Še več takih intervjujev. Iskrene čestitke g. Pahor, da nam pobližje predstavite tako velike ljudi, ki jih imamo v Sloveniji. Da za njih izvemo še pred smrtjo, prej jim je potrebno čestitati in jim dati vedeti, da so veliki in da jih spoštujemo.
It would be wonderful if bridges were built by women, architects and designers. The world has seen that designing beautiful bridges is easier than men's difficult architecture. Working is easier and less tiring than politics, which does not employ the right people but lobbies and wastes money in the wrong hands and feet and creates confusion.
Še več takih intervjujev. Iskrene čestitke g. Pahor, da nam pobližje predstavite tako velike ljudi, ki jih imamo v Sloveniji. Da za njih izvemo še pred smrtjo, prej jim je potrebno čestitati in jim dati vedeti, da so veliki in da jih spoštujemo.
Neverjetno, koliko vrhunskih strokovnjakov premore Slovenija! Žal bodo vsi odšli iz Slovenije.
Vrhunsko. Pogovor za čisto petko. Kapo dol g. Pipenbaherju!!!
G. Pahor, hvala vam za Odlične in zelo zanimive goste, sem ponosen življenja v Sloveniji.
Super pogovor - Hvala
Koncno je g. Pahor pustil sogovorniku pustil da govori. Brez da prekinja.
Moj poklon
It would be wonderful if bridges were built by women, architects and designers. The world has seen that designing beautiful bridges is easier than men's difficult architecture. Working is easier and less tiring than politics, which does not employ the right people but lobbies and wastes money in the wrong hands and feet and creates confusion.