i imagined doing this daily after 8 years on the nose grinder. i now work at a state park and couldnt be happier. away from people, i see nature every day and all of its beautiful creatures. (some not so much lmao) i am a hunter. dont mistake my comment for supporting PETA. i just respect my environment and the food given to me as a result.
the salesman did a wonderful job acting this scene, from the mocking and rudeness to the end where he's lying on the floor wailing like an injured dog.
I really agree with this, I wonder how many takes this scene took between both actors performances, the guy had to fluctuate the pitch of his voice multiple times and fake laugh the whole time while thinking about the morbid situation of somebody having a hot iron pressed against their face, and on top of that fake the pain accurately. Some actors are just cut from a different cloth.
I find that series like these have loads of great actors. Hidden gems really. Sopranos is great example. It's a shame the really good actors like this don't get the push. Guy was on point. Seem like one of them guys thet just has the balls to stand Infront of everyone and kill any role.
@@bloodisfrightening1203 It was an old mafia trick of hiding bodies, when they buried people blood would seep up through the soil and alert people of what was there. So they’d use limestone powder and pour it over the body as it would absorb the blood and keep the body hidden.
For anyone who’s worked in similar fields and professions, they’ll know that when someone snaps like this in the real world, this kind of fury was years in the making.
We saw a guy lose it like this and he attached a deers head to a stick and ran around the warehouse yard waving it at people. He had cancer and the staff were tresting him like dirt.
@@jingbot1071 that implication doesn't make sense. This is a youtube video comment section, people do not comment here because they think that anyone in particular cares, it is just a place where you dump your thoughts and let the people who read the comment section decide whether they care or not about what you wrote. Asking "who cares" as a means to undermine the relevance of any given comment in a comment section subverts itself (and displays the adressed lack of selfawareness), as it requires the individual's, who seeks to undermine the relevance, a priori to care enough to write actual comment.
There are many brilliant actors too many to name, but Kevin Costner, Daniel Day Lewis, Clifton Gonzalez, Ethan Hawke, Forrest Whitaker and James Madison are some of my favourites. I always pondered before and wonder if others have though about this. Can anyone name 10 great actresses in the last 50 years? Kathy Bates I think is so underrated. Charlize Theron, Sigourney Weaver, Jamie Lee Curtis have had some great roles in movies, but we can sit there and name at least 30 great male actors, but females is tougher. Maybe its just me.
@@howardsend6589 exactly, I think he's rightly appreciated for his role in this series. He was pretty bad in Superman though. He seems quite 1-dimensional.
I feel like people are underestimating the power of his sales pitch. I would buy this mans entire inventory if it meant not having my face permanently scarred and my house destroyed. Fear can be quite the powerful motivator.
He also expertly demonstrated the fantastic amount of heat his product can produce, consistently, and in almost no time as well. If this iron can melt through the tough dermal tissue layers of an adult male’s stupid, bitch face with such ease than your clothes most stubborn wrinkles and creases stand no chance.
@@theinsolentlynx that was said yes, but before that the line "George, George, be reasonable" was said , I don't remember if it was the same character though
I haven't watched the show so I'm not sure exactly what the guy did, but if all he did was make fun of him a little bit, he didn't deserve to have his face burned with an iron.
@@hypnos9336make fun a little bit? Dude was acting like a prick and insulting him in front of all his colleagues, and most importantly managed to bring his wife into it. Pretty sure that this kind of acting wasn't one isolated instance, so he really had it coming.
Anyone a mile away can tell George is a ticking time bomb. Mess with the bull, gonna get the horns. I think we have all felt this way at some time during our lives. He throws that typewriter down like he means it, go George.
@@fredley33 Not a psychopath,but I appreciate your compliment 😉...the closer you are to being one the chances of you being successful and powerful are bigger
Yup, because words are worth ending up in prison over. People understand they're portraying a psychopath and people are justifying what he's doing. LOL
He wasn't exactly fighting back, it's not like that guy was attacking him physically, he was just annoying him. A better response would have been for Nelson to destroy him with his words rather than the iron.
@@D33Lux I'm not one of those guys who looks at a nutjob character and think "wow I want to be like him" just more in the way of "heh yeah I wanted to do that once or twice its kinda cathartic to see it in fiction"
@@rsfilmdiscussionchannel4168 If you've ever been on the receiving end of bullying and can't fight with words sometimes you want to use violence. Doubt the other guy would have known he was burned unless it was physically.
Michael Shannon is such an incredible actor. Definitely deserved an emmy for this character, Van Alden was one of the best parts of the show and had a super interesting character arc.
As a rule, a civilized man is far more discourteus than a barbarian because he dosent have to worry about getting his head split with an axe Robert E Howard
@@chrisperrien7055 Colt sold his weapons to both sides of the civil war, becoming rich with the blood of soldiers. I wouldn't take what he had to say as words of wisdom.
That little maniacal smile he gives there at the end is priceless. This is where Nelson gets his first taste of dominance, power, and violence. A big turning point in his character.
@@danieldevito6380 Did you? Because up until this point he had been broken and cut off at every possible avenue. He had enough to bust Nucky in the first season but his boss told him no. Then when he got a new boss he almost busted Nucky again but his crime against his partner caught up to him. He had been utterly defeated and had given up. Then after this he started being more assertive.
Van Alden has usually been one to have his emotions in check and remain somewhat rational in a tense situation, but here he is a savage. His coworkers could not have picked the worst person to joke around with like that.
The scary part is that there is mentally unstable people like that in the world. I always tell everyone don't go looking for trouble. That's why I NEVER get into altercations in public because you NEVER know who you're crossing, they could be a psychopath. I had many friends who were killed, some survived but with physical and mental scars. I tell friends don't get into fights in public, what are you trying to prove. If you have such a small ego then go to a boxing gym and have some guy knock your head around a while and see if you like it, but at least you're in a safe environment with rules. On the street its about survival, its not a fucking boxing ring. I don't start fights because I know I don't play by the rules and I walk away or apologize some may think that's cowardice, but I have extreme discipline because I know I'm capable of hurting someone severely even with weapons and I don't wish to live with hurting someone in this point of my life. An apology is easier than washing blood off your hands, and it may be your own blood.
Nelson Van Alden had probably one of my FAVORITE character arcs in this entire show (which is, in part, thanks to Michael Shannon’s incredible portrayal of him).
@@Maw0 I also really liked how they portrayed Al Capone on the show and sorta humanized him while also not shying away from some of the ugliness he was engaged in.
a Hausfrau or a Willy Loman manages to get an answer, the secretary telling them to call back while the background's full of sirens and that guy continuing to wail
People who say that are always the sort of chumps who work dead-end jobs in retail with no real future to speak of while their wives sneak off to get gangbanged because their husbands are always limp and can't satisfy them and their kids will grow up to be just as big of losers as they are. Precisely like the sort of hopeless toad you are.
@@UMOGrunt no OMITTING as is in not laughing with the rest of them, though he didn't show signs of anger either, even though he was obviously pissed as hell.
I would have done the same thing like let me demonstrate on your face if you wanna make such a joke out of it. See how it works, works on any surface 😂😂😂
Michael Shannon is just the best there is for this kind of role. The whole cast of Boardwalk Empire is exceptional. And it gets better and better with each successive season. Stephen Graham is the best Capone ever, seriously. Jack Huston as the maimed WWI soldier, Michael Kenneth Williams as Chalky, Bobby Canavalle as Rosetti and Michael Stuhlbarg (A Serious Man) as Rothstein, it's just an exceptional work in film. The first two seasons are pretty dark but then it just gets so good. Enjoy!
Michael Stuhlberg is just something else. Rothstein is simply terrifying, he's one of the scariest characters I've seen on television. He remains so calm and articulate, while being extremely dangerous. He was Homelander before Homelander.
@@juanjoyaborja.3054 You might enjoy "A Serious Man" in which Stuhlbarg plays a Jewish man trying to find the meaning for his life's issues. It's a great film.
Shannon is amazing. LOVE that almost twitch of a one-sided smile at the end when he looked at the crowd hiding in the other room. It was just a hint of "yes, now you all know how this works when it goes too far."
When someone tells you they "haven't been their best" and haven't been sleeping, perhaps you should take that cue to either give them some slack or leave them alone.
@@cringelord1809 is spot on... don't forget the context of cultural norms in the era. There was no such thing as teasing about somebody's spouse - if you went there, it was immediately expected that you'd get your jaw broken or worse. This dude got off lucky... he publicly asserted this guy could not screw and his wife needed a sex toy. That's the type of provocation that gets you unalive, to this day. Bullies always think they're "just teasing" but no - they're sociopaths we temporarily tolerate, but when they go too far yes indeed we give them a permanent sign to warn all others. A scarlet letter one could perhaps say... or "poked angry bear too many times and got bit, as was guaranteed to happen eventually". They act shocked when their victim suddenly strikes back, and not just for that one insult but for all of them. That's how it works... compounding interest is a real PITA bullies... heads up, or heads off :D
A condecorated officer decides he had enought of his partner, and as a christian he decides to keep it real. From being a respected federal agent to ironing a man's face out. When keeping it real goes wrong.
I burned my hand BADLY on an old timey wood burning stove. The most unrealistic part of this is the noise should be louder when he pulls the iron way since it made contact so long, skin makes a seal around whats melting it =\
Was me in high school. Was bullied for a while in freshman year by a group of bullies before one day they wanted to film their antics and I snapped. I remember glimpses of it but I only remember the aftermath of the kid in the hospital with a lot of injuries and a permanent disability due to the fight we had. I had a small scratch or two. I was suspended for a few weeks but not expelled as my family had legal pressure against the school administration when it was found it was because of bullying that I snapped. Was never touched since, and overall got good grades and made a few friends, some of whom I'm still close with over a decade and a half later today and game with.
@Ninjamohawk Yep. Friends and family 100% knew my position with what happened and sided with me even if I was a bit....brutish apparently. Still...life worked out all things considered. I did have anger issues for a long while but have since kept them in check very strongly.
@@Shyvorix I have had to deal with anger issues myself but I think mine wasn't from me being bullied at school, it was from feeling helpless to do anything about my step dad's physical abuse.
Yeah in highschool I was in a magnet school, most of my cousins are in gangs so I was the quiet weird kid and was afraid someone wrong would find out my family connections. I got jumped one day, fought back, got a decent name for myself as being scrappy. Best part is my dad forced me into MMA as a kid, it was maybe 10 years of training before I got to actually be in a scenario where it was useful. I kicked a guy in the thigh, he couldn't move right the whole day and the other guy tried to tackle me but I wrapped his neck and place his head behind me as I fell backwards onto his head, it's the only time I've K.O. someone and I thought he was dead (He woke up minutes later). Such a wild school, saw people get jumped, stabbed, shot, kidnapped, fight with their P.O., gang violence every day. The guys you fought one day would be having your back during a rival invasion the next. It was a magnet school in San Pedro, CA and it was right across the Thompson Bridge from Long Beach, almost weekly we'd have young gang members from that side come to our side and start fights (it was reversed too of course) if you weren't in a gang you clicked up with those at your school. You'd have racist white/brown/black people fighting together against an all latino gang some days. Thanks for the memories I forgot so much of that hahahaha. I am now a medical assistant that helps heal people, after all that I saw I just wanted to help heal wounds.
@IOwnTheSpire You're full of shit. image it was women doing that to him and he reacted like that.. you would have lost your way and spouting some bullshit about HIM not able to control himself. But since it's a male, somehow in your dumfuck head, it's just OK to hit/slap/burn in this particular case.
Pudgy was just too obnoxious and loud with his joking . Pudgy didn't understand the dictum , a little goes a long way. Stuff like this evolves into in your face bullying. I have never seen this but I have seen people like Pudgy take it too far and get a come uppance !
What made it real for me, was that tiny crooked half smile of contempt on George's face when he realizes the man is lying on the floor, crying like the little baby he really is.
The look at 2:33- both despair and anger- despair from all the shit happened to him, and the anger that the fools around can't see his pain, taking advantage of his calmness. I know the feeling, it's really heartbreaking.
The camera shot with the tight close-ups of people laughing at him was very reminiscent of that scene from The Sopranos when Christofuh is taken aback by how his "friends" are all laughing at him. It seemed like it was in that moment that he realised his associates and "family" weren't really his friends. Kinda heartbreaking despite the fact that the character is a scumbag.
At the end, Phil is not just bawling over the pain. He's bawling over the horrifying disfigurement of his smooth, chubby baby face - one of his prime selling assets. And even worse, over the death of his absolute social certainty: the conviction that no matter how far he pushed it - such as by waving a red flag at a bull again and again and AGAIN - he could always smile and wink and chortle his way out of the hole he'd dug for himself. You can see how the guys just love him for his special kind of magic, and how they wish they had that ability to kick somebody when he's down and make everybody laugh along with him. Looks like they might not be laughing so loud any more, and he might not be kicking down so much.
I suspect there is probably a long line of people from his past who would have loved to put that iron to him. He seems like a smug toadie who probably always had a school bully or boss at his back while mocking people. Karma.
I love seeing the look on such faces when these realize the guts sustaining them are perforated. No eunuch, no, WORM, you aren't "Sigma". Wail for me, you fat turd.
These commenters are pussies, its fiction. You see a man get pushed to the brink and he pushes back. A good punch to the face would have been more appropriate but yeah it was satisfying to see this make believe man hulk out. Bitch boys can report away.
for some reason, the arm swing at 02:57-02:58 always gets me. the slight smirk at 03:41-03:43 also shows that only michael shannon could have played this particular role.
Was he? He was a deeply repressed religious nutjob who whipped himself, who had absolutely no impulse control and murdered his partner for no reason and cheated on his wife and got another woman pregnant, then didn't tell his wife even after the baby was born.
No he wasn't he murdered a guy, cheated on his wife, got the girl pregnant and made her stay locked up her entire pregnancy to protect himself. He was very much as bad as the rest of them but this scene was cathartic those bullies were duchebags
That is what makes him so interesting IMO, an insane , violent man, trying to lie to himself, deny his Nature, he is not Nelson van alden, the cheater and murderer he is mueller , a calm person, until he isnt.
Van Alden became because of the sistem .He wanted to capture the criminals and to capture guys like Thompson and Capone you need people like him .But the bureau was controlled by people like Nucky ,commodore or other politicians and they need the hoodlums people like Capone or Luciano .Van Alden wanted to capture Nucky but his supervisor and his partner were corrupt and when he found out for him it was late.He murdered his partner .He tried to save a woman he cared even though she was a complete bitch and even married Nucky for money and fucked Nucky up by turning his Land into a hospital and fucking his soldier.He then fucked a showgirl which used to fuck Nucky and she bought him a kid .Van Alden became my third favourite character
Man: "George, George, be reasonable!"
"It was just a gag!"
@@WhoopsieDayZ Oh my god someone really says that!!! :D XD this is great.
He said that before he was gunned down in the alley too
"It's just prank bro."
For anyone who just hates their office job and can't stand the people they work with, this is a fantastic scene.
Nearly everyone then
He put the iron on that guys face for all us working stiffs! I stood up and cheered!
I hate everybody, no exception.
And yes, it is!
i imagined doing this daily after 8 years on the nose grinder. i now work at a state park and couldnt be happier.
away from people, i see nature every day and all of its beautiful creatures. (some not so much lmao) i am a hunter. dont mistake my comment for supporting PETA. i just respect my environment and the food given to me as a result.
@@brianmunich553 after being a kitchen bitch for 10+ years having an office job is nice. I sit on my ass a lot
the salesman did a wonderful job acting this scene, from the mocking and rudeness to the end where he's lying on the floor wailing like an injured dog.
I really agree with this, I wonder how many takes this scene took between both actors performances, the guy had to fluctuate the pitch of his voice multiple times and fake laugh the whole time while thinking about the morbid situation of somebody having a hot iron pressed against their face, and on top of that fake the pain accurately. Some actors are just cut from a different cloth.
Yep and by the end of it was a blithering mess on the floor.
Injured pig really.
I find that series like these have loads of great actors. Hidden gems really.
Sopranos is great example.
It's a shame the really good actors like this don't get the push.
Guy was on point. Seem like one of them guys thet just has the balls to stand Infront of everyone and kill any role.
Honestly, great job. I hope he got noticed for this.
As a former sales person, this scene brings me such joy
As a current salesperson this scene brings me a lot of peace
@@RealNomadicus got a solar job rn, this is like every morning meeting LMAO
It is amazing how many job superiors AND customers think they're diety and believe they can mistreat anyone as they please, isn't it?
This is so beautiful
There's actually a part 2 where the office dudes try to jump him in an alley in revenge only for him to put a 45acp into each of their heads.
"I'm not feeling my best, Mr. Gulliver. I haven't been sleeping."
If someone says this in a monotone voice with dead eyes, don't mess with them.
That’s a guy that 100% keeps a shovel and limestone in the back of his car.
@@keirantalent If you worked with these people, wouldn't you?
To be honest, it took him quite a bit snap
@@keirantalentI’m sorry but I’ve never heard this expression. I’m just wondering what limestone means in it.
@@bloodisfrightening1203 It was an old mafia trick of hiding bodies, when they buried people blood would seep up through the soil and alert people of what was there. So they’d use limestone powder and pour it over the body as it would absorb the blood and keep the body hidden.
"My name is George Mueller. But you're about to meet General Zod."
“Release the World Engine!”
Thanks! Was Wondering where I'd seen him before
@@doctoreggman21 Doctor Eggman!
An extreme closeup montage of people laughing is always bad news...you know somebody's about to fuck shit up.
Like Chris in the sopranos lmao
What montage are you talking about? Time to check the dictionary homie
slow motion no less
There's no basement at the Alamo!
"I misspoke. I'm sorry." The delivery and the look on his face gets me every time
I think that's the moment when deep down he's decided how this is probably going to play out.
So good lol
The look on his face was like dude I'm gonna knock the shit out of you lol proceeds to take an iron to his face
Started reaching his boiling point
@@14isoldenough you could really see he was steaming.
For anyone who’s worked in similar fields and professions, they’ll know that when someone snaps like this in the real world, this kind of fury was years in the making.
No they wont, the years of ignorance are the making, and they'll never be understood or even vindicated
@@herbertmoon998so have you met any catholic, Jewish, homosexuals yet, Mr moon?
We saw a guy lose it like this and he attached a deers head to a stick and ran around the warehouse yard waving it at people. He had cancer and the staff were tresting him like dirt.
Well, with van Alden it wasn't, he was just plain psycho from the start
Love the analogy between the iron heating up and Nelson's patience reaching its limit, just brilliantly done
It is symbolism not an analogy
@@xhawkenx633 Who cares
@@JosephMadder get some self awareness lol
@@xhawkenx633 Follow your own advice.
@@jingbot1071 that implication doesn't make sense.
This is a youtube video comment section, people do not comment here because they think that anyone in particular cares, it is just a place where you dump your thoughts and let the people who read the comment section decide whether they care or not about what you wrote.
Asking "who cares" as a means to undermine the relevance of any given comment in a comment section subverts itself (and displays the adressed lack of selfawareness), as it requires the individual's, who seeks to undermine the relevance, a priori to care enough to write actual comment.
Michael Shannon is one of the most under appreciated actors of our generation.
There are many brilliant actors too many to name, but Kevin Costner, Daniel Day Lewis, Clifton Gonzalez, Ethan Hawke, Forrest Whitaker and James Madison are some of my favourites. I always pondered before and wonder if others have though about this. Can anyone name 10 great actresses in the last 50 years? Kathy Bates I think is so underrated. Charlize Theron, Sigourney Weaver, Jamie Lee Curtis have had some great roles in movies, but we can sit there and name at least 30 great male actors, but females is tougher. Maybe its just me.
D33Lux Kevin Costner doesn’t belong in the same category as Day-Lewis
He is appreciated. Don’t talk crap.
Hopefully in the last 8 years at some point you were able to pull your head from your @$$.
@@howardsend6589 exactly, I think he's rightly appreciated for his role in this series. He was pretty bad in Superman though. He seems quite 1-dimensional.
I feel like people are underestimating the power of his sales pitch. I would buy this mans entire inventory if it meant not having my face permanently scarred and my house destroyed. Fear can be quite the powerful motivator.
He also expertly demonstrated the fantastic amount of heat his product can produce, consistently, and in almost no time as well.
If this iron can melt through the tough dermal tissue layers of an adult male’s stupid, bitch face with such ease than your clothes most stubborn wrinkles and creases stand no chance.
"I'm not feeling my best. I haven't been sleeping"
I instantly knew someone was gonna get fucked up in this scene at that point
"George, be reasonable."
Exactly what he says when George pulls the gun on them in season 4...beautiful attention to detail.
If you say something to someone while they’re enraged, and it fails to calm them down, it probably won’t work again.
I just realized that. Great way to close the loop!!!
I believe he says “Relax”, and George smokes all three of them and says, “I am relaxed!” 😂
@@theinsolentlynx that was said yes, but before that the line "George, George, be reasonable" was said , I don't remember if it was the same character though
@@theinsolentlynxI like how you say George like it's actually his name, and not Nelson.
I've been through this a thousand times. Stupid people love to dish it out but are big babies once it comes back atound
I mean, would you be calm if you took an iron to the face?
In that jerk's very small defense, getting your face grilled with a steaming hot iron because you made annoying jokes is pretty extreme
Gotta give respect to the dude that stuck with the guy while all the other fools were hiding behind the glass.
this season was great with little details like that
@@joejohn. they have been used for that purpose, with great effect.
Don't see why.
@@joejohn. reminded me of Elliot in that one breaking bad scene lol
until he became dumb enough to decided to gang up and beat up Van Alden
I don't understand how they could ignore so many warning signs and then be shocked when he goes ballistic 😂
It is called acting I believe. 😂
@@taunteratwill1787i bet you feel really smart
@@SisypheanSeas13 I bet you feel really triggered. 😋
@@taunteratwill1787i bet your parents are siblings 😊
@@oz_jones Why do you think I'm related to you? 😋
PERKY HOUSEWIFE: "I am . . . inevitable."
VAN ALDEN: "And I . . . am . . . Ironman."
"No ma'am. This is an iron." One of the most hilarious moments in the series.
Got the quote wrong. The moment you discuss isn't even in the series.
2:06 "No, Ma'am. It's an iron."
@@mwilliamshs It got funnier later on in the scene!😂😂😂😂
@@mwilliamshs It’s gotta be sad to be this stuck up. He just missed by a few words, you knew damn well which part he was talking about
@@mwilliamshs All the best quotes are misquotes. Play it again, Sam.
"What's in the case?"
--"Yeah, press you real flat!"
As Vito Spatafore would say, "I saw THAT one coming."
+323guiltyspark *nelson walks back in and hits him in the face with iron*
+323guiltyspark Vito never sees anyone coming, not from his viewpoint *winks*.
You outta know sweetie
oh im sorry I meant to hit you in the fuckin mouth
Kudos to the actor for such convincing cries of well deserved anguish.
It's a combination of blinding nerve pain and emotional anguish over the creeping realization he's going to be disfigured for the rest of his life.
I haven't watched the show so I'm not sure exactly what the guy did, but if all he did was make fun of him a little bit, he didn't deserve to have his face burned with an iron.
@@hypnos9336F'em don't run your lip and nothin will happen to you.
@@hypnos9336yeah…he really did.
@@hypnos9336make fun a little bit? Dude was acting like a prick and insulting him in front of all his colleagues, and most importantly managed to bring his wife into it. Pretty sure that this kind of acting wasn't one isolated instance, so he really had it coming.
"What did you say your name was?"
"General Zod ma'am."
He was a crap Zod.
@@LordTalax No one could be good in those movies. Those movies were engineered by NASA scientists to induce maximum displeasure in viewers.
@@LordTalax He was a great Zod.
Anyone a mile away can tell George is a ticking time bomb. Mess with the bull, gonna get the horns. I think we have all felt this way at some time during our lives. He throws that typewriter down like he means it, go George.
Go George?
Guy has zero social skills and most of his frontal lobe is probably missing
I was expecting it to go through someone's head.
Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?
@@manco828 He gets his face ironed, we all get our faces ironed, it'll be anarchy!!!!
Biroliro é fujão.
Typical bully cries like a baby when the results of his actions come to fruition.
Waaah waaah he said mean word 😡
@@crumbopulisyou have an evil unepathetic mindset
@crumbopulis His wailing was from the iron to the cheek. It’s easy to miss.
This reaction isn’t warranted lol the guys a psycho
I didn't notice the guy yelling "Come on, it was a gag!" until the second time around. That ship has well and truly sailed, my friend.
"It's just a joke bro!" is one of those statements that should lead to instant exoneration of any murder charge.
hahaha right, like you're gonna stop a guy that ironed someone else on the face hahahaha dude, wake up! some situation awareness pleaseeeeee haha
Looks to me like the “gag” was on ol’ iron face.😂
Just like nowadays when someone says, “it’s just a prank!” Better watch it!
"It's a prank bro!"
Van Alden sold me on that iron
Thanquol180 I'll take 2 dozen!
I take two for both cheeks
Ok!!....I'll buy one!....lol😆
03:29 the sound of European ambulances!
I choked on my burger man. HHAHAHAHHHHA
I love the rage, it's like Karloff's Frankenstein. He even goes stiff legged when he tears the room apart.
+thatonedrewguy Exactly the first thing I was thinking, this man could pull a great Frankenstein's monster.
+thatonedrewguy Fire bad!
+wolfiksk123 He wouldn't even need makeup :)
Its not unlike Frankenstein's monster in the novel where his inability to fit in drives him to lash out at humanity.
Thank you, thank you. I was thinking of what great monsters he could have portrayed for Universal back in the day!
The glimpse of joy at 3:42 when he realizes how much terror he can exert over others, any time he can choose to.
Exactly,must be a beautiful and powerful feeling
@@rokanza2293 OK psychopath
@@fredley33 Not a psychopath,but I appreciate your compliment 😉...the closer you are to being one the chances of you being successful and powerful are bigger
@@rokanza2293 sorry to use the S word, but that sounds more like a societal issue than something worth bragging about
@@fredley33 Understandable but I highly disagree
Classic scene. George's eyes say it all. You messed with me for the last time.
Its funny when people make fun of you but when you fight back you're the bad guy.
Yup, because words are worth ending up in prison over. People understand they're portraying a psychopath and people are justifying what he's doing. LOL
He wasn't exactly fighting back, it's not like that guy was attacking him physically, he was just annoying him. A better response would have been for Nelson to destroy him with his words rather than the iron.
@@D33Lux I'm not one of those guys who looks at a nutjob character and think "wow I want to be like him" just more in the way of "heh yeah I wanted to do that once or twice its kinda cathartic to see it in fiction"
@@rsfilmdiscussionchannel4168 If you've ever been on the receiving end of bullying and can't fight with words sometimes you want to use violence. Doubt the other guy would have known he was burned unless it was physically.
@@amd1273 I just took issue with the wording, beyond that I agree that it was satisfying and horrifying in a good way to watch him do that.
Loved how they all backed away and screamed louder in unison when he stepped forward. Felt like a scene from a zombie outbreak movie.
Lmfao fr
Or Frankenstein
Goddamn cowards. 😂
I think watching everyone scream and cower before him was the first time he felt powerful in a very long time at this point.
The crying the guy gives off after is just Golden 💀💀💀
It sounds more like his pride had been hurt than from the pain. Albeit he is just acting.
@@Despondencymusic it sounds like Peter Griffin
@@spinlaunchglide Yes it does.
@@spinlaunchglide "Hey Lois! I jsut got smashed in the face with a burning Iron! Freakin Sweet!"
Biz that’s not a suntan Maybe some Coppertone?
Michael Shannon is such an incredible actor. Definitely deserved an emmy for this character, Van Alden was one of the best parts of the show and had a super interesting character arc.
“No mam it’s an iron” should go on a list of great quotes
As a rule, a civilized man is far more discourteus than a barbarian because he dosent have to worry about getting his head split with an axe
Robert E Howard
But "Colt made all men equal"
Howard did not know/like guns.
Watch out for civilized barbarians.
@@chrisperrien7055 Colt sold his weapons to both sides of the civil war, becoming rich with the blood of soldiers. I wouldn't take what he had to say as words of wisdom.
@@Mediados I don't know who said the quote/paraphase , I don't think it was Colt, himself.
That little maniacal smile he gives there at the end is priceless. This is where Nelson gets his first taste of dominance, power, and violence. A big turning point in his character.
Lol tf you talking about? Did you not watch Nelson in season 1?
He actually drowned his partner at a Baptism.
I think it’s more like Nelson is coming out to play after he has been hidden for so long under the George Mueller alias
Did you even watch the show?
@@danieldevito6380 Did you? Because up until this point he had been broken and cut off at every possible avenue. He had enough to bust Nucky in the first season but his boss told him no. Then when he got a new boss he almost busted Nucky again but his crime against his partner caught up to him. He had been utterly defeated and had given up. Then after this he started being more assertive.
Van Alden has usually been one to have his emotions in check and remain somewhat rational in a tense situation, but here he is a savage. His coworkers could not have picked the worst person to joke around with like that.
The scary part is that there is mentally unstable people like that in the world. I always tell everyone don't go looking for trouble. That's why I NEVER get into altercations in public because you NEVER know who you're crossing, they could be a psychopath. I had many friends who were killed, some survived but with physical and mental scars. I tell friends don't get into fights in public, what are you trying to prove. If you have such a small ego then go to a boxing gym and have some guy knock your head around a while and see if you like it, but at least you're in a safe environment with rules. On the street its about survival, its not a fucking boxing ring. I don't start fights because I know I don't play by the rules and I walk away or apologize some may think that's cowardice, but I have extreme discipline because I know I'm capable of hurting someone severely even with weapons and I don't wish to live with hurting someone in this point of my life. An apology is easier than washing blood off your hands, and it may be your own blood.
@@D33Lux I’m a bit like this but I’m more of a sociopath I just don’t act on it anymore. I did when I was younger getting in fights.
What? Lol he rages more often than anyone in this series. He’s literally hilarious. And I’m not sure he was intentionally written to be so funny.
@@Augusto_Pinochet be reasonable followed by him raging at an inanimate object is definitely meant to be comedic.
@@jay1jayf Michael Shannon really is a great actor. Very diverse acting range when you look at the other roles he’s played & slayed.
This is why you should be polite to everyone you meet.
You never know who you are speaking to.
You believe your face is safe? I WILL IRON IT!!!
+Wulfman317 hahahahaha this deserves more likes.....
LOL 🤣🤣🤣
One of the best scenes of the whole show. "No ma´m, it´s an iron."Psshhhhh. Steaming, both literally and metaphorically. Pure gold.
His locked gaze
@@EricToTheScionti They ironed out their differences, though.
The way he knods his head after "Are you maaaaarried?" is so god damn priceless.
The guy was starting to sound like Lucy. Brought back bad memories.
He's the only one there who actually loves his wife.
That’s the nod of “Someones gonna be on the floor real soon.”
@@ShadowSonic2 The lips, the teeth, the eyes, the voice. Everything about him seriously reminded Nelson of her. That really set the trigger.
Nelson Van Alden had probably one of my FAVORITE character arcs in this entire show (which is, in part, thanks to Michael Shannon’s incredible portrayal of him).
Top 3 best characters.
I also really liked how they portrayed Al Capone on the show and sorta humanized him while also not shying away from some of the ugliness he was engaged in.
A.R. was very good too.
3:45 Gulliver's seized a letter opener as the main means of defense, and all the phones are ringing
a Hausfrau or a Willy Loman manages to get an answer, the secretary telling them to call back while the background's full of sirens and that guy continuing to wail
The fury of a man intentionally humiliated can’t be underestimated.
he just cant laugh at himself, he is a prick
I want to quit my job like this.
But I won't, my spirit is broken and I'll be there first thing in the morning.
Don't be late... you'll get shit for it.
MaghoxFr weird
never insult a man's living, potency, or family
People who say that are always the sort of chumps who work dead-end jobs in retail with no real future to speak of while their wives sneak off to get gangbanged because their husbands are always limp and can't satisfy them and their kids will grow up to be just as big of losers as they are. Precisely like the sort of hopeless toad you are.
Never laugh at a person who is holding a lethal object.
Seriously. If a guy is omitting these kinds of mannerisms, DO NOT PUSH HIM, he's the type of guy you do not poke
He learnt that the hard way.
@@UMOGrunt no OMITTING as is in not laughing with the rest of them, though he didn't show signs of anger either, even though he was obviously pissed as hell.
I would have done the same thing like let me demonstrate on your face if you wanna make such a joke out of it. See how it works, works on any surface 😂😂😂
Love ur profile pic bro
The acting in this scene is top notch. You can't do it any better than that.
Michael Shannon is just the best there is for this kind of role. The whole cast of Boardwalk Empire is exceptional. And it gets better and better with each successive season. Stephen Graham is the best Capone ever, seriously. Jack Huston as the maimed WWI soldier, Michael Kenneth Williams as Chalky, Bobby Canavalle as Rosetti and Michael Stuhlbarg (A Serious Man) as Rothstein, it's just an exceptional work in film. The first two seasons are pretty dark but then it just gets so good. Enjoy!
Those are my favorite 6 actors in this show with Shuhlberg as Rothstein being my favorite of all.
Michael Stuhlberg is just something else. Rothstein is simply terrifying, he's one of the scariest characters I've seen on television. He remains so calm and articulate, while being extremely dangerous. He was Homelander before Homelander.
@@juanjoyaborja.3054 Fr.
@@juanjoyaborja.3054 You might enjoy "A Serious Man" in which Stuhlbarg plays a Jewish man trying to find the meaning for his life's issues. It's a great film.
@@jamesmorelandoliver8897 Yes, he's great in that movie, he should really get more roles. Along with Michael Shannon he is also very underrated.
Shannon is amazing. LOVE that almost twitch of a one-sided smile at the end when he looked at the crowd hiding in the other room. It was just a hint of "yes, now you all know how this works when it goes too far."
When someone tells you they "haven't been their best" and haven't been sleeping, perhaps you should take that cue to either give them some slack or leave them alone.
"This is our latest model. It comes with three heat settings."
...that was setting number one, jerk.
The whole time I was whispering to the screen, "Do it... you know you want too. Just do it. Do it." I was immensely pleased when he actually did it.
It helps when you 12 and they're 5. Gives you a real size advantage.
A good lesson to be learned, don't harass your fellow co-workers in the workplace, or you might get an iron to the face
He was absolutely reasonable.
They all laugh, but when someone who is bullied retaliates they all cry. Always.
Amen brother tell that to my TEC-DC9
wtf no. They teased him, so it’s okay that he permanently disfigured them?
@@regulardude3397 this was full of bullyi g
@@regulardude3397also they pushed too far. A little fun is okay but it was visible he was agitated. Also he brought up his wife wilhich is a big no
@@cringelord1809 is spot on... don't forget the context of cultural norms in the era. There was no such thing as teasing about somebody's spouse - if you went there, it was immediately expected that you'd get your jaw broken or worse.
This dude got off lucky... he publicly asserted this guy could not screw and his wife needed a sex toy. That's the type of provocation that gets you unalive, to this day.
Bullies always think they're "just teasing" but no - they're sociopaths we temporarily tolerate, but when they go too far yes indeed we give them a permanent sign to warn all others. A scarlet letter one could perhaps say... or "poked angry bear too many times and got bit, as was guaranteed to happen eventually".
They act shocked when their victim suddenly strikes back, and not just for that one insult but for all of them. That's how it works... compounding interest is a real PITA bullies... heads up, or heads off :D
When keeping it real goes wrong
ot63 chapelle show! Woo hoo hoo! Yea yea yea...let’s start the show
Went pretty right actually
A condecorated officer decides he had enought of his partner, and as a christian he decides to keep it real. From being a respected federal agent to ironing a man's face out. When keeping it real goes wrong.
I burned my hand BADLY on an old timey wood burning stove. The most unrealistic part of this is the noise should be louder when he pulls the iron way since it made contact so long, skin makes a seal around whats melting it =\
Thank you for inspiring nightmares
The guy crying in pain made him very happy 😂
He Wails like a fucking five-year-old who got denied candy or a toy at Walmart by their parents lol
From laughs of humiliation to cries of terror in an instant. Great display of polarity.
The way he puts his hat on before leaving - priceless
This scene resonates with everyone who finally went batshit-rubber-faced-psychotic on their bully and was left alone for the rest of preschool.
Was me in high school. Was bullied for a while in freshman year by a group of bullies before one day they wanted to film their antics and I snapped. I remember glimpses of it but I only remember the aftermath of the kid in the hospital with a lot of injuries and a permanent disability due to the fight we had. I had a small scratch or two. I was suspended for a few weeks but not expelled as my family had legal pressure against the school administration when it was found it was because of bullying that I snapped. Was never touched since, and overall got good grades and made a few friends, some of whom I'm still close with over a decade and a half later today and game with.
@@Shyvorix that's awesome that it worked out.
@Ninjamohawk Yep. Friends and family 100% knew my position with what happened and sided with me even if I was a bit....brutish apparently. Still...life worked out all things considered. I did have anger issues for a long while but have since kept them in check very strongly.
@@Shyvorix I have had to deal with anger issues myself but I think mine wasn't from me being bullied at school, it was from feeling helpless to do anything about my step dad's physical abuse.
Yeah in highschool I was in a magnet school, most of my cousins are in gangs so I was the quiet weird kid and was afraid someone wrong would find out my family connections.
I got jumped one day, fought back, got a decent name for myself as being scrappy.
Best part is my dad forced me into MMA as a kid, it was maybe 10 years of training before I got to actually be in a scenario where it was useful. I kicked a guy in the thigh, he couldn't move right the whole day and the other guy tried to tackle me but I wrapped his neck and place his head behind me as I fell backwards onto his head, it's the only time I've K.O. someone and I thought he was dead (He woke up minutes later). Such a wild school, saw people get jumped, stabbed, shot, kidnapped, fight with their P.O., gang violence every day. The guys you fought one day would be having your back during a rival invasion the next.
It was a magnet school in San Pedro, CA and it was right across the Thompson Bridge from Long Beach, almost weekly we'd have young gang members from that side come to our side and start fights (it was reversed too of course) if you weren't in a gang you clicked up with those at your school. You'd have racist white/brown/black people fighting together against an all latino gang some days.
Thanks for the memories I forgot so much of that hahahaha. I am now a medical assistant that helps heal people, after all that I saw I just wanted to help heal wounds.
I'm usually against victim blaming, but you don't treat a guy like that and expect him to just let it slide.
IOwnTheSpire this is one of those times where its not black and white. he was bullying someone and the victim of the bullying snapped.
+IOwnTheSpire yet you're both quick to name who's the victim in this scenario, and to blame them. not looking too good here
Darkzz Lord so Van Alden wasn't ticked off by a bully?
You're full of shit. image it was women doing that to him and he reacted like that.. you would have lost your way and spouting some bullshit about HIM not able to control himself. But since it's a male, somehow in your dumfuck head, it's just OK to hit/slap/burn in this particular case.
Pudgy was just too obnoxious and loud with his joking . Pudgy didn't understand the dictum , a little goes a long way. Stuff like this evolves into in your face bullying. I have never seen this but I have seen people like Pudgy take it too far and get a come uppance !
Greatest quitting your job scene ever.
The wrestler
The hissing perfectly represents the uneasy rage building within Van Alden
I swear screams of that dude were like honey to my ears
What made it real for me, was that tiny crooked half smile of contempt on George's face when he realizes the man is lying on the floor, crying like the little baby he really is.
Nelson is the kind of worker who after gets pushed so much at work he calls you out of the blue to not show up at work on Friday without saying why.
The look at 2:33- both despair and anger- despair from all the shit happened to him, and the anger that the fools around can't see his pain, taking advantage of his calmness. I know the feeling, it's really heartbreaking.
The camera shot with the tight close-ups of people laughing at him was very reminiscent of that scene from The Sopranos when Christofuh is taken aback by how his "friends" are all laughing at him. It seemed like it was in that moment that he realised his associates and "family" weren't really his friends. Kinda heartbreaking despite the fact that the character is a scumbag.
@@covariance5446 yeah I see that too
"continues to cry like a beached whale"
The ultimate “I QUIT!” Scene! 😆😆😂😂
It might not be good how much enjoyment I get when he finally puts the iron on his face
I like when he's picking up typewriters looks like Frankenstein
Michael Shannon definitely has 3 heat settings in almost every character he portrays
Every day at work, I feel like George Mueller.
This is a great piece of physical acting, all those great sweeping lunges showing george for this great gangle of a man
1:42 Right after he said “I misspoke” and made that face the other dude should known to back down immediately lol
I love how Van Alden goes full-on Frankenstein "Fire BAD!!" on the typewriters at the 3:03 mark, lol
Van Alden, Best Sworn U.S. Treasury Agent.
The Guy is a God.
Looks Like Geogre
*puts on sunglasses*
Ironed Out Some Stress
Looks Like Van Alden
puts on sunglasses
had to let out some steam...
Damn I haven’t seen this type of comment since I was binging Final Destination death scenes.
Guy looks like a whale, ended up sounding like a whale haha.
DaBase333 Sounds like Peter Griffin
The mouth on this guy.
It's always interesting when someone assumes they can say whatever they like and no one will act on it.
At the end, Phil is not just bawling over the pain. He's bawling over the horrifying disfigurement of his smooth, chubby baby face - one of his prime selling assets. And even worse, over the death of his absolute social certainty: the conviction that no matter how far he pushed it - such as by waving a red flag at a bull again and again and AGAIN - he could always smile and wink and chortle his way out of the hole he'd dug for himself. You can see how the guys just love him for his special kind of magic, and how they wish they had that ability to kick somebody when he's down and make everybody laugh along with him. Looks like they might not be laughing so loud any more, and he might not be kicking down so much.
I suspect there is probably a long line of people from his past who would have loved to put that iron to him. He seems like a smug toadie who probably always had a school bully or boss at his back while mocking people. Karma.
Yes, very well put.
I love seeing the look on such faces when these realize the guts sustaining them are perforated. No eunuch, no, WORM, you aren't "Sigma". Wail for me, you fat turd.
great analysis!
Too bad these types never get to enjoy the sound and smell of their tripes slopping into the ground.
Did anyone else get a good feeling when that dude got his face ironed? 😲
Why? You're deranged if you found that satisfying, you may think its cool, but you're sick.
@@D33Lux it was hilarious.
These commenters are pussies, its fiction. You see a man get pushed to the brink and he pushes back. A good punch to the face would have been more appropriate but yeah it was satisfying to see this make believe man hulk out. Bitch boys can report away.
@@hallerd tosser
Al Capone: "What's in the case?"
O'Banion: "Tell 'em George."
George: "Irons."
O'Banion: "Yeah, press you out, nice and flat. Heheheheh."
'No ma'am. Its an iron.' This one scene is enough to make me watch boardwalk empire. That dude NAILS the crazy eyes
I LOVE how happy he is about the reaction he gets!
It's at this moment (people in panic and terror of him) that he knew he'd work for the government.
I must say that looks like a quality and well built iron. 10/10 would buy.
make it 2 iron
If i saw this scene and this guy at My door i would Buy an iron and invite him a drink
for some reason, the arm swing at 02:57-02:58 always gets me. the slight smirk at 03:41-03:43 also shows that only michael shannon could have played this particular role.
The fact that Van Alden kept his cool for that long is amazing
The way he kept pressing it 📐against his face shows he was thinking it strongly during their acting (salesmen ‘s speech).😮
It cause me such a pain in my heart to see how the life of Van Alden goes down. He was a good man.
Was he? He was a deeply repressed religious nutjob who whipped himself, who had absolutely no impulse control and murdered his partner for no reason and cheated on his wife and got another woman pregnant, then didn't tell his wife even after the baby was born.
No he wasn't he murdered a guy, cheated on his wife, got the girl pregnant and made her stay locked up her entire pregnancy to protect himself. He was very much as bad as the rest of them but this scene was cathartic those bullies were duchebags
Mans was literally insane
That is what makes him so interesting IMO, an insane , violent man, trying to lie to himself, deny his Nature, he is not Nelson van alden, the cheater and murderer he is mueller , a calm person, until he isnt.
Van Alden became because of the sistem .He wanted to capture the criminals and to capture guys like Thompson and Capone you need people like him .But the bureau was controlled by people like Nucky ,commodore or other politicians and they need the hoodlums people like Capone or Luciano .Van Alden wanted to capture Nucky but his supervisor and his partner were corrupt and when he found out for him it was late.He murdered his partner .He tried to save a woman he cared even though she was a complete bitch and even married Nucky for money and fucked Nucky up by turning his
Land into a hospital and fucking his soldier.He then fucked a showgirl which used to fuck Nucky and she bought him a kid .Van Alden became my third favourite character
I felt for him in this scene. Some people don't like to joke around every second of the waking day. Van Alden is one of those guys who's all business.
Yeah, let's antagonize the quiet man with the sociopath stare.
The wailing was just perfect. Doesn't every job contain one prick or bitch that deserves such a treatment?
He sounded like Peter Griffin, heh.
Literally every single one.
Never seen the series, But I just love how at 3:47 the guys is pointing the letter opener at Van Alden like its a sword...
I didn't notice that, but now that I do it's hilarious!