Chris Brown Talking About Rihanna but it gets Increasingly More Crazy

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @IshaAbreu
    @IshaAbreu Місяць тому +48

    I think he handle all the interviews very well, he never put nobody down or was a jerk. He’s a very talented and handsome man, his music speaks volumes and his talent can’t never be dimmed. Look at him now , hard work pays off !
    Breezy to the end baby ❤

    • @BreezyNewss
      @BreezyNewss  Місяць тому +1


    • @fortheladies771
      @fortheladies771 22 дні тому

      This man has a track record of disrespecting the women he’s with. When I see women supporting men like this, it lets me know that you’re not a girl’s girl at all.

  • @lindiwenkoai8608
    @lindiwenkoai8608 Місяць тому +40

    We love you CB no matter what they are trying to do to you

  • @NKEMOSSAI-r4g
    @NKEMOSSAI-r4g 14 днів тому +11

    Chris Brown's emotional growth has been impressive. He's obviously no longer hurting like he used to. I'm real happy for the young man❤!

  • @MsDes307
    @MsDes307 28 днів тому +30

    I actually loved Rihana and Chris together they just needed to let God lead them as a couple and that would’ve brought more love, loyalty, communication, and respect to their relationship. It definitely would’ve kept other people and toxicity away from them.

    • @BreezyNewss
      @BreezyNewss  28 днів тому


    • @eglesia0
      @eglesia0 17 днів тому +1

      Too late now 😂😂😂

    • @gloriabaylor882
      @gloriabaylor882 12 днів тому +2

      He should've kept his grimey hands to himself... 😂👎🏿😕💔

    @KASHTINTV Місяць тому +91

    They could NEVER make me hate you CB ❤❤

  • @armoniwiley04
    @armoniwiley04 Місяць тому +24

    Just so humble and Real ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @moonchild1569
    @moonchild1569 26 днів тому +16

    It should be how many times Chris Brown was asked about Rihanna

  • @NestyKing
    @NestyKing Місяць тому +17

    I ddnt lie I just ddnt tell the truth😂😂
    He was smooth with it.

  • @sumerabullock7910
    @sumerabullock7910 26 днів тому +25

    The “industry” destroyed them. It’s clear the love is there, but it’s beyond repair- time has passed and sometimes you can’t get everything back. So, you just accept it. It is what it is.

    • @BreezyNewss
      @BreezyNewss  26 днів тому


    • @musiccapricorn918
      @musiccapricorn918 25 днів тому +1

      He bested Rihanna

    • @misspbrown2566
      @misspbrown2566 25 днів тому +1

      @@musiccapricorn918 That's correct. The best of the best, beautiful music with breath taking lyrics, melodies and dance grooves. 💝💝💝💝🎶✌🏾

    • @AnomalyBelleza
      @AnomalyBelleza 22 дні тому +3

      They were so lovely. I wish what happened never happened. They might’ve been too volatile for eachother. Both firecrackers 🧨

  • @SHerit-q3v
    @SHerit-q3v 10 днів тому +4

    I know he regrets losing her imagine how beautiful their kids would have been both super attractive people

  • @tcbroussard9562
    @tcbroussard9562 25 днів тому +7

    Love me some BreeZy ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥

  • @nokuthulangwenya8229
    @nokuthulangwenya8229 16 годин тому

    "Give them something that's gets the through their life'. Shoutout ❤

  • @DianeRandle-m5u
    @DianeRandle-m5u 5 днів тому

    Very cool interview with Breezy

  • @Sarah_372
    @Sarah_372 25 днів тому +8

    CB is some serious eye candy. 😅😍

  • @baboo2666
    @baboo2666 20 днів тому +2

    I just love Chris Brown…I find him a very respectable person no matter what people say…
    Responsible papa❤❤

  • @supernovaa9332
    @supernovaa9332 19 днів тому +2

    Love him and her both honestly and I’m glad this video wasn’t to portray him in a negative light so thank you ❤

  • @AnomalyBelleza
    @AnomalyBelleza 22 дні тому +7

    He really handled the topic of Rihanna very well with each and every question. 👏🏾 Kudos to him. He has great charisma.

  • @younlion08
    @younlion08 19 днів тому +4

    Breezy is way more important to the story than just being associated with Rihanna.
    Bruh, is Ultra talented and an International success.
    Limiting his talking points to just Rihanna or MJ is like limiting Usher to talking points of Chili from TLC.
    It's disappointing that this is the only thing TMZ esque tabloid medias focus on as far as Chris Brown goes.

  • @sbeharry4179
    @sbeharry4179 5 днів тому

    I appreciate his honesty .if he wants a relationship or many relationships long as everybody is happy you Breezy❤❤❤❤

  • @mysteriouswilliams1595
    @mysteriouswilliams1595 18 днів тому +2

    Chris Brown is very Cool & Collective about the Situation about Rhianna💯😃

  • @shaeonewright2123
    @shaeonewright2123 3 дні тому +1

    I need a country song right now

  • @TshepoDifeto
    @TshepoDifeto День тому

    The way u say "amapiano" 😂😂😂come home to south Ahh 🇿🇦

  • @Prettyposh
    @Prettyposh 2 дні тому

    Me too... I want that like tomorrow too.

  • @aprilboyd78
    @aprilboyd78 Місяць тому +2

    Never i love breezy for life ❤❤❤❤

  • @taurus410
    @taurus410 15 днів тому +1

    Love him nobody is perfect

  • @theartistrofel8288
    @theartistrofel8288 20 днів тому +2

    Why didn't you say, 6 times the Interviewers mention Rihanna n he respond?

  • @morenogezius3820
    @morenogezius3820 11 днів тому +1


  • @RealWorldWarren
    @RealWorldWarren 11 днів тому +1

    all good answers to me

  • @jessicaevans3923
    @jessicaevans3923 Місяць тому +1


  • @dianeallen4801
    @dianeallen4801 Місяць тому +4

    Much 💕💕💕❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💯💯💯 always 🙏❤️

  • @Melanite1073
    @Melanite1073 23 дні тому +2

    I love him. I just dont like all of the BS that he went thru n somee elses watch. They cant break him tho!

  • @shaeonewright2123
    @shaeonewright2123 3 дні тому


  • @Teionna-n9n
    @Teionna-n9n 8 днів тому

    When news broke out between RiRi & breezy, it made me hate him as a fan. But throughout the years, I see Chris is more manly & mature❤ I’m with coo bro😂

  • @theodorabaptiste2525
    @theodorabaptiste2525 27 днів тому +6

    @innocentiaradebe1216,who cares if you like him or not,he's love by millions and God, so eat your heart out

  • @aprilboyd78
    @aprilboyd78 Місяць тому +11

    I never liked her with him I said it from the first day that I knew she would be in trouble for him nobody believe me now look what happened but he has moved on and has a life without her and beautiful children

    • @BreezyNewss
      @BreezyNewss  Місяць тому


    • @iconic_759
      @iconic_759 Місяць тому +4

      Yea they were not a good match

    • @AnomalyBelleza
      @AnomalyBelleza 22 дні тому +2

      @@iconic_759 Yea not at all. It was fun to see them as a couple but it became clear that they should’ve not been together.
      It affected both of them immensely. Tanked the upward trajectory of Chris Brown’s career for sure. He still has a career of course but that event changed the course of his career.
      For Rihanna, I think it affected her relationship experiences / love life

    • @aprilboyd78
      @aprilboyd78 10 днів тому

      @@AnomalyBelleza they didn't expect him in no type of way because his music is still pumping and her I don't know what to say about that black widow

  • @AbokorMahamed-vi4ro
    @AbokorMahamed-vi4ro Місяць тому +2

    Lion king of the world ❤❤❤

  • @d_nykol9673
    @d_nykol9673 15 днів тому +1

    You can say anything about Chris but you can’t touch his dancing

  • @QRonThaDon
    @QRonThaDon 15 днів тому

    it ain’t gotta always be Rihanna related, that last one was cool… 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @marquitalewis3120
    @marquitalewis3120 19 днів тому +1

    When y’all goin stop attach him to her this is why he gets bashlash now smh 🤦‍♀️ I really don’t be understanding some his so called fans postin stuff like this I would never 👎 let Chris be great he already be goin through enough n postin things like this is not coo I already see negative comments

    • @sapphireanderson6847
      @sapphireanderson6847 13 днів тому

      I know Chris is sick of that mess about Rihanna ! People always tripping.......

  • @lisadelaney728
    @lisadelaney728 10 днів тому

    Rhianna is with the right person now. Rocky is the shit! He's a good match for Rhianna. Not to mention, he is way better looking than Chris, in my opinion!

  • @shaeonewright2123
    @shaeonewright2123 3 дні тому

    That par

  • @shaeonewright2123
    @shaeonewright2123 3 дні тому

    Not to much on my baby 😏💖👁️

  • @zandilemdakane3839
    @zandilemdakane3839 Місяць тому


  • @shaeonewright2123
    @shaeonewright2123 3 дні тому


  • @SophiaFoster-s7o
    @SophiaFoster-s7o 9 днів тому

    He didn't take no P like the rest of them!!!

  • @bellakelly1
    @bellakelly1 11 днів тому

    Not he had a girl and RIHANNA still. Sir Rihanna had YOU

  • @theperfectescape5785
    @theperfectescape5785 23 дні тому +3

    Rihanna the Queen unfortunately didn’t know her worth at the time w Chris brown regardless of his looks & fake I think he was a terrible boyfriend & made her feel less than!

    • @ezracollins4034
      @ezracollins4034 23 дні тому +7

      Cap.. I believe she tried to make him feel less than.. like she ran with the total idea that everything that happened was his fault.. she took no accountability in that.. like expecting a young immature boy to not to react after continuously putting your hands on him and then eventually grabbing his sexual organ is crazy.. it’s not okay for a man or woman to put their hands on people… expect what you do !
      with him being a young boy with no father figure he actually handled the aftermath okay though he went through some mental heath issues after everything..

    • @wendieb1558
      @wendieb1558 22 дні тому +2

      FALSE!! The industry had her believing that SHE was better than him. To this day she has NEVER taken accountability for her part in the situation. It's never okay to put your hands on someone, but you're not going to hit me but so many times before I strike back. In an interview he said that they were both toxic to each other. That they both would fight each other. So she was throwing hands too, but he just took all the blame and kept it moving. And God has still raised him up.

    • @sapphireanderson6847
      @sapphireanderson6847 13 днів тому

      Nobody walked in Chris shoes......Regardless of what people say negatively about him, He is loved by me and a "HOST" of others!!!❤❤❤

    • @Starlvcies650
      @Starlvcies650 7 днів тому

      You “believe” girl what you may or may not believe don’t matter when it’s not the truth. She has never said Chris was a terrible boyfriend.

    • @ezracollins4034
      @ezracollins4034 6 днів тому +1

      @@Starlvcies650 but she was okay with the media running with the idea that he beat her and that was it… she never said he was a horrible bf but she kept quiet when they was tearing him down.. which is just as worst

  • @gloriabaylor882
    @gloriabaylor882 12 днів тому

    He needs to keep her name out of his mouth! 😤 🤪😱💯👎🏿

  • @Martha-he1th
    @Martha-he1th 27 днів тому +4

    Men will be men. They all cheat and "deal" with multiple women. Nothing can change that. But anyway I love Breezy dearly. Glad he has beautiful kids to keep him on his toes. Never liked Rhianna btw. Team Breezy.

    • @BreezyNewss
      @BreezyNewss  26 днів тому


    • @fortheladies771
      @fortheladies771 22 дні тому +1

      How do you dislike someone that you don’t even know lol? Just admit that Rihanna reminds you of a pretty girl in school that made you feel less than. Y’all are weird lol.

  • @We_Luv_PHILLY
    @We_Luv_PHILLY 10 днів тому

    HE IS STILL A COLORIST whom has SAID HORRIBLE THINGS ABOUT black and dark skin women

  • @innocentiaradebe1216
    @innocentiaradebe1216 29 днів тому +2

    I Hate This Guy

  • @dmcolemanjr
    @dmcolemanjr 19 днів тому +1

    We all made mistakes . I’m not gonna sit up here and say I’ve never hit no chick . I have . This girl hit me so hard and broke my eye socket . Out of nowhere I punched her back and felt so bad ever since. I am human and no matter how hard shit hit me as a Man I fucked up !