I Got The Channel Deleted!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @benbenhafsi4684
    @benbenhafsi4684 12 годин тому +40

    He 100% deserves it!

  • @mizzwitty1042
    @mizzwitty1042 4 години тому +10

    I am very relieved and happy you won! 🥳
    And I also think it is good to discuss the guy's behaviour like you do: *pointing out HE behaved wrong/illegal and needs to take the consequences!*
    People are getting more and more stupid and egoistic - but this can only be changed when people stand up and speak and/or fight for their right!
    Well done Adam, well done - well deserved 👏👏🤩

  • @nigelcanuck5943
    @nigelcanuck5943 4 години тому +14

    You break into a store and steal merchandise, then set up a store next door to sell the merchandise and ask the person you stole from not to call the cops! 🤔

  • @jennifer6833
    @jennifer6833 11 годин тому +18

    Cheering for you Adam!!! 🎉🎉🎉
    The channel didn’t deserve any attention from anyone.

  • @zodiac_blue9116
    @zodiac_blue9116 2 години тому +2

    Watched you longer than Tim’s channel, but yeah Tim loves your videos and always shouts you out, tells people to follow you, and puts your links in the description. Glad you shut that reposter down!!

  • @Michael-yt5ix
    @Michael-yt5ix 11 годин тому +14

    Hell yeah…I watched one of those video thinking it was BMF and I was like what the hell is going on, this new editing is crap, then I noticed the channel and asked YT not to show it anymore 😂

  • @frankiechan9651
    @frankiechan9651 5 годин тому +4

    YT suggested a video and when I saw that it was a straight rip, no reaction or anything - I reported it.
    I even got a message from YT after they had taken action - that dude did not deserve any communication back from you as it was blatant theft.

  • @misolgit69
    @misolgit69 2 години тому +2

    after watching I've reported a couple of channels but the thing that annoys me is the system doesn't have any way to report channels that present outright lies and absolute bollocks especially those ones that pretend to show what happened to actors and actresses

  • @CaffeineGeek
    @CaffeineGeek 9 годин тому +6

    It is absolutely galling when a content creator puts time into top notch videos only to have someone steal your work. There can only be one Beard.

  • @simonlloyd8424
    @simonlloyd8424 8 годин тому +3

    He totally deserved it so good on you for reporting him!!

  • @Ravenwind555
    @Ravenwind555 7 годин тому +6

    This is happening all over YT

  • @michael_306
    @michael_306 8 годин тому +5


    • @DarkenSeyreth
      @DarkenSeyreth Годину тому

      The Copyright strike system is how it is fixed. It's the trolls that are abusing it on innocent channels that need to be dealt with.

  • @toemag
    @toemag Годину тому

    That lads videos ended up in my feed, because I’d binge watched your videos and subscribed to your channel. I blocked him as he was a cheeky git, glad you were able to clear things up. Merry crimbo to you all.

  • @Gitoffamylawn
    @Gitoffamylawn 9 годин тому +2

    Because it popped up in my recommended and because of the thumbnail I watched about a minute before I realized it wasn't your channel I stopped and clicked the "do not recommend channel". So glad they got deleted! Chock one up for the good guys!

  • @christking85
    @christking85 3 години тому +2

    2:48 when a person asks you the same question 2 times in a row that means you did not answer the question. Answering the same way isn't gonna help at all...

    • @eh42
      @eh42 2 години тому +1

      The number of meetings I go to where I'm ref'ing 2+ people doing exactly this and getting obviously agitated with each other is depressingly high. Like pay attention to the other person and don't just repeat your talking point. It's bad enough having politicians gas lighting us like this. Be better!

  • @hockeyskilz99
    @hockeyskilz99 3 години тому +3

    True reaction content gets you new viewers. TimTheTatMan introduced me to you and now I don't miss any one of your videos.

  • @owensquelch449
    @owensquelch449 8 годин тому

    it really depends on how transformative a reaction is to determine if its fair use (fair dealings in the UK), simply playing a video in full and commenting on it is (not a lawyer) unlikely to count as fair use. honestly in the UK we have the IPEC, essentially a small claims courts for this stuff and i wish more people used it to have more precedent when discussing this as they only have a handful of cases each year and very few are UA-cam related.

  • @kizzrack135
    @kizzrack135 2 години тому +1

    I think reactions are a fine as long as they are adding something to the video, I also think there good to expose people to others content/channels. For an example I only found out about BeardMeatsFood content through TImTheTatman reactions and now I'm a subscriber to BeardMeatsFood.

  • @abrown4075
    @abrown4075 2 години тому

    There is a few channels out there where just repost other people videos, some within minutes of the original content creator. I have never understood why any of those doing this have been able to get away with it, it may be that the channel sharing the content is unknown to the person whose content is being stolen.
    The way UA-cam actually works when comes to channel content, they appear to care more about a 60 year old song that i would argue even carries copyright than the channel creators... when upload any content it goes through checking for copyright infringements, i guess that this only has something that looks for audio, it should be changed to also include looking for visual similarities.
    Well done for doing what others may not be aware they can also do.

  • @SoAaron_
    @SoAaron_ 7 годин тому +6

    I don't actually think reaction videos that take your entire video and reupload it with a reaction would fall under fair use. Fair use is supposed to mean like taking clips to further explain a point or to provide more information on a subject.

    • @Vincent_Beers
      @Vincent_Beers 4 години тому +1

      He's just saying even a reaction video would show an attempt at the minimum transforming it into new content. This was just pure theft without even a shred of an attempt.

    • @SoAaron_
      @SoAaron_ 4 години тому

      @@Vincent_Beers I respect him for not liking reaction content, I'm just saying it probably doesn't fall under fair use

    • @dr.floridamanphd
      @dr.floridamanphd 2 години тому +1

      Even legitimate reaction videos have been taken down for copyright claims. I used to follow a guy who was a hip hop head but wanted to experience rock music from the 70s and 80s. He really fell in love with Pink Floyd and reacted to some of their music and always paused to add commentary. I can’t remember who filed the claim against him but it was a member of the band (my money is on Roger Waters). After that he gave up. His heart was broken.

    • @rickroll9086
      @rickroll9086 Годину тому

      ‘Reaction’ content is the worse. Just watch the original, not some idiot’s face watching the original.

    • @dr.floridamanphd
      @dr.floridamanphd Годину тому

      @ The Charismatic Voice is a reaction channel. She’s an opera singer reacting to various bands and songs she doesn’t know due to how isolated she was when she was in the opera world.
      She actually breaks down what’s going on musically, vocally, and so on. Not all of them just sit there and listen.

  • @SimonJones-iv5zh
    @SimonJones-iv5zh 10 годин тому +1

    this has been going on for years, back in good old days of soundcloud they used to rip your free content for ringtones (more the fool them with my shite music) but it used to piss me off regardless. No excuse for ripping a hard working mans work though.

  • @truejaz
    @truejaz 30 хвилин тому

    Living off the grid and being online is an oxymoron

  • @jamiekatz7591
    @jamiekatz7591 7 хвилин тому

    Can't be too far off the grid if you have Internet access.

  • @rsyncd
    @rsyncd 3 години тому

    I'd like to see him just go in a store, grab the merchandise, stand up his own store with the "taken" merchandise as is and tell the authorities the same argument when they come to take him in....

  • @JOBdOut
    @JOBdOut 2 години тому

    Reminder the channel was not a react channel - they just fully reuploaded BMF untouched.. same applied to the fatthumb guy who got deleted last week

  • @bestkitchenreviews6346
    @bestkitchenreviews6346 23 хвилини тому

    The guy's a thief...straight up!

  • @gingermadman
    @gingermadman 5 годин тому +1

    I had a friends channel that had a video with over 100m views, someone stole it and then had the original video deleted lmao.😊

  • @SlyerFox666
    @SlyerFox666 39 хвилин тому

    Why don't they just make a royalties payment from the copyright strikes for the amount of content used

  • @sid35gb
    @sid35gb 23 хвилини тому

    Beard dropped the admin hammer 🔨

  • @TwstedTV
    @TwstedTV 2 години тому

    Tim The TatMan is primarily a gaming channel and sometimes he discusses things he finds on the net including videos and he reacts to it.
    Just wanted to point that out 🥰

  • @DannyB_7
    @DannyB_7 3 години тому

    I watched both of you long before Tim started reacting to your videos. He is genuinely a fan and it’s part of a wider range of content he does.
    He is first and foremost a game streamer. He branched out into all sorts of reaction content. Especially food stuff as he is (was, he is slimming) a bigger bloke and it plays into the schtick.
    Glad you for the thief booted. Absolutely shameless.

  • @DanielWilson-k2d
    @DanielWilson-k2d 2 години тому

    Your time would be better served doing literally anything else.

  • @Aaron11411
    @Aaron11411 3 години тому

    Yes! It was like someone was stealing your art! I hope they also get banned from ever making another channel.

  • @RQUKOfficial
    @RQUKOfficial 8 годин тому

    Tim's reaction videos on your channel are quite entertaining. He loves you!

  • @cgravaris
    @cgravaris 3 години тому

    His response videos is wild! lol

  • @SlyPearTree
    @SlyPearTree 3 години тому +1

    It wouldn't be as easy as stealing but the guy who's living off the grid should try making video about that, it's a popular genre on youtube afaik. Or maybe he did try that and was crap at it.

  • @Drunktopus
    @Drunktopus 9 годин тому

    The news we were waiting for!!

  • @jpolish420
    @jpolish420 5 годин тому +1

    Reaction videos without commentary, just a face in the corner makes me want to stop watching UA-cam. I've been moving away more and more because it has become maintenance to "not recommend channel" for all the rip-off BS.

  • @mikelee8937
    @mikelee8937 56 хвилин тому +1

    There are reactors that are symbiotes to the original material creators. Then there are parasites who simply post other creator's material in whole, with, at most, a corner vid of them watching it, deadpan. Person here was far more blatant, and without shame.

  • @Crazy-Caveman-qh2dz
    @Crazy-Caveman-qh2dz Годину тому

    I enjoy watching BeardMeatsFood and I know he works hard making those video's and editting them.
    It is irrelivant as to if he makes money from them or not but to have someone use your video's without permission so they can benefit financially from them is just wrong.
    I am glad this guy got his chanel deleted and i hope his chanel he currently uses gets banned. But we all know he will just create another email address to bypass the ban

  • @facetiouslyinsolent8313
    @facetiouslyinsolent8313 24 хвилини тому

    That idiot wasn't just stealing from you, after he got caught he still has no clue what he was doing was illegal. It reminded me of Nick Cannon. He thought he could just memorize a comedians stand up routine and then go perform it. He did it at one show and got laughs and believed he was a comedian. A real comic had to step in and explain to him he was stealing.

  • @4RTB8
    @4RTB8 25 хвилин тому

    I like what Mr.beast always says when people use his videos in other countries! He says that as long as he keeps posting regularly he will funnel whoever is copying his work into his main channel, to him he see's it as free advertisement and they make probably a massive living advertising him for free but in return they will basically be able to promote his work even if they convinced themselves or some of the audience that the fake channel is the real one eventually as time passes people get older and the algorithm will find the Real channel due to facial & sound software recognition. UA-cam's algorithm is not only based on Clicking Likes but also the images and sounds being displayed. I respect him standing up for his channel but unfortunately you can't silence the internet, my guess is more will make your channel now and I have already seen Tiktoks of yours being taken thats a WHOLE different realm. Its why I like Mr.Beasts on how he handles copy cats & and everyone basically who uses his content.

  • @kbchef9205
    @kbchef9205 2 години тому

    Nicely done Adam😎👊🏼🥓🍕

  • @Vincent_Beers
    @Vincent_Beers 3 години тому

    The only person I know (RL) that was banned from UA-cam wasn't allowed to make new channels. If he makes a new channel it's automatically banned.
    I don't know why some people are allowed to make new accounts. He's not even allowed to comment or subscribe to channels, all he can do is watch anonymously. And there's no appeals, they get auto rejected without human response.

    • @68Boca
      @68Boca 3 години тому

      Your (RL) friend needs to make a new channel under a new email and YT account. Not simply create another channel in the same account.
      Or, so I'm told .....

    • @JameyMcQueen
      @JameyMcQueen 2 години тому

      As someone who was terminated for copyright, this is not accurate. The person above this reply is correct in they just need to make a new email. UA-cam can't IP ban you. It's not legal.

  • @lance195
    @lance195 3 години тому

    its odd but I saw some and then watched them and was like this isn't the real deal so I clicked the "Don't recommend channel button" I wasn't watching your stuff on someone else's channel.

    @TXMEDRGR 4 години тому

    You did the right thing.

  • @VorKragresh
    @VorKragresh 2 години тому

    I had considered doing a reaction channel, but it just felt too much like I would just be riding on the content creators backs and that is not ok with me. I suppose folks that do reaction channels have a different take than I. Anyways, hope that beard meets more food soon. :) Cheers.

  • @meecob
    @meecob 31 хвилина тому

    Hey Adam, he's posted this video on his new channel

  • @willyword3413
    @willyword3413 Годину тому

    The guy who was stealing your content got to remind people he had a name similar to yours so it could of confuised people. And yeah he was just doing 0 commenting lol. TimTheTatMan just reacting is great because it does get people that might of never seen you before become aware of you. Got to remember they stream on all platforms twitch, youtube, sometimes X also. So it really gets your name out there. I understand him an asmond doing it because they need a break from just gaming non stop and are just surfing the net but also they got to keep their viewers interested and things just pop up sometimes. I remember coming across your videos on that other channel tho and being like yo wtf this dudes just purely ripping off the videos lol. Whats f'ed too is hes gonna do it again with someone elses content watch.

  • @eruantian8648
    @eruantian8648 5 годин тому +2

    The least you can do is use AI to place your face over Adams like I do with my ripoff channel. Tsk tsk, just lazy.

  • @barbj672000
    @barbj672000 5 годин тому

    Adam I bought one your Beard shirts and the design has just about left the shirt completely now.

    • @JOBdOut
      @JOBdOut 2 години тому

      Was it spreadshop? I pulled my channel's merch off that storefront because of the poor printing quality

  • @gregsteppin
    @gregsteppin 2 години тому

    a lot of chinese are doing this to all the pages esp on facebook. report and delete.

  • @BlackNewty
    @BlackNewty 5 годин тому

    I thought he ment his main channel because he kept trolling us with that song!

  • @scotchy88
    @scotchy88 9 годин тому +1

    No people, no problems but his problem is he has no people to make content 😂

  • @edflintlaw
    @edflintlaw 7 годин тому

    I cannot repeat your comments here or UA-cam will punish me for quoting you.

  • @werewlf62
    @werewlf62 26 хвилин тому

    Love your videos Adam. I see the same thing happening to ANATOLY.

  • @itizmeca
    @itizmeca 7 годин тому

    Theft is theft, ef him

  • @donhansen5677
    @donhansen5677 13 хвилин тому

    I'd steal your content too, but honestly I'm just too lazy.
    Is there a way I can steal your content without me having to put in any time and effort at all?

  • @GUNN3RDoesGAM3Z
    @GUNN3RDoesGAM3Z 6 годин тому +1

    He wants to start he new channel out with "controversy" of you being the "bad" guy LUL

  • @afflack09
    @afflack09 Годину тому

    I actually found your channel from Timthetatman reacting to your content. now i watch your content and his reactions to them.

  • @lordzords5671
    @lordzords5671 Годину тому

    I must admit when i saw Tim reacting to Beards content considering how long Beard has been on you tube i cringed so hard i went inside myself, i get sometimes ideas are hard to come by but for someone like Tim to pull that crap i un subbed on his you tube immediately i just thought it was lazy, greedy and cringe.Then he had the cheek to plug B ops 6 zombies like he had a clue.

  • @theoutspokenhumanist
    @theoutspokenhumanist 5 годин тому

    Well done Adam. No-one should be rewarded for dishonesty. As for the loser now complaining about how its tough for him to make money, well boohoo. Change your life, don't steal. He is living off the grid but can host a You Tube channel. How does that work? Just a liar and a thief.
    Keep doing what you do. Excellent videos and very entertaining.

  • @davidlewis8899
    @davidlewis8899 5 годин тому

    Like others, it came up in my feed and at first I thought it was one of your videos. It wasn't like say an Asmongold video which adds something to the videos, some commentary and views.

  • @randytessman6750
    @randytessman6750 9 годин тому

    Good for you Adam, people need to be responsible for themselves ! Now you hit on a great idea there thou, a video with Danny on his channel and then together for one of yours

  • @TheFerretsVarietyChannel
    @TheFerretsVarietyChannel 6 годин тому

    🤣 Bet he has a Beard 🤣.... I'm a small channel and had the same.. Sad Isn't it 🤨

    @TBCOML 33 хвилини тому

    Timthetatman is the shit .. He loves your videos i watch his reaction to your videos all the time as well as yours. !

  • @NJDrewind
    @NJDrewind 3 години тому

    lol unbeleivable if he lives in the woods he could easily gain a following doing stuff in the woods

  • @ZacxOff
    @ZacxOff 54 хвилини тому

    Yeah, TimTheTatMan has 7mil subs collectively between his main gaming channel and his second channel…. He definitely isn’t trying to steal content, just reacting to things he finds interesting.
    He’s also loving known for being… voluptuous lol, which is probably why he reacted to you eating tons of food 😂🤘

  • @jamiesuejeffery
    @jamiesuejeffery 5 годин тому +6

    There is a very famous UA-camr with his dog called Teddy. Someone has been ripping off his videos. I have reported them a couple of times. Teddy, the golden retriever needs his due, dude!

    • @Vincent_Beers
      @Vincent_Beers 4 години тому +1

      The owner of the content or their legal representative has to make the copyright claim. You have no legal basis to make a claim on content that isn't yours. That's why your reports don't matter.

    • @JameyMcQueen
      @JameyMcQueen 2 години тому +1

      You can absolutely report people on others' behalf, just not for copyrighted content.

  • @rarhodes5
    @rarhodes5 9 годин тому +1

    Just watched the dudes other video where he was complaining about you and reported it. Everyone should, lets get him completely canceled.

  • @knuffel3225
    @knuffel3225 17 хвилин тому

    Reposting is just lazy stealing..... reaction vids you have to do something for it and invest time in the content etc...

  • @lemortegames
    @lemortegames 7 годин тому


  • @Possumchild
    @Possumchild Годину тому

    Gee what a heinous crime, stealing fake eating videos, what is the world coming to.

  • @benj180
    @benj180 8 годин тому

    The irony of you saying "sound, get a job" is not lost fella 🤣

    • @benj180
      @benj180 8 годин тому

      Regardless of that, rip off cant gone, all the way behind you

  • @Sandmoney13
    @Sandmoney13 7 годин тому

    NGL brother I found your channel because of TimTheTatman. You really can say that your channel has grown.... at least by one lol!!!

    • @SoAaron_
      @SoAaron_ 7 годин тому

      Okay but its also just free content for timthetatman that requires less effort of his own. And reactions are an overall net negative for original content.

    • @Sandmoney13
      @Sandmoney13 6 годин тому

      @@SoAaron_ On what basis can you say that is negative? Maybe because he already has 2 mil + subs, but to any starting creator having someone show off your content and give you a shout, would only grow your brand. My one sub has turned into views on more than the one video that I saw on Tim's stream. I'm sure I am not the only one either. If Tim gets 100k views on a reaction and all of those 100k then go subscribe and watch multiple videos then they both win.

    • @SoAaron_
      @SoAaron_ 4 години тому

      @@Sandmoney13 when I say reaction content is a net negative for original content, that is because reaction content is much easier and quicker to make, meaning you can upload videos quicker. The more videos you upload, the more chance of getting recommended. This will only harm the chance of original content getting recommended. Any time you see a reaction video, just realize that potentially took away the impression for an original video. 100k views on a reaction video will not make all those people go to the original. Sure, some might but overall it will benefit the reactor a lot more.

    • @Sandmoney13
      @Sandmoney13 3 години тому

      @@SoAaron_ I can agree that not every view of one will go to the original. However to say that only the reactions get recommended is false. This channel and others popped up for my recommended videos before I watched the reaction. When you as a creator weather through reactions or original content post constantly you will get recommended this is true as well. However, I honestly never watched one of his videos because I'm not the biggest fan of the competitive eating but after watching Tim react, I got the chance to see his content and find out he is a very funny guy with an interesting personality and that made me appreciate his content more than just watching a guy shovel food down his meat hole for 20 min. If you think its lazy content to react to someone else's work that will be your opinion no matter what I say. But to say it harms BeardMeatsFood in anyway is false. I am proof by the fact that I am a recent fan who has then shown his channel to others outside of the internet. Growth no matter how small is good.

    • @SoAaron_
      @SoAaron_ 3 години тому

      @@Sandmoney13 I'm not saying it negatively effects BeardMeatsFood but it actually doesn't benefit him that much. But reaction content as a whole doesn't really benefit original content, 90% of the time, it simply only takes away from them. It benefits reactors like Tim a whole lot more than the original creator. Why do you think everyone does reactions? Its easy content that exploits the system.

  • @E92M3
    @E92M3 8 годин тому +1

    Tim the tatman is actually a really nice guy. And honestly it would drive more people to your channel. He truly does love your content 😂