I think the beginning of bf1 does something arguably better, just adds names. Like you die and then "john smith 1897-1914" or "hank adams 1901-1917" or something like that
Fun fact: soldiers using mp18 would hold magazine from the bottom as it supposedly was more comfortable and when crouching you could put your elbow on the knee for more stability
funny because back in the day running and shooting was not really a thing... or at least not the way it was supposed to be used in combat. That's why so many guns had magazines on the side or top because you'd always shoot it laying down.
@@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 that's the whole idea that you would crouch and use it as more or less bipoded weapon but istead of it you would use your arm and it would also allow you to use it same way when lying on the ground.
@@IamSoulfuller Yeah, this video is misleading. No one would be charging blindly in like that, hip firing like Rambo. Games like Escape From Tarkov, DayZ, Arma, and Star Citizen better reflect the more realistic elements of large scale conflicts, because in those games death has consequences (especially Tarkov, DayZ and Star Citizen). You don't just charge in, you think about what you're doing and how you're oging to do it, and it's WAY more logistical and slow paced, much closer to real life.
@@billywashere6965 Not in the world wars. You needed to take certain territory and if you were on the front when they needed to push an area to flank another you were fucked becuase they would just throw manpower at the problem.
@@billywashere6965 I think you forgot about WW1 and WW2. Sure modern wars are not at all like this, but back then it was actually. even before WW1 it was like that.
Battlefield 1 without hud is the most scary thing in the game history. No horror game can reach to that level. Because whenever you try it, you will never know who is friend or foe
@@pizzainmilk4197 Nah arma 3 as a game is really old and you can actually feel it, sometimes it's almost frustrating. I can't wait for arma 4 to come out so I will be able to play a mission without being killed by an enemy that walked through a wall.
That's the sad reality of war. Milions of people thrown in the middle of a battlefield. Battlefield itself is very immersive and helps us to understand (edit) a little bit ___________ EDIT: YES I KNOW, war in not a game YES I KNOW, we have to understand the differences Thank you. to all the "professors" that reminded me that in games you don't die for real, i didn't know, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I honestly dig if there's a mode like this, no HUD, no minimap, no kill feed, just you and your squad, trying to do your objective while in constant alert, perhaps resulting in more team work
someone already said but BF1 has a hardcore mode that pops up every so often called Back 2 Basics (B2BC is the abbreviation in the servers I think). Either that or you can rent a server and craft your own experience
@radias2589 So true. A U.S Marine serving in the Pacific from a book I recall reading bluntly said "where else can you eat an apple a day, go for a swim, and get shot at?". Some did it to get out of their small hometowns and see what adventures awaited. Others took up the call to serve.
@@ulamumafarciaporpial propaganda. older recruiters told them they were fighting for the glory of their country and it was basically gonna be a vacation since they’re travelling outta the country and most people back then never left their country
As a veteran of this century, we don't just rush out into the open, like in the previous war's. Everything is strategized, you would usually go prone. For example a sand hill peak in the video, the only reason to rush into the open is if you had no other option or if rare (a commanded order, which is unrealistic) or if it was a ambush.
@@norbrine9323there's a submachine gun and they didn't entire service till 1918 at this point ww1 strategies have changed significantly and mass charges weren't used anymore now if this was early ww1 it makes sense but it's the gun that stops that
Back in 2010, I and my classmates interviewed a very old world war 2 veteran, he said that the scariest sound was the machine gun and the very thought that those were aimed at you and your group.
"THAT'S IT! Thank you for serving" is such a haunting line. Remember that the government sees their troops as statistics instead of people. If you die in the line of duty no one would care outside of your loved ones. You are expendable in the governments' eye.
Not really. Maybe at the highest levels, but everyone else in the government, from the accountants makimg sure supplies get paid for and sent to the front, to the battalion level commanders who at least in the US army like to get into the thick of it, to the guys who have to tell a soldiers family the worst news of their life...yeah the vast majority of the government sees soldiers as people like anyone else would
@cameronspence4977 dead soldiers just become a part of an array of lost soldiers. There is no way someone would care about thousands of people like they're their family members. You're just a number and a resource in war. You're person for loved ones
Any war have similar perspective. - Be just a typical farmguy. Great war started so huge hands of draft takes You to trenches. You fix bayonet and await for whistle. You get up and charge with dozens of people. MG mows Your stomach and legs. Your last minutes are filled with agonizing pain. - Be a citizen of freshly regained independence country after 123 years of occupation. After one year You had to defend Your country because communists wanted to force their way of life outside their country - on bayonets of course. Also after 20 years they made a pact with another country and both invaded You again. You die under occupation because unfortunetly You weren't "okay" with occupiers so they shot You and Your body lie buried somewhere in the forest. - Be one of the best trained soldier, freshly finished West Point. USA planned a big landing operation. You and Your pals are on one barge. Just before touching the sand You got hit from howitzer and whole barge exploded. Your skills and training wasted. At least Your death was quick. - Be a normal man, trying to work and live as best as You can. Unfortunetly some ex-KGB asshole wanted to be a new tzar and decided to invade You country. You didn't even had any chance because rocket blasted Your home with Your family. You thought we are too modern for wars? Unfortunetly You was wrong. What is in common? War is a waste of human life and it is one of the worst invention humanity ever made.
>Shells and kills civilians because its ethnic minority within your own country that you dont like. >Big bad neighbor next door tells you to stop. >Amp up your killing and tell neighbor he's next. >Neighbor invades and kills half your male population. >*Surprised Pikachu face* bUt Im ThE vIcTiM.
They still made a change. Even if they just went in for the first hour, they still contributed. Also, what's in the video is not happening. They rarely rush in. They slowly progress. Second, under artillery fire, you lay down, this way, the shrapnels of what exploded will have a lessened chance of hitting you. And it's usually, or rather always strategized. What you can expect from your leaders is that they will never tell you to rush in and let yourself die :)
I’m a seasoned BF1 player but I’m confounded by the “artillery” death. Never seen that before, can someone explain? Usually it’s a mortar, vehicle, or behemoth on suez but it looked like a Bad company 2 scout artillery gadget
He's playing Rush, which is surprising because that game mode has been dead for a couple of years now. Defenders can call in artillery from the M-Comms.
Maybe he’s playing the rush game mode, there are some telegraph devices in that game mode which should be destroyed by the attacking team, while the defending team can use those to call artillery strikes on the enemies. It’s like operation but you just destroy telegraph devices instead of capturing flags.
0:13 in Battlefield 1 it is actually quite easy to figure if you got the kill because of the sound (that was no kill in the video) but i get your point that you never know irl
0:17 that's why wars make me sad. It isn't really a conflict of 2 nations, it's just a conflict between 2 politicians comfortably sitting on their ac rooms with first class security while the poor and innocent people risk (and lose) their lives because their leader didn't liked something. Nobody wins after a war, it's just who has the least dead guys celebrate.
Everyone has a role.The smarter ones are the ones sitting and coming up with strategies and tasked with running the country."The Schemers" put simply.And then there's the warriors who don't like to sit in office but prefer action or weren't born lucky(poor family) to work in such environment.Regardless, both these types of people have it hard, if the soldiers aren't in a desk giving orders its almost entirely their fault.
this is something that should be taught at schools. This is something 90% of the world do not know and do not believe, war is cool, guns blasts i will survive, enemy will die not me
What I find kind of hilarious is my generation grew up with games like this. You would think this concept should have sunk in, that in a war you can be killed by basically anything at any time for any reason. And there were still guys signing up to get PTSD and screwed by the government once they graduated.
Yeah. Because as I have stated in an earlier statement, with the exception of russia/ukraine, no war since the Iran/Iraq war in 1980 has been like this. Wars fought by competent people arent like this anymore. Look at Azerbaijan/Armenia, Afghanistan, or Mexican drug war for examples. None of those are anything like ww1. If people thought it was like this, no modern army would be a volunteer army bc no one would willingly do this. You might want to study modern wars a bit more
The majority of casualties in industrial warfare come from artillery and aerial bombardments. In both world wars, supposedly the majority of soldiers didn't shoot to kill, and often even faked shooting at enemies.
@@Mr._Newb_McMuffin Then it shouldn't be difficult to link to the documents. I'm not looking it up, because I'm lazy. Are you telling me the majority of MG42 gunners at Omaha beach and other huge battles intentionally aimed over the invading forces' heads? And this is documented? That doesn't make sense.
@@TheNwahDango The book "On Killing by Dave Grossman" goes into detail about how human beings have a psychological aversion to killing other human beings, hence why in WWI a lot of soldiers wouldn't aim directly for the enemy, but just shoot in their general direction. It also expands into how the army developed countermeasures, to make soldiers more likely to actually killing eachother i.e better food, equipment and most of all better training (using human sized targets during target practice instead of bullseye targets, dehumanizing the enemy, training the soldiers so that they act almost subconsciously rather than consciously and so on and so forth. Hope this helps.
My friend use to always say "imagine being that guy" whenever there's a point in a video game where an NPC gets killed before even seeing the bad guys or firing his gun. Now I can't unthink that when seeing all these videos game deaths. Like damn, imagine that being it lol.
I gotta tell you there was probably more friendly fire in WW1 since I was always shooting my team whenever they turned a corner with the HUD turned off.
@@radias2589 Yeah. And it's more common for them to always be behind cover and not rushing in. And they always have a plan. They usually just rush in and shoot when it's an ambush. But in direct confrontation, they progress slowly.
This got me to remember how I was crouching for more than an hour in Flashpoint and then a single shot put me out, just because I didn't look carefully enough at 11 o'clock. And you could "save" only once during a mission in flashpoint, so you almost to need to start from the beginning.
They should make a game mode with several waves of 32v32 players but you only have one life. Once the entire wave of players is dead or an obj captured the next wave spawns. Still with only one life. When u die it boots you from the server and bans you from the game.
I respect soldiers, I live in America and I've become buds with some vets, they have gone through stuff like this and it's one hell of an experience. Soldiers from other countries deserve the same respect also, they die for their leaders, even if they are corrupt. For instance I believe it was a Chinese pilot, who was shot but his plane could still fly for a little bit, he flew his plane into an American ship to try and take it down, he failed on the process, but the US soldiers gave him a proper funeral to honor his loyalty, even if it was to a dictator.
Foxhole is a pretty good example of this. Ive spent hours in that game at times just holding a trench against endless enemy counterattacks or taking enemy ttenches myself and advancing pretty far only to get forced all the way back to the start line by some guys in a tank and a squad of infantry. Probably the best times were when i was in a supply truck. One time, i got caught in an ambush and my truck was taken out by a tank. I then managed to avoid being killed and hid in a foxhole, which gave some nearby friendly players some time to come drive them off. I then repaired mt truxk and went on my way. Amother time was when i was going to resupply an isolated garrison and i drive straight through an ambush only to hit a mine. Luckily they didnt chase me so i didnt get killed when the mine disabled by truck. I then had to spend 10 minutes finding the marerials to fix it before driving to my object, where i helped fend off another attack, before driving back to base.
You know whats tripping me out? ! I had this exact thought today and this video popped up with the same title as my thought. Wtf imagine fighting in a real war and you don’t even know if the enemy is dead or not.
POV: you went to war You can't find enemy Well-trained sniper hit u head "Thanks for your service." Oh, yeah, all the enemies(if soldiers) are trained, and, even if they are not soldiers, they have a plan ready, just like ur team would :)
> rush towards enemy > avoid covers whatsoever > fire so the enemy can hear you and know you're coming > don't think even for a second after contact and continue to rush toward enemy's position > get yourself exposed to the crossfire > die > respawn > get under artillery fire > refuse to lay on ground > run straight to the upground so shells are certainly going to hit you > die again > "And what can you do against the artillery?" I swear if during my service this guy was in my crew, I would off myself the night before the first fight.
One of the only war games where it really hit me how nasty war is. After surviving for awhile on the battlefield, I identified with my soldier that I was playing and even gave him a name “we’re doing good man hang in there Jon!” needless to say, I died later on. Surviving a match is incredibly hard. And I was just sitting there after like “damn.. my boy Jon died.. he really made an impact on the battlefield. Rip” I tried like hell to keep Jon alive and get him through the match. He was my only death that game. Guy would’ve been a legend in real life.
Damn… rest in peace Jon. 🫡 How many kills did you get in the game? Do you remember? If it makes you feel any better, there’s been many Jons throughout history. Go check out Charles Keating IV, John Basilone, and Roy Benavidez. Their stories are inspiring.
@@KahinAhmed72 That game I believe I had around 60-75 kills. Jon hammered the enemy lines with artillery, gas grenades, and gunfire; even capturing a few objectives, and single-handedly fought off 4 enemy soldiers from recapturing an objective. He gave them hell! But ultimately, Jon met his end from an enemy sniper. Probably one of the better matches I've played to be honest. Thanks for the names, I will give their stories a listen!
It's just harder in video games, because in games, you have no plan, and your instinct is just "RUSH IN AND KILL." But irl, you have consciousness, you have a plan, you have someone to guide you.
The one thing I never forgot in the Dutch army, they told me the average life expectancy of a foot soldier in a equal army vs equal army battle, is 30 seconds. So I became gunner, to last 15 seconds longer😂 Didn't serve, my group who went had a bombing and they lost their 23 year old lieutenant in Afghanistan. Glad I broke my collarbone really badly before we went. 60 percent from all who came back are scarred for life, knowing their traumas are for nothing is extra damaging. Nobody ever achieved anything in Afghanistan, but every century armies still go there. History truly repeats.
i never hit ANY battlefield without my trusty Cloaking technology.... back then it would be my trusty cardboard box...and if that failed i would just hide behind my finger.
Death has always been a friend of me and my family. From WW1 to now all my relatives have fought and survived in each of the respective wars they fought. Now if Civil War 2 starts then I will join to protect my my home state and my family. Now if WW3 starts then I will join the marines to protect my country. The point is, war is messy but sometimes necessary
0:19 Sorry was that a British A7V? I've never played bf games but that's ridiculous. If I remember correctly only the Australians managed to capture one.
If I had to guess, at some point during the match, a German crew ditched it, and some plucky players on the British team did what the British do best, repurpose someone else's stuff for the Glory of the Empire. (edit: Probably a Ottoman crew looking back on what map it is, Ottomans using A7V's most likely just because they didn't develop any tanks during the war, but obviously they need them for balance reasons gameplay wise)
Biggest paradox of mankind the invention of a Doomsday weapon has saved more lives than any military "defensive" weapon before it. It is simply the fact that we know that WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones that prevents war fought on the scale they were before the World Wars. At the beginning of WW1 when it seemed like another jaunty romp through Europe for the Brits it was all "For King and Country!!!", and "Lord Kitchener Wants You!!!". The concept of a mass invasion is such a controversial topic that wars between large powers these days largely aren't even fought in physically but through geopolitical, and economic manipulation.
basically yes, everyone is afraid of nuclear holocaust now we only attack, invade countries that clearly dont have access to nuclear weapons iraq invasion was a lie, we already knew they didnt have wmds. if they did, usa would've never invaded them same how ukraine has no access to wmds so russia just invaded
Ah yes… I saw this video in UA-cam VR… The truth about war I’ve understood since I was 12. It’s not a joke or a fun thing like most fools think… It’s real death, and there’s no replay button.
fun fact: In actual wars, there was no fucking "rushing" to the enemy and mag dumping, since everyone feared for their fucking lives instead of going for the golden skin
Yeah, because in real war, it's organized, you have a plan, you have your team that you will probably be well-acquainted with, and tactics in real life will actually work, such as the crawling when artillery strikes, you also have eyes and ears overhead that alert you of enemy positions.
@@cvsasukeuchiha3051 what i meant is that real war isnt exciting as it is in video games, war in video games is very fun, you play with your friends, you respawn after you die, etc... War in video games is unrealistic, it takes many bullets to kill you, you respawn after dying, you heal yourself very quickly, in real war there is no respawning or health, all it takes is one bullet and its all over
"That's it, thank you for serving." Is actually an extremely chilling sentence.
straight outta Papers Please
End scene in pain, fade to black
I think the beginning of bf1 does something arguably better, just adds names. Like you die and then "john smith 1897-1914" or "hank adams 1901-1917" or something like that
@@artifex2.080 Was the beginning of BF1 based on an actual battle?
Serving? That’s disgusting because soldiers served for the country as a slave.
Fun fact: soldiers using mp18 would hold magazine from the bottom as it supposedly was more comfortable and when crouching you could put your elbow on the knee for more stability
Did your great grandpa manufactured mp18s?
funny because back in the day running and shooting was not really a thing... or at least not the way it was supposed to be used in combat.
That's why so many guns had magazines on the side or top because you'd always shoot it laying down.
@@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 that's the whole idea that you would crouch and use it as more or less bipoded weapon but istead of it you would use your arm and it would also allow you to use it same way when lying on the ground.
@@Superior-condor. my great grandpa served during ww1 in 1st Polish Legion and his brother in 3rd or other way around
They actually added this for the mp28 in battlefield 5
This is why in real war, 90% of it is camping.
No scope, 360°
Because no respawns
@@IamSoulfuller Yeah, this video is misleading. No one would be charging blindly in like that, hip firing like Rambo.
Games like Escape From Tarkov, DayZ, Arma, and Star Citizen better reflect the more realistic elements of large scale conflicts, because in those games death has consequences (especially Tarkov, DayZ and Star Citizen). You don't just charge in, you think about what you're doing and how you're oging to do it, and it's WAY more logistical and slow paced, much closer to real life.
@@billywashere6965 Not in the world wars. You needed to take certain territory and if you were on the front when they needed to push an area to flank another you were fucked becuase they would just throw manpower at the problem.
@@billywashere6965 I think you forgot about WW1 and WW2. Sure modern wars are not at all like this, but back then it was actually. even before WW1 it was like that.
BF1 with no HUD was one of the most beautifully terrifying experiences I’ve ever had in a video game. Man I miss the times when AAA games had heart.
Well try hell let loose it will gove you ptsd
just play squad or hll
@Krippaxxus, Eredarlord of the salty Legion he meant Triple A Games i dont have to elaborate look it up
Bf1 was ass
Battlefield 1 without hud is the most scary thing in the game history. No horror game can reach to that level. Because whenever you try it, you will never know who is friend or foe
Well the French guys r blue so they’re pretty friendly
BF1 with friendly fire is crazy because you kept getting mistaken by your team
Play arma, squad or project reality
Ehmm... ArMA
Play hll with no hud, have you team killing guys for making sound
" To artillery, all men are equal " Napoléon
That's why his name was Bonaparte 💀
@@TheStraightestWhitest oh naw
Napoleon had his bones apart when he was hit by a artillery shot in the siege of Toulon
he wasn't named after it @@amitavasengupta5580
Save me mama please
In Red Orchestra 2 the character yells that upon death sometimes
Veteran soldier: your mama ain't coming you can only save yourself
Timur matsuraev song about war.
Yu mama no spawm
I only need mother russia
I find the fact that the guy in front of you was carrying crutches, hillarious.
Thats not crutches its something to straighten out your femur so you can still fight before end of battle
@@ilikeships1704 nah, my man wielding crutches as melee weapons
Comedy at its finest
Naw more realistic scenario is he has it incase his 🦵 gets blown off or shot he can still get out of there if he can live through the fight
@@thetwotones232 well shock or bleeding out exists
As incredibly unrealistic as battlefield games are, this guy has a pretty good point
Ya know it's in the name of the object....
Therefore, NOT realistic, get a clue would ya, if games were completely realistic, they'd suck dick.
try ARMA
@@pizzainmilk4197 its ass
@@swojal1493 Yep, real war is horrible
@@pizzainmilk4197 Nah arma 3 as a game is really old and you can actually feel it, sometimes it's almost frustrating. I can't wait for arma 4 to come out so I will be able to play a mission without being killed by an enemy that walked through a wall.
That's the sad reality of war. Milions of people thrown in the middle of a battlefield.
Battlefield itself is very immersive and helps us to understand (edit) a little bit
YES I KNOW, war in not a game
YES I KNOW, we have to understand the differences
Thank you. to all the "professors" that reminded me that in games you don't die for real, i didn't know, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
No matter how immersive the game is, you will never understand the true dread of a war through it. It's all fancy talk
@@spookyperson7096 well, at least
@@spookyperson7096 no shit. It would be way too long and boring objectively
@@keithnicolas3097 wdym? As in like if it was all that realistic then it would be boring? I mean I might not understand but that’s disrespectful if so
Pls, real war be like, 48 hours of road march, 10mins of enemy encounter.
Rinse and repeat.
I honestly dig if there's a mode like this, no HUD, no minimap, no kill feed, just you and your squad, trying to do your objective while in constant alert, perhaps resulting in more team work
... its called hardcore mode.
we've had this shit in multiplayer shooters since Cod 4 in 2007
someone already said but BF1 has a hardcore mode that pops up every so often called Back 2 Basics (B2BC is the abbreviation in the servers I think). Either that or you can rent a server and craft your own experience
then play rising storm or hell let loose
It’s called “Hell let loose”
to balance it out, language gap
enemies shout enemy language allies shout ally language
so if you pay attention you can know who is who
"You are excited!"
Said no soldier ever going into war
I mean tbh in WW1 new recruits were tricked to believe that they were going on a big adventure
Na. Some soldiers actually enjoyed being in the war believe it or not
@@styledbyghxst really? how so?
@radias2589 So true. A U.S Marine serving in the Pacific from a book I recall reading bluntly said "where else can you eat an apple a day, go for a swim, and get shot at?".
Some did it to get out of their small hometowns and see what adventures awaited. Others took up the call to serve.
@@ulamumafarciaporpial propaganda. older recruiters told them they were fighting for the glory of their country and it was basically gonna be a vacation since they’re travelling outta the country and most people back then never left their country
As a veteran of this century, we don't just rush out into the open, like in the previous war's. Everything is strategized, you would usually go prone. For example a sand hill peak in the video, the only reason to rush into the open is if you had no other option or if rare (a commanded order, which is unrealistic) or if it was a ambush.
Well this was WW1 so major rushes into no-mans-land was not an uncommon occurrence
@@norbrine9323 in ww1 they built trenches with the exact objective of countering the problems shown in the video. It isnt a good example.
@@leninvasco Well yes but just because trenches became popular the massive charges into machinegun fire didnt stop
@@norbrine9323there's a submachine gun and they didn't entire service till 1918 at this point ww1 strategies have changed significantly and mass charges weren't used anymore now if this was early ww1 it makes sense but it's the gun that stops that
Why is modern war boring?
Back in 2010, I and my classmates interviewed a very old world war 2 veteran, he said that the scariest sound was the machine gun and the very thought that those were aimed at you and your group.
"THAT'S IT! Thank you for serving" is such a haunting line. Remember that the government sees their troops as statistics instead of people. If you die in the line of duty no one would care outside of your loved ones. You are expendable in the governments' eye.
Government filthy rich 💸🔥
well, hundreds of people die everyday, is not like we should care for all of em
Not really. Maybe at the highest levels, but everyone else in the government, from the accountants makimg sure supplies get paid for and sent to the front, to the battalion level commanders who at least in the US army like to get into the thick of it, to the guys who have to tell a soldiers family the worst news of their life...yeah the vast majority of the government sees soldiers as people like anyone else would
@cameronspence4977 dead soldiers just become a part of an array of lost soldiers. There is no way someone would care about thousands of people like they're their family members. You're just a number and a resource in war. You're person for loved ones
Reasons to be a Meacrany
"thank you for serving"
Wait I cant respawn??
"This game sucks"
Would you want to?
@@Garchist COKI COLA 🥤
@@Garchist Uh, damn.
Any war have similar perspective.
- Be just a typical farmguy. Great war started so huge hands of draft takes You to trenches. You fix bayonet and await for whistle. You get up and charge with dozens of people. MG mows Your stomach and legs. Your last minutes are filled with agonizing pain.
- Be a citizen of freshly regained independence country after 123 years of occupation. After one year You had to defend Your country because communists wanted to force their way of life outside their country - on bayonets of course. Also after 20 years they made a pact with another country and both invaded You again. You die under occupation because unfortunetly You weren't "okay" with occupiers so they shot You and Your body lie buried somewhere in the forest.
- Be one of the best trained soldier, freshly finished West Point. USA planned a big landing operation. You and Your pals are on one barge. Just before touching the sand You got hit from howitzer and whole barge exploded. Your skills and training wasted. At least Your death was quick.
- Be a normal man, trying to work and live as best as You can. Unfortunetly some ex-KGB asshole wanted to be a new tzar and decided to invade You country. You didn't even had any chance because rocket blasted Your home with Your family. You thought we are too modern for wars? Unfortunetly You was wrong.
What is in common? War is a waste of human life and it is one of the worst invention humanity ever made.
That is real and that is depressing
Bro why are you writing like this. This should be printed on flyers and shared on streets and shared as a pop up on people's screens o
War is a horrible invention for humanity, but great for soulless psychopaths who only serve to profit.
>Shells and kills civilians because its ethnic minority within your own country that you dont like.
>Big bad neighbor next door tells you to stop.
>Amp up your killing and tell neighbor he's next.
>Neighbor invades and kills half your male population.
>*Surprised Pikachu face* bUt Im ThE vIcTiM.
Unfortunately its a part of reality, when animals can't avoid it, even so humans,
Let us not forget those who trained for days, weeks and months. Hoping they could make a change, only to die in the first hour of the war.
That's why I'll be a cop and not a soldier. Cops can shoot and not die.
L RIP Bozo
@@nahdontevenstart who hurt you
They still made a change. Even if they just went in for the first hour, they still contributed.
Also, what's in the video is not happening. They rarely rush in. They slowly progress. Second, under artillery fire, you lay down, this way, the shrapnels of what exploded will have a lessened chance of hitting you. And it's usually, or rather always strategized. What you can expect from your leaders is that they will never tell you to rush in and let yourself die :)
@@cvsasukeuchiha3051true. Modern warfare is alot More advanced than running out In the open while shooting at enemies with full auto.
I’m a seasoned BF1 player but I’m confounded by the “artillery” death. Never seen that before, can someone explain? Usually it’s a mortar, vehicle, or behemoth on suez but it looked like a Bad company 2 scout artillery gadget
Probably a roccet from assault class. Anti tank.
He's playing Rush, which is surprising because that game mode has been dead for a couple of years now. Defenders can call in artillery from the M-Comms.
@@Grindle2276 wow what a throwback. Thanks friend for the answer
@@Grindle2276 exactly
Maybe he’s playing the rush game mode, there are some telegraph devices in that game mode which should be destroyed by the attacking team, while the defending team can use those to call artillery strikes on the enemies. It’s like operation but you just destroy telegraph devices instead of capturing flags.
"You are excited"
_in kimi raikonnen voice_ : "FOR WHAT?"
That "thanks for serving" got me on multiple emotional levels.
If this disturbs you, you don't get out of the house much.
One of my biggest fears as a soldier is dying before I could kill anyone.
Whether it be a game or not, we don't want a negative KD
That’s a weird fear
@@j.g.6085 I meant if I were a soldier
Bro doesn’t wanna mess up his K/D ratio ☠️🙏🏽
Hhahaha you really wanna make sure you K/D ratio ain’t negative
0:13 in Battlefield 1 it is actually quite easy to figure if you got the kill because of the sound (that was no kill in the video) but i get your point that you never know irl
Well, yeah.. but I actually didn't pay attention to those kill sounds before! thanks
0:17 that's why wars make me sad. It isn't really a conflict of 2 nations, it's just a conflict between 2 politicians comfortably sitting on their ac rooms with first class security while the poor and innocent people risk (and lose) their lives because their leader didn't liked something.
Nobody wins after a war, it's just who has the least dead guys celebrate.
Everyone has a role.The smarter ones are the ones sitting and coming up with strategies and tasked with running the country."The Schemers" put simply.And then there's the warriors who don't like to sit in office but prefer action or weren't born lucky(poor family) to work in such environment.Regardless, both these types of people have it hard, if the soldiers aren't in a desk giving orders its almost entirely their fault.
If it was realistic he would have died from the shrapnel coming from the exploding tank
The really scary thing is u can be the best soldier in the world but a land mine doesn't care
this is something that should be taught at schools. This is something 90% of the world do not know and do not believe, war is cool, guns blasts i will survive, enemy will die not me
What I find kind of hilarious is my generation grew up with games like this. You would think this concept should have sunk in, that in a war you can be killed by basically anything at any time for any reason.
And there were still guys signing up to get PTSD and screwed by the government once they graduated.
That college degree won’t pay for itself!
Because as I have stated in an earlier statement, with the exception of russia/ukraine, no war since the Iran/Iraq war in 1980 has been like this. Wars fought by competent people arent like this anymore. Look at Azerbaijan/Armenia, Afghanistan, or Mexican drug war for examples. None of those are anything like ww1. If people thought it was like this, no modern army would be a volunteer army bc no one would willingly do this. You might want to study modern wars a bit more
Some people don’t care about the potential consequences and take that chance anyway.
Some people know the consequences, but still choose to be loyal to our country. Have some respect for those who have served in warfare, dude.
@@SamaraiBoi No respect for idiots who put their loyalty on false hopes and empty promises 😂
So immersive love bf1❤
No more HUD
"You are excited!" Hard doubt
This game was/is SO good. One of the best shooters, in my opinion, to come along in a long time.
Yes, it's a shame it had only 1 year of expantions because they focused of bf5 :/
my great grandpa actually fought in these battles and survived, he fought for the ottomans
"What can I do against the artillery?"
Look at the sky and make sure you're not in the estimated landing zone, or just fall back, get away.
@@cvsasukeuchiha3051 what?
Like, move out the way, if there's no time, crawl to avoid the shrapnel and lessen the surface area where you can get hit.
"AND THATS IT Thank you for serving " 💀💀💀🙏
The majority of casualties in industrial warfare come from artillery and aerial bombardments. In both world wars, supposedly the majority of soldiers didn't shoot to kill, and often even faked shooting at enemies.
An old italian man who partecipated in WWII once said "In war no one aim and shoots to kill. If they did, the war would be over in 5 minutes."
Absolutely not true
I've heard you need to be a psychopath to be a sniper because it is hard to kill someone who is not a threat to you
@@Mr._Newb_McMuffin Then it shouldn't be difficult to link to the documents. I'm not looking it up, because I'm lazy. Are you telling me the majority of MG42 gunners at Omaha beach and other huge battles intentionally aimed over the invading forces' heads? And this is documented? That doesn't make sense.
@@TheNwahDango The book "On Killing by Dave Grossman" goes into detail about how human beings have a psychological aversion to killing other human beings, hence why in WWI a lot of soldiers wouldn't aim directly for the enemy, but just shoot in their general direction. It also expands into how the army developed countermeasures, to make soldiers more likely to actually killing eachother i.e better food, equipment and most of all better training (using human sized targets during target practice instead of bullseye targets, dehumanizing the enemy, training the soldiers so that they act almost subconsciously rather than consciously and so on and so forth. Hope this helps.
My friend use to always say "imagine being that guy" whenever there's a point in a video game where an NPC gets killed before even seeing the bad guys or firing his gun.
Now I can't unthink that when seeing all these videos game deaths. Like damn, imagine that being it lol.
We are all that guy
the fact this is a ww1 and u are british soldier using mp-18 kinda ruins the immersion
Ok 🤓
Bruh this is battlefield, the inmersion is what it counts more.
@Liminal they don’t exist anymore
You that (THANK YOU FOR SERVING) at the end is wild!!
I play with no HUD all the time. It almost feels like when you die, you take the perspective of another soldier that gets thrown in.
"That's it. Thank you for serving"
You're just an insignificant 🐜.
I gotta tell you there was probably more friendly fire in WW1 since I was always shooting my team whenever they turned a corner with the HUD turned off.
that's what I'm thinking.... for some time I just thought to myself "hmmm they probably have some way to tell"
This isn't usually how ww1 was fought. It's more organized than this.
@@radias2589 Yeah. And it's more common for them to always be behind cover and not rushing in. And they always have a plan. They usually just rush in and shoot when it's an ambush. But in direct confrontation, they progress slowly.
They usually stick together and have different outfits, and they don't usually just rush in, if you rush in, expect everything to go wrong :)
I’m so disturbed I need to call a therapist now completely devastated
Shiii, ya aight bruh?
Bro this is the least terrifying Insurgency Sandstorm gameplay. There’s no huds, hit marks, kill feed, it’s terrifying.
In the words of Adam Smasher:
“You think you’re special because you’re *scrappy?!* *Don’t make me laugh!”*
I’d also be disturbed if I started lagging and a loading sign would hover infront of my face for 2 minutes before continuing my fight
This person hasnt even been to war
Nobody would join the military if it was portrayed like this lol
Wow dude can you imagine not respawning?
I'm glad this feeling of the old hardcore BF1 servers still lives on with Hell Let Loose
This is why Battlefield 1 is such a masteripiece, it makes you actually hate war
The palms in the thumbnail looked like AT-ATs from Star Wars 😂
This got me to remember how I was crouching for more than an hour in Flashpoint and then a single shot put me out, just because I didn't look carefully enough at 11 o'clock. And you could "save" only once during a mission in flashpoint, so you almost to need to start from the beginning.
Damn, it's so realistic to see a British soldier armed with a German MP18 submachine gun along with a captured A7V tank in the Sinai desert during WWI
Well its Battlefield
@@GloriG_C17 Bro it’s SO REALISTIC BRO.
@@Buttsmcgee069 you tryin to bro him off, bro?
When was Battlefield ever "realistic" though?
If it's realistic it should be for some disturbing, because reality has no filters nor sensibilities
They should make a game mode with several waves of 32v32 players but you only have one life. Once the entire wave of players is dead or an obj captured the next wave spawns. Still with only one life. When u die it boots you from the server and bans you from the game.
Maybe not baning but making you a spectator?
Well there are games like Verdun, Tannenberg or Isonzo, far more immersive than battlefield
That's called csgo lmao
I think banning is too far
Battlefield 1 Hardcore, No HUD is pretty much how it would feel in real life.
One click and you are crossed off a list...
I respect soldiers, I live in America and I've become buds with some vets, they have gone through stuff like this and it's one hell of an experience. Soldiers from other countries deserve the same respect also, they die for their leaders, even if they are corrupt. For instance I believe it was a Chinese pilot, who was shot but his plane could still fly for a little bit, he flew his plane into an American ship to try and take it down, he failed on the process, but the US soldiers gave him a proper funeral to honor his loyalty, even if it was to a dictator.
Bro American gov corrupt as hell.
@@bunnyfreakz Do your research.
@@AbsoluteDark It literally is
@@AbsoluteDark ua-cam.com/video/__WOXCc9zCE/v-deo.html a mini doc on the war in Iraq. The US gov is just as bad as any other
Didn’t know America was fighting China
If my grandfather saw this he’d have a stroke for 2 reasons PTSD and the realism
BF1 was the peak of graphics and atmosphere since Call of Duty: World at War (2007)
Foxhole is a pretty good example of this. Ive spent hours in that game at times just holding a trench against endless enemy counterattacks or taking enemy ttenches myself and advancing pretty far only to get forced all the way back to the start line by some guys in a tank and a squad of infantry.
Probably the best times were when i was in a supply truck. One time, i got caught in an ambush and my truck was taken out by a tank. I then managed to avoid being killed and hid in a foxhole, which gave some nearby friendly players some time to come drive them off. I then repaired mt truxk and went on my way. Amother time was when i was going to resupply an isolated garrison and i drive straight through an ambush only to hit a mine. Luckily they didnt chase me so i didnt get killed when the mine disabled by truck. I then had to spend 10 minutes finding the marerials to fix it before driving to my object, where i helped fend off another attack, before driving back to base.
damn your videos are well made, theyre is very thought provoking, keep it up mate
Imagine packet loss in real life
You know whats tripping me out? ! I had this exact thought today and this video popped up with the same title as my thought. Wtf imagine fighting in a real war and you don’t even know if the enemy is dead or not.
me playing battlefield with hud on, zero deaths, all headshots: "that was easy. yeah im ready for war, in real life"
POV: you went to war
You can't find enemy
Well-trained sniper hit u head
"Thanks for your service."
Oh, yeah, all the enemies(if soldiers) are trained, and, even if they are not soldiers, they have a plan ready, just like ur team would :)
Thank you for serving
Interesting I was randomly recommended this...
> rush towards enemy
> avoid covers whatsoever
> fire so the enemy can hear you and know you're coming
> don't think even for a second after contact and continue to rush toward enemy's position
> get yourself exposed to the crossfire
> die
> respawn
> get under artillery fire
> refuse to lay on ground
> run straight to the upground so shells are certainly going to hit you
> die again
> "And what can you do against the artillery?"
I swear if during my service this guy was in my crew, I would off myself the night before the first fight.
Fr fr
Whenever that last bit of 'Nothing is Written' comes on in a match is biblical
after years of fast play shooters, this seems like a much better experience
Your video will make a fine addition to my "UA-cam algorithm strikes again" collection
sorry, what does this collection even mean ?
@@sin4rule I guess it's randomly recommended videos
One of the only war games where it really hit me how nasty war is. After surviving for awhile on the battlefield, I identified with my soldier that I was playing and even gave him a name “we’re doing good man hang in there Jon!” needless to say, I died later on. Surviving a match is incredibly hard. And I was just sitting there after like “damn.. my boy Jon died.. he really made an impact on the battlefield. Rip” I tried like hell to keep Jon alive and get him through the match. He was my only death that game. Guy would’ve been a legend in real life.
Damn… rest in peace Jon. 🫡
How many kills did you get in the game? Do you remember?
If it makes you feel any better, there’s been many Jons throughout history.
Go check out Charles Keating IV, John Basilone, and Roy Benavidez. Their stories are inspiring.
@@KahinAhmed72 That game I believe I had around 60-75 kills. Jon hammered the enemy lines with artillery, gas grenades, and gunfire; even capturing a few objectives, and single-handedly fought off 4 enemy soldiers from recapturing an objective. He gave them hell!
But ultimately, Jon met his end from an enemy sniper.
Probably one of the better matches I've played to be honest.
Thanks for the names, I will give their stories a listen!
@@DJVibeDubstepHoly shit… that’s awesome.
Jon had the spirit of Leo Major within him.
It's just harder in video games, because in games, you have no plan, and your instinct is just "RUSH IN AND KILL." But irl, you have consciousness, you have a plan, you have someone to guide you.
What it was to be on the frontlines
Use a bolt action rifle and then you will add the icing on the cake for the realistic experience
Hell let loose should be able to reenacts this
try some Hell let loose but get ready for ptsd
The one thing I never forgot in the Dutch army, they told me the average life expectancy of a foot soldier in a equal army vs equal army battle, is 30 seconds.
So I became gunner, to last 15 seconds longer😂
Didn't serve, my group who went had a bombing and they lost their 23 year old lieutenant in Afghanistan. Glad I broke my collarbone really badly before we went.
60 percent from all who came back are scarred for life, knowing their traumas are for nothing is extra damaging.
Nobody ever achieved anything in Afghanistan, but every century armies still go there.
History truly repeats.
i never hit ANY battlefield without my trusty Cloaking technology.... back then it would be my trusty cardboard box...and if that failed i would just hide behind my finger.
0:26 - Cheat cleary visible.
That isn’t a cheat?
@@charlesextract1703 I have never seen the Green outlines of a teammate trough a solid object in any game.
Squads in BF1 let you see your teammates when youre close. Youre on the internet fucking use it lol
@director_t6686shut up
This is a uneducated moment
Death has always been a friend of me and my family. From WW1 to now all my relatives have fought and survived in each of the respective wars they fought.
Now if Civil War 2 starts then I will join to protect my my home state and my family.
Now if WW3 starts then I will join the marines to protect my country.
The point is, war is messy but sometimes necessary
0:26 does not looks very realistic you can see green outline from somebody
he has cheats
Almost had me convinced it was real, but the lack of any transforming robots gave it away.
0:19 Sorry was that a British A7V?
I've never played bf games but that's ridiculous. If I remember correctly only the Australians managed to capture one.
Only BF1 had that. In any other BF you can only use each faction’s vehicles
If I had to guess, at some point during the match, a German crew ditched it, and some plucky players on the British team did what the British do best, repurpose someone else's stuff for the Glory of the Empire.
(edit: Probably a Ottoman crew looking back on what map it is, Ottomans using A7V's most likely just because they didn't develop any tanks during the war, but obviously they need them for balance reasons gameplay wise)
Why are you guys even trying to make some logic out of it? This game is a completely unrealistic mess lol
Thank you UA-cam for 30 second ad for a 30 second video
Just play post scriptum or hell let loose, perfect simulator games
I remember seeing a random dude typing "war is scary" in passchandale
Game becomes terrifying without a radar
“thats it, thank you for serving”
24/7 hours trauma
Video games make war seem cool and fun!
Biggest paradox of mankind the invention of a Doomsday weapon has saved more lives than any military "defensive" weapon before it. It is simply the fact that we know that WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones that prevents war fought on the scale they were before the World Wars. At the beginning of WW1 when it seemed like another jaunty romp through Europe for the Brits it was all "For King and Country!!!", and "Lord Kitchener Wants You!!!". The concept of a mass invasion is such a controversial topic that wars between large powers these days largely aren't even fought in physically but through geopolitical, and economic manipulation.
basically yes, everyone is afraid of nuclear holocaust
now we only attack, invade countries that clearly dont have access to nuclear weapons
iraq invasion was a lie, we already knew they didnt have wmds. if they did, usa would've never invaded them
same how ukraine has no access to wmds so russia just invaded
Ah yes… I saw this video in UA-cam VR… The truth about war I’ve understood since I was 12. It’s not a joke or a fun thing like most fools think… It’s real death, and there’s no replay button.
Most realistic fight sequence in a FPS.
Running on open field with no cover or tank support like this would be rare, thus the reason for them long, dragging trench wars
And to think a lot of these men were just young guys in their late teens that would get drafted...
i can't wait to go home to see my mom
Congratulations on 1k! I’ve been here since like 50 subs
fun fact: In actual wars, there was no fucking "rushing" to the enemy and mag dumping, since everyone feared for their fucking lives instead of going for the golden skin
Average Project Reality experience
Real war is alot more different than war in video games.
Yeah, because in real war, it's organized, you have a plan, you have your team that you will probably be well-acquainted with, and tactics in real life will actually work, such as the crawling when artillery strikes, you also have eyes and ears overhead that alert you of enemy positions.
@@cvsasukeuchiha3051 what i meant is that real war isnt exciting as it is in video games, war in video games is very fun, you play with your friends, you respawn after you die, etc...
War in video games is unrealistic, it takes many bullets to kill you, you respawn after dying, you heal yourself very quickly, in real war there is no respawning or health, all it takes is one bullet and its all over