I’ve said this to other Rush reactions and I’ll say it again. I have no idea why I love seeing other people find this band and start the journey down the rabbit hole, but you both nailed it. Your cheeks hurt from smiling and you mentioned that they just make you feel good. That’s why so many of us have been with them for nearly 50 years. They managed to do some of that along the entire journey, from beginning to end. You guys need to do the song 2112 and find the comic book version. After what you’ve heard already, you’ll be blown away.
Forty plus years for me as well and I agree whole heartedly, especially the feel good groove even on songs that have very deep meaning. Funny thing about Geddys voice, if you ask someone why they don't like Rush most say it's his voice. I got my first Rush album Caress of Steel and I was hooked, years later I learned it was the least popular when it came out, still one of my favorites none the less. I never regret going on this journy with them, allows me to put things in perspective and look forward. Probably why its considered "Proggresive" rock 😊
Yeah man you did it!!! You just witnessed a three man symphonic orchestra giving what is probably their greatest live performance!! Three, THREE guys just created all that sound!! LIVE!!!!!! 🤘🏻 🤘🏻 While I am heart broken at the professors passing, I am also eternally grateful that the guys left behind an epic catalog of music and performances for us to revel in… FOREVER!!
Never before, and never since, have three musicians meshed so perfectly together and were so equal on all levels: creatively, performing, recording, writing and producing just meant for each other.🤘🖖✌️👍👌🥁🎸🎹🎤❤️🎼🥇🇨🇦🎼
Xanadu is an example of the saying "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it." It's based on an unfinished poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge about a man who seeks immortality, and finds out that it's not what he expected; he ends up trapped in a cave of eternal darkness, going mad as he waits for the world to end. And now, for another performance where Geddy and Alex go absolutely nuts, I recommend Working Man Live in Cleveland from their 2011 Time Machine Tour. Cheers from Canada! 🇨🇦 🎤 🎹 🎸 🥁 🎸 🔥 🔥 🔥
No backing tracks, no 'touring' musicians - just three, THREE absolute masters of their craft, recreating a very complex, progressive, aggressive, dynamic piece...LIVE!! This is a band where one member truly does not outshine the other - they are all in it for the collective good, of the song, and of/for each other! I think this is part of the reason there will never be another Rush, especially after Neil's passing (RIP). How can you replace an integral part of your soul? They never cease to amaze and entertain me! I've noticed that you haven't done La Villa Strangiato yet...they have an 'official' video for it, that, like this one, is done live! It's not the studio track and them 'mimicking', it's them playing live, which is totally where Rush shine!! Check it!
Hey guys been enjoying your reactions to Rush. I’m 60 years old and I have seen rush 16 times beginning with March 6, 1980 permanent waves tour in San Diego. And once I heard a fan being interviewed the day after a rush show, and he described it perfectly; “Each one is performing so inhumanly that you just don’t know which one to watch” So very true.
Rush fans are the best fans. 😊 Seriously, nicest group of people to meet at a rock concert. As a fan, as soon as we see the double necks come out, we know Xanadu is up. This song live, no matter the era, can be life changing. The light show for this at R40 almost gave me flashbacks. Lol.
"As a fan, as soon as we see the double necks come out, we know Xanadu is up." Fun Fact: a touring drummer friend of mine introduced me to Geddy's tech in 2012 and I got into the venue that afternoon as well as Vancouver in 2015 and Vegas the next week with a friend of mine in order to just hang out and gawk at the gear. We took many photos of the assemblage of bass guitars on Geddy's side of the stage, including the black doubleneck Rick and red Doubleneck, the Jazz, pretty much all of them. I asked which doubleneck was in rotation for that night and it was the red one, and the red was also in the rotation for Vegas. Oh well... Waiting for the doors to open in Vegas, I got a text from Skully, "surprise in Xanadu." My friend and I tried to think of what it might be; 'kimonos?' was my friend's guess. Imagine our surprise when Geddy was playing the black one ! After the show, Skully said "I swapped in the black one because I know you and Tim wanted to see him play that one." I replied, 'thank you!.... you're allowed to do that?.....' "I control everything." 🤣
@@michaelzilkowsky2936 omg that is a great story!! I live in Vegas, so that extra cool for me because I was probably at that show. Never missed Rush ... Especially when they are here. 😁😁
Best band ever. 3 geniuses. How can you play an incredible song with only 3 people? Happy to have seen them multiple times live. They are sadly missed. Neil RIP. And your reaction video is great. thanks. All the best from a big Rush fan from the Netherlands
The biggest problem with seeing a Rush concert is that they ruin any other band you go to see in concert. They take there performances very seriously. Geddy Lee mentioned that they practice on their own for a few months before they get together to practice for a tour. Yeah, they've had a few hiccups in the 20+ times I've seen them, but I honestly don't recall a "bad" live performance from them. Especially when their format changed to an Evening with Rush. Enjoyed the reaction! It's always fun to see people discover the genius of Rush. Take care ✌
Epic song! Epic concert! What I like the most about Rush is their authenticity! Real musicians playing real music! Masters of their craft! This song specifically is mind-blowing! A display of masterfulness! Respect🙌
This is their multi-tasking showpiece., at its best. I consider the live version of "Xanadu" from "Exit, Stage Left" to be the definitive version. For a lot of people not entirely familiar w/ Rush, watching the task sharing on this piece is like watching a great action movie. It goes to the heart of their larger concept of "the worlds smallest symphony orchestra". The key is that their reluctance to add another person not only cemented the bands longevity, but pushed them into an entirely unexplored area of virtuosity. When you watch Rush, you're not watching "virtuoso players" so much as you are watching a band made up of virtuoso players. Even the biggest shredder out there is afraid of their back catalog.
Three musicians with seven necks!! This performance, in particular, is a masterpiece!! The mind blowing part is that Geddy is playing bass, a bit of guitar, synthesizers with his fingers and his feet, and singing. Neil is playing an entire orchestral percussion section, and Alex covering everything else on 12 and 6 string guitars plus keyboard triggers with his feet. Any other band would need six guys to pull this off!! Fun to watch you enjoy it!
Only six? Most bands would need four guitarists, two keyboard players, at least two percussionists, and a vocalist to play this. And they'd never be able to coordinate it properly.
Oh yes...thank you so much guys for reacting to Rush and Xanadu . A absolutely brilliant band and song. I have been a big Rush fan since the first album..but the band went up a level when they released A Farewell to Kings in 1977...Xanadu is on that album . I bought the album when it came out and it blew me away. I saw the band on this tour in Liverpool UK... absolutely brilliant. It doesn't matter how many times I hear Xanadu ..It sounds as fresh and as brilliant as when I first heard it. Looking forward to your next reaction. Peace and love from Liverpool UK 👍✌️🤘☮️
Neil is a percussion section on his own glockenspiel, temple blocks, chimes, triangles, bell towers and tubular bells by himself. The best 3 man band ever. Canada Rocks!!!!!
I have lost count of the number of different channels I have watched that have reacted to Xanadu. I love seeing music listeners and musicians discover RUSH and their raw talent and creativity they developed. They never sold out. They stuck to prog rock and were successful without going mainstream commercial.
The thing about Xanadu from "Exit... Stage Left", is they play Broon's Bane (Alex solo acoustic guitar intro) and The Trees and then go straight in to Xanadu. Playing for a solid 18+ minutes with no breaks. That endurance in itself was impressive, but the complexity and difficulty of all three songs is mind boggling. You should try listening to that marathon of EPICNESS!
The first Rush song, I ever heard. 1982, in Spanish class, my buddy Mark handed me a cassette tape, with “Exit Stage Left” on it. Great to see new fans. They were my Childhood soundtrack
Yeah. Never look away from a rush video or you might miss some crazy guitar or drum fill. Lol. Geddy was using a bass guitar on top and believe it was a regular guitar on bottom. This performance is one of my favorite live performances ever. Everything about this is just epic to my ears.
Loved y'alls reaction to this song!! Just off the charts musicianship!! You need to watch this whole concert, "Exit Stage Left", and see them just killing it. I remember watching MTV when they showed this very concert and just being blown away seeing them live like this. And only 3 guys performing!!! Needless to say, I've seen 7 times live and was never disappointed! Seeing them perform for 3 hours at this level is just crazy!! Watch Beyond a Lighted Stage documentary and really SEE the guys and how funny and humble they really are off stage. The dinner scene at the end is one of the funniest things you'll ever see!! Sorry for the long write up, but I love this band and these guys! Next song, La Villa Strangiato, the original version practice version. Nuts!!
You have just witnessed three masters of their art performing a modern classic masterpiece. Your reaction was great......it reminded me of my first listen to Rush.....45 years later and I'm still in awe. They were/are the Kings of crescendo.
This is absolute peak Rush. From 1976-1981, they released 5 of the greatest rock albums ever. The two additional live releases during that period showcase the raw talent and power of Rush live. My first experience seeing Rush in concert was about a year after this. I wish I could go back.
I like a lot of Rush and music in general. However there is NOTHING I’ve ever heard a band do live that compares to this song and performance. Period. And when people say Bonham and Peart are close as drummers I think they don’t really under what is going on with the drums. I play and this is utter rock mastery…creatively and from an execution standpoint.
I've been listening to Rush since I was a small child. I am appreciating their brilliance again by watching your reactions while you are listening. You make me want to discover Rush for the first once again.
Yeah, this is something really special. I can't think of any 3 piece outfit that can come close to what these guys put out live. This would be unprecedented back in 1981 with Rush producing a wall of sonic onslaught unmatched with such precision & dexterity. They are on a whole different level entirely. Legends.
Rush is a once in a generation/lifetime band. Nobody can touch their genius. There's an upcoming band (I guess I can say that) they've been playing together for 8 years. Since they were 14, 12,and 9. The Warning from Monterrey Mexico, 3 sisters. Check them out if you haven't heard them.
Wow, you guys! I have watched a LOT of reactors to Rush before...BUT THIS has got to be THE BEST reaction I have ever seen to Rush! I love you guys. This was a fantastic reaction!!! You have gotten a sub and a like from me. I wish I could like this twice!!!
This was one of the greatest live moments of Rock Music, a pinnacle achievement brought to us by RUSH!!! This is the live concert, imagine for the ones new to this song, what the original is like? IT is past the summit!! Heard this song many times live, but wish I could have had these two with me at one of those concerts....with oxygen masks for sure!
I love watching people discover Rush for the first time. It takes me back to when I first heard them. Listen to more Rush. They were considered a geek band in the 70s and 80s but are finally getting their due. They are truly three of the greatest musicians you will ever hear.
This is THE PENULTIMATE Rush song done in their prime. Listen to each of them exel to an unreal level at each of their crafts! The ultimate power trio right here, RUSH!
Alex has a 12 string + 6 string guitar, and Geddy has a 4 string bass + 6 string guitar. Geddy also has some Taurus pedals he uses, so he can sing, play bass with his hands, and play a synth line with his feet, the dude is nuts. I'd love to see you try to handle The Gates of Delirium by Yes :D
It's been a year since I recommended this and everytime it pops up I have to watch it, it's by far the goat and your reactions to all music is my favorite.
To watch people react the way they did reminds me of the first time in 1977 when I was 15 years old and heard this song and still love to listen ...keeps my 60 year old body feeling great
You are what RUSH fans love to see besides RUSH. Other RUSH Fans! RUSH ARMY!! Can you imagine the high level vibe when thousands of us get together with the band in one big spot? EPIC is a good way to describe it. EVERY TIME!! Wall to wall smiles the whole night! We get loud too! Too Much Fun! 50 something year olds instantly becoming teenagers again! It’s a trip! Ha Ha! 😁👍
At 7:33 you can see Geddy playin the keys with his feet WHILE playin bass. He even plays the electric guitar from the moment Alex plays the solo (Bass/E-guitar doubleneck). Alex doubleneck has a 6-string and 12-string (upper neck) guitar and he sometimes plays bass pedals when Geddy is on the keyboard (with his fingers) and thus cannot play the bass. Neil does as always an excellent job here. Three geniusses in Progrock doin what they can the best. What more can I say? Greets from Germany and stay safe there!!
Simply the greatest 3 piece ever, supremely talented, perfect live productions, simply epic. Just loved your reaction so you have a new subscriber, you are only on the beginning of an amazingly deep rabbit hole, ENJOY 😀
I have watched reactions to this song dozens of times (yeah, I guess this is officially my favorite RUSH song), and watching your reactions, responses and genuine joy listening to RUSH is truly fun for us long time fans. We’re always happy to see new people dive down the rabbit hole and appreciate the greatness of three of the most humble musicians and human beings ever. RIP Professor
Amazing what three incredibly talented guys can pull off live, before the advent of sequencers, backing tracks, off stage musicians etc. On this one you get Rush at the height of their powers, where every sound, every note, is played live by just the three of them.
Alex is playing a guitar with a 12 string neck and regular 6 string (bottom) Geddy is playing bass neck (top) and regular 6 string (bottom) and both them play bass parts with foot pedals when needed - note Neil has orchestral tubular bells he played at times behind him
To see a Rush Concert back then was a great time to be alive been a Rush fan all my life i'm in my 60s now love them i want Xanadu played at my funeral.
Glad to see first time reactions to Rush. I saw this tour and was blown away. Saw them several more times and this song was always a highlighlight. So multilayered. You should listen to the studio version so you can hear how the band always tried mimic the studio versions of their songs live. And they always nailed. Geddy plays a double neck top is bass bottom is a regular six string. He plays the rhythm at the end of Xanadu. Rush on!!
I remember as a kid in the back seat of the car I now drive, occasionally hearing Limelight or Freewill on the classic rock station, but about two and a half, maybe three years ago, I got into the Exit Stage Left live recording as my first real dive into Rush because I was reading through a biography page on one of my favorite cover band's website and seeing it as one of their guitarist's most inspirational albums. When I came to UA-cam and saw this performance of Xanadu for the first time, I was blown away by EVERYTHING. The double-necks, Geddy's keyboard rig, the roaring Taurus pedals making that synth bass, Neil's drum kit and relentless power, how much fun Geddy and Alex looked like they were having, and their ability to multitask. Singing, playing the bass/12-string, and hitting the pedals with your feet all at the same time. Not too long after the discovery of this power trio, I purchased a Geddy Lee signature jazz bass and started learning!
Man, I grew up with this band and have loved them since the late 70s. You guys gave me so much joy watching your reactions. Almost made me feel like I was young again. Rest in peace Neil Peart.
Wow you guys are so cool. That you are both musicians is awesome. I'm glad that you loved it. Rushes music is worth more than the sum of it's parts. Use the energy as impetus to move you music careers forward. Music is life. From Peter.
You simply don't see performances like this today. It doesn't exist.
Greatest live performance of all time. The multi tasking is insane. G.O.A.T.!
Go Rangers!!!
@@Juddses1066 Love my Rangers….but not quite as much as Rush!
arguably the best of all time
I totally agree with you! My favorite album of all time
I’ve said this to other Rush reactions and I’ll say it again. I have no idea why I love seeing other people find this band and start the journey down the rabbit hole, but you both nailed it. Your cheeks hurt from smiling and you mentioned that they just make you feel good. That’s why so many of us have been with them for nearly 50 years. They managed to do some of that along the entire journey, from beginning to end. You guys need to do the song 2112 and find the comic book version. After what you’ve heard already, you’ll be blown away.
Me too… it’s like a guilty pleasure!! LOL! So fun to see how I probably looked when these albums came out..LOL! Be well, my friend!
Forty plus years for me as well and I agree whole heartedly, especially the feel good groove even on songs that have very deep meaning. Funny thing about Geddys voice, if you ask someone why they don't like Rush most say it's his voice. I got my first Rush album Caress of Steel and I was hooked, years later I learned it was the least popular when it came out, still one of my favorites none the less. I never regret going on this journy with them, allows me to put things in perspective and look forward. Probably why its considered "Proggresive" rock 😊
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that nobody else has this kind of sound, past or present. They were kind of their own music category.
I'm Steve G. and I approve this message! Can't wait 'til Lee and Lifeson officially hit the Road.
You put my feelings into words. I dig it too. Can't hear it enough
Probably my favorite guitar solo of all time.
No more tears solo, a close second
Geddy’s voice was savage during this whole concert. I miss them terribly.
This Canadian ADORES your Rush reactions❤️💕🇨🇦✌️
Yeah man you did it!!! You just witnessed a three man symphonic orchestra giving what is probably their greatest live performance!! Three, THREE guys just created all that sound!! LIVE!!!!!! 🤘🏻 🤘🏻
While I am heart broken at the professors passing, I am also eternally grateful that the guys left behind an epic catalog of music and performances for us to revel in… FOREVER!!
Never before, and never since, have three musicians meshed so perfectly together and were so equal on all levels: creatively, performing, recording, writing and producing just meant for each other.🤘🖖✌️👍👌🥁🎸🎹🎤❤️🎼🥇🇨🇦🎼
Just Killin it. Perfectly said.
And never will there be.
Probably seen this video over 50 times. It was a masterpiece the first time I saw it and it still is a masterpiece! Can't get enough....
Xanadu is an example of the saying "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it." It's based on an unfinished poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge about a man who seeks immortality, and finds out that it's not what he expected; he ends up trapped in a cave of eternal darkness, going mad as he waits for the world to end. And now, for another performance where Geddy and Alex go absolutely nuts, I recommend Working Man Live in Cleveland from their 2011 Time Machine Tour. Cheers from Canada! 🇨🇦
🎤 🎹 🎸 🥁 🎸 🔥 🔥 🔥
OLD TIME ROCK & ROLL RULES! Canadian here who just turn 60!
Happy Birthday!
57 year old American here … honorary Rush Canadian. ❤
Why this doesn't get more recognition is beyond me. To me this not only Rush's best it's one of the best ever.
It will.
I saw this tour…yea…❤
No backing tracks, no 'touring' musicians - just three, THREE absolute masters of their craft, recreating a very complex, progressive, aggressive, dynamic piece...LIVE!!
This is a band where one member truly does not outshine the other - they are all in it for the collective good, of the song, and of/for each other! I think this is part of the reason there will never be another Rush, especially after Neil's passing (RIP). How can you replace an integral part of your soul?
They never cease to amaze and entertain me!
I've noticed that you haven't done La Villa Strangiato yet...they have an 'official' video for it, that, like this one, is done live! It's not the studio track and them 'mimicking', it's them playing live, which is totally where Rush shine!! Check it!
Hey guys been enjoying your reactions to Rush. I’m 60 years old and I have seen rush 16 times beginning with March 6, 1980 permanent waves tour in San Diego. And once I heard a fan being interviewed the day after a rush show, and he described it perfectly; “Each one is performing so inhumanly that you just don’t know which one to watch” So very true.
San Diego Sports Arenà....
In Tears
Rush fans are the best fans. 😊 Seriously, nicest group of people to meet at a rock concert.
As a fan, as soon as we see the double necks come out, we know Xanadu is up. This song live, no matter the era, can be life changing. The light show for this at R40 almost gave me flashbacks. Lol.
RUSH ON!!!!!
"As a fan, as soon as we see the double necks come out, we know Xanadu is up."
Fun Fact: a touring drummer friend of mine introduced me to Geddy's tech in 2012 and I got into the venue that afternoon as well as Vancouver in 2015 and Vegas the next week with a friend of mine in order to just hang out and gawk at the gear.
We took many photos of the assemblage of bass guitars on Geddy's side of the stage, including the black doubleneck Rick and red Doubleneck, the Jazz, pretty much all of them. I asked which doubleneck was in rotation for that night and it was the red one, and the red was also in the rotation for Vegas. Oh well...
Waiting for the doors to open in Vegas, I got a text from Skully, "surprise in Xanadu." My friend and I tried to think of what it might be; 'kimonos?' was my friend's guess.
Imagine our surprise when Geddy was playing the black one ! After the show, Skully said "I swapped in the black one because I know you and Tim wanted to see him play that one."
I replied, 'thank you!.... you're allowed to do that?.....'
"I control everything." 🤣
@@michaelzilkowsky2936 omg that is a great story!! I live in Vegas, so that extra cool for me because I was probably at that show. Never missed Rush ... Especially when they are here. 😁😁
I'm glad you saw this perfection. Now imagine seeing this live and being 20. Welcome aboard.
Best band ever. 3 geniuses. How can you play an incredible song with only 3 people? Happy to have seen them multiple times live. They are sadly missed. Neil RIP. And your reaction video is great. thanks. All the best from a big Rush fan from the Netherlands
I remember listening to this entire album at my best friend Jimmy's house, when it came out! The "Professor on the Drums," Mr. Neil Peart.
Rush is phenomenal!!! Three masters of their craft...What a masterpiece.... RUSH=LEGENDS....
The biggest problem with seeing a Rush concert is that they ruin any other band you go to see in concert. They take there performances very seriously. Geddy Lee mentioned that they practice on their own for a few months before they get together to practice for a tour. Yeah, they've had a few hiccups in the 20+ times I've seen them, but I honestly don't recall a "bad" live performance from them. Especially when their format changed to an Evening with Rush.
Enjoyed the reaction! It's always fun to see people discover the genius of Rush.
Take care ✌
Epic song! Epic concert!
What I like the most about Rush is their authenticity! Real musicians playing real music! Masters of their craft!
This song specifically is mind-blowing! A display of masterfulness!
This is their multi-tasking showpiece., at its best. I consider the live version of "Xanadu" from "Exit, Stage Left" to be the definitive version. For a lot of people not entirely familiar w/ Rush, watching the task sharing on this piece is like watching a great action movie. It goes to the heart of their larger concept of "the worlds smallest symphony orchestra". The key is that their reluctance to add another person not only cemented the bands longevity, but pushed them into an entirely unexplored area of virtuosity. When you watch Rush, you're not watching "virtuoso players" so much as you are watching a band made up of virtuoso players. Even the biggest shredder out there is afraid of their back catalog.
Three musicians with seven necks!! This performance, in particular, is a masterpiece!! The mind blowing part is that Geddy is playing bass, a bit of guitar, synthesizers with his fingers and his feet, and singing. Neil is playing an entire orchestral percussion section, and Alex covering everything else on 12 and 6 string guitars plus keyboard triggers with his feet. Any other band would need six guys to pull this off!! Fun to watch you enjoy it!
Only six? Most bands would need four guitarists, two keyboard players, at least two percussionists, and a vocalist to play this. And they'd never be able to coordinate it properly.
@@wizardsuth Granted!! Three complete musical geniuses working together with one mind! It is a most beautiful thing.
A symphony of 3. 😎
I love that she said no,no ,no fix it . Don't let it stop . Fix it !
RIP Neal ... GOAT.
Next live performance... Rush - The Best Into Ever!!!
And that is why Rush will be remembered in 1000 years time
Great reaction to this masterpiece! This was Rush in their prime, they were the best of the best. RIP Professor
The title deserved the like alone
Seeing them in concert is nothing short of amazing. La Villa Strangiato from Exit Stage Left will blow you away.
This performance of this song is better then Stairway to Heaven from Led Zeppein...This is the Greatest Band EVER PERIOD.............
Absolute Masters of their craft…
Oh yes...thank you so much guys for reacting to Rush and Xanadu . A absolutely brilliant band and song.
I have been a big Rush fan since the first album..but the band went up a level when they released A Farewell to Kings in 1977...Xanadu is on that album . I bought the album when it came out and it blew me away. I saw the band on this tour in Liverpool UK... absolutely brilliant.
It doesn't matter how many times I hear Xanadu ..It sounds as fresh and as brilliant as when I first heard it.
Looking forward to your next reaction.
Peace and love from Liverpool UK 👍✌️🤘☮️
Simply the best live band of ALL Time.... and they are 3!!!!!
Neil is a percussion section on his own glockenspiel, temple blocks, chimes, triangles, bell towers and tubular bells by himself. The best 3 man band ever. Canada Rocks!!!!!
Great reaction. I was fortunate enough to see Rush 5 or 6 times including this tour in 1981. Always incredible.
My favorite Rush song ever and the very best live version. No other band like them. Brilliant geniuses!!!
I have lost count of the number of different channels I have watched that have reacted to Xanadu. I love seeing music listeners and musicians discover RUSH and their raw talent and creativity they developed. They never sold out. They stuck to prog rock and were successful without going mainstream commercial.
The thing about Xanadu from "Exit... Stage Left", is they play Broon's Bane (Alex solo acoustic guitar intro) and The Trees and then go straight in to Xanadu. Playing for a solid 18+ minutes with no breaks. That endurance in itself was impressive, but the complexity and difficulty of all three songs is mind boggling. You should try listening to that marathon of EPICNESS!
Side 3! I still have the vinyl. Changed my life.
I wish I had the vinyl… I wore my tape out until it squealed and eventually broke. 😢
Neil had to be in such great shape. Mouth closed steady breathing while beating the shit out of the drums.
The first Rush song, I ever heard. 1982, in Spanish class, my buddy Mark handed me a cassette tape, with “Exit Stage Left” on it. Great to see new fans. They were my Childhood soundtrack
My favorite Rush song. So glad they played it when I finally saw them live a few years back. Just a phenomenal band, legendary.
I saw the Boston show, Xanadu, The Camera Eye and Jacobs Ladder, just Wow! I was lucky enough to get eight show in from1981 to 2015.
Alex is always underrated in his craft.
Also, react to 'Dinner with RUSH'
Wayyyy underrated. Nailed it.
Yeah. Never look away from a rush video or you might miss some crazy guitar or drum fill. Lol.
Geddy was using a bass guitar on top and believe it was a regular guitar on bottom. This performance is one of my favorite live performances ever. Everything about this is just epic to my ears.
4 on top, 12 on the bottom.
Rickenbacker 4001
Loved y'alls reaction to this song!! Just off the charts musicianship!! You need to watch this whole concert, "Exit Stage Left", and see them just killing it. I remember watching MTV when they showed this very concert and just being blown away seeing them live like this. And only 3 guys performing!!! Needless to say, I've seen 7 times live and was never disappointed! Seeing them perform for 3 hours at this level is just crazy!! Watch Beyond a Lighted Stage documentary and really SEE the guys and how funny and humble they really are off stage. The dinner scene at the end is one of the funniest things you'll ever see!! Sorry for the long write up, but I love this band and these guys! Next song, La Villa Strangiato, the original version practice version. Nuts!!
You have just witnessed three masters of their art performing a modern classic masterpiece. Your reaction was great......it reminded me of my first listen to Rush.....45 years later and I'm still in awe. They were/are the Kings of crescendo.
What a tasteful solo.
Woo-hoo!!!!! Crazy how great sounding it is , analog
This is absolute peak Rush. From 1976-1981, they released 5 of the greatest rock albums ever. The two additional live releases during that period showcase the raw talent and power of Rush live. My first experience seeing Rush in concert was about a year after this. I wish I could go back.
THis is one of the best rock compositions of all time right here....great reaction!!
Have seen/heard this song 100 's of times and got the chills again watching you guys react to this masterpiece! Lifeson's solo at end= Awesome
Another great RUSH reaction y’all! Keep em coming!! Be well and God bless… from Texas!!
Keep it up, we need more Rush!
Best reaction i've seen for Xanadu. How you reacted is how I've felt every time I've heard it for the past 30+ yrs. 🫠🤯🤷🏼♂️
I like a lot of Rush and music in general. However there is NOTHING I’ve ever heard a band do live that compares to this song and performance. Period. And when people say Bonham and Peart are close as drummers I think they don’t really under what is going on with the drums. I play and this is utter rock mastery…creatively and from an execution standpoint.
There is only one RUSH. Never again will we see musical perfection.
I've been listening to Rush since I was a small child. I am appreciating their brilliance again by watching your reactions while you are listening. You make me want to discover Rush for the first once again.
Rush showing off....
Love it!
Yeah, this is something really special. I can't think of any 3 piece outfit that can come close to what these guys put out live. This would be unprecedented back in 1981 with Rush producing a wall of sonic onslaught unmatched with such precision & dexterity. They are on a whole different level entirely. Legends.
Rush is a once in a generation/lifetime band. Nobody can touch their genius.
There's an upcoming band (I guess I can say that) they've been playing together for 8 years. Since they were 14, 12,and 9. The Warning from Monterrey Mexico, 3 sisters. Check them out if you haven't heard them.
Keep on diving into Rush with both feet. You won't regret it. I've been a fan since 1976 and I never get bored with their music. 👍
Those were good times. Saw them on this tour , Moving Pictures, P/G, Hold Your Fire tours. Best band ever. IMOP
Wow, you guys! I have watched a LOT of reactors to Rush before...BUT THIS has got to be THE BEST reaction I have ever seen to Rush! I love you guys. This was a fantastic reaction!!! You have gotten a sub and a like from me. I wish I could like this twice!!!
You guys are funny.
And fun too.
This was one of the greatest live moments of Rock Music, a pinnacle achievement brought to us by RUSH!!! This is the live concert, imagine for the ones new to this song, what the original is like? IT is past the summit!! Heard this song many times live, but wish I could have had these two with me at one of those concerts....with oxygen masks for sure!
I love watching people discover Rush for the first time. It takes me back to when I first heard them. Listen to more Rush. They were considered a geek band in the 70s and 80s but are finally getting their due. They are truly three of the greatest musicians you will ever hear.
I was lucky enough to witness this greatness over a couple dozen times through out their career.
This is THE PENULTIMATE Rush song done in their prime. Listen to each of them exel to an unreal level at each of their crafts! The ultimate power trio right here, RUSH!
Alex has a 12 string + 6 string guitar, and Geddy has a 4 string bass + 6 string guitar.
Geddy also has some Taurus pedals he uses, so he can sing, play bass with his hands, and play a synth line with his feet, the dude is nuts.
I'd love to see you try to handle The Gates of Delirium by Yes :D
Geddy's doubleneck is really bass and 12 string, it may not look like it but it is. It is well documented in Geddy's Book of Bass, page 386.
It's been a year since I recommended this and everytime it pops up I have to watch it, it's by far the goat and your reactions to all music is my favorite.
Now imagine being there. Over 40 years later and I still am in awe. Nice reaction. One of the best!
masterpiece , top 3 lines in metal ever, tnks from brazil
I came back to watch and love this reaction again! They were a completely different thing in all of music. I miss them!
Anybody for this one next😁
La Villa Strangiato 1981 EXIT STAGE LEFT
Thanks for heaving me to enjoy this song with you! RUSH!!!!!!
Great react! Best live album from my favorite band!
The Three Guys Orchestra!
To watch people react the way they did reminds me of the first time in 1977 when I was 15 years old and heard this song and still love to listen ...keeps my 60 year old body feeling great
You are what RUSH fans love to see besides RUSH. Other RUSH Fans! RUSH ARMY!!
Can you imagine the high level vibe when thousands of us get together with the band in one big spot? EPIC is a good way to describe it. EVERY TIME!!
Wall to wall smiles the whole night! We get loud too! Too Much Fun!
50 something year olds instantly becoming teenagers again! It’s a trip! Ha Ha! 😁👍
Had to watch this 2 times back to back and sure I'll watch a few times more before your next RUSH reaction.
I’ve been a huge Rush fan since mid 70’s.. this is my favorite all tune song from this amazing trio
At 7:33 you can see Geddy playin the keys with his feet WHILE playin bass. He even plays the electric guitar from the moment Alex plays the solo (Bass/E-guitar doubleneck). Alex doubleneck has a 6-string and 12-string (upper neck) guitar and he sometimes plays bass pedals when Geddy is on the keyboard (with his fingers) and thus cannot play the bass. Neil does as always an excellent job here. Three geniusses in Progrock doin what they can the best. What more can I say? Greets from Germany and stay safe there!!
Simply the greatest 3 piece ever, supremely talented, perfect live productions, simply epic. Just loved your reaction so you have a new subscriber, you are only on the beginning of an amazingly deep rabbit hole, ENJOY 😀
I was fortunate enough to see them 19 times and they always put on a stellar show!
Now La Villa Strangiato live , Leave that Thing Alone live
there will never be another band like this....ever...one of the best live performances anyone could ever hear...
You guy's are my favorites great job
I have watched reactions to this song dozens of times (yeah, I guess this is officially my favorite RUSH song), and watching your reactions, responses and genuine joy listening to RUSH is truly fun for us long time fans.
We’re always happy to see new people dive down the rabbit hole and appreciate the greatness of three of the most humble musicians and human beings ever.
RIP Professor
This is the performance of all performances in rock! It’s got everything! ❤
Another instance of a live performance by Rush outshines the studio version, which was already awesome. Best live band of all time!
Amazing what three incredibly talented guys can pull off live, before the advent of sequencers, backing tracks, off stage musicians etc. On this one you get Rush at the height of their powers, where every sound, every note, is played live by just the three of them.
Alex is playing a guitar with a 12 string neck and regular 6 string (bottom) Geddy is playing bass neck (top) and regular 6 string (bottom) and both them play bass parts with foot pedals when needed - note Neil has orchestral tubular bells he played at times behind him
To see a Rush Concert back then was a great time to be alive been a Rush fan all my life i'm in my 60s now love them i want Xanadu played at my funeral.
Its nice to see that you like my favourite band Rush. Fun to watch. They are geniuses. Humble guys.
Glad to see first time reactions to Rush. I saw this tour and was blown away. Saw them several more times and this song was always a highlighlight. So multilayered. You should listen to the studio version so you can hear how the band always tried mimic the studio versions of their songs live. And they always nailed.
Geddy plays a double neck top is bass bottom is a regular six string. He plays the rhythm at the end of Xanadu.
Rush on!!
I remember as a kid in the back seat of the car I now drive, occasionally hearing Limelight or Freewill on the classic rock station, but about two and a half, maybe three years ago, I got into the Exit Stage Left live recording as my first real dive into Rush because I was reading through a biography page on one of my favorite cover band's website and seeing it as one of their guitarist's most inspirational albums. When I came to UA-cam and saw this performance of Xanadu for the first time, I was blown away by EVERYTHING. The double-necks, Geddy's keyboard rig, the roaring Taurus pedals making that synth bass, Neil's drum kit and relentless power, how much fun Geddy and Alex looked like they were having, and their ability to multitask. Singing, playing the bass/12-string, and hitting the pedals with your feet all at the same time. Not too long after the discovery of this power trio, I purchased a Geddy Lee signature jazz bass and started learning!
Man, I grew up with this band and have loved them since the late 70s. You guys gave me so much joy watching your reactions. Almost made me feel like I was young again. Rest in peace Neil Peart.
Wow you guys are so cool. That you are both musicians is awesome. I'm glad that you loved it. Rushes music is worth more than the sum of it's parts. Use the energy as impetus to move you music careers forward. Music is life. From Peter.
Oh wow 1st for once in my life.
I bet your gf begs to differ 😂 jks
”For I have dined on honeydew
And drunk the milk of Paradise”
At 6:52 notice that Geddy is playing the bass, the foot pedals, and singing simultaneously!