Cancelling Calvin Robinson: the American Anglican crisis as feminism takes truth & integrity hostage

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Cancelling Calvin Robinson.
    At the ACNA Conference Mere Anglicanism, held in Charleston South Carolina, Calvin Robinson was invited to talk on critical theory; and then disinvited him from the panel when he traced the influence of feminism and womens' ordination. No action could have proved the point he was making more than this response. In furious discomfort the organisers were pressured by the devotees to feminist interests to silence him. The fig leaf of two integrities (an oxymoron if integrity means what it does), the totem of relativism, proved illusory.
    As a critic observed, ;denominational drift is an accumulation of small choices like this, gradually tilting the balance of power so that conservatives no longer have a hand on the wheel."
    ACNA have tried to pursue orthodox Anglicanism having made themselves hostage to the most effective and corrosive progressive engine of secular political philosophy there is; and the veil was suddenly ripped away in the 'cancelling of Calvin.'.
    Ashenden Scripted reflects on the implications why this happened and what happened.


  • @murphyorama
    @murphyorama 8 місяців тому +125

    I'm a cradle Catholic who has begun to say a daily Rosary for the past year and will continue to pray for the Church. If all of us did the same we would defeat this evil very quickly.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому +24

      I agree. Let's keep it up.

    • @finallythere100
      @finallythere100 8 місяців тому +9

      The Catholic a church is the Bride of Christ. It too, now, must go thru crucifixion , after the Great Apostacy it is said we will see the Anti Christ . So while we have to submit to Gods will. We still want as many souls saved as possible in this time of great confusion and deception!

    • @finallythere100
      @finallythere100 8 місяців тому +2

      Would LOVE to see CR join the Trac Catholics…

    • @jonathanstory6802
      @jonathanstory6802 8 місяців тому +6

      well done. I support Calvin too.

    • @carmensolomonsz734
      @carmensolomonsz734 8 місяців тому +5

      An 87 year old Aussie cradle Catholic (R.C) here. What a joy to hear you Dr Ashenden! Please lead Calvin Robinson by the hand and bring him to us! I think the Papacy is his stumbling block...I have loved C. R ever since I first heard him . Pity the Petrine Church is not the best at the moment, Calvin..but we are all sinners. The Holy Spirit guide you my dear.

  • @stuartmenziesfarrant
    @stuartmenziesfarrant 8 місяців тому +56

    This issue, in my opinion is the biggest problem the West, including the church, has. God bless you Gavin for bringing a voice to this and supporting Calvin. You are both very much needed in Christendom!

    • @joelmorsch4790
      @joelmorsch4790 8 місяців тому

      Does Pope Frances agree with with you?

  • @WinterlightningZ
    @WinterlightningZ 8 місяців тому +74

    As an orthodox Anglican priest I must say that the way Robinson was treated was absolutely terrible.

    • @Westyrulz
      @Westyrulz 8 місяців тому +4

      As a lay Catholic I quite agree.

    • @joelmorsch4790
      @joelmorsch4790 8 місяців тому +1

      Does Roman Catholic criticism on this mean any thing in light of Pope Francis recent statements mean any thing?

    • @Westyrulz
      @Westyrulz 8 місяців тому

      No I should think not. I was a devout Catholic until SS blessings were given the green light by Francis. Now I feel lost and no longer know what to believe.@@joelmorsch4790

    • @WinterlightningZ
      @WinterlightningZ 8 місяців тому

      I think it does. @@joelmorsch4790

    • @marilynmelzian7370
      @marilynmelzian7370 8 місяців тому +2

      I agree!

  • @Myohomoto
    @Myohomoto 8 місяців тому +16

    I love hearing from you and Fr. Calvin Robinson! Torch bearers of truth! Thank you for speaking on the shameful treatment of Fr. Robinson. 🙏

  • @tamarawinget
    @tamarawinget 8 місяців тому +79

    As an American I am so saddened over Calvin’s treatment. As a new Catholic convert I have been praying for Calvin for the last year. He refreshed my soul with his courage and clarity, truly a man of God. Thank you Galvin for all you do to help us keep the faith. God Boess Calvin.

  • @FrJacobRogers
    @FrJacobRogers 8 місяців тому +41

    Dr. Ashenden, I am an orthodox, traditional ACNA priest. I was at the conference. I want you to know that God has kept 7,000 for Himself who have not bowed the knee to Baal. There is tremendous groundswell after this past weekend pushing for the ACNA college of bishops to rectify its fatal “Dual Integrities”. Christ has not abandoned his flock. Pray for us.

    • @marilynmelzian7370
      @marilynmelzian7370 8 місяців тому +5

      I would like to learn more about this. I belong to an ACNA church, which I love. But I see that this dual integrities position cannot stand. I was very dismayed when I heard about the treatment of Calvin Robinson.

    • @787Earl
      @787Earl 7 місяців тому +4

      We are part of an ACNA parish in the Diocese of Fort Worth, both Bishop Iker and Bishop Reed do not support non orthodox priests.

    • @FrJacobRogers
      @FrJacobRogers 7 місяців тому +3

      Bishops Iker and Reed are wonderful.

  • @traceyedson9652
    @traceyedson9652 8 місяців тому +12

    Thank-you, that was quite helpful. I’m an EO who yearns for the unity of orthodox Christians in catholic unity. So, I follow Anglican Unscripted as well as Catholic Unscripted. This subject is so, so slippery. And looking at the temptations & sins of my own life as well as those in the Church, it’s hard not to despair. It feels like the evil one has us good! Only grace & the intercessions of Our Lady & the Saints can see us through. We are not of ourselves - individually, ecclesially - strong enough to withstand. Thank-you for words & categories to help see through the murkiness of the “Wisdom of this age.”

  • @Chamindo7
    @Chamindo7 8 місяців тому +32

    I don't know much about Calvin, I heard him interviewed on a Catholic channel: 'Avoiding Babylon' last week, and I found him quite thoughtful, kind, & desiring to spread the message of the Gospel. As a former protestant and recent convert to Catholicism I could see in the interview, he appears to think he can take on the juggernaut of pseudo-christianity(?) from within it.
    Excellent analysis as usual Dr Ashenden.
    So thankful I found you!

  • @butchshadwell3613
    @butchshadwell3613 8 місяців тому +7

    I was at the Mere Anglicanism conference this year. Fr Calvin's talk was very well received, and many said a breath of fresh air. Your analysis is spot on. I would add that I do not believe that the Roman church is significantly better positioned to reclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ than the global Anglican fellowship. I know that God's plan will prevail, and I only pray it will be in my time.

  • @johnschuh8616
    @johnschuh8616 8 місяців тому +22

    The whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help us God.

    • @joelmorsch4790
      @joelmorsch4790 8 місяців тому +1

      Okay, where is the Pope on this?

  • @cgpyper7536
    @cgpyper7536 8 місяців тому +4

    Dr. G. Ashenden, what do you think of this? If Anglicanism is "lost" so is Roman Catholicism "lost," and for the same reasons. However, with Anglicanism, faithful Anglicans reform and disfellowship compromising/subversive officials and institutions, e.g. Justin Welby and the EUSA. Now, with the atrocious abuse of Fr. Calvin Robinson, the winnowing continues. R.C.s will have to do the same thing but, due to centralized control by "lifers," a nastier fight is getting underway. OBTW, Jesus' assurance that the Church will never be lost is SPIRITUAL, not institutional, as in "The Kingdom of God is within you." Thank you for your comments and reading my response.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому +3

      I’m afraid the notion of a ‘spiritual’ church is Protestantism. The Church from Jesus to the 15th Century has no concept of this (outside the Gnostics) - so I think you are mistaken about the promise of Jesus, You are right in saying the to save Anglicanism there is just a more severe process of fragmenting underway. But the fight in the Catholic Church is once again very different. But I can’t prophesy how it will work out. All I know is that Jesus will save it, the Holy Spirit will purify it, and the heretics will be slowly pushed out as the integrity of apostolic Christianity reasserts itself - institutionally as well as spiritually,

  • @WesternMalaise
    @WesternMalaise 8 місяців тому +9

    Very succinct resumé of contemporary Western Christianity and its wilfulness to be strapped in to the harness of progressive liberalism. As you say, what will remain will be purer gold than before, and while it may be painful for true Christians to endure this purification, we will be better for it.

  • @papadan3
    @papadan3 8 місяців тому +8

    WELL SAID GAVIN!! excellent work of explaining the quasi state of affairs in our churches.

  • @6527blmp
    @6527blmp 8 місяців тому +2

    Dear Gavin+ It means a great deal to me to see you as a defender of Calvin+ Robinson. Thank you for joining with him in pointing to the 30:28 timeless Biblical truth for which he was cancelled at Mere Anglicanism. I love Calvin as I love you for your very keen intellect, always in submission to your heart of faith, never hesitating in shepherding the sheep of our Savior Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth.
    As part of the founding generation of the ACNA, this episode is very disheartening to me. I am praying for him and for those who treated him so terribly. It does remind me of the way many of those who have had the gift of prophecy and have spoken God’s truth have also been treated.

  • @Hope20249
    @Hope20249 8 місяців тому +9

    Thanks and God bless, both you and Calvin make such sense in the wild wild west.

  • @matthewstokes1608
    @matthewstokes1608 8 місяців тому +12

    As a fellow OKS (1977-82 Lineacre) Dr Ashenden, and as a traditionalist - and a devout Christian - I just wanted quickly to thank you for your ministry online, which I watch and support, even as an Anglican overseas.
    (My wife is a Mexican R Catholic - my mother was RC, too.)
    I send love and support your way. God Bless 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🙏

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому +4

      How lovely to meet you here. School House. 68-72. Bless you and many fraternal greetings.

    • @matthewstokes1608
      @matthewstokes1608 8 місяців тому +3

      Interestingly, my first comment in staunch (but in no way unreasonable) defense of Calvin Robinson has been removed by the “powers-that-be” on UA-cam!
      It must have been my attack on the leaders of the CofE and stalwart belief that priestesses should never have been ordained into a Christian Church - just as C S Lewis forewarned for obvious reasons. God Bless.

  • @AL_YZ
    @AL_YZ 8 місяців тому +4

    Truly this is a cautionary tale for all Christian churches.
    The days of coasting on the coattails of "cultural Christianity" are over.
    That cultural Christianity or what's left of it. has been thoroughly "converted" by the Spirit of the Age.

  • @christophergoess4553
    @christophergoess4553 8 місяців тому +2

    Dr. Ashenden for this troubled cradle R.C. at 73 , I have been for a long time interested in the Anglican Church both here in the U.S. and in G.B.. Both in the way it was founded in the 1500’s and its subsequent evolution. My Anglican friend in the 1960’s almost gloated when the R. C. church switched to the vernacular in the Mass advising me that it only took 400 years to catch up to the Anglicans! Amen! But it is my sincere belief that we will never catch up to the changes currently endorsed by the Episcopal hierarchy. When the Archbishop of Canterbury invites his fellow Anglicans to walk together they don’t hear him mutter under his breath “But in my direction.”

  • @bridghemartin6896
    @bridghemartin6896 8 місяців тому +3

    Thank you Dr Ashendon. I will continue to pray for Church unity. God bless you.

  • @marilynmelzian7370
    @marilynmelzian7370 8 місяців тому +1

    Thank you, Gavin. I belong to a church in the ACNA and I am concerned about the possibility of a further split. I also have been teaching part time at Fuller Seminary in Southern California. Last year they came out with a statement on women which used critical theory to support the ordination of women. They made it very clear that women’s ordination could not be questioned. Now they have formed a committee on sexuality, and I will bet you any money that they will change their community standards and teachings on sexuality towards a more liberal position and will use critical theory to justify it. At which point I will resign. So I can see Calvin’s point.

  • @Apriluser
    @Apriluser 8 місяців тому +8

    As a member of the ACNA and my husband as one of the priests in our local parish, I am so sorry this happened at this conference. Whether some hold to women’s ordination and others don’t, there is no need for canceling anybody. I personally do not subscribe to women’s ordination, but there is an opportunity to be more charitable than what happened. I do understand that Father Calvin did stray from the topic at hand. Such a shame. I hope that he along with all the others in charge of the conference will be able to maintain an irenic spirit, rise above this, and continue their wonderful ministries. Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

    • @PJ-go9jw
      @PJ-go9jw 8 місяців тому +4

      He was invited to speak in an echo chamber the purpose of which was to keep reaffirming their beliefs. CR however confronted them with The Truth and evil does not like the Truth.

    • @HeatherLanzaMusicEd
      @HeatherLanzaMusicEd 5 місяців тому

      How did Father Calvin stray from the topic at hand?

  • @PosenMarkt91
    @PosenMarkt91 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you, Dr Ashenden for this review of the problems in the Anglican 'church'. I am reminded of the remark made by Malcolm Muggeridge that is the Church of England were disestablished, it would be seen to have ceased to exist. It is, in other words, nothing but an empty shell, providing employment and preferment and privilege to certain people, who only have to pretend to be Christian.

    • @Blissblizzard
      @Blissblizzard 8 місяців тому

      William does not wish to head of their church.

  • @christineupton8298
    @christineupton8298 8 місяців тому +5

    Well spoken Gavin, I wholeheartedly agree. I became Catholic 3 1/2 yrs ago and I most certainly do not feel it is a case of out of the frying pan into the fire.

  • @archimandritegregory7730
    @archimandritegregory7730 8 місяців тому +3

    No matter where you go Anglicanism remains a house of theological confusion much like bergolianism.

    • @ronashman8463
      @ronashman8463 8 місяців тому

      "Bergoglianism". An amazing new word for our language, brother!

  • @julianlord5366
    @julianlord5366 8 місяців тому +3

    Absolutely, completely brilliant. Thank you.

  • @andrealewis3638
    @andrealewis3638 8 місяців тому +6

    Well said. Rousing.

  • @awaldron7743
    @awaldron7743 8 місяців тому +1

    Dr Ashenden. Fifty five years trying to find an abode in Anglicanism persuaded me it was not possible. Not on offer. Like you I have become Catholic. Even with the Francis disaster I am certain that the relocation was right.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому

      Glad to be in such good company. Great to meet you here.
      Francis the wrecker should not be able to get between us and our Lord’s good purpose

  • @lorenzmielke5125
    @lorenzmielke5125 8 місяців тому +2

    Brilliant take on the rot within the "church!" However, Calvin is being used as an instrument for good under the direct guidance of the Trinity. Even though he's being "flogged" at every opportunity for being unwavering in his defense of the Gospel, he'll stand solid like a lighthouse in a tempestuous sea, on the rock of his salvation. May God's glory continue to be shown by Calvin's obedience to Him, who "holds him by the scruff of his neck," no matter what may happen.

  • @PaulWilson-r7m
    @PaulWilson-r7m 8 місяців тому +1

    Thank God for true men of God , like Calvin Robinson.

  • @lolly9080
    @lolly9080 8 місяців тому +3

    There is a book called The Little Healer and it’s a book about a child who lived on a small island who healed. The book is not easy to find about the beautiful child Linda Martel but it is a beautiful read. The one thing in the book it does mention is Linda told her mother and she said positively “one day you will know” - this puzzled the author as to what she was referring to. To me it is so clearly obvious, Linda in her healing referred to her Jesus infact she knew of him before the age of five from her experiences through her healing. Linda was they say older for her years. But getting back to her term “ one day you will know” I believe she was saying that in these times something will happen so profound will happen that the Christ energy or the Christ will be seen and we will know that he does exist. This in turn will make those that have turned away from the bible to realise their terrible mistakes

    • @chrismaguire3667
      @chrismaguire3667 8 місяців тому

      "Christ energy"? Sounds very New Age, which is understandable as the Adversary often presents himself as an angel of light, as St. Paul writes. Children are often his target.
      But that doesn't mean that the true Holy Spirit does not use children either to present the Kingdom.
      We are, however, exhorted to test the spirits. Deception has been burgeoning since the early 1900s, especially Spiritually, and has infested the Church Politic badly. It seems to be cyclic, imo.
      BTW, 'Christ' (Latin/English) came from 'Christus' (Greek), which followed 'Maschiac' (Hebrew), all meaning 'Messiah', and is a *title,* not an name.

    • @newtexan1
      @newtexan1 8 місяців тому

      This is actually proficiency

    • @lolly9080
      @lolly9080 8 місяців тому

      Proficiency ? I did write it myself from my own personal experience as she would now be the similiar age to me if , she had lived. Coincidently I was only this afternoon talking to a second hand book seller who had spoken to one of her descendant’s relatives, he was trying to research more of her story and her miracles

    • @vanessamay3689
      @vanessamay3689 8 місяців тому

      Not her miraculous. All belongs to Him. Linda was the instrument. Bless you.

  • @karensmith7487
    @karensmith7487 7 місяців тому

    Great talk; I truly respect Calvin Robinson and pray that one day he will come home to the RC church. Last year I attended a funeral in San Diego, held in a borrowed Lutheran prayer hall, with a small table, not an altar. It was officiated by a woman in priestly/priestess robes, which was actually hilarious! It just looks weird. Anyway, here some some highlights (lowlights??):
    Throughout the so-called "Mass", God was referred to by the pronouns "she" and "her"... Said priestess inserted into her homily " Roman Catholics..." several times! I silently asked the question, "Then why are you not in a Roman Catholic church right now, lady?!" ... The "Our Father" was so different I hardly recognized it... There was no consecration, obviously, but the priestess passed around the obligatory trays with chunks of bread and tiny paper cups of grape juice. I was polite and stood or sat with the group of mourners, but I would not do any responses/songs, or partake of the phony communion. I told my husband and daughter not to take the food, but they did anyway, much to my chagrin, saying "It's only bread." That's true, but they didn't get the fact that, in doing so, they were playing along with, and giving credence to, the heretical travesty. The radical feminists simply don't want to acknowledge that 1.) Jesus didn't choose women for the priesthood and 2.) A priest stands in for Jesus at the Eucharist, in persona christi. Blessings to you!😄

  • @FlightProgramAborted
    @FlightProgramAborted 8 місяців тому

    Quite agree with everything you said. Im a big supporter of Calvin, he said in an interview i saw somthing along the lines of, we are all going to have to start and stick our necks out for Solo Scriptura. We are going to be hard ad direct. They removed him and they looked like the idiots. How dare they, typical extreme left. Preach open and acceptance when actually nothing is further from the truth. As Paul used to say, persecution is the refiner. To Calvin, Joyful Endurance in Tribulation, Exemplary Conduct. I still find it so hard to beleive that there is so much corruption in the church leaderships, so much divergence from Scripture, these places will lose the power of God, through the word and will die

  • @FrEdmundScott
    @FrEdmundScott 8 місяців тому +1

    I was an Anglican priest for 15 years and found that I could no longer exist in that environment. I am now a transitional deacon in the Catholic Church and look forward to priesthood in a few months.

    • @bibsann861
      @bibsann861 8 місяців тому

      So will you bless gays?

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому

      Congratulations. What a joy.

    • @FrEdmundScott
      @FrEdmundScott 8 місяців тому

      @@bibsann861 I will bless any individual who asks for a blessing but no couple who is not in a “regular” marriage or premarital relationship.

  • @edelmary1131
    @edelmary1131 8 місяців тому

    as a Catholic I applaud you....stay true even when standing alone and deserted

  • @karenkline7221
    @karenkline7221 8 місяців тому +4

    I can't see how you can honestly call the Anglican church a "noble ecumenical experiment". Especially considering how it was started with Henry VIII thinking that he actually had the right to do so. He was never given the authority from Christ to do so. And look how it just helped to divide and fracture Chistendom.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому +1

      I sympathise with your response. I was quoting my diocesan bishop - who although claiming to be a Catholic Anglican has remained Anglican through its degeneration. They were his words which got me thinking.

    • @rolfburnie9068
      @rolfburnie9068 8 місяців тому

      No-one would call Henry the 8th a godly person, but God frequently uses just such people at times to bring about his purposes. Jehu for instance was raised up to rid the land of the dreadful legacy of Ahab and Jezebel, after which renewal came (see 2 Kings 9 to 12). The book of Habakkuk is another example. At the time of Henry 8th Roman Catholicism was thoroughly corrupt, and God used Henry to destroy its power, ushering in room for the Reformation, one of, if not the greatest, moves of God in the last 2,000 years. Sadly many of the denominations and renewal movements it spawned are as apostate in the west as Catholocism was 500 years ago. Thus what is needed today is not a return to Catholicism, or any other 'ism', but a new Reformation to bring the church back to Jesus and its biblical roots - and that includes the Catholic Church.

    • @CatholicZealot
      @CatholicZealot 8 місяців тому +2

      @@rolfburnie9068 I admire Gavin's wisdom and erudition, but he looses credibility when he pretends that Luther suddenly came along when all was hunky-dory and began attacking the Roman church because he was an ill-tempered, constipated, Augustinian monk. And, Gavin inevitably fails to mention that Luther did not leave the Catholic Church to start another church, he was excommunicated.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому

      @@Blissblizzard fixed. Thanks

  • @fulgentius371
    @fulgentius371 8 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Gavin for your excellent presentations.

  • @MrMrscoffey
    @MrMrscoffey 8 місяців тому


  • @beverlymarion5528
    @beverlymarion5528 6 місяців тому

    I am in agreement with Dr. Gavin...brave and speaks the Truth.

  • @Lyle-ke4ex
    @Lyle-ke4ex 8 місяців тому +2

    Hi could you explain Romans 16 and Paul’s speaking of women who have helped him in ministry

    • @christopherlittle7305
      @christopherlittle7305 8 місяців тому +2

      OK, I'll bite. There were women who helped him in ministry. That in no way supports the case for women's ordination, and it's a non sequitur to argue otherwise.

    • @ronashman8463
      @ronashman8463 8 місяців тому

      @Lyle, how dare you bring up the Bible! What are you, some kind of follower of Jesus? This site is for Bergoglio's Pachamama idol worshippers, don't you know!

  • @wessbess
    @wessbess 7 місяців тому

    I would beg to differ with you on Anglicanism, while the church of England is certainly lost. Global Anglicanism, especially in the global south is thriving and orthodox, and in scattered parts of the West. However, I appreciate your thoughts. It was an excellent and enlightening video.

  • @user-fc1ld9ts8u
    @user-fc1ld9ts8u 8 місяців тому +1

    It is always a good time to be a Roman Catholic.
    I hope you are correct in your suggestion that the American Anglican Church is unraveling. We can only pray that the damage done by Pope Francis is limited and correctable so as to bring more souls to our Lord and His Father.
    You note that the errors of Pope Francis largely mimic protestant errors.
    Let's fix it by holding to the truth and keeping the lights on so that our Anglican siblings have a place to come.

  • @fultoneth9869
    @fultoneth9869 8 місяців тому +2

    Dr. GAVIN , hope fr Calvin Robinson follow your footsteps. Make England Appostolic Church again ‼️

  • @michaelparker719
    @michaelparker719 6 місяців тому

    What a lucid, well-reasoned, and moving address. Thank you.

  • @AL_YZ
    @AL_YZ 8 місяців тому

    It was in the days of ascendant heresies that the Lord raised outstanding scholars and saints to combat them.
    And oh how by doing so through their preaching and writing, they enriched all subsequent generations of Christians.

  • @danielstoddart
    @danielstoddart 8 місяців тому

    If I'm not mistaken, the Mere Anglicanism conference is not affiliated with the ACNA. A minor point, but an important distinction.

  • @karieanne25
    @karieanne25 8 місяців тому

    This is so profound. You, Sir, have hit the nail on the head. I have watched it happen.

  • @andrewm9221
    @andrewm9221 8 місяців тому +7

    Sounds like Fr Calvin's latest bombing run was right over target...
    Eastern Orthodoxy for those of us at odds with the leadership of the Bishop of Rome?

    • @AnneEloiseOfCNY
      @AnneEloiseOfCNY 8 місяців тому +3

      But EO has different beliefs. And it is culturally tied to its country of origin. I cannot say that because I respect a church, then I can swiftly change my beliefs! And I am not from Antioch or Russia or any of the other homes of the leading Bishops. Because of the problems with this Pope, I looked into Orthodoxy. I do not believe I can "adapt" by changing some of my beliefs. I wish I could find a cozy cave. Then I could become a Catholic hermit. Sigh! ✝️

    • @chrismaguire3667
      @chrismaguire3667 8 місяців тому +1

      'Catholic' means 'universal', as in the Church Politic. But G-d the Father is shaking that up *right now,* and it is *not* dependent on denominationalism. Roman Catholicism is luciferian, almost from the start - Peter *never* founded the RCC, it was formed centuries after he died, after Constantine - and, though there are many who are in the RCC who know the difference between the denominational tenets and the Biblical tenets, there have been billions in history, and even now, who didn't and don't. In places, many Catholics don't read their Bibles because they believe that only priests are allowed to and present from. The *real* Church is the Remnant Bride of Christ, taken from the whole Church Politic, and will be those who will be 'snatched away' in the Harpazo, but will both not be denomination-dependent and be a relatively small number. Being a (Catholic) hermit will not necessarily prove anything to the Lord. Keep presenting the Truth to those where you are, pray and trust in the Lord. Also, read Isaiah 1 and don't trust in empty rituals. Shalom.

    • @AnneEloiseOfCNY
      @AnneEloiseOfCNY 8 місяців тому

      @@chrismaguire3667 Look, you have your take and we have ours. Where do you get off pontificating like you are some angel sent by God to be the Great Corrector! Talk about egoism! And the early churches stayed together 700 years after Constantine's Nicea. Just FYI.
      There is no snatching up until after the Savior Comes. And that is for his co-rulers.
      Furthermore you are humorless! The cave closing comment was a joke! I am a 72 year old woman and could not survive in a cave. But it was a joke to express that there is no available exit strategy for those being faithful and staying. You have a real nerve saying all that about me. Go away. Leave me alone. You harassed me with that comment. HARRASS me again and I will report you

    • @ariversideview5775
      @ariversideview5775 8 місяців тому +1

      @@AnneEloiseOfCNY All the Orthodox churches in East Anglia tend to be full of English people and if you ask an Orthodox Christian what they believe they'll say the Nicene Creed without the filioque.

    • @AnneEloiseOfCNY
      @AnneEloiseOfCNY 8 місяців тому +1

      @@ariversideview5775 I am American. I live in Syracuse. Theré are Ukrainian Churches here in Syracuse, but I don't have a car. I gave up driving three years ago due to vertigo.
      I looked into the Orthodox Church of America. But it is a Russian rite. However as I was looking into this, I looked into their doctrines. They don't have anything Catholic from about the year 1000 onward. No Saint Francis, no St Anthony, no Saint Thomas of Aquinas and his learned teachings. I mean, there is a lot missing!
      I appreciate your concern. I will keep my eyes open for a Western Rite. Maybe they would be more Catholic friendly.
      God bless you.

  • @fritula6200
    @fritula6200 8 місяців тому

    Calvin was prepared for this kind of treatment ..... he ain't no fool !
    He likes a religious challenge.... all Priests expect this:
    He's learnings a lot & fast from the mindset of this WORLD-WIDE
    People are hurting:
    People in this culture are SUFFERING:
    *Their minds have been corrupted from
    sexual abuse, as children, even babies:*
    This type of Culture, will not be able
    to withstand living life in the world:
    No matter how MUCH the NEW WORLD ORDER
    is using them, in controlling their pain
    for the destruction of THE FAMILY:
    If they only they knew the reason:
    Everyone WANTS TO BE LOVED!!

  • @DarrylJordanOLW
    @DarrylJordanOLW 7 місяців тому

    Dare I say you're a paradigmatic examplar of the New Confessors, perilously raising our visages above the parapet and our voices from the pulpit (contra "ambo"), like so many intrepid confreres in the Ad Orientem Rad-Trad Associations (AORTAs): the Ordinariates using sacral, Traditional English according to the Anglican Use, and "rigid" Marian Franciscans, who dare to offer the Holy Sacrifice in Traditional Latin according to the Ancient Use. A blessed Sexagesima to you and all our fellow retrogrades!

  • @charlesm9190
    @charlesm9190 7 місяців тому

    "Cultural Christianity" is destroying the church, and that's the Zeitgeist Calvin confronted at the conference, and all those bewitched by "the spirit of the age" did like it!

  • @alexandriamurray8022
    @alexandriamurray8022 8 місяців тому

    What will Calvin do now? The Catholic Church could use a few more men like Calvin. I know we are in a crisis in Holy Mother Church, but the battle will be won INSIDE the Bark of Peter and no place else.

  • @787Earl
    @787Earl 7 місяців тому

    Thank you, God bless you.

  • @barryspurr9577
    @barryspurr9577 5 днів тому

    My forthcoming book, Language in the Liturgy (James Clarke, Cambridge) has a chapter on feminisation of the liturgy as part of the destruction of it. Due out in January, 2025.

  • @adampowell5376
    @adampowell5376 7 місяців тому

    I don't think that there is any crisis here. Calvin Robinson should not have been invited to an Anglican Conference except perhaps as an ecumenical speaker on ecumenism. The Anglican Church cannot invite speeches that denigrate publicly the ministry of about half of its members. The Anglican Church cannot reasonably declare the last 150 years of its ministry as a failure. The Anglican Church cannot after the start of the Sunday School movement in Gloucester say that women should remain silent in Church. St Paul was a great man but he did not claim to be right about everything.

  • @michaelwhite8031
    @michaelwhite8031 6 місяців тому

    Love Calvin, like you he stands for Jesus.

  • @barryspurr9577
    @barryspurr9577 5 днів тому

    Brilliant analysis.

  • @elyhew7232
    @elyhew7232 8 місяців тому

    The gates of hell shall never prevail.

  • @zerofull6936
    @zerofull6936 6 місяців тому

    No male spaces allowed.

  • @frankie.m.pepper6974
    @frankie.m.pepper6974 8 місяців тому

    Tim Gordon @rulesforretrogrades speaks boldly against and explores the role of feminism as the root problem in the Church and society. He goes so far as to describe it as the original sin.

  • @RuneRelic
    @RuneRelic 8 місяців тому

    Emotional / Irrational != Logical / Rational
    You might as well ask a lemming, not to follow its friends over a cliff, explaining why it would be bad, until the very last step.
    Of course if Christianity delved into the very origins of its symbolism, it would no doubt demand a more logical and rational frame of mind, somewhat dampening the irrational / emotional side that often leads to and feeds internal deception.
    At least if it was an honest quest for 'truth' rather than a demand for 'faith'.
    No different to the animal instinct nature of impulsiveness and the demand for instant gratification, where no long term thought is required, only sating the desire of the imminent.
    Thus ...they were, are and will be.... 'offended'. So that they can attack or character assassinate the messenger, rather than argue the merits of the message.

  • @brianmidmore2221
    @brianmidmore2221 7 місяців тому

    Dual integrity = double-mindedness.

  • @TheLincolnrailsplitt
    @TheLincolnrailsplitt 8 місяців тому

    ACNA doesn't have a backbone .

  • @riddance3026
    @riddance3026 8 місяців тому +1

    Dr. Ashenden, your coming into the Catholic Church at this time wasn't so much "jumping out of the frying pan into the fire" as going exactly where God called you and wanted you to be: where the Truth is being assaulted and perverted instead of being guarded and passed on. BTW, if Francis can hope for an empty Hell, I can certainly hope for the unbroken Apostolic succession of your ordinations.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому +1

      I’m deeply touched by your kindness, bless you, and thank you

  • @Mary_QQQ
    @Mary_QQQ 8 місяців тому +1

    Methinks this gentleman doth protest too much because he too uses an adjective in front of the type of Christian: he describes himself as being: formerly Anglican & now Roman Catholic. His self contradiction escapes him.

    • @seansheehy6725
      @seansheehy6725 8 місяців тому

      Roman Catholic means that the visible head of the Catholic Church founded by Jesus is the Bishop of Rome as the successor of Peter upon whom Jesus founded her. Roman is not used as an adjective.

    • @EpoRose1
      @EpoRose1 8 місяців тому

      “Roman” refers to the rite. There are also the Eastern rites. They’re all under the Catholic Church.

  • @kenbeach5021
    @kenbeach5021 8 місяців тому

    Anglican Unscripted have issued an update from the conference to the effect that Robinson was not excluded from the panel discussion because of his views on women's ordination but because he didn't stick with the topic assigned to him to speak on.

  • @markgriffiths5289
    @markgriffiths5289 8 місяців тому

    Amen 🙏

  • @Mark_Dyer
    @Mark_Dyer 8 місяців тому +1

    'Identity' is a 'category error' beyond being 'Christian'? Is this why you now label yourself as Roman Catholic (often abbreviated to 'Catholic') these days? Gavin, you belong to a denomination, like Orthodoxy, or being a member of the Church of England. You are obviously not content with simply describing yourself as 'Christian'; which is one of the words I need to use, because I do not belong to any denomination. Orthodoxy is more strange to me, liturgically, though than the 'Western' Christian model in which most of us were raised. As it happens, we do not stress our 'belongingness' to Jesus of Nazareth enough: although I suspect the rise of intolerant ISLAM, coupled with the rise of equally-intolerant Socialism or Communism, will compel Christians to recognise one another. With regard to 'sexual' identities; the reason these need to be emphasised is because the Church - mistakenly - believes that Paul was aware of what we mean by 'homosexuality' (the erotic predisposition to prefer one's own sex), and condemned it. In that condemnation, Christian homosexuals (or homosexual Christians) need to challenge the 'scriptural literalists' cherry-picking of this as a form of 'sin' which defines whether, or not, one is able to claim one follows Jesus of Nazareth. Women are in the same situation, or bind: as 'victims' of scriptural literalists' readings of our scriptures, devoid of context or scientific advance. This is the form of scriptural useage I caricature as an "Islamic treatment" of our Christian scriptures. The problem is that the Church is no longer able to compel people to read our scriptures this way: ISLAM still is!

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому

      No Mark. The Catholic Church is not a denomination. Those came in during the Protestant Deformation. It's an important difference, and one that is you can't historically accept means we just talk pasty each other - again - and again - and again.

    • @CatholicZealot
      @CatholicZealot 8 місяців тому +2

      @@DrGAshenden The Roman Catholic Church became a denomination when it split from Eastern Orthodoxy and claimed to be the only true church. The Roman church, Eastern Orthodoxy, the Oriental Orthodox churches and the Assyrian Church of the East all claim they are not denominations but the only true church. In fact, apart from the Roman church, the others say outside their boundaries there is no salvation. Vatican 2 did quite a Houdini-like escape on this one!

    • @christopherlittle7305
      @christopherlittle7305 8 місяців тому

      @@CatholicZealot As an Anglo-Catholic in the Continuum, I agree:

    • @seansheehy6725
      @seansheehy6725 8 місяців тому +1

      If you knew history you would realize the error of your statement as Cardinal Newman learned when he studied the history of the Church. Roman Catholicism is not a denomination but the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ. All others are man-made.

  • @bd1949
    @bd1949 8 місяців тому

    Spot on, tragically. The ACNA is birth defected. We do have a faithful remnant in the ACA

  • @stevensonrf
    @stevensonrf 8 місяців тому

    Isn’t true blasphemy, and the unforgivable sin rooted in the deliberate choice to not listen to the saving message of the Gospel of Christ? It is as if the feminists in that room said: “Take your Christianity and get out of here!”

  • @Lyle-ke4ex
    @Lyle-ke4ex 8 місяців тому

    It seems that we blame everything on Marx why do we not look a little deeper to the prince of this world

  • @fionacowieson334
    @fionacowieson334 8 місяців тому


    • @joelmorsch4790
      @joelmorsch4790 8 місяців тому

      Um, oops where is Pope Francis on all of this?

  • @MrMrscoffey
    @MrMrscoffey 8 місяців тому


  • @davepugh2519
    @davepugh2519 8 місяців тому

    Maybe you'd like us to go back to treating women as property - you know, the way they are treated in the Bible.

  • @Mary_QQQ
    @Mary_QQQ 8 місяців тому

    The most feminist Person in the whole Bible is Christ Himself. The least feminist were the Pharisees, scribes and religious authorities. The disciples couldn't understand the importance and respect Christ showed women and how he treated them as men's spiritual equals. The priest doesn't have to reflect the "masculinity " of Christ. St Mary Magdalene is hailed as apostle to the apostles as the resurrected Christ revealed Himself to her first. Also the Holy Spirit came upon men and women at Pentecost. I see no evidence for Christ being against women priests.

    • @seansheehy6725
      @seansheehy6725 8 місяців тому +2

      Sadly feminism is not about respect or equality but about dominating or eliminating men. Jesus identified Himself as the Bridegroom in His relationship with the Church as His Bride, and the priest is conformed to Christ in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The priest is the Bridegroom and the Church is his bride. A woman cannot be a bridegroom.

    • @EpoRose1
      @EpoRose1 8 місяців тому +2

      If Jesus wanted women priests, why didn’t He make His Mother one? Would she not have been the ideal “woman priest?”

    • @Blissblizzard
      @Blissblizzard 8 місяців тому

      12 reasons 12 apostles.
      Effeminate men can be monks, tho better be hermits, and women can be Nuns
      But effeminate priests and Bishops can't protect anyone.
      You do realise they are the front line?

  • @rolfburnie9068
    @rolfburnie9068 8 місяців тому +2

    Oh dear. I normally like this channel despite the obvious bias towards a denomination that has its own deep theological flaws and divisions, but this talk is far, far too polemical. And I say this despite not supporting women's ordination.
    Some of the Catholic Church's flaws are first order gospel issues, but women's ordination does not come anywhere near this level of importance.
    Sorry Gavin, because normally I like your observations, and particularly your astute understanding of philosophies of a cultural nature.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden  8 місяців тому +2

      Bless you. But I think your argument is circular. I understand YOU don't think it is a first order issue - but the Catholic Church thinks it is. And so do I. And so did Calvin. But that's exactly the issue. And the problem is that as a Protestant all you have is your personal opinion - which I found was not enough.

    • @rolfburnie9068
      @rolfburnie9068 8 місяців тому

      Thank you Gavin, I appreciate your response. However, 'first order' issues are about our salvation (who God is, and our response). These are covered very clearly in scripture and the historic creeds, none of which mention doctrines about the role of women in the church ('church' meaning all those who call on Jesus as Lord and Saviour and risen from the dead) as being necessary for salvation. By definition therefore the role of women is not a first order issue, however Riman Catholicism might think otherwise. And as the apostle John puts it, "Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son (2 John v9).
      This was the great strength and blessing of the Reformation: it released the church from the prevailing false teaching of the time and returned it to the truth of scripture.
      As it happens, I do not believe in women's ordination, but I can live with those who do as it does not impact on our salvation. Ephesians 4:3 and 13 explain this, with vs 4-6 telling us what issues we HAVE to unite about, until we come to a unity of belief about other items (v13), including who is qualified to be in any leadership role. And here places like 1 Timothy 3 focus on things like character and integrity of faith far more than anything else. Oh that our churches would follow those instructions!
      Bless you for your love for the Lord, Gavin. I just don't agree with you over this one particular talk 😀

  • @daddycool228
    @daddycool228 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you. I find your analysis so clear and honest. Unlike my parish priest who waves away any conversation with short answers like:" nobody understands the Jesuits. ". Dr I would really appreciate a video on Jung v Christianity and how not to get sucked into Jungian type mindset. Also who would be counted as a Jungian thinker in history. This would greatly help discernment

    • @Blissblizzard
      @Blissblizzard 8 місяців тому

      Matteo Ricci l find is a good illustrator of the idea (that what l used believe was a hostile idea) some islamic techniques might have been lifted and re purposed early on the Jesuit training
      Ricci taught the Faith through existing Chinese precepts and practices.  He borrowed a Central Daoist Chinese term, Tiānzhǔ (天主, "Lord of Heaven" to describe the God of Abraham, despite the term's origin in traditional Chinese worship of Heaven. (He also used many other synonyms from the Confucian Classics.)
      Ricci took an accommodating approach on various Chinese practices, including rituals such as ancestor worship.
       Dominican and Franciscan missionaries considered this an unacceptable accommodation and later appealed to the Vatican on the issue.
      Obviously we have had and still have some amazing Jesuits, but casuistry has definitely come home to roost. Delayed payment with crippling interest imo.
      Better the short cuts had never been taken.

  • @tdhale4232
    @tdhale4232 8 місяців тому +56

    He is an amazing man. He has been done so very wrong. My prayers are with him.

  • @marygr8064
    @marygr8064 8 місяців тому +110

    I really respect Calvin Robinson. I pray he continues his courageous crusade against feminism.

    • @Dee-mj3pu
      @Dee-mj3pu 8 місяців тому +5

      Expose Feminism.

    • @Mary_QQQ
      @Mary_QQQ 8 місяців тому +1

      I hope he focuses instead on following Christ in treating women as spiritual equals, giving generously and sacrificially to the poor and courageously spreading the gospel to atheists and followers of other faiths. It's Pharisaic to treat women in such a patriarchal way. IMO

    • @Mary_QQQ
      @Mary_QQQ 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@Dee-mj3pu expose misogyny and how un-Christ-like it truly is.

    • @EpoRose1
      @EpoRose1 8 місяців тому +4

      @@Mary_QQQ Just saying something is “misogyny” doesn’t mean it is.

    • @Dee-mj3pu
      @Dee-mj3pu 8 місяців тому

      @@Mary_QQQ Yes, expose misogyny! But feminism is not the cure, expose it too!

  • @MrFisherteach
    @MrFisherteach 8 місяців тому +31

    One, and only one, reason I, a cradle Episcopalian, converted to the Catholic Church. And you are right, it is not a happy time to be a Catholic. Yet there are THIRTY RCIA candidates this year in my parish.

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski 6 місяців тому

      That’s incredible. WOW. Praise God for so many conversions 😮 (I am a convert as well)

  • @sfloridapatriot5572
    @sfloridapatriot5572 8 місяців тому +31

    I have been blessed listening to Calvin. He speaks the truth.

  • @andrewnelson3681
    @andrewnelson3681 8 місяців тому +39

    Thank you Gavin. Your sermons are precious jewels of truth which uplift and challenge and inspire. Proper sermons ! 😊

  • @zzzaaayyynnn
    @zzzaaayyynnn 8 місяців тому +22

    Thank for this inspiring final message. I was very active in the Anglican church, but over the past 10 years, I could see no light at the end of the tunnel. I have since become Eastern Orthodox and am settled in my soul. I pray for all my Anglican brothers and sisters.

    • @joelmorsch4790
      @joelmorsch4790 8 місяців тому

      Does Pope Frances agree with with Gavin?

  • @bahreh.7807
    @bahreh.7807 8 місяців тому +19

    what an impressive wisdom !!!! Every time I hear Dr, Gavin, in any topic, o get immersed into your insights. I pray for Fr. Calvin to win the fight against devil's world

  • @lindamckinnon6334
    @lindamckinnon6334 8 місяців тому +16

    Excellent and thank you! Love listening to Calvin and you, anytime! This is a comment by a cradel Catholic who, by the Grace of God, has found the beauty and wonders and spiritual fulfillment of The Traditional Latin Mass! Please continue your wonderful ministry!!

  • @arthurchurms683
    @arthurchurms683 8 місяців тому +16

    Thank you very much Fr Gavin for your clear explanation of the deep issues which Calvin Robinson dealt with at his recent conference. Both of you are a treasure to the layman seeking guidance through choppy waters. God bless you both in your on-line ministries. From Arthur (Anglican in South Africa)

  • @manofkent4472
    @manofkent4472 8 місяців тому +31

    Thank you Gavin. You and Calvin are lights in these dark times. There are confused people being manipulated by evil people. May i add that i have trouble accepting that i've got to being 60 years old and now realise that for the last couple of years i've been using the word that i don't think i ever used before - 'evil'.

    • @susannestorm9705
      @susannestorm9705 8 місяців тому +2


    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 8 місяців тому +1

      Yeah I know.
      I live in the consequences of your generation not using the word evil.

    • @tomthx5804
      @tomthx5804 8 місяців тому +5

      So true! I would NEVER have used the word evil to describe anything for most of my life. But recently, we have begun to see the evil that is all around us, and we are waking up and realizing our whole society has become remarkably evil, and evil is flourishing like never before. There is no other word to describe what is happening.

    • @tomthx5804
      @tomthx5804 8 місяців тому

      It is remarkably weak to try to blame another generation for your problems. @@marvalice3455

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 8 місяців тому +1

      @@tomthx5804 you should read the abolition of man.
      And remember that was written before you were born. This isn't new, it just took you this long to notice

  • @metgirl5429
    @metgirl5429 8 місяців тому +18

    Following from Adelaide Australia
    This man🕊🙏🏻🕊
    Thank you for this update 🕊

    • @neville132bbk
      @neville132bbk 8 місяців тому

      I'll raise you....Levín NZ 🇳🇿

  • @MrJimbobings
    @MrJimbobings 8 місяців тому +13

    As always Gavin you identify the error s wonderfully. ThAnk you

  • @royquick-s5n
    @royquick-s5n 8 місяців тому +11

    Thank you, Gavin, for sharing how Calvin Robinson has been treated. Let us pray.

  • @szegedben1
    @szegedben1 8 місяців тому +14

    The ACNA never embraced Anglo-Catholics, a problem that traces its roots to the Elizabethan Settlement as now the Puritan protestants dominate their leadership and oversight of their "dual integrity." I discovered the group's absolute lack of theological integrity in 2016 when, as a priest, I requested a simple transfer from a low-church protestant diocese to what was then an Anglo-Catholic diocese (that diocese eventually ordained women deacons). In response, the bishop sent a letter of "dissolution" of my Holy Orders and the Archbishop backed him. The group's canons allow only inhibition of a priest unless he or SHE(!) does something really egregious, and then they may be deposed (something similar to Roman Catholic laicization).
    ACNA bishops are willing to run fast and loose with their own canon law to scorch the earth under those who were truly Anglo-Caths. In the end, their illegal actions made me the only Anglican priest in 500 years to have his Orders "dissolved" something that, of course, is theologically impossible. Hence I wasn't the least surprised that ACNA leadership were enraged by Fr Robinson's coherent discourse on cultural Marxism vis a vis prima scriptura and the Great Tradition.

    • @newtexan1
      @newtexan1 8 місяців тому

      This is heartbreaking

    • @goomgoom5504
      @goomgoom5504 8 місяців тому

      Disappointing that Archbishop Foley supported this action against you.

    • @Booger414
      @Booger414 8 місяців тому

      ​@@goomgoom5504Remember ++Foley and his back peddling over the African Gafcon bishops who made women bishops, even hiding the fact he was at a conference with at least one of those cosplayers.

  • @leojmullins
    @leojmullins 8 місяців тому +11

    Anger in general comes from guilt and / or fear. This anger comes from guilt. These Judases are throwing their 30 pieces of silver at Calvin. Their eternal damnation is next.

  • @DB0310
    @DB0310 8 місяців тому +12

    As difficult as these times are, I am thankful for those that continue to speak the objective truth. The Modernists cannot stand the light of truth.

  • @terryhartman9522
    @terryhartman9522 8 місяців тому +9

    I converted to the Catholic Church from the ELCA (liberal Lutheran) church for this very reason. I suspected that the feminist viewpoint within the ELCA caused the free fall from traditional Christianity but I didn’t know why. As a woman, wife and mother that had a career, I had mixed feelings about women clergy but could see the focus change from spreading the gospel to appeasing the culture. I admire and appreciate people like Calvin Robinson for speaking the truth.

    • @bibsann861
      @bibsann861 8 місяців тому +2

      Its not easy to become Catholic if you are divorced. They are very picky who qualifies to their holy religion.

    • @andrealewis3638
      @andrealewis3638 8 місяців тому

      @@bibsann861 so sorry to hear this, that's not been my experience in Wales UK.

    • @Kay-ph1kb
      @Kay-ph1kb 6 місяців тому

      I also was wondering about that. @@bibsann861

  • @tolkienlewis6887
    @tolkienlewis6887 8 місяців тому +27

    It's sickening that Christians castigate one of their own for speaking truth. As a Catholic i give thanks for Calvin Robinson

    • @traceyedson9652
      @traceyedson9652 8 місяців тому

      St. Maximus had his tongue cut out and right hand amputated by…Christians! (They persecuted Pope Martin, too, for the same reason - standing for Truth against unity-winning compromise.)

    • @joelmorsch4790
      @joelmorsch4790 8 місяців тому +1

      Does Pope Frances agree with with you?

    • @tolkienlewis6887
      @tolkienlewis6887 8 місяців тому

      @@joelmorsch4790 it would appear not.

  • @nickstone3113
    @nickstone3113 8 місяців тому +32

    I sm Greek Orthodox and am appalled.

  • @brendanoreilly6917
    @brendanoreilly6917 8 місяців тому +6

    This is an amazing interpretation. This really needs to be heard by the Pope, all Bishops and Catholic priests as soon as possible. This wise and deelpy thoughtful talk must reach the whole Catholic Church; it is imperative. This and what happened to Fr Calvin is the Holy Spirit talking.

  • @pamelatilneyellis4670
    @pamelatilneyellis4670 8 місяців тому +15

    Thank you for your talk, Gavin.

  • @sandraelder1101
    @sandraelder1101 8 місяців тому +5

    Any conference that claims to be a forum for rigorous intellectual pursuit but shushes challenging voices, is a sham. What a terrible shame they are so afraid of differing views.

  • @RichardsCollins-ie3yg
    @RichardsCollins-ie3yg 8 місяців тому +6

    Calvin Robinson is a God send, humble, honest, trustworthy, faithful and a gem to the Christian Faith. You to Dr G Ashenden are a God send love listening to you both, what is wrong with our world when they walk away from truth. I would love to go to Calvin Robinson church or a church run by you. Thank you. For your faith. God bless you all. 😮💯💯💯💯🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️

  • @danielk6878
    @danielk6878 8 місяців тому +7

    I wish I had just a smidgen of his courage. Yours too. You both have an incredible ability to put things into words. Very concise words