Finally, a version of the Traveler that has huge potentials compared to the other elements. Really glad that my resources for leveling and max ascending MC is come to worth at last.
@@Slater2113 Electro MC is good, it's just that there were already a better option in the game at that point in Fishcl. Similar battery potential with far higher damage. And people also knew Raiden would come out the very next patch, so nobody bothered with the MC. But if you just look at their kit as stand alone it's pretty good as a off field battery electro support. We dont know when we will get another Dendro support. 3.1 have 2 hydro and an electro. So it will be at least another 3 months before we get a different Dendro support option. In that context Dendro MC will be very good for now.
@@canhnguyen-uj6ox kusanali will probably overshadow the mc completely just like Raiden did with electro mc,but until that as you say the traveler it's the better dendro support,imo even better than collei
@@staniax yeah of course she's the dendro archon but we won't have enough dendro units even when she's added into the game especially if you want to play dendro comps in both teams in abyss. We would still need dendro mc's application until another off field dendro unit comes out.
@@canhnguyen-uj6ox There's only 3 problems with Electro MC: 1. Doesn't generate electro particles for themselves 2. Low scalings for both of their skills 3. 80 energy cost without even generating particles for themselves. A battery mc that needs another battery just to properly work lmao
People said the same thing about electo mc, we just lucked out with them being actually being somewhat useful now, and them being useful is purely from the context of what the state of dendro is currently, they will definitely get powercreeped in terms of dendro applicator and dmg, but at least we get to main them for couple of months before they release new dendro characters.
@@oscara8454 never said the dendro mc was bad, most characters who have a lasting off field burst have a lot of value, and that value won't change even with the introduction of new characters, but the mc is most definitely going to be powercreeped otherwise no one will pull for new dendro characters. Just think of it as something good to come.
What I love even more, since I chose lumine, is that her aesthetics really fit dendro. Her dress reminds me of those big white flowers and I think it's really pretty :*
I chose lumine only because after we finish the game in the end i can final walk with lumine thru teyvat instead of aether, although i can't feel the harem power of aether xD
This is miles better than their previous iteration. The kit is simple, cohesive, and will likely have longevitiy given its buffing mechanic. Moreover, the constellations actually support what their functions are. The devs are improving more and more as releases go.
@@Unforgiving_Eye to be fair theoractically electro traveler is more useful than Geo traveler as geo traveler is only useful in Geo teams and Electro traveler is theoractically more useful in many teams as he provides universal energy recharge... Just not much teams need universal energy recharge XD
@@kaein2973 Same can be said with anemo traveler though, they can use the VV set and you can put them in any elemental teams so they're much more flexible compare to geo one.
@@bernat4612 Yup, it's pretty fun using different lamps. My personal favorite is the electro lamp because of its fast attack speed but i also like the hydro lamp because it's beautiful. Don't really like the pyro lamp but i guess damage per screenshot people will surely love that lol
Dendro is a super good reaction element, I've only used Collei and while her personal damage isn't extremely high, using her in my main team with Xingqiu and Raiden makes her extremely strong. Raiden uses her skill, Xingqiu skill then burst, Collei skill then burst, then Raiden burst. It constantly procs Bloom and Hyperbloom and is really stronk
@@julianr8544 While true, it is constellation-based and not an ascension talent. So, for those without C4 Xingqiu, E > Q > E is recommended whereas those with C4 Xingqiu will likely go Q > E > E
I like playing the traveler when going through the story and was pleasantly surprised when I was actually enjoying their new kit. I just slapped a random gladiator’s set since it’s what I had, but at least I’m enjoying the skills lol
For so long Ive been using the anemo mc for main quests because I dont like the geo and electro variants. I'm so glad I can switch to a new element now coz dendro mc is far more fun indeed
The field is pretty small when you infused it with Electro though. Hydro lamp is perfect for groups of enemies while electro lamp is for single target.
@AM Lightspeedy I think even if you're not a whale, the pyro lamp can still nuke pretty well especially at talent level 8+ 👍 Edit: But yeah, the overall damage of electro lamp and hydro lamp is still higher especially at c2 which further increases the duration of the lamp.
I've been playing MC as my main during sumeru purely to try out the new Dendro reactions and let me say, they are SO fun to play. Even when the artifacts I dumped on them weren't the best and just filler they hold their weight really well and the new Dendro reactions are a blast to play with! I hope everyone enjoys Sumeru!
I dunno if its just me but mine deals 7k with level 1 talents everytime and 12k on the ult. I do have dedicated traveler artifacts cuz i love him so much but god. Im glad they made him so useful
@@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. my traveller doesn't go as high as that but THAT is amazing!!! I'm so happy Dendro traveller is actually good, specially since Dendro is my favorite element so far
It might last a while. Other than the Archon there aren't a lot of Dendro support units on the way in the near future as far as we know, if the archon even is support. Worth building for sure for now.
the Archon will probably be a support, just like the other Archons, since Myhoyo knows that support characters last longer in the meta and are easier to sell
@@jamesdaly750 The thing is, they definitely intended Zhongli to be the DPS. He was definitely marketed as such and his signature weapon implies that much. The problem was that they still had no idea how to properly design characters (which is how we got the XQ/XL/BN trio, broken by sheer accident) so ZL was undertuned as hell when he came out. When he was reworked that was when he finally got the sheer shield and shred capabilities that we use today, finalizing him into a support.
I’ve been using the traveler with Xingqiu, Raiden, and Kazuha (to swirl electro). It’s been awesome. Anemo traveler was great IMO and I didn’t really care for Geo or Electro, so I’m glad Dendro traveler is fun and useful.
I tried hyperbloom teams with Ayato and found that the most efficient one for me is Ayato covering hydro, Traveler, Koki and then a flex slot for a support or off field dps. Thanks for the guide 😊
I tried ayato with burgeon with Thoma and aether , can't say i wasn't shocked by the increased DMG i saw. I totally because my favourite team comp , all i need is kuki to become a vegetable team. 💀
So glad to see this video. I just told someone yesterday after checking out the dendro traveler that they were probably gonna be meta soon. I plan to slot mine into my national team for an abyss test soon.
I am SO glad Dendro Traveler is actually good. I’ve been wanting to use Lumine more lately but just didn’t really vibe with the other options. This though? Very comfortable to play
I just found your channel and i am already hooked. I started this game two days ago and was looking for guides for beginner. Once i found out that you can resonate MC‘s element to dendro i made my way to do so xD with AR19 atm it was a long journey to get to that town but it was worth it. Now i am hyped to play my MC as dendro along woth Kuki. Ty for this helpful guide
I personally use 4pc emblem. It is amazing for getting the burst back. Helps the burst dmg (which is their main dmg anyway). And it is a set that works well with the other element travelers aswel. I know it's not BiS. But the feeling of having a set that will work well with all travelers, it's just great. Being able to switch element without having to worry about them having the wrong set/weapon is just great. I also use favonius sword with it, making traveler also a battery even without her electro thing.
I got the exact same reasoning! I use the amenoma sword though because the favonius one is taken by another character and I already managed to get 200% ER on the Traveler
I've been waiting for this guide. I love Dendro MC's kit so much and I plan to build him as Dendro. Already got lucky with two good artifact pieces for him.
Interesting kit, finally. Happy for my Lumine! Probably I will start with using all my Noblesse pieces laying around along with Favonius R5 (also aesthetically pleasing on her). No farming and comfortable playing. Great guide! I really hope Dendro Traveler will get some attention. Edit: soup team with Kokomi, Yae and Yoimiya is hell of fun!
How do you get favonius R5? It is the most scarce 4* weapon. I play for 3 months now and i think HV knew how broken favonius as 4* so it doesnt give a single pc every 400pulls
@@IncineroarOnTop no way i will get R5 even after playing for 2 year or spending thousand, HV is feeling safe now, they treat us new players like sh1t i stop spending a dime not even welkin anymore. I stop promoting this game in my forum its furious how i got even lowest talent materials at lv90 domains
Tried a quickbloom team with Dendro MC, Childe, Fishcl and Kazuha on a vv domain. It's superfun but there is no healers on this team so I die a few times. Tried to swap Kazuha with Diona. I didn't die but had a hard time with crowd control. So I hope they'll either add a dendro healer with good dendro application or (copium) an additional party member slot for teams
This is the video I've been waiting for! The Traveler has been (IMO) underpowered or clunky since day 1. While Electro did give it some nice utility as a team battery, it was overshadowed horribly by Raiden Shogun and her ridiculous damage output even using a pure ER build. Dendro Traveler has some pretty big numbers even on low talent levels, and the team comp utility is amazing. It'll still be a week or 2 before anyone can farm enough materials to fully max the character and really see some big numbers, but I for one intend on making full use of Dendro in Sumeru and beyond. Also, if you're going for a pure DMG build, a nice swap for the weapon could be a crafted Iron Stingm, but the jury's still out on which could work best. Cheers!
I’m so excited to be using Traveller again after a long time. Loving the new Dendro reactions gameplay, i think it’s super fun! I still need to grind for the new dendro artis and the new sapwood sword for her though.
YES! I was waiting excitedly for your Dendro MC guide and as always, you delivered an amazing guide. It's great to know that I can build my Lumine cheaply and still get to explore the new reactions easily. I love the traveller's burst and its flexibility. Thanks so much!
Thanks Missy Savy . I'm so happy you have this Traveler content . Turkey Veggy Soup comp will work for me. I'm AR. 45. It's so easy to Rank lvl. But I know with your help I can get better with the other stuff that really matters. Like building,comp, and rotation just to say the least. By the way your accent is cute.
I can’t wait for cryo, hydro and pyro mc. dendro is usually focused on reactions and supporting so I believe hydro will be a healer, while pyro and cryowould most likely be dps
I find sac sword the most fun to use weapon on dendro traveler. The skill is really quick to cancel into a second skill without dashing so it can produce a lot of quick bloom with some luck or timing. Also burst uptime is super easy with it.
i loooove yoimiya-kokomi-fischl-traveler so much as i get to switch between reactions that i want depending on the situation. i knew i was right to look forward to dendro mc by maxing them out early on.
I actually don’t think MC will be power crept because of its support design. The only way MC would be swapped out is if another 4 star unit can burst the same Dendro AoE but with less energy cost. 5 stars aren’t power crept because it’s much harder to get it than 4 stars. I really hope future MC elements continues to place MC as a support unit for longer shelf life lol
I agree aswell, I was just playing around with the dendro traveler in the open world. Did a Raiden E + MC burst + Yelan Burst and normal attacks, It shreds like crazy.
I',ve been a main Lumine since the very beggining, and I never gave a damn about her utility or not. The only variation I never used 'cause I truly thought (and still think) is awuful, is her electro from. I'm so happy to see her in the spotlight, at least for now. And, Dendro traveler may be best used as a support, but screw it, I'mma use her as a DPS, as always XD Great videos as always, Sevy. Greetngs from Colombia.
I've started a F2P no wish account relatively recently and was thinking about doing a quicken team with lisa, fischl, dendro mc, and collei. Dendro is so refreshing to play imo
i build my MC to 90 when i realized its pain leveling my collei and her burst is so cool. i directly level her up from level 30 to 90. no regrets no farming, eazy clap lvl.90. lol
Gilded Dreams is going to become my Traveler’s new set! I currently use 2p Wanderers and 2p Gladiator with ATK, ATK, Crit to cover reaction and personal damage. Not the worst build, but sometimes, playing mono Geo or mono electro makes the EM useless. With the Gilded set, I won’t have to worry too much about that! If I play a multi-elemental team for Anemo, Electro, and Dendro, I’ll get EM. If I play mono-Geo or mono-electro, I’ll get ATK% I know more dedicated sets for each particular element would improve their gameplay a lot, but Gilded Dreams is perfect for flexibility, especially since I like to switch the elements a lot.
I was doing the same , having one set for the traveller would free up the need to change a set every time mC switches elements.. helping use whatever element whenever..
@@MrAimlessone I’m still trying to figure out the main stats. It’s either between ATK, ATK, Crit; or ER, ATK, Crit. I’ll probably look at substats and decide from there.
I got around to using Dendro Aether last night and it is insanely fun using a lot of reactions with him. It is just so flexible and not as cumbersome as some of the other elements we had him and Lumine with. Mostly because there are other characters that perform the same way but way better then them like for example I never hear anyone mention Geo Aether/Lumine all that much and once in a blue moon about Electrio Aether/Lumine. But here since I am not drawing for more Dendro characters and just got Collei for free, I can finally take Aether off of windblade and try Dendro him lol. Overall, I can definitely make do with the Skyrider sword on him since I at least have more copies of it and artifacts I will have to hunt for the domain but Dendro Aether is fantastic and I can't wait to do more combos of teams with him! Great job on the video Sevy!
i built my traveler months ago in anticipation of dendro & i couldnt be happier w/ them. running 4pc noblesse ER/EM/Cr + r5 favonius. keep switching between fav & skyward but i think fav might be better.
I just remembered we can resonate with Dendro so I did so, and MC's kit looks kinda interesting. Thought to myself "I wonder if Sevy has a guide yet" and here we are :)
I’m really glad that people are picking her up again. I’ve always been an Anemo Traveler Main, but I’ve been using Dendro for exploration as I don’t have Collei yet. Her artifacts are terrible, but she’s doing great as an onfield DPS. I hope this will make people realize that this will help people realize that, yes, the traveler has a personality, and yes, the Travelers have different personality, and no, Lumine is not the reckless one.
I'm definitely happy to be using traveller again. Ditched her in the middle of monstadt quest right after getting sicrose and diluc. The team I am using now is for hyperbloom which consists of: Kokomi, Shogun, Dendro traveller and Kazuha.
Thank you for this build! I recently saw some videos of Dendro MC absolutely destroying enemies and I wanted to make my Keqing shine so I looked for this build :) edit: CC on 2:19 is so nice
Yeah! In the end a good traveller to use. Anemo and Electro were not good and geo is ok but many people have zhongli now. Dendro traveller is the first traveller version I'm definitely going to build. Thanks so much for your great videos!!
Traveler, Lisa, Kaeya and Barbara is a actual team now. No cap - it's a thing. I actually recommend y'all to try it. (Also I am honestly really happy to finally have Lumine, that was level 90 for over a year now as a proud member of my team. As well as Sumeru so far is AMAZING)
Hey Sevy! This was a very good video! I love running Dendro MC with Ayato, Fischl and Diona! It's reactions everywhere and almost everything (that doesn't need burning) is deleted from the face of Teyvat 😅
I've been using Aether since the beginning. I build all of his elements, and seeing that he and Lumine both now get more love is just so heartwarming! My Xiao is now on the bench cheering Aether on because I don't need Xiao, I just throw Aether, Xingqiu, Beidou and Bennett, and I'm having so much fun
I was pulling the banner for the new dendro units until I started playing the MC, that's when I stopped wasting primos. Very good unit, even without the new sets, talents and constellations. I can finally stop regretting building the traveler to lvl 85 back when I started playing and didn't know much about the game!
I'm currently using an aggravate/quicken/spread team comp with Dendro MC, Fischl, Collei, and Sucrose. Sometimes I swap out a dendro character for Keqing because she's actually meta now, at least for aggravate teams. It's really fun and I encourage everyone to try dendro + electro reactions
I really love Traveler but didn't vibe with their previous iterations. I played Geo for a bit, used Anemo for defending monolith in Abyss lol. DMC has been a blast with my personal Sumeru exploration team. With Heizou, Xingqiu, and Fischl, Hyperbloom also turned into my favorite reaction. During one world quest where you had to fight PMA multiple times, I was still blown away by how fast I shred it.
It's only a good timing that i got the fifth copy of favonius sword so that i can take advantage of my dendro traveler. And oh boy, does she need a lot of ER. Nevertheless, worth building anyway. Currently at 4pc emblem for now, still farming for the new sets and she has 266%ER and 256 EM. Pretty good results overall.
I just recently started building my DMC and the amount of ER he needs is kind of nutty. I use Kirara with him because shields are awesome, and because her skill cd (tap) matches his. Pairing those two with Kuki Shinobu and Fischl make for an amazing hyperbloom/aggravate team.
Dendro MC is really good. I still have the 4pc Emblem set I used for Electro MC, but the damage is still pretty good even after I switched to Dendro. I'm so happy I invested on max leveling them. No regrets.
Dude I was so worried dendro traveller would suck but ive been pleasantly surprised!! Now i just have to figure out how to build my thoma and shinobu for burgeon and hyperbloom teams
One of the team comps that I'm really enjoying right now is Yae, Fischl, dendro traveller and kazuha/jean (If I need a healer), it works pretty well with a character that I enjoy even though I didn't use her before 3.0 because her dmg was underwhelming but the new reaction makes her deal MASSIVE dmg , I run her on 2 piece shim and echoes and I have 75% crit rate and 225% crit dmg with widsith, it works pretty well
Finally, a version of the Traveler that has huge potentials compared to the other elements.
Really glad that my resources for leveling and max ascending MC is come to worth at last.
People said that about electro too in the beginning
@@Slater2113 Electro MC is good, it's just that there were already a better option in the game at that point in Fishcl. Similar battery potential with far higher damage. And people also knew Raiden would come out the very next patch, so nobody bothered with the MC. But if you just look at their kit as stand alone it's pretty good as a off field battery electro support.
We dont know when we will get another Dendro support. 3.1 have 2 hydro and an electro. So it will be at least another 3 months before we get a different Dendro support option. In that context Dendro MC will be very good for now.
@@canhnguyen-uj6ox kusanali will probably overshadow the mc completely just like Raiden did with electro mc,but until that as you say the traveler it's the better dendro support,imo even better than collei
@@staniax yeah of course she's the dendro archon but we won't have enough dendro units even when she's added into the game especially if you want to play dendro comps in both teams in abyss. We would still need dendro mc's application until another off field dendro unit comes out.
@@canhnguyen-uj6ox There's only 3 problems with Electro MC:
1. Doesn't generate electro particles for themselves
2. Low scalings for both of their skills
3. 80 energy cost without even generating particles for themselves. A battery mc that needs another battery just to properly work lmao
you have no idea how happy I am to be using aether again after almost max investing him and benching him… I KNEW DENDRO TRAVELER WAS GONNA BE FIRE
People said the same thing about electo mc, we just lucked out with them being actually being somewhat useful now, and them being useful is purely from the context of what the state of dendro is currently, they will definitely get powercreeped in terms of dendro applicator and dmg, but at least we get to main them for couple of months before they release new dendro characters.
@@Towhomitmayconcern9293 if the better dendro applicators are all limited 5 stars then they'll always have a place.
@@oscara8454 never said the dendro mc was bad, most characters who have a lasting off field burst have a lot of value, and that value won't change even with the introduction of new characters, but the mc is most definitely going to be powercreeped otherwise no one will pull for new dendro characters. Just think of it as something good to come.
Actually no, Dendro Traveler is plant, not fire. We haven't reached Natlan yet.
I'll see myself out.
wait till pyro aether
What I love even more, since I chose lumine, is that her aesthetics really fit dendro. Her dress reminds me of those big white flowers and I think it's really pretty :*
Same 😂😂
It kinda fit Aether too since he has a lot of browns and yellows which really elevate the greens of dendro
I chose lumine only because after we finish the game in the end i can final walk with lumine thru teyvat instead of aether, although i can't feel the harem power of aether xD
@@mcmovinup4991 feel the harem power of Lumine instead
@@obseed3041 Totaly agree! The Dendro Green fits very well with Aether gold and white as well
This is miles better than their previous iteration. The kit is simple, cohesive, and will likely have longevitiy given its buffing mechanic. Moreover, the constellations actually support what their functions are. The devs are improving more and more as releases go.
Might be intentional, since story-wise traveler is getting stronger as more elements are acquired.
@@williamchoi6561 If it was intentional then what happened to electro traveller? From decent geo to weak electro traveller xD
@@Unforgiving_Eye to be fair theoractically electro traveler is more useful than Geo traveler as geo traveler is only useful in Geo teams and Electro traveler is theoractically more useful in many teams as he provides universal energy recharge...
Just not much teams need universal energy recharge XD
@@kaein2973 Same can be said with anemo traveler though, they can use the VV set and you can put them in any elemental teams so they're much more flexible compare to geo one.
@@Unforgiving_Eye unfortunately he suffers from Knockback syndrome which makes him not worthwhile using.
I already loved the Anemo version the most but i think Dendro can be much better now!! Thanks for the amazing guide as always Sevy!!
Dendro Mc is pretty fun because of their 3 types of burst choices.
@@Unforgiving_Eye wait 3 types? wdym?
@@bernat4612 his burst change based on element reaction
@@ShalahudinAlAyubiZLA oh thanks I didnt know it
@@bernat4612 Yup, it's pretty fun using different lamps. My personal favorite is the electro lamp because of its fast attack speed but i also like the hydro lamp because it's beautiful. Don't really like the pyro lamp but i guess damage per screenshot people will surely love that lol
Dendro is a super good reaction element, I've only used Collei and while her personal damage isn't extremely high, using her in my main team with Xingqiu and Raiden makes her extremely strong.
Raiden uses her skill, Xingqiu skill then burst, Collei skill then burst, then Raiden burst. It constantly procs Bloom and Hyperbloom and is really stronk
shouldn’t Xingqiu do burst then skill? that way, he can get his burst charged again.
@@RitoWarrior You proc your skill then burst immediately after and you still catch the energy!
@@matthewleech7901 ohhhh ok thanks lol
@@matthewleech7901 but doesn't the burst increase the skill dmg and still give you the energy?
@@julianr8544 While true, it is constellation-based and not an ascension talent. So, for those without C4 Xingqiu, E > Q > E is recommended whereas those with C4 Xingqiu will likely go Q > E > E
I’m so happy for mc
I'm so happy for u ^__^
I like playing the traveler when going through the story and was pleasantly surprised when I was actually enjoying their new kit. I just slapped a random gladiator’s set since it’s what I had, but at least I’m enjoying the skills lol
For so long Ive been using the anemo mc for main quests because I dont like the geo and electro variants. I'm so glad I can switch to a new element now coz dendro mc is far more fun indeed
Their burst is perfect, it’s like ganyu or ayato’s burst so it targets enemies in a large aoe so it’s perfect for off field application
The field is pretty small when you infused it with Electro though. Hydro lamp is perfect for groups of enemies while electro lamp is for single target.
@AM Lightspeedy I think even if you're not a whale, the pyro lamp can still nuke pretty well especially at talent level 8+ 👍
Edit: But yeah, the overall damage of electro lamp and hydro lamp is still higher especially at c2 which further increases the duration of the lamp.
I've been playing MC as my main during sumeru purely to try out the new Dendro reactions and let me say, they are SO fun to play. Even when the artifacts I dumped on them weren't the best and just filler they hold their weight really well and the new Dendro reactions are a blast to play with!
I hope everyone enjoys Sumeru!
I use her at level 70 with no artifacts and that's already really good ! Love it
I dunno if its just me but mine deals 7k with level 1 talents everytime and 12k on the ult. I do have dedicated traveler artifacts cuz i love him so much but god. Im glad they made him so useful
@@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. my traveller doesn't go as high as that but THAT is amazing!!! I'm so happy Dendro traveller is actually good, specially since Dendro is my favorite element so far
It might last a while. Other than the Archon there aren't a lot of Dendro support units on the way in the near future as far as we know, if the archon even is support. Worth building for sure for now.
Alhaitham is a Dendro character who we already have met in the story, though he'll likely be a DPS considering his design.
@@albertofrederickimana8046 That’s what they thought about Zhongli 😅
the Archon will probably be a support, just like the other Archons, since Myhoyo knows that support characters last longer in the meta and are easier to sell
@@jamesdaly750 The thing is, they definitely intended Zhongli to be the DPS. He was definitely marketed as such and his signature weapon implies that much. The problem was that they still had no idea how to properly design characters (which is how we got the XQ/XL/BN trio, broken by sheer accident) so ZL was undertuned as hell when he came out.
When he was reworked that was when he finally got the sheer shield and shred capabilities that we use today, finalizing him into a support.
@@jamesdaly750 it wasn't based on design but story. And Zhongli is definitely a dps turned support
I’ve been using the traveler with Xingqiu, Raiden, and Kazuha (to swirl electro). It’s been awesome. Anemo traveler was great IMO and I didn’t really care for Geo or Electro, so I’m glad Dendro traveler is fun and useful.
Thats nearly same as my team as soon as sumeru come out. But instead of xingqiu I went Kokomi for the comfy.
me 2 except for kazuha
I tried hyperbloom teams with Ayato and found that the most efficient one for me is Ayato covering hydro, Traveler, Koki and then a flex slot for a support or off field dps. Thanks for the guide 😊
I tried ayato with burgeon with Thoma and aether , can't say i wasn't shocked by the increased DMG i saw. I totally because my favourite team comp , all i need is kuki to become a vegetable team. 💀
who do u think can replace kuki? i don’t have her but id like to use ayato and dendro trav
@@-_e_- Lisa, if you need healing put prototype Amber and instructor set on her
@@-_e_- use a healer (Barbara f2p)and fischl for electro sub dps
So glad to see this video. I just told someone yesterday after checking out the dendro traveler that they were probably gonna be meta soon. I plan to slot mine into my national team for an abyss test soon.
Until we get a good dendro enabler
@@gerardocastaneda7393 probably dendro archon
Can we give props to the peopl who name the team comps like seriously "fridge" and "VEGGIE SOUP" XD
I am SO glad Dendro Traveler is actually good. I’ve been wanting to use Lumine more lately but just didn’t really vibe with the other options. This though? Very comfortable to play
I just found your channel and i am already hooked. I started this game two days ago and was looking for guides for beginner. Once i found out that you can resonate MC‘s element to dendro i made my way to do so xD with AR19 atm it was a long journey to get to that town but it was worth it. Now i am hyped to play my MC as dendro along woth Kuki. Ty for this helpful guide
I'm so glad the Traveler is slowly becoming stronger!
I personally use 4pc emblem. It is amazing for getting the burst back. Helps the burst dmg (which is their main dmg anyway). And it is a set that works well with the other element travelers aswel. I know it's not BiS. But the feeling of having a set that will work well with all travelers, it's just great. Being able to switch element without having to worry about them having the wrong set/weapon is just great. I also use favonius sword with it, making traveler also a battery even without her electro thing.
I got the exact same reasoning!
I use the amenoma sword though because the favonius one is taken by another character and I already managed to get 200% ER on the Traveler
@@Ynoita Ngl amenoma sword also just looks amazing haha.
God that set is busted af
this is what i've been waiting for!!! omg i'm so happy to have a guide
Finally!! I've been waiting for the Dendro traveler build. Thanks, Ate Sevy! ✨🤧
I've been waiting for this guide. I love Dendro MC's kit so much and I plan to build him as Dendro. Already got lucky with two good artifact pieces for him.
I am proud for maxing the Traveler. Currently working on her artifacts and talents!
Nice, although I need to finish some quest, now I know how to proceed, as always is great to hear your reviews
For early build, we can use several fate artifacts + sapwood blade
For me :
1300 ATK
410 EM
61 Crit Rate
133 Crit Dmg
Really enjoyed your explanation of MC's kit here. I watched another similar video and found your video much easier to understand!
Interesting kit, finally. Happy for my Lumine!
Probably I will start with using all my Noblesse pieces laying around along with Favonius R5 (also aesthetically pleasing on her).
No farming and comfortable playing.
Great guide! I really hope Dendro Traveler will get some attention.
Edit: soup team with Kokomi, Yae and Yoimiya is hell of fun!
How do you get favonius R5? It is the most scarce 4* weapon. I play for 3 months now and i think HV knew how broken favonius as 4* so it doesnt give a single pc every 400pulls
@@edishasora5200 you answered yourself "I'm playing for 3 months"
@@edishasora5200 just play more and in the future you hit R5 this person maybe pulled on the weapon banner once with Favonius Sword as rate up
@@edishasora5200 Gacha.
Playing since 1.2, AR59.
I have 2 Fav Sword R5 but only one Fav Lance R4, just for example.
@@IncineroarOnTop no way i will get R5 even after playing for 2 year or spending thousand, HV is feeling safe now, they treat us new players like sh1t i stop spending a dime not even welkin anymore. I stop promoting this game in my forum its furious how i got even lowest talent materials at lv90 domains
A very good step taken by Hoyo with Travelers kit. Absolutely loving this.
Thank you for putting out this video. It felt bad to put traveler on the bench so long. Now he can see the sights again
Tried a quickbloom team with Dendro MC, Childe, Fishcl and Kazuha on a vv domain.
It's superfun but there is no healers on this team so I die a few times.
Tried to swap Kazuha with Diona. I didn't die but had a hard time with crowd control.
So I hope they'll either add a dendro healer with good dendro application or (copium) an additional party member slot for teams
mm i do a hype bloom team with kokomi, kazuha, Dendro trav, and yae miko
This is the video I've been waiting for!
The Traveler has been (IMO) underpowered or clunky since day 1. While Electro did give it some nice utility as a team battery, it was overshadowed horribly by Raiden Shogun and her ridiculous damage output even using a pure ER build.
Dendro Traveler has some pretty big numbers even on low talent levels, and the team comp utility is amazing. It'll still be a week or 2 before anyone can farm enough materials to fully max the character and really see some big numbers, but I for one intend on making full use of Dendro in Sumeru and beyond. Also, if you're going for a pure DMG build, a nice swap for the weapon could be a crafted Iron Stingm, but the jury's still out on which could work best.
I’m so excited to be using Traveller again after a long time. Loving the new Dendro reactions gameplay, i think it’s super fun! I still need to grind for the new dendro artis and the new sapwood sword for her though.
YES! I was waiting excitedly for your Dendro MC guide and as always, you delivered an amazing guide. It's great to know that I can build my Lumine cheaply and still get to explore the new reactions easily. I love the traveller's burst and its flexibility. Thanks so much!
I was waiting for one of the theory crafters to make a Traveller guide after I looked at the kit. Thank you!
Thanks Missy Savy . I'm so happy you have this Traveler content . Turkey Veggy Soup comp will work for me. I'm AR. 45. It's so easy to Rank lvl. But I know with your help I can get better with the other stuff that really matters. Like building,comp, and rotation just to say the least.
By the way your accent is cute.
Thank you!! just 90'd traveler and really love using him to explore new regions!
I can’t wait for cryo, hydro and pyro mc. dendro is usually focused on reactions and supporting so I believe hydro will be a healer, while pyro and cryowould most likely be dps
i dont really think that the traveler will get a dps form but i hope too:D
All of these teams are only making me hope that I could get Kokomi. Probably the best for me to pull for this update.
Edit: Unfortunately I lost 50/50
I’m saving for her too.. good luck with your pulls!
I'm saving for her as well. 50 wishes until now but I'm not guaranteed
As a kokomi haver, I wish you all the best of luck!
She’s worth every single primogems. Wish you best luck!!!
70 something pity but 50/50, KOKOMI WANTERS WILL BE KOKOMI HAVERS 💦
I find sac sword the most fun to use weapon on dendro traveler. The skill is really quick to cancel into a second skill without dashing so it can produce a lot of quick bloom with some luck or timing. Also burst uptime is super easy with it.
i loooove yoimiya-kokomi-fischl-traveler so much as i get to switch between reactions that i want depending on the situation. i knew i was right to look forward to dendro mc by maxing them out early on.
Even if he/she gets powercrept, at least we can make good memories with them at the beginning of our discovery of Sumeru. 😀 💚
dendro traveler will still be a good pick for players who are unlucky with pulls.
I actually don’t think MC will be power crept because of its support design. The only way MC would be swapped out is if another 4 star unit can burst the same Dendro AoE but with less energy cost. 5 stars aren’t power crept because it’s much harder to get it than 4 stars. I really hope future MC elements continues to place MC as a support unit for longer shelf life lol
I agree aswell, I was just playing around with the dendro traveler in the open world. Did a Raiden E + MC burst + Yelan Burst and normal attacks, It shreds like crazy.
I',ve been a main Lumine since the very beggining, and I never gave a damn about her utility or not. The only variation I never used 'cause I truly thought (and still think) is awuful, is her electro from. I'm so happy to see her in the spotlight, at least for now. And, Dendro traveler may be best used as a support, but screw it, I'mma use her as a DPS, as always XD
Great videos as always, Sevy. Greetngs from Colombia.
If traveler is this good, then I can't imagine how powerful the Dendro archon will be.
I've started a F2P no wish account relatively recently and was thinking about doing a quicken team with lisa, fischl, dendro mc, and collei. Dendro is so refreshing to play imo
i build my MC to 90 when i realized its pain leveling my collei and her burst is so cool. i directly level her up from level 30 to 90. no regrets no farming, eazy clap lvl.90. lol
Your guides are really helpful Sevy, ty so much!
Gilded Dreams is going to become my Traveler’s new set! I currently use 2p Wanderers and 2p Gladiator with ATK, ATK, Crit to cover reaction and personal damage. Not the worst build, but sometimes, playing mono Geo or mono electro makes the EM useless.
With the Gilded set, I won’t have to worry too much about that! If I play a multi-elemental team for Anemo, Electro, and Dendro, I’ll get EM. If I play mono-Geo or mono-electro, I’ll get ATK%
I know more dedicated sets for each particular element would improve their gameplay a lot, but Gilded Dreams is perfect for flexibility, especially since I like to switch the elements a lot.
I was doing the same , having one set for the traveller would free up the need to change a set every time mC switches elements.. helping use whatever element whenever..
@@MrAimlessone I’m still trying to figure out the main stats. It’s either between ATK, ATK, Crit; or ER, ATK, Crit. I’ll probably look at substats and decide from there.
I've been waiting for this tysm
I got around to using Dendro Aether last night and it is insanely fun using a lot of reactions with him. It is just so flexible and not as cumbersome as some of the other elements we had him and Lumine with. Mostly because there are other characters that perform the same way but way better then them like for example I never hear anyone mention Geo Aether/Lumine all that much and once in a blue moon about Electrio Aether/Lumine. But here since I am not drawing for more Dendro characters and just got Collei for free, I can finally take Aether off of windblade and try Dendro him lol. Overall, I can definitely make do with the Skyrider sword on him since I at least have more copies of it and artifacts I will have to hunt for the domain but Dendro Aether is fantastic and I can't wait to do more combos of teams with him! Great job on the video Sevy!
geo mc are basically illegal constructors just like zhongli
I was looking for how to build him as a dps actually thanks for making this guide out so soon.
i built my traveler months ago in anticipation of dendro & i couldnt be happier w/ them. running 4pc noblesse ER/EM/Cr + r5 favonius. keep switching between fav & skyward but i think fav might be better.
I just remembered we can resonate with Dendro so I did so, and MC's kit looks kinda interesting. Thought to myself "I wonder if Sevy has a guide yet" and here we are :)
I really enjoy the dendro kit of the traveler. I am currently building him and this guide is really helpful
Been maining him since the beginning till Ar54 now im Ar57 and using him again feels nostalgic TwT
Thank you very much for that video. Short, informative and very helpful 🙏
I built traveller with a Shimenawas set previously but I will think about switching to a dendro burst build. Thank you for the video.
I’m really glad that people are picking her up again. I’ve always been an Anemo Traveler Main, but I’ve been using Dendro for exploration as I don’t have Collei yet. Her artifacts are terrible, but she’s doing great as an onfield DPS. I hope this will make people realize that this will help people realize that, yes, the traveler has a personality, and yes, the Travelers have different personality, and no, Lumine is not the reckless one.
im enjoying dendro mc so much, exploring sumeru with him kazuha kokomi and fischl is very satisfying
Thanks for the guide Sevy! Just helping out the algorithm 😌
My Lumine coming out to play again is so exciting. Thanks for the video.
Mihoyo: Finally our community gave some good feedback about the traveler!
Also Mihoyo: adds Hydro traveler washing machine
thank you for your guide! please do Collei next? 🥺
Thx for the guide sevy came back to double check my build this is my 2nd time watching thx to your guide I have a decent build :) still farming tho
I’ve been anemo traveler main since I started playing and now finally dendro traveler is here I’m very happy about it🤩
I'm definitely happy to be using traveller again. Ditched her in the middle of monstadt quest right after getting sicrose and diluc. The team I am using now is for hyperbloom which consists of: Kokomi, Shogun, Dendro traveller and Kazuha.
This will make us love. Traveler 🤗 again. I always went. To use traveler. With this new element for sure he will be useful this time .
You have gained me as a follower also your voice rocks
Thank you for this build! I recently saw some videos of Dendro MC absolutely destroying enemies and I wanted to make my Keqing shine so I looked for this build :)
edit: CC on 2:19 is so nice
Yeah! In the end a good traveller to use. Anemo and Electro were not good and geo is ok but many people have zhongli now. Dendro traveller is the first traveller version I'm definitely going to build. Thanks so much for your great videos!!
Traveler, Lisa, Kaeya and Barbara is a actual team now. No cap - it's a thing. I actually recommend y'all to try it.
(Also I am honestly really happy to finally have Lumine, that was level 90 for over a year now as a proud member of my team. As well as Sumeru so far is AMAZING)
Im seeing some uptime issues, but its probably decent otherwise (though outclassed by other gacha chars)
Yes! Still in progress. My personal element for traveller so far.
Hey Sevy! This was a very good video!
I love running Dendro MC with Ayato, Fischl and Diona! It's reactions everywhere and almost everything (that doesn't need burning) is deleted from the face of Teyvat 😅
Thanks you so much for making this feels so refreshing to use aether again..
I've been using Aether since the beginning. I build all of his elements, and seeing that he and Lumine both now get more love is just so heartwarming! My Xiao is now on the bench cheering Aether on because I don't need Xiao, I just throw Aether, Xingqiu, Beidou and Bennett, and I'm having so much fun
I've been using anemo traveler and I really really like dendro traveler too!
Added dendro MC on my team as soon as I updated my game. ☺️ Dendro reactions are soo fun to use, and very visually pleasing too.
I was pulling the banner for the new dendro units until I started playing the MC, that's when I stopped wasting primos. Very good unit, even without the new sets, talents and constellations. I can finally stop regretting building the traveler to lvl 85 back when I started playing and didn't know much about the game!
I'm currently using an aggravate/quicken/spread team comp with Dendro MC, Fischl, Collei, and Sucrose. Sometimes I swap out a dendro character for Keqing because she's actually meta now, at least for aggravate teams. It's really fun and I encourage everyone to try dendro + electro reactions
The sheer number of numbers in dendro teams looks so satisfying
I built aether with the new EM artifact domain + iron sting and damn he's cracked
Finally MC's time to shine 🥰 hahaha I will Build MC now.
I really love Traveler but didn't vibe with their previous iterations. I played Geo for a bit, used Anemo for defending monolith in Abyss lol.
DMC has been a blast with my personal Sumeru exploration team. With Heizou, Xingqiu, and Fischl, Hyperbloom also turned into my favorite reaction. During one world quest where you had to fight PMA multiple times, I was still blown away by how fast I shred it.
It's only a good timing that i got the fifth copy of favonius sword so that i can take advantage of my dendro traveler.
And oh boy, does she need a lot of ER. Nevertheless, worth building anyway. Currently at 4pc emblem for now, still farming for the new sets and she has 266%ER and 256 EM.
Pretty good results overall.
I just recently started building my DMC and the amount of ER he needs is kind of nutty. I use Kirara with him because shields are awesome, and because her skill cd (tap) matches his. Pairing those two with Kuki Shinobu and Fischl make for an amazing hyperbloom/aggravate team.
I'm so happy to use Traveller again. Thank Hoyo for hearing our pleads for Traveller to be useful.
I’m currently using Dendro Traveler with Raiden, Yelan, and Kazuha for aggravate and hyperbloom and it’s been so fun and refreshing
Ive been exploring sumeru with her its awesome
I'm new to G.I. love it so much. I'm learning (trying) from these vids but if they could mention gameplay without optimal stats that would be good.
i built aether as a geo dps and hes been my main since the start so im glad to see traveler getting some love
Dendro MC is really good. I still have the 4pc Emblem set I used for Electro MC, but the damage is still pretty good even after I switched to Dendro. I'm so happy I invested on max leveling them. No regrets.
Thanks, I might need my Tabibito on next abyss rotation and this helps me a lot.
Been using Lumine, Childe, Kazuha and Kokomi while exploring sumeru
Traveler main since day 1, super satisfied with Dendro
Dude I was so worried dendro traveller would suck but ive been pleasantly surprised!! Now i just have to figure out how to build my thoma and shinobu for burgeon and hyperbloom teams
This chanel is so underrated, i like how she explains. 🎉❤🎉
Hi Sevy thank you for this video
One of the team comps that I'm really enjoying right now is Yae, Fischl, dendro traveller and kazuha/jean (If I need a healer), it works pretty well with a character that I enjoy even though I didn't use her before 3.0 because her dmg was underwhelming but the new reaction makes her deal MASSIVE dmg , I run her on 2 piece shim and echoes and I have 75% crit rate and 225% crit dmg with widsith, it works pretty well