How to Study the Bible - Easy 4 Step Bible Study Method

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @belovedwomen
    @belovedwomen  6 років тому +158

    My life verse is Romans 8:38-39: "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Comment and let me know what verse in the Bible completely changed your life and transformed your walk with God!

    • @keishajones3830
      @keishajones3830 6 років тому +3

      Beloved Women with Christina Patterson Romans 12:1-2

    • @JTS731
      @JTS731 4 роки тому +5

      Romans 12: 1-2 " Romans 12: 1-2 " "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
      And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"" .. This verses woke me up from a spiritual slumber I got my self into several years go. I stopped going to church, was sleeping around, drinking and sinning like the best of hell. My own worldly ways had caused sleeplessness, and drama in my life. I've become cold, and distance, manipulative.. Yet, I knew only God could fix it. So, one day I was standing in my kitchen and my misery just dawned on me, and I literally started crying over my sink asking God "Please Lord help me. I miss you soo much". Not long after, I heard a minister talking preaching on Romans 12:1-2.. It was like I God was saying to me to made a decision (no fanfare or emotionalism), but a decision to DO, and I did. Without any emotionalism I made a commitment to getting up early and reading scripture. No fancy studying, just reading scripture. Early. Everyday. The first week was hard, the second a little better. Eventually I started to look forward to scripture . My life started to change, and started by God removing people out of my life! .lol! It seems funny now, but it was not funny at the time. But I was happy God, by His Word was actively cleaning house! My house!.. I learned that change starts with a decision for God. A sacrifice (since my flesh did NOT wanted to get up at 5am!) But will eventually get us transformed into His children, and THEN we will be able to discern Gods good, acceptable and perfect will for us.. Thank you for your obedience! Be Blessed!

    • @bballlife8126
      @bballlife8126 4 роки тому +2

      Isaiah 26:4: “Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock”

    • @wickdontez
      @wickdontez 4 роки тому

      I will have to come back to this. SOOOOO many are screaming and popping up like a "fire sale"

    • @FisokuhlePhiriKate
      @FisokuhlePhiriKate 3 роки тому

      I love Isaiah 41:10 💘💓

  • @kateranin1927
    @kateranin1927 4 роки тому +42

    Jeremiah 1:5
    " Before you were born from your mother's womb, I have chosen you"

    • @alejandriamurray7599
      @alejandriamurray7599 3 роки тому

      Yes yes yes after all he is our creator that is why we should always remember that God has always thought of us as valuable, and that he has a purpose in my for us . 🙏🏽

  • @swetcheesex163
    @swetcheesex163 3 роки тому +6

    Reminder : Bible study is not something that we do for God but, it’s something we do with God.
    1. Read - ask urself what the scripture is saying. Read it in different translations, and read it in full context. Write any key verses that stuck out to you. Paraphrase what the scripture is saying to make sure you actually understand what you’re reading. Take note of the who, where and why this scripture was written.
    2. Reflect - Ask yourself what this scripture means or what it is saying. reflect on the promises of God. His principals & His commands. And write down any promises, principals and commands. when we reflect on the word we discover what we need to do
    3. Respond - how i can apply the word to my life. when we respond to the word we discover how we need to do it.
    4. Request - let what you read guide your prayer. i.e if you read that you have to forgive more because God forgave us then ask God to help you in that area of your life.
    Invite God into your heart🤍

  • @janetblickle7924
    @janetblickle7924 5 років тому +130

    My life verse is Psalms 73:26 My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and He is mine forever.

  • @Ficher-ok2tu
    @Ficher-ok2tu 3 місяці тому +3

    the steps are really very good. I pray God strengthens me to do his will.

  • @sherryjameson3976
    @sherryjameson3976 4 роки тому +27

    This is on of my favorites. “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭18:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @horastimika3882
    @horastimika3882 2 роки тому +6

    Thanks Christina - I am trying to summarize it in Bahasa Indonesia.
    Sebelum mempelajari Alkitab, lakukan berdoa memohon agar Rohkudus memimpin dan memberi petunjuk ttng apa yang dikehendaki Tuhan dalam rangka belajar Alkitab.
    Berikut 4 langkah belajar Alkitab:
    Pikirkan kalimat “APA YANG DIKATAKAN ALKITAB”, bacalah beberapa kali, jika memungkin kan baca Alkitab dari berbagai Bahasa utk mendapatkan pengertian full context.
    Untuk memenuhi pengertian tsb gunakan kata 4W-1H (WHAT = Apa, WHY = Mengapa, WHEN = Bilamana, WHO = Siapa dan HOW = Bagaimana) misalnya:
    WHAT = Apa yang sedang terjadi dengan ayat ini.
    WHO = Siapa yang menuliskan ayat ini
    WHEN = Kapan dituliskan dan WHERE = Dimana dan WHY = Mengapa dituliskan.
    Untuk mendapatkan refleksi ini, gunakan pertanyaan “Apa pengertian ayat ini”, apakah berhubungan dengan COMMAND = Perintah, PROMISE= Janji atau PRINCIPLE= Dasar/ Prinsip.
    PROMISE - adalah pernyataan Tuhan bahwa Dia akan melakukan sesuatu,
    contoh Mat.28:20, Jesus berkata “Aku akan selalu menyertai mu” .
    PRINCIPLE - adalah dasar sebuah kebenaran (ketergantungan), adalah sebuah pernyataan bila melakukan sesuatu maka akan ada hasil konsekwensi nya,
    contoh: Masmur 37:4, Bergembiralah karena Tuhan, maka Dia akan memberikan apa yang engkau inginkan.
    COMMAND - adalah perintah Tuhan. Misalnya, mari kita lihat 10 Perintah Tuhan yang di declare oleh Musa, Kasihilah Tuhan mu, Jangan mencuri, hormat kepada orang tua mu dll.
    Setelah membaca dan merefleksikan selanjutnya adalah bagaimana menanggapinya, misalnya membuat pertanyaan. Bagaimana caranya agar ayat yang dipelajari bisa diterapkan dalam kehidupan kita, kemudian menyusun rencana dan strategi agar segera diimplementasikan.
    Berdoa agar mendapatkan pertologan dan kekuatan, karena hanya Tuhan yang dapat membantu mengimplementasikan isi alkitab tsb.
    Misalnya, jika kita sedang mempelajari ayat alkitab tentang Forgiveness - Memaafkan, karena Tuhan juga pemaaf, maka kita berdoa agar Tuhan menolong dan memberi kekuatan untuk bisa memaafkan.
    Demikianlah summary yang dapat saya sajikan, semoga bermanfaat - Salam penuh kasih - ITB.

  • @corrinecampbell2494
    @corrinecampbell2494 2 роки тому +3

    This video is so encouraging. Bible study often feels overwhelming. I start, get a good rhythm going, and then it begins to feel more like work rather than intimate time with God, and then the rhythm is lost along with progress. Your recommended approach seems very practical and I’m going to pray for God’s help as I follow it. Rom. 8:28 is a verse I cling to, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

  • @kalafattezazu4660
    @kalafattezazu4660 2 роки тому +1

    i Loved ur presentation

  • @granitarichardson5156
    @granitarichardson5156 6 років тому +17

    This was so good Christina. It’s simple and empowering. It reiterated the need to continue to “study” God’s Word, not just read it. Thank you so much for your obedience to share with us. My key verse of Scripture is Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.”

  • @traciehoffman746
    @traciehoffman746 3 роки тому +1

    Good morning! I JUST listened to this video and noticed that it was put out on my birthday three years ago! :) My life verse is Hebrews 10:14 "Because by one sacrifice He has made perfect those who are being made holy." This verse changed the way I understood how God sees me. I don't have to "start all over" when I make a mistake.
    Thank you for your helpful video!

  • @Ptozay
    @Ptozay 7 місяців тому

    Sounds like a good technique, I really need guidance in my bible study

  • @AdiaAnanda44
    @AdiaAnanda44 2 роки тому +1

    I love this !! I will most definitely be incorporating what I learned in this video to my bible study. Thank you

  • @TeePea4
    @TeePea4 5 місяців тому

    I really needed this! THANK YOU ❤️

  • @dinahfavour9868
    @dinahfavour9868 3 роки тому

    This scripture helped me know how God is so faithful... 2Tim 2:13 even if we are faithless, He remains faithful because He can not deny Himself.

  • @user-wp4yo4qx9w
    @user-wp4yo4qx9w 2 роки тому

    His love to evryone

  • @beaconofhopepentecostalchu2400
    @beaconofhopepentecostalchu2400 4 роки тому

    I just started teaching Bible Studies...I never thought about teaching on how to study. Thanks!

  • @queen4u281
    @queen4u281 2 роки тому


  • @haystephanie8279
    @haystephanie8279 Рік тому

    Thanks so much!

  • @destinycox7596
    @destinycox7596 3 роки тому


  • @ebjellybean
    @ebjellybean 4 роки тому +1

    Thank God for you lovely lady 💝💝

  • @melissaherbert5313
    @melissaherbert5313 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this video this will help me a lot to getting closer with god because he was been giving me Signs to get closer with him so god bless you and have a good day

  • @MissAfinah
    @MissAfinah 4 роки тому

    This is so helpful, thank you so much. A principle verse in life for me is always 2 Timothy 2:15; Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly diving the word of truth.

  • @jazzy8766
    @jazzy8766 2 роки тому

    This was amazing and insightful! I had to take notes on everything! I look forward to applying these principles in my daily life🙏🏾

  • @pearl_ehigimetor
    @pearl_ehigimetor 4 роки тому

    My life verse is Phillipians 2:13. For it is God that works in me both to will and to do

  • @blessingkale2760
    @blessingkale2760 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much , This really helped me , I'm going to take notes about this

  • @estheruyoyo6747
    @estheruyoyo6747 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this video, it's just what I needed
    God bless you

  • @ms.toniescott3783
    @ms.toniescott3783 3 місяці тому

    "Blessed is she who believed for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." Luke 1:45

  • @ljp9402
    @ljp9402 Рік тому


  • @Sshaa11
    @Sshaa11 4 роки тому

    Amazing !! I will follow these steps. Thx so mush. GOD BLESS YOU.

  • @lisaroberts9412
    @lisaroberts9412 3 місяці тому

    My life verse is Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you plan to prosper you and not to harm you pla and to give you hope and a future

  • @andressateixeira5319
    @andressateixeira5319 4 роки тому

    John 17 ❤️ I loved your video!! Thank you so much! God bless you!

  • @paulajohnson4422
    @paulajohnson4422 4 роки тому

    Hi I am👈🏾👉🏾Paula .... It is written Matthew 4:4! And great job

  • @LadyCRussell
    @LadyCRussell 4 роки тому

    This was very informative and my life verse is psalm 38

  • @wickdontez
    @wickdontez 4 роки тому

    Asking God....another brilliant comment. James 1:5.

  • @ytcaspian
    @ytcaspian 3 роки тому

    John 3:16

  • @daje.m9596
    @daje.m9596 4 роки тому

    Life Verse: Luke 9: 23- If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

  • @tyshalaiwalker6729
    @tyshalaiwalker6729 11 місяців тому

    I'm just feeling very overwhelmed to learn how to read the Bible I don't just want to read it I need to understand it study it

  • @keithscrochetandmore1520
    @keithscrochetandmore1520 2 роки тому

    Romans 8:6

  • @IsiJoy-ho8ed
    @IsiJoy-ho8ed Місяць тому

    i am a new person

  • @reesepieces92
    @reesepieces92 4 роки тому

    Which bible translation would I use though?

    • @quynhhoang1960
      @quynhhoang1960 4 роки тому

      You can use any translation you like, about me i like king james version the most🤗

  • @arethapagel4583
    @arethapagel4583 3 роки тому

    Your talk To fast for some of us Oliver people

  • @inyourdreamsbitch2227
    @inyourdreamsbitch2227 6 місяців тому

    I’m not sure where to start, so can I just start from Beginning to end in the Bible ?

  • @tamaylaedwards4577
    @tamaylaedwards4577 4 роки тому

    Not focused enough on the word of the lord

  • @julissadelacruz2170
    @julissadelacruz2170 4 роки тому

    10 :13

  • @Mariposa0830
    @Mariposa0830 3 роки тому +209

    My son was sick from birth until age 10. It was hard to watch him suffer. Isaiah 41:10 was my verse to remind me not to be afraid because the Lord was with us. My son is now 17 and he is completely healed. The Lord never forsake us. To God be the Glory!

    • @alejandriamurray7599
      @alejandriamurray7599 3 роки тому +2

      Amen thank you lord 🙏🏽

    • @sanga205
      @sanga205 3 роки тому

      Good is good 💕

    • @lauriereamy9876
      @lauriereamy9876 3 роки тому +1

      Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

    • @tiffanim.1388
      @tiffanim.1388 3 роки тому +2

      Praise God!!!!!

    • @oilinmylamp
      @oilinmylamp 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for this testimony. Praying for a miracle for my husband, Rick.

  • @laneyperkins840
    @laneyperkins840 3 роки тому +94

    I'm a newer believer and I just orderd my first bible and I'm so excited for it to come 😊

    • @alejandriamurray7599
      @alejandriamurray7599 3 роки тому +2

      I'm excited reading the book because u have so much to read about like drama ..come on look at Solomon having so much wives and concubines like how him manage them😅 not to mention love stories poems pick up lines there is so much knowledge in God's word🙏🏽

    • @laneyperkins840
      @laneyperkins840 3 роки тому +2

      @@alejandriamurray7599 Yes!! I havent read as much as I thought I was going to but omg its amazing

    • @naomia472
      @naomia472 3 роки тому +1


    • @naomia472
      @naomia472 3 роки тому

      @@alejandriamurray7599 Lmaoo I never thought about it like that 😂

    • @naomia472
      @naomia472 3 роки тому

      @@alejandriamurray7599 how do you read the Bible? I am struggling in knowing how to study it?

  • @PraiseroftheLivinGod
    @PraiseroftheLivinGod 5 років тому +54

    The scripture that helped transform my life was psalm 27:1
    The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
    This helped me to face not only my fears, but myself, who seems to strangle me from within.

  • @MarthaGarcia-ku7ve
    @MarthaGarcia-ku7ve 5 років тому +16

    Psalm 34:4 I looked to the lord, and he answered me. He saved me from everything I was afraid of. and Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cant kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell. I suffered from deep depression and anxiety which gave me insomnia but had an encounter with god and he healed me. Now im working on my family which my mother who was an alcoholic and I spoke to her about god and what he did to me and she gave herself to jesus and is now healing. God is faithful and good.

  • @y.spence
    @y.spence 4 роки тому +14

    This was the most helpful breakdown on UA-cam! It was exactly what I needed. Thank you

  • @strongladiesrusministries__22
    @strongladiesrusministries__22 2 роки тому +8

    I will never forget the moment I was driving and not feeling the greatest - I was having feelings of defeat and unsureness and I looked at the car in front of me and on the right bottom of the car read Jeremiah 29:11 !!!! I immediately started to cry because even in the midst of me feeling defeated God sent a reminder to me - he knows the plans he has for me plans to PROSPER me and not harm me - plans to give me hope and a future !
    I will never forget that day - his word and promises are always with us and forever true 💜💜

  • @beyondbeauty7193
    @beyondbeauty7193 3 роки тому +6

    Here in 2021, thank you so much, I’m waiting on my download this is so exciting, I have been trying to find a better way of study and I found your video🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 thank you God for leading me to her video 😍😘

  • @tiannaxberry
    @tiannaxberry 4 роки тому +8

    Psalms 9:9
    "The Lord is a strong hold for the oppressed, a strong hold in times of trouble"

  • @walkbyfaith2917
    @walkbyfaith2917 6 років тому +9

    Thats exactly what I do. I jounal in the morning, then I allow the spirit to lead me to a response to my journaling to God. I have a main point, then a Spiritual point. Then I spiritualize what is being said to me through God's word. Ive grown tremendously since doing so. Thanks Christina for this video.
    I have so many scriptures that changed me. But initially the very 1st is Psalms 1: 1-3 2 being my guidence..

  • @frankyb4249
    @frankyb4249 6 років тому +35

    Rom 8:28 “And in all things , God works together for the good of those that love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” it just gives me hope that no matter what trial/ affliction I might face in life, God is working it all for my good. And he’s not finished writing my life story🙏🏽

  • @aprilbass4092
    @aprilbass4092 4 роки тому +8

    Man thanks for this video... I've been using this method to study and now I'm more successful in understanding and remembering everything I read and I'm even more excited to pick up my Bible more thanks

  • @reneejohnson4882
    @reneejohnson4882 3 роки тому +6

    I happened to stumble over this video and l must say thank you Jesus. This is the first time l completely understand how to read and study the bible. Thank you.

  • @ashley8605
    @ashley8605 4 роки тому +7

    [Romans 10:13 KJVS]
    [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

  • @TshikiG
    @TshikiG 10 місяців тому +3

    Here I am 5 years later..I bought my Bible today..Thank you for this video because I did not have any idea of where to start, I am also learning how to pray and communicate with God.

  • @unitetoropito81
    @unitetoropito81 10 місяців тому +2

    Jer 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, the plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future.❤

  • @vee1506
    @vee1506 3 роки тому +2

    My bible verse is Psalms 23 "The lord is my Shepard. I shall not want."

  • @dorotheadixon9294
    @dorotheadixon9294 6 років тому +5

    For me, I have a couple of life changing scriptures: Ezekiel 36:25-27 and Matthew 11:12. These verses remind me that when I see I have an error, I can come to God and trust Him to help me to correct that error. Also, I have to continue to engage in the scriptures CONSTANTLY and fight. We are NOT going to just waltz into the kingdom of Heaven without fighting against the attacks of the enemy or without crucifying the flesh, both of which we can only do with the power of the Holy Spirit working in us.

    • @belovedwomen
      @belovedwomen  6 років тому +1

      Dorothea Dixon You are so right about that! We must daily pick up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God!

    • @AskAChristian
      @AskAChristian 5 років тому

      Great testimony. YES!

  • @sheenaanderson8759
    @sheenaanderson8759 4 роки тому +3

    I been looking for a break down like for so long. Thank you very much for sharing praise God for his glory. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @zanelemthimunye7621
    @zanelemthimunye7621 2 роки тому +1

    Hi thank you for this video,I'm struggling to understand the bible but I think your videos will help me, can you tell me witch verses to read for a beginner thanks in advance 🙏

  • @lilspongie44
    @lilspongie44 Рік тому +3

    4 years later and I am still still blessed by this.

  • @AskAChristian
    @AskAChristian 5 років тому +2

    Dig the 4 Rs! I won't post a link and be that person, but I'm really into finding hints and helps for people just getting into study as well. I have made a three part series: mental game, practical tips and 5 questions to guide study that might also be a help to those who like your method.

  • @christiandailyreflections2314
    @christiandailyreflections2314 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for creating such good content - This really will help with my Bible study ✝️ *God Bless you all.*

  • @julianmofford888
    @julianmofford888 3 роки тому +1

    Proverb 3 : 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding . As people we need to trust our Heavenly Father more, not ourselves or man because God know everything about us before we was born. I thank my Father God for his mercies towards us in Jesus name. Amen

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 Рік тому +1

    Amen not a promise but a principle, He will give us His desires for our Heart, He renews us.
    Psalms 37:4💝
    “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

  • @howardmanley3388
    @howardmanley3388 3 роки тому +1

    I use to feel God didn’t love me as much as others, As I heard others say they hear Gods voice they would use the verse in John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice , And I know them , And they follow me..However I finally gave up trying to hear his voice , For God does speak to me through his word , And I’m no longer jealous of those people that say they hear an Audible voice from god...I still havn’t heard a Audible voice of God ....However if I want to hear Gods voice, I now read Gods voice out loud as I read his word...

    @EEMSDIARY 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this video. My life verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.

  • @cathyboyce8031
    @cathyboyce8031 4 роки тому +2

    Phil 3:10-11 No matter how many times I read this scripture, it touches my heart and soul deeply. Such a powerful Scripture.

  • @awrightwest
    @awrightwest 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for the great tips. Thanks for motivating me to study the Bible

  • @DDDD17890
    @DDDD17890 3 роки тому +1

    My favorite verses are the whole chapters of deuteronomy 28-30. After I began to read the bible for myself and really seeking God for real.
    There was a moment when I got revelation and I read that and I knew these chapters speak about us. But they just don't teach you that in church. But the Holy Spirit does, HalleluYah!
    Scripture becomes a whole other thing when you begin to really seek Him and ask Him to reveal the truth to you.
    I had always learned the law has been done away with, saved by grace through faith, right? Well that is indeed right. But Jesus never said the law has been done away with. On the contrary. It is still very important, every little bit of it.
    Yes the law is and will forever be important. Including sabbaths, feasts, etc.
    It shall be a sabbath of rest unto you, and ye shall afflict your souls, by a statute 👉 for ever.👈
    Leviticus 16:31 KJV
    Every sabbath he shall set it in order before the Lord continually, being taken from the children of Israel by an 👉 everlasting covenant👈.
    Leviticus 24:8 KJV
    Behold, I build an house to the name of the Lord my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the Lord our God. This is an ordinance 👉 for ever 👈 to Israel.
    2 Chronicles 2:4 KJV
    Which the Lord commanded to be given them of the children of Israel, in the day that he anointed them, by a statute 👉for ever👈 throughout their generations.
    Leviticus 7:36 KJV
    And this shall be an👉 everlasting👈 statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. And he did as the Lord commanded Moses.
    Leviticus 16:34 KJV
    We are grafted into Israël, there will be no Jew or Gentile. Just one people, Israël.
    I believe the Jews are what the bible calls the house of Judah. (Tribe of Judah and Benjamin) And we are the 10 other scattered tribes of the (northern) House of Israël.
    Once you see that, the whole bible comes to life and makes more sense, more cohesive. It really is a love story. All the puzzle pieces fall together, it's really amazing.
    Jim Staley has an amazing video about this called Identity Crisis.
    God is calling His people, He is waking them up to this, one by one. Just as He said He would. And He is bringing us back, writing the law on our hearts:
    ❤ Behold, the days come, saith the Lord , that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel❗, and with the house of Judah:
    Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord :
    But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord , I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
    And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord : for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord : for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
    Thus saith the Lord , which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The Lord of hosts is his name:
    If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord , then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.
    Thus saith the Lord ; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the Lord .
    Jeremiah 31:31‭-‬37 KJV
    The years of our punishment and why God has scattered us are over. He divorced us because we followed other gods (adultry) and scattered us as punishment across the nations (gentiles) where we would forget. Now He is waking us up.
    This is this prophecy of Jeremiah:
    ❤ They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted?
    but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the Lord .
    Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with.
    In the ways hast thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness.
    Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed.
    Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My father, thou art the guide of my youth? Will he reserve his anger for ever? will he keep it to the end?
    Behold, thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couldest. The Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done?
    she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot. And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me.
    But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.
    And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks.
    And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the Lord .
    And the Lord said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.
    Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord ; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am merciful, saith the Lord , and I will not keep anger for ever.
    Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the Lord .
    Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord ; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:
    And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
    And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord , they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the Lord : neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.
    At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord ; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord , to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart.
    In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.
    But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from me.
    Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord .
    A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel: for they have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the Lord their God.
    Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the Lord our God.
    Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.
    For shame hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.
    We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the Lord our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God
    Jeremiah 3:1‭-‬25 KJV
    He is coming back for His bride 👰❤😍!! HalleluYah!!

  • @robinhairston346
    @robinhairston346 2 роки тому +2

    God is good all the time

  • @kathryncurtright3970
    @kathryncurtright3970 11 днів тому

    This is a wonderfully clear practice for reading the Bible. Thank you!

  • @ElevateWithMiranda
    @ElevateWithMiranda 4 роки тому +3

    This video is so insightful. Thanks a lot

  • @ClinchEnterprises
    @ClinchEnterprises Рік тому +2

    This is dynamic! Thank you! My favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5 & 6

  • @tamaylaedwards4577
    @tamaylaedwards4577 3 роки тому +2

    I enjoyed your teaching it's important thank you for the encouragement

  • @marykanemayoutubechannel7321
    @marykanemayoutubechannel7321 2 місяці тому

    My life verse is Joshua 1:8
    The word should not depart from your lips mediate it day and night so that you will be prosperous ♥️

  • @Christian20225
    @Christian20225 7 місяців тому

    Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2-And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

  • @kuvedelembongonelly9163
    @kuvedelembongonelly9163 Рік тому +1

    This is the verse that change my life :Romans 12v1-2

  • @JewessTafeni
    @JewessTafeni 5 місяців тому

    Romans 8v11 But if the spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. He who raised Christ from rhe dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His spirit who dwells in you.

  • @genieslays9015
    @genieslays9015 5 місяців тому

    Romans 8:11 and if the spirit of him who who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then he who raised Christ from the dead will also bring your mortal bodies to life through his spirit who lives in you.

  • @roariorking6768
    @roariorking6768 2 роки тому

    This bible verse really caught my heart and mind. And it really scares me. Luke 6:46: And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? KJV

  • @missinghorangibooster3628
    @missinghorangibooster3628 2 роки тому

    Proverbs 19 : 20-21 (NIV)
    20 Listen to advice and accept discipline,
    and at the end you will be counted among the wise.
    21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

  • @jumaiisah2504
    @jumaiisah2504 8 місяців тому

    Wow... Thank you so much for this. Am blessed by it. God bless you

  • @stefanie4232
    @stefanie4232 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for the breakdown. I have been for a long time intimidated about how to study the Bible. You totally helped me to visualize everything and put into perspective. I would say my life verse would be Psalms 23 : 1 - 6 "The Lord is my shepherd;
    I shall not [a]want.
    2 He makes me to lie down in [b]green pastures;
    He leads me beside the [c]still waters.
    3 He restores my soul;
    He leads me in the paths of righteousness
    For His name’s sake.
    4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil;
    For You are with me;
    Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
    5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
    You anoint my head with oil;
    My cup runs over.
    6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    All the days of my life;
    And I will [d]dwell in the house of the Lord
    One of the first prayers I read with my mom.

  • @imoses
    @imoses 8 місяців тому

    Thank you. I'm gonna try this method! God bless you.

  • @DJRaptorXS
    @DJRaptorXS 2 роки тому

    No offense. But, are men welcome? Serious question. I want to learn how to study the Bible because it's rather overwhelming. I believe but wonder if I'm still lost because of my life choices.

  • @t_zlayen3386
    @t_zlayen3386 3 роки тому

    Proverbs 25:16
    If you find honey, eat just enough- too much of it, and you will vomit

  • @HerTruthSpeaks
    @HerTruthSpeaks 3 роки тому

    I like to know that im God daughter like that’s totally cool . Like he’s the King of Kings you guys

  • @adwoaamperebea1202
    @adwoaamperebea1202 6 місяців тому

    Thanks alot Christina, for these steps. Can now read and understand the word of God. God bless you

  • @robinhairston346
    @robinhairston346 2 роки тому +1

    and confirmation can in about taking certain scripture and memorized in your mind and your heart ❤️

  • @deborahdavis3470
    @deborahdavis3470 Рік тому

    I'm going through a separation. And I really need some help, for strength to get through this new transformation.

  • @keishatell2
    @keishatell2 4 роки тому +1

    This video was very helpful. thank you and God bless you . 😘😘😘😘

  • @junewoodard5316
    @junewoodard5316 4 роки тому +1

    My verse is psalms 34:1, I will bless the Lord at all times and His praises shall continually be in my mouth!!! No matter what's gong on or how things look. I will bless the Lord!!!!

  • @oluchiumeh2191
    @oluchiumeh2191 2 місяці тому

    Thank you,this was very helpful❤

  • @beatricemcfadden4991
    @beatricemcfadden4991 6 місяців тому

    I ❤ the way you explain the to study the Bible 🎉thx make sense

  • @alejandriamurray7599
    @alejandriamurray7599 3 роки тому +1

    My favourite scripture is 1 timothy 4:12 "let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word in conversation in charity in spirit in faith and in purity " so as we go through the rest of our earthly journey let us remember that regardless of our age God can use us. Whether young or old . We should not think of our age as a handicap. Let us live so that others can see christ in us amen 🙏🏽