I have some authentic bags and a few replicas that I've purchased from Joy in the past 6 years. Some things people don't know about authentic bags is that depending on the batch of the canvas, they can be darker, or lighter, etc... and you are right, some don't line up, and some cut off where they shouldn't. I have a couple of authentic ones from the 80's, and I can tell you that LV does NOT make them like they used to. The canvas is thinner, and they don't hold up over time the way the older ones do. My brother bought my niece the Palm Springs Infrarouge backpack, and it's been back to LV to be repaired three times.
Really love *amzrepe* wallet. The fabric is fine. Gold touches add a nice touch. Perfect for when you don't need tote size. I got some compliments when I went to church
I still love my LV reverse monogram *yutulu* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
Thanks for the comparison. I am a authentic girl. However I just heard about J. this past spring and had to check it out for myself. Many people feel her monogram is spot on and that her product is wonderful. I was definitely willing to check out replicas based on what other people claimed was a spot on, looks exactly like the authentic product. Why spend so much on real if an authentic is exactly the same? So, I ordered several things from her and I can definitely tell a difference! I ended up hating every replica I purchased. Now, that’s not to say somebody else might love it. And I also feel there are times and places to use a replica. I plan on using my replicas for travel, or for times that I may not want to use my authentic. It has also given me a chance to try out a certain bag or wallet to see if I liked it enough to maybe buy the real thing. I am now back to only using my authentic. The color is different and the feel of the vachetta is softer. The real, authentic bags have that certain feel to them that is just luxurious. I have no problems with anyone using a replica LV for any reason they wish. It’s nobody’s business. If you are able to get an authentic bag or wallet, get one. If you can’t, it’s okay by me. I just wanted to say that for me, I like real better. There is a difference. Just my thoughts.
Wendy Stumpf hey girl u are totally right! There is a difference I love the feel of my authentic neverfull The leather is so much softer! And The difference in the monogram as far as the color most reps have more brown tones to them they don’t have those green undertones The authentic bags do
Y C they are rep sellers based out of China if you private message me on Instagram I’ll be happy to give you both of their information instagram.com/hillary1990?r=nametag
7:38 the canvas looked identical close up. I have two Neverfulls, one from OC and the other from Nancy. One mono and the other DE. Either straps ever hurt my arms. It carry the kitchen sink and never experienced pain. Then reps of the same bag, whoa!
You never really compared the most important things: how the canvas feels on the replica vs the authentic. Can you please tell us about that? Thank you!
Very nice comparison on fake & authentic bag. Fake one is so close to real , can’t even tell. Thanks for sharing. New friend & hope for your return of love 💗
Hi. I know this is an older video but can you tell me please... do you find that the patina (Vachetta) on your replica is more pinkish? I’m having that problem at the moment
@hillarylloyd Hi ~ FFYI, the vachetta handle portions that connect on to the bags are called "Leaves" or a "Leaf." Just learned this myself :) Appreciate the details you showed. Did your replica & genuine both come with their pouchettes? Are the bags the same weight when empty? Waiting for IG acceptance :)
I bough mine from another seller, really a quality bag, if you are interested, e-mailing me kellyluxit@gmail.com or msg this Instagram viqidilux. I can share you where I got mine.
UA-cam is about the closest site for social media networking I will go, I heard you say something regarding listing content on Instagram. I will never go on Instagram. But I would like some suggestions on replicas, I have invested a lot on luxury bags in the past, now I want to look into replicas, this current economy has shifted my priorities, can you suggest some good vendors on this channel I would love to order from Joy since she has quality bags.
Have you bought a neverfull from there? If so can you tell me the quality? I had a real one that was stolen but I don’t wanna buy a new one since they up the price at Lv lol
That site has been shut down because of unlawful trademark infringement. Louis Vuitton is catching these sites and having federal courts shut the site’s down.
JoLynda Wilson so sorry- I ordered end of November- Louis Vuitton wallet and Cosmetics pouch. I received about 10-12 days later. I’ve placed another order- we’ll see!
The company keeps getting busted because they sell really good countertop copies. I have 5 bags from her (1 Chanel, 4 LV) I compare her bags to my authentic LVs. She does very good with mono and Chanel bags. The only downfall for Joy is the expensive shipping and it still takes over 2 weeks
I thought the left one was real lol
I was about to say the same thing! lol
Me too. Lol it just looks prettier
Me too... the straps are nicer when they change colour
So did I !!
I have some authentic bags and a few replicas that I've purchased from Joy in the past 6 years. Some things people don't know about authentic bags is that depending on the batch of the canvas, they can be darker, or lighter, etc... and you are right, some don't line up, and some cut off where they shouldn't. I have a couple of authentic ones from the 80's, and I can tell you that LV does NOT make them like they used to. The canvas is thinner, and they don't hold up over time the way the older ones do. My brother bought my niece the Palm Springs Infrarouge backpack, and it's been back to LV to be repaired three times.
Who is joy
@@ashleybland5041 email me at Nursepeeble@gmail.com I have Joy's information
@Jay email me at Nursepeeble@gmail.com I have Joy's information
May I email you for the information as well?? @@nurseangela115
@@ashleybland5041 email me...I will give Joy's information...
That' s one of the best comparison videos I ever seen x Thank You .
Falco1682 thank u 😊❤️
Really love *amzrepe* wallet. The fabric is fine. Gold touches add a nice touch. Perfect for when you don't need tote size. I got some compliments when I went to church
no difference between real and fake one just like bags from periclone store
i love you so much! I recently just found your *yutulux* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
The variety of textures in the *yutulux* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I still love my LV reverse monogram *yutulu* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
Thanks for the comparison. I am a authentic girl. However I just heard about J. this past spring and had to check it out for myself. Many people feel her monogram is spot on and that her product is wonderful. I was definitely willing to check out replicas based on what other people claimed was a spot on, looks exactly like the authentic product. Why spend so much on real if an authentic is exactly the same? So, I ordered several things from her and I can definitely tell a difference! I ended up hating every replica I purchased. Now, that’s not to say somebody else might love it. And I also feel there are times and places to use a replica. I plan on using my replicas for travel, or for times that I may not want to use my authentic. It has also given me a chance to try out a certain bag or wallet to see if I liked it enough to maybe buy the real thing. I am now back to only using my authentic. The color is different and the feel of the vachetta is softer. The real, authentic bags have that certain feel to them that is just luxurious. I have no problems with anyone using a replica LV for any reason they wish. It’s nobody’s business. If you are able to get an authentic bag or wallet, get one. If you can’t, it’s okay by me. I just wanted to say that for me, I like real better. There is a difference. Just my thoughts.
Wendy Stumpf hey girl u are totally right! There is a difference I love the feel of my authentic neverfull The leather is so much softer! And The difference in the monogram as far as the color most reps have more brown tones to them they don’t have those green undertones The authentic bags do
Wendy Stumpf also I do agree that buying reps has given me an idea of what authentic bags I do want to actually purchase
Hi! Can you please let me know who is J or Nancy? Also how do I find them?
I also feel like you. Its a mental thing with me. I dont feel the same using a replica.
Y C they are rep sellers based out of China if you private message me on Instagram I’ll be happy to give you both of their information instagram.com/hillary1990?r=nametag
7:38 the canvas looked identical close up. I have two Neverfulls, one from OC and the other from Nancy. One mono and the other DE. Either straps ever hurt my arms. It carry the kitchen sink and never experienced pain. Then reps of the same bag, whoa!
Who is Nancy and how to contact
You never really compared the most important things: how the canvas feels on the replica vs the authentic. Can you please tell us about that? Thank you!
I love the green undertones in the authentic so much. Someday.... 😩😩😩
hi, 😍 *Niceshopx* 😍 i just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you.
Very nice comparison on fake & authentic bag. Fake one is so close to real , can’t even tell. Thanks for sharing. New friend & hope for your return of love 💗
I love the rep! And I'd think as picky as you said you are you would purchase the real one with the sides not lining up. 🤔🤔🤔
Thank u the comparison. I have the same bag from Joy and it looks like her monogram is pretty close to the authentic
Lisa Altheimer yes it is! Thanks.
Hello dear, i need information from Nancy and Joy please🙏
dircylandia@gmail.com 😘
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *#yutulu*😘😘😘
Are you still able to buy from fabaaa joy? I cant find the website anymore :(
What is Joy's info please
I have this bag and I just LOVE it! Room for all my stuff and the kitchen sink 💕💕👜👜💕💕
I miss your crazy self! Love the videos *#yutulu*
VERY thorough review! Thank you for being so detailed and honest!
I thought the replica was real
Yes same the left looks so much richer and deeper in canvas
I would love the contact info for Joy please thanks
Hi. I know this is an older video but can you tell me please... do you find that the patina (Vachetta) on your replica is more pinkish? I’m having that problem at the moment
I love *amzrepe* all the bags and they are all great. Good luck
I love Joy! Most of my reps are from her 😍😍😍
How can i buy ? Please let me know. Vijipushpa@ymail
Thank you
Viji pushpa I don’t think she’s taking new people
MzGarbo74 Question did they send u a invoice
@@vijiv4311 email me at Nursepeeble@gmail.com I have Joy's information.
Nurse Peebles may I also email you? I would love a joys bag
Please share where you got your bags
The diffrent is the handle. The authentic one is real leather the fake one is not. And the value also.
I noticed on the authentic bags some are more glazed than others
Thanks for China can make people happy LOL I like more replica
@hillarylloyd Hi ~ FFYI, the vachetta handle portions that connect on to the bags are called "Leaves" or a "Leaf." Just learned this myself :) Appreciate the details you showed. Did your replica & genuine both come with their pouchettes? Are the bags the same weight when empty? Waiting for IG acceptance :)
Nature Pal123 thanks for letting me know and the authentic may be a little heavier I can’t really remember
Hi great video is joy taking on any new customers yet plz xxx
pls feel free to DM this Instagram viqidilux. I can share you a good seller.
Where are the links so viewers can purchase them too.
I bough mine from another seller, really a quality bag, if you are interested, e-mailing me kellyluxit@gmail.com or msg this Instagram viqidilux. I can share you where I got mine.
Can I have Joys info please?
I sent you a IG request to get order information for Old Cobbler. Very interested in ordering from OC.
UA-cam is about the closest site for social media networking I will go, I heard you say something regarding listing content on Instagram. I will never go on Instagram. But I would like some suggestions on replicas, I have invested a lot on luxury bags in the past, now I want to look into replicas, this current economy has shifted my priorities, can you suggest some good vendors on this channel I would love to order from Joy since she has quality bags.
I knew right away.
*amzrepe* is a great find, there are so many beautiful bags 😍❤
How much was the replica?
joym824 195
Hillary Lloyd Wow the replica from oc was $195
@@hillarylloyd561 thanks!
The replica look nice but authentic look better.
Anya Lock Lock I agree
@@hillarylloyd561 😊
i bought mine at lawobag.com and i can tell you, there are no better replicas than their !
Have you bought a neverfull from there? If so can you tell me the quality? I had a real one that was stolen but I don’t wanna buy a new one since they up the price at Lv lol
That site has been shut down because of unlawful trademark infringement. Louis Vuitton is catching these sites and having federal courts shut the site’s down.
What do you use to condition your bags?
Joanna I can’t remember the name right off hand lol. But when I get home I will go look at the bottle and message u back 🥰
Thank you for answering the question. It looks as if the replica is just as shiny as the authentic. Am I wrong?
I’m new and was able to order end of November!!!
Hey, I would love to purchase a bag from Joy. Can I have her info please. S159415@hotmail.com
Yes! I would love to get her info as I'm eager to purchase asap! Thank you! Tamikasavage19@gmail.com
JoLynda Wilson so sorry- I ordered end of November- Louis Vuitton wallet and Cosmetics pouch. I received about 10-12 days later. I’ve placed another order- we’ll see!
@@cmills53 Can you send me info for Joy? brittneyawright@gmail.com
My authentic doesn’t live up perfect on one side
Joy Rocks !!!!!
How can i find joy please somebody help me lol 😩
It’s Pompey what’s your email?
Renee A it’s R.Pompey@Ymail.com yeah it’s Ymail not Gmail lol
lorie3011@gmail.com for OC info please
Both are replica right?
Elena 79 no the one on the right is authentic
I didnt like joys replica it was too warm to me.
same with me. bought one bag from her. i will stop buying rep till they can make new batch of canvas with green undertone like the authentic lv.
She's taking new customers now.
itssashaandi how do I get that info for Joy? Thanks
Can I have her info please
@@kbos0310 what's your email?
@@Getinlinenj what's your email?
@@itssashaandi kyles310@icloud.com
What’s joys info
Why isn’t joy taking any new customers ?
Ree Aj not sure
The company keeps getting busted because they sell really good countertop copies. I have 5 bags from her (1 Chanel, 4 LV) I compare her bags to my authentic LVs. She does very good with mono and Chanel bags. The only downfall for Joy is the expensive shipping and it still takes over 2 weeks
Tiffy Simm do you have her info ? Would like to see if she’s accepting new clients
She's on Instagram
The replica looks more nicer
I want to give an award to joy. Clap clap. But who is joy?
Hi just subscribed!!! Do you have an email where I can ask you some questions about purchasing from joy ?
Great video! This has inspired me to carry my *amzrepe* bag more often. I love it and will treasure it forever
What is your Instagram name? I’m interested in the other seller!!! Thanks!
I've seen several bags on *amzrepe* , and they're all very affordable.
I sell nice reps that fits your budget and its only 7 days shipping.
Let me know how
@@vijiv4311 i can pm you
Email me at Nursepeeble@gmail.com I'm looking for a new seller
Juliebdesign1@yahoo.com. Please email me details.
I just attempted to follow you on istagram to get the contacts
Joys is better
Fake looks better
May I know your IG name ma’am?:)
Here are my favorite bags and shoes when I go to his page #dolvsaaa
When my wife received the handbag. She told me that all items are well made. She is happy #HIDUPS