I Ate My First Gator! Cottonmouth sighting🐍, Houmas House & Gardens Visit, Fontainebleau State Park

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rickstevens1479
    @rickstevens1479 5 годин тому +4

    Dogs love people , more than we deserve . They make life far more interesting.. even when pets can break your heart when they're gone ...😮😊great story telling Marie ..

  • @theeldritchfox
    @theeldritchfox 12 годин тому +15

    It's always a good day when you get to end it making friends with some cats! I bet those handsome fellows were very happy to meet you.

    • @drewc9947
      @drewc9947 6 годин тому +1

      In Louisiana, they are "minou"

  • @PeteO-v4y
    @PeteO-v4y 12 годин тому +10

    Another great video Marie! Keep your eyes open for mustang's!

  • @garyemagee7177
    @garyemagee7177 10 годин тому +7

    Marie was in Ponchatoula and Covington !!!
    That's in my area.
    And as usual, she created another great video .

  • @iambecomepaul
    @iambecomepaul 8 годин тому +4

    Such a sweetheart for taking us along on your journey and showing us Marie’s America. ❤

  • @StMyles
    @StMyles 4 години тому +2

    Thanks for sharing your adventure.

  • @bradleycegelsk804
    @bradleycegelsk804 12 годин тому +9

    This is one super awesome video that you have given us!!! I need to watch it again. Because, there is so much cool stuff in it.❤

  • @wolflobo3624
    @wolflobo3624 10 годин тому +5

    Feed one kitty and you gotta feed them all 😄. Great video, my Dad lived near New Orleans when he was just a little kid. He said he would fish the Mississippi river with a friend on a boat. He said the water was very clear and you could catch a fish with nothing but a bottle cap for a lure....not sure if he was exaggerating or not, but I have a pic of him and his friend and the boat captain that would take them out. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us Marie!

  • @richardlukesh5807
    @richardlukesh5807 53 хвилини тому +2

    In the 1994 movie INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt played vampires living in 1700s French Louisiana. 🧛⚜

  • @winstonsmith8441
    @winstonsmith8441 10 годин тому +3

    Marie in Covington, my hometown. What a blast!!

  • @gregcrawley2668
    @gregcrawley2668 11 годин тому +4

    That house was so beautiful. I've never ate gator but it looked so good. Great video.😊

  • @JuniorJr_23
    @JuniorJr_23 12 годин тому +8

    Wow, another amazing video Marie. I ate gator a long time ago and forgot how it tasted.

    • @michaeldavid6284
      @michaeldavid6284 7 годин тому

      Tastes like chicken. A huge, scaly one with massive jaws and teeth.

  • @aaronmurphy1485
    @aaronmurphy1485 7 годин тому +2

    It looks so beautiful there, I really need to visit! I'm glad you're having fun there Marie! I like fried gator too, it's tasty!

  • @Seanriver316
    @Seanriver316 6 годин тому +1

    Those dogs were so cute!❤

  • @SherriLyle80s
    @SherriLyle80s 10 годин тому +4

    14:00 yep he's right. My late grandpa lived in Akers and always had a cup of red wine in a Styrofoam cup while driving 😂

    • @jimmyb.6272
      @jimmyb.6272 10 годин тому

      It’s illegal

    • @jishani1
      @jishani1 4 години тому

      ​@jimmyb.6272 considering they prefaced it with "late grandpa," I don't think he has to worry about the legality of it anymore.

  • @jimcrawford3221
    @jimcrawford3221 7 годин тому +1

    I grew up in south Louisiana. We weren't farmers but we saw a lot of fields. One popular cane used to be Purple Ribbon Sugarcane. It was larger in diameter and, of course, had a purple stalk. As a kid I loved chewing it. I moved in the early 80s. During my trips to Baton Rouge during the last few decades I've noticed changes in type of cane. It's much thinner. A lot of research goes into sugarcane production so there must be some advantages to the new cane. It also doesn't seem to grow as tall. I see they use tractors that have a tall (maybe 5 or 6 feet) clearance so they can tend the fields without bending over the cane.

  • @paulalexandredumasseauvan2357
    @paulalexandredumasseauvan2357 12 годин тому +10

    THANK YOU 🙏 for working SO HARD to give us such GREAT VIDEOS! 😁 really enjoy seeing your adventures! 👍☺

  • @formergoat
    @formergoat 4 години тому

    Awesome, I live about 20 minutes from Houmas House.

  • @davidsartin5708
    @davidsartin5708 11 годин тому +4

    BRAVO! Thank you, Miss Marie, for sharing. Stay safe and most of all, have fun. 🤠 " 😋 Gator Good..."🤗

  • @MrYoup11
    @MrYoup11 11 годин тому +1

    Bon Jour Mustang Mary, Merci for another wonderful video.

  • @StMyles
    @StMyles 11 годин тому +1

    Nice review of your past trip.. Thanks for sharing the adventure.

  • @AgentPepsi1
    @AgentPepsi1 8 годин тому +4

    I love your trip to the deep south!!

  • @LotsofWhatever
    @LotsofWhatever 8 годин тому +1

    Ahhhhh, Community Coffee

  • @MrPhooey442
    @MrPhooey442 11 годин тому +2

    I used to jog the hiking trail at Fontainebleau State Park a few times a week. End the jog by jumping into the lake. Got chased by a large hog out there once lol.

  • @lyonsgreg
    @lyonsgreg 11 годин тому +1

    thanks Marie!

  • @a00141799
    @a00141799 11 годин тому +8

    My God, nobody makes better videos than you Marie. I am a proud Patreon of your channel. You must have some training in videography, photography lol.. something. All of your videos look professionally produced. Can't believe that you don't have a million subscribers. Someday you will. ♥ Rich and Mila in Seattle. ♥

  • @Marcus-p5i5s
    @Marcus-p5i5s 12 годин тому +3

    Yay! More videos. What great time and wonderful scenery

  • @RanManRaider
    @RanManRaider 3 години тому

    "Hey" Marie ! Hope ya doing super.
    Excellent video. I truly enjoy ya videos whilst ya visit the USA. It's like exploring right along with ya and I enjoy the heck outta it. Well done !
    Have fun and be safe. :)

  • @kylesummers1565
    @kylesummers1565 9 годин тому

    Peace, Love!!

  • @davidw7218
    @davidw7218 10 годин тому

    had to laugh at the cats showing up after dinner. they organized and sent one to determine if you were friendly. They all came out once there was no threat.

  • @jeffreyrichard2575
    @jeffreyrichard2575 11 годин тому

    Nice episode
    Glad you are getting to enjoy so much of the USA

  • @keithm9966
    @keithm9966 12 годин тому +1

    Great video! Really like many of the sculptures! 😬Sorry to hear you crashed your drone! I hope you are able to fix it - so many great views from it. Stay clear of them snakes! Some pretty cool new tees too! 🐺:0)

  • @aliwantizu
    @aliwantizu 31 хвилина тому +1

    Bonjour Marie! Gator is fine, nothing crazy about it, it's just "basic meat," lol! Glad you got to try it and boudin, still hoping to see you try crawfish/crawdads like right form a bucket!, that is a Louisiana specialty! Hope you are doing well back over in France. BTW, I've noticed that with all of your time spent in the US that your accent is definitely fading and your pronunciations are more "Americanized." Bonne journee! ~Be Blessed

  • @michaelbennett9663
    @michaelbennett9663 10 годин тому

    Marie therez plantations all over South Louisiana.Avery Island La- hot sauce plant and plantation, Jefferson Davis home in Biloxi, Mississippi,

  • @SixerIverson04
    @SixerIverson04 12 годин тому +2

    Kain tayo Marie!

  • @radioflyer68911
    @radioflyer68911 12 годин тому +3

    That’s the same coffee I drink.

  • @bishlap
    @bishlap 10 годин тому

    what did u expect in GATA TERRITORY 🤩🤩 I love women like this, so rare, like a Diamond... willing to give life a real try. God Bless, Marie.

  • @FreezyAbitKT7A
    @FreezyAbitKT7A 12 годин тому +3

    Peacocks and hens can mate with turkeys

  • @jimcathcart5116
    @jimcathcart5116 8 годин тому

    It’s 40 miles across that lake

  • @RCTPatriot75
    @RCTPatriot75 12 годин тому +4

    Love me some fried gator.

  • @Blaydedge
    @Blaydedge 2 години тому

    You ate some gator and liked it! Good for you. It's much better that way than the reverse... 😁

  • @AW11-e4h
    @AW11-e4h 11 годин тому +1

    That was a no no snake ✌️

  • @kennethswartz8252
    @kennethswartz8252 11 годин тому

    Kind of reminds me of the Henry Clay estate tour we did as a field trip in Elementary school. KY not LA, same vibes with guides and stuff. Although we went on a bus ride to view the Painted Horse sculptures around Lexington. Although the horse sculptures tour l could have been added with another field trip to a Thourobred farm, wild thing to pet a million dollars basically, because of its sperm in retrospect.

    @ALLGODSDIE49 11 годин тому +1

    Love from Tennessee! Another great video.

  • @denisehaukkala9742
    @denisehaukkala9742 9 годин тому

    I liken gator to pork with a river flavor. In the same way frogs legs are like chicken wings with a slight river flavor.

  • @mikes3827
    @mikes3827 4 години тому +1

    "Frenchie", even though I'm from the Boston area and love New England, one other place in the US that I I've always been smitten with is much of Louisiana, especially Cajun country, the Bayou, THE FOOD, etc. Or driving along the causeway across magnificent Lake Pontchartrain, which is so big and prone to having ocean-like waves that it can appear to resemble the ocean. And as my father is a retired architect, the French-influenced buildings in a semi-tropical location such as New Orleans just soothes my soul.
    the ONLY drawback for me is the humidity. I DETEST humidity, so chances are you'll never catch me in any of those locations in the summer, but again, there is soooooo much to take in and enjoy, that it's hard to stay away for long, IMO. Anyway, glad you are enjoying yourself in Louisiana, and in America as a whole. You're a joy to watch 😉

  • @user-David-Alan
    @user-David-Alan 10 годин тому

    What a cool place and experience. Did you know sometimes when you speak you have no accent and sound like an American. I don't know if that is good or bad. Just amazing. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and maybe have some snow. We won't have any here in Florida. Stay well and be safe.

  • @KLRBugeater
    @KLRBugeater 9 годин тому +1

    $1 million in 1958 in Louisiana. Compare: Average tiny 2 bedroom house in 1958 Los Angeles, California = about $8,500.00. So $1 million in Louisiana?, holy crap!

  • @Tbone1492
    @Tbone1492 3 години тому

    I love Marie. We need to adopt you as a French American🙏

  • @yes_i_am_THAT_michael_taylor
    @yes_i_am_THAT_michael_taylor 8 годин тому

    In my house, when you start petting one cat, the others will come over for some, too... And my neighbor's cats will also come over if they see you.

  • @laynecox3992
    @laynecox3992 10 годин тому

    Hello from the Middle Peninsula area of Virginia.

  • @williambranch4283
    @williambranch4283 11 годин тому +1

    I have eaten gator. Reminded me of shark. Something prehistoric about both tastes.

    • @boroblueyes
      @boroblueyes 8 годин тому +1

      Swordfish is very similar.

  • @davidneel8327
    @davidneel8327 10 годин тому

    You need to visit Ohio. Lots to see and do. If the wind is up there are big waves on Lake Erie.

  • @kylesummers1565
    @kylesummers1565 9 годин тому

    I have to get that sign..."If the dog is bothering you, I can give you a treat and put you outside".

  • @williamscoggin1509
    @williamscoggin1509 12 годин тому +1

    You be very careful and watch for snakes don't be looking up while you're walking forward, always check the ground especially for small ones you might miss.

  • @carolmartin4413
    @carolmartin4413 11 годин тому +1

    Everyone must visit NOLA at least once in their lives.

  • @lilykep
    @lilykep 8 годин тому

    Straw out AND tape over top covering the straw hole. That's closed container. If there is no tape it's still open container.

  • @MacGuffinExMachina
    @MacGuffinExMachina 12 годин тому +5

    Fried alligator is good, but I like it best in a sauce piquant. Grilled or barbecued is good too. Frying it kinda hides the flavor, but I always thought it was like an aquatic chicken. Tastes like it's from the water, but not super fishy.

  • @cranberrylangers3095
    @cranberrylangers3095 12 годин тому

    You played the siren song of food, so the cats came.

  • @allenzophy4262
    @allenzophy4262 4 години тому

    What did you think of gator? I think it's just OK. I've also never had a snake I thought was all that good, but I've only eaten them while camping. Maybe I could have cooked them better at home. Anyway I'm glad you're enjoying the United States. If you can come see the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. One of my favorite places. It's beautiful

  • @Wiley_Coyote
    @Wiley_Coyote 10 годин тому

    Gator is good in fried form. Not so much in other preparations.

  • @exothermal.sprocket
    @exothermal.sprocket 9 годин тому

    22:40 I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat!!

  • @Marcus-p5i5s
    @Marcus-p5i5s 11 годин тому

    what model drone do you use?

  • @robertfindley921
    @robertfindley921 8 годин тому

    I've eaten alligator. Very soft and a bit fishy. It's edible, but I'm not a big fan. I'll add it to my apocalypse survival food along with dandelion greens.

  • @marcbates3663
    @marcbates3663 8 годин тому

    The antiques he bought for the house, not what he already had, I was told he paid 29 million dollars for. I befriended a tour guide and she told me.

  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 10 годин тому

    Due heavy fog multi car accident on the Lake Pontchartrain bridge.

  • @Jay123hollis
    @Jay123hollis 12 годин тому +1

    You are so pretty.

  • @jakemonster001
    @jakemonster001 3 години тому

    Where did you like better Marie? Tennessee or Louisiana?

  • @brealistic3542
    @brealistic3542 11 годин тому

    Did you go to one of the " Pick our own Gator" restaurants, where you get to pick the one you want to eat Marie ?🤔

  • @hardtackbeans9790
    @hardtackbeans9790 7 годин тому

    What did you do to your arm? Alligator wrestling no doubt. 😂

    • @FrenchTasticExplorations
      @FrenchTasticExplorations  Годину тому

      Haha I wish the story was that great! In an earlier video I showed it and mentioned I fought…a door.

  • @brianstephenson8201
    @brianstephenson8201 5 годин тому +1

    Chimes is like 10 minutes from me. Should have gone with the grilled gator tho, so much better.

  • @jishani1
    @jishani1 4 години тому

    It's always a struggle getting people to try alligator, but I've never had anyone dislike it once they get over the strangeness of the idea. Aside from deep fried as nuggets, it's good blackened as well. Blackened alligator tacos are great.

  • @jojogivens7475
    @jojogivens7475 12 годин тому +1

    You need to visit Grand Isle and Golden Meadow. All along bayou LaFourche.

  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 10 годин тому +1


  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 10 годин тому

    I have visited many old Southern mansions over the years. I strongly advise you visiting George Washington’s Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. I have visited low country plantations. They are old & impressive. There is the elephant in the room. All those plantations ran upon slave labor both in the House and in the fields. This makes me feel more than a little sad.
    Because of both the Spanish & French rule Louisiana had a slightly different form of slavery that the rest of the South.

  • @BernadetteResnik
    @BernadetteResnik 11 годин тому

    Unfortunately, it's very difficult and expensive to live a travel life with a dog.

  • @jimmyb.6272
    @jimmyb.6272 10 годин тому

    Open containers are highly illegal, straw or no straw, and it is strongly enforced. I’ve never heard of ANYWHERE in the United States that allows open containers in a car.

    • @Adiscretefirm
      @Adiscretefirm 10 годин тому

      I don't know what the current law is there, but I do remember buying to go drinks at a drive thru liquor store with a little paper wrapper left on the straw because it wasn't an open container until you could drink out of it

    • @dannysurlebayou2767
      @dannysurlebayou2767 10 годин тому +2

      Believe it or not, in Louisiana it's completely legal to possess frozen alcoholic beverages in the car as long as it's “sealed.” This means: The lid is on the cup. There is no straw protruding from the lid or the open mouth of the cup. Our entire state has unique laws regarding alcohol sales and public possession of alcohol, so much so that we do not meet TEA-21 compliance like many other states.

  • @Adiscretefirm
    @Adiscretefirm 10 годин тому

    Fried gator is for tourists

  • @jreyman
    @jreyman Годину тому

    The value of $1,000,000 in 1858 is worth $38,474,756.10, today (12/19/2024-US).

  • @radioflyer68911
    @radioflyer68911 11 годин тому

    A cat eating a gator. That doesn’t happen everyday.

  • @Marcus-p5i5s
    @Marcus-p5i5s 12 годин тому

    more vitamin C makes your skin harder to bruise...

  • @hartplanet356
    @hartplanet356 11 годин тому

    Houmas House pronounced who-mz ?

    • @barnabydodd8956
      @barnabydodd8956 5 годин тому

      I don’t know, but there’s a city nearby called Houma that is pronounced “home-uh”

  • @betsyduane3461
    @betsyduane3461 9 годин тому +1

    The only relative you can choose is a dog? I'm pretty sure you can pick your wife or husband.

  • @RiRi-df9jt
    @RiRi-df9jt 12 годин тому +2


  • @rnash999
    @rnash999 5 годин тому

    Where did she come up with those average heights? I seriously doubt women were that short then.

    • @dannysurlebayou2767
      @dannysurlebayou2767 4 години тому

      Data on height comes from skeletal measurements, logs, journals and photographs. During the Antebellum period, people were on average smaller than people today. This was due to deficiencies in nutrition, disease and shortened life expectancy.

  • @themrjim1953
    @themrjim1953 2 години тому

    Stay in France , this country will not be safe for anyone starting in January, be safe

  • @Wayne-v3k
    @Wayne-v3k 7 годин тому

    Eat the gator before he eats you

  • @marksmith4892
    @marksmith4892 11 годин тому

    I don't really see alligator as disgusting. Catfish are more ugly really.

  • @betsyduane3461
    @betsyduane3461 8 годин тому +1

    Not one mention of all the salves forced to work there.

    • @matthewmosier8439
      @matthewmosier8439 6 годин тому

      Well, there are many around the world, as we speak, which is sad. If only modern day issues with it were focused on, instead of just the past issues.
      That's my two cents

  • @johnb6168
    @johnb6168 11 годин тому

    I'd take the Southern Western deserts over this any day!

  • @jimmyb.6272
    @jimmyb.6272 11 годин тому

    It’s so weird that they have a statue of Abraham Lincoln there since this is a plantation house that had hundreds of slaves.

  • @patandthecats5983
    @patandthecats5983 8 годин тому

    Disgusting dogs don't belong in restaurants.

    • @boroblueyes
      @boroblueyes 8 годин тому

      Good we don't have to worry about seeing you there then.

  • @calebwilliams7659
    @calebwilliams7659 9 годин тому

    You're braver than I am. I'm an American and there are several foods that Southerners eat I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

  • @jamescox2822
    @jamescox2822 11 годин тому

    If this young lady does not go down to The quarter she just wasted the whole trip