Insertion Sort DATA STRUCTURE & ALGORITHM In python

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Let's break down each line of the `insertion sort` function and the example usage:
    def insertion sort(arr):
    Traverse through 1 to len(arr)
    for i in range(1, len(arr)):
    - This line defines a function `insertion sort` that takes a list `arr` as an argument. The function implements the Insertion Sort algorithm. The `for` loop starts from index 1 to the length of the array.
    key = arr[i]
    - Inside the loop, it assigns the value at index `i` in the array to the variable `key`. This value will be compared and moved to its correct position in the sorted part of the array.
    Move elements of arr[0.i-1] that are greater than key
    to one position ahead of their current position
    j = i - 1
    while j = 0 and key arr[j]:
    arr[j + 1] = arr[j]
    j -= 1
    - This part of the code is responsible for moving the elements that are greater than the `key` to one position ahead of their current position. It uses a `while` loop to iterate through the sorted part of the array (from index 0 to `i-1`) and shifts elements to the right until it finds the correct position for the `key`.
    Place the key in its correct position
    arr[j + 1] = key
    - Once the correct position for the `key` is found (where `key` is greater than the element at index `j`), it places the `key` in its correct position in the sorted part of the array.
    Example usage:
    my_list = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90]
    print ("Original list:", my_list)
    print ("Sorted list:", my_list)
    - This part demonstrates the usage of the `insertion_sort` function. It initializes a list `my_list`, prints the original list, calls the `insertion_sort` function to sort the list in place, and then prints the sorted list. The sorted list is obtained using the Insertion Sort algorithm.