Jeste.Za izvorne govornike engleskog jezika težina stranih jezika je razvrstano od jedan (najlakši) do pet. Slavenski jezici spadaju u 4. kategoriju. U petu su kineski, arapski, japanski...
Canadian born been living in Croatia since 96, came here for a 3 week vacation and ended up staying. If it wasn't for the corrupt political machine Croatia would be like Switzerland.
@@mimi7914 there were periods of full shutdown aside supermarkets and similar shops, now it's semi lockdown. Masks are obligatory in the shops and most closed spaces. But a lot of decisions make no sense and math doesn't add up tbh. That's in a nutshell.
I am Italian and three years ago I got married in Croatia and I live in Zadar. Croatian is too difficult for me, but fortunately most people here know Italian, so that's how I manage. I watch every video of yours and I seem to recognize myself, and your presentation is wonderful. In my experience, Croatia is the best country to live in.
@@krunobrzi666 Certainly I was primarily thinking of the way of life I love. My husband and I earn about 3000 € a month, we have one small child and that money is more than enough for us here. Here in Croatia, I feel so carefree, everything suits me here, and Zadar is a city so beautiful and distinctive just the way I imagined it as a child that I would love to live. I can't even think of going anywhere now.
Bravo. Odlično ste savladali hrvatski jezik. Na zanimljiv način ste prezentirali neke stvari koje su nama normalne pa najčešće ne shvaćamo s kojim novostima u životu se susreću stranci koji odluče živjeti u RH. Odličan video.
I am Croatian but also born in Canada. We are now 11 years in Split. Best decision ever. My wife (not Croatian) fell in love when i first brought her. We are raising our 10 year old son here as there is no better country for children period!! I just laughed at the drying rack part. I also used to love clothes from dryer but i would never switch back. I absolutely love the feel of putting on shirt freshly dried in Dalmatian sun as well as the feel of bed sheets. The best!! Thank you for your video’s!
In Australia we refer to floor zero as ground floor (entering a building), the next floor up is the 1st floor, just like in Croatia. Its the North Americans who are confused :)
Actually in Croatia is called ground floor too. To all of my fellow Croats who will call me out, think about it. PRIZEMLJE actually means GROUND FLOOR only it's one work here in Croatia.
Thanks for your video I am French and started learning Croatian 6 months ago it’s very difficult but I keep going, your Croatian is so good hope to do so one day!!!
@@RoyalCroatianTours and why we eat fish on friday is bc! we have word ' ' post ' ' so thats mean u cannot eat meat if u under 18 or u can but its not good... only fish u can eat and thats post i think only fish on friday btw im not that good at English :/
Engleska rijec "floor" ima jos i znacenje 'pod' (podloga po kojoj hodas) pa je otud logicno da je prizemlje 'prvi pod'. Ali hrvatska rijec 'kat' nema to znacenje, mi za podlogu po kojoj hodamo kazemo 'pod'. Za nas rijec 'kat' jednostavno predstavlja uzvisenje, nivo, pa je logicno da brojimo katove od 'prvog uzvisenja'. Floor = surface on which one walks Kat = level above the ground
Super objašnjenje. Nikad nisam mislio o tome, ali isto se događa u mom materinskom jeziku, portugalskom, gdje chão = pod i andar = kat. U Brazilu kao što u Hrvatskoj prizemlje je 0. Sad živim u Kanadi i čudno mi je vidjeti broj 1 na prizemlju.
dok je sve to točno, u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu koriste isto kao i mi 1st floor za prvi kat, a ground floor za prizemlje. SAD i Kanada imaju svoj sustav brojanja.
I'm Croatian born in Australia. I LOVE your videos! Exactly what my mum has taught me. OMG! It is exactly how Croatians live! Great observation and good tips for visitors.
Thank you for these videos! 2 of my sons and I are applying for Croatian citizenship - My folks were born in Croatia. My Croatian is limited - so, I appreciate all you and Ivan offer.
Draga Sara! Sretna bila na svakom koraku svoga života. Ti si primjer prave žene ,koja daje sve od sebe za svoju obitelj ,Puna si plemenitog duha , pravo Božje stvorenje. Neka ti je sretan i veseo dugi život u našoj prekrasnoj domovini Hrvatskoj. Tvoj Ivan je sretan čovjek . Volim vas vidjeti na zajedničkom ručku Pozdrav iz Brooklyna N.Y.
Your Croatian is awesome! Love watching your videos. I'm from Bosnia but live in US now. My husband who is American loves Vegeta and Turkish coffee. Its the best 😊
I can't believe how perfectly you described the Croatian way of life. You summed it all up in what someone else would've taken 10 videos. Of course there is so much much more to say about life in Croatia, but this is the perfect introduction
1.) 00:27 I started learning Croatian 2.) 01:09 Started driving manual 3.) 02:17 Making/Drinking turkish coffee 4.) 03:11 Drinking Coffee more slowly 5.) 03:41 Paying for parking with SMS 6.) 04:39 Using birth years instead of ages 7.) 05:33 Hang dying clothes 8.) 06:20 Refer to floors differently 9.) 07:04 Cooking with vegeta 10.) 07:27 Creative in the kitchen 11.) 08:05 Fish on Fridays 12.) 08:29 Shopping fresher/more locally 13.) 09:16 Last minute plans 14.) 10:07 Using the 24 hour clock 15.) 10:45 Using the metric system
OMG, you are not just a canadian who learned to speak croatian, you're a canadian who literally turned croatian, that turkish coffee thing sealed the deal!!! 😂😂😂 (and dont get me started on Vegeta 😋)
This channel is amazing! By far the best content from Croatia I have seen so far. Level of knowledge and pronouciation,especially letter R is impressive (it would be even for a native). But quality of videos,lighting,sound, thumbnails,presentation ... world class. Hope this channel grows to 6 and more digit subs,because this is really great stuff.
Your videos are really watchable and sweet- you inspire me that one day I could move to Croatia with my Croatian husband from where we live in UK, it petrifies me but you're such a good example!!
Awww, thank you so much for your sweet words. You could definitely do it! I understand how it can be scary, picking up and moving to a new country, though. It definitely has its challenges, but all in all, I do love living here.
Our language is really hard to learn. The fact that you decided to invest your free time and learn the Croatian language, I have just one word for you: Bravo! Good luck and stay positive! :)
Ma BRAVOOOOO SARAH! Ja neznam Engleski jezik ,ali sam jako jako ponosan na tebe.Ti si za mene najbolji primjer kako neko ko nije rođen na ovim područjima nauči hrvatski jezik! Čak bolje i od nas koji se služe tim jezikom. BRAVOOOOO!
istina. npr glagoli sa negacijama se pisu odvojeno (ne znam) a pridjevi zajedno (netočan). Isto tako na engleskom jeziku se za engleski jezik pise English, velikim slovom, dok mi jezike pisemo malim slovima.. kao engleski i hrvatski jezik. Doduse nisu svi jezici u engleskom jeziku pisani velikim slovom.
Omg! I'm speechless, your Croatian is perfect.. I'm so happy to see people like you coming to Croatia to live. Trust me, you chose the best place in Europe. 👍👍🇭🇷🇭🇷
Pozz iz Austrije,ja sam iz Zagreba,ali zivim preko 30 god u austriji,ali fali mi zivot u mom voljenom zagrebu....jako dobar video i super pricas hrvatski
Posto sam odrasla u Zagroju i obozavam svoj naglasak normalno da nebum pricala gramaticki tocno. To je sasvim normalno. Sad zivim u Njemačkoj i tu gdje zivim pricaju svabski njemacki, i u svakoj drzavi je tak da postoje dijalekti...
Sasvim prirodno. Tako je to i kod drugih naroda i jezika. Npr. ABBA , svedska grupa koja je dobila reputaciju po svom skolskom engleskom jeziku za razliku od grupa iz engleskih govornih zemalja. Poznato je da su nastavnici u svojoj nastavi engleskog jezika u Brazilu koristili ABBA-ine pjesme. Za svoj jezik ni ne maris, ali kada ti je strani jezik onda se trudis da ne pogrijesis i da sve tocno izgovoris. Vrlo logicno.
Beautiful to see, I am a Croat from Bosnia who lives in Sweden and there is so much truth in this video. Stay positive and enjoy Croatia. Pozdrav tebi i tvojima.
I really enjoy your videos! It's very refreshing to see. I grew up in Croatia and moved to Canada at 10 years old. Since I don't live in Croatia anymore, it's nice to see updates and things that I kinda forgot about since I've left... plus, nostalgia. :) So thank you, your videos are enjoyable :). Your Croatian is very good too.
Will go to Croatia tomorrow (Zagreb)! Seems Sweden has more in common with Crotia then Canada and the US in some cases, we also have mostly standard gear (at about 80-90% of the cars), the first time I drove an automatic was at vacation in California. We also have sms parking and we don't count the first floor! We also love coffee but it differs from Turkish coffee, I think Swedish coffee, often with milk is more like American coffee. Swedish people are also more like American/Canadian, we like to plan before we meet our friends, often in calendars in our smartphones, because everyone is always busy.
I am hungarian, born and raised in the same culture, Vojvodina, then Yugoslavia. So, what I see is just our costumes from home and I always feel a gentle "at home" feeling when in Croatia (which was just a few times after my childhood). Moj plan je da najzad naucim tacno jezik i gramatiku, posto i to mi je "moj". Pozdrav iz Madjarske.
Wow, your Croatian is perfect! Cases, genders, numbers, conjugations, tenses... You have(had) a very good teacher, AND you are(were) a very, very, very good student! Brilliant!
Tesko je bez , jezika u drzavi di zivis .Ali kredit jezicima na nasim prostorima nema spelovanja kako pricas tako pises i citas 🙏❤️😇👌🇺🇸🥤pozdrav i sretno .Bog vas blagoslovio cjelu obitelj .
I'm Czech, and I don't speak any Croatian but I can understand about half of it. Just that to me it sounds like they're speaking with no nose. As if someone took all the "M" and "N" sounds out of their alphabet. Other than that I love Croatian music, especially Colonia. The other thing about the language is that some words mean something entirely different in Czech. For example the sentence "Rastavit’ neće nas dvoje" means "nothing can divide us two" but it sounds exactly like "roztavit mece na stroje," which means "melt down our swords into machinery" in Czech. And yes, I think we all need to do that.
I have stumbled upon one of your videos before, and got hooked in a minute. You are one sweet Croatian daughter in law, and your husband and family can be very proud of you! :) The things you are talking about are every day stuff, but you do it so causaly that it's never a bore... Hope to see more of your stuff... Cheers
Video je prva liga! I laughed so hard when you mentioned number #13, yea, It's a Slavic thing and we love it! I shared the video with my colleagues in Graz (Austria) so that they in addition to language, learn about the culture too. ^^
🤣 my husband is Croatian (we live in Australia) Vegeta is 100% a staple in our home. I started watching your channel because I'd love to be able to speak to him more fluently and your video on how you learned to speak Croatian was what I came here for a few weeks ago. I've watched a few of your videos since and cannot for us to be able to come over there!! Thank you for sharing your experiences so honestly. I laugh at many things remembering things from my step mum as a child who is also Croatian and her family. It's all spot on! 👌
I have been following you for a long time and you really made me happy with this video, because I have been living in Germany for a couple of years, and otherwise I am from Croatia and I can tell you that you have described our people very truthfully. It is very interesting to watch how you experience our culture and everything that has always interested me for someone to tell me their experiences. I look forward to your next videos and a lot of greetings to you and your family 👌🤗❤
Bless! You’re amazing. I can’t imagine moving from Canada to Croatia, considering all the differences but I believe it’s your attitude and your mindset that has made it possible for you. It’s really nice to see!
Ah, yes, Croatians and their coffee. This relationship transcends consumption and enjoyment to represent a real lifestyle act that almost reaches religious levels. ;-) Although told from the opposite perspective of yours, Cody McClain Brown's "Chasing a Croatian Girl" does a wonderful job of illustrating many of your points; the best perhaps being his description of the drinking of coffee, above above all at the kakfic. This is always one of my major enjoyments every time I am in Croatia. Whether in Zagreb, Karlovac, Split or out on the islands whenever I have a few minutes (to endless hours) free I can always count on a kafic being within easy walking distance. This an experience that is Starbucks and co. do not even come close to achieving.
Thank you, dear sir, for explaining us for ourselves so good! As a Croatian, I wouldn't explain it better. And for this video, I just adooore this dear lady and her family. I remember that my parents (I was born '84) never reffered about anyone as how many years some people have but the year they were born. I never tought about it as somethin weird, but when you wrote it (said) down, I do found that kind of awkward for someone. I just love your videos! P. S. You just used to "Vegeta" and now you need to unlearn it (hahha doslovno sam preveo "odučiti se"). Also, there were times when they ("oni" as government, scientists, doctors [physicians]) taught us that cooking on the grease ("mast") is healthier than cooking on oil, but today is far from that, so cooking on grease (i think the term is "fat") is better than oil = "pečenje/kuhanje na masti je bolje, osobito seoska mast (mislim, ne kupovna; baka could have it) nego li peći na ulju". God, I love your friday fish (actually, one of my grandmothers who was atheist, always ate fish or any kind of seafood on friday, and especially bakalar [codfish] on Christmas Eve [which I hated as much as I hate janjetinu (lamb) so my father often described me as misplaced in birth hospital] - so the other part of statement is absolutely correct, and I love also your taste on manual (standard) shifter in cars and and and everything. So, in Split (southern Croatia, Dalmatia) is the same ;-) Much love! P. P. S. I just wrote this in (I don't know the word) dahu (dah - breath) so pardon my grammar.
Really interesting to hear about our way of life from canadian. 👍🏻 Thanks for all the the kind words. Oh and use more olive oil in kitchen for seasoning and frying some veggies. Here with our way of life you will def. live longer.
Love the attention to detail when making the coffee. I live in the US but I was born in Zagreb. Your Croatian is amazing. You should be very proud of yourself!
Super pricas, svaka ti cast. Ja sam iz Hrvatske, ali zivim preko 5 godina u Njemackoj pa razumijem tvoju situaciju. Ali meni, naravno, uvijek Hrvatska ostaje na prvom mjestu ❤🇭🇷
Wow! 😲 Your Croatian is AMAZING, and it's such a difficuilt language to master! I really respect you BIG time for your efforts, and of course, flawless delivery 🥳🥳🥳 Incredible job! Well done! 🇭🇷🥰🇨🇦
Your grasp of the language is fantastic. Much better than mine. The little nuances you mention do make a difference in how you see life. Love your video.Hvala
Dobro pričate hrvatski gospođo Sara! Ja sam austrijanac odrastao dvojezično, s njemačkom i hrvatskim, jer mi je mama hrvatica baš iz Zagreba rođena. Pozdrav iz Klagenfurt na jugu Austrije
I just love watching people all around world living in our beautiful country and enjoying it. You speak croatian really, really good. Nice job. Keep exploring everything about food, culture and people, you will be surprised🌼 Wish you all the best 😊
Great video. My family in Canada (we’re Croatian) told me about your page and damn. This is all on point and true. Great language skills 🤙🤙🤙🤙. All the best from the west coast (and Dalmatia)
I like your videos very much! I came to Croatia last Summer for love and live now in Split. When I hear you speaking croatian it's just like "wooow" and I have the feeling I won't be ever able to speak like that! After which time you started speaking well in the daily life?
Trust me, I had the same feeling when I first moved here... "I'm never going to learn this language!!" It took me a few years to start speaking really fluently. But I could communicate/understand earlier than that. And even now, every day I pick up new words just by listening to the radio, watching tv, etc. It's definitely a never ending process! lol You'll get there!! Don't give up, it will get easier!
I'm glad you came to live in my town. Just hang out with your boyfriend/husband & friends, family and tell him to speak normal Croatian (if he really loves you, it will be hard for him not to speak english but you must force him) and then, IMHO, it will be faster learning. Also, watch TV, we have subtitles here so our kids learn (I still learn it from TV, e.g. in childhood Cartoon Network, Metallica, Megadeth etc.) english pretty fast. God bless & keep up the good work!
@@RoyalCroatianTours Thanks for your supportive words!! I had already couple "aha" moments with people on the street because I start to understand more and more. The funny thing in Split is, that you actually have to learn 2 languages, Croatian AND Dalmatian 😉 I hope the day will come when I can start speak fluently without thinking to much about padež🤣 I will follow your videos, which are super funny and very interesting and it shows me that I'm not alone here as a foreigner trying to learn the language and all the habits they have 👍
Još jedna razlika je i kod stanova. Kod nas se i dnevni boravak broji pod ukupni broj soba, a u Sjevernoj Americi se u obzir uzimaju samo spavaće sobe.
Starts sentence with "Ono, ..."
Congratulations, you are officially a Purger now. 😂💪🏻
Hahah hvala!
Ono, istinu veliš😊
@@amatije :D
I laughed and commented to my boyfriend about the same exact thing haha🤣🙌🏻
Purgerica 🤣👍😁
Omg you speak croatian so well. Language is so hard but you speak great. 👌👌👏
Thank you so much!! 😃
I think she speaks better Croatian than me too 😂. My parents are Croatian but I was not born there, only visited. Born and raised in Australia.
Jeste.Za izvorne govornike engleskog jezika težina stranih jezika je razvrstano od jedan (najlakši) do pet. Slavenski jezici spadaju u 4. kategoriju. U petu su kineski, arapski, japanski...
@Clint Loran Rand what a loser ahshshshshsh
@@rk6483 but, he's right...
Canadian born been living in Croatia since 96, came here for a 3 week vacation and ended up staying. If it wasn't for the corrupt political machine Croatia would be like Switzerland.
As Metallica would sing - "Sad But True".
corrupt political machine is what Croatia is all about, you can't take that away from us
@@ivanmatic618 unfortunately it seems so, yeah...
When the dead get up to vote, and bunch of people who don't even live here.
what is it like with covid now? Does everyone wear masks? Are things shut down?
@@mimi7914 there were periods of full shutdown aside supermarkets and similar shops, now it's semi lockdown. Masks are obligatory in the shops and most closed spaces. But a lot of decisions make no sense and math doesn't add up tbh. That's in a nutshell.
I am Italian and three years ago I got married in Croatia and I live in Zadar. Croatian is too difficult for me, but fortunately most people here know Italian, so that's how I manage. I watch every video of yours and I seem to recognize myself, and your presentation is wonderful. In my experience, Croatia is the best country to live in.
Thanks! And yes, Croatia is a lovely place to live :)
It's so nice to read this, that you are enjoying it here, and welcome to my hometown 🤗
The best country to live in ... maybe by lifestyle ... but I'm not sure it's best to live with 700€ salary.
@@krunobrzi666 Certainly I was primarily thinking of the way of life I love. My husband and I earn about 3000 € a month, we have one small child and that money is more than enough for us here. Here in Croatia, I feel so carefree, everything suits me here, and Zadar is a city so beautiful and distinctive just the way I imagined it as a child that I would love to live. I can't even think of going anywhere now.
Loredana yes Croatian langue is difficult to learn for Italians, but I expect Italians to know English.
Simpatična žena veselog duha,takvih ljudi treba više biti ne samo u Hrvatskoj nego svugdje u svijetu
Bravo. Odlično ste savladali hrvatski jezik. Na zanimljiv način ste prezentirali neke stvari koje su nama normalne pa najčešće ne shvaćamo s kojim novostima u životu se susreću stranci koji odluče živjeti u RH. Odličan video.
Hvala Nenad! Veliki pozdrav!
I am Croatian but also born in Canada. We are now 11 years in Split. Best decision ever. My wife (not Croatian) fell in love when i first brought her. We are raising our 10 year old son here as there is no better country for children period!! I just laughed at the drying rack part. I also used to love clothes from dryer but i would never switch back. I absolutely love the feel of putting on shirt freshly dried in Dalmatian sun as well as the feel of bed sheets. The best!! Thank you for your video’s!
In Australia we refer to floor zero as ground floor (entering a building), the next floor up is the 1st floor, just like in Croatia. Its the North Americans who are confused :)
Interesting!! So it's just us North Americans that do things strangely :)
@@RoyalCroatianTours You bet! :)
what do u think about georgia?tbilisi batumi
Actually in Croatia is called ground floor too. To all of my fellow Croats who will call me out, think about it. PRIZEMLJE actually means GROUND FLOOR only it's one work here in Croatia.
@@safetsabani7919 U pravu si, i ne sekiraj se jer te niko neće prozvati
Thanks for your video I am French and started learning Croatian 6 months ago it’s very difficult but I keep going, your Croatian is so good hope to do so one day!!!
Croatia and Croatian people are wonderfull
open your soul and you speak croatian
ne jamais abandonner😉
How is your Croatian now 2 years later?
Im Croat and im so glad to someone from Canada love this country!
@@RoyalCroatianTours and why we eat fish on friday is bc! we have word ' ' post ' ' so thats mean u cannot eat meat if u under 18 or u can but its not good... only fish u can eat and thats post i think only fish on friday btw im not that good at English :/
@@Croatiangeneral200 That is nemrs. Not eating meat.
Post is, not eating in general. A little bit of bread, maybe and some water.
Are there many Croatians in Brazil ???? How come they ended up there ?
Cinis puno za Hrvatsku sa svojim objavama.
Zapravo si ti nas pravi ambasador za Kanadu a ne neki politicar i hvala ti na tome.
Pozdrav iz Osijeka
Puno hvala Zvonimir! Pozdrav iz Zagreba :)
@@RoyalCroatianTours ...bas kao Ashley Colburn from the US. Check her out.
My baba and I regularly watch your videos. She was in tears how well you speak Hrvatski!
Awww, that's so so sweet!!!!
Super mi je ovo. Tek kad vidiš iz drugačije perspektive shvatiš koliko imamo nekih dobrih "life hacks" :D
baš, imam osjecaj da smo bitniji :D ...a i ovo s godinama je dobro...koje si godiste- uvijek isto tipa ja 92' xD kool da
Engleska rijec "floor" ima jos i znacenje 'pod' (podloga po kojoj hodas) pa je otud logicno da je prizemlje 'prvi pod'. Ali hrvatska rijec 'kat' nema to znacenje, mi za podlogu po kojoj hodamo kazemo 'pod'. Za nas rijec 'kat' jednostavno predstavlja uzvisenje, nivo, pa je logicno da brojimo katove od 'prvog uzvisenja'. Floor = surface on which one walks Kat = level above the ground
Super ste to opisali. Sad je jasnije!
Super objašnjenje. Nikad nisam mislio o tome, ali isto se događa u mom materinskom jeziku, portugalskom, gdje chão = pod i andar = kat. U Brazilu kao što u Hrvatskoj prizemlje je 0.
Sad živim u Kanadi i čudno mi je vidjeti broj 1 na prizemlju.
Super ste ovo objasnili,hvala Vam...🇭🇷👍
Na otoku (Dalmacija, a možda i šire) se prije govorilo (neki još uvijek) da ideš na pod, a "pod podon" je prizemlje. ;-)
dok je sve to točno, u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu koriste isto kao i mi 1st floor za prvi kat, a ground floor za prizemlje. SAD i Kanada imaju svoj sustav brojanja.
I'm Croatian born in Australia. I LOVE your videos! Exactly what my mum has taught me. OMG! It is exactly how Croatians live! Great observation and good tips for visitors.
Are there many Croatians in Brazil ???? How come they ended up there ?
Thank you for these videos! 2 of my sons and I are applying for Croatian citizenship - My folks were born in Croatia. My Croatian is limited - so, I appreciate all you and Ivan offer.
Draga Sara!
Sretna bila na svakom koraku svoga života. Ti si primjer prave žene ,koja daje sve od sebe za svoju obitelj ,Puna si plemenitog duha , pravo Božje stvorenje. Neka ti je sretan i veseo dugi život u našoj prekrasnoj domovini Hrvatskoj. Tvoj Ivan je sretan čovjek . Volim vas vidjeti na zajedničkom ručku
Pozdrav iz Brooklyna N.Y.
Draga Rajka,
Stvarno puno hvala na prekrasnim rijecima!!
Your Croatian is awesome! Love watching your videos. I'm from Bosnia but live in US now. My husband who is American loves Vegeta and Turkish coffee. Its the best 😊
Aww thank you! and thanks for sharing!!
Are there many Croatians in Brazil ???? How come they ended up there ?
I can't believe how perfectly you described the Croatian way of life. You summed it all up in what someone else would've taken 10 videos. Of course there is so much much more to say about life in Croatia, but this is the perfect introduction
Thanks Tomislav! :D
what is your family name sara
Wow. I am Serbian and I can’t believe how you have a classic Croatian accent. You obviously have talent for languages
1.) 00:27 I started learning Croatian
2.) 01:09 Started driving manual
3.) 02:17 Making/Drinking turkish coffee
4.) 03:11 Drinking Coffee more slowly
5.) 03:41 Paying for parking with SMS
6.) 04:39 Using birth years instead of ages
7.) 05:33 Hang dying clothes
8.) 06:20 Refer to floors differently
9.) 07:04 Cooking with vegeta
10.) 07:27 Creative in the kitchen
11.) 08:05 Fish on Fridays
12.) 08:29 Shopping fresher/more locally
13.) 09:16 Last minute plans
14.) 10:07 Using the 24 hour clock
15.) 10:45 Using the metric system
fun fact: Zagreb was the first city in the world to implement sms parking
Sve što je jednostavno je genijalno :-P Hrvati su jako jednostavni ljudi po prirodi
@@perostark7645 Osim kad su u pitanju politika i dokumenti
A znas li su Hrvati izmislili I kravatu :) 👔
@@twentytwo138 to je nažalost onaj side effect xD
Nisam to znao 😄
OMG, you are not just a canadian who learned to speak croatian, you're a canadian who literally turned croatian, that turkish coffee thing sealed the deal!!! 😂😂😂 (and dont get me started on Vegeta 😋)
Lol! yes, vegeta is the "secret ingredient" for...everything haha
This channel is amazing! By far the best content from Croatia I have seen so far. Level of knowledge and pronouciation,especially letter R is impressive (it would be even for a native). But quality of videos,lighting,sound, thumbnails,presentation ... world class. Hope this channel grows to 6 and more digit subs,because this is really great stuff.
Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words!! We're hoping it grows to 6 and more digits, too :D Thanks again!!
Svaka čast. Kako pričaš hrvatski je stvarno super. Bravo. Sve pohvale. 👏👏👏
Puno hvala Sinisa! :)
Your videos are really watchable and sweet- you inspire me that one day I could move to Croatia with my Croatian husband from where we live in UK, it petrifies me but you're such a good example!!
Awww, thank you so much for your sweet words. You could definitely do it! I understand how it can be scary, picking up and moving to a new country, though. It definitely has its challenges, but all in all, I do love living here.
Samo si malo promijenila način života.....i to je u redu....Ali nemoj nikad mijenjat svoju pozitivu i veseli duh.
Baš si genijalna i zabavna! :) Pozdrav od Varaždinke.
Hvala Katarina! Veliki pozdrav iz Zagreba!
Our language is really hard to learn. The fact that you decided to invest your free time and learn the Croatian language, I have just one word for you: Bravo! Good luck and stay positive! :)
Thank you so much!! :)
Ma BRAVOOOOO SARAH! Ja neznam Engleski jezik ,ali sam jako jako ponosan na tebe.Ti si za mene najbolji primjer kako neko ko nije rođen na ovim područjima nauči hrvatski jezik! Čak bolje i od nas koji se služe tim jezikom. BRAVOOOOO!
istina. npr glagoli sa negacijama se pisu odvojeno (ne znam) a pridjevi zajedno (netočan). Isto tako na engleskom jeziku se za engleski jezik pise English, velikim slovom, dok mi jezike pisemo malim slovima.. kao engleski i hrvatski jezik. Doduse nisu svi jezici u engleskom jeziku pisani velikim slovom.
Odličan posao radiš draga Sarah,i kako si samo naucila hrvatski jezik!!! Bravo❤👍🇭🇷
Veliki pozdrav
Omg! I'm speechless, your Croatian is perfect.. I'm so happy to see people like you coming to Croatia to live. Trust me, you chose the best place in Europe. 👍👍🇭🇷🇭🇷
Thank you so much!! 😃
I think you are an angel. Stay positive and perky.
Thank you!
Pozz iz Austrije,ja sam iz Zagreba,ali zivim preko 30 god u austriji,ali fali mi zivot u mom voljenom zagrebu....jako dobar video i super pricas hrvatski
Puno hvala Stefan. Veliki pozdrav iz Zagreba :)
Stranci se bolje pridržavaju naše gramatike nego mi koji tu živimo😂😂
@Vatos Locos a kako to .u Hr živi 25 nacija i vjeroispovijedi a vi svi Bosanci
Posto sam odrasla u Zagroju i obozavam svoj naglasak normalno da nebum pricala gramaticki tocno. To je sasvim normalno. Sad zivim u Njemačkoj i tu gdje zivim pricaju svabski njemacki, i u svakoj drzavi je tak da postoje dijalekti...
Sasvim prirodno. Tako je to i kod drugih naroda i jezika. Npr. ABBA , svedska grupa koja je dobila reputaciju po svom skolskom engleskom jeziku za razliku od grupa iz engleskih govornih zemalja. Poznato je da su nastavnici u svojoj nastavi engleskog jezika u Brazilu koristili ABBA-ine pjesme. Za svoj jezik ni ne maris, ali kada ti je strani jezik onda se trudis da ne pogrijesis i da sve tocno izgovoris. Vrlo logicno.
@@nandy178 Tak je!
Beautiful to see, I am a Croat from Bosnia who lives in Sweden and there is so much truth in this video.
Stay positive and enjoy Croatia. Pozdrav tebi i tvojima.
@Jenny Lake
Iz vitovlja blizu Jajca I travnika.
Pozdrav za Srednju Bosnu / Švedsku iz Bosanske Posavine / Beča (AT)! Živjeli 🇭🇷
Jävla blatte..heheh
Are there many Croatians in Brazil ???? How come they ended up there ?
Fantasticno govorite hrvatski! Cak I akcenat je super
Odlican video, stvarno cijenim kako si se uspjela prilagoditi Hrvatskom nacinu zivota! BRAVO!
Hvala Tomislav! :)
Svaka čast!! Samo nastavi vježbati
Hvala Magdalena!
I really enjoy your videos! It's very refreshing to see. I grew up in Croatia and moved to Canada at 10 years old. Since I don't live in Croatia anymore, it's nice to see updates and things that I kinda forgot about since I've left... plus, nostalgia. :) So thank you, your videos are enjoyable :). Your Croatian is very good too.
I'm blown away by your Croatian! Well done.
Aww, thank you!! Hvala :)
Your Croatian is impressive, kudos! I hope you enjoy living in Croatia, you'll always be welcome here!
Will go to Croatia tomorrow (Zagreb)! Seems Sweden has more in common with Crotia then Canada and the US in some cases, we also have mostly standard gear (at about 80-90% of the cars), the first time I drove an automatic was at vacation in California. We also have sms parking and we don't count the first floor! We also love coffee but it differs from Turkish coffee, I think Swedish coffee, often with milk is more like American coffee. Swedish people are also more like American/Canadian, we like to plan before we meet our friends, often in calendars in our smartphones, because everyone is always busy.
Good bless you Sarah, you are so positive and cool. I'm glad you enjoy Croatia.
Žena zmaj, za sve bravo!
Obožavam tvoje videje!
Baš su super🐶
Hvala Lidija
I am hungarian, born and raised in the same culture, Vojvodina, then Yugoslavia. So, what I see is just our costumes from home and I always feel a gentle "at home" feeling when in Croatia (which was just a few times after my childhood). Moj plan je da najzad naucim tacno jezik i gramatiku, posto i to mi je "moj". Pozdrav iz Madjarske.
You speak very good Croatian
I visit Croatia every year. Love it.❤
Ivane bro.... Good catch ;)
Wow, your Croatian is perfect! Cases, genders, numbers, conjugations, tenses... You have(had) a very good teacher, AND you are(were) a very, very, very good student! Brilliant!
Bravo, bravo, bravo.Hrvatski je jako težak 👅, posebno deklinacije.Svaka čast.Pričaj što više.Sretno.
Tesko je bez , jezika u drzavi di zivis .Ali kredit jezicima na nasim prostorima nema spelovanja kako pricas tako pises i citas 🙏❤️😇👌🇺🇸🥤pozdrav i sretno .Bog vas blagoslovio cjelu obitelj .
your croatian is perfect, greetings from slovenia :D
Thank you! Best wishes from Zagreb!
Danke für deine Berichte, es tut gut andere Meinung zu hören.
I think that @PaulBradbury is feelin` proud of you and your channel 😁😁
I'm Czech, and I don't speak any Croatian but I can understand about half of it. Just that to me it sounds like they're speaking with no nose. As if someone took all the "M" and "N" sounds out of their alphabet. Other than that I love Croatian music, especially Colonia. The other thing about the language is that some words mean something entirely different in Czech. For example the sentence "Rastavit’ neće nas dvoje" means "nothing can divide us two" but it sounds exactly like "roztavit mece na stroje," which means "melt down our swords into machinery" in Czech. And yes, I think we all need to do that.
I don't know why but I feel joy when i watch your videos :) I guess it's your energy.
Aww, thank you! :)
I have stumbled upon one of your videos before, and got hooked in a minute. You are one sweet Croatian daughter in law, and your husband and family can be very proud of you! :) The things you are talking about are every day stuff, but you do it so causaly that it's never a bore... Hope to see more of your stuff... Cheers
Wow, thank you so much for your sweet message and kind words!!!
I'm from Canada and I use vegeta seasoning all the time
It's delicious, right?!
How did you find out about it?
Must say i was quite shocked when you switched to Croatian, like wow, youre VERY good at it! Greetings from Serbia!
Thank you so much!! 😀
Video je prva liga! I laughed so hard when you mentioned number #13, yea, It's a Slavic thing and we love it! I shared the video with my colleagues in Graz (Austria) so that they in addition to language, learn about the culture too. ^^
Thank you!! And thanks for sharing
Great fluency in croatian ;-)
🤣 my husband is Croatian (we live in Australia) Vegeta is 100% a staple in our home. I started watching your channel because I'd love to be able to speak to him more fluently and your video on how you learned to speak Croatian was what I came here for a few weeks ago. I've watched a few of your videos since and cannot for us to be able to come over there!! Thank you for sharing your experiences so honestly. I laugh at many things remembering things from my step mum as a child who is also Croatian and her family. It's all spot on! 👌
I have been following you for a long time and you really made me happy with this video, because I have been living in Germany for a couple of years, and otherwise I am from Croatia and I can tell you that you have described our people very truthfully. It is very interesting to watch how you experience our culture and everything that has always interested me for someone to tell me their experiences. I look forward to your next videos and a lot of greetings to you and your family 👌🤗❤
Thank you so much for your kind words Marija! Veliki pozdrav iz Zagreba!!
You are very good at the language! Bravo svaka cast!
Bless! You’re amazing. I can’t imagine moving from Canada to Croatia, considering all the differences but I believe it’s your attitude and your mindset that has made it possible for you. It’s really nice to see!
Thanks Anna! :)
The dryer does ruin clothes, not in the first few times but still. It also increases your electric bill and costs money to buy and space to place.
Ah, yes, Croatians and their coffee.
This relationship transcends consumption and enjoyment to represent a real lifestyle act that almost reaches religious levels. ;-)
Although told from the opposite perspective of yours, Cody McClain Brown's "Chasing a Croatian Girl" does a wonderful job of illustrating many of your points; the best perhaps being his description of the drinking of coffee, above above all at the kakfic. This is always one of my major enjoyments every time I am in Croatia. Whether in Zagreb, Karlovac, Split or out on the islands whenever I have a few minutes (to endless hours) free I can always count on a kafic being within easy walking distance. This an experience that is Starbucks and co. do not even come close to achieving.
Yes, I do really love the coffee culture here!! and yes, a cafe is never too far away :)
Thank you, dear sir, for explaining us for ourselves so good!
As a Croatian, I wouldn't explain it better.
And for this video, I just adooore this dear lady and her family. I remember that my parents (I was born '84) never reffered about anyone as how many years some people have but the year they were born. I never tought about it as somethin weird, but when you wrote it (said) down, I do found that kind of awkward for someone.
I just love your videos!
P. S. You just used to "Vegeta" and now you need to unlearn it (hahha doslovno sam preveo "odučiti se").
Also, there were times when they ("oni" as government, scientists, doctors [physicians]) taught us that cooking on the grease ("mast") is healthier than cooking on oil, but today is far from that, so cooking on grease (i think the term is "fat") is better than oil = "pečenje/kuhanje na masti je bolje, osobito seoska mast (mislim, ne kupovna; baka could have it) nego li peći na ulju".
God, I love your friday fish (actually, one of my grandmothers who was atheist, always ate fish or any kind of seafood on friday, and especially bakalar [codfish] on Christmas Eve [which I hated as much as I hate janjetinu (lamb) so my father often described me as misplaced in birth hospital] - so the other part of statement is absolutely correct, and I love also your taste on manual (standard) shifter in cars and and and everything.
So, in Split (southern Croatia, Dalmatia) is the same ;-)
Much love!
P. P. S. I just wrote this in (I don't know the word) dahu (dah - breath) so pardon my grammar.
So true! And so hard to explain to Western cultures (Serbian living in Ireland)
Not all people drink cofee, some people drink beer.
@@ReVincentius Slažem se, Vegetu treba izbjegavat, od nje su sva jela ista. Odnosno niš ne valjaju!
Really interesting to hear about our way of life from canadian. 👍🏻
Thanks for all the the kind words.
Oh and use more olive oil in kitchen for seasoning and frying some veggies.
Here with our way of life you will def. live longer.
Love the attention to detail when making the coffee. I live in the US but I was born in Zagreb. Your Croatian is amazing. You should be very proud of yourself!
Thanks so much! 😊
I find your canada vs croatia so fun and interesting to watch! 🤗
Aww, thank you!
Super pricas, svaka ti cast. Ja sam iz Hrvatske, ali zivim preko 5 godina u Njemackoj pa razumijem tvoju situaciju. Ali meni, naravno, uvijek Hrvatska ostaje na prvom mjestu ❤🇭🇷
Jedan od najboljih videa. Iskrena simpatična i vedra žena. Želim familiji sve najbolje u životu.🥰
Baš mi danas ovo UA-cam predloži, pogledam i mislim da sam vas danas vidjela u Maksimiru.
Small world
Nemojte zezati! Jesmo, bili smo u Maksimiru danas popodne! Bas small world!!
@@RoyalCroatianTours Hahaha, ja se još mislim da sam poludila i da umišljam. Eto sljedeći put zovem na kavu
@@TheLnGirl Moze moze!!
Divna inteligentna žena Hrvatski jezik govorite super kad sam u Kanadi vidjela vegetu u storu sada je mogu ovdje kupiti srdačan pozdrav
Wow you are so smart because your speak and accent are in the spirit of Croatian language. Veliki pozdrav iz Hrvatske 🙂☺️
Your croatian is simply phenomenal.
Mine is a bit rusty, I am living in London (uk) for over 30yrs but born in Rijeka.
Wow! 😲 Your Croatian is AMAZING, and it's such a difficuilt language to master!
I really respect you BIG time for your efforts, and of course, flawless delivery 🥳🥳🥳 Incredible job! Well done!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Robert! 😃
You speak Croatian so well good for you.
Sad ti vise ne trebamo pisati engleski da mi nebi zaboravili Hrvatski. Uzivaj u svakom danu jer je zivot kratak.
Good vids, Here in Hungary we also have this phone parking since a few year now.
in Australia we also dont call the first floor first...its the ground floor and then the next one up is the first.
because of British origins I imagine?
Your grasp of the language is fantastic. Much better than mine. The little nuances you mention do make a difference in how you see life. Love your video.Hvala
You speak Croatian perfectly! Respect!
Thank you!!
Svaka čast! Pozdrav from Australia
Cestitke, super si sve naučila, kao i ja iz Hrvatske u Australiji Engleski....
Super pricas Hrvatski, svaka cast!
Gramatika ti je brutalno dobra! Odlična :)
Dobro pričate hrvatski gospođo Sara! Ja sam austrijanac odrastao dvojezično, s njemačkom i hrvatskim, jer mi je mama hrvatica baš iz Zagreba rođena. Pozdrav iz Klagenfurt na jugu Austrije
Puno hvala!!
Tvoj Hrvatski je fenomenalan!!❤️🇭🇷👍
Puno hvala! :)
I just love watching people all around world living in our beautiful country and enjoying it. You speak croatian really, really good. Nice job.
Keep exploring everything about food, culture and people, you will be surprised🌼
Wish you all the best 😊
Thank you! 😃 All the best to you, too!
Best video so far by my opinion.
Regards from Montreal.
Jako si dobra.
Thank you so much Ivan!! :D
Standard is great when you aren't in NYC stop and go
Great video. My family in Canada (we’re Croatian) told me about your page and damn. This is all on point and true. Great language skills 🤙🤙🤙🤙. All the best from the west coast (and Dalmatia)
Bravo! Naucila si super pricati!
Hvala Tvrtko! :)
Great respect 👍
Jako simpatično 😁
Znači, odem na random video, koji me privukao nazivom, i žena se vozi kroz Budenec. Znači, samo ljubav. ❤️
Wau, you speak croatian language perfectly!
She is gorgeous.
I like your videos very much! I came to Croatia last Summer for love and live now in Split. When I hear you speaking croatian it's just like "wooow" and I have the feeling I won't be ever able to speak like that! After which time you started speaking well in the daily life?
Trust me, I had the same feeling when I first moved here... "I'm never going to learn this language!!" It took me a few years to start speaking really fluently. But I could communicate/understand earlier than that. And even now, every day I pick up new words just by listening to the radio, watching tv, etc. It's definitely a never ending process! lol You'll get there!! Don't give up, it will get easier!
I'm glad you came to live in my town. Just hang out with your boyfriend/husband & friends, family and tell him to speak normal Croatian (if he really loves you, it will be hard for him not to speak english but you must force him) and then, IMHO, it will be faster learning.
Also, watch TV, we have subtitles here so our kids learn (I still learn it from TV, e.g. in childhood Cartoon Network, Metallica, Megadeth etc.) english pretty fast.
God bless & keep up the good work!
Thanks for your supportive words!! I had already couple "aha" moments with people on the street because I start to understand more and more. The funny thing in Split is, that you actually have to learn 2 languages, Croatian AND Dalmatian 😉 I hope the day will come when I can start speak fluently without thinking to much about padež🤣 I will follow your videos, which are super funny and very interesting and it shows me that I'm not alone here as a foreigner trying to learn the language and all the habits they have 👍
@@vanessab4246 Tribaš naučiti i navijati za Ajduka,e! :)
@@markogalic377 pa, naravno!! 💪☺️☺️
Odlican video, i ja sam imao slicnih problema kad sam studirao u uk.
Još jedna razlika je i kod stanova. Kod nas se i dnevni boravak broji pod ukupni broj soba, a u Sjevernoj Americi se u obzir uzimaju samo spavaće sobe.
Nije ja imam jednosoban stan sa jednom spavaćoj sobom a imam kuhinju dnevni boravak trpezariju spaizu balkon WC sa kupatilima i WC za goste bez tusa