Guys please pray for my mom, she is not in a very god condition, she is going through depression and is on the final stage. She did not sleep for months at all because of depression after her surgery. I am praying to Allah 5 times a day for her and also my friends are too. If u guys pray for her may Allah help u all in hard times like he is doing to me In Sha Allah. Thanks a lot really appreciate it
Nabid Anjum may Allah SWT cure her and grant her a house near Allah SWT in jannah , and may Allah SWT make her of the 70,000 to enter jannah without any Hisab amine yaRab Alameeen.
Say Alhamdullilah coz the Rasul (S.A.W) said who ever is in the bed( sickness) and is sick Allah will forgive his/hers sins .And she might go to Jannah as her sins are being forgiven
Nabid Anjum May Allah grant cure to your mother.May Allah bless you and your family.May your mother finds tranquility and inner peace and depression goes away for good
Aria Nawzad Salaam alikum , this link is for Quran video , please support this new channel for Quran by subscribe and hit like , jazaka Allah khier
السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته Please guys don't forget to make dua's for our Muslim brothers and sisters who are dying and being abused. May Allah grant us jannah
waleed liaqat Islam was created by the evil Roman Catholic Church ! so the Pope can kill all the true Christians and Jews. The Quran was a doctrine from the Roman Empire brought to Muhammad by North African augustinian monks. Allah is the moon god ! Islam is a false religion ! and Muhammad was a false prophet. Muhammad first wife Khadija was a roman catholic !! she told him to start a new religion !! and her cousin named Waraquah, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic, and the Papacy placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's adviser ! He had tremendous influence on Muhammad. They both helped Muhammad to start this false evil religion. Muhammad killed, lied, had 13 wives and cheated on them with Maria ! He was 53 and had sex with a 9 years old Aisha. An evil man like Muhammad can't be God's prophet. Wake up Muslims !! Jesus Christ is the only way to God The Father (The Creator). John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. How the Vatican (Catholic Church) created Islam ! The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera ! which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican. During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition !! Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc. The Prophet, by Alberto Rivera The word Allah was put in the Arabic bible by the translators. Allah is not the name of the God of the bible ! The word Allah in the Arabic bible was added by the translators. The New Testament was written in Greek ! The Old Testament mainly written in Biblical Hebrew ! with some portions (notably in Daniel and Ezra) in Biblical Aramaic. Allah is the moon god ! Islam is a false religion ! and Muhammad was a false prophet.
Yes... think about it, why are we humans attracted to beautiful environments? Beautiful blue rivers, green lands, beautiful faces, etc... this is all in jannah, our home. We miss it so much that we are trying to make earth into jannah which we can’t.
❤ The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-'Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “May Allāh beautify a man who listens to a statement of mine; then understands it and memorises it and (then) conveys it.” [سنن الترمذي ٢٦٥٨ ، صححه الألباني] The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-'Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “When my mother became pregnant with me she saw a light which came out of her and shone the palaces of ash-Shām.” [سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة ١٥٤٥] The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “Whoever makes all of his concerns focus on one thing - the concern of HEREAFTER - then Allāh will suffice him for the rest of his concerns and whoever has all of his concerns branching off from the affairs of the WORLD then Allāh DOES NOT care which valley of it he dies in.” [مختصر صحيح الجامع الصغير ٦١٨٩ ، حسنه الألباني]
Assalamualaikum...can you tell me that the lotion containing cetyl alcohol will be halal or not??? Can I eat burger from outside coz I don't know exactly whether they use halal chicken or not.
I love the story of the strangers. It is so true. We are here for an appointed term. Do not get tackled by the things of this world.. for this is not our final abode. Allahu Akbar
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ Say: He, Allah, is One, Allah, the Eternal, He begets not, nor is He begotten, And there is none like unto Him
Mr One انا مسيحي و لا أؤمن بتعليم الثالوث ! تعليم الثالوث هو تعليم خاطئ ! تعليم الثالوث جاء من الوثنية. المسيح هو الابن وليس الآب ! الروح القدس هو روح الآب و الابن ! و ليس إلهأ ثالثأ. ١ يوحنا ٢٢:٢-٢٦ مَنْ هُوَ الْكَذَّابُ، إِلاَّ الَّذِي يُنْكِرُ أَنَّ يَسُوعَ هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ ؟ هَذَا هُوَ ضِدُّ الْمَسِيحِ، الَّذِي يُنْكِرُ الآبَ وَالاِبْنَ. كُلُّ مَنْ يُنْكِرُ الاِبْنَ لَيْسَ لَهُ الآبُ أَيْضاً، وَمَنْ يَعْتَرِفُ بِالاِبْنِ فَلَهُ الآبُ أَيْضاً. أَمَّا أَنْتُمْ فَمَا سَمِعْتُمُوهُ مِنَ الْبَدْءِ فَلْيَثْبُتْ إِذاً فِيكُمْ. إِنْ ثَبَتَ فِيكُمْ مَا سَمِعْتُمُوهُ مِنَ الْبَدْءِ، فَأَنْتُمْ أَيْضاً تَثْبُتُونَ فِي الاِبْنِ وَفِي الآبِ. وَهَذَا هُوَ الْوَعْدُ الَّذِي وَعَدَنَا هُوَ بِهِ: الْحَيَاةُ الأَبَدِيَّةُ. كَتَبْتُ إِلَيْكُمْ هَذَا عَنِ الَّذِينَ يُضِلُّونَكُمْ. ____________________________________________________________________ المسيح ولِدَ من الآب ! الآب أعظم من المسيح ! لأن لآب كان موجوداً قبل المسيح. يوحنا ٢٨:١٤ سَمِعْتُمُونِي أقُولُ لَكُمْ إنِّي ذاهِبٌ ثُمَّ إنِّي آتٍ إلَيْكُمْ ثانِيَةً. إنْ كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَنِي افرَحُوا لِأنِّي ذاهِبٌ إلَى الآبِ، فَالآبُ أعظَمُ مِنِّي. ____________________________________________________________________ الروح القدس هو روح الآب و الابن وليس إلهاً ثالثاً. وَأَمَّا الرَّبُّ فَهُوَ الرُّوحُ، وَحَيْثُ رُوحُ الرَّبِّ هُنَاكَ حُرِّيَّةٌ. (٢ كورنثوس ٣:١٧) لأَنَّ كُلَّ الَّذِينَ يَنْقَادُونَ بِرُوحِ الإله فَأُولَئِكَ هُمْ أَبْنَاءُ الإله. (رومية ٨:١٤) ثُمَّ بِمَا أَنَّكُمْ أَبْنَاءٌ، أَرْسَلُ الإله رُوحَ ابْنِهِ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ صَارِخاً: «يَا أَبَا الآبُ». (غلاطية ٤:٦) _____________________________________________________________________ ! الإله الآب خلق كل شيء من خلال ابنه يسوع المسيح ! (١ كورنثوس ٦:٨) لكن لنا اله واحد الآب الذي منه جميع الاشياء ونحن له. ورب واحد يسوع المسيح الذي به جميع الاشياء ونحن به. ________________________________________________________________________ لماذا يقاوم الشيطان بضراوة حقيقة أن المسيح هو ابن الإله الفعلي ؟ الجواب ليس صعبا. الكتاب المقدس يعلن أن محبة الإله الحي ظهرت وتجلت في ارساله لابنه ليموت عن الجنس البشري (يوحنا ١٦:٣ ؛ ١ يوحنا ٩:٤ و ١٠). فكيف لنا أن نفهم ونقدر عظمة هذه المحبة إذا فشلنا في معرفة وتمييز هوية ذاك الذي أرسله الإله الحي ؟ أو إذا تقاعسنا عن ادراك قيمة الذبيحة التي قدمها ومدى الكلفة الباهظة التي أقدم عليها الإله الآب في تقديمها. إن تقديم ابراهيم لابنه اسحاق ذبيحة لم تكن سوى انعكاساً باهتاً لذبيحة الإله الآب التي قدمها في شخص ابنه. وهل كان اسحاق هو الابن الفعلي لابراهيم ، أم أنه كان يلعب دور الابن فقط ؟ وإذا كان كذلك فكيف تصدق عبارة المسيح التالية على ابراهيم : " أبوكم ابراهيم تهلل بأن يرى يومي فرأى وفرح " (يوحنا ٥٦:٨) ؟ ولا يمكننا نحن أيضا أن نحب الآب كما ينبغي ، إلا إذا فهمنا وعرفنا هوية المسيح الحقيقية ( ١ يوحنا ١٩:٤). ولهذا كانت محبتنا للآب ونصرتنا على الخطية مرتبطان بحقيقة كون المسيح هو ابن الإله الحي. " من هو الذي يغلب العالم إلا الذي يؤمن أن المسيح هو ابن الإله. " ( ١ يوحنا ٥:٥) لا عجب أن الشيطان يكره هذا الحق الذي به وحده نهزمه ونطأه بأقدامنا. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ الانبياء و القديسين هم بشر، خلقهم الإله الآب ! اما المسيح فقد ولِدَ من الإله الآب ! إذاً فالإبن قد وَرَثَ الطبيعة الإلهية من الإله الآب ! فيجب علينا ان نُكَرم الإبن كما نُكَرم الآب. «أَمَّا أَنْتِ يَا بَيْتَ لَحْمِ أَفْرَاتَةَ، وَأَنْتِ صَغِيرَةٌ أَنْ تَكُونِي بَيْنَ أُلُوفِ يَهُوذَا، فَمِنْكِ يَخْرُجُ لِي الَّذِي يَكُونُ مُتَسَلِّطًا عَلَى إِسْرَائِيلَ، وَمَخَارِجُهُ مُنْذُ الْقَدِيمِ، مُنْذُ أَيَّامِ الأَزَلِ». " (ميخا ٥:٢) من صعد الى السموات ونزل ؟ من جمع الريح في حفنتيه ؟ من صرّ المياه في ثوب ؟ من ثبت جميع اطراف الارض ؟ ما اسمه وما اسم ابنه ان عرفت. (أمثال ٣٠:٤)
Salaam alikum , this link is for Quran video , please support this new channel for Quran by subscribe and hit like , jazaka Allah khier
And Sometimes Good Things Happen when you meet Strangers! Alhamaduillah For Islam! May Allah s.w.t bless us all and keep us all steedfast on this Beautiful Deen. Ameen
Everytime i feel down or sad this lecture somehow help me to be more close to Allah and leave this donya and live like stranger May Allah forgive all my sin and take my soul from this donya when I'm praying to you
Been going trough some very hardship since the beginning sometime I’ll sit in my car crying and I’ll told myself When Allah asawadjal Love you hé test you more with hardship and I pray for all Muslim to see the way and may Allah give us heaven asking for y’all prayer
I've been watching many motivational videos for more than a year on youtube but I must say this one is BESTEST & FIRST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO EVER I'VE COME ACROSS & COMMENTED ON ! SUBHANALLAH :))
I have learnt so much through this channel and have been applying the teachings in my life. Thanks to whoever is behind this great work. Thank you again
Mashallah I really love this video! Thank you soooo much for people who make these videos. It makes a big impact on my life and others I also know of! JZK! May Allah (stw) grants you paradise and always keep us in the right path. Ameen.
I've almost understood the reality of this world and the only reason I'm alive is that I can correct my religion and finally find the warmth and peace in paradise In Sha Allah:)
Today is Eid and I feel like a stranger in my own house. My heart is shattered , and my tears keep flowing. 💗 Came here to get some strength to keep going
The purpose of your life is simple... Respond to God's love for you. Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds, though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations. Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin. Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE. He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature simply to hand out mercy. Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH- His perfectly Just and Holy nature, with your need for mercy. Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty, provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins that the Almighty can accept, and fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin providing all the mercy you need. Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam- you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin. Begin trusting that Jesus obediently, and to prove His great love for you, willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross, making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough*** the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
Allah hu akbar 😭 this is the best video on UA-cam that has motivated me. I am going to change my life from this video InshaAllah. May Allah bless and reward this speaker and grant him jannah. Aameen. One day I want to meet whether it be this world or next InshaAllah for giving us the reminder of the best of mankind, our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Convey from me, even if it be an Ayah, and narrate from the Children of Isra'il, and there is no harm, And whoever lies upon me purposely, then let him take his seat in the Fire."
Aoa May Allah bless u dear brother for such a beautiful and eman boosting reminder. Plz deliver your jumma khutbas on social media. We are really missing those.
The purpose of your life is simple... Respond to God's love for you. Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds, though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations. Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin. Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE. He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature simply to hand out mercy. Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH- His perfectly Just and Holy nature, with your need for mercy. Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty, provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins that the Almighty can accept, and fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin providing all the mercy you need. Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam- you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin. Begin trusting that Jesus obediently, and to prove His great love for you, willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross, making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough*** the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
For extroverts, be a stranger, love and live the life to the fullest but remember we have to return to Allah. And Introverts or someone who knows getting too attached to this world may cost you, be a wayfarer as you don't want to engage more in life and go through this life quietly.
The purpose of your life is simple... Respond to God's love for you. Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds, though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations. Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin. Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE. He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature simply to hand out mercy. Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH- His perfectly Just and Holy nature, with your need for mercy. Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty, provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins that the Almighty can accept, and fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin providing all the mercy you need. Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam- you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin. Begin trusting that Jesus obediently, and to prove His great love for you, willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross, making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough*** the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
Sahih al-Bukhari thank you for sharing ur point of view.. i’ve learnt again today.. i believe prophet Isa as. is one of the importance prophet in this world, but I love prophet Muhammad saw. more.. i fall in love by the beautiful teaching of Islam.. Allah swt. suffices me in this life, give me Islam when i never asked to, i can’t and won’t ever leave this imaan.. Let me choose to be the stranger, i like the idea :) i’m here but my heart is in paradise.. i hope i state clearly my point of view.. i’m just a teenager who happens english is not my first language.. i believe this is a good platform to do syiar too but due to limited knowledge and language barrier, i cant really express myself :(
subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbarr! Fantastic, concise and pertinent video to us in these days. Very relevant, very insightful and very practical. More of this please. Jazak Allahu khair : )
The purpose of your life is simple... Respond to God's love for you. Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds, though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations. Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin. Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE. He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature simply to hand out mercy. Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH- His perfectly Just and Holy nature, with your need for mercy. Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty, provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins that the Almighty can accept, and fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin providing all the mercy you need. Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam- you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin. Begin trusting that Jesus obediently, and to prove His great love for you, willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross, making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough*** the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
The purpose of your life is simple... Respond to God's love for you. Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds, though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations. Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin. Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE. He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature simply to hand out mercy. Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH- His perfectly Just and Holy nature, with your need for mercy. Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty, provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins that the Almighty can accept, and fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin providing all the mercy you need. Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam- you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin. Begin trusting that Jesus obediently, and to prove His great love for you, willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross, making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough*** the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
The purpose of your life is simple... Respond to God's love for you. Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds, though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations. Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin. Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE. He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature simply to hand out mercy. Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH- His perfectly Just and Holy nature, with your need for mercy. Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty, provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins that the Almighty can accept, and fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin providing all the mercy you need. Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam- you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin. Begin trusting that Jesus obediently, and to prove His great love for you, willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross, making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough*** the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
YOUSSEF RHOUNI Islam was created by the evil Roman Catholic Church ! so the Pope can kill all the true Christians and Jews. The Quran was a doctrine from the Roman Empire brought to Muhammad by North African augustinian monks. Allah is the moon god ! Islam is a false religion ! and Muhammad was a false prophet. Muhammad first wife Khadija was a roman catholic !! she told him to start a new religion !! and her cousin named Waraquah, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic, and the Papacy placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's adviser ! He had tremendous influence on Muhammad. They both helped Muhammad to start this false evil religion. Muhammad killed, lied, had 13 wives and cheated on them with Maria ! He was 53 and had sex with a 9 years old Aisha. An evil man like Muhammad can't be God's prophet. Wake up Muslims !! Jesus Christ is the only way to God The Father (The Creator). John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. How the Vatican (Catholic Church) created Islam ! The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera ! which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican. During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition !! Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc. The Prophet, by Alberto Rivera The word Allah was put in the Arabic bible by the translators. Allah is not the name of the God of the bible ! The word Allah in the Arabic bible was added by the translators. The New Testament was written in Greek ! The Old Testament mainly written in Biblical Hebrew ! with some portions (notably in Daniel and Ezra) in Biblical Aramaic. Allah is the moon god ! Islam is a false religion ! and Muhammad was a false prophet.
@@Adam-1984 you’re wrong mate. How many years have you studied Islam? Have you lived an Islamic life and experienced this way of life? What makes you an expert about Islam?
المؤمنين كانوا دائما غرباء في هذه الدنيا وسيبقون كذلك إلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها. تذكروا قصص أسيادنا إبراهيم ونوح وعيسى وغيرهم من أنبياء الله ورسله عليهم الصلاة والسلام. تذكروا قصص أصحاب الأخدود وأهل الكهف ومريم العذراء رضوان الله عليهم
● Take Care Of 5 Before 5 ● ● 1, - Your Life Before Death● ● 2, -Your Time Before Busy● ● 3, - Your Youth Before Old Age ● ● 4, - Your Wealth Before Poverty ● ● 5, - Your Health Before Sickness/Illness.● ● A Saying Of Our Prophet Muhammad Saw In A Sahih Hadeeth ● ● & Allah Swt Knows Best ●
Just found a reaaly inspiring video for all you muslims and non muslims out there najiyah sophia (its not mine) May allah bless your soul and bring love for the prophet and sahaaba and ulama in your hearts.
The purpose of your life is simple... Respond to God's love for you. Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds, though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations. Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin. Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE. He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature simply to hand out mercy. Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH- His perfectly Just and Holy nature, with your need for mercy. Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty, provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins that the Almighty can accept, and fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin providing all the mercy you need. Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam- you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin. Begin trusting that Jesus obediently, and to prove His great love for you, willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross, making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough*** the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
Those words were motivational,my my how in wish to be a wayferer one day when i grow. Don't forget to solawah to Rasulullah SAW my muslim brothers and sisters.May Allah bless us all.
Amazing. This is deep knowledge that can only come from a Prophet, presented in such simplicity, كن في الدنيا كأنك غريب أو عابر سبيل. This is not knowledge that could have been attained by human exploration, research or experience. Where the knowledge of the rest of humanity ends, that is where the deep knowledge of the Nabi of Allah (peace be upon Him) begins.
"I'm here, but my heart is in paradise." well said brother. May Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) have mercy on our souls.
Ameen ❤️❤️❤️
Ameen ❤❤
Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, May Allah ( Subhanahu Wa Ta’Ala) bless you and me and all our families and all Muslim brothers and sisters and
Guys please pray for my mom, she is not in a very god condition, she is going through depression and is on the final stage. She did not sleep for months at all because of depression after her surgery. I am praying to Allah 5 times a day for her and also my friends are too. If u guys pray for her may Allah help u all in hard times like he is doing to me In Sha Allah. Thanks a lot really appreciate it
Nabid Anjum may Allah SWT cure her and grant her a house near Allah SWT in jannah , and may Allah SWT make her of the 70,000 to enter jannah without any Hisab amine yaRab Alameeen.
Hope she is doing better now, ?
May Allah grant her Jannatul firdos
Say Alhamdullilah coz the Rasul (S.A.W) said who ever is in the bed( sickness) and is sick Allah will forgive his/hers sins .And she might go to Jannah as her sins are being forgiven
Nabid Anjum May Allah grant cure to your mother.May Allah bless you and your family.May your mother finds tranquility and inner peace and depression goes away for good
"Islam began as something strange and Will return to Being strange as it Began" lets say صدقت یا رسول الله❤️
Aria Nawzad Salaam alikum , this link is for Quran video , please support this new channel for Quran by subscribe and hit like , jazaka Allah khier
Another song of day of judge
صدقت يا رسول الله❤️
May Allah protect us from the temperatures of Hell..Ohh Mohamed may the pain be apon YOU alone.
edverts lezgart May Allah make you pay for your comment and cure you of your ignorance for if you knew Muhammad pbuh you’d sing his praises
"If you wake up in the morning don't expect to live through the day"
And if you sleep at night don’t expect to wake up in the morning
Just made breakfast and was looking for a UA-cam video to watch. Alhamdulillah it was a MercifulServant video 👌🏽
Roman Miah what did you make? Can I have some
Najmul Alom mee too i want sum.
Ish indeed i will sub
Damn I’m late 😢
السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته
Please guys don't forget to make dua's for our Muslim brothers and sisters who are dying and being abused. May Allah grant us jannah
Rwandan Girls Aameen sister
Rwandan Girls
Sister could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Yes of course but can you do the same?
Inshallah ameen
This video is so very special to my heart that I come back to listen to it every once in a while 😁🤩
"May Allah Gather All Muslims In Jannah"
Ameen !!
waleed liaqat ameen
Inshallah ameen...
waleed liaqat
Islam was created by the evil Roman Catholic Church !
so the Pope can kill all the true Christians and Jews.
The Quran was a doctrine from the Roman Empire brought to Muhammad by North African augustinian monks.
Allah is the moon god !
Islam is a false religion !
and Muhammad was a false prophet.
Muhammad first wife Khadija was a roman catholic !!
she told him to start a new religion !!
and her cousin named Waraquah, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic, and the Papacy placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's adviser !
He had tremendous influence on Muhammad.
They both helped Muhammad to start this false evil religion.
Muhammad killed, lied, had 13 wives and cheated on them with Maria !
He was 53 and had sex with a 9 years old Aisha.
An evil man like Muhammad can't be God's prophet.
Wake up Muslims !!
Jesus Christ is the only way to God The Father (The Creator).
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
How the Vatican (Catholic Church) created Islam !
The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera !
which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.
During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition !!
Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc.
The Prophet, by Alberto Rivera
The word Allah was put in the Arabic bible by the translators.
Allah is not the name of the God of the bible !
The word Allah in the Arabic bible was added by the translators.
The New Testament was written in Greek !
The Old Testament mainly written in Biblical Hebrew !
with some portions (notably in Daniel and Ezra) in Biblical Aramaic.
Allah is the moon god !
Islam is a false religion !
and Muhammad was a false prophet.
Oh People, run to Paradise, run to your most forgiving Lord.
Yes... think about it, why are we humans attracted to beautiful environments? Beautiful blue rivers, green lands, beautiful faces, etc... this is all in jannah, our home. We miss it so much that we are trying to make earth into jannah which we can’t.
Mohammed AlSharif
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Servent of Ar Rahman alright...
Servent of Ar Rahman Mashallah... love your voice. :)
Mohammed AlSharif Alhamdulillah brother. Jazakallah khair for your compliment.
Brother if you dont mind then could you please comment on my video 😶😶
OMG...I want to be in the jannah...
❤ The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-'Alaihi Wa Sallam said:
“May Allāh beautify a man who listens to a statement of mine; then understands it and memorises it and (then) conveys it.”
[سنن الترمذي ٢٦٥٨ ، صححه الألباني]
The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-'Alaihi Wa Sallam said:
“When my mother became pregnant with me she saw a light which came out of her and shone the palaces of ash-Shām.”
[سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة ١٥٤٥]
The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said:
“Whoever makes all of his concerns focus on one thing - the concern of HEREAFTER - then Allāh will suffice him for the rest of his concerns and whoever has all of his concerns branching off from the affairs of the WORLD then Allāh DOES NOT care which valley of it he dies in.”
[مختصر صحيح الجامع الصغير ٦١٨٩ ، حسنه الألباني]
Assalamualaikum...can you tell me that the lotion containing cetyl alcohol will be halal or not??? Can I eat burger from outside coz I don't know exactly whether they use halal chicken or not.
grateful muslimah Ask these questions to scholars like Shaykh Assim Al-Hakeem etc.
I love the story of the strangers. It is so true. We are here for an appointed term. Do not get tackled by the things of this world.. for this is not our final abode. Allahu Akbar
Awesome , jazak ALLAH khair
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ
Say: He, Allah, is One,
Allah, the Eternal,
He begets not, nor is He begotten,
And there is none like unto Him
Feels good to be able to read arabic letters
Mr One there is no god but Allah the one and the greatest💗🙏
Mr One
انا مسيحي و لا أؤمن بتعليم الثالوث !
تعليم الثالوث هو تعليم خاطئ !
تعليم الثالوث جاء من الوثنية.
المسيح هو الابن وليس الآب !
الروح القدس هو روح الآب و الابن !
و ليس إلهأ ثالثأ.
١ يوحنا ٢٢:٢-٢٦
مَنْ هُوَ الْكَذَّابُ، إِلاَّ الَّذِي يُنْكِرُ أَنَّ يَسُوعَ هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ ؟
هَذَا هُوَ ضِدُّ الْمَسِيحِ، الَّذِي يُنْكِرُ الآبَ وَالاِبْنَ.
كُلُّ مَنْ يُنْكِرُ الاِبْنَ لَيْسَ لَهُ الآبُ أَيْضاً، وَمَنْ يَعْتَرِفُ بِالاِبْنِ فَلَهُ الآبُ أَيْضاً.
أَمَّا أَنْتُمْ فَمَا سَمِعْتُمُوهُ مِنَ الْبَدْءِ فَلْيَثْبُتْ إِذاً فِيكُمْ.
إِنْ ثَبَتَ فِيكُمْ مَا سَمِعْتُمُوهُ مِنَ الْبَدْءِ، فَأَنْتُمْ أَيْضاً تَثْبُتُونَ فِي الاِبْنِ وَفِي الآبِ.
وَهَذَا هُوَ الْوَعْدُ الَّذِي وَعَدَنَا هُوَ بِهِ: الْحَيَاةُ الأَبَدِيَّةُ.
كَتَبْتُ إِلَيْكُمْ هَذَا عَنِ الَّذِينَ يُضِلُّونَكُمْ.
المسيح ولِدَ من الآب !
الآب أعظم من المسيح !
لأن لآب كان موجوداً قبل المسيح.
يوحنا ٢٨:١٤
سَمِعْتُمُونِي أقُولُ لَكُمْ إنِّي ذاهِبٌ ثُمَّ إنِّي آتٍ إلَيْكُمْ ثانِيَةً.
إنْ كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَنِي افرَحُوا لِأنِّي ذاهِبٌ إلَى الآبِ، فَالآبُ أعظَمُ مِنِّي.
الروح القدس هو روح الآب و الابن
وليس إلهاً ثالثاً.
وَأَمَّا الرَّبُّ فَهُوَ الرُّوحُ، وَحَيْثُ رُوحُ الرَّبِّ هُنَاكَ حُرِّيَّةٌ.
(٢ كورنثوس ٣:١٧)
لأَنَّ كُلَّ الَّذِينَ يَنْقَادُونَ بِرُوحِ الإله فَأُولَئِكَ هُمْ أَبْنَاءُ الإله.
(رومية ٨:١٤)
ثُمَّ بِمَا أَنَّكُمْ أَبْنَاءٌ، أَرْسَلُ الإله رُوحَ ابْنِهِ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ صَارِخاً: «يَا أَبَا الآبُ».
(غلاطية ٤:٦)
! الإله الآب خلق كل شيء من خلال ابنه يسوع المسيح !
(١ كورنثوس ٦:٨)
لكن لنا اله واحد الآب الذي منه جميع الاشياء ونحن له.
ورب واحد يسوع المسيح الذي به جميع الاشياء ونحن به.
لماذا يقاوم الشيطان بضراوة حقيقة أن المسيح هو ابن الإله الفعلي ؟
الجواب ليس صعبا.
الكتاب المقدس يعلن أن محبة الإله الحي ظهرت وتجلت في ارساله لابنه ليموت عن الجنس البشري
(يوحنا ١٦:٣ ؛ ١ يوحنا ٩:٤ و ١٠).
فكيف لنا أن نفهم ونقدر عظمة هذه المحبة إذا فشلنا في معرفة وتمييز هوية ذاك الذي أرسله الإله الحي ؟
أو إذا تقاعسنا عن ادراك قيمة الذبيحة التي قدمها ومدى الكلفة الباهظة التي أقدم عليها الإله الآب في تقديمها.
إن تقديم ابراهيم لابنه اسحاق ذبيحة لم تكن سوى انعكاساً باهتاً لذبيحة الإله الآب التي قدمها في شخص ابنه.
وهل كان اسحاق هو الابن الفعلي لابراهيم ، أم أنه كان يلعب دور الابن فقط ؟
وإذا كان كذلك فكيف تصدق عبارة المسيح التالية على ابراهيم :
" أبوكم ابراهيم تهلل بأن يرى يومي فرأى وفرح " (يوحنا ٥٦:٨) ؟
ولا يمكننا نحن أيضا أن نحب الآب كما ينبغي ، إلا إذا فهمنا وعرفنا هوية المسيح الحقيقية ( ١ يوحنا ١٩:٤).
ولهذا كانت محبتنا للآب ونصرتنا على الخطية مرتبطان بحقيقة كون المسيح هو ابن الإله الحي.
" من هو الذي يغلب العالم إلا الذي يؤمن أن المسيح هو ابن الإله. " ( ١ يوحنا ٥:٥)
لا عجب أن الشيطان يكره هذا الحق الذي به وحده نهزمه ونطأه بأقدامنا.
الانبياء و القديسين هم بشر، خلقهم الإله الآب !
اما المسيح فقد ولِدَ من الإله الآب !
إذاً فالإبن قد وَرَثَ الطبيعة الإلهية من الإله الآب !
فيجب علينا ان نُكَرم الإبن كما نُكَرم الآب.
«أَمَّا أَنْتِ يَا بَيْتَ لَحْمِ أَفْرَاتَةَ، وَأَنْتِ صَغِيرَةٌ أَنْ تَكُونِي بَيْنَ أُلُوفِ يَهُوذَا، فَمِنْكِ يَخْرُجُ لِي الَّذِي يَكُونُ مُتَسَلِّطًا عَلَى إِسْرَائِيلَ،
وَمَخَارِجُهُ مُنْذُ الْقَدِيمِ، مُنْذُ أَيَّامِ الأَزَلِ». "
(ميخا ٥:٢)
من صعد الى السموات ونزل ؟ من جمع الريح في حفنتيه ؟
من صرّ المياه في ثوب ؟ من ثبت جميع اطراف الارض ؟
ما اسمه وما اسم ابنه ان عرفت.
(أمثال ٣٠:٤)
+Adam 1984 خسارة ان تكون تجيد العربية وﻻتؤمن بالقرآن..
Mr One it is very great
I have an exam tomorrow, please make dua for me. jazakallah.
Hamza Ali In sha Allah brother everything will be allright.
May ALLAH almighty grant you success in your examinations in the dunya and the Akhira 😊😊😊
Hamza Ali
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitation in sha Allah
Salaam alikum , this link is for Quran video , please support this new channel for Quran by subscribe and hit like , jazaka Allah khier
Hamza Ali me too
Don't worry I've had 4 exams yesterday in one day alhamdulillah
This Shiekh has an amazing voice and speaking skills.
And Sometimes Good Things Happen when you meet Strangers! Alhamaduillah For Islam!
May Allah s.w.t bless us all and keep us all steedfast on this Beautiful Deen. Ameen
Everytime i feel down or sad this lecture somehow help me to be more close to Allah and leave this donya and live like stranger May Allah forgive all my sin and take my soul from this donya when I'm praying to you
Been going trough some very hardship since the beginning sometime I’ll sit in my car crying and I’ll told myself When Allah asawadjal Love you hé test you more with hardship and I pray for all Muslim to see the way and may Allah give us heaven asking for y’all prayer
This vedio is so inspiring!
Masha Allah
The speaker is sheikh moutasem al hameedi. He is an amazing recitor!
Finally a vid from my fav UA-cam channel
may ALLAH reward u on Judgement day :)
This channel is one of many reasons for people find the way of truth.
This channel is doing so great mashallah, keep on with ur incredible work. May Allah reward u. Love and support from Bosnia ❤
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Can't like this video enough. The message is conveyed is such a beautiful way.
I've been watching many motivational videos for more than a year on youtube but I must say this one is BESTEST & FIRST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO EVER I'VE COME ACROSS & COMMENTED ON ! SUBHANALLAH :))
I have learnt so much through this channel and have been applying the teachings in my life. Thanks to whoever is behind this great work. Thank you again
I am speechless! This describes my inner feelings! I was so right to approach to Islam. Hopefully the lord will give me the strength to revert
i'm shor if u ask allah he will guid you , remember if you become muslim you won't lose prophet jesus also you wil get great reward her and herafter
In between I have taken Shahada. Alhamdulillah.
@@nusratc.7803 alhamdulilah
Uma C. Alhamdulillah 🤲
How many of you guys felt goosebumps? ...
ansham mohamed
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Servent of Ar Rahman Alhamdhulillah great recitation.
ansham mohamed Jazakallah khair brother.
Brother if you dont mind could you please comment it on my video...
And brother dont forget to SUBSCRIBE 😄😄✌
ansham mohamed 🙋
This is one of the greatest reminder ever! May allah grant all believers with Jannah.
Assalamualaikum to my dear brothers and sisters.
TeamDawah Waalaikumusalam
Waalykum salaam warahmatullah
Walaikum Assalam
Wa Ailaku wa salaam
TeamDawah Walikumasalam.May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you
Duniya Is Now But Jannah Is Forever🌴🌷 Merciful Servent Allah Protect You And Your Team.Good Job🌴🌹
killer Aameen brother 😊
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
I love Sh Moutasem Al Hameedy, May Allah increases him in knowledge and nearness to Him ameen
Mashallah I really love this video! Thank you soooo much for people who make these videos. It makes a big impact on my life and others I also know of! JZK! May Allah (stw) grants you paradise and always keep us in the right path. Ameen.
I've almost understood the reality of this world and the only reason I'm alive is that I can correct my religion and finally find the warmth and peace in paradise In Sha Allah:)
Ma sha Allah I love this beautiful message may Allah grant us humbleness and wisdom.I'm a strange on this planet assallam alaike to all mankind.
I am a new subscriber for all my Muslims brothers and sisters As.Salaama.Aleeykum
Billy Boy Walaikumassalam brother.
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Servent of Ar Rahman I subscribed bro
WalaikumuSalaam. Brother
وعليكم السلام
Cracky Crispy
يرجى الاشتراك في قناتي 😊😊😊
This speech was very inspiration for me 👌👍
Roman Gul
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
MashaAllah... This Touched my heart❤️
Assalamaleykum brothers & sisters from Kazakhstan☝️☝️💪
Drrr 88Gty Walaikumassalam
Drrr 88Gty
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Djack4060 Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Walaikum Assalam
JAZAKALLAH to the channel Merciful servant.
Duniya is temporary
Our final destination is jannah inshallah
MashaAllah. Very powerfull reminder. Greetings from Austria ☝️
What a great video, truly inspiring
Today is Eid and I feel like a stranger in my own house. My heart is shattered , and my tears keep flowing. 💗 Came here to get some strength to keep going
Allah is with you stay strong sister
soon inshallah you will look back and realize you were NEVER alone! I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment ,but trust me you'll see.
Great video thanks very much
I usually watch videos from this channel without commenting but this video was too good not to say anything. Keep it up. It helps a lot.
The purpose of your life is simple...
Respond to God's love for you.
Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds,
though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because
they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations.
Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin.
Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE.
He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature
simply to hand out mercy.
Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself
could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH-
His perfectly Just and Holy nature,
with your need for mercy.
Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty,
provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins
that the Almighty can accept, and
fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin
providing all the mercy you need.
Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam-
you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin.
Begin trusting that Jesus obediently,
and to prove His great love for you,
willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross,
making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough***
the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
Amazing Lecture
Allah hu akbar 😭 this is the best video on UA-cam that has motivated me. I am going to change my life from this video InshaAllah. May Allah bless and reward this speaker and grant him jannah. Aameen. One day I want to meet whether it be this world or next InshaAllah for giving us the reminder of the best of mankind, our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
Very comforting words jazakillah Khairun.
Masha Allah, love this! Enlightening mind, expanding horizon.
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Convey from me, even if it be an Ayah, and narrate from the Children of Isra'il, and there is no harm, And whoever lies upon me purposely, then let him take his seat in the Fire."
Amazing, when Im weak about salats i just listen you chanel to come back in the reality, thanks for what you are doing, from Chechnya.
why is your name "Thor", that Pagan diety
This is sooo touching and powerful daawa . Assalaamu Alaikum
May Allah bless u dear brother for such a beautiful and eman boosting reminder.
Plz deliver your jumma khutbas on social media.
We are really missing those.
Alhamdulillah My brother Shukran.
The purpose of your life is simple...
Respond to God's love for you.
Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds,
though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because
they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations.
Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin.
Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE.
He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature
simply to hand out mercy.
Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself
could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH-
His perfectly Just and Holy nature,
with your need for mercy.
Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty,
provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins
that the Almighty can accept, and
fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin
providing all the mercy you need.
Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam-
you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin.
Begin trusting that Jesus obediently,
and to prove His great love for you,
willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross,
making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough***
the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
What a beautiful sentence! : "Islam teaches you to be future oriented" 😊 TabarakAllah
For extroverts, be a stranger, love and live the life to the fullest but remember we have to return to Allah. And Introverts or someone who knows getting too attached to this world may cost you, be a wayfarer as you don't want to engage more in life and go through this life quietly.
May we be from among those who follow this advice. Baraka Allahu Feekum
God bless you!
Jazakallah hul khairon katsiron. Merciful Servant thank for video it was great..
✌️❤️ from🇨🇦
love Canada from Kuwait 🇰🇼
Thank You
Wow subhanallah such a strong video jazakallahu khairun ! ☝🏼🙏🏼
Thanks for sharing, May Allah grant all of you the highest Jannah.
Really Meaningful 👌
Nisaki Jumin
Sister could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
جزاكم الله خير ..this video made my day ❤️
Alhamdulillah i’ve learnt something today, thank you for the knowledge, Barakallah..
The purpose of your life is simple...
Respond to God's love for you.
Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds,
though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because
they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations.
Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin.
Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE.
He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature
simply to hand out mercy.
Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself
could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH-
His perfectly Just and Holy nature,
with your need for mercy.
Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty,
provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins
that the Almighty can accept, and
fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin
providing all the mercy you need.
Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam-
you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin.
Begin trusting that Jesus obediently,
and to prove His great love for you,
willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross,
making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough***
the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
Sahih al-Bukhari thank you for sharing ur point of view.. i’ve learnt again today.. i believe prophet Isa as. is one of the importance prophet in this world, but I love prophet Muhammad saw. more.. i fall in love by the beautiful teaching of Islam.. Allah swt. suffices me in this life, give me Islam when i never asked to, i can’t and won’t ever leave this imaan.. Let me choose to be the stranger, i like the idea :) i’m here but my heart is in paradise.. i hope i state clearly my point of view.. i’m just a teenager who happens english is not my first language.. i believe this is a good platform to do syiar too but due to limited knowledge and language barrier, i cant really express myself :(
This really touched me
subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbarr! Fantastic, concise and pertinent video to us in these days. Very relevant, very insightful and very practical. More of this please. Jazak Allahu khair : )
The purpose of your life is simple...
Respond to God's love for you.
Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds,
though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because
they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations.
Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin.
Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE.
He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature
simply to hand out mercy.
Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself
could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH-
His perfectly Just and Holy nature,
with your need for mercy.
Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty,
provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins
that the Almighty can accept, and
fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin
providing all the mercy you need.
Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam-
you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin.
Begin trusting that Jesus obediently,
and to prove His great love for you,
willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross,
making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough***
the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
Beautiful reminder ❤
Tahaney Kamal
Brother could you please support me by SUBSCRIBING to my channel for beautiful recitations in sha Allah😊😄✌
Beautiful Words By Holy Prophet PBUH be in this life like a stranger 😊
The purpose of your life is simple...
Respond to God's love for you.
Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds,
though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because
they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations.
Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin.
Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE.
He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature
simply to hand out mercy.
Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself
could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH-
His perfectly Just and Holy nature,
with your need for mercy.
Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty,
provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins
that the Almighty can accept, and
fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin
providing all the mercy you need.
Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam-
you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin.
Begin trusting that Jesus obediently,
and to prove His great love for you,
willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross,
making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough***
the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
JazakAllahu khairan, Ya rabbbbeee forgive me, Allhummaghfir lee
Thank you, Ameen. . Mehrunnisa .👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🕊🕊🕊🕊🕋🕋🕋🕋😘😘😘
Do good merrits in life, feed the hungry, clothe the naked and help the suffering.
Jazakallahu Khairan❤️
JazakAllah,superb video,thanks
The purpose of your life is simple...
Respond to God's love for you.
Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds,
though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because
they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations.
Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin.
Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE.
He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature
simply to hand out mercy.
Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself
could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH-
His perfectly Just and Holy nature,
with your need for mercy.
Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty,
provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins
that the Almighty can accept, and
fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin
providing all the mercy you need.
Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam-
you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin.
Begin trusting that Jesus obediently,
and to prove His great love for you,
willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross,
making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough***
the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
mashallah one of the best videos
جزاكم الله كل خير
yousef bawahal Brother could you please support us by SUBSCRIBING to our Channel In Sha Allah 😄
AQIL yes brother
I already did
Thank you so much 😙
I always listen to your bayaans they teach you alottttttttt
Thank You Allah
Bi kulli surur
Allah is the Moon god !
and Muhammad was a False Prophet.
Adam 1984 why
Islam was created by the evil Roman Catholic Church !
so the Pope can kill all the true Christians and Jews.
The Quran was a doctrine from the Roman Empire brought to Muhammad by North African augustinian monks.
Allah is the moon god !
Islam is a false religion !
and Muhammad was a false prophet.
Muhammad first wife Khadija was a roman catholic !!
she told him to start a new religion !!
and her cousin named Waraquah, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic, and the Papacy placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's adviser !
He had tremendous influence on Muhammad.
They both helped Muhammad to start this false evil religion.
Muhammad killed, lied, had 13 wives and cheated on them with Maria !
He was 53 and had sex with a 9 years old Aisha.
An evil man like Muhammad can't be God's prophet.
Wake up Muslims !!
Jesus Christ is the only way to God The Father (The Creator).
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
How the Vatican (Catholic Church) created Islam !
The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera !
which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.
During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition !!
Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc.
The Prophet, by Alberto Rivera
The word Allah was put in the Arabic bible by the translators.
Allah is not the name of the God of the bible !
The word Allah in the Arabic bible was added by the translators.
The New Testament was written in Greek !
The Old Testament mainly written in Biblical Hebrew !
with some portions (notably in Daniel and Ezra) in Biblical Aramaic.
Allah is the moon god !
Islam is a false religion !
and Muhammad was a false prophet.
@@Adam-1984 you’re wrong mate. How many years have you studied Islam? Have you lived an Islamic life and experienced this way of life? What makes you an expert about Islam?
Beautiful lecture
المؤمنين كانوا دائما غرباء في هذه الدنيا وسيبقون كذلك إلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها. تذكروا قصص أسيادنا إبراهيم ونوح وعيسى وغيرهم من أنبياء الله ورسله عليهم الصلاة والسلام. تذكروا قصص أصحاب الأخدود وأهل الكهف ومريم العذراء رضوان الله عليهم
Subhan Allah! Beautiful..
What a beautiful speech.....Masha Allah!
● Take Care Of 5 Before 5 ●
● 1, - Your Life Before Death●
● 2, -Your Time Before Busy●
● 3, - Your Youth Before Old Age ●
● 4, - Your Wealth Before Poverty ●
● 5, - Your Health Before Sickness/Illness.●
● A Saying Of Our Prophet Muhammad Saw In A Sahih Hadeeth ●
● & Allah Swt Knows Best ●
Just found a reaaly inspiring video for all you muslims and non muslims out there najiyah sophia (its not mine) May allah bless your soul and bring love for the prophet and sahaaba and ulama in your hearts.
Pls reply Done thazakallah
I love ur channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What A Meaningful,Beautiful Video !!!!
Mashallah u r amazing
Janin Zaman Assalamu Alaikum sister please change ur profile pic it's Haram and a Famous fitnah of All times
@IF but still its haram . Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it . Right is right even if no one is doing it.
I love this one
Beautiful words
I’m definitely a stranger in this world. Taking account of how I’ve been treated here so when I go back I can testify against you all.
Nice lecture MashaAlla.
Beautifully described 🤲💖
Good one
The purpose of your life is simple...
Respond to God's love for you.
Realize that even your most sincere repentance and good deeds,
though necessary, cannot simply be rewarded with mercy because
they are tainted with a multitude of sinful self-motivations.
Perfect Justice demands punishment for all sin.
Mercy without punishment for sin is INJUSTICE.
He will never compromise His Perfectly Just nature
simply to hand out mercy.
Only the Holy, Just and Pure Almighty Creator Himself
could provide the payment-in-full that satisfies BOTH-
His perfectly Just and Holy nature,
with your need for mercy.
Only Jesus, sharing fully in the attributes, nature and substance of the Almighty,
provided by His sufferings alone the only payment-in-full for all your sins
that the Almighty can accept, and
fully satisfied the justice of the Almighty in the punishment of sin
providing all the mercy you need.
Repent of trusting in the teachings of Islam-
you can never do enough good deeds to get mercy for even one sin.
Begin trusting that Jesus obediently,
and to prove His great love for you,
willingly took the punishment your sins deserved on His cross,
making the only payment for your sins ***perfect enough***
the Almighty Father in Heaven CAN accept.
Sahih al-Bukhari truly
Those words were motivational,my my how in wish to be a wayferer one day when i grow.
Don't forget to solawah to Rasulullah SAW my muslim brothers and sisters.May Allah bless us all.
Amazing. This is deep knowledge that can only come from a Prophet, presented in such simplicity, كن في الدنيا كأنك غريب أو عابر سبيل. This is not knowledge that could have been attained by human exploration, research or experience. Where the knowledge of the rest of humanity ends, that is where the deep knowledge of the Nabi of Allah (peace be upon Him) begins.
Jazakallahu Khairan 💕💕💕💕
Wallahi, this is the same how I feel , a stranger in this world.
This is the realest video on UA-cam
Thanks so much Merciful Servant. Truly may Allah bless u.