Thank is you for giving us this clip showing his honesty. I agree with him that drinking wine is not a sin. Carnality and over indulgence is and many Christians proclaim proudly they don't touch wine but then they regularly over eat and are obese...
The so-called three Persons in the Trinity, not only have different names: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; but also have nonidentical meanings. The Father has His image, which we humans cannot see, but there should be. The Son has His image, while the Holy Spirit is formless. Therefore, the three Persons are not identical. Their names are different, and their meanings are not identical as well. If the three Persons are identical, then there is no need to talk about Trinity, but would be one Person, one essence. Just like one person with three names, in which case it’s still one person, rather than three persons. One essence doesn’t mean one person. Through practice, Jesus has eradicated sins and sinful nature, and become the most special and beloved Son of God. Through the Holy Spirit, He can completely connect with God and enter unity with God. From this perspective, the three Persons are in one essence. --Light of Wisdom Church《The Trinity |God from God, Light from Light|Reincarnation | I Am the way, the truth and the life 08》
Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a Mocker ,Strong Drink (Gin ,Vodka. Whiskey...etc) is raging: and Whosoever is deceived thereby (Derek Prince) Is Not Wise. The Devil always says just a little wine, beer, rum whatever won't hurt? Why would a true born again Christian, want the Devil's substitute,"Alcohol" for the Joy of the Lord and the Peace of God that passes all understanding? If you're drinking alcohol The Devil has deceived You. You need to repent to God like Derek Prince did.
@@MemphisIkethat verse from Proverbs is a warning against drunkenness. Drinking is not a sin, Jesus drank and he was without sin. If you don't want to that your own choice, but don't twist scripture to fit your worldview
Alcohol undoubtedly changes our personality. It doesn't just change our mood or state of mind,but it goes deeper than that. I know all about this subject, as I have been guilty of the sin of drunkenness many,many times. I honestly didn't know that it was sinful at the time,but it is,and I can completely understand and comprehend why. We think,say and do things while under the influence of alcohol that we would never even consider when sober. Almighty God has changed my life dramatically from those days,praise be to His Holy Name. I would not be here if it weren't for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. When I was at my lowest point,I got on my knees and said "Jesus,help me". From that moment on,my life has changed for the better in every way, by His Grace and Mercy. I still drink moderately now,but the thought of my past behavior fills me with a feeling of utter digust. Thank you Heavenly Father thank you Lord Jesus thank you Holy Spirit for Your Grace and Mercy. I praise and worship Almighty God. Amen
Amen brother!I feel you I am also struggling with the same sin he has changed my life and has giving me back what I had lost and that is my family!I owe everything to Jesus and will continue to follow my Lord!
@CarlosGarcia-tp9sm That is a wonderful testimony Carlos! Stay strong my friend, it is not easy,but He will give you everything you need to overcome your problems. Until fairly recently, I knew nothing about spiritual warfare, but I now know that it is as real as anything in the physical world. The recordings of the wonderful Derek Prince have enlightened me immensely as to what has been afflicting me since I was a child. I now know that,without any doubt whatsoever, I have been troubled by demons from my very early years. There is no other possible explanation for my behaviour. It wasn't until I asked Almighty God to help me that these teachings became apparent to me, now,it all makes sense. I pray for you and your Family in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Depends on how much you drink. Drinking in excess or strong drinks is a sin bc it leads to drunkenness and changes in behavior. Also opens you up to spirits. That should be avoided at all cost.
There's a big difference between being in recovery, and being delivered. The Lord set me free from alcohol! Its like he literally sucked it out of me😊 My life was derailed by years of alcohol abuse. That's how the enemy kept me from doing God's work, but thankfully only He can redeem the time, and he has!!
And many people and wonderful recovery programs unintentionally and repeatedly chant curses against themselves that they are their addiction or still in recovery even after God has delivered them from one thing they kept reciting but God wants them to get healed now from something else. As someone who does deliverance ministry I still understand the beauty of discipleship from recovery programs even after the person has been delivered, but I don’t agree with the curses that all these different Christian sobriety programs have the person chant such as seeing their name followed by a literal curse and permission on themselves. Break those off by the blood and even if you still are in the deepest darkest point of your addiction, you can say hi my name is… and God is working with me on…. Or if you have been set free declare it to the Glory of God!
@@belfastblue7489 Lol! You are just being obtuse. If you ask for deliverance and God grants it how is that not freewill. Do you even know the meaning of hypocrite?
@@belfastblue7489 Good for you. I don't drink either. However, I do realize that there are people who become addicted for whatever reason and sometimes they need more. I acknowledge that, believe that and encourage folks to do whatever they need to make their lives better. Peace
There are a lot of warning in scripture about drinking. God put it in my heart a long time ago that there was no place in my life for alcohol. I was thinking of the verse you shared as I watched this video and I consider it to be a clear warning to obstan from the use of alcohol. I would love to listen to the full teaching.
No...theres alot of warnings in the bible about DRUNKENNESS. get it right. One glass if wine wont make anybody drunk. The key is moderation and self control
@@missvixen45 which many in our generation don't have so it's best to not preach it as it gets interpreted to mean by the uncontrolled that we can drink period... Getting drunk or not
I like his perspective. Do as the Lord leads you and follow His Word. The problem with most people is not drinking but self control, that is why it is a fruit of the Spirit and it helps against all addictions and bad habits etc.
rosa - Incorrect conclusion. I would add maybe a quarter of a shot of rum to a 500ml glass of ice water to give it flavor. As I worked on my computer I would sip on it from time to time. I never even felt a "buzz" from it, it was just enough to give the water a pleasant flavor. I would also take a sip of wine daily with a piece of bread when I took communion as part of my daily prayers. The Lord decided He didn't want me to consume alcohol anymore so I stopped drinking the rum and the wine. If there is a "problem", as you have assumed, I suspect it would be a problem with you being judgmental.
@@jeepsishumate2021 That is YOUR opinion. I do not become blind from one glass of wine lol. YOU should try reading the bible. As long as you don’t drink in excess. Its also the strength of the drink. But its drunkenness that is a sin, not having a glass of wine every so often. Or else Jesus wouldn’t have turned water to wine and Paul would not have told Timothy to drink some for his stomach. Why would they encourage something that is a sin?! Make it make sense. Stop putting your yoke on others because your faith is weak.
@aubriellemorgan8712 my thoughts... i have no history of problems with alcohol and neither my family. I have drunk a cup of wine without a problem wgrn im socializing. I still prefer other non- alcohol drinks, but this really comes down to the person. Alcohol is not the sin. it is the addiction or the sentiments you guys have behind it. A drunkard usually drinks to forget whatever they want to forget and so on.
The truth is, if you do not drink a drop, it will not get a hold on you later on.Wisdom is to abstain plus it weakens your witness as being set apart from the world.
@@ryomasonmercy5608 It is involved in many things that lead people to compromise in other areas of their life and not just in drinking. As believers, we are called to live set apart and not to blend in. It lowers your inhibitions and clouds good judgement.
@@stacymclain5149 it lowers inhibition and clouds judgements only when consumed in excess. Many legit and sinless things we do daily could lead to ungodly compromise if we allow it. E.g. eating, social media, socializing, sports, etc
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or don’t you know that your body is a temple for the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) who lives inside you, whom you received from God? The fact is, you don’t belong to yourselves; for you were bought at a price. So use your bodies to glorify God.
Honest? Even" Derek Prince" is subject to ere. Wine is a Mocker and Strong Drink is raging, and whosoever is"DECEIVED" thereby is not wise. Proverbs 20:1
I believe it’s better for Christian’s to keep to having clear lines especially when you in ministry. Luke 1 vs 15. For he will be great before the Lord and He should not drink wine or strong drink. The Angel told Zechariah concerning John the Baptist.
"It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles." -- Romans 14:21. Had a pastor who used to drink wine at a restaurant until a church member saw him and evidently had an issue with it, so he stopped based on this verse.
In moderation. Colossians 2:20,22-23 ESV If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations- [22] ( referring to things that all perish as they are used)-according to human precepts and teachings? [23] These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.
Good point. I and my husband avoid alhohol and we drink grape juice when we take communion. We don't want it, we believe the Lord took the desire to drink it, even the glass of wine. We have a very strong conviction about it as it's spiritualy dangerous just like Derek described. We know that spiritual world is real. We are involved in deliverence ministry in our church, so it's serious, our minds and hearts are on the Lord's business - sharing Gospel and making deciples. The only thing I take sometimes is a herbal tincure for health purposes. We do not judge others, it's up to them.
There is nothing sinful about alcohol in moderation and I believe the people who shame it or act as if drinking is somehow not acceptable as a Christian are not in line with a balanced Biblical approach and are also shaming fellow Christians which is harmful and deterring nonbelievers from becoming believers with their misinformation.
The gospel is the power of God. If we want that which is pleasing to our ears the Bible warns us that we will sooner or later give in to seducing spirits. The final e d of the broad way is eternal separation.
So at what point do you say enough? How can you control the chemical effects alcohol has on your brain. There is no way to measure the effects alcohol is having on you.
My Pastor says legalism or illegalism are the two ditches. And we must walk between the two. Eph. 5:17-18 foolish or wise, drunk or Spirit filled? I will take the later every day over the former way of life!
Wow that's awesome testimony but i must agree about drinking wine, any alcohol me personally don't drink any alcohol not that it because was heavy drinker in my past because wasn't its because i don't want nothing to cause me not have sober mind i want to be focus at all time i been around others believer that drink more than wine but they offered me some i tell them politely i dont drink but im not judging anyone else that's their business im only speaking about me Derek Prince was incredible teacher in the word
The Bible didn’t say we shouldn’t drink, drinking in excess is sin. This is an argument that is hard to win, because both sides can reference different parts of the Bible,so I don’t like getting into that conversation tbh. Everyman to his own
@@alastairhopkins245 well, I guess thats better than grape juice. Real wine is symbolic of the giving of one's life for each other, patterned after Christ's sacrifice. You get the bitter taste but you also get the warmth when it goes down, as in the Holy Spirit. Without the alcohol, you don't get this. That is why churches should use real wine for the Lord's Supper(as Jesus did). Not sure what you mean by 'is not actually happening to you'. We are communing with Christ, he is there with us in Spirit. Believe you me, something is, and in the heavenlies
How about this? Just abstain.. why? Because who’s gonna get into regulating how much? Like no no no just 8oz or keeping up with the discipline of not going over. And it could be just that one night… doesn’t mean it’s a practice. But one thing I’ve learned about how on the post the kingdom of darkness is. You’ll do great 20 years and it’ll be that 1 time that crashed everything. Some would argue well I can have 5 and not be drunk. And to note the water system was completely different back then. And then wine has two kinds fermented and unfermented. The health benefits is in the fruit of the vine not the alcohol itself. The enemy is so subtle I just think it’s a practice of wisdom. But hey not here to regulate anyone. I’m just saying if we have to constantly try to figure out how much and how little, something’s gonna give. And often it isn’t good. PS i love non-alcoholic wine. And I use worship and meditating on God’s word to relax. Calms me like none other
Name one good thing that can come from drinking alcohol? How many lives does it take a year? How many marriages ruined? I am against drinking as a Christian
Oh boy! But do you get involved in gluttony. Either way it is not a sin other Jesus wouldn't of turned water into wine and Paul wouldn't have advised Timothy to drink a little wine.
@@rosahacketts1668 I do neither. It’s have had family fi from drinking and seen marriages destroyed. Let me ask you this. Name one thing that a beer benefits any human? Oh boy !
I wish I had got to know you my brother. Your such a dear man of God!!!! As far as wine is concerned. Everything in moderation....well...most things at Jesus made wine at the wedding and their is a scripture that says that, "Wine gladness the heart of man" I think there are Solomon would say there is a time for everything under the sun. There is a time for our hearts to be glad.....and what better time than at a wedding.
God does love you. He wants all of us to be with him. To be without him is hell. It’s one or the other. I pray you all find Jesus. God does judge in the end. He will meet you where you are now though. He met me as an addict, thief and fornicator. He loved me as gross as I was. I love Him back and it changed me.
The Holy Spirit told me you can drink and smoke weed and I will love you but I will not tell you my secrets. I laid it all down because I wanted His secrets and the fire fell and consumed it all. The revelation knowledge and power that has come is like nothing I have ever known. Dreams, healings, revelations, His voice, grace, love ,His Presence like no time before. Inner healing, deliverance for myself and those around me. There is no limit to what God will do if we obey. Well worth the giving up of pleasures for the secrets in His Presence. The weeping before Him in worship, seeing His beauty, O the secret place!
If you have Perfect Peace, thru the Prince of Peace"JESUS" and the Peace of God , why do you want Weed and Alcohol I believe it was the devil who told you it's alright to "Drink and Smoke Weed? 1 Corinthians 3:17-19...him will "GOD" destroy! read your Bible.
God tells us very clearly in Proverbs 31 not to give ourselves to strong particularly wine so it's very clear it's a violation of God's word to drink it lest you become perverted
@@Ms_Aubrieindeed, the water was not purified then, the fermented wine helped as way to prevent stomach infections. The Bible does not prohibit drinking, but it dies condemns drunkenness, no drunkard will inherit the kingdom… it is a matter of discernment, how much wine is too much? What is to be a lover of wine? It is clear that it’s better not to drink. I don’t believe that all who drinks is condemned though. A true Christian would have discernment to know what’s better for them.
All leaven/yeast was removed from the house of every Israelite and anyone who consumed leaven was 'cut off from Israel' (Ex 12:19-20). Thus, if Jesus drank wine at the last supper He broke the law, which He certainly did not do.
Why we as humans abuse alcohol,drugs,money,sex,power,firearms,sadly Bible itself is beyond my understanding.Maybe we should stop accusing these things and start accepting responsibility for ourselves.....
Situation based You can drink just don’t be a drunkard Tipsy not drunk Some people do not know how to handle themselves Now regarding what drink is preferable stick with wine 🍷
@@jeepsishumate2021 personally I just try to steer clear from religion and their legalistic doctrine Judgements and Hypocrisy Jesus was more concerned with people’s behaviors toward one another And even spoke about how the food you eat enters the mouth into the stomach than out the body but the things you say comes out the heart evil thoughts etc Regarding “Sin” Jesus Himself said he who is without sin cast the first stone No one has the right to point fingers Faith without works is dead so its wise to stay away from people who say they believe in God and The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ but don’t act accordingly as for those who don’t believe still hold them accountable as well everyone should be treated with some form of respect We All Have Individual Free Will and should be held accountable for our own actions I say all this to say Wine isn’t the issue it’s drunkardness and the behavior it causes Bible even says eat drink and be merry But says also Hear is the conclusion To fear God and keep his commandments this is the whole of man
@@nonapplicablee my brother there is something about alcohol that are not in other food you are talking about. When I eat much it is a sin but it will not cause me to sin or expose me to the devil. We have the Holy Spirit. You know wine brings excitement to the flesh and if you are a human being it will causes you or push you away from sobernes. Wine is not a sin but believe me a Christian full of the spirit will have nothing to do with wine. Because all that it can give you you can find it in the Holy Spirit. We don't need to be legalistic wine is not. Sin. But wine is a trap...and it can easily ensnare even a believer. So it's better to avoid it at all
Wine in the bible was referred as Grape juice, the Grape itself, Grape jam. True Born Again Christians do not drink alcohol at all. If you do, and say you are? What testimony are you giving to the Lost?
Alcohol isn't forbidden for Christians, but it's a terrible witness. Get rid of anything that gets in the way of God's calling for your life (Matthew 18:7-9).
HE made wine, it’s the best wine ever made! Wine makers have tried to duplicate it they cannot! If HE did not make wine HE was not crucified yet I walk under HIS shadow / HE is Lord of Lords Jesus was condemned by accusers as a wine bibber / Yet HE is El Elohim
Frist of all need get understanding come to word Jesus did not drink wine he made wine out of water and the wine had in those days is not like this mess drinking now
@fredajohnson506 the pharisees even accused jesus of being a wine bibber .....clean drinking water was non existent was much safer to drink fermented wine 🍷 ...cheers
Malachi 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. 2 Peter 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
Let us go back under the law...The modern church is teaching a mixed message old and new covenant. They are no better than the Pharisees were in Jesus’s day. Jesus did away with the old covenant.
YES ! JESUS himself turned water in to wine ........not wine in to water . 😮 And how about TRAPPIST monks who brew beer for ages , right untill today ?
It is not what you put in your body that is sinful. But what comes out of the mouth. Consider the tongue. It is one of the smallest of appendages, yet the biggest offender. If what you put in your body, causes sin. Stop it by all means. And if your tongue causes you to son, cut it out. Better to enter heaven with no tongue, then enter hell with your whole body. 📯🌾👰🪔✨
15 years clean and sober by the grace of God to god be the glory and honour completely clean who the son sets free is free indeed
Praise God!!!
John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
You are a solider for CHRIST & I am very very proud of you keep going for JESUS always worth it 🇬🇧🙏
Thank is you for giving us this clip showing his honesty. I agree with him that drinking wine is not a sin. Carnality and over indulgence is and many Christians proclaim proudly they don't touch wine but then they regularly over eat and are obese...
Moderation,,and dedication to God.
The so-called three Persons in the Trinity, not only have different names: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; but also have nonidentical meanings.
The Father has His image, which we humans cannot see, but there should be.
The Son has His image, while the Holy Spirit is formless.
Therefore, the three Persons are not identical.
Their names are different, and their meanings are not identical as well.
If the three Persons are identical, then there is no need to talk about Trinity, but would be one Person, one essence.
Just like one person with three names, in which case it’s still one person, rather than three persons.
One essence doesn’t mean one person.
Through practice, Jesus has eradicated sins and sinful nature, and become the most special and beloved Son of God.
Through the Holy Spirit, He can completely connect with God and enter unity with God.
From this perspective, the three Persons are in one essence.
--Light of Wisdom Church《The Trinity |God from God, Light from Light|Reincarnation | I Am the way, the truth and the life 08》
Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a Mocker ,Strong Drink (Gin ,Vodka. Whiskey...etc) is raging: and Whosoever is deceived thereby (Derek Prince) Is Not Wise. The Devil always says just a little wine, beer, rum whatever won't hurt? Why would a true born again Christian, want the Devil's substitute,"Alcohol" for the Joy of the Lord and the Peace of God that passes all understanding? If you're drinking alcohol The Devil has deceived You. You need to repent to God like Derek Prince did.
@@MemphisIkethat verse from Proverbs is a warning against drunkenness. Drinking is not a sin, Jesus drank and he was without sin. If you don't want to that your own choice, but don't twist scripture to fit your worldview
Alcohol undoubtedly changes our personality. It doesn't just change our mood or state of mind,but it goes deeper than that. I know all about this subject, as I have been guilty of the sin of drunkenness many,many times. I honestly didn't know that it was sinful at the time,but it is,and I can completely understand and comprehend why. We think,say and do things while under the influence of alcohol that we would never even consider when sober. Almighty God has changed my life dramatically from those days,praise be to His Holy Name. I would not be here if it weren't for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. When I was at my lowest point,I got on my knees and said "Jesus,help me". From that moment on,my life has changed for the better in every way, by His Grace and Mercy. I still drink moderately now,but the thought of my past behavior fills me with a feeling of utter digust. Thank you Heavenly Father thank you Lord Jesus thank you Holy Spirit for Your Grace and Mercy. I praise and worship Almighty God. Amen
Amen brother!I feel you I am also struggling with the same sin he has changed my life and has giving me back what I had lost and that is my family!I owe everything to Jesus and will continue to follow my Lord!
@CarlosGarcia-tp9sm That is a wonderful testimony Carlos! Stay strong my friend, it is not easy,but He will give you everything you need to overcome your problems. Until fairly recently, I knew nothing about spiritual warfare, but I now know that it is as real as anything in the physical world. The recordings of the wonderful Derek Prince have enlightened me immensely as to what has been afflicting me since I was a child. I now know that,without any doubt whatsoever, I have been troubled by demons from my very early years. There is no other possible explanation for my behaviour. It wasn't until I asked Almighty God to help me that these teachings became apparent to me, now,it all makes sense. I pray for you and your Family in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Depends on how much you drink. Drinking in excess or strong drinks is a sin bc it leads to drunkenness and changes in behavior. Also opens you up to spirits. That should be avoided at all cost.
@aubriellemorgan8712 You are absolutely right my friend. I avoid drunkenness at all times these days,and so should everyone!Praise Almighty God!!!
God bless u brother
There's a big difference between being in recovery, and being delivered. The Lord set me free from alcohol! Its like he literally sucked it out of me😊 My life was derailed by years of alcohol abuse. That's how the enemy kept me from doing God's work, but thankfully only He can redeem the time, and he has!!
And many people and wonderful recovery programs unintentionally and repeatedly chant curses against themselves that they are their addiction or still in recovery even after God has delivered them from one thing they kept reciting but God wants them to get healed now from something else. As someone who does deliverance ministry I still understand the beauty of discipleship from recovery programs even after the person has been delivered, but I don’t agree with the curses that all these different Christian sobriety programs have the person chant such as seeing their name followed by a literal curse and permission on themselves. Break those off by the blood and even if you still are in the deepest darkest point of your addiction, you can say hi my name is… and God is working with me on…. Or if you have been set free declare it to the Glory of God!
Amen! Praise the Lord for deliverance ❤
@@belfastblue7489 You can't speak on what you don't know nothing about. Deliverance is real! The freewill comes in staying delivered.
@@belfastblue7489 Lol! You are just being obtuse. If you ask for deliverance and God grants it how is that not freewill. Do you even know the meaning of hypocrite?
@@belfastblue7489 Good for you. I don't drink either. However, I do realize that there are people who become addicted for whatever reason and sometimes they need more. I acknowledge that, believe that and encourage folks to do whatever they need to make their lives better. Peace
Wine's a mocker and beer's a brawler. And be of sober mind.
There are a lot of warning in scripture about drinking. God put it in my heart a long time ago that there was no place in my life for alcohol. I was thinking of the verse you shared as I watched this video and I consider it to be a clear warning to obstan from the use of alcohol. I would love to listen to the full teaching.
No...theres alot of warnings in the bible about DRUNKENNESS. get it right. One glass if wine wont make anybody drunk. The key is moderation and self control
@@missvixen45 which many in our generation don't have so it's best to not preach it as it gets interpreted to mean by the uncontrolled that we can drink period... Getting drunk or not
Self indulgence of any nature,not just alcohol.Though I believe alcohol is a mind altering drug.i pray for more discernment.
I like his perspective. Do as the Lord leads you and follow His Word. The problem with most people is not drinking but self control, that is why it is a fruit of the Spirit and it helps against all addictions and bad habits etc.
Glory to God. Hallelujah
Thank you for posting this
Much love from Arunachal Pradesh North East India Amen.
Should we also consider others before ourselves- this is a stumbling block issue to me.
No , we should abstain as much as possible.
why do you want to drink wine? or any other mind altering alcoholic drink?
One evening, during my prayer time, the Lord said to me "No more alcohol". Pro 31:4, Rev 5:10.
Guess you must have been drunken few times from overindulgence in alcohol
AMEN ✨✨✨ Be SOBER and Vigilant... for your Advisary The Devil Walketh About SEEKING Whom He May Devour... AMEN ✨ GOD BLESS YOU ❤️ MUCH LOVE 🌈🕊️
Probably because you were a drunk.
You struggled with drinking too much then.
rosa - Incorrect conclusion. I would add maybe a quarter of a shot of rum to a 500ml glass of ice water to give it flavor. As I worked on my computer I would sip on it from time to time. I never even felt a "buzz" from it, it was just enough to give the water a pleasant flavor.
I would also take a sip of wine daily with a piece of bread when I took communion as part of my daily prayers.
The Lord decided He didn't want me to consume alcohol anymore so I stopped drinking the rum and the wine.
If there is a "problem", as you have assumed, I suspect it would be a problem with you being judgmental.
The Narrow Way, not veering off into legalism on one side or carnality on the other.
I like that!!
God bless.
This is a great message.
I believe this man’s spirit still lives to see this day!!!! Thank you Derek and wife!!!
This is a matter of conscience. Some people cannot and should not drink.
no one should drink......because they become blind...try reading the bible and see also if you hear from the Holy Spirit.
When will Christians finally declare, “not my will but YOURS, God, be done!” ?
How can the same Holy Spirit have different standards of requirements?!
@@jeepsishumate2021 That is YOUR opinion. I do not become blind from one glass of wine lol. YOU should try reading the bible. As long as you don’t drink in excess. Its also the strength of the drink. But its drunkenness that is a sin, not having a glass of wine every so often. Or else Jesus wouldn’t have turned water to wine and Paul would not have told Timothy to drink some for his stomach. Why would they encourage something that is a sin?! Make it make sense. Stop putting your yoke on others because your faith is weak.
@aubriellemorgan8712 my thoughts... i have no history of problems with alcohol and neither my family. I have drunk a cup of wine without a problem wgrn im socializing. I still prefer other non- alcohol drinks, but this really comes down to the person. Alcohol is not the sin. it is the addiction or the sentiments you guys have behind it. A drunkard usually drinks to forget whatever they want to forget and so on.
What a great gift to Christ's body this man is 🙂
1:10 carnality
Thank you 💜🕊️
Only the wine at communion! No other alcohol. 🙏🌺☦️🌺🙏
The truth is, if you do not drink a drop, it will not get a hold on you later on.Wisdom is to abstain plus it weakens your witness as being set apart from the world.
It does weaken your witness
Can you explain how it weakens your witness? when you're never drunk and it's consumption or thirst thereof is something that never controls you
@@ryomasonmercy5608 It is involved in many things that lead people to compromise in other areas of their life and not just in drinking. As believers, we are called to live set apart and not to blend in. It lowers your inhibitions and clouds good judgement.
@@stacymclain5149 it lowers inhibition and clouds judgements only when consumed in excess. Many legit and sinless things we do daily could lead to ungodly compromise if we allow it. E.g. eating, social media, socializing, sports, etc
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Or don’t you know that your body is a temple for the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) who lives inside you, whom you received from God? The fact is, you don’t belong to yourselves; for you were bought at a price. So use your bodies to glorify God.
Very interesting. Thank you. Shalom.
Honest? Even" Derek Prince" is subject to ere. Wine is a Mocker and Strong Drink is raging, and whosoever is"DECEIVED" thereby is not wise. Proverbs 20:1
I believe it’s better for Christian’s to keep to having clear lines especially when you in ministry. Luke 1 vs 15. For he will be great before the Lord and He should not drink wine or strong drink. The Angel told Zechariah concerning John the Baptist.
"It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles." -- Romans 14:21. Had a pastor who used to drink wine at a restaurant until a church member saw him and evidently had an issue with it, so he stopped based on this verse.
Amen. And help. Love these educatinonal rays of light.👍
YES And AMEN 🙏❗❗❗
In moderation.
Colossians 2:20,22-23 ESV
If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations- [22] ( referring to things that all perish as they are used)-according to human precepts and teachings? [23] These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.
What is moderation? How much sugar is too sweet? There lies carnality. I will choose to abstain. 🙏🏿👍🏿
Malachi 1:2
I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
Good point. I and my husband avoid alhohol and we drink grape juice when we take communion. We don't want it, we believe the Lord took the desire to drink it, even the glass of wine. We have a very strong conviction about it as it's spiritualy dangerous just like Derek described. We know that spiritual world is real. We are involved in deliverence ministry in our church, so it's serious, our minds and hearts are on the Lord's business - sharing Gospel and making deciples. The only thing I take sometimes is a herbal tincure for health purposes. We do not judge others, it's up to them.
Scripturally, Derek is right.
Alcohol & Wine both are drink ,but consuming modern days Alcohol alway risk on own health as well as lead you to do sin. Better to avoid Alcohol.
There is nothing sinful about alcohol in moderation and I believe the people who shame it or act as if drinking is somehow not acceptable as a Christian are not in line with a balanced Biblical approach and are also shaming fellow Christians which is harmful and deterring nonbelievers from becoming believers with their misinformation.
they also smoke a lil joint but dont get stoned and ect
The gospel is the power of God. If we want that which is pleasing to our ears the Bible warns us that we will sooner or later give in to seducing spirits. The final e d of the broad way is eternal separation.
Amen Sister
So at what point do you say enough? How can you control the chemical effects alcohol has on your brain. There is no way to measure the effects alcohol is having on you.
It depends on the personal relationship with God through Chriist Jesus It is between me and God
My Pastor says legalism or illegalism are the two ditches. And we must walk between the two. Eph. 5:17-18 foolish or wise, drunk or Spirit filled? I will take the later every day over the former way of life!
Wow that's awesome testimony but i must agree about drinking wine, any alcohol me personally don't drink any alcohol not that it because was heavy drinker in my past because wasn't its because i don't want nothing to cause me not have sober mind i want to be focus at all time i been around others believer that drink more than wine but they offered me some i tell them politely i dont drink but im not judging anyone else that's their business im only speaking about me Derek Prince was incredible teacher in the word
The Bible didn’t say we shouldn’t drink, drinking in excess is sin. This is an argument that is hard to win, because both sides can reference different parts of the Bible,so I don’t like getting into that conversation tbh. Everyman to his own
Free Will is a God given gift. As long as we adhere to Natural Law, we are free to choose for ourselves.
That's true but I thank God has natural high that from holy Spirit
Yes, every time there is real communion served
only catholic cult does that
Churches use non alcoholic wine for communion. Communion is symbolic and is not actually happening to you.
@@alastairhopkins245 well, I guess thats better than grape juice. Real wine is symbolic of the giving of one's life for each other, patterned after Christ's sacrifice. You get the bitter taste but you also get the warmth when it goes down, as in the Holy Spirit. Without the alcohol, you don't get this. That is why churches should use real wine for the Lord's Supper(as Jesus did). Not sure what you mean by 'is not actually happening to you'. We are communing with Christ, he is there with us in Spirit. Believe you me, something is, and in the heavenlies
Please how can I get the full message where this podcast was cut from?
Where does consuming any sort of cannabis fall between legalism and self indulgence? Anyone reading please give perspective
How about this? Just abstain.. why? Because who’s gonna get into regulating how much? Like no no no just 8oz or keeping up with the discipline of not going over. And it could be just that one night… doesn’t mean it’s a practice.
But one thing I’ve learned about how on the post the kingdom of darkness is. You’ll do great 20 years and it’ll be that 1 time that crashed everything.
Some would argue well I can have 5 and not be drunk. And to note the water system was completely different back then. And then wine has two kinds fermented and unfermented. The health benefits is in the fruit of the vine not the alcohol itself. The enemy is so subtle I just think it’s a practice of wisdom. But hey not here to regulate anyone. I’m just saying if we have to constantly try to figure out how much and how little, something’s gonna give. And often it isn’t good.
PS i love non-alcoholic wine. And I use worship and meditating on God’s word to relax. Calms me like none other
I love this comment 🙏🏽
Ive heard that 1 out of 10 people who regularly indulge in alcohol develop an addiction. Is the perceived benefits vs risk worth poking that bear?
Especially if runs in your family my dad was alcoholic I thank God that didn't go down that path
New wine and old wine don't mix
Amen I don't want to have nothing to do with my past
Name one good thing that can come from drinking alcohol? How many lives does it take a year? How many marriages ruined? I am against drinking as a Christian
Oh boy! But do you get involved in gluttony. Either way it is not a sin other Jesus wouldn't of turned water into wine and Paul wouldn't have advised Timothy to drink a little wine.
@@rosahacketts1668 I do neither. It’s have had family fi from drinking and seen marriages destroyed. Let me ask you this. Name one thing that a beer benefits any human? Oh boy !
They named it right spirits because many devil spirits come with it
I wish I had got to know you my brother. Your such a dear man of God!!!! As far as wine is concerned. Everything in moderation....well...most things at Jesus made wine at the wedding and their is a scripture that says that, "Wine gladness the heart of man" I think there are Solomon would say there is a time for everything under the sun. There is a time for our hearts to be glad.....and what better time than at a wedding.
God does love you. He wants all of us to be with him. To be without him is hell. It’s one or the other. I pray you all find Jesus.
God does judge in the end. He will meet you where you are now though. He met me as an addict, thief and fornicator. He loved me as gross as I was. I love Him back and it changed me.
The Holy Spirit told me you can drink and smoke weed and I will love you but I will not tell you my secrets. I laid it all down because I wanted His secrets and the fire fell and consumed it all. The revelation knowledge and power that has come is like nothing I have ever known. Dreams, healings, revelations, His voice, grace, love ,His Presence like no time before. Inner healing, deliverance for myself and those around me. There is no limit to what God will do if we obey. Well worth the giving up of pleasures for the secrets in His Presence. The weeping before Him in worship, seeing His beauty, O the secret place!
If you have Perfect Peace, thru the Prince of Peace"JESUS" and the Peace of God , why do you want Weed and Alcohol I believe it was the devil who told you it's alright to "Drink and Smoke Weed? 1 Corinthians 3:17-19...him will "GOD" destroy! read your Bible.
@@MemphisIke Ok Boss... ...he just said he stopped 'em....calm the farm...
"Absolutely No"
I stop drinking after forty years only Jesus can do that
Praise God
I believe the lord doesn't want us christians drinking alcohol at all be sober and vigilant as his word says alcohol drinking is demonic
Why even allow yourself to be tempted or to be joined with others that may not know God's will in the matter of alcohol
Amen but I been around family members that drink it's don't affect me because I don't desire it they know it
Was this pulled from a full teaching that is available, I would love to hear more about what God revealed to him about his way of life?
same here
God tells us very clearly in Proverbs 31 not to give ourselves to strong particularly wine so it's very clear it's a violation of God's word to drink it lest you become perverted
You just took that and gave it a whole new meaning. It says strong wine. Otherwise Paul was in error telling Timothy to drink some for his stomach.
@@Ms_Aubrieindeed, the water was not purified then, the fermented wine helped as way to prevent stomach infections. The Bible does not prohibit drinking, but it dies condemns drunkenness, no drunkard will inherit the kingdom… it is a matter of discernment, how much wine is too much? What is to be a lover of wine? It is clear that it’s better not to drink. I don’t believe that all who drinks is condemned though. A true Christian would have discernment to know what’s better for them.
Every communion. What did Jesus do?
All leaven/yeast was removed from the house of every Israelite and anyone who consumed leaven was 'cut off from Israel' (Ex 12:19-20). Thus, if Jesus drank wine at the last supper He broke the law, which He certainly did not do.
Why we as humans abuse alcohol,drugs,money,sex,power,firearms,sadly Bible itself is beyond my understanding.Maybe we should stop accusing these things and start accepting responsibility for ourselves.....
no. I quit. if I could anyone can.
Wine !
Proverbs 23:29-35 tells us we shouldn't even look at it. Those Pastors are wrong they should have said. we should stay away from fermented wine
Notice outside church:- Make your wort enemy your best friend.
Notice outside same church one week later:- Drink is your worst enemy.
Situation based
You can drink just don’t be a drunkard
Tipsy not drunk
Some people do not know how to handle themselves
Now regarding what drink is preferable stick with wine 🍷
everyone i know that says this is blind plus they have other sins they hold on to ..a little leaven leavens the whole lump
@@jeepsishumate2021 personally I just try to steer clear from religion and their legalistic doctrine Judgements and Hypocrisy
Jesus was more concerned with people’s behaviors toward one another
And even spoke about how the food you eat enters the mouth into the stomach than out the body but the things you say comes out the heart evil thoughts etc
Regarding “Sin”
Jesus Himself said he who is without sin cast the first stone
No one has the right to point fingers
Faith without works is dead so its wise to stay away from people who say they believe in God and The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ but don’t act accordingly as for those who don’t believe still hold them accountable as well everyone should be treated with some form of respect
We All Have Individual Free Will and should be held accountable for our own actions
I say all this to say
Wine isn’t the issue it’s drunkardness and the behavior it causes
Bible even says eat drink and be merry
But says also
Hear is the conclusion
To fear God and keep his commandments this is the whole of man
@@nonapplicablee my brother there is something about alcohol that are not in other food you are talking about. When I eat much it is a sin but it will not cause me to sin or expose me to the devil. We have the Holy Spirit. You know wine brings excitement to the flesh and if you are a human being it will causes you or push you away from sobernes.
Wine is not a sin but believe me a Christian full of the spirit will have nothing to do with wine. Because all that it can give you you can find it in the Holy Spirit.
We don't need to be legalistic wine is not. Sin. But wine is a trap...and it can easily ensnare even a believer. So it's better to avoid it at all
To each its own me personally want sobor mind
Wine in the bible was referred as Grape juice, the Grape itself, Grape jam. True Born Again Christians do not drink alcohol at all. If you do, and say you are? What testimony are you giving to the Lost?
Amen but alcohol get your mind confused have you're not clearly thinking
Alcohol isn't forbidden for Christians, but it's a terrible witness. Get rid of anything that gets in the way of God's calling for your life (Matthew 18:7-9).
2 types of wine fermented and non-fermented
Jesus Christ drank non- fermented
HE made wine, it’s the best wine ever made! Wine makers have tried to duplicate it they cannot! If HE did not make wine HE was not crucified yet I walk under HIS shadow / HE is Lord of Lords
Jesus was condemned by accusers as a wine bibber / Yet HE is El Elohim
How high is the alcoholic content?
He made wine but it wasn't like the wine is today this where people get confused with
It's a not a stroke, it's a cortisol awakening response
If they say “ Jesus drank wine” you know they want to drink
Simple answer: no one should drink alcohol. I've seen really good people ruin their lives with alcohol.
ABSOLUTELY NOT NO. It's debauchery there will be no drunks in heaven. Turn to JESUS.
Drinking alcohol =!= getting drunk
Amen Amen that's why I don't drink nothing I'm high on holy Spirit
Look up Al-kuhl
You didn’t think I was gonna drink that whisky did you?
NO, Alcohol is poison!
Jesus drank wine and also turned water into wine
Frist of all need get understanding come to word Jesus did not drink wine he made wine out of water and the wine had in those days is not like this mess drinking now
@fredajohnson506 what did jesus eat drink and share at the last supper ...bread and WINE 🍷
@fredajohnson506 the pharisees even accused jesus of being a wine bibber .....clean drinking water was non existent was much safer to drink fermented wine 🍷 ...cheers
Malachi 3:9
Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
2 Peter 2:9
The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
Let us go back under the law...The modern church is teaching a mixed message old and new covenant. They are no better than the Pharisees were in Jesus’s day. Jesus did away with the old covenant.
JESUS himself turned water in to wine ........not wine in to water . 😮
And how about TRAPPIST monks who brew beer for ages , right untill today ?
It is not what you put in your body that is sinful.
But what comes out of the mouth.
Consider the tongue. It is one of the smallest of appendages, yet the biggest offender.
If what you put in your body, causes sin.
Stop it by all means.
And if your tongue causes you to son, cut it out.
Better to enter heaven with no tongue, then enter hell with your whole body.