Jon Ronson breaks down why the right are abandoning the culture war

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @Mackerdaymia
    @Mackerdaymia 8 місяців тому +240

    People don't like admitting that we still live in a class-based society because they prefer the myth that anything is possible with hard work. It allows them to both pat themselves on the back when they might've been lucky or enjoyed priviledge and chide those who are unfortunate or who have been let down by the system with lines akin to: "just work harder" or "just get a better job".

    • @ScandalUK
      @ScandalUK 8 місяців тому

      It's a very good point. There's nothing more British than worshipping posh people.

    • @lizcollinson2692
      @lizcollinson2692 8 місяців тому +15

      And "it can't happen to me I work hard"

    • @herrschneider5310
      @herrschneider5310 8 місяців тому +6

      this is so true it hurts.

    • @grtcara8386
      @grtcara8386 8 місяців тому +8

      Trans rights aka the ability to cheat in sport

    • @markcraine4213
      @markcraine4213 8 місяців тому

      The left seem to forget that many of these people getting richer while we lose ourselves in the Culture War are also on the left.
      The hypocrisy of the left elite is astounding sometimes.
      It’s all a game, an illusion and lots of privileged people think they’re not part of the problem.
      The top 30% at least have too much but push all the attention on the 1%.
      Also, the ones getting shafted by the Elites (throughput the political spectrum) generally are like Turkeys voting for Christmas.
      A lot of the people who would benefit from some kind of revolution are the staunchest supporters of their oppressors and the current status quo.
      I agree with your work harder/get a better job statement. If that were possible for us all who would do the shitty low paid jobs.
      In my Utopia world the toilet cleaners would be the highest earners if we had to have discrepancies in earnings.

  • @scaredyfish
    @scaredyfish 8 місяців тому +21

    I guess the question is, where does the culture war end, and the serious issues begin? I don't give a damn whether someone approves of a casting decision in a Disney movie, but I do care when people are making arguments which are then seized upon by legislators to deny people real human rights.

    • @pharmakon7920
      @pharmakon7920 8 місяців тому

      To me the culture war is the sensationalised, media-warped and weaponised version of the real issues. It's created and used by cynical people for cynical reasons.

    • @fifthpint4571
      @fifthpint4571 8 місяців тому

      "Culture war" is a gimmick employed specifically to tighten controls over people and gain more leverage over them to direct, and punish, as required ad-hoc. it's a cudgel, basically.

    • @BadgerGirl
      @BadgerGirl 8 місяців тому

      it doesn't, the reality is the culture war has been going on since the Renaissance, the battlegrounds change, from reducing papal authority to Jim Crow to gay rights to Muslims and now trans people but it is all the same long war and it always goes the same way, the youth see a social cause to advance, the right react negatively because they hate change, then the right overreacts and moves to the persecution of said social cause, there's a piss fight for 10 years, the old align with the right, the youth with the left than the old age out of political relevance and the left wins then moves onto the next thing, same old cycle, the right-wing fighting culture wars they already lost because you simply can't beat time and youth only delay it.
      like i'm a 34 yr old and trans, today i'm politics and current football, but I'm 110% sure by the time I'm 90 I'll be sitting there just as perplexed as today's boomers are about me but instead about my great grandzims multisexual poly-dimensional relationship of an AI chatbot or something, my only hope is that im self-aware enough to not give a shit because I know my time is done and it up to the youth to do whatever the fuck makes them happy 🤷‍♀

    • @Skiddoo42
      @Skiddoo42 7 місяців тому

      This has been the outcome of a century of the evolution of neoliberal propaganda. First they started with academia, then churches, then Hollywood, the media, back to the universities to rewrite economics and finally the government itself, once Reagan was in office. During this time the rhetoric of the working class was being gradually eroded by each successive tier of control.
      We went from a time that all cultural differences were defined by how the working class would fight undivided for the rights of each special interest because we understood that each endangered group was a weak link that the industrialists could use to create bogus legislation that would weaken the entirety of community well-being and workers' rights, consumer protections, environmental protections, anti-war and anti-surveillance movements and progress towards universal healthcare.
      They divided and conquered us and over the course of a century few but the real left... especially the labor historians and indigenous activists... remembered the history and the cost of the battles we fought and lost against the ruling class.

    • @colincampbell4261
      @colincampbell4261 7 місяців тому +3

      When the right wing media stop promoting it.

  • @kaleeyed
    @kaleeyed 8 місяців тому +32

    I think the difference in Britain is that all the culture war / conspiracy stuff is not underpinned by evangelical Christianity to the extent it is in the US. The evangelicals are still a fringe in the UK, although they are growing by opening churches in deprived areas. I don't think culture war stuff translated directly from the US to the UK tends to stick or have legs. At the minute, people are very concerned about day to day living, and the Tories culture war as an answer to this comes across as extremely unhelpful and tone deaf.

    • @RichWoods23
      @RichWoods23 8 місяців тому

      The Tories can still inspire enough hateful people to do actual harm, though. Their little crypto-Nazi turnout to "protect" the Cenotaph comes to mind, as do the several attacks on asylum seekers and their housing.

    • @Pirate44444
      @Pirate44444 8 місяців тому +8

      Yeah it’s imported over rather than developing naturally from the culture

    • @Globaldave1970
      @Globaldave1970 8 місяців тому

      Why are cultural wars Tory? Can a woman have a penis?

    • @Nothing._-
      @Nothing._- 8 місяців тому

      Conspiracy Theory was coined by the CIA to put people off investigating the murder by the CIA of John F Kennedy, people who repeat that today have the lowest intellect and zero awareness of how the world works, they would rather attack other people with no power instead of looking up at who’s screwing them

    • @jontalbot1
      @jontalbot1 7 місяців тому

      The other difference is people in the UK aren’t usually paying that much attention to politicians so they are mostly only dimly aware that there are excited debates going on elsewhere. Plus most people are allergic to what traditionally were pub bore types and now ‘cultural commentators’

  • @efeetham15
    @efeetham15 8 місяців тому +26

    Jon is a national treasure. His curiosity and lack of judgement really marks him out and is so refreshing

  • @jonnyc429
    @jonnyc429 8 місяців тому +6

    The right are abandoning the culture war? They're the only ones I ever hear talking about it.

    • @stonehengemaca
      @stonehengemaca 2 місяці тому +1

      Exactly.. What else are they going to talk about?!

  • @NinaGray-eq9on
    @NinaGray-eq9on 8 місяців тому +206

    I'm trans and know that the stoking of hysterical myths about trans people was definitely in full swing by 2018. The pandemic may have expedited it, though in no way is it a product of those times.

    • @eightiesmusic1984
      @eightiesmusic1984 8 місяців тому

      Solidarity. The right stoops so low to gather what votes it thinks it will win by made up culture wars that then have real world consequences for vulnerable groups.

    • @trevfindley
      @trevfindley 8 місяців тому +22

      This is of course true, but would you not agree that 2013 onwards was more like a beta phase where the narratives were tested and refined mainly using pre-radicalised American christo-fascists, and that 2020 was when it really began to be rolled out en mass to vulnerable boomer populations via mainstream channels?

    • @eightiesmusic1984
      @eightiesmusic1984 8 місяців тому +4

      My reply expressing solidarity has been removed.

    • @Thelma7361
      @Thelma7361 8 місяців тому +34

      @@trevfindleynope around 2015/16 the UK had politicans debating bathroom bills at the same time North Carolina was. This didn’t appear out of nowhere it was preluded by a lot of anti -trans news articles in both countries. But arguably the UK was doing it first and it was a political issue adopted by the American right.

    • @trevfindley
      @trevfindley 8 місяців тому +6

      ​​@@Thelma7361 wow. I had no idea it had hit mainstream uk politics that far back, and that we didn't just import it from the US. Crazy.

  • @faves2064
    @faves2064 8 місяців тому +19

    Very good interview, really enjoyed hearing Jon talk, good work guiding the conversation by Ed 👏

    • @adenwellsmith6908
      @adenwellsmith6908 7 місяців тому

      The evidence is they are ramping up the culture war. Look at the attacks on people singing gospel music.

  • @ellenmeilee
    @ellenmeilee 8 місяців тому +79

    The S2 episode about the media storm about some US schools allegedly having cat litter trays for kids who identify as cats…and then the interview with the teacher who explains what the real purpose is of the buckets in class ….a shocking and sad reflection on how some media sources completely twist reality to whip up national outrage and division.

    • @danniblo8904
      @danniblo8904 8 місяців тому +13

      And direct anger toward the wrong people

    • @watermusic4381
      @watermusic4381 8 місяців тому +2

      What was the real purpose?

    • @robkunkel8833
      @robkunkel8833 8 місяців тому +3

      Was it for fire prevention? Or related to heavy windstorm storms for making things secure?

    • @hnnsy
      @hnnsy 8 місяців тому

      Especially considering its the right wing conservative voters who are directly responsible for those buckets in the classes to begin with by constantly voting in politicians who will staunchly oppose any gun restrictions. They then go on to use said buckets to spread horsesh*t about another issue they take umbrage with. Its as comical as it is infuriating.

    • @colinquirke4256
      @colinquirke4256 8 місяців тому +14

      To use as a bathroom in the case of an active shooter

  • @rocket69218
    @rocket69218 8 місяців тому +18

    "People take cocaine and have sex all the time" .... I never realised I had lived such a sheltered life! 😂

    • @colincampbell4261
      @colincampbell4261 8 місяців тому

      If you rub cocaine on your knob ....? Try it!

    • @robertjsmith
      @robertjsmith 8 місяців тому +1

      AI,could make all your fantasies come true,Uber eats,won’t just be delivering pizza

    • @euansb7752
      @euansb7752 8 місяців тому +2

      It's true...we're doing that right now

    • @Secretgeek2012
      @Secretgeek2012 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@euansb7752 How are you still typing? Taking a breather? 😆

    • @BadgerGirl
      @BadgerGirl 8 місяців тому +3

      if you have been to any pub in the UK in the last 6 years you know cocaine use is at epidemic levels.

  • @cobbler40
    @cobbler40 8 місяців тому +22

    If we aren’t distracted by culture wars/wedge issues we could look at the Tories history in power !

    • @michaelrch
      @michaelrch 8 місяців тому +3

      And that of New Labour.

    • @carltaylor6452
      @carltaylor6452 8 місяців тому

      It's true that most of this nonsense has happened on their watch.

    • @michaelrch
      @michaelrch 8 місяців тому +2

      @@carltaylor6452 look back at new labour rhetoric on immigration. It was fairly horrific at times.

    • @zoranblackie5921
      @zoranblackie5921 8 місяців тому +2

      @@michaelrch Not a reason to vote Tory, or indirectly voting for them by not voting Labour...

    • @michaelrch
      @michaelrch 8 місяців тому +4

      @@zoranblackie5921 you might have a point if there was any chance of the Tories winning.
      But there isn't a chance in hell of that.
      So I will vote for a party that actually represents my values, rather than a conservative, pro-austerity pro-genocide disgrace of a Labour Party.

  • @aliruane
    @aliruane 8 місяців тому +7

    That was such a fun listen. Thanks Ron, thanks Ed.

  • @becausepuppets
    @becausepuppets 8 місяців тому +38

    18:34 “America is a class-based system that pretends it’s an identity based system” is an astute observation.
    In answer to why people get angry when you point that out… I’d suggest those of higher class (wealth) have a vested interest in the status quo, whilst those of lower class like to believe they have some power.
    It’s much easier these days (and getting even easier) to change your identity, how you identify. Whereas trying to move from lower class to higher class is statistically extremely difficult.
    The issue is compounded when we take into account some identities (Eg the black community) are systemically poor BECAUSE of their identities.

  • @ashleighnoel9857
    @ashleighnoel9857 8 місяців тому +25

    Loved the first season of the podcast, the one on abortion was so fascinating 👏🏽

    • @joepiekl
      @joepiekl 8 місяців тому

      Yeah, I couldn't believe that evangelical Christians really didn't care at all about abortion until the 80s when someone managed to frame it as an anti-feminist thing. It just shows how easy it is to make an issue out of nothing and create sides (as we saw with masks in the pandemic, which really should have been a complete non-issue). It also shows how a group can go from having something as part of their core identity for decades and do a complete 180. Conservative Christians 20 years ago would be appalled by someone like Trump, for example, yet they've overwhelmingly backed him.

  • @famfamfam5782
    @famfamfam5782 8 місяців тому +10

    I wish we had more media like these 2 guys in the UK. Uk nuanced media is more effortless. USA nuanced stuff can be too intense

    • @madeinengland1212
      @madeinengland1212 8 місяців тому +1

      Tightly controlled. Its a shame that their definition of right is ‘reading the room at my left wing parties”

    • @josemengelez6947
      @josemengelez6947 8 місяців тому

      @@madeinengland1212 you're literally called "made in england" you have a hormonal imbalance that causes you to cry with joy at the sight of the union jack. everyone in your life (if there is anyone) finds you repellant and creepy... sorry you had to find out this way.

  • @ScandalUK
    @ScandalUK 8 місяців тому +7

    Aha - I love Jon Ronson, after reading his books I got the audiobook versions too. I haven't even heard his podcast yet, but I'll tune in now!

    • @jillroyson4589
      @jillroyson4589 8 місяців тому

      The podcast is excellent

    • @lukebarton5075
      @lukebarton5075 8 місяців тому

      Has has done quite a few different podcast series over the last few years. You should defo check ‘em out.

  • @markcrocker8645
    @markcrocker8645 8 місяців тому +4

    If a few weeks of lockdown did this to human beings, try to imagine what a lifetime of confinement does to animals with high levels of inate intelligence, (not to mention people incarcerated in prisons!). Just how "civilised" are we after all?

  • @thelostbard
    @thelostbard 8 місяців тому +11

    I love this podcast and their coverage, thanks alot joe

  • @tobiasdavidson3161
    @tobiasdavidson3161 7 місяців тому +1

    What a convivial voice! I’m new to Jon Ronson, but enjoyed his relatively dispassionate assessment of the culture wars. He’s right that we all need to be much more self-reliant when it comes to discerning truth. But I would warn against relying on fact checkers!

  • @jimb9063
    @jimb9063 8 місяців тому +22

    "We want to hurt people and not feel bad about it."
    Well that's really easy to do now. Without the restraint that comes with seeing nearly all those we communicate with face to face on a regular basis. Maybe they're not even real people.

  • @crescentsi
    @crescentsi 8 місяців тому +24

    Absolutely! Distraction politics is very convenient for those in power. Assimilating blame and shifting the emphasis from their own incompetence and corruption is a ploy that, they hope will win votes.

    • @quillo2747
      @quillo2747 7 місяців тому

      Not wanting people to castrate kids is a little bit more than a distraction

  • @raylder6339
    @raylder6339 8 місяців тому +9

    Didn't know Jon Ronson had a podcast but I love his book the Psychopath Test and the film Men Who Stare at Goats. Great guest to have on PolJoe!

    • @zoranblackie5921
      @zoranblackie5921 8 місяців тому

      He has some great ones - Things Fell Apart and So You've Been Publicly Shamed, but also some others like Last Days of August and the Butterfly Effect which dive into the mysterious world of the porn industry...

    • @harry.flashman
      @harry.flashman 8 місяців тому

      If you like the books definately check out the podcasts.

  • @paulhalfpenny1139
    @paulhalfpenny1139 8 місяців тому +3

    Great point about new wave of journalists being activist based rather than evidence based. Like he says, "magical thinking" - or wishfulness, or a certain naive moral sentimentality - is the bane of modern progressivism.

  • @acrodave9287
    @acrodave9287 8 місяців тому +16

    I've spoken to some sex workers and I can assure you that the last thing they feel when they're working is any kind of 'excitement', delirious or otherwise.
    I've been a fan of Jon's work since 'Them - Adventures with Extremists' which I read after seeing the documentary series of the same title, and it was that series that first alerted me to the existence of Alex Jones.
    The rest is, unfortunately, history.
    Keep up the good work, Jon.
    As for the whole 'Woke' thing, I'm heartily sick of hearing about it in ANY context. Sigh.

  • @artomatt
    @artomatt 8 місяців тому +11

    Did this video actually break down "why the right are abandoning the culture war"? I don't think they are, at least in the US, and after watching this, I don't remember hearing any evidence to the contrary.

    • @BigHenFor
      @BigHenFor 8 місяців тому

      The Culture War thing in its present iteration was designed by American plutocrats who think because they're rich, they actually know how to govern people who aren't them. And have the money to spend trying to convince others. Considering the inept entitled, and vacuous people they are, they don't. It just takes a long time for ordinary people to figure that out.

    • @pharmakon7920
      @pharmakon7920 8 місяців тому

      Welcome to the internet in 2024, nothing is what it says on the tin. The tin says whatever it thinks might make you open it, and they write that long after whatever the actual contents of it were created by someone totally different. It's nonsensical but seems as though it's what the algorithm forces them to do.

    • @jannneumann5766
      @jannneumann5766 8 місяців тому

      It's wishful thinking. The left only started calling it the culture war after they took a few losses.

    • @NigelJackson
      @NigelJackson 7 місяців тому

      It's just wishful thinking and denialism...the culture wars are actually raging and seem to be ramping up on all fronts.

  • @djkush
    @djkush 8 місяців тому +5

    He’s so way off on some of this… there is no way the legacy media is coming back to replace Twitter. Nice thought for someone that thrives in that world but Pandora’s Box has been opened.

  • @mikeinfected
    @mikeinfected 8 місяців тому +1

    so glad more are saying this. Brilliant.

  • @nickbarber2080
    @nickbarber2080 8 місяців тому +2

    "Just because you invent a word,doesn't mean we have to use it"
    If only this precept were more widely accepted.

  • @terry9819
    @terry9819 8 місяців тому +7

    15 years ago immigration was seen as a culture war issue and was ignored by politicians. Thankfully nothing bad came from that approach!

    • @simon0044
      @simon0044 7 місяців тому

      15 years ago immigration was at an acceptable level and enhanced the country somewhat. Then the conservatives came into power….

    • @quillo2747
      @quillo2747 7 місяців тому

      @@simon0044 10 million immigrants since 1995. Immigration was at an acceptable level before then, Blari opened the Borders, the tories simply continues Blairs globalist policies and increased the flow to the tune of 700k net in a single year, and people wonder why no one can get an nhs apointment or afford a house while demand is spiking through the roof to the tune of 700k people a year

  • @grallochervideos
    @grallochervideos 8 місяців тому +5

    31:20 Were you quoting Graham Linehan?😂”…just ‘cos you come up with a word, doesn’t mean I’m forced to use it…”.
    Glad to see Jonno is gender sensible deep down, even if he finds it hard to admit. Must be all that compassion

    • @dirtylittleowl
      @dirtylittleowl 8 місяців тому

      Probs projecting your deranged bigotry m8

    • @MetalSamantha
      @MetalSamantha 8 місяців тому

      Are you a “Sex realist”?

    • @Democracy_Manifest
      @Democracy_Manifest 8 місяців тому

      Linehan has been proven correct.
      The bbc luvvies will have to live with their lies.

  • @mrtambourineman6107
    @mrtambourineman6107 7 місяців тому

    Series 2 is absolutely brilliant! Have listened to several times already

  • @ashroskell
    @ashroskell 8 місяців тому +14

    You need to give Graham Linehan your full and unqualified support, Mr Ronson, OR talk about the actual issue with him, rather than talking about everything around them whilst avoiding the heart of it.

    • @carltaylor6452
      @carltaylor6452 8 місяців тому +5

      Ronson's a coward when it comes to this issue. You wouldn't think he was the same man who wrote 'So You've Been Publicly Shamed'. ☹

    • @zoranblackie5921
      @zoranblackie5921 8 місяців тому +5

      @@carltaylor6452 To me you both are coming across as bullies and idealogues, who some may argue are the real cowards

  • @michaeljones1802
    @michaeljones1802 7 місяців тому

    "Gary's economics" has a great way of explaining Britain's economic issues

  • @jessery475
    @jessery475 8 місяців тому +17

    Some much love for jon ronson

  • @peterweston1356
    @peterweston1356 8 місяців тому +1

    I find myself drawn this kind of conversation, when I hear Ronson speak I realise that I am not a far right bigot. Inasmuch that, for me he represents a voice of compassion, nuance and thoughtfulness. Pretty much everything he says makes some sense to me. I suspect I would enjoy sitting for a cup of tea with him.

  • @jenniferwilson726
    @jenniferwilson726 7 місяців тому

    Fantastic, informative , and enjoyable. Thank you.

  • @Pinkybum
    @Pinkybum 8 місяців тому +8

    Also he admits to being wrong about Trump in 2016 but then doubles down like he knows anything about Republicans in 2024.

  • @mikefoster6018
    @mikefoster6018 8 місяців тому +1

    I remember Linehan sending his followers after me simply because I corrected him.
    I loved Linehan's work and had zero history with him, apart from one brief chat online about a boardgame we both liked. The second time I messaged him was a comment on one of his (somewhat excessive) anti-gun tweets. I just said I thought his stats looked quite far out on the issue. He blocked me, forwarded my message to his 485,000 followers with the message BLOCKED FOR STUPIDITY on it and, as a result, a few of his fans messaged me with things like "it's YOU who should be shot".
    It was a strange feeling. The creator of Father Ted was a bit of a hero to me. Then he just went for me.
    So yes, my brief experience of him seems entirely consistent with what Ronson says.

  • @AH-ml4vi
    @AH-ml4vi 8 місяців тому +2

    "Culture wars are the opiate of the masses"
    I'll borrow that one if culture wars do make a comeback attempt.

  • @stubarr70
    @stubarr70 8 місяців тому

    Love Jon Ronson, very excited to find out there’s another series of Things Fall Apart

  • @SharmanSomerset
    @SharmanSomerset 8 місяців тому +6

    Top job, Ed, always enjoy listening to Jon speak x

  • @Lazerus101
    @Lazerus101 8 місяців тому +6

    Anyone else caught by the irony of talking about class war then extolling the virtues of (billionaire backed) old media? Not saying new media is better, but it's not one of the other. We should be looking for something better than either.

    • @nickrails
      @nickrails 8 місяців тому +3

      Alot of 'new media' is also backed by billionaires - think The Daily Wire, Rumble, Twitter etc

    • @rainbowevil
      @rainbowevil 8 місяців тому +4

      Novara Media isn’t, nice to be able to watch a decent and crowdfunded news channel.

    • @quillo2747
      @quillo2747 7 місяців тому

      @@rainbowevil Communists are rarely decent.

    • @rainbowevil
      @rainbowevil 7 місяців тому

      @@quillo2747 what a terrible “argument”. At worst, you could imagine that all of the hosts of Novara Media are misdirected (if their ideas and solutions to today’s problems wouldn’t work) but very well-meaning. I happen to think they aren’t misdirected at all and are looking at issues and potential solutions through an important lens, but it’s absolutely baseless to call them not decent people.

  • @robertstraw9881
    @robertstraw9881 8 місяців тому +5

    I always enjoy Jon’s work. He sounds like a lovely guy too.

  • @georgeh5075
    @georgeh5075 6 місяців тому

    A groundhog being a bean is the most accurate description

  • @Squaremuffin
    @Squaremuffin 8 місяців тому +1

    Lovely to see some new material from Jon

  • @ProffyChaos
    @ProffyChaos 8 місяців тому +3

    If you want to be depressed just read the DM comments on news stories. Many people on there have gone down the rabbit hole.

  • @howtoappearincompletely9739
    @howtoappearincompletely9739 7 місяців тому

    Fantastic interview. Thanks.

  • @chaipup7045
    @chaipup7045 8 місяців тому +3

    really interesting interview, thanks!

  • @hrtdinasaurette3020
    @hrtdinasaurette3020 8 місяців тому

    Have really enjoyed many of Mr. Ronson’s books over the years. Though I sometimes disagree with opinions aired on this channel, I do like to hear many n varied opinions on topics be they Left, Right, Centre or a mixture. I’d learn very little from only hearing my own opinions parroted back to me - preaching to the choir. My favourite thing being intelligent debates. Us humans are more than capable of being wrong. “Don’t want to be wrong any longer than my ignorance of a subject allows it”. Thanks P.J. 😊❤

  • @belindablunderbus1365
    @belindablunderbus1365 8 місяців тому +21

    Jon Ronson! Great investigative journalist. (If you haven't heard of him, look out for The Psychopath Test,)

    • @Britt-r3r
      @Britt-r3r 8 місяців тому +2

      Lost at Sea and Men that stare at goats

    • @julianshepherd2038
      @julianshepherd2038 8 місяців тому +3

      I read the p test and emailed him and he replied straight away.
      I was part pleased and part worried why he was wasting his time on a random

    • @fridajaspers6066
      @fridajaspers6066 8 місяців тому +1

      I was still on Twitter at the time and tweeted Jon Ronson after listening to Louis Theroux' BBC convo with him during lockdown in 2020 with an inebriated message saying 'Found you through Louis. Really goodrtare5tfhjd'. He replied saying thanks. I have since read 'So You've Been Publicly Shamed' (2015) and read/watched/ listened to many other works of his, but 'So You...' has stayed with me. Because of what's happening now.

    • @carltaylor6452
      @carltaylor6452 8 місяців тому +1

      For someone who wrote the brilliant 'So You've Been Shamed', Ronson has been very quiet on cancel culture and completely silent when it comes to gender identity ideology. Is that because he's a bad journalist or perhaps a frightened one?

    • @markcraine4213
      @markcraine4213 8 місяців тому

      All of his books are great

  • @sasserine
    @sasserine 8 місяців тому +5

    Are they abandoning it?
    They seem to be doubling down.

    • @nickrails
      @nickrails 8 місяців тому +1

      In the States DeSantis went heavy on culture war issues and got obliterated in the Primaries, Trump doesn't really push any 'anti-woke' talking points, and polling amongst GOP voters show that culture war issues rank fairly low.
      In the UK, many seniors Tories have stated that culture wars will be their only hope to win the next election, and some right papers have pushed such angles. But again, polling shows British voters have little interest in these issues given the absolute crap-show the Tory government has become.

    • @redmed10
      @redmed10 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@nickrailsi'm wary of polls.

    • @josemengelez6947
      @josemengelez6947 8 місяців тому

      @@nickrails that just indicates that they're unwilling to *talk* about these cultural contentions, likely due to the fact that they are most likely only informed to a very basic level and thus vulnerable to "gotchas". cognitive dissonance has been proven to light up the pain receptors and even the stupidest, most docile creatures shrink away from pain stimulus.

    • @maryburke5423
      @maryburke5423 7 місяців тому

      Yeah, I’m not in Britain, but overall I don’t see any backing away from culture wars.
      Getting worse imo.

  • @mandead
    @mandead 8 місяців тому +2

    The interviewer looks like a young, Scottish Eddie Marsan and I cannot now unsee this.

  • @diskopartizan0850
    @diskopartizan0850 8 місяців тому

    Loved the first season, didnt know the second was out. Great interview, thanks.

  • @mandead
    @mandead 8 місяців тому +38

    "Just because you come up with a word doesn't mean I'm forced to use it."
    Careful, Jon. I think that's Graham's point.

    • @tabbymoonshine5986
      @tabbymoonshine5986 8 місяців тому +9

      I don't or woman are new words now are they?

    • @farzanamughal5933
      @farzanamughal5933 8 місяців тому +14

      ​@@tabbymoonshine5986The word cis is a bit annoying.

    • @tabbymoonshine5986
      @tabbymoonshine5986 8 місяців тому +12

      Not that new either. Why does it annoy you?

    • @5hif7yx86
      @5hif7yx86 8 місяців тому +2

      i was thinking the same thing but with Jordan Peterson lol

    • @faelirra
      @faelirra 8 місяців тому +10

      @@farzanamughal5933 not new either. First use of cis for humans predates WW1. For other terms, whenever latin first came into existence.

  • @thumper8684
    @thumper8684 8 місяців тому +5

    What distinction does Jon draw between magical thinking and thinking he simply disagrees with?

    • @camhamster3891
      @camhamster3891 8 місяців тому +1

      He's had a long career in the observational arts. And though he's been set upon by the left-handed culture warriors in the past, he hasn't crossed over to the dark side, like so many.

    • @user-zo2rj2zi9g
      @user-zo2rj2zi9g 8 місяців тому +2

      @@camhamster3891Observational Arts? Sounds like a pseudo science 😂

    • @euansb7752
      @euansb7752 8 місяців тому +2

      Listening to Jon here, I would think the distinction would be drawn through looking at the evidence base of the thoughts expressed.

    • @thumper8684
      @thumper8684 8 місяців тому +1

      @@euansb7752 Listening back, he was specifically talking about the latest generation of (left wing) journalists. He says they have been inclined to rely on ideology in place of evidence. The decline in investigative journalism has been an issue for some years now, due to the loss of revenue for mainstream news outlets. Smaller publishers have an even harder time funding that kind of research. There have still been some pretty important scoops coming from this generation of journalists, such Status Coup news' coverage of the Flint water crisis.
      We all have biases. It seems to me that Jon Ronson likes to think the best of anyone he interviews or knows personally. That has been a big advantage to him when it comes to gaining access to people. I will always have that in mind when I see his work.

    • @JayGriffinblaze
      @JayGriffinblaze 8 місяців тому +1

      @@thumper8684 Ronson does this too by ignoring that the REASON many of those journalists he calls left wing develop their ideology is BECAUSE of the evidence of their experience - which he does not have or acknowledge.

  • @Nothing._-
    @Nothing._- 8 місяців тому +6

    Had to switch off when Jon said he thinks the guardian are trustworthy and that he had to re learn about truth and promoted snopes 😂

    • @Globaldave1970
      @Globaldave1970 8 місяців тому +2

      Yeah, so smug and self centred.

    • @williambarton5681
      @williambarton5681 8 місяців тому +5

      I think his point was that sites like The Guardian and the BBC have editorial standards that prevent some proportion of outright falsehoods from getting through, whereas on social media anyone can say what they want with no repercussions.

    • @wakeyskate
      @wakeyskate 8 місяців тому

      What makes you think the Guardian is untrustworthy?

    • @Nothing._-
      @Nothing._- 8 місяців тому

      @@williambarton5681 the legacy media you talk about are all complicit in war crimes committed across the Middle East that have killed millions, during covid they promoted lockdowns that could never work, masks that couldn’t stop a fart never mind a virus of under 5 microns and aerosolised then not safe and not effect gene therapy’s masquerading as vaccines, the problem is people like you are completely asleep at the wheel or dumb or both

    • @Nothing._-
      @Nothing._- 8 місяців тому

      @@wakeyskate the fact that they lie about everything every day, they haven’t been a proper paper since they got rid of Snowden’s leaks and turned against their best supplier of information and journalism Julian Assange, the fact you ask shows you lack any sort of intellect.

  • @AlmostYearly
    @AlmostYearly 7 місяців тому +1

    Haha. "On the right it's just straight up lying, on the left it's... ahem mnumunum-anyway it's all a distraction."

  • @jontalbot1
    @jontalbot1 7 місяців тому

    The culture war doesn’t really play as well in the UK as it does the US. I also wonder if Sunak’s gaffe in parliament when he tried to weaponise transgender issues against Labour was some kind of watershed.

  • @LeeStoneman
    @LeeStoneman 7 місяців тому +3

    Pick a side, Ronson. Personally I'm in favour of women's rights and the right not to have to "believe" things that other people say. You should have aome serious conversations with the likes of Helen Joyce and Kathleen Stock. Then have an honest debate with Graham.

    • @samgirls
      @samgirls 5 місяців тому

      my thoughts exactly!

  • @Lewie_G
    @Lewie_G 8 місяців тому +1

    Spot on, thanks

  • @chrisw125
    @chrisw125 8 місяців тому +1

    very good interview thanks

  • @bipolarminddroppings
    @bipolarminddroppings 8 місяців тому +12

    I got off most of the social media sites in 2018, it was ruining my already fragile mental health. I only use FB for work stuff, I don't even go on it more than once a month and the only platform I'm active on is UA-cam which I consider a media content platform, not a social media site like some people do.

    • @skippertheeyechild6621
      @skippertheeyechild6621 8 місяців тому

      It's a social media platform by definition. It's definitely less in your face about it though.

    • @sosimple3585
      @sosimple3585 8 місяців тому +1

      Very wise.

    • @samuelbroad11
      @samuelbroad11 8 місяців тому +1

      excellent digital hygiene, smartphones especially are little addictive dopamine triggers.

    • @tomwilko7841
      @tomwilko7841 8 місяців тому

      Same... Almost, I'm on UA-cam obviously but have never had an account on anything else, I've always enjoyed my own privacy whilst having very little interest in other It's been strange watching literally everyone become distracted by it

  • @NathanEllisBodi
    @NathanEllisBodi 7 місяців тому

    I really enjoyed the 'lock down' . I clean and prep emergency vehicles for a living . I enjoyed the car journey to work as i was almost the only vehicle on the road. I never saw any roadkill, the skies were clear, quiet and free of aeroplane trails and the world was peaceful and beautiful. I came out of the lockdown in a better mental state than I entered it. Didn't last long once normal fukwittery returned.

  • @BeanFace-oj2en
    @BeanFace-oj2en 8 місяців тому +1

    Its easy to ignore something if it does not have any worth to it, its amazing how much you can let go👍

  • @mattliamjack3293
    @mattliamjack3293 8 місяців тому

    Thanks ed and jon😊💚🌍💚One world

  • @StellaGardiner
    @StellaGardiner Місяць тому

    Where does that leave people like me though? I'm a trans woman and I'm completely unable to focus on anything else because i *Still* fight a weekly battle just to exist. It's lovely that its less of a concern for you guys though, I'm so pleased.

  • @mookie2637
    @mookie2637 8 місяців тому +1

    One point about the Miami killings is that, in the absence of any obvious cause of death, oxygen deprivation through strangulation, choking, suffocation is a really, really obvious thing that any half-decent coroner would be looking for. This series of TFA is very good - more small scale than the first (as Jon acknowledges), but that somehow makes the foresic study of what people thought they were doing that much more human somehow.

  • @DCI-Frank-Burnside
    @DCI-Frank-Burnside 7 місяців тому +1

    Graham Lineham seems such an incongruous presence in the current trans debate. It's like Larry Grayson going after the fox hunting lobby. There doesn't seem to be any connection.

  • @sunnysjwinter
    @sunnysjwinter 8 місяців тому +1

    LOVE Jon Ronson. His investigations & books are such a fascinating insight in social behaviour & psychology. Big fan!
    Thanks Joe for organising this & for great questioning Ed 👏🏻

  • @rigsby1454
    @rigsby1454 8 місяців тому +20

    I think Jon is wrong on the Gender critical element. As a straight male, it's rather flippant to just claim it's 'disproportionate' especially with Tavistock etc. Of course some people are using it to scare, but the abuse some women and gay women especially are getting comes from one side on that whole debate.

    • @bichmale6799
      @bichmale6799 8 місяців тому +10

      Yeah - Okay - so if someone were to go off on a racist rant you would be fine with that - Maybe you would cheer on the BNP or the NF on one of their weekly demonstrations taking back "our" towns in the 80s - No ? then why would you be okay with the kind of abuse, verbal and physical thrown at trans people for simply existing? It is disproportionate - leave trans people alone and - maybe touch grass ?

    • @sianrose2182
      @sianrose2182 8 місяців тому

      @@bichmale6799 When men stop going in women's and girls' spaces! They will be left alone.

    • @sianrose2182
      @sianrose2182 8 місяців тому

      @@Besthinktwice Many facts are catalogued of perving. Though the whole point is men being in women's and girls' spaces!

    • @sosimple3585
      @sosimple3585 8 місяців тому

      It's odd how transwomen seem to retain the male trait of a greater propensity for violence. It's almost as if they aren't really women at all...

    • @ZeldaKid5000
      @ZeldaKid5000 8 місяців тому +10

      Love how lesbians always get brought up as being victims of so called "transactivism", despite the fact they're overwhelmingly shown to be the most supportive group towards trans people and their rights in the UK.

  • @redballoonluke
    @redballoonluke 8 місяців тому +3

    Strange calling Louis and Jon particularly compassionate towards the people they interview. Glad Jon pointed out it’s curiosity not compassion.

    • @sosimple3585
      @sosimple3585 8 місяців тому +2

      I see Louis as fairly calculating and ruthless. A few times I've seen him gain people's trust and then blindside them with something unexpected.

    • @redballoonluke
      @redballoonluke 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@sosimple3585 Yeah - to me, if either of them show signs of any compassion it would be Jon, but not necessarily in his work but more just the way he presents himself.

    • @IJBLondon
      @IJBLondon 8 місяців тому

      I think some of Louis' recent work has been a bit different: he's been engaging with groups who he clearly sympathises with (and encourages us to) like those suggering mental illness or trauma, rather than talking to Nazis etc.

    • @redballoonluke
      @redballoonluke 8 місяців тому

      @@IJBLondonah yeah fair - I don’t think Louis is devoid of compassion - my point was just that the interviewer based his question around a “remarkable compassion” that Jon and Louis have

    • @Nothing._-
      @Nothing._- 8 місяців тому

      @@sosimple3585 apart from Jimmy Saville who he became friends with despite knowing he was a paedophile via his mum who worked at the BBC

  • @somethingcleverhere
    @somethingcleverhere 8 місяців тому +3

    I'm a little disappointed to hear him say he doesn't know why people are disappointed to hear America described as a class-based society, and why while true in many ways, it's reacted to so reactionarily. Because it's partily true, but also incomplete. There are a lot parts of lives that are not just class based, and many have over the years chosen to ignore that directly to the face of marginalized communities. It's mixed in with the civility trap of discourse, or rising tides of economics--as if reforming class will make other magically make bias and racism erode by itself. The police police the poor differently than the rich, but they also police nonwhites differently often. It's a lecture that many have heard before, and it's a lecture often delivered because people don't listen to who's being lectured.

  • @zarathustracave5732
    @zarathustracave5732 8 місяців тому +1

    I have two things in common with this guy. Same glasses and same high school.

  • @barryhudson4934
    @barryhudson4934 7 місяців тому +2

    Jon Ronson is a strange character, where does he get his stories from, he sounds like he's being fed them by the CIA.

  • @paulfitzgerald4625
    @paulfitzgerald4625 8 місяців тому +1

    This guy’s content sounds interesting where can I find it? Does he only do BBC podcasts?

    • @benwalter6984
      @benwalter6984 8 місяців тому +3

      His books are excellent, there’s even some films adapted from his work.

    • @paulannable3734
      @paulannable3734 8 місяців тому

      This is the man who filmed rich and powerful Americans burning a giant stone owl at Bohemian Grove. You should search out his stuff.

  • @robkirchhof133
    @robkirchhof133 8 місяців тому

    "excited delirium" is so upsetting. How could people believe that 32 black women each died separately during sex, and in each case the partner just scuttled away and didn't say anything to anyone? (that's a rhetorical question, and the answer is racism.)

    • @Samuel-hd3cp
      @Samuel-hd3cp 6 місяців тому

      Racism, misogyny and class hatred. The trifecta!

  • @VaucluseVanguard
    @VaucluseVanguard 8 місяців тому +27

    I am a qualified mental health professional. A great deal of what goes on in my area is pseudoscience with no strong evidential support. For yeas we used ECT ("electric shock therapy), on the basis of quite erroneous observation. Now we use it rarely and with great caution. However, those who initially raised concern about its use did so very often on emotion rather than on the basis of hard evidence, indeed many of their observations have proven just as wrong as the observations that once led to its widespread use. We now know that pre-frontal leukotomy (AKA lobotomy) was a scientific fraud (its creator had his Nobel Prize rescinded many years after his death as he obviously lied about results), and it is widely accepted that Freudian Psychoanalysis is largely - to use the very precise British scientific term - mainly bollocks. I have very little doubt that in another generations time, much of the "science" around sexuality, sexual identity and gender, will be seen for what most of it is "pseudo-science" - basically, the academic equivalent of a load of lads down the pub talking bollocks after a few pints, or the opinion of the cab driver on the way to the airport. Unfortunately, in the past 50 years much of what is or is not accepted in mental health 'science' originates in the politics of the people concerned, just as eugenics drove the Nazis (who wouldn't want perfect humans) or the incarceration of political dissidents in the USSR was seen as wholly legitimate by communists (only a delusional cannot see socialism will create the perfect society). I have little doubt the few Politics Joe supporters who read this will think they know my politics....... and I'm guessing they will be quite wrong.

    • @itcouldbelupus2842
      @itcouldbelupus2842 8 місяців тому

      Are you an anti trans progressive?

    • @bibsp3556
      @bibsp3556 8 місяців тому +1

      Do you feel the same about all medical procedures? Or are most things fine?

    • @notsoaveragejoe7275
      @notsoaveragejoe7275 8 місяців тому +14

      I assume you are a highly educated scientist who is able to bring lots of your own research and written lots of papers refuting the plethora of studies done on the subjects of sexuality and gender to prove your "pseudoscience" theory.
      Comparing the study of sexuality to lobotomy and EST is just stupid. If you're as intelligent as you make yourself sound, you should realise that

    • @bibsp3556
      @bibsp3556 8 місяців тому +2

      @@notsoaveragejoe7275 ah yes but have you considered just making it all up?
      Or maybe just being oblivious to how much you've been influenced by media?
      They're apparently options too

    • @Michael-s5b2z
      @Michael-s5b2z 8 місяців тому

      Psychiatry is nonsense. Psychiatric diagnosis is scientificly worthless.

  • @liam3553
    @liam3553 7 місяців тому

    He's right in that's it is all about politicians distracting then looting - read The Emperor's New Clothes - it explains all this in simplified form for all to understand.

  • @helendancelot
    @helendancelot 8 місяців тому

    What happened with Lene Dunham? Google says she's doing fine

  • @ricardobimblesticks1489
    @ricardobimblesticks1489 7 місяців тому

    Is it because no culture war has ever been won by the side entrenched in the status quo?

  • @presstodelete1165
    @presstodelete1165 8 місяців тому

    Jaw dropped wider than my Dentist visit earlier this morning.

  • @ashroskell
    @ashroskell 8 місяців тому +8

    You refuse to say what you disagree with about Graham Linehan’s position on trans issues. That’s what people are concerned by. Why should anyone who disagrees with a radical stance be dismissed as a, “problematic person,” at all? Who gets to, “cancel,” people? Are you sitting on a board that makes those decisions? How does this shadow banning work?

  • @michaelking5961
    @michaelking5961 8 місяців тому +1

    I’ve got to 16:44 and still title is unaddressed

  • @johnmatthews1095
    @johnmatthews1095 8 місяців тому

    How am i supposed to understand this as someone who worked normally through "lock down" ? Oh you poor darlings how hard it must have been

  • @GemmaHentsch
    @GemmaHentsch 7 місяців тому

    2 hours north of NYC is most definitely central NY, not upstate…

  • @timbpmusic
    @timbpmusic 8 місяців тому +2

    Very interesting. Particularly interested in the confirmation biases.

  • @psammiad
    @psammiad 7 місяців тому

    I don't see any sign of them abandoning the culture wars. It's all they have left.

  • @T.E.S.S.
    @T.E.S.S. 8 місяців тому

    There's a better version of this conversation on a recent Knowledge Fight episode.
    Also, the title of this only applies to about 2 minutes near the end. the rest of the discussion has nothing to do with it. sort yourselves out.

  • @ihateunicorns867
    @ihateunicorns867 7 місяців тому +2

    Imagine how different things would be is Rowling didn't have a Twitter account.

  • @SandraEaston-Lawrence
    @SandraEaston-Lawrence 8 місяців тому +9

    How heartening it is to hear that these two men don't think it matters whether our leaders know what a woman is. I wonder what makes them so sure.

    • @1ferris778
      @1ferris778 8 місяців тому +5


    • @rainbowevil
      @rainbowevil 8 місяців тому

      Grow up Sandra, stop allowing the culture war to consume your life and make you hate a group of people you’ve likely had very little experience of.

    • @markwelch3564
      @markwelch3564 8 місяців тому +3

      There's only one time it matters if someone has a penis or not, so if you're not planning to date them, why do you even care?

    • @helendancelot
      @helendancelot 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@markwelch3564dating is not the only time. Women have to be constantly aware in case of SA

    • @markwelch3564
      @markwelch3564 8 місяців тому +2

      @@helendancelot fair point, although sadly not one that's motivating many of the people who ask the "what is a woman" question

  • @iamNATFAN
    @iamNATFAN 8 місяців тому +1

    glad to see a supporting role from the covid inquiry wall!

  • @cbashe
    @cbashe 8 місяців тому +3

    Regarding Jon's last comment, does he think that people will also start abandoning podcasts and youtube because they aren't legacy media, or what about the proposition that youtube is now also a legacy media? UA-cam certainly leaves a better legacy memory imprint than most other papers and platforms.

    • @T.E.S.S.
      @T.E.S.S. 8 місяців тому


  • @dirtylittleowl
    @dirtylittleowl 8 місяців тому +3

    Pretty easy to be dismissive of people ‘screaming at each other about trans rights’ when it doesn’t affect you. Disappointing.

    • @tcc300892
      @tcc300892 5 місяців тому

      No sensible person is prepared to pretend to these gender cultists that biological reality has suddenly ceased to exist. It affects everyone, because sex is binary and immutable, whereas gender stereotypes that gender zealots choose to identify themselves and other people with are arbitrary and vague.

  • @talesofcanterbury42
    @talesofcanterbury42 8 місяців тому +4

    It will be interesting to see who was right, when the history is written Jon Ronson or Graham Linehan. I am not sure that’s an easy line to draw. These things are not about right and wrong but contested rights. That is not an easy line to draw.

    • @LeeStoneman
      @LeeStoneman 7 місяців тому

      It will be Linehan, no doubt. His ostracization will be seen as one of the greatest travesties against women's rights supporters in history.

  • @NotThatOneThisOne
    @NotThatOneThisOne 8 місяців тому

    Venti isn't a made up word. It's because the cup holds 20 fluid ounces, and Starbucks had already come up with a large cup. They also have a 30 fluid ounces Trenta cup.

  • @Britt-r3r
    @Britt-r3r 8 місяців тому

    Is this an old interview I can't find anything on BBC sounds

    • @ConstanzeWeber
      @ConstanzeWeber 8 місяців тому +1

      No, it's current. There's a Radio 4 programme on Tuesday mornings at 9am - I listened to the "excited delirium" one yesterday - fascinating stuff.

    • @Britt-r3r
      @Britt-r3r 8 місяців тому

      @@ConstanzeWeber thank you . I found it. I'd put inputted the wrong title into my BBC sounds app. Thanks for your help. I started to listen to that episode and you can't make this stuff up tasers , cocaine and excited delirium.

  • @PardeepSingh-tz1cq
    @PardeepSingh-tz1cq 8 місяців тому +1

    ""Nikki Hayley is more conciliatory " what the absolute f**k

  • @colinmacdonald5732
    @colinmacdonald5732 7 місяців тому +1

    Jon trusts the Guardian, an activist blat, kinda says it all!
    I also observe that Linehan gets cancelled, trans ultras don't get cancelled and Jon still makes a cosy living on our State broadcaster.
    "Military age men coming onto the beaches". Fellow travellers of those same men who constitute rape gangs in Rotherham and Rochdale. Currently displacing the natives at around a million a year. We're on track to be Muslim majority, not in my lifetime probably but certainly in my kids Lifetime. And Muslim majority countries are invariably bloody awful for their minorities. No thanks, pal.

  • @burtleboeuf1429
    @burtleboeuf1429 7 місяців тому +2

    Just because the right-wing capitalists and authoritarians add their own, clumsy and self-serving megaphone to the so-called "culture wars" doesn't mean that there isn't anything of substance to discuss. The issues don't go away, and arguing for everyone to ignore issues so you can quietly shape those issues in your preferred way via policy, and the media is not a terribly democratic approach.
    The idea of guilt by association (Characterising the other side by making moral distinctions between each side simply based on political affiliation) or characterising the other side based on the nature or tone of their response, neither of these things allow you to legitimately dismiss the "other side" and thus, their opinions.
    It's quite a transparent rhetorical trick but also shows up his own cognitive biases.
    If journalists like Jon Ronson were to take a more academic stance and examine the issues without fear or favour, he'd be more credible...even if his conclusions turned out the same. As it stands, he's simply on a mission to make everyone who is not ultra-liberal and left wing look like they are dupes.

  • @Guide504
    @Guide504 8 місяців тому

    Yep and the primary funders of the research is Taser.

  • @skyinsession
    @skyinsession 8 місяців тому +5

    musk just wants to be cool on 4chan