  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @surajpoudel3215
    @surajpoudel3215 4 місяці тому +7

    People are purposefully ignorant. They don't want to know and want to get away from the culpability.

  • @ladyaudrey9976
    @ladyaudrey9976 4 місяці тому +4

    Great stuff, thank you 💚💚

  • @capucinebellucci3476
    @capucinebellucci3476 4 місяці тому +5

    Thank you for speaking up for animals 💖💖💖💖

  • @Vegan_Fairy_x
    @Vegan_Fairy_x 4 місяці тому +5

    I love this one! 😂

  • @QwerAsdf-dx4rd
    @QwerAsdf-dx4rd 4 місяці тому +1

    being vegetarian makes sense, being vegan, is just city people that "love nature" but never lived in strict contact with nature. and always missing the main point. the problem is not the meat, the problem is the industrialization.

    • @Moral_Warriors
      @Moral_Warriors  4 місяці тому +5

      What are you talking about!? Being a vegan is not using any animal (a being that can feel pain, can bleed and suffer) for clothing entertainment or food. THAT'S IT lol... 🤦‍♀️. This includes the dairy industry which is the worst industry.

    • @Vegan_Fairy_x
      @Vegan_Fairy_x 4 місяці тому +1

      The dairy and egg industry harms animals too, as does the fur and leather industry. Many vegetarians do not know this. The only way to stop supporting the harm, suffering and death of animals is to be vegan.

    • @Vegan_Fairy_x
      @Vegan_Fairy_x 4 місяці тому +3

      Being vegan is about not supporting industries that harm animals. Many vegetarians aren’t aware that the dairy and egg industry harm animals too, as well as the fur, feather and leather industry. Being a vegetarian makes far less sense to be honest because it means you are still consuming dairy which was intended for a calf. Being vegan is simply a lifestyle where you choose to stop supporting animal cruelty through what you eat and wear.

  • @marymikel9193
    @marymikel9193 4 місяці тому

    Why can't meat eaters eat their meat peacefully and vegans their plant based food peacefully?
    Even animals eat animals. And I didn't know it, but there's said to be 630 species of carnivorous plants which is really peculiar. I wonder how they expel waste.🤔

    • @Moral_Warriors
      @Moral_Warriors  4 місяці тому +4

      The animals aren't dying or living "peacefully" are they.

    • @marymikel9193
      @marymikel9193 4 місяці тому

      @@Moral_Warriors People also.
      We also suffer genocide like currently in the Congo as we speak.
      People die, plants die, organisms die. that's the way things are unfortunately.
      Until Yah changes it.
      I'm not here to discourage you from being plant based. By all means do so.
      I also have no issues with encouraging others to be vegan. But once it comes to insulting and shaming Animal based consumers,
      What's the point in that? It won't prevent animal death or abuse or use of it's material.
      Even if people stopped eating them that's not their only use. You have to consider clothing, fuel, structures, tools, materials, products, etc. World wide animals are vital in other ways other than food consumption. At the end of the day, they will still die, whether by other animals, people, sickness, old age, or whatever just like people.

    • @Vegan_Fairy_x
      @Vegan_Fairy_x 4 місяці тому +3

      @@marymikel9193 well veganism isn’t a diet, so we are not just telling people to stop eating them. As vegans we don’t eat any animal products, we don’t wear any fur or leather or any other animal derived products. We do not use any toiletries, makeup or cleaning products that have been tested on animals e.c.t.
      Everyone and everything dies eventually yes, but that does not mean we should just take lives unnecessarily. Im sure you wouldn’t use that example for humans. Just because humans will die, it doesn’t mean we should go around killing them. Also, there was no shaming, just some thought provoking questions.

    • @marymikel9193
      @marymikel9193 4 місяці тому

      @@Vegan_Fairy_x I'm aware. As diet is simply a way a person habitually eats. Which I also stated the other things that do not include food consumption.
      Also, I didn't say she was shaming anyone, I just know it exists strongly amongst vegans. Not all, but many and can easily turn into shaming.
      Moreover, we don't and shouldn't murder people for their "biological product" for lack of a better word. That's obvious. It's also obvious animals and mankind are not the same.
      However, we should also know, that Animals biology are beneficial in many other ways than just consuming. Which honestly can't be refuted. In many parts of the world or "3rd world" places animals are vital for their survival. And keep them healthy. Not even including consuming them. And if we're going to fight so hard to eliminate death for animals no matter the cause, then put that same energy for the other animals that depend on them also people, and see just how greater the death rate will be.
      Or why don't they have that same zeal for plants? Their living, and are alive? So
      Eliminate the death of plants.
      You see how much more damage this does? We have to be realistic. Plants animal's and mankind are all different. And yes, whether you want to deny it or not. Sin equals death and because of that this is the current state we live in.

    • @Vegan_Fairy_x
      @Vegan_Fairy_x 4 місяці тому +4

      @@marymikel9193 Well, you said in your previous comment that animals aren’t just used for food but also other things as if I was not aware, which is why I said we are not only advocating for people to change their diets but for them to also stop buying clothing made from animal derived materials and so on.
      You mentioned about shaming in your comment underneath this video, I know it exists but why bring it up in the comment section of a video where it is not happening, it’s irrelevant.
      Just because animals and man are not the same it does not mean it’s ok to cause them to suffer and die unnecessarily.
      She is not talking to someone in a 3rd world country who needs to use animals to survive. She is talking to a man in London who is perfectly capable of adopting a vegan lifestyle. These are the people we try and encourage to live vegan, not people who depend on animals for their survival. We are trying to reduce the suffering and death of animals as much as practically possible. That’s what veganism is. If those of us who could adopt a vegan lifestyle did we would not only save animal life but also human life as we are currently feeding 80 billion artificially bred animals food and clean drinking water when we could and should be using that for people who are dying from malnutrition and no access to clean drinking water. We would also help our planet as animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change.
      Plants are alive but we are killing more in animal agriculture as that’s what is fed to the 80 billion animals we breed into existence every year. So if we went vegan we would only have to grow enough plants to feed 8 billion humans. So far less plants would die if that is a true concern for anyone. But they don’t have a central nervous system so they can’t feel pain. If we continue to eat this way we will not be here much longer, we are eating our way to extinction. It’s killing humans, animals and our planet.
      I also don’t understand why you are complaining if you don’t disagree with someone trying to encourage another to live a vegan lifestyle. It seems your opinion keeps changing.

  • @stevesas632
    @stevesas632 4 місяці тому

    That was a waste of time, talking with a drunken builder.

    • @Moral_Warriors
      @Moral_Warriors  4 місяці тому +6

      You go out and speak to people, aim to plant seeds and record videos yourself... Then il listen to you.

  • @ChrisW-ib2kh
    @ChrisW-ib2kh 4 місяці тому +6

    great activism well done 👍

  • @Joanne-qt1my
    @Joanne-qt1my 3 місяці тому +4

    Most people ARE willfully ignorant. Some of them prefer not to know what they exploiting and that eating animals is bad for them.

  • @Jingaming06
    @Jingaming06 4 місяці тому

    Their is a lot of difference in between animal and human why they campare them out of mind

    • @Moral_Warriors
      @Moral_Warriors  4 місяці тому +5

      Forcing someone into a position to force something in them is what it is!! It's rape! Just like murder is murder and kidnapping babies is kidnapping babies! If you can't see that then I don't know what kind of mind you have lol but that's just plain common sense!