thanks, this sobriety is really what matters in this, because of the magnitude you are in where your body appears... this magnitude is immense. Thanks for that peaceful and sober clarity you were pointing in your relation.
I can tell your awakening was very beautiful and strong. Thank you for your content it will truly help those seeking guidance especially in this time of transcendence.
A 10 hour experience of this whilst undergoing my 6th 10 day Vipassana retreat. It was like fire hydrants being attached to both feet. I just lie awake in bed and observed this. My ego was shocked and I now have chills and anxiety. You information is really helping me.
Kundalini becomes overwhelming in me occasionally. I have found, that just like when it comes to a "bad" trip or pain of any kind, the most effective way for me to prevent closely reoccurring episodes of unpleasant kundalini experiences, is by applying my Will to DO something/s that releases a lot of compressed, back logged, festering energy stuck in my body. By learning a skill, committing and working towards a goal or vision, body movement expression, even "succeeding" in getting someone to date me; whatever ones unique passion/desire may naturally and easily rest towards. This is what I hear when you say "having a backbone/spine" and returning the energy to the air (winds of change;communication), acting out what I need to do, instead of suppressing it within and trying to control it all on the mental plane. In my experience it can be counterproductive to control disturbing kundalini experiences (long term) through meditation or visualizing,because that merely affirms/perpetuates that I am going to experience disturbing Kundalini and must focus on and monitor the disturbing experience so much that I actually sustain/prolong it and go into a sort of dilated time state where its very drawn out, instead of just flexibly stepping into an altering if the experience (no matter how slight..patience!). I get "priestess cramps" on my period sometimes and it is an altered "hell" state for a couple hours. Basically a bad psychedelic trip. I am working on transmuting the suffering into ecstasy. The best way I've found so far is to continually adjust and move around as needed, and to affirm the experience as a time to Be Love and allow the divine to channel through me without judging myself as wrong and that I "should" be some kind if way. Kundalini (autonomous creative force, which is authentic, which means even if others might deem it "evil" it is still pure and must be expressed in a way to makes sense to YOU personally) that is repressed, will eventually build as repressed energy within and anxious disturbing/"psychotic" feelings which are Screaming for us to behave and feel from what is real to you. Kundalini tends to come from root chakra because it is saying "i am in emergency mode for my survival as an autonomous soul". It'd be like if a mosquito contained a virus which convinced bitten humans to hate their self for not wanting to be bit by a mosquito when there's also the west Nile virus in the mosquito!! A lot of times, what we are conditioned to believe is being a "good person", is actually how to demean our very right to be an autonomous being with dignity. We are indoctrinated that to express our hurt and pain and dislike of certain treatment to people, is the "worst sin". We are conditioned to feel shame that we feel pain when someone does something that does not allow us to feel love, in the way that we uniquely are able to feel loved. When other people throw us scraps and say you should be grateful that you're getting anything at all. Disturbing kundalini experiences occur when we feel shame around being an autonomous creative being who Deserves dignity innately, and to be respected with honor and not be bullied or subtly threatened into conforming with other people. Especially relationships that are based on keeping you around as a means to feel control/exercise creative power through "creating" a certain strict expectation of what the relationship "should" look like, rather than a relationship based in the means to enjoy collaborating as equals and creating together something bigger. I'm not 100% on all this, just ideas in case it helps anyone. Also I think holistic childbirth books would be very helpful in learning the magic to transmute suffering into ecstasy
Is there anyone that can relate an accidental Kundalini awakening through trauma? I'm still researching and looking for answers. This is a wonderful video on the many feelings that arise though and it's much appreciated.
Mine awakened through the covid virus. I was nearly paralyzed with burning electrical pulsing pain, disoriented & mostly bedridden. Drs just said ‘long covid’. No answers. Long road back. With understanding I’m ok.
Thank you so much. Wish I would have found you about 2 yrs ago but the experience was needed. I have been integrating these energies for a couple of years now. I initially knew it was the Holy Spirit in me at first but then some life situation happened and it struck all of my fear and pain and I got lost in it all so many times. Now I know exactly what it is and am so humbled by this experience. Thank you because no one else is sharing this info. Peace and blessings to you 🙏🏾
Still have it figured out? I feel so broken beyond recognition. Every single fear I have ever had is coming up constantly every day now. It has caused me to dissociate and now I see it crumbling all of my relationships around me. I feel so dead and numb inside today. Then if I can't figure out something while digging for any type of sanity while searching around for answers, then it causes such a wall of terror and panic that I am afraid i will end up in a mental institution. I am so fucked up I just want to numb it all away. Take xanax and sleep or something. I can't even stand to feel anymore. Last night I was past the point of even caring about dying. Yea when I can give into the kriyas and find some sort of solace for my mind then it turns into bliss, but if I can't it throws me into terror so bad that I start dissociating from my body. The blocks cause it to where I can't kriya and it locks my body up and makes my body light on fire. A year ago when I had my first eruption I ran into a wall of fear that burnt my body so bad that it felt lile i was burning alive in hell. Indescribably painful beyond most peoples comprehension. I don't know what to do anymore. I have listened to this video while going through kriyas trying to find comfort and then some nights, my mind won't let me stop focusing on everything that I am terrified of. Have any words of wisdom for me?
@@brandoncallaway8835 Some of us suffer far more than most, life-long. I like Craig, but I don't agree that the Earth realm is something to be loved, because it seems to be some sort of penal/prison/tormenter realm to be overcome, imho, instead. A place of suffering for the sake of suffering. Learning to 'love' this place is like a mental state of Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry to hear about your problems. What happened since you commented, here, and how are you doing these days? Best to you.
@@brandoncallaway8835 If I may offer some advice Brandon, in past lives I found that the gentleness of walking helped me with these precise things you're describing, Brandon. It's because it wasn't an intense form of "exercise"/exertion, and especially if in truly beautiful nature it would have a profound PROFOUND effect for me. I believe stepping / walking brings you into correlation with the natural rhythm of nature around you, so you will reach those bliss moments, through the stepping. Plus the energetic movement will be "burning up" the excess energy that's making it feel tough if it doesn't have that release, kind of like a steam pressure kettle, when you let the steam out... My kundalini is not active in this lifetime fully, so I am not experiencing these same aspects as you describe - but 100% I know for real you are not imagining them. This advice that Craig gives here is also extremely subtle that we might miss it, but the energy of surrender is so key here. This energy is not here for tormenting - it's here for quite the opposite, eventually. But it's going to pull you through trials and tribulations of epic proportions, and you know what I mean, if you keep resisting it. So the surrender piece, again: so key. I wish you so well.
I highly recommend this video 🙏 I had half a tab of lsd that pulled me through the kundalini journey/awakening and had an overload of energy from the shadow realm. I watched a few before getting to this one and it really resonated with me. I couldn't sleep, the awakening wouldn't let me rest until I sat and listened to this guide. Thank you for posting this video 🙏🙏🙏💜
I was in a lucid dream driving a car at breakneck speed down some weird street. It was freaking me out so much because that's how I CAME INTO the dream. I could feel the power flying and I woke up with it in my Throat Chakra going nuts. I slowly brought it back down, so disoriented. That can't keep happening man. God almighty that was tough.
Thank you. I feel so ALIVE I can’t sleep. I don’t know what to do with this newfound energy. It’s scary. I’ve been bedridden and unable to work or do anything. Staying with parents with no money right now. It helps to understand. This started a year ago with Ayahuasca.
seriously great help, been having problems, (I do not do any kundalini, yoga or lower shakra work, only BaGua and Tibetan tantra) doing Ngondro practice, some Bau Gua; a Bau Gua / chi gung practice blasted me a few years ago. Different than the Diamond Mind work but similar practice, energy flow through the crown. Wow, but shortly after started having weird hart sensations. Very healthy but energy is off. Acupuncture helping a lot. Some dissociation. Was very depressed for a while but a handful of mushrooms took care of that over night. The Bliss sometimes makes me wobbly. lol... love
Great insight that. Letting go of the resistance to it and not struggling with it can reveal it as it is. My experience is that resistance is futile anyway haha
last week my third eye exploded open the day after 5meodmt. It was such a complex experience, very burdensome, I was unprepared. It was a valuable learning lesson however, and its easy to say the whole point of the overwhelming experience was to learn and grow. I was afraid my ego would dissolve away and become abandoned by my soul. I had realized in the past this is what my ego had done to my soul, abandoned it. I learned that the roles were reversed now, my soul had to be the parents and the ego was the child, except this time instead of my soul abandoning my ego, I learned to love it. Like the parent and the child, the parent is fully capable of going on great adventures and taking care of itself, but the child depends on the parent to stay at their pace. It was truly like an existential psychosis, but I learned many valuable lessons. Fear is magnetic, it sends an invitation for negative energy. Positivity attracts positivity, the solution was love, trust, acceptance, welcoming. For days I was struggling to sleep, I would be awaken in the night by extreme anxiety while waves of energy washed over me, I had memories of nightmares I had as a child. But it only took me a few days to recognize when those negative energies approached me, I had to welcome them. I felt I could lead by example, show this negative energy it was welcome and trusted. My 5meo experience couldn't eliminate my fear of death for me, it made me discover it on my own.
I hear what your saying Craig and in my mind it makes sense. But I have days where I am just overhwelmed by the intensity especially when it decides to go crazy while I am at work. I am close to quitting my job because its just getting too difficult. Its been over 3 years of this now. I don't sleep much at all. I get constant pressures in the head and neck. I can barely hold a job these days. I spend hours a day surrendering to this as best I can but it never really resolves that much it seems.
This is why it is helpful to have support. To have a guide or a teacher. Without one it is very difficult and an isolating experience. I had great teachers and support along the way. Without this I would surely have been lost. There is support also within the sangha and by going on retreats and joining the twice weekly online meetings I offer if you are interested. May Peace be with you my friend
Thank you. That is so true. Its very difficult to navigate this without proper guidance. I live in a part of Canada where there are not many teachers or healers who understand Kundalini, so I am grateful to have found your channel and Sangha here.
@@hannahmiller7347 You might be right. My health is a little better but I still deal with the K symptoms every day all day. Sleep is not good. 1-4 hrs is nornal. Some nights I get more but it is not often. I have all kinds of energy vibrations in the body, Aum sounds in ny right ear, pressures and heat in the head, neck, spine and in most chakra centres too. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it and cannot function at all. I have days where I feel like I am dying on every level. I have felt for a while now that I just need to take time to feel through this so that I don't keep getting returning blockages and overload symptoms. I have reduced my hours at work to 25/week for now. But the rest of my life has fallen apart and I have no support. My family is dysfunctional and divided. My living situation is toxic. I have no money, nowhere to go. I have lost my relationship, and all my friends. Everyone in my family is going through some sort of extremely difficult situation. They cannot help me nor I them. I feel so broken and alone.
@@C_Ma__S thank you for being open about your circumstances. In my interpretation, these symptoms you experience are signs that you are running on empty. The symptoms are physical dis-ease, which is the same as spiritual or mental dis-ease (discomfort; a state that is not as desirable to experience compared to states we Can experience). It is built in us, to be able to experience great satisfaction, strength, peace, and joy. It is a transformative process to gradually build and change our personal "culture" but it is inevitable as long as you want it. Everything in nature responds depending on the conditions it is in. So at our own pace, we can change our conditions (relationship to our mind, body, other people, all loving things, geographical localities, etc) and our felt state of being and perception will shift to reflect these changed conditions. Can you reach out to family with forgiveness and apology? Can you reach out to meditation communities to take a retreat at and support your nervous system and subconscious to relax and have tangible proof that you are safe? Some meditation retreats or intentional communities will accept people without money or on a light work exchange basis.
The first time I experienced the kundalini rise I could see it in my minds eye as a burning hot core of golden metal rising up from the base of my spine and rising up through the top of my head into the crown area. It began to get warm and I whispered out loud "I wish I was cooler". Suddenly a slight breeze began to blow into the opened part of the car window where I was meditating and within 20 mins the sky had broke out in a massive rain storm over the bay area where I was living. It rained for the following 3 days. I'm wondering has anyone out there had these kind of experiences with kundalini opening and rising?
That's incredible. In God all things are possible. Join our kundalini fb group, if you are interested in connecting with the sangha, or join our weekly Kundalini group. details:
I believe so many people who have a spiritual awakening underestimate the help and relief that comes with fasting! The number one thing that has helped me more than anything else, has been fasting! A few years ago I fasted for 7 days without any food or water and I felt absolutely amazing! The ego is full of lies and deception and tries to trick you into believing that you cannot live without food or water when the truth is that when you are born again by the spirit of God you have infinite and eternal power within the soul that will feed the soul and keep the soul alive! When God sent Moses to bring the children of Israel up out of Egypt through the Wilderness to the land of Canaan the scripture says that God fed them with Manna From Heaven in the wilderness! Manna in the wilderness is a picture of spiritual food from heaven inwardly and spiritually that is enough to sustain Humanity without any outward sustenance or water... I know this to be true because I have done it!
Yes, Clark Kent or Superman, this is true. I also have greatly benefited from the practice of fasting. I caution though, sometimes we can do great harm to our bodies, if we are not educated in the ancient practice.
I did the 7 days fasting more than 10 years ago - it didn't help me at all with the kundalini energy - the two are completely different things and you shouldn't confuse them
@@CsikungGyakorlatok no one is confusing them... They are two different things... However, John the Baptist said that God must increase within his soul his own sinful selfish lustful eating self must decrease... Fasting without prayer will do no one any good... But if you are filled to the full with the Holy Spirit of Fire, it will consume you from the inside out to a point to where your body cannot take in anymore sustenance Jesus Christ plainly declared in john chapter 6 saying; "I AM the bread of life; whoever eats of the food that i give; will never hunger again"
@@CsikungGyakorlatok I think you're projecting... I believe that you are confusing the two... Fasting without prayer and Faith & being filled with the holy spirit of God through Eternal fire?... Does no one any good
@@clarkkent3730 kundalini is NOT about religion and has nothing to do with the Bible kundalini exists in every person, we don't need any kind of religion to experience it and there is no prayer needed in the process it is you who is putting an = mark between the two, which is completely wrong
Could it feel like an vibrational alignment? That's how I would describe my experience. It came from my root chakra Thur my center all the way up to my head. It was very quick. Since than my life has been changing...🙏
Thank you. This Video helped me alot as I now understand. I had my awakening a few days ago and right now, Kundalini is in my sexual chakra because a woman has to decide if she wants to be with me and her decision will be soon in the future. My feelings for her are so pure and strong it's hard to wait. I have unconscious thoughts like "What if she doesn't pick me ?" This would be perfectly fine for me, if she does make the decision with her heart and doesn't think about any circumstances because I picked a really bad point of time in her life as she moved in with her new friend just a few days ago and now I revealed my love for her which I held back for almost 4 years. I couldn't wait any longer but I won't pressure her decision. It's a tricky situation but I made clear to her that I will be doing anything to support her when she leaves him. I just have no Idea yet ,if she really picks me, what to do but I know she would fullfill me fully with love so I won't be wasting my time and thoughts for "what if" questions anymore and I can move on in life whatever her decision may be. I'm Just sharing my experience and If anyone is interested in how this ends just let me know, I also appreciate any insights and tips from anyone. I am just 20 years old and this awakening changed my life so suddenly it takes some time to adjust but I am very grateful for Kundalini choosing me as many people never experience this and everyone kinda should, the world would be a much better place in my opinion. At the end I just want to say again I'm very grateful for this video so thanks Craig for putting this up and keep up the good work and content I will subscribe to you now. I think I can sleep with a little more peace this night :)
Hi Craig, I find your videos very helpful, thanks. Are you able to comment on why some people don’t seem to go through a kundalini process, yet seem to have evolved profoundly. I spend a few years training as a therapist in the UK, and I didn’t come across anybody that could relate to the kundalini symptoms that I was going through, symptoms would leave me bedridden for days. Yet they seemed to be in some cases skipping along through the process, needing only to work through a few old old narratives with talk therapy. Yet no traditional kundalini awakening symptoms, that often leave me feeling terrified at times, or even in transcendental states, which would be perceived by others on the course as either madness or a symptom of my past drug use. Why is it that something which is my living and daily experience seem alien to others, who are apparently going through their own process of awakening, working as therapists, yet we don’t meet in regards to our different experiences? Is kundalini awakening, something that happens only to a rare few. It was a spontaneous awakening in my case. And I know some people only have a momentary experience, and it doesn’t rise again in such an obvious way. I’m talking more where such in my case, where it’s a 24/7 ordeal. Are others let off the hook onto a much easier route, or is it that they simply have burned through all their karma in another life. Or maybe it is that it’s working at a much slower rate, less intense. I don’t know.. I’d really appreciate your comments, and maybe clear up my confusion. Thank you in advance :)
Yes, true kundalini awakening is very rare. Kundalini activation is more common but also rare, yet more common than an awakening which actually leads to true freedom. Other types of awakenings: Different than kundalini awakening: Most individuals on the path, simply have a transcendent awakening, which happens in the third eye, or a heart awakening. Kundalini is a different type of awakening all together. It involves the 7 chakra centers and brings the worlds of heaven and earth together in a deeply integrated way. I could speak for hours about the 3 major types of awakening (head, heart, and Hara) compared to a kundalini awakening, but in short in response to your question, there are different awakenings which lead to different spaces of consciousness, and much of this has to do with your soul and your intention on path. I had little interest in kundalini awakening, and all my attention was on the nondual path of head, heart and Hara awakening. I opened in this realm and the kundalini awakening spontaneously arose within the context of the nondual path. And so I was gifted with knowledge of each of the different realms and blessed by Grace.
Cam G listening to divine music can help to open the heart and relax the body. It brings your consciousness into a meditative state. So yes by all means enjoy God’s grace through divine music.
I’ m having very weird symptoms..lots of people told me it could be kundalini. I’ ve spent 4 years in this nightmare.. can Rebirth breathe help me to release all this strong energy?
Thanks for your account and advice. The following question is not a joke but serious. Can the awakening of Kundalini, or the action of any other subtle spiritual energy, cause night-priapism?
This is something, I have no knowledge of. Although kundalini awakening can radically excite various chakra centers--both their higher qualities along with their human realms. There could be a connection. But it would be best to look at a psychosomatic connection and speak with a doctor if it does not heal itself.
You'll crave/need totally new food - any kind of junk, the body will literally repulse. Totally natural. Just go for the most appealing natural food to you right now, no need to stick to anything rigid as each food will give you something the body needs.
I feel sex is dirty & disgusting & my partner only wants sexual gratification not expressing true love. Is it part of my awakening? What should I do please. He doesn't believe in anything spiritual & it's driving us apart. I feel it's time to break up but not sure if I'm over-reacting.
Karen McPaul sex is a natural part of the human experience but it must be done within the proper barriers and conditions. And if done well, it’s the gateway to soul bonding
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Kundalini Spirit IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT.
thanks, this sobriety is really what matters in this, because of the magnitude you are in where your body appears... this magnitude is immense. Thanks for that peaceful and sober clarity you were pointing in your relation.
I can tell your awakening was very beautiful and strong. Thank you for your content it will truly help those seeking guidance especially in this time of transcendence.
A 10 hour experience of this whilst undergoing my 6th 10 day Vipassana retreat. It was like fire hydrants being attached to both feet. I just lie awake in bed and observed this. My ego was shocked and I now have chills and anxiety. You information is really helping me.
Kundalini becomes overwhelming in me occasionally. I have found, that just like when it comes to a "bad" trip or pain of any kind, the most effective way for me to prevent closely reoccurring episodes of unpleasant kundalini experiences, is by applying my Will to DO something/s that releases a lot of compressed, back logged, festering energy stuck in my body. By learning a skill, committing and working towards a goal or vision, body movement expression, even "succeeding" in getting someone to date me; whatever ones unique passion/desire may naturally and easily rest towards. This is what I hear when you say "having a backbone/spine" and returning the energy to the air (winds of change;communication), acting out what I need to do, instead of suppressing it within and trying to control it all on the mental plane. In my experience it can be counterproductive to control disturbing kundalini experiences (long term) through meditation or visualizing,because that merely affirms/perpetuates that I am going to experience disturbing Kundalini and must focus on and monitor the disturbing experience so much that I actually sustain/prolong it and go into a sort of dilated time state where its very drawn out, instead of just flexibly stepping into an altering if the experience (no matter how slight..patience!). I get "priestess cramps" on my period sometimes and it is an altered "hell" state for a couple hours. Basically a bad psychedelic trip. I am working on transmuting the suffering into ecstasy. The best way I've found so far is to continually adjust and move around as needed, and to affirm the experience as a time to Be Love and allow the divine to channel through me without judging myself as wrong and that I "should" be some kind if way. Kundalini (autonomous creative force, which is authentic, which means even if others might deem it "evil" it is still pure and must be expressed in a way to makes sense to YOU personally) that is repressed, will eventually build as repressed energy within and anxious disturbing/"psychotic" feelings which are Screaming for us to behave and feel from what is real to you. Kundalini tends to come from root chakra because it is saying "i am in emergency mode for my survival as an autonomous soul". It'd be like if a mosquito contained a virus which convinced bitten humans to hate their self for not wanting to be bit by a mosquito when there's also the west Nile virus in the mosquito!! A lot of times, what we are conditioned to believe is being a "good person", is actually how to demean our very right to be an autonomous being with dignity. We are indoctrinated that to express our hurt and pain and dislike of certain treatment to people, is the "worst sin". We are conditioned to feel shame that we feel pain when someone does something that does not allow us to feel love, in the way that we uniquely are able to feel loved. When other people throw us scraps and say you should be grateful that you're getting anything at all. Disturbing kundalini experiences occur when we feel shame around being an autonomous creative being who Deserves dignity innately, and to be respected with honor and not be bullied or subtly threatened into conforming with other people. Especially relationships that are based on keeping you around as a means to feel control/exercise creative power through "creating" a certain strict expectation of what the relationship "should" look like, rather than a relationship based in the means to enjoy collaborating as equals and creating together something bigger. I'm not 100% on all this, just ideas in case it helps anyone. Also I think holistic childbirth books would be very helpful in learning the magic to transmute suffering into ecstasy
Thank you for supporting people having kundalini symptoms including me. I cried out watching this.
Is there anyone that can relate an accidental Kundalini awakening through trauma? I'm still researching and looking for answers. This is a wonderful video on the many feelings that arise though and it's much appreciated.
Mine awakened through the covid virus. I was nearly paralyzed with burning electrical pulsing pain, disoriented & mostly bedridden. Drs just said ‘long covid’. No answers. Long road back. With understanding I’m ok.
It’s nice to listen to someone who is authentic articulate and knows what they are talking about. Blessings my Brother
For sure, Craig definitely knows.
Thank you so much. Wish I would have found you about 2 yrs ago but the experience was needed. I have been integrating these energies for a couple of years now. I initially knew it was the Holy Spirit in me at first but then some life situation happened and it struck all of my fear and pain and I got lost in it all so many times. Now I know exactly what it is and am so humbled by this experience. Thank you because no one else is sharing this info. Peace and blessings to you 🙏🏾
Still have it figured out? I feel so broken beyond recognition. Every single fear I have ever had is coming up constantly every day now. It has caused me to dissociate and now I see it crumbling all of my relationships around me. I feel so dead and numb inside today. Then if I can't figure out something while digging for any type of sanity while searching around for answers, then it causes such a wall of terror and panic that I am afraid i will end up in a mental institution. I am so fucked up I just want to numb it all away. Take xanax and sleep or something. I can't even stand to feel anymore. Last night I was past the point of even caring about dying. Yea when I can give into the kriyas and find some sort of solace for my mind then it turns into bliss, but if I can't it throws me into terror so bad that I start dissociating from my body. The blocks cause it to where I can't kriya and it locks my body up and makes my body light on fire. A year ago when I had my first eruption I ran into a wall of fear that burnt my body so bad that it felt lile i was burning alive in hell. Indescribably painful beyond most peoples comprehension. I don't know what to do anymore. I have listened to this video while going through kriyas trying to find comfort and then some nights, my mind won't let me stop focusing on everything that I am terrified of. Have any words of wisdom for me?
@@brandoncallaway8835 Some of us suffer far more than most, life-long. I like Craig, but I don't agree that the Earth realm is something to be loved, because it seems to be some sort of penal/prison/tormenter realm to be overcome, imho, instead. A place of suffering for the sake of suffering. Learning to 'love' this place is like a mental state of Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry to hear about your problems. What happened since you commented, here, and how are you doing these days? Best to you.
@@brandoncallaway8835 If I may offer some advice Brandon, in past lives I found that the gentleness of walking helped me with these precise things you're describing, Brandon. It's because it wasn't an intense form of "exercise"/exertion, and especially if in truly beautiful nature it would have a profound PROFOUND effect for me. I believe stepping / walking brings you into correlation with the natural rhythm of nature around you, so you will reach those bliss moments, through the stepping. Plus the energetic movement will be "burning up" the excess energy that's making it feel tough if it doesn't have that release, kind of like a steam pressure kettle, when you let the steam out...
My kundalini is not active in this lifetime fully, so I am not experiencing these same aspects as you describe - but 100% I know for real you are not imagining them. This advice that Craig gives here is also extremely subtle that we might miss it, but the energy of surrender is so key here.
This energy is not here for tormenting - it's here for quite the opposite, eventually. But it's going to pull you through trials and tribulations of epic proportions, and you know what I mean, if you keep resisting it. So the surrender piece, again: so key.
I wish you so well.
I highly recommend this video 🙏 I had half a tab of lsd that pulled me through the kundalini journey/awakening and had an overload of energy from the shadow realm. I watched a few before getting to this one and it really resonated with me. I couldn't sleep, the awakening wouldn't let me rest until I sat and listened to this guide. Thank you for posting this video 🙏🙏🙏💜
How are you now ??
I was in a lucid dream driving a car at breakneck speed down some weird street. It was freaking me out so much because that's how I CAME INTO the dream. I could feel the power flying and I woke up with it in my Throat Chakra going nuts. I slowly brought it back down, so disoriented. That can't keep happening man. God almighty that was tough.
Thank you. I greatly appreciate this. It’s been a rough two years.
Loved the bit about "dirty dishes!"
Awesome video Craig. Your videos are wonderful full of wisdom and truth.
AH clarity at last, such a 'simple truth' yet absolutely needed those wordings precisely, how precious!
Sir, very much truth. I personally believe this. I am a professor. Thanks for sharing this concept
Thank you.
I feel so ALIVE I can’t sleep.
I don’t know what to do with this newfound energy.
It’s scary.
I’ve been bedridden and unable to work or do anything.
Staying with parents with no money right now.
It helps to understand. This started a year ago with Ayahuasca.
How are you now?
seriously great help, been having problems, (I do not do any kundalini, yoga or lower shakra work, only BaGua and Tibetan tantra) doing Ngondro practice, some Bau Gua; a Bau Gua / chi gung practice blasted me a few years ago. Different than the Diamond Mind work but similar practice, energy flow through the crown. Wow, but shortly after started having weird hart sensations. Very healthy but energy is off. Acupuncture helping a lot. Some dissociation. Was very depressed for a while but a handful of mushrooms took care of that over night. The Bliss sometimes makes me wobbly. lol... love
Why do i cry watching this video?
Great insight that. Letting go of the resistance to it and not struggling with it can reveal it as it is. My experience is that resistance is futile anyway haha
Thank you Craig! Wonderful video and information!
last week my third eye exploded open the day after 5meodmt. It was such a complex experience, very burdensome, I was unprepared. It was a valuable learning lesson however, and its easy to say the whole point of the overwhelming experience was to learn and grow. I was afraid my ego would dissolve away and become abandoned by my soul. I had realized in the past this is what my ego had done to my soul, abandoned it. I learned that the roles were reversed now, my soul had to be the parents and the ego was the child, except this time instead of my soul abandoning my ego, I learned to love it. Like the parent and the child, the parent is fully capable of going on great adventures and taking care of itself, but the child depends on the parent to stay at their pace.
It was truly like an existential psychosis, but I learned many valuable lessons. Fear is magnetic, it sends an invitation for negative energy. Positivity attracts positivity, the solution was love, trust, acceptance, welcoming. For days I was struggling to sleep, I would be awaken in the night by extreme anxiety while waves of energy washed over me, I had memories of nightmares I had as a child. But it only took me a few days to recognize when those negative energies approached me, I had to welcome them. I felt I could lead by example, show this negative energy it was welcome and trusted. My 5meo experience couldn't eliminate my fear of death for me, it made me discover it on my own.
Thank you bless you and all as we are ONE 💚
One of the best video EVER 🙏❤
Beautifully expressed....
Thank you for this valuable teaching.
I hear what your saying Craig and in my mind it makes sense. But I have days where I am just overhwelmed by the intensity especially when it decides to go crazy while I am at work. I am close to quitting my job because its just getting too difficult. Its been over 3 years of this now. I don't sleep much at all. I get constant pressures in the head and neck. I can barely hold a job these days. I spend hours a day surrendering to this as best I can but it never really resolves that much it seems.
This is why it is helpful to have support. To have a guide or a teacher. Without one it is very difficult and an isolating experience. I had great teachers and support along the way. Without this I would surely have been lost. There is support also within the sangha and by going on retreats and joining the twice weekly online meetings I offer if you are interested. May Peace be with you my friend
Thank you. That is so true. Its very difficult to navigate this without proper guidance. I live in a part of Canada where there are not many teachers or healers who understand Kundalini, so I am grateful to have found your channel and Sangha here.
@@C_Ma__S the pain may be asking you to let go of your job and focus on your health. How is your health doing now?
@@hannahmiller7347 You might be right. My health is a little better but I still deal with the K symptoms every day all day. Sleep is not good. 1-4 hrs is nornal. Some nights I get more but it is not often. I have all kinds of energy vibrations in the body, Aum sounds in ny right ear, pressures and heat in the head, neck, spine and in most chakra centres too. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it and cannot function at all. I have days where I feel like I am dying on every level. I have felt for a while now that I just need to take time to feel through this so that I don't keep getting returning blockages and overload symptoms. I have reduced my hours at work to 25/week for now. But the rest of my life has fallen apart and I have no support. My family is dysfunctional and divided. My living situation is toxic. I have no money, nowhere to go. I have lost my relationship, and all my friends. Everyone in my family is going through some sort of extremely difficult situation. They cannot help me nor I them. I feel so broken and alone.
@@C_Ma__S thank you for being open about your circumstances. In my interpretation, these symptoms you experience are signs that you are running on empty. The symptoms are physical dis-ease, which is the same as spiritual or mental dis-ease (discomfort; a state that is not as desirable to experience compared to states we Can experience). It is built in us, to be able to experience great satisfaction, strength, peace, and joy. It is a transformative process to gradually build and change our personal "culture" but it is inevitable as long as you want it. Everything in nature responds depending on the conditions it is in. So at our own pace, we can change our conditions (relationship to our mind, body, other people, all loving things, geographical localities, etc) and our felt state of being and perception will shift to reflect these changed conditions. Can you reach out to family with forgiveness and apology? Can you reach out to meditation communities to take a retreat at and support your nervous system and subconscious to relax and have tangible proof that you are safe? Some meditation retreats or intentional communities will accept people without money or on a light work exchange basis.
The first time I experienced the kundalini rise I could see it in my minds eye as a burning hot core of golden metal rising up from the base of my spine and rising up through the top of my head into the crown area. It began to get warm and I whispered out loud "I wish I was cooler". Suddenly a slight breeze began to blow into the opened part of the car window where I was meditating and within 20 mins the sky had broke out in a massive rain storm over the bay area where I was living. It rained for the following 3 days. I'm wondering has anyone out there had these kind of experiences with kundalini opening and rising?
That's incredible. In God all things are possible. Join our kundalini fb group, if you are interested in connecting with the sangha, or join our weekly Kundalini group. details:
Thank you for this. Thank you for your guidance. 🙏
Thank you for your great work and Namaste!! 🙏🙏💛💙💜🧡✨🐞🍀✨✨🌲
Thank you 🙏
Thank you very much 🌷👍🏻
I believe so many people who have a spiritual awakening underestimate the help and relief that comes with fasting! The number one thing that has helped me more than anything else, has been fasting! A few years ago I fasted for 7 days without any food or water and I felt absolutely amazing! The ego is full of lies and deception and tries to trick you into believing that you cannot live without food or water when the truth is that when you are born again by the spirit of God you have infinite and eternal power within the soul that will feed the soul and keep the soul alive! When God sent Moses to bring the children of Israel up out of Egypt through the Wilderness to the land of Canaan the scripture says that God fed them with Manna From Heaven in the wilderness! Manna in the wilderness is a picture of spiritual food from heaven inwardly and spiritually that is enough to sustain Humanity without any outward sustenance or water... I know this to be true because I have done it!
Yes, Clark Kent or Superman, this is true. I also have greatly benefited from the practice of fasting. I caution though, sometimes we can do great harm to our bodies, if we are not educated in the ancient practice.
I did the 7 days fasting more than 10 years ago - it didn't help me at all with the kundalini energy - the two are completely different things and you shouldn't confuse them
@@CsikungGyakorlatok no one is confusing them... They are two different things... However, John the Baptist said that God must increase within his soul his own sinful selfish lustful eating self must decrease... Fasting without prayer will do no one any good... But if you are filled to the full with the Holy Spirit of Fire, it will consume you from the inside out to a point to where your body cannot take in anymore sustenance
Jesus Christ plainly declared in john chapter 6 saying; "I AM the bread of life; whoever eats of the food that i give; will never hunger again"
@@CsikungGyakorlatok I think you're projecting... I believe that you are confusing the two... Fasting without prayer and Faith & being filled with the holy spirit of God through Eternal fire?... Does no one any good
@@clarkkent3730 kundalini is NOT about religion and has nothing to do with the Bible
kundalini exists in every person, we don't need any kind of religion to experience it and there is no prayer needed in the process
it is you who is putting an = mark between the two, which is completely wrong
Thank you 👆♥️ I resonate with you ❤
Could it feel like an vibrational alignment? That's how I would describe my experience. It came from my root chakra Thur my center all the way up to my head. It was very quick. Since than my life has been changing...🙏
Yes i think this is definitely a Kundalini awakening.Hope all is going well for you.
Useful understanding shared. High marks. Practical...not the theoretical or preaching baloney we’ve seen of late.
Thank you. This Video helped me alot as I now understand. I had my awakening a few days ago and right now, Kundalini is in my sexual chakra because a woman has to decide if she wants to be with me and her decision will be soon in the future. My feelings for her are so pure and strong it's hard to wait. I have unconscious thoughts like "What if she doesn't pick me ?" This would be perfectly fine for me, if she does make the decision with her heart and doesn't think about any circumstances because I picked a really bad point of time in her life as she moved in with her new friend just a few days ago and now I revealed my love for her which I held back for almost 4 years. I couldn't wait any longer but I won't pressure her decision. It's a tricky situation but I made clear to her that I will be doing anything to support her when she leaves him. I just have no Idea yet ,if she really picks me, what to do but I know she would fullfill me fully with love so I won't be wasting my time and thoughts for "what if" questions anymore and I can move on in life whatever her decision may be.
I'm Just sharing my experience and If anyone is interested in how this ends just let me know, I also appreciate any insights and tips from anyone. I am just 20 years old and this awakening changed my life so suddenly it takes some time to adjust but I am very grateful for Kundalini choosing me as many people never experience this and everyone kinda should, the world would be a much better place in my opinion.
At the end I just want to say again I'm very grateful for this video so thanks Craig for putting this up and keep up the good work and content I will subscribe to you now. I think I can sleep with a little more peace this night :)
I have vertigo now, I hate all of this so tired of everything
The Wolfman!
Hi Craig, I find your videos very helpful, thanks. Are you able to comment on why some people don’t seem to go through a kundalini process, yet seem to have evolved profoundly.
I spend a few years training as a therapist in the UK, and I didn’t come across anybody that could relate to the kundalini symptoms that I was going through, symptoms would leave me bedridden for days. Yet they seemed to be in some cases skipping along through the process, needing only to work through a few old old narratives with talk therapy.
Yet no traditional kundalini awakening symptoms, that often leave me feeling terrified at times, or even in transcendental states, which would be perceived by others on the course as either madness or a symptom of my past drug use. Why is it that something which is my living and daily experience seem alien to others, who are apparently going through their own process of awakening, working as therapists, yet we don’t meet in regards to our different experiences?
Is kundalini awakening, something that happens only to a rare few. It was a spontaneous awakening in my case. And I know some people only have a momentary experience, and it doesn’t rise again in such an obvious way. I’m talking more where such in my case, where it’s a 24/7 ordeal. Are others let off the hook onto a much easier route, or is it that they simply have burned through all their karma in another life. Or maybe it is that it’s working at a much slower rate, less intense. I don’t know..
I’d really appreciate your comments, and maybe clear up my confusion. Thank you in advance :)
Yes, true kundalini awakening is very rare. Kundalini activation is more common but also rare, yet more common than an awakening which actually leads to true freedom.
Other types of awakenings: Different than kundalini awakening: Most individuals on the path, simply have a transcendent awakening, which happens in the third eye, or a heart awakening. Kundalini is a different type of awakening all together. It involves the 7 chakra centers and brings the worlds of heaven and earth together in a deeply integrated way. I could speak for hours about the 3 major types of awakening (head, heart, and Hara) compared to a kundalini awakening, but in short in response to your question, there are different awakenings which lead to different spaces of consciousness, and much of this has to do with your soul and your intention on path. I had little interest in kundalini awakening, and all my attention was on the nondual path of head, heart and Hara awakening. I opened in this realm and the kundalini awakening spontaneously arose within the context of the nondual path. And so I was gifted with knowledge of each of the different realms and blessed by Grace.
lara crespo OMG thats very hard
i had been doing hours of pranayam during the lockdown....i think i have worsen my anxiety... did i wake up my kundalini??
how to handle the liquidity presure on the head when it flow from spine to head?? and how to get back to bottom?
Hi brother. I myself am going through this. Did you ever find any answers to your questions. Peace and love to you
Can it be like a heart attack? My breathing is short.
Is it ok to listen to the music on here like Om chants or or shanti ? can listening be bad? or make it worse?
Cam G listening to divine music can help to open the heart and relax the body. It brings your consciousness into a meditative state. So yes by all means enjoy God’s grace through divine music.
How can I stop this
I’ m having very weird symptoms..lots of people told me it could be kundalini. I’ ve spent 4 years in this nightmare.. can Rebirth breathe help me to release all this strong energy?
Thanks for your account and advice. The following question is not a joke but serious. Can the awakening of Kundalini, or the action of any other subtle spiritual energy, cause night-priapism?
This is something, I have no knowledge of. Although kundalini awakening can radically excite various chakra centers--both their higher qualities along with their human realms. There could be a connection. But it would be best to look at a psychosomatic connection and speak with a doctor if it does not heal itself.
what do i eat for a meal during the process, cuz it seems to not want bad food
You'll crave/need totally new food - any kind of junk, the body will literally repulse. Totally natural. Just go for the most appealing natural food to you right now, no need to stick to anything rigid as each food will give you something the body needs.
@@sthomsonlfc 🙏
I feel sex is dirty & disgusting & my partner only wants sexual gratification not expressing true love. Is it part of my awakening? What should I do please. He doesn't believe in anything spiritual & it's driving us apart. I feel it's time to break up but not sure if I'm over-reacting.
Karen McPaul sex is a natural part of the human experience but it must be done within the proper barriers and conditions. And if done well, it’s the gateway to soul bonding
I thought this experience would be beautiful and fulfilling, that the work I’ve done would count for something. It’s hideous
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Kundalini Spirit IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT.
"you do greatly err not knowing the scriptures neither the power of God"...Jesus Christ...Matthew chapter 22 nkjv
Yes it is
Obviously not for to you
no-one knows anything about kundalini...this is just inane babble
And do you know that for sure, my friend?