When doublelift said "i dont like tahm kench because he's just defensive and there are better options" i thought "but have you seen keria's tk? That shit is an engage support in his hands"
Somehow you'll notice from what DL is saying from the game how NA plays (always plays it safe). He thinks that LCK/LPL plays are all throwable and crazy but from their perspective it's always winnable and pushing boundaries.
True, thats what separates LPL/LCK from other regions. They always fight, they always limit test that's why they know their champions limits. If NA keeps playing safe they'll never get close to these regions, it was clearly shown with their poor worlds performance. Like seriously, for example T1 - everyone is so aggressive trying to make plays or outplay their lanes - Fake,Zeus,Keria, Oner. Sigh, really disappointing worlds performance by the west
@@Estheim see 14:47 . He is not wrong in his statement. I think T1 trusts their teammates better and are all "all in" in this fight because they know even though all are squishy, knows how to win this fight because RNG is at a disadvantage 4v5. It just feels like from his statement, there is a level of "fight or flight" and tending towards flight, which is prominent in NA.
holy shit, it's the Bjerger King again. also, that game 2 was so crazy to watch. it was like watching the coffin dance meme where the rest of the team was carrying Zeus in the coffin lmao
3:30 "When he does that and Viego ults at the same time, its always the same. Viego doesnt blink and he goes back to the very center of the Camille ult." *literally 20 seconds later* 3:50
"It always happens at worlds where like, some match in the quarter/semis is the actual finals". Then we get 2 finals performances back to back with GENG vs DWG and EDG vs DRX. What insane last few days.
DL has such a different view on if a fight is winning/worth or not. Idk if it's just an NA thing compared to lck/lpl cause Heimer and ashe wasnt a trash duo though , "they only got Baron, it's not even really worth" while everyone else agrees it was and Camille as a sacrifice was the best decision for T1 to get baron without fail.
its not really worth because rng in that game 2 is way ahead and can destroy t1 pretty much easily when its 4v5 or 5v5. but the problem appear when they contest the dr> that 4 players of rng think they can manage to win the fight without xiaohu but they miss their skills, naut/sej ulting too early which is huge for t1 while their adc getting zoned by faker. at the end when xiaohu respawn he can just take faker ult killing one of them prolonging the game but he chose xayah is he throw at the end
For those who didn't catch the full T1 v. RNG game 2: the casters were literally taking a poop on Zeus's face for 20 minutes. Saying stuff like "oh wow, maybe he's overhyped", or "Zeus is just not a champion at this point", or "Looks like Breathe is proving himself to be the #1 top in worlds". Then at the end they check the dmg charts and Zeus is literally top dmg on T1 in every fight while Breathe is doing literally nothing to carry the game and they're like "how did this happen?". One of the biggest casting fails i've ever seen.
1 second is more than enough / the game often devolves into making correct decisions in small timeframes. Also he had cleanse. I suppose he was just reluctant to go there because initially it was only breathe in the backline; xiaowho joined much later
Doublelift doesnt exactly have the right takes all the time. He also forgets people arent robots and say they should do this or that, considering how many times hes thrown in his career. Take his analysis with a grain of salt.
@@coolandy1446 He has really high expectation of gala which is why he expected Gala to ult in time. Even tho they are human, lpl/lck pros are usually able to do these things most of the time.
@@omedog9480 Ulting in is such a bad take from washed DL though. Checking the vod at 37:31. He was running upward the river with E. The window to ult in on Guma is 15-20ms ( between the register of knockup and berserker). It took Gala 15ms to cleanse, while Xiaohu was hitting him, and Faker was already on his team in front of him in shroud. Had he gone in, he would have faced 4 members of T1 with flash, heal and ignite not to mention 6 items Xayah and full lethality Jayce.
Double longswords. It improves your abilities, it is more flexible as a 2nd buy, crit would scale better late, AD is better early, you can CS better early with it, which is when you need it more, it doesn't rely on you standing and auto attacking to find all its value. It's double longsword 10/10 times.
mathematically the 2 longswords on first back will give you way, way more damage. Just based on auto attacks, You back when you have something like 85 AD. +20 AD is like a 23% damage boost, not even taking into account extra damage to abilities. A cloak is 15% crit chance, meaning you have a 15% chance to up damage by 70% on an auto. You have to crit 3 times in a fight to make it worth it.
in the last fight it is not clear if GALA had the ulti or not. I saw in replay of that fight where the ulti was on CD, but during live broadcast the spectator overlay showed it was available. Honestly Riot should fix this, how are we supposed to understand these intense moments when our "eyes" (the spectator) is bugged
the ulti icon bug also exists ingame as well, not only in spectator mode, its annoying as fuck when you tab and see ally has icon that is filled, but its actually 83s from being ready
I think T1's drafting is interesting. It's definitely weird. But I think T1 is one of those teams where any member of the team can hard carry, and they don't like putting all the eggs into one basket. Game 2 was one of those rare occasions where Guma put his carry pants on and clutched 2 huge team fights in a row out of seemingly no-where. Idk if this is specifically the reason they draft the way they do, but it's one theory at least.
Watching rekkles and then DL is night and day. Rekkles insight is much more on point. For instance, Rekkles said rng shouldn’t have even given baron and DL accepts that as good trade for RNG
I just watched LS' view on draft with this game before this video. there's a big difference in opinion about draft and game play tactics between these 2 people and that's interesting.
Yeah, ikr. But all the analysts I’ve seen have been on the side of T1’s draft. Just feels like more to me that DL and Bjerg didn’t really understand why T1 drafted the way they did and what they were trying to accomplish
20:19 LCK learns to play the game. NA learns to play the Meta. When you learn the game, you can adjust to the meta. When you learn the meta, you get screwed by anything different.
strange that doublelift found T1's draft these games to be weak. he's the only person i know who thought that. setting aside post-game analysis, even while the matches were live analysts thought T1 won draft handily, especially the first game. personally it seems more that RNG just drafted poorly, they did not have appropriate responses to T1's picks.
t1 game 1 draft was extremely hard to execute well - it wasnt weak, but if u make mistakes - its easy to lose the game. game 2 draft from RNG was arguably their best draft with the strongest(or one of) and comfortable picks and t1 draft was good but i doubt that it was better than rng. and in game3 for t1 had better draft overall i think, but rng still had aatrox, soraka and sylas. And rng was just broken after game2.
Was that the context though with the 2 long sword and crit cloak? The context was that there was already two crit items (40% crit in total) and Sneaky argued that crit cloak is arguably better than 2 long swords because it would make it 55% crit chance. Plus there was more to that conversation like getting crit cloak or not buying it to wait for bf sword. Or crit cloak over pick axe.
the value of a crit cloak on your expected damage is flat, though. If anything, having 40% makes the additional AD better, because AD is more valuable when you already have crit. I think sneaky likes that crit cloak gives you more consistency, but I’m pretty sure the math is better on two longswords. Think of it this way, 40% of the time, you’re critting with the two longswords anyway, so the only time you’re dealing more damage with cloak is that 15% of autos in which you’ll deal an additional .75 total ad. Put another way, in 85% of outcomes (this is the chance that you crit with longswords + the chance you DON’T crit with cloak), the two longsword option deals higher damage than crit cloak with a ratio of (total ad) / (total ad - 20)
I'll say it again, it really doesn't feel like sneaky, meteos and dl are that close. they sound like people who are streaming together and l is just along for the meteos sneaky ride. The vibe is entirely different with bjergesen. way better imho.
ok for the start: 15% crit so 1 in 7 realistically crits for double damage. 20 ad adds like what, 15 damage to autos when you are hitting for 70 (i dont know the actual math). two long swords just straight up wins out since 15/70 is way more than 15%, so its about that ratio being above or below 15
I thought 2/3 were toss ups and game 1 was hard win T1. T1 comp wants RNG to dive them G1. G2 was toss up because I thought Jayce was ass in that comp but Xayah was going to decide the win con. G3 the TK carry got me by surprise lol.
@@fobinc i think the large issue G2 was a combination of oner not matching some of sej's early ganks and zeus pushing up too aggressively, I understand the idea behind it (ranged top to counter fiora) but I agree that there were better options (maybe kennen? gp would have been good too but that lane might be tough im not too sure). G3 the TK completely nullified Vi's existence and allowed guma to pick an immobile adc (varus), although i think there were probably better ADC picks possible (maybe even kog would have been good? jinx would have been fine too)
Doublelift, that's not the argument at all. He based with 950 gold, perfect gold to buy another long sword and a crit cloak (he already have a long sword and a zeal at this point.) Your argument was that he should have bought a pickaxe. I'm sorry but you're just wrong. Edit 1: typo. Edit 2: the edits messages
Ok, so as your NUMBER ONE FAN J$ Tinker goes pew Reap Alistar Jungle watcher since season1, you don't get to not cast with Meteos and Sneaky. What's gonna happen is that you bring Bjergsen into the Trio, you feel me?
For real now: How can the Game 1 draft transpire the way it does and DL flames the T1 draft for being shit, while RNG literally drafts the worst bullshit ever... Its not even funny how bad the draft of RNG was in Game 1 compared to T1s draft... Now I can really see why NA sucks balls so hard if they think RNGs draft is better than T1s in Game 1??? Like what?
@@aaawa2074 I mean, it is an indicator of how the general consensus of the preception of drafts looks like in NA... It doesn't mean that every player in NA thinks that way, but in general the players talk about this stuff with their coaches and players and build a general opinion on what is good and what is bad... Which means, that it is infact a worrying indicator of how NA pros might perceive drafts...
@@mojin7470 eh they do have a point though, although their point is that the team comp is not aligned with the tank+carry meta, which western usually play and considered as the _Safe_ comp
@@millionelectricvolts6117 But their whole perception is conceptually wrong if they think that... The main objective of the draft is to get champions and a team comp that counters the whole theme of the enemy comp and champions... Following the Meta is obviously not bad, but RNG drafts a full on hard engage mid-game skirmisher comp amd T1 drafts a scaling splitpush comp that cannot be hard-engaged because of Heimerdinger, Viktor, Graves and Ashe... so T1 just completey destroys every win condition of RNG by countering their theme... You do not need to play a Meta comp to win a draft, you just need to counter the enemies teamcomp... And T1 did exactly that. It is impossible for RNG to play the game if T1 executes properly, so it is obviously a huge draft win and a good draft by T1. They have everything they need to win. If DL thinks T1s draft is bad because they do not play a classic Meta comp, then DL simply does not understand the concept of drafting in general.
When Keria plays Kench, Kench becomes an engage support
More like Kench becomes a God-Tier Engage support 😂
Kench "Hippity Hoppy your base in now my property"
when keria plays, anything and everything becomes an engage support
The lunatic will find a way to make Yuumi engage support. 😂
@@allainangcao28 that just proves we know nothing about the game!
When doublelift said "i dont like tahm kench because he's just defensive and there are better options" i thought "but have you seen keria's tk? That shit is an engage support in his hands"
I hope Faker can win Worlds one more time
hey hey hey look what happened
@@RphPwn Hey Hey look what happend twice🙃😉
@@sertamortis273 yooooo
dude i was waiting for this for almost 8 hours
thanks doublelift and bjergsen!
The insane part in game 2 is that Zeus averages same damage as guma in the teamfights
Yeah while being 0/6 before that
Zeus Gigachad
His farming is good
Not just the teamfight. Zeus did 2nd most dmg the whole game like 300-400 off Guma. Zeus is not human, an actual God.
Just saying, his stats at everything that matter is no.1 above all top laners in worlds, insane
"You're not considering like the value of the pink ward?" this feels very Bjerg lol
gala not using his ulti was a reminiscence of doublelift not using his flash 😂😂
takes one to know one.. or something
Saving it for next game
Saving it for league of legends 2
Saving it for the League of Legends MMO
was hoping bjergsen woulda just said 700g isn't enough for a lost chapter
Somehow you'll notice from what DL is saying from the game how NA plays (always plays it safe). He thinks that LCK/LPL plays are all throwable and crazy but from their perspective it's always winnable and pushing boundaries.
True, thats what separates LPL/LCK from other regions. They always fight, they always limit test that's why they know their champions limits. If NA keeps playing safe they'll never get close to these regions, it was clearly shown with their poor worlds performance. Like seriously, for example T1 - everyone is so aggressive trying to make plays or outplay their lanes - Fake,Zeus,Keria, Oner. Sigh, really disappointing worlds performance by the west
@@Estheim see 14:47 . He is not wrong in his statement. I think T1 trusts their teammates better and are all "all in" in this fight because they know even though all are squishy, knows how to win this fight because RNG is at a disadvantage 4v5. It just feels like from his statement, there is a level of "fight or flight" and tending towards flight, which is prominent in NA.
also around 17:30 he says "how lucky bot is randomly moving mid at that time" like its clearly not luck, its communication and good macro
I miss the tricast with the boys. Hopefully there is one today. Maybe even The Boys + guest Berj
Doublelift and sneaky aren’t getting along lately
@@HigherKaiju how come?
holy shit, it's the Bjerger King again.
also, that game 2 was so crazy to watch. it was like watching the coffin dance meme where the rest of the team was carrying Zeus in the coffin lmao
Except the coffin have a heavy machinegun
Except the coffin is shooting shockblasts everywhere and dealing the 2nd highest dmg in the team.
"Let's just lose in peace" - Dardoch, The Breaking Point of War.
3:30 "When he does that and Viego ults at the same time, its always the same. Viego doesnt blink and he goes back to the very center of the Camille ult."
*literally 20 seconds later* 3:50
"It always happens at worlds where like, some match in the quarter/semis is the actual finals". Then we get 2 finals performances back to back with GENG vs DWG and EDG vs DRX. What insane last few days.
7:52 i like how DL said they need to pick kaisa or smth stupid shit
game 2 RNG picks kaisa, still lost
DL has such a different view on if a fight is winning/worth or not. Idk if it's just an NA thing compared to lck/lpl cause Heimer and ashe wasnt a trash duo though , "they only got Baron, it's not even really worth" while everyone else agrees it was and Camille as a sacrifice was the best decision for T1 to get baron without fail.
dom said he could go either way on trading the baron for camille. obv it worked out but it wasnt a set 100% worth trade.
its not really worth because rng in that game 2 is way ahead and can destroy t1 pretty much easily when its 4v5 or 5v5. but the problem appear when they contest the dr> that 4 players of rng think they can manage to win the fight without xiaohu but they miss their skills, naut/sej ulting too early which is huge for t1 while their adc getting zoned by faker. at the end when xiaohu respawn he can just take faker ult killing one of them prolonging the game but he chose xayah is he throw at the end
@@yunabias7021 they were talking about Game 1 though...
So uhhhhmmm... You guys prefer 2x Long Sword or Crit Cloak?
2 swords for sure
2 long sword
2x longs because then you can go warhammer spike or dirk spike
2 longs
rng sucks
2 long swords for guarantee damage
For those who didn't catch the full T1 v. RNG game 2: the casters were literally taking a poop on Zeus's face for 20 minutes. Saying stuff like "oh wow, maybe he's overhyped", or "Zeus is just not a champion at this point", or "Looks like Breathe is proving himself to be the #1 top in worlds". Then at the end they check the dmg charts and Zeus is literally top dmg on T1 in every fight while Breathe is doing literally nothing to carry the game and they're like "how did this happen?". One of the biggest casting fails i've ever seen.
Gala had less than a second it feels like from when Xayah finished her ult to when Gala got ult'd by Renata. After that there was no hope.
1 second is more than enough / the game often devolves into making correct decisions in small timeframes. Also he had cleanse. I suppose he was just reluctant to go there because initially it was only breathe in the backline; xiaowho joined much later
Doublelift doesnt exactly have the right takes all the time. He also forgets people arent robots and say they should do this or that, considering how many times hes thrown in his career. Take his analysis with a grain of salt.
He cleansed renata ult but didnt go in
@@coolandy1446 He has really high expectation of gala which is why he expected Gala to ult in time. Even tho they are human, lpl/lck pros are usually able to do these things most of the time.
@@omedog9480 Ulting in is such a bad take from washed DL though.
Checking the vod at 37:31. He was running upward the river with E. The window to ult in on Guma is 15-20ms ( between the register of knockup and berserker). It took Gala 15ms to cleanse, while Xiaohu was hitting him, and Faker was already on his team in front of him in shroud. Had he gone in, he would have faced 4 members of T1 with flash, heal and ignite not to mention 6 items Xayah and full lethality Jayce.
No one talks about League how Bjerg does, he has a very interesting perception of the game.
CLG coach making them read the Art of War is so funny
Can’t believe no reaction on the faker side step seju on the mid lane
or the Guma sidestep sylas chain and stolen sej ult
Idk whether you guys saw the game that faker was playing riven and was versing cassiopeia..The movement faker showed today reminded me of tht game..
@@greenhat7618 Also no reaction what so ever to Guma Xayah Ulting the Sej Ult on the Elder fight in game 2.
Double longswords. It improves your abilities, it is more flexible as a 2nd buy, crit would scale better late, AD is better early, you can CS better early with it, which is when you need it more, it doesn't rely on you standing and auto attacking to find all its value. It's double longsword 10/10 times.
mathematically the 2 longswords on first back will give you way, way more damage. Just based on auto attacks, You back when you have something like 85 AD. +20 AD is like a 23% damage boost, not even taking into account extra damage to abilities.
A cloak is 15% crit chance, meaning you have a 15% chance to up damage by 70% on an auto. You have to crit 3 times in a fight to make it worth it.
in the last fight it is not clear if GALA had the ulti or not. I saw in replay of that fight where the ulti was on CD, but during live broadcast the spectator overlay showed it was available. Honestly Riot should fix this, how are we supposed to understand these intense moments when our "eyes" (the spectator) is bugged
I mean this happens in games online, the icons above many map will show your team mate ult up sometimes when its not. Been like that forever
@@AbusiveHD thanks for the info
the ulti icon bug also exists ingame as well, not only in spectator mode, its annoying as fuck when you tab and see ally has icon that is filled, but its actually 83s from being ready
@@millionelectricvolts6117 ikr i ping there ult and i see 45seconds or some shit when i think theyre trolling or something
I think T1's drafting is interesting. It's definitely weird. But I think T1 is one of those teams where any member of the team can hard carry, and they don't like putting all the eggs into one basket. Game 2 was one of those rare occasions where Guma put his carry pants on and clutched 2 huge team fights in a row out of seemingly no-where. Idk if this is specifically the reason they draft the way they do, but it's one theory at least.
Keria hit a 5 man renata ult at the elder fight so he couldn't ult
My favourite duo👑👑
Pretty sure it was at 2 items, so the crit cloak would bring your crit to 55. Changing the question to 1 item changes everything
the boomer vibes are just unmatched
Watching rekkles and then DL is night and day. Rekkles insight is much more on point. For instance, Rekkles said rng shouldn’t have even given baron and DL accepts that as good trade for RNG
na vs eu gameview
I just watched LS' view on draft with this game before this video. there's a big difference in opinion about draft and game play tactics between these 2 people and that's interesting.
Yeah, ikr. But all the analysts I’ve seen have been on the side of T1’s draft. Just feels like more to me that DL and Bjerg didn’t really understand why T1 drafted the way they did and what they were trying to accomplish
Take LS view on draft with a grain of salt.
20:19 LCK learns to play the game. NA learns to play the Meta.
When you learn the game, you can adjust to the meta. When you learn the meta, you get screwed by anything different.
Keria : What do you mean Kench is support champ ? 🥺
I think LCK has the best read on the meta this tournament and it's not even close
strange that doublelift found T1's draft these games to be weak. he's the only person i know who thought that. setting aside post-game analysis, even while the matches were live analysts thought T1 won draft handily, especially the first game. personally it seems more that RNG just drafted poorly, they did not have appropriate responses to T1's picks.
t1 game 1 draft was extremely hard to execute well - it wasnt weak, but if u make mistakes - its easy to lose the game.
game 2 draft from RNG was arguably their best draft with the strongest(or one of) and comfortable picks and t1 draft was good but i doubt that it was better than rng.
and in game3 for t1 had better draft overall i think, but rng still had aatrox, soraka and sylas. And rng was just broken after game2.
It is weak under the hands of others, T1 just drafted with clear game plan & executed well - if it wasn't T1 it'd be not as good
Was that the context though with the 2 long sword and crit cloak? The context was that there was already two crit items (40% crit in total) and Sneaky argued that crit cloak is arguably better than 2 long swords because it would make it 55% crit chance. Plus there was more to that conversation like getting crit cloak or not buying it to wait for bf sword. Or crit cloak over pick axe.
the value of a crit cloak on your expected damage is flat, though. If anything, having 40% makes the additional AD better, because AD is more valuable when you already have crit. I think sneaky likes that crit cloak gives you more consistency, but I’m pretty sure the math is better on two longswords. Think of it this way, 40% of the time, you’re critting with the two longswords anyway, so the only time you’re dealing more damage with cloak is that 15% of autos in which you’ll deal an additional .75 total ad. Put another way, in 85% of outcomes (this is the chance that you crit with longswords + the chance you DON’T crit with cloak), the two longsword option deals higher damage than crit cloak with a ratio of (total ad) / (total ad - 20)
Bjergsen: LCK is back baby!
Me: Indeed, indeed
So weird to me that they’re flaming T1’s drafts when all the analysts I’ve watched say that the drafts were good
“thats kinda on faker for not flashing”
bruh i love you and your content. but this is the first time and last time i ever had a bruh moment
Keria player so good this series actually insane mVp
poor double I doubt with the same anxiety trying to find my class, rushing thru the halls Q_Q
I'll say it again, it really doesn't feel like sneaky, meteos and dl are that close. they sound like people who are streaming together and l is just along for the meteos sneaky ride. The vibe is entirely different with bjergesen. way better imho.
Lmao, DL is nostradamus
"I start having period in 6th grade" - Doublelift, The Art of School
105 ad is the break point between a 2 long swords versus crit cloak on auto attacks
Where to watch the sneaky debate
help, me if found plz
DL: "I started having periods in 6th grade" 24:20
During the elder fight in game 2 where Kaisa didn't flash or ult, can she still ult when she got hit with Renata ult?
ok for the start: 15% crit so 1 in 7 realistically crits for double damage. 20 ad adds like what, 15 damage to autos when you are hitting for 70 (i dont know the actual math).
two long swords just straight up wins out since 15/70 is way more than 15%, so its about that ratio being above or below 15
14:09 he can't ult because of renata ult
if you like "the Art of War"
you will love" the Book of 5 rings"
really enjoi this
Very weird Doublelift thinks their G1 draft is bad, LS said it was a giga stomp in draft for T1
hard disagree with the draft comments here, T1 had massively winning thematic comps game 1/2 and had edge game 3
I thought 2/3 were toss ups and game 1 was hard win T1. T1 comp wants RNG to dive them G1. G2 was toss up because I thought Jayce was ass in that comp but Xayah was going to decide the win con. G3 the TK carry got me by surprise lol.
@@fobinc i think the large issue G2 was a combination of oner not matching some of sej's early ganks and zeus pushing up too aggressively, I understand the idea behind it (ranged top to counter fiora) but I agree that there were better options (maybe kennen? gp would have been good too but that lane might be tough im not too sure). G3 the TK completely nullified Vi's existence and allowed guma to pick an immobile adc (varus), although i think there were probably better ADC picks possible (maybe even kog would have been good? jinx would have been fine too)
Doublelift, that's not the argument at all. He based with 950 gold, perfect gold to buy another long sword and a crit cloak (he already have a long sword and a zeal at this point.) Your argument was that he should have bought a pickaxe. I'm sorry but you're just wrong.
Edit 1: typo.
Edit 2: the edits messages
why does the yt ver and the twitch ver so different. Is it because they aren't allowed to stream this year's worlds?
What diff?
They can’t show the games on stream so they just add that when they make the UA-cam videos
It's twenty seconds but he didn't get hurt after 309
Have doublelift play with Keira in botline In NA soloq?
Depends on your champ actually, If your champion has extremely good interaction with crit like Yasuo, Yone or maybe even Jhin, buy crit.
Please tell me you and sneaky aren’t really beefing rn lol
2 long swords > crit cloak is a no brainer imo. I even take boots + dagger > crit cloak when i have 600 gold on the dot.
more bjergerking
Since when Bjergsen voice is so calm
That second match i blame jg for not helping jayce push
Fun fact. Most Adc's abilities scale off of AD and not crit, so buying 2 longswords = more damage in general as opposed to just buying a crit cloak
Doublelift changing the crit cloak and long sword question.
Zeus is eighteen years old and a progamer meanwhile im also eighteen and played league since season 3 but still platinum XD
T1 forever!
Ok, so as your NUMBER ONE FAN J$ Tinker goes pew Reap Alistar Jungle watcher since season1, you don't get to not cast with Meteos and Sneaky. What's gonna happen is that you bring Bjergsen into the Trio, you feel me?
gala looks like he dont want to be there
Zeus is 18...I was also born in 2004 but I'm nowhere near that level! 🤣
Even though I want to be some day...
If u think about it, T1 members were like 10-12 when Faker won his first Worlds in 2013.
Haha the drama
Bregsen and dl together while Hans going back to eu
14:08 Gala doesn't go in because Keria hit a 5 man ult, at the moment when Guma got knocked up, Gala was hit by Renata ult.
Gala could've used his ult effectively many times I am not sure why he didn't
For real now:
How can the Game 1 draft transpire the way it does and DL flames the T1 draft for being shit, while RNG literally drafts the worst bullshit ever...
Its not even funny how bad the draft of RNG was in Game 1 compared to T1s draft...
Now I can really see why NA sucks balls so hard if they think RNGs draft is better than T1s in Game 1??? Like what?
I agree, they think they're highly intellectual to say that to top-tier teams yet their team "NA" can't prove that they're better.
Yeah NA sucks because 1 retired NA player believes a certain draft is worse than an other and is wrong
@@aaawa2074 I mean, it is an indicator of how the general consensus of the preception of drafts looks like in NA...
It doesn't mean that every player in NA thinks that way, but in general the players talk about this stuff with their coaches and players and build a general opinion on what is good and what is bad...
Which means, that it is infact a worrying indicator of how NA pros might perceive drafts...
@@mojin7470 eh they do have a point though, although their point is that the team comp is not aligned with the tank+carry meta, which western usually play and considered as the _Safe_ comp
@@millionelectricvolts6117 But their whole perception is conceptually wrong if they think that...
The main objective of the draft is to get champions and a team comp that counters the whole theme of the enemy comp and champions...
Following the Meta is obviously not bad, but RNG drafts a full on hard engage mid-game skirmisher comp amd T1 drafts a scaling splitpush comp that cannot be hard-engaged because of Heimerdinger, Viktor, Graves and Ashe... so T1 just completey destroys every win condition of RNG by countering their theme...
You do not need to play a Meta comp to win a draft, you just need to counter the enemies teamcomp... And T1 did exactly that. It is impossible for RNG to play the game if T1 executes properly, so it is obviously a huge draft win and a good draft by T1. They have everything they need to win.
If DL thinks T1s draft is bad because they do not play a classic Meta comp, then DL simply does not understand the concept of drafting in general.
Doublelift looks like J-Hope from BTS
Faker the reverse doublelift
Always first in his group
No worse than semis
Wait this is bjersen?!?! How come the voice is different too
where is fakers sidestep omg u didnt react to that
100% double long sword over crit cloak
Bjergsen low key looks like Tom hardy now
Keria n GumaGod legit carried the games
2 long swords for me all day too. Wdf sneaky
middle school started at 7th grade for me
Go 2 long swords. Why would you go crit cloak? This is why DL is the most decorated LCS player. He knows the right decision to make
Bro... It's Zeh-oos
Did any1 noticed faker bming with b button on the last game lol
perks I'm gonna make a super team we have 5 carries vitality crashes and burns .SKT let's show what a super team is 5 carries. perks can only dream.
11:14 tf he talking about 😂
he q'd nautilus reacting to flash hook, rooting him before he could reach him
Beta praises the alpha
Why not tri cast with a Bjerg?
T1 learned to ban lissandra all games from msi
They have that hard counter Soraka though.
@@fobinc true but getting the mids best champ out is best. RNG mid just flops the entire series without his lissandra
T1 is insane
So maybe I'm dumb. But while I like the duo what happened to the tricast? Is there really some beef between the bois or is DL just Bjerg thirsty?
Betrayal to not stream with Sneaky & Meaty Toes
Don't think it was a lot about Gala fucking up in game 2, but it was more about t1's bot playing better.
haha, I have socks older than both of ya....
2 long swords over crit cloak any day, lol. 20 atk dmg is way better than 15% crit especially because of ability scalings
what if ur only auto attacking