Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of love for cycling competitions, even watching the replay my heart is running thousand beats a second, cycling is the most exciting adventure of life out there, big loving hug all riders, never stop believe in guys ❤🎉❤
@@Whistler4uAt the moment there is a top 1, but at their best Wout is closer to him. And last year when MVDP was not at his very best Wout beat him more often than not. So I do think you can still call them the top two. The top 3 rhetoric is nonsense anyway, Pidcock has never been near their class in CX or on the road. He will beat the other guys when he is at his best, the other two beat the rest when they are at 80%.
@@Andy_ATB I am not a roadie, and I follow every kind of cycling. I specifically did not mention XCO, because in that discipline Pidcock is at the top and probably better than MVDP because of his weight advantage. On the road and in CX Pidcock is nowhere near. Sorry to disappoint you, seems to me you re the ignorant one.
@@Andy_ATB You do realise CX and MTB are different disciplines and Pidcock winning titles in XCO doesn't have a bearing on his results in cross? Another ignorant fanboy...
What happened? VDP was in 8th, the director left the camera on a empty rise and we cut back to see him in 1st and race over. I guess the race winning move is not that important to see.
I hated this sand ,these way too many curves.Wout really was not in shape .i was very disappointed. I expected some fight.better than in Mol . Iserbyt ,Sweek, would have finished over 4 minutes.
Would just looks totally dejected while MVDP looks so relaxed. Long live the king MVDP
@@janbadkamer3383 sorry. My spelling is brutal and this auto correct gets me all the time. Wout. Lol
Average speed of around 26.5 km/h. Some beginner road cyclists find it hard to maintain this speed on slick road tyres and smooth tarmac...
Must be nice to be the best in world at something that’s just your side hustle
Van Der Poel un vero fenomeno
Un campionissimo
Very interesting discussion of the difficulties of racing on sand by the female commentator, thanks to both commentators for their work.
Agreed, she was good. Not just fluff from her, that was good info.
Hellen is great
@@pipstrem5401yes she is. What's her last name?
@@sjaakbral83 Wyman
Mathieu est énorme!!! Il se promène...
Che eleganza!! Classe immensa!! Veramente the Best!!!!!❤❤❤😊😊😊un grande anche al rivale Van Hart!!❤❤❤😅😅
MVDP isnt Human
Beste crosser aller tijden....
geen discussie nodig
Sven Nys
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of love for cycling competitions, even watching the replay my heart is running thousand beats a second, cycling is the most exciting adventure of life out there, big loving hug all riders, never stop believe in guys ❤🎉❤
vd Poel should start at the back every race. Much more interesting.
Yes but only for the first two laps…..
Impressive, devastating power
The best MVP
Op dit moment is niemand groter dan mathieu in de cross ❤🎉
*Op de fiets
shame we can wacth those game anymore due to the GCN CLOSING DOWN I bet they will lose a lot audience to
Dio mio quanto è forte bello e spettacolare!!!!❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Great coverage.
Van der poel domineert niets aan te doen ❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂
Thanks for that !
It is what it is,,,mvdp specialized one day race
Le boss 🤙🏻🤙🏻
Sweek is still great in the sand. Top three were awesome though ✊🏼 WFO for sure!
What is the name of the background music? The first 30 seconds.
bad day for me to be a WVA stan
Whats that song at 9:05?
MVDP is a cycling God.
Deos anyone know the Song from Start ? 🙏
I'm excited for his ironman debut
When would that be?
@@skubisan what IM?
Proofs that there are only the big two, MVDP and WVA
Proof that there's just the big one.
@@Whistler4uAt the moment there is a top 1, but at their best Wout is closer to him. And last year when MVDP was not at his very best Wout beat him more often than not. So I do think you can still call them the top two.
The top 3 rhetoric is nonsense anyway, Pidcock has never been near their class in CX or on the road. He will beat the other guys when he is at his best, the other two beat the rest when they are at 80%.
@@rulifaller8474 You do realise that he's the current Olympic & World XCO Champion? Another ignorant roadie......
@@Andy_ATB I am not a roadie, and I follow every kind of cycling. I specifically did not mention XCO, because in that discipline Pidcock is at the top and probably better than MVDP because of his weight advantage. On the road and in CX Pidcock is nowhere near. Sorry to disappoint you, seems to me you re the ignorant one.
@@Andy_ATB You do realise CX and MTB are different disciplines and Pidcock winning titles in XCO doesn't have a bearing on his results in cross? Another ignorant fanboy...
MVDP is out of this world…
what happened to the Eurosport coverage? it jumped from lap 2 to lap 5 watching on TV
Should have couriered gold medal to MvDP ahead of the race ☝️
Early days in the season, Mvdp peaking early
ok coach, we'll tell the World Tittle PRO you said so
MVDP is an animal!!!
Le boss est de retour... Jean Pierre
Where one watch live coverage these days since GCN+ is dead?
can you not read the name of the channel?
FloSports in the United States
@@cornishcat11 shame, you have no clue. The correct answer would have been discovery+
Why was MVPP wearing the world champion shirt? I didn't understand
Because he is the worldchampion
He became the world champion in January in Hoogerheide
@@TheDreamtheaterlover yes 😂imao
@@lestandardmaruine thanks dude
MVDP is giving off serous ivan drago vibes hahaha
What happened? VDP was in 8th, the director left the camera on a empty rise and we cut back to see him in 1st and race over. I guess the race winning move is not that important to see.
Are full rigid mountain bikes illegal in cyclocross?
Maximum tyre size is 33mm wide
you need drop bars too
Did Matt Stephens teach MvdP how to clip in? 😂
who is the co-commentator?
Helen Wyman. Former 2x European champion and 10x British champion at cyclocross.
Mathieu onklopbaar
We need better commentary from these events. The number of 'uh's and the staccato nature make this painful to listen to.
Mvdp was almost last..and won
Mvdp for the win in roubaix
I hated this sand ,these way too many curves.Wout really was not in shape .i was very disappointed.
I expected some fight.better than in Mol .
Iserbyt ,Sweek, would have finished over 4 minutes.
too easy.
kajat kusgan pako ana oys
Mohr Rapid
Lance Armstrong was far better
LA is the best 👌
Doped or clean?
@@JoshuaGroot-r6t Van der poel Has better newer juice. Nearly 2 decades
good rider but dont like the person .
so what if you took the poison vazzinnnne
What? Go away.
Stop with the sand!
Commentator makes the race so boring. Now emphasis or excitement being projected by the female commentator
Spoiling the winner of the race. This will save me money as I won’t be needing a Eurosport-subscription anymore 👎
Vander pon super homem