@@villiannewyork It basically says that are three theories about it 1. A missing kid's phone was found, and it only had one audio file (you know which one), which has secret codes, subliminal messages, or induces suicide 2. The second theory says that it may be 13-second audio, which all rappers use subliminally on their albums, to manipulate listeners. 3. This theory says that there are 8 songs by 8 different bands. Each song narrates, directly or indirectly, the murders committed by each of the members of each band. The negative energy caused by these murders is found within these songs. To me, none of these theories seems legit. I think it has to be something way darker.
The term has been meme'd to hell, but that is probably one of the purest, most legitimate forms of cringe available on UA-cam. What a goofy, sad video.
it'd be difficult with the big names like the first commenter pointed out BUT it'd definitely be... entertaining lol, we might even get some tibbits we weren't fully aware of
Gotta applaud Skipper for giving smaller UA-camrs a decent building block for their platform, however I don't know how that sixth guy managed to fuck up a chance for basically free subscribers. Everyone else was pretty interesting though would love to see more
fr that sixth guy said he didn't understand "keemstar was always right" like dude this is obvious, from pyro being a furry all the way to leafy and whatnot, its crazy how often people didn't believe him and would be proven wrong later, myself included.
Hey, just so you know Tipster did respond to Keem in his video addressing Apollo Legend's death: ua-cam.com/video/5tx8HwPeehY/v-deo.html He actually apologized and said Keem was right to criticize him for tweeting about Apollo Legend's death before it was 100% confirmed.
ur videos are literally some of the most well made and complete I have ever seen the fact that u aren’t one of the top commentary channels astonishes me
@@user-ls9ic5vr1g True. The community just got too toxic, that I can't really stand it anymore. Sometimes, I check on a few channels just to see how they're doing, but in general, I'm pretty burnt out from their constant toxicness.
@@cowardlycrocodile7410 there's the channel called connor piugs and all he talks about is dream drama. Like he puts dream in so much videos and defends him that hes is 100% a dream stan.
There are those on Twitter (a small collective I ran into) calling for the deplatform of Commentary Channels for from their own words *"bring nothing of worth"*
The Beak seemed more hesitant to side on the pyrocynical allegations, but felt more comfortable to condemn H3H3 for allegedly aiding in Leafy's ban (which isn't a surprise if you take in his entire history, it wasn't an outright ban considering that youtube had already demonitized his channel and given him strikes several times in the past.)
the amount of "uh idk"'s is a bit disappointing but I deffo appreciate all the hard work that went into a lengthy video like this! keep up the good work, everyone (=
I think with iDubbbz's real name is referring to when iDubbbz had his real name on his Wikipedia page change from Ian Carter to Ian Washburn, also on his Wikitubia page it says that some people believe his name is Ian Kovic
Great video, since you mentioned the small commentator group chat grooming, I believe it refers to the pieman drama when when was having sexual conversation with ImAllexx Stan, during that she and him were in a group chat with a bunch of other small commentators, so during the drama when pieman was getting pounded on he mentioned that other people in the gc were having sexual conversation with her, though most in the gc denied the allegations and as someone in there I will vouch on that. I’m pretty sure pieman also apologized for that in of his twitlongers but that’s only if I remember correctly.
Shit man, i was gone too long. Just yesterday it felt like you had to correct me on twitter about you being close to 10k and now you're at 20k?? Keep up the slick work dude :D
it’s insane the quality of videos you have with so little subs . congrats on 20k :D also wild how much ... i know about all this commentary mumbo jumbo
Usually icebergs are set up on whats mainstream and mostly known to what a lot of people don’t know about. If that makes sense. I guess for this iceberg it just depends on how popular the situations got and the amount of people that know about it
I was a huge fan of the baited podcast when I was 16 😂 I would literally listen to it EVERY night as I was falling asleep, for months on end I would literally just play any episode ! Probably gave them hundreds of views because I had a play list and would just let the playlist play while I slept 😂 and I was actually obsessed with keemstar and colossal. After not hearing tommy Cees voice for so long, hearing him ranting about a literal child sent me major waves of nostalgia… ah, to be 16 again..
A key thing that was missed from the Killstraem part at 26:05 is that Keemstar was also a very frequent guest/co-host. I think AugieRFC was on there quite a lot as well.
This Commentary Iceberg is like the study guide teachers give you days before a test on a subject. Makes me have to remember from the depths of my mind.
I’m pretty sure the commentary videos made 10 years ago refers to how there was a whole community of commentary videos way before pyro and the others. I remember the most popular one was this one guy with a Calvin and Hobbes avatar. But I can’t remember his name
The comment cop thing comes from one time when Comment Cop made a post making fun of Keem, and keem said he was on someone (I think it was H3)’s payroll, it’s since become and inside joke to say comment cop is on a payroll
This was a great video. I honestly like the introduction of smaller commentators but I almost clicked out after Alibi fucking blew my ears out multiple times. I hate that shit.
To specifically talk on the Turkey Tom Racism thing, especially since now there’s allegations of it being blamed on his ASD as well as being young: I myself am autistic, and unfortunately I also used the N word, even worse so cause I used it out of anger against a black person I didn’t like. That was in middle school and to this day I will never let that word slip my lips even with encouragement from my BF, who is black, Hispanic, And Cherokee Native American ( as well as a bit Irish too). It doesn’t really matter how old he was or if it was his autism, neither of those really matter a whole lot. ASD doesn’t excuse or explain why you said the word, neither does being edgy or just being a kid. At that age most people know the context by that word, especially nowadays with it being taught by many POC and even some schools. Instead of backpedaling on other things to try and explain it away, we have to come forward with the fact we did such nasty things and apologize, no explanation as to why, just apologize and attempt to better ourselves in the present and future. To this day I regret ever saying it to the person I did, especially in the worst context imaginable, and I’m sorry about it and know I’m not obligated to be forgiven by them either.
Ok I don’t know if I’m going crazy but right at 1:00:17 after the Idubbbz Slenderman, it cuts to something about Pyro, Leafy, and h3h3. Is a part of the video clipped out? Am I the only one who noticed that?
I'll be a 100% honest here and say that after the John swan situation, I have lost all trust in the commentary community... It's baffling how all of them jumped into conclusions an made tons of videos just to push their agenda. to me... After this... They are just like TV news channels, pushing their own agenda while disguising it as "objective news", "criticism" or whatever...
The only ones I mainly watch now are omni and scarce, Omni gives his thoughts at the end, while scarce never shows his opinions at all, he goes into all the info of drama so far, but has barely gotten into drama nowadays.
@@agedstring I've always liked scarce for some reason too, and omni is pretty good at separating his own thoughts from the news, tough you could argue he also has a certain bias when choosing which news to cover
yep thats the reason why i stopped watching typical commentary channels because all half of the commentators i used to watch just attract trolls and racist people
UA-camrs who make videos complaining about “youtubers and politics” almost always just don’t want to hear about politics they don’t agree with, it’s ironic that it’s always the freeze peach crowd complaining about politics too.
I still don’t understand how people came away from the pyro situation thinking he had cleared the air. He’s still at the very least insanely careless about being sexual with a minor. I refuse to believe he didn’t know the age because it was stated in the dms, early on if I recall.
This is somewhat related but I'm surprised this recent cancellation of James Charles has been successful as we tried using the same tactics with pyro and it back fired.
not really. it's obvious what pyro was doing was removed from reality, and took place mostly over text chat. ivory's age had little relevance, and given the way he went about things, it was clear he was doing it for attention. Regardless, he still apologised for not taking caution, and that's about as much as he can do. If you think that hasn't cleared the air, try exercising empathy and realise making people accountable for their actions is the goal of cancellation, not necissarily ruining their career.
49:09 Muta put on his mic, his reaction is appropriate for the situation. And 57:51 the only thing keemstar did right, and i dont think Jaystation was right in the head. I had no idea that Apollo Legend had died. Cool learning about SolidShibe, i remember the Leafy and Nick Cash drama
THE BEAK: ua-cam.com/channels/CCMvTGR0gewgWlaRzfLvcQ.html
the best comment
@@CamyyOfficial Definitely :)
Can you share de bg music? Heard some dope Beats around the 28min mark
@Jason Camden You’re right. I don’t care
ShoeBill Stork!
"Ethan and Leafy have had a rocky relationship in the past."
wow, what a strange romantic pairing.
just kiss already 😍😍
Yanno, I always thought Leafy has daddy issues.
besty what is with the haiji pfp
@@giraffeparty0 PLS i just liked his design
I'm willing to bet there's at least one fanfiction on these two
A Drinking game, Where every time they mention Turkey Tom, Pyrocynial, or Keemstar, you take a shot
dont make the people die from alcohol D:
Or get you and 2 of your friends and Have them pick a channel. See who gets drunk first.
thats called poisoning yourself
*dies of booze poisoning*
No please mercy
Wanna say a massive thanks, once again, to the god tier chad gamer Doktor Skipper for letting me take part in this video!
Oi the briesh let’s go get a pint ole friend btw thanks to contributing to this I really liked it
Small critique pyro already did have a face reveal before keem dropped the image it was on another channel
Second critique you mixed up chad anything for views with the original third guess tommy c from sftp
thanks for letting me on this video. genuinely means so much
Nice adult swim music
you gotta do the hip hop conspiracy iceberg, some on the entries on there are nuts like "deep web murder samples" and "nation of Islam controls rap"
Big Lurch cannibalism is an interesting one too. The NOI controlling rap honestly doesn’t surprise me. A bunch of WuTang members are 5%ers
What's Rap.Mp3??? Anyone have a idea
@@villiannewyork It basically says that are three theories about it
1. A missing kid's phone was found, and it only had one audio file (you know which one), which has secret codes, subliminal messages, or induces suicide
2. The second theory says that it may be 13-second audio, which all rappers use subliminally on their albums, to manipulate listeners.
3. This theory says that there are 8 songs by 8 different bands. Each song narrates, directly or indirectly, the murders committed by each of the members of each band. The negative energy caused by these murders is found within these songs.
To me, none of these theories seems legit. I think it has to be something way darker.
BRUH, I NEED A HIP HOP ICEBERG VIDEO!!! There's no vids on it, but it's such a interesting and long topic
@@theshiningemerald4288 theres a chance a channel who makes videos about hip hop picks it up
i fell asleep watching the CN iceberg unintentionally and can confirm his voice is very crisp
nah man fuck off this legit happened to me rn, just woke up
Its impossible for skipper to make a bad video
cap nobody is perfect when it comes to stuff like this even you
Tru Dacept
I swear ive commented that several times
Alright men
This is the Truth
Dacept exposed, disstrack soon come
That Tommy C meltdown is just big oof. Couldn't imagine going off against a teenager like that.
It honestly hurt to listen to.
It's so embarrassing
literally its so embarassing 😭
I was astonished at the shite he's saying like Tommy, calm the hell down you bloody half-wit
The term has been meme'd to hell, but that is probably one of the purest, most legitimate forms of cringe available on UA-cam. What a goofy, sad video.
Thanks for having me on this was amazing skipper!
it's so great to see a group of small commentators come together to talk about their community
i think that its better when its smaller commentators as well because its way more objective
it'd be difficult with the big names like the first commenter pointed out BUT it'd definitely be... entertaining lol, we might even get some tibbits we weren't fully aware of
Its kinda wild to see how much stuff happened in the commentary community from back stabbing, lies, accusations amd people making an ass of themselves
Yeah surprisingly enough when you form a whole community out of drama there's gonna be a lot of drama
hell yes
lad you aint even seen the video
Hi Man can you do a commentary video on SCPs I want to see
hell yes
Is skipper gonna remember us when he hits a million cause this content is insanely good
I sure hope he does
He better
I bet he’ll blow up soon this content is too good to stay hidden
Let’s hope
"Second Layer"
Nah bro thats the Pyro Layer
"Now this person needs no introduction"
"I'm sure you're all familiar with this person"
Me: *I don't know who 90% of these people are*
Gotta applaud Skipper for giving smaller UA-camrs a decent building block for their platform, however I don't know how that sixth guy managed to fuck up a chance for basically free subscribers. Everyone else was pretty interesting though would love to see more
fr that sixth guy said he didn't understand "keemstar was always right" like dude this is obvious, from pyro being a furry all the way to leafy and whatnot, its crazy how often people didn't believe him and would be proven wrong later, myself included.
4th layer guy went on and on a bit too long. say the controversy and move tf on! this is an iceburg explained not 3 stories explained for 20 minutes.
i can already tell this gonna be interesting
Woah I didn’t know the clown from The Brave Little Toaster became a UA-cam Commentator
It is criminal to have not concluded easily the best UA-cam drama. Keemstar v Bashur
The ending of the 4th layer has a huge editing mistake. The slenderman gangamstyle stops and then cuts abruptly into the leafy stuff
We had issues with copyright when it came to Gangnam style
@@DoktorSkipper Oooooh
@@DoktorSkipper LMAOO
entire 4th layer dragged on too long too imo dude the point is YOU explain it! too many damn clips.
happy to be a part of the project!
Hey, just so you know Tipster did respond to Keem in his video addressing Apollo Legend's death: ua-cam.com/video/5tx8HwPeehY/v-deo.html
He actually apologized and said Keem was right to criticize him for tweeting about Apollo Legend's death before it was 100% confirmed.
Thank you
i subbed 💗
I honestly had no idea Def Noodles was so hated by the community
I have always wanted to see an iceberg about the commentary community
he even got into drama to make this content for us
that is dedication that i can respect
What drama?
What did I miss?
I fell asleep to the crisp sound of Skipper's audio.
Great being on-again, hope I got some new eyes on me who like my stuff
ur videos are literally some of the most well made and complete I have ever seen the fact that u aren’t one of the top commentary channels astonishes me
It genuinely makes me so happy that Doktor Skipper and Dr. Demonic are friends
looking forward to this, thank you for having me on
You did such a good job, can’t believe you only have 700 subs
@@steamedhams3056 :)
My boy deserves the recognition :)
@@CamyyOfficial ayo 933 subs? 🤨
you're great tho
@@mlpmlpmlpmlp1 I’ve gained a lot of subs since this video lol
As toxic as this community is - I'll always love it
I really dont like the commentary community
@@user-ls9ic5vr1g Same, I'm kinda getting tired of commentary channels
@@user-ls9ic5vr1g True. The community just got too toxic, that I can't really stand it anymore. Sometimes, I check on a few channels just to see how they're doing, but in general, I'm pretty burnt out from their constant toxicness.
I like commentary but the community is bigoted as hell
@@cowardlycrocodile7410 there's the channel called connor piugs and all he talks about is dream drama. Like he puts dream in so much videos and defends him that hes is 100% a dream stan.
Commentary videos were a big part of my childhood, especially with Pyro, so it's sad seeing it fade away in recent times
There are those on Twitter (a small collective I ran into) calling for the deplatform of Commentary Channels for from their own words *"bring nothing of worth"*
Its rising its not fading
I could not be more glad
The Beak seemed more hesitant to side on the pyrocynical allegations, but felt more comfortable to condemn H3H3 for allegedly aiding in Leafy's ban (which isn't a surprise if you take in his entire history, it wasn't an outright ban considering that youtube had already demonitized his channel and given him strikes several times in the past.)
I'd like to add I'm not being aggressive here, just a personal critique of how I felt about that section. Kinda stuck out a bit much.
In all fairness pyros fans just massdisliked his videos his fans didn't care as his response was tbh quite good they just followed a bandwagon
@@CornG4397 that made no sense bud, which response?
@@CrazedKasaJizo I think he’s referring to the video response.
Really amazing video mate 🍻
Glad you uploaded it!
Just a correction. Baited was with Keem, Clown and Tommy C, then was brought back with Chad.
That whole pyrocynical turkey Tom situation really opened my eyes to the commentary community all of them are just mindless sheep
Im happy i dont know much about the commentary community i just watch pyros long videos from time to time
the amount of "uh idk"'s is a bit disappointing but I deffo appreciate all the hard work that went into a lengthy video like this!
keep up the good work, everyone (=
Really appreciated Alfie's bleeps for censorship being so pleasing.
because i went to school with him
you have become one of my favorite youtubers man. you will definitely end up with millions.
I think with iDubbbz's real name is referring to when iDubbbz had his real name on his Wikipedia page change from Ian Carter to Ian Washburn, also on his Wikitubia page it says that some people believe his name is Ian Kovic
another incredible video from my favorite bird with a doctorate, keep em coming!
This video is just a sweet treat for my ears. Glad to see some of my friends made it on 👌
tommy c calling a 16 year old a loser while malding about a literal teenager is the funniest shit ever
"Lets not talk about Xander"
*Immediately googles him
Yeah good choice
wait what did he do?
@@leeis2busy He wanted to infiltrate the commentary community because he felt it was full of alt-right creators
@@senornaranja9842 (he's kinda right)
@@hyperacc6530 nah
Watching skipper get big and him no longer speaking to much makes me feel like a parent seeing a kid grow up, from 85 to 21k
I already see some of these popular youtubers and even the smaller ones. This will certainly be interesting
The fact that I knew every single drama and meme for every layer is concerning
You're a genius for this idea!
Great video, since you mentioned the small commentator group chat grooming, I believe it refers to the pieman drama when when was having sexual conversation with ImAllexx Stan, during that she and him were in a group chat with a bunch of other small commentators, so during the drama when pieman was getting pounded on he mentioned that other people in the gc were having sexual conversation with her, though most in the gc denied the allegations and as someone in there I will vouch on that. I’m pretty sure pieman also apologized for that in of his twitlongers but that’s only if I remember correctly.
this is phenomenal, well done guys!!
I’ve never had someone be so rude yet so nice at the same time
Shit man, i was gone too long.
Just yesterday it felt like you had to correct me on twitter about you being close to 10k and now you're at 20k??
Keep up the slick work dude :D
it’s insane the quality of videos you have with so little subs . congrats on 20k :D
also wild how much ... i know about all this commentary mumbo jumbo
I already know this is gonna be good
Great video congratulations on reaching 20,000 subscribers It’s great that you’re helping other creators
Can someone explain to me how each story goes in a specific layer? Are the higher layers built on the stories of the lower layers?
Usually icebergs are set up on whats mainstream and mostly known to what a lot of people don’t know about. If that makes sense. I guess for this iceberg it just depends on how popular the situations got and the amount of people that know about it
Really enjoying these videos my guy. You're very entertaining.
I was a huge fan of the baited podcast when I was 16 😂 I would literally listen to it EVERY night as I was falling asleep, for months on end I would literally just play any episode ! Probably gave them hundreds of views because I had a play list and would just let the playlist play while I slept 😂 and I was actually obsessed with keemstar and colossal. After not hearing tommy Cees voice for so long, hearing him ranting about a literal child sent me major waves of nostalgia… ah, to be 16 again..
A key thing that was missed from the Killstraem part at 26:05 is that Keemstar was also a very frequent guest/co-host. I think AugieRFC was on there quite a lot as well.
Is this video going to feature Skipper vs. Pieman? 🔥
This is gonna be good
Wow, despite the fact that I had to zone out from this vid because I was watching it whilst doing my work, this was pretty good
This Commentary Iceberg is like the study guide teachers give you days before a test on a subject.
Makes me have to remember from the depths of my mind.
Holy shit this will be awesome
This makes me nostalgic for 2016. Good times!
leafy on his story fire said that he hates google/Alphabet inc. And he would love to see googles stock plummet and drop to the ground.
Best times, even.
@@ogstef indeed
Made a routine out of falling asleep to these vids. You deserve to be bigger dude, content is A1
I like the third layer very much , the UA-camr was straight to the point and was easy to follow.
And the editing was amazing
At 1:22:20 is that a Celeste mod or chapter 9 and if it’s a mod does anyone know what it’s called
I’m pretty sure the commentary videos made 10 years ago refers to how there was a whole community of commentary videos way before pyro and the others. I remember the most popular one was this one guy with a Calvin and Hobbes avatar. But I can’t remember his name
damn my tip is sticky from waiting 😩
Yo chill
Hold up what?
real shit?
@ً caught in 4K
jesus, this is so underrated.
Suzy lu fails to know what copyright laws are while BREAKING them at the same time. Absolutely incredible.
For sure this one is gonna be great
bro this is so underrated and high quality, keep up the good work i hope to see more in the future :)
O yeah Skipper reaching the peak of icebergs
Amazing video, love the collaborations! Keep up the great job bro!
The comment cop thing comes from one time when Comment Cop made a post making fun of Keem, and keem said he was on someone (I think it was H3)’s payroll, it’s since become and inside joke to say comment cop is on a payroll
This was a great video. I honestly like the introduction of smaller commentators but I almost clicked out after Alibi fucking blew my ears out multiple times. I hate that shit.
To specifically talk on the Turkey Tom Racism thing, especially since now there’s allegations of it being blamed on his ASD as well as being young: I myself am autistic, and unfortunately I also used the N word, even worse so cause I used it out of anger against a black person I didn’t like. That was in middle school and to this day I will never let that word slip my lips even with encouragement from my BF, who is black, Hispanic, And Cherokee Native American ( as well as a bit Irish too). It doesn’t really matter how old he was or if it was his autism, neither of those really matter a whole lot. ASD doesn’t excuse or explain why you said the word, neither does being edgy or just being a kid. At that age most people know the context by that word, especially nowadays with it being taught by many POC and even some schools. Instead of backpedaling on other things to try and explain it away, we have to come forward with the fact we did such nasty things and apologize, no explanation as to why, just apologize and attempt to better ourselves in the present and future. To this day I regret ever saying it to the person I did, especially in the worst context imaginable, and I’m sorry about it and know I’m not obligated to be forgiven by them either.
adore these vids :') keep it up!
Dr skipper's giving us feature length movies with an all star cast.
Ok I don’t know if I’m going crazy but right at 1:00:17 after the Idubbbz Slenderman, it cuts to something about Pyro, Leafy, and h3h3. Is a part of the video clipped out? Am I the only one who noticed that?
probably something that doesnt fit the narrative theyre putting together. SUS
@@SGouda-le1mc probably just felt super awkward
I'll be a 100% honest here and say that after the John swan situation, I have lost all trust in the commentary community...
It's baffling how all of them jumped into conclusions an made tons of videos just to push their agenda. to me... After this... They are just like TV news channels, pushing their own agenda while disguising it as "objective news", "criticism" or whatever...
The only ones I mainly watch now are omni and scarce, Omni gives his thoughts at the end, while scarce never shows his opinions at all, he goes into all the info of drama so far, but has barely gotten into drama nowadays.
@@agedstring I've always liked scarce for some reason too, and omni is pretty good at separating his own thoughts from the news, tough you could argue he also has a certain bias when choosing which news to cover
yep thats the reason why i stopped watching typical commentary channels because all half of the commentators i used to watch just attract trolls and racist people
@@OOOO0OOOO0001___ damn... That's so true its actually kinda sad
Not being into the commentary community, but enjoying iceberg videos, I am REALLY confused at all the drama that comes out of this
Wow, pieman is so petty to make skipper give him credit for a convenience...
Wait what
@@no-ro6by pieman was going around Twitter and said that skipper stole the "commentary iceberg" video idea. HarleyTBS called pieman out for it.
love your vids, remember me when ur famous
I mean he technically is famous uh never mind keep your head up chad keep on spreading the word of the cult of skipper
"So I recommend you go for a walk clean your room or sleep"
I watch these while grinding in games, way ahead of you bud.
UA-camrs who make videos complaining about “youtubers and politics” almost always just don’t want to hear about politics they don’t agree with, it’s ironic that it’s always the freeze peach crowd complaining about politics too.
Nice video I’ve been watching all your videos today
You are way too underrated
Man Ethan and H3H3 really pissed away the good will they gained for the fair use court battle.
I still don’t understand how people came away from the pyro situation thinking he had cleared the air. He’s still at the very least insanely careless about being sexual with a minor. I refuse to believe he didn’t know the age because it was stated in the dms, early on if I recall.
This is somewhat related but I'm surprised this recent cancellation of James Charles has been successful as we tried using the same tactics with pyro and it back fired.
@@frippfink James hasn't been canceled. I haven't heard of him losing massive subs or sponsors.
@@Fembro our definitions of cancelling are a bit different then, however the point still stands.
not really. it's obvious what pyro was doing was removed from reality, and took place mostly over text chat. ivory's age had little relevance, and given the way he went about things, it was clear he was doing it for attention. Regardless, he still apologised for not taking caution, and that's about as much as he can do. If you think that hasn't cleared the air, try exercising empathy and realise making people accountable for their actions is the goal of cancellation, not necissarily ruining their career.
He missed the dms. But he apologized for being careless.
Great video as always gamer
Man I wish ColossalisCrazy would do more stuff. He is great.
i saw this being premired the day it came out but i didn't know it was an hour long, love this channel
Play the video at 1.25x speed when the beak is talking.
Wait a minute........ this isn’t a pieman video
49:09 Muta put on his mic, his reaction is appropriate for the situation. And 57:51 the only thing keemstar did right, and i dont think Jaystation was right in the head. I had no idea that Apollo Legend had died. Cool learning about SolidShibe, i remember the Leafy and Nick Cash drama
38:52 need some salt with your steak? This guys got you covered