місяці тому

      What is your problem with vaccines? unless you cannot understand objective facts

    • @micholfisher9683
      @micholfisher9683 4 місяці тому +1

      Come on people....nuance. People cant be experts on everything. Take the good. Ignore the bad.

    • @MsChitterchat
      @MsChitterchat 4 місяці тому +4

      @@amystand7799Have they though? These illnesses were already in decline in the second half of last century with better sanitation, diet, access to other medicine and people coming out of severe poverty. I’d like more studies on the impact of childhood vaccines.

  • @Users_rx
    @Users_rx 4 місяці тому +1

    To save the future you dont need to buy into their agenda. Live a very simple life as much as u can, less shopping, less tech and everything else less (except eating). I takes a lot of self control to do this but if only most of us do this, the earth would be much healtier

  • @cristop5
    @cristop5 4 місяці тому +2

    The elites are melting the glaciers

  • @froukjematthews3421
    @froukjematthews3421 3 місяці тому

    About education: Fund one Montessori teacher and one set of all the basic materials per village
    Have that teacher live in the village and work with a loval woman as a translator. Through working together she'll get her training as well.
    Lastly, start with toddlers and preschoolers and build up per village from that base.
    Not only is it cheaper, but it will be more affective in the long run.
    I bet given half the chance , teenagers in those villages have smart youngsters who can be encouraged to come up with ideas and solutions to local problems, using whatever is availble.
    The big problem is local politicians, corruption, the fact that in local cultures women may well be abused and then somehow have to look after the kids. It is not impossible, but Bjorn is looking at all these problems like a man from a Western country.

  • @AmyCheesman-w8s
    @AmyCheesman-w8s 3 місяці тому +1

    I would love to see this guy in conversation with Vandana Shiva!
    Maybe she could provide the reality check he so badly needs

  • @Luvtadzio
    @Luvtadzio 4 місяці тому +1

    Why do we have to care for the world’s poor? Why is it OUR responsibility??! I care about MY family and MY community.

  • @DoubleplusUngoodthinkful
    @DoubleplusUngoodthinkful 4 місяці тому +1

    Anyone who says Bill Gates is spending billions to make the world a better place has completely lost all credibility with me.

  • @BasutuEquestrian
    @BasutuEquestrian 4 місяці тому

    Put the Climate budget into helping humanity’s poor!!!

  • @RPSchonherr
    @RPSchonherr 4 місяці тому +2

    50:24 Unfortunately we have college post grad students, that depend on their funding from the rich guys invested in Solar and wind, making studies that show the poor countries are impacted more from climate change than rich countries and the way to fix it is to buy more of the guy paying for the studies product.

  • @416dl
    @416dl 4 місяці тому +2

    Bjorn's unflagging persistence in bringing a message of optimism for a future where we make things better by using our resources wisely , intelligently, and effectively is an inspiration to a world being frustrated by fear and misinformation. Thanks for bringing him to your platform and I'm looking forward to more from both of you. Cheers.

    • @stevewalden1159
      @stevewalden1159 4 місяці тому +1

      Wrong. This man and his globalist type are why places like where I am are in the state they are in. Wtf is a political scientist. He's not a scientist because "political science" is voodoo bull. He's part of the problem.

    • @Luvtadzio
      @Luvtadzio 4 місяці тому +1

      He is part of the problem.

  • @jl9205
    @jl9205 4 місяці тому

    Thank you, Wikipedia! Where would we be without you?

  • @dawnofza1443
    @dawnofza1443 4 місяці тому +6

    This guy is such a WEF shill 😂😂

  • @vvbscrapcoal206
    @vvbscrapcoal206 4 місяці тому

    As an individual who knows how the poor tend to steal technology, in order for schools to be able to provide 'tablet' tutoring, I would suggest installing a central table with integrated touchscreen capabilities making it ineffective to steal. For maintenance ease the touchscreens should be replaceable at small scales, example having touchscreen tiles that require the table to function, while the tiles are cheap and preferably repairable and recyclable

  • @singingtradsongs
    @singingtradsongs 4 місяці тому

    My wife died from tuberculosis, in Honduras in 2018. Didn't get adequate care but was very stubborn too, faith in doctors is more widespread in the 1st world. We had separated.

  • @mike1117777
    @mike1117777 4 місяці тому +4

    Great work

  • @douglasb8558
    @douglasb8558 3 місяці тому +1

    Mr. Winston Marshall, I really enjoy your program. Your programs are smart and interesting and I look forward to each one. The Globalist see a ideal World population of Two billion or less. This is roughly one forth of the population now. Rapid inflation with higher prices and plagues that kill off poorer people and higher food production cost that affect poorer people are tools that can be used to decrease world population. You hear those who are in the climate alarmist camp sounding the end of the World unless we take all of these drastic steps in the next ten years .Bjorn Lomborg seems to have more trust in the large Globalist organization to actually make things better. I see the Globalist power hungry elites who want more power and control with a much smaller population. Please dig into these areas and expose them.

  • @Fredaslee
    @Fredaslee 4 місяці тому +9

    OMG. I love your show Winston but, i can't listen to this guy any longer. He doesn't live in the real world and he is blind.

    • @danielwarton5343
      @danielwarton5343 3 місяці тому +1

      I felt exactly the same. Couldn’t believe it was a winston podcast i was listening to

  • @Pammellam
    @Pammellam 4 місяці тому +1

    Rich counties want to do climate change because the machines or whatever come from the rich countries - that keeps the money at home…

  • @williamvorkosigan5151
    @williamvorkosigan5151 4 місяці тому

    The greatest benefit to the human race has been derived from NW European cultures and the Anglosphere in particular. If we value future human flourishing, we should be doing all that we can to repair these cultures and societies. As it is, nations like the US and UK spend large sums to help other nations. Money that they have notionally borrowed from their grandchildren while they run negative balance budgets. For the long term, it would be better for the entire world if those western liberal democracies set their houses and finances in order. Free trade is a transfer of wealth from the richer (supposed richer, while having eye watering national debts) nation to the poorer. Our politicians were elected to serve us, not the people of other nations.

  • @lesgamester7356
    @lesgamester7356 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for post.

  • @imnotanalien7839
    @imnotanalien7839 4 місяці тому +1

    Who EXACTLY are the ‘we’…..😂😂😂😂😂♥️
    I think he usually says the
    ‘rich people’….who exactly are the rich people….? The UN needs to be asked that too! 😂😂.

  • @siuwong4588
    @siuwong4588 4 місяці тому

    1:05:37 Because wealthy elites do not like to be criticized. In order to get them to work towards the goals, there’s has to be a big carrot in front of them to make them feel good 🙄

  • @Gorbyrev
    @Gorbyrev 4 місяці тому +1

    Cheering Mr Lomborg on in his endeavour to make the world a better place.

  • @johnclark1925
    @johnclark1925 4 місяці тому +2

    I switched off at wide scale vaccination and calling those making health choices anti-vaxers…

  • @theadventurefamily4991
    @theadventurefamily4991 4 місяці тому +1

    Stapling money to the clouds.

  • @clovermark39
    @clovermark39 4 місяці тому +7

    Wish world leaders would take notice of this guy.

    • @Hectorsgirllori
      @Hectorsgirllori 4 місяці тому +3

      We dont want that… they would eliminate him for telling the truth 😏😏😏

    • @ellie698
      @ellie698 4 місяці тому

      They're too dumb

    • @ellie698
      @ellie698 4 місяці тому +1

      You credit them too much intelligence.

  • @ohsweetmystery
    @ohsweetmystery 4 місяці тому +8

    Please stop saying 'making the world a better place'. A better place only in your own, narcissistic opinion.

  • @kathyborthwick6738LakotaEmoji
    @kathyborthwick6738LakotaEmoji 4 місяці тому +1

    Batteries - lithium, cadmium, titanium, cobalt for solar materials most coming from China, India & using dirty coal while Western Canada and the USA have the cleanest coal on the planet but respective governments are restricting our use to purchase outside North America - Americans and Canadians suffer but who gives a tinkers about working folks? Kindly note : Two 12 volt batteries to operate 16 solar panels will cause more harm to the environment in 5 than running 5 Dodge Rams and 5 F150ʼs for 20 yrs - Go ahead and research cause I am correct!
    Dr. KB Chalifoux BScMScDSW Microbiology!