Two Gaussians multiply each other don't necessarily get a Gaussian:
The product rule isn't about multiplying the random variables. It is about multiplying the probability density functions, which does yield a gaussian (up to normalization). Multiplying PDFs/probabilities appears in Bayes' rule.
unbelievable and always inspiring no matter how many times been watched...
There's a mistake in the conditional distribution of x given the variance and y at 17:32.
first lecture where I hear something referring to the likelihood :) most lectures jump from the prior directly to the posterior
Great explanation of the concepts.. thanks a lot
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Two Gaussians multiply each other don't necessarily get a Gaussian:
The product rule isn't about multiplying the random variables. It is about multiplying the probability density functions, which does yield a gaussian (up to normalization). Multiplying PDFs/probabilities appears in Bayes' rule.
thank you!