ANIME HOUSTON 2021 - Losers Finals: Kirbykid (King K.rool) VS Epic Gabe (ROB) - SSBU SINGLES
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Losers Finals of Anime Houston 2021 Singles between KirbyKid and Epic Gabe
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#ssbu #smashultimate #supersmashbros
Kirby Kid's dad is there supporting his son. : ] That was such an epic match!
They call him Kirby Dad😎
How do you know he has a dad. The announcers say he was a they. They could have been conceived by a frog and neither one identifies as a dad.
@@alm8399 first of all, how are you gonna say he if you know they’re a they. Second of all, dad is gender neutral. Anyone can be a dad regardless of their pronouns or gender identification.
I would to if my son was making millions of dollars playing smash
K. Rool is so fun to watch
K Rool is never boring, as or against.
8:32, 191% and he mashes out of that down throw instantly. Wow!
Please can someone tell me what's his mash technique ???
In case no one tell you since,
Mashing is doing as many input as you can to leave the opponent grab, the more input you do, the fastest you can escape
Sorry for the poor sentence i dont speak english very good @@adriens.6359
Kirbykid being an inspiration to all us K Rool mains.
Commentator: "it's probably gonna be even the whole set"
KirbyKid: *double bair dunk*
Nothing gets me more hype than KirbyKid come backs and wins
Kirby Kid is crazy, KRool with the gyro combos! Who knew! 😦
I'm a K. Rool main, and I actually watch KirbyKid to learn from him. He is very good.
Absolutely amazing set 🔥🔥🔥
Awesome set👍
KIRBY KIDDDD IS GOD TIERRRRRR HIS K ROOL IS INSANE,, I’m literally cheering for him the entire match like I’m watching sports or something 🤣🤣
I like King K. Rool because he is a cool character and he stoped from appearing in games of the DK franchise or in from any other media during at least 3 years and there was a reference about him in Super Mario Odessey, he made his full return in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, a heart please I'm saying the truth, I'm not lying
Gabriel losing to a low tier. That was a good day
K rool is a mid tier tho
@@fropo2505 still. K rool is only really good when put in the absolute best hands. For example: kirbykid
@@fropo2505k rool is absolutely low tier lol
@@ebolahunter4144 this was half a year ago😭
yo how the hell this dude mash that quick out of bury he was almost at 200%
edge of my fuckign seat the whole time. Good on both players.
Jo that was the most intense set I’ve ever seen fuck all that mkleo matches that’s the good stuff
Double spike was hype
15:34 that wait was god like he just didn’t pull the trigger he had the game there too
damn this was an insane game
Epic Gabe lost because he didn't have kirbydad
11:41 - beautiful sequence
His dad at the end :)
That game 4 was an epic poggers Chungus moment.
That double spike!!
crazy cool set
I only was brought here because it said Anime Houston, even though it was smash, I just was curious, and NO, I DO NOT LIVE IN HOUSTON TEXAS
Bro Houston is in your name
Hell yeah
Kirbys gotta use down b for projectile characters.
5:32 😮😮
Kirbykid is cracked
u can even hear that damn mask, sheesh
best kkroll ever
Man, I hate K. Rool.
Epic gabe? More like cringe gabe.
What'd he do now?
Anyone who calls themselves “epic” is 100% not epic
Cringe at it’s max
It's not as cringe as a name like "prodigy". Epic is not that strong of a word, it's almost the same as "Super Gabe", not really cringe. Just a style of name
@@ambiguous8661 Prodigy is an awesome name, you can’t tell me Super Gabe or Epic Gabe is better than that