  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @SidMascardo
    @SidMascardo 7 років тому +694

    Thanks for featuring me Brad! 🙏🏻 My IG is @sidmascardo if anyone is wondering. Appreciate the love!

    • @naser3679
      @naser3679 7 років тому +3

      Sid Mascardo what a legend, real inspiration!

    • @impulseaxr4818
      @impulseaxr4818 7 років тому +14

      Sid Mascardo we all know your on gear lol

    • @Dperezphysique
      @Dperezphysique 7 років тому

      Sid very inspiring man!! Dude im motivated..gonna follow your IG now. Best of luck with all your training and endeavors. Again awesome as hell man!!

    • @ikerod210
      @ikerod210 7 років тому +5

      impulse axr you're *
      And even if he is, that's STILL amazing at his weight. Props to you my man.

    • @Burog1
      @Burog1 7 років тому +1

      lol I thought u died bro u haven't uploaded in forever. man your squat has jumped a shit load since last year

  • @taco564
    @taco564 7 років тому +794

    Damn I thought that was timothydelaghetto in the thumbnail 😂

  • @stoic_raider
    @stoic_raider 7 років тому +82

    Bruh, with people hitting their PR's in your gym, you NEED to keep a chart on the wall stating who, which lift and how much they lifted. It would be dope to see and know who's the top dog at any given lift.

    • @robertjusic9097
      @robertjusic9097 6 років тому +4

      Tomskeeez what about percentage of your body mass lifted chart since its unfair to the smaller guys

    • @jacksonmississippirailprod8188
      @jacksonmississippirailprod8188 6 років тому +2

      Well you got Larry wheels who hit 855 for 3 reps last week and a week later during this week Terron Beckham hit 785

    • @huebothedog665
      @huebothedog665 5 років тому

      @@robertjusic9097 that's unfair to tall guys

    • @huebothedog665
      @huebothedog665 5 років тому

      @Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this not really, he'd just occupy one spot. I think he should have records divided in weight and gender classes. That's simple and doable

    • @huebothedog665
      @huebothedog665 5 років тому

      @Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this lol why are you mad chill out. And yea well that's obvious. But weight classes give more people the chance to make their lifts/totals stand out. What exactly would points do? He could have a ton of different lifts and a wilks score wouldnt be enough. Which btw has a bias towards lighter lifters and women

  • @factsonly2435
    @factsonly2435 7 років тому +746

    Does Brad even train anymore lol

    • @greenricky4782
      @greenricky4782 7 років тому +36

      Facts Only why train when you can coach. Coaches never train right.

    • @shrimpman8422
      @shrimpman8422 7 років тому +31

      Facts Only.....his baseball caps need a rest

    • @mk-19memelauncher65
      @mk-19memelauncher65 7 років тому +11

      he trens insteas

    • @rømanmartinn
      @rømanmartinn 7 років тому +4

      I suscribe to his channel to see when he train not others lmao

    • @m1ghty_angel530
      @m1ghty_angel530 7 років тому +7

      Enzo Román it actually inspiring seeing brad help other people. He probably workout off camera

  • @Grephistone
    @Grephistone 7 років тому +33

    “275 squat, 245 Bench, 315 deadlift” boy I started at 100lb squat, 80lb bench, and a 150lb deadlift.. what you talking about.. “low numbers”...

    • @Ultras14100
      @Ultras14100 5 років тому +5

      has been a year, hows your numbers by now?

    • @MattGarcyaDC
      @MattGarcyaDC 5 років тому

      mine are even worse than yours right now but im proving them at the moment

    • @75kgliftr
      @75kgliftr 4 роки тому +1

      It took me years to reach 245 on bench. Most people under 180 still struggle to get to 2 plates. This guy was a natural lol

  • @saadmohammed9409
    @saadmohammed9409 7 років тому +17

    lots of respect for Brad; he is strong as hell and in a great shape, yet he's still impressed by other people's efforts and doesn't try to make himself look better than them.

  • @TheKoast
    @TheKoast 7 років тому

    i don't normally comment on videos nor do i hit like on any i watch but i gotta say the fact that you took the time to appreciate him and let him have a shout-out is probably the coolest thing ever. Seriously, you didn't have to do any of that but you chose to and that's what i like about you and your videos. I'm 100 percent sure that he is grateful for it, as am I considering it gives me hope as i aspire to become fit and make a living out of it. I'm 7 weeks in my fat loss journey and watching your videos help immensely. THANK YOU! Down 15 pounds, 35 more to go! :)

  • @SupraCwalka
    @SupraCwalka 7 років тому +42

    5'7 here nowhere as close to you in numbers but hella inspiring man keep it up

    • @MoMo-qe2im
      @MoMo-qe2im 7 років тому +1

      Tommy Nguyen im 170 cm asian and i can only squat 200 for 5 reps 😂

    • @SupraCwalka
      @SupraCwalka 7 років тому

      Mao Jr I'm around 295 for 5, do a 5x5 program it helps tons!!

    • @robertjusic9097
      @robertjusic9097 6 років тому

      Tommy Nguyen the only number you need is your weight relative to the weight you lift lol

    • @dessertlimbo
      @dessertlimbo 6 років тому

      Im pretty sure I have weigh more strength than what i squat rn because i only do ATG (sometimes with pause) but raw so no sleeves or belt

  • @simonghostriley111
    @simonghostriley111 7 років тому +124

    Thumbnail looked like timothy delaghetto

    • @SidMascardo
      @SidMascardo 7 років тому +1


    • @LettuceLand
      @LettuceLand 7 років тому

      Same I thought it was timothy delaghetto

  • @downsouthtv4616
    @downsouthtv4616 7 років тому +114

    showed this to my toaster
    now it's a transformer

  • @Jmack7861
    @Jmack7861 7 років тому

    Working on moving up to this guys weight class from 145.5, I love being able to see lifters my size and their numbers, it lets me know that I have a lot more progress I can make(being stronger than 90% of people in your commercial style gym even at such a low bodyweight makes you think you are stronger for your size than you are.)

  • @STLB167futbol
    @STLB167futbol 7 років тому +2

    This man is insanely strong. I'm 5'6 143 lbs and my only number anywhere considered close is my 355 deadlift. My others are 185 bench, and my squat is 295. He's benching my squat

  • @DifferentTypesofPeople
    @DifferentTypesofPeople 7 років тому +1

    Solid vid! Good advice as well. Past bit I’ve been doing a lighter deadlift to concentrate on form. The other day I deadlifted only 225lb (two plates + bar) for sets of 10. Noticed the form has been doing a bit better with a lighter weight.

  • @ytirucsbo
    @ytirucsbo 7 років тому +52

    When did Dom become Asian?

  • @crubio94cr
    @crubio94cr 6 років тому +2

    When you on the shorter side it’s huge advantage for powerlifting when I was powerlifting in high school I benched 405 at 190 your range is shorter so a full rep isnt as demanding and I’m 5’7 I’m getting back into it currently at 295

  • @Asher312
    @Asher312 6 років тому


  • @teddtsx
    @teddtsx 7 років тому +78

    bradley invite clarence kenedy to the gym!!!!

  • @MrDannyd9
    @MrDannyd9 7 років тому

    This was the best video in a while. Good new, different info. awesome job guys!

  • @ZachandTee
    @ZachandTee 7 років тому

    Hyped to squat tomorrow now !

  • @markjohnson206
    @markjohnson206 7 років тому

    Favorite educatonal video for a while. More of Sid!

  • @skelley6136
    @skelley6136 7 років тому

    Guys a beast! New gym videos are great! Keep it up Bradley

  • @moosesackfitnessclub
    @moosesackfitnessclub 7 років тому

    I maxed out squat everyday (like 5 to 6 days a week) for a month. It not only increased my max by 50 pounds but really helped my focus under the bar.

  • @SmooveDylan
    @SmooveDylan 7 років тому +40

    hey guys i'm -9 months old, i'm 117 pounds & im 6'13" tall and i bench 375 and i squat 934 pounds. is that good enough?

    • @zero082294
      @zero082294 7 років тому +5

      SmooveDylan bench needs some work bro

    • @SmooveDylan
      @SmooveDylan 7 років тому +9

      Arnold Advocate only 550

    • @rohinahmed6233
      @rohinahmed6233 7 років тому +1

      Bro im 8 yrs old 200lb bw and bench 700lb. I know im weak:(

    • @homixxide
      @homixxide 6 років тому

      Weak I’m 9months years old and 7’ 09” I bench 415 for 8 reps on warm up. And squat 1005ibs for my first working set.

  • @jessechavez1141
    @jessechavez1141 7 років тому +8

    That’s my boy Sid!

  • @MarcoSerafini108
    @MarcoSerafini108 7 років тому +72

    If I see one more Jawszersize ad...

    • @스텔-c6o
      @스텔-c6o 7 років тому +3

      Marco Serafini same i thought i was the only one

    • @naterobinson2047
      @naterobinson2047 7 років тому +1

      You’re gonna buy one?

    • @MarcoSerafini108
      @MarcoSerafini108 7 років тому

      LOL no way man. If I wanted a big neck I'd just train it with a neck harness.... Which I do....

  • @aaronorrantia8263
    @aaronorrantia8263 7 років тому +12

    Can you imagine seeing peoples reactions when he says squats over 500 pounds? I bet no one believes him. Must feel nice when he proves them all wrong haha.

    • @SidMascardo
      @SidMascardo 7 років тому +3

      It's kinda nice when they don't expect it haha

  • @Decaturbamafishing
    @Decaturbamafishing 7 років тому +24

    Bros vs max out

  • @derekbetts7442
    @derekbetts7442 7 років тому

    I love how you just chat with diff people around ur gym!!!

  • @JustMeAndcookie
    @JustMeAndcookie 6 років тому

    This video was cool. Two weight lifting intellectuals discussing lift ideas and tips. Keep it up brad ✌🏼

  • @jtree3214
    @jtree3214 7 років тому +112

    Fact. If your a powerlifter and your good your asian even if you're not you are. A wise man once told me.

    • @FrogDoesLifting
      @FrogDoesLifting 7 років тому +5


    • @ethanheise1743
      @ethanheise1743 7 років тому +2

      Frog Does Lifting Russia is in Asia

    • @FrogDoesLifting
      @FrogDoesLifting 7 років тому +1

      its eurasian

    • @rkellyonu
      @rkellyonu 7 років тому +13

      why does this have 70 thumbs up, the sentence doesnt even make sense.

    • @ming85c
      @ming85c 6 років тому +1

      that make no sense

  • @matthewvarney6214
    @matthewvarney6214 6 років тому

    Does anyone know the nutritional values of lembas bread? I'm not sure Frodo and Sam were hitting their macros

  • @QTBrooklyn
    @QTBrooklyn 7 років тому +260

    Not as crazy as uncle Dom's squat I bet

    • @girlsdrinkfeck
      @girlsdrinkfeck 7 років тому +18

      dom squats 500kg

    • @kingshoob
      @kingshoob 7 років тому +12

      girlsdrinkfeck but that would mean him doing legs.

    • @CS-nv2db
      @CS-nv2db 7 років тому +2

      Kingshoob nah genetics

    • @wbin2957
      @wbin2957 7 років тому +15

      Dom biceps curls more than this guy squats.

    • @Kus519
      @Kus519 7 років тому

      Yeates nah dom skip leg days

  • @Jfhguides
    @Jfhguides 7 років тому +28

    how can you start out with those numbers??

    • @louisedge2382
      @louisedge2382 7 років тому +14

      Jamie Howsam probably did bodybuilding before that.

    • @davidhuynhhhhh
      @davidhuynhhhhh 7 років тому +5

      Not sure about him but I had around his numbers from just playing explosive sports like ball and volleyball. My squat and dead were 315 and bench was 190

    • @cruzicbr
      @cruzicbr 7 років тому +1

      I did bodybuilding before starting powerlifting at 135 and started with those numbers. Form is key like he says. It helped me pass the plateau.

    • @Idiotsincarshere
      @Idiotsincarshere 7 років тому

      Jamie Howsam genetics

  • @trevor4521
    @trevor4521 6 років тому

    since kinetic energy is 1/2 mv^2, how does touching the bar effect this?

  • @ManuelVCano
    @ManuelVCano 7 років тому

    What is that ZØØ sign I keep seeing around? Looked it up and can't find it...

  • @meowsticks2258
    @meowsticks2258 7 років тому +1

    i never like brads videos till this video very informational :P

  • @donchino929
    @donchino929 7 років тому

    It's amazing that I found someone who is lightweight and lift twice as much as their body weight! I found 3 ppl so far. I'm so happy that I found someone like me :)

  • @jesusmemes5171
    @jesusmemes5171 5 років тому +1

    made a 440 lbs squat this thursday after getting used to 405 and 425 for 4 weeks. just beacuse the enormus preasure in my head wheni maxed out on 430

  • @freddddddddie
    @freddddddddie 7 років тому +1

    I still think toes slightly out is ideal. Toes forward is more back less quad, and less depth.

  • @TheGeeeDogg
    @TheGeeeDogg 7 років тому +27

    Yo BM, hook your boy up next time and put his link in the description below the vid. Just a tip.

    • @laughnowcrylater3500
      @laughnowcrylater3500 7 років тому +1

      Griffin Reid word... if anyone finds out... add my name so I get the notify

    • @Aj-jd3bb
      @Aj-jd3bb 7 років тому +1


    • @Fyrebahl
      @Fyrebahl 7 років тому

      He literally said it in the vid lol
      edit: Not to say he shouldn't drop it in the description, but "if anyone finds out" man just listen

    • @TheGeeeDogg
      @TheGeeeDogg 7 років тому +1

      Right on, It just woulda made it a lot more accessible. Not to say I found the fella without an issue.

  • @Shaolin_Chris
    @Shaolin_Chris 7 років тому

    This kid is killing it

  • @falconosborne-sutton7997
    @falconosborne-sutton7997 7 років тому

    Not bad dude. At my lightest the squat was my heaviest lift. 260kg @72.5kg bodyweight. Good work ethic bro! Keep it up.

  • @mr_green33
    @mr_green33 7 років тому

    Representing all the short guys💪

  • @dylanbruton206
    @dylanbruton206 7 років тому

    Can you plz do a video on how your build your iner chest cause is like to build that up

    • @ervinb7485
      @ervinb7485 7 років тому

      Dylan Bruton there is no inner chest, there's the sternal head and clavicular head (upper chest) of the pec, and the shape and inserts are genetically predetermined, you can just make the muscle bigger

    • @dylanbruton206
      @dylanbruton206 7 років тому

      ervin B oh thanks bro

    • @ervinb7485
      @ervinb7485 7 років тому

      Dylan Bruton but from what I've seen as your chest gets bigger it will basically fill in, at least for me, and All I really do is flat benching (cause powerlifting), now I just need some upper chest

  • @jordanmyrick9155
    @jordanmyrick9155 7 років тому +1

    Best vid in awhile

  • @stephenfulmer8646
    @stephenfulmer8646 7 років тому +2

    Had a kid in the 182s under 18, still in highschool, deadlift 10lbs less than this. It was crazy

  • @kalebvanniel1724
    @kalebvanniel1724 7 років тому

    Brad when's the last time you trained legs?

  • @willschuhmann6910
    @willschuhmann6910 7 років тому


  • @akuhatakka
    @akuhatakka 7 років тому

    Brad, can you share your gym playlist?

  • @xsqatterx
    @xsqatterx 5 років тому

    For linear leg press I did 510 at 155-160 & max dumbbell press is 70, 195 bench but I hardly ever bench lol mainly pullups, did 55 for max pullups...but haven't worked out in awhile but monday I'm getting back in the gym

  • @noahbliss1436
    @noahbliss1436 7 років тому

    Bradley should have a list on the wall with people who have made their PR's at the ZOO

  • @AllensActiveProductions95
    @AllensActiveProductions95 7 років тому +1

    He brad when are u gonna post a training video?

  • @vincenzom6632
    @vincenzom6632 7 років тому

    Brad you look low key real faded in your videos in the past months 🅱️

  • @g_bigbro755
    @g_bigbro755 7 років тому

    What's that Kodak song in the beginning

  • @chriswilliams644
    @chriswilliams644 7 років тому +3

    You really need to do more stuff with Dom

  • @brianonabike4130
    @brianonabike4130 7 років тому +1

    Weekend seminar squad

  • @hadhad129
    @hadhad129 6 років тому

    Another simple thing is to add sets for a few weeks then add 5 lbs if they were clean sets and reset every 3- 4 weeks when adding every week doesn't work anymore.

  • @drvenhrd46
    @drvenhrd46 6 років тому +1

    Dude has good power to weight ratio! Raw lift too! No belt or knee wraps..he can easily max 600+ with a belt

  • @Arthgarden
    @Arthgarden 7 років тому

    Damn, bro dropped knowledge bombs!

  • @antoniojimenez621
    @antoniojimenez621 7 років тому

    Can i get some tips on how to improve at powerlifting im planning on bulking soon i have been having trouble doing heavy weights for bench once i get it pushed up my muscles lose so much power and i struggle finishing, and for squats my legs start to shale a lot

  • @RodgerLucky714
    @RodgerLucky714 6 років тому

    about 8 months in to lifting I'm about where this guy started, 315 dl, 240 bp, and 275 squat. Can I naturally get to his level in 2 years? I'm about 175 right now but I've never cut and bf% is probably around 20%.

  • @mohd1008
    @mohd1008 6 років тому

    Man my problems with back squat is always trying to keep my back straight going up

  • @matthendrickson8997
    @matthendrickson8997 7 років тому

    Very informative. I appreciate you, bro. 👊

  • @KyleH_03
    @KyleH_03 7 років тому

    @bradleymartyn - More of this guy and his knowledge please :) This guy has the same beliefs and standards on how I train people. I want to hear what he has to say about other exercises. Awesome video

  • @drvenhrd46
    @drvenhrd46 6 років тому

    The program is called StrongLifts 5x5

  • @rizzyrizz4117
    @rizzyrizz4117 7 років тому

    watching this and an ad came that started with "bigger doesn't always mean stronger"

  • @RodrigoMesquitaPersonal
    @RodrigoMesquitaPersonal 7 років тому

    Man thanks for sharing this with us!!! So much useful tips. We always can get better and as you said we have to ask for people watch us ! #letsgetbettertogether

  • @Belicose777
    @Belicose777 6 років тому

    It's a 1 rep max. Calm down folks.
    He's a talented kid with amazing strength.
    These are numbers high level powerlifters hit commonly.
    There's a kid on here in highschool that weighs all of 120lbs-130lbs with a 345 lift, 245 lb bench and 305 squat.

  • @RoninLifts
    @RoninLifts 7 років тому

    Get Gerald Dionio (Tiny n Tuff) in here! He competes at 148lbs and squatted 600, and has deadlifted 700. Think he's benched 405 before as well.

  • @walkersoop5714
    @walkersoop5714 7 років тому


  • @barns8200
    @barns8200 6 років тому

    I weigh 145 pounds, I’m 15 years old, my height is 5’5, I’ve been training since September, barely hit legs (cause I hate it lol) and I’m able to squat 360 for 10 reps. Do you think that’s good???

  • @adde96N
    @adde96N 7 років тому

    Really good advices!

  • @Efren2cool
    @Efren2cool 7 років тому

    Notification gang!

  • @DrippDroppz
    @DrippDroppz 5 років тому +1

    Song in the beginning anyone?

  • @Arthgarden
    @Arthgarden 7 років тому

    Great info, have him on the vlog more!

  • @peterl.1574
    @peterl.1574 7 років тому

    Gut is very evasive. Bradley asked him twice how he got to be that strong. So basically what is your program. He deflects- talking about mobility, doors position, etc

  • @gilbertoarmenta9205
    @gilbertoarmenta9205 7 років тому

    these videos are dope

  • @George-is6kb
    @George-is6kb 7 років тому

    I wish I can meet you bro you’re an inspiration

  • @noahadams6397
    @noahadams6397 6 років тому

    This is awesome to compare myself to I was 14 wanted to be strong but I couldn't squat nun or bench but now I'm 17 just getting out of 10th grade squating 550 benching 185 and powercleaning 240 with a 405 deadlift and I'm 5'6 weighing 170

  • @ahadali976
    @ahadali976 6 років тому

    He's so small but lifts mad weight now that's motivation.

  • @RQ17s
    @RQ17s 7 років тому

    The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

  • @bigdaddyyumyumthechocolate8481
    @bigdaddyyumyumthechocolate8481 4 роки тому

    This is GOLD.

  • @Andy61695
    @Andy61695 6 років тому +3

    Just cause he's 163 doesn't mean he's small.

  • @davorazic9824
    @davorazic9824 7 років тому

    What is it with pink that doesn't look masculine?

  • @barry01xd37
    @barry01xd37 7 років тому

    Wait am i getting this wrong? First time he started lifting in 2015 he could squat 315 and bench 245??

  • @Alex-it5ws
    @Alex-it5ws 7 років тому +14

    Wheres shred 2.0

  • @devinfoley119
    @devinfoley119 7 років тому

    Dam West Medical ads trying to steal Bradley's business

  • @marcellgreshamjr.2761
    @marcellgreshamjr.2761 7 років тому

    Yo brad turned down the volume with his phone, he got that new tech.

  • @Sabrinacrael
    @Sabrinacrael 7 років тому

    So you just stopping at EP 2?! Been waiting for EP 3 man! Lol

    • @Movato
      @Movato 7 років тому +4

      Sabrina Crae Lynn let that man rest a lil bit, dont want him to puke again haha

    • @Sabrinacrael
      @Sabrinacrael 7 років тому +1

      toni3393 lol yeah that’s true

  • @NextSurvivor
    @NextSurvivor 7 років тому

    Great video, really helpful

  • @hadhad129
    @hadhad129 7 років тому +1

    I am like that felt kind of hard in video looks almost perfect fast good form deep mostly for squats but even bench. But my Deadlift is so much higher and I found out its because I cheat a little and use my back.

  • @thegreenroom9018
    @thegreenroom9018 7 років тому

    Yo u should do circuit training but do it like burn out style of reps, like u would on bench but for every other movement. It makes 20 lbs feel like 80. Made my brother hella sore after and an insane pump.

  • @gijsdegroot7602
    @gijsdegroot7602 6 років тому +1

    Can someone explain the shit about percentages and 5x5? No idea what they are talking about.

    • @A1M8E7
      @A1M8E7 6 років тому

      Gijs de Groot look up 5X5 powerlifting routine im sure u can find it urself

  • @TheSlyerx
    @TheSlyerx 7 років тому +4

    If Kevin stepped back 2 feet and got them both in the shot it would make such a difference smh

    • @FLiPKnives
      @FLiPKnives 7 років тому

      Nio MK no it would look awkward

  • @sfuikm
    @sfuikm 7 років тому

    This man has a full range of motion too goddam

  • @FungSoBruva
    @FungSoBruva 6 років тому

    Song from the first squat clip anyone?

  • @Anthony-vr3um
    @Anthony-vr3um 7 років тому +1

    Aw yes Timothydelaprs

  • @lakai831
    @lakai831 7 років тому +2

    Need to get the strength cartel up in there

    • @TICecko
      @TICecko 7 років тому +1

      Major L

  • @user-ql3ws5uz1d
    @user-ql3ws5uz1d 7 років тому

    His max in 2015 is really where I am now

  • @스텔-c6o
    @스텔-c6o 7 років тому

    Was that low bar?